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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Training Q&A => Topic started by: Condor on May 04, 2006, 10:12:25 AM

Title: 4 weeks....I need results fast
Post by: Condor on May 04, 2006, 10:12:25 AM
Ok so I put off leaning out for my 10-year reunion which is a little over a month from now.  I'm probably at around 15% bodyfat and want to get as cut as possible.  I realize I am going to lose some mass to do this.  Does anybody have any experience with cutting weight in this amount of time (I.E. dieting, nutrition, change of training)?  I'm looking for some advice that I can put to use.
Title: Re: 4 weeks....I need results fast
Post by: Condor on May 04, 2006, 10:14:50 AM
Also, any supplements that anybody has used that has worked in this amount of time?
Title: Re: 4 weeks....I need results fast
Post by: texasRUSH on May 04, 2006, 11:01:10 AM
you got a gag reflex? becuase that's about what it's gonna take
Title: Re: 4 weeks....I need results fast
Post by: Condor on May 04, 2006, 11:08:13 AM
I know I'm not expecting a miracle, but I did something similar last year in about 5 weeks, probably went from around 17% body fat to maybe 12%, just want to know of anything I might have left out, some better ideas perhaps.
Title: Re: 4 weeks....I need results fast
Post by: texasRUSH on May 04, 2006, 11:14:36 AM
drastic diet change man...pretty much an clean atkins or la weightloss kinda diet for a few weeks will toss the weight but i may or may not come back AND you'll be an asshole while on it lol at least til you see the results!  ;D
Title: Re: 4 weeks....I need results fast
Post by: Condor on May 04, 2006, 11:23:08 AM
I've dabbled with the Atkins Diet before....have you tried this and has it worked for you?  Even in 4 weeks time?
Title: Re: 4 weeks....I need results fast
Post by: Overload on May 04, 2006, 11:27:50 AM
Do cardio twice a day, five days a week with a low carb diet...once in the morning and once after you lift.

Vary the type of cardio you do.

Title: Re: 4 weeks....I need results fast
Post by: blondmusclhunk on May 04, 2006, 11:28:06 AM
Try a good theromogenic and low carbs and cardio!!
Title: Re: 4 weeks....I need results fast
Post by: Condor on May 04, 2006, 11:33:42 AM
Last time I cut weight I think I did about a 65/25/10 split for prot/carb/fat.  The Atkins diet would definitely up the fat on that ratio would this be better or not?  And what kind of thermogenics has worked for everyone else?  I tried Animal Cuts last time, can't say it worked that well.  Or how about ephedrine?
Title: Re: 4 weeks....I need results fast
Post by: texasRUSH on May 04, 2006, 11:38:35 AM
clean atkins i mean using leaner meats and veggie and actually counting your portions so you DO Burn fat...but yeah i'ts worked for me man
Title: Re: 4 weeks....I need results fast
Post by: WhiteHulk4 on May 04, 2006, 01:13:30 PM
Last time I cut weight I think I did about a 65/25/10 split for prot/carb/fat.  The Atkins diet would definitely up the fat on that ratio would this be better or not?  And what kind of thermogenics has worked for everyone else?  I tried Animal Cuts last time, can't say it worked that well.  Or how about ephedrine?

If you're cutting carbs, you absolutely MUST up your fat intake.  Otherwise you're just encouraging your body to burn the only fuel you're feeding it - protein!  By eating more fat, you're body will more easily get into ketosis and become a fat-burning machine.  Just remember, the biggest mistake low-carb dieters do is not pay attention to calories.  Fat packs a serious caloric punch, so by keeping your calorie intake fairly low and eating more fat, you're going to end up eating a whole lot less than normal - but the payoff will be rapid weightloss.

Cautionary note: rebound weight gain following a ketogenic diet is almost a certainty!  Unless you "VERY GRADUALLY" increase your carb intake back to normal levels.
Title: Re: 4 weeks....I need results fast
Post by: pumpster on May 04, 2006, 04:14:04 PM
Agreed with someone above-Atkins low-carb plus copious cardio 1-2 times a day. The advantage of a 2nd cardio workout later in the day is that it can be used as a diversion/substitute when hunger hits.

Running if you can do it, 1-2 miles.
Title: Re: 4 weeks....I need results fast
Post by: candidate2025 on May 04, 2006, 04:42:54 PM
dude, dont cut.  be big..its more impressive. anyone can diet down, few can get big.      besides....personality is more important than abs when it comes to getting with hotties. ;D
Title: Re: 4 weeks....I need results fast
Post by: SLYY on May 04, 2006, 05:30:45 PM
I agree with these guys on doing the low carb diet.   Just do the low carb diet while eating lean cuts of will lose weight fast...
Title: Re: 4 weeks....I need results fast
Post by: candidate2025 on May 04, 2006, 05:48:26 PM
candidate, I dont know why you had posted on this thread. Cant you read? The guy wants to get cut, he isnt asking for your opinion on this.. he wants advice on how to do it quickly. Gee, you're an idiot.

Condor, cardio twice a day. do the atkins for some quick results.

thats why i didnt offer any advice. ::) haha..what a moron. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D everyones laughing at you!! ;D moron!! ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: 4 weeks....I need results fast
Post by: CQ on May 04, 2006, 05:57:04 PM
Low carbs, twice daily cardio, thermogenics....
Title: Re: 4 weeks....I need results fast
Post by: Brixtonbulldog on May 04, 2006, 06:05:53 PM
Nobody listen to candidate... fat and stupid are no way to go through life.  I did something similar before I joined the service.  My advice is to run.  Run 3 miles per day no matter how slow or how long it takes.  Distance running will cost you a little mass in that time but I will get you shredded, I promise.
Title: Re: 4 weeks....I need results fast
Post by: candidate2025 on May 04, 2006, 06:48:00 PM
Nobody listen to candidate... fat and stupid are no way to go through life.  I did something similar before I joined the service.  My advice is to run.  Run 3 miles per day no matter how slow or how long it takes.  Distance running will cost you a little mass in that time but I will get you shredded, I promise.
;Dhaha..please grace us with some of your knowledge..because i kno your not going to post a picture to bak up the fat remark..   :

explain why, even though water expands when it freezes and more than 80 % of all ice bergs are under water....that the water levels would rise because of global warming.

then, if you can answer that, explain to me why truman was our nations first actual civil rights activist that actually took action upon his beliefs. (thomas jefferson doesnt count).
Title: Re: 4 weeks....I need results fast
Post by: Brixtonbulldog on May 04, 2006, 06:56:27 PM
Oh don't worry son.. pics are coming soon.  Having said that I advise your to us some of YOUR infinite knowledge and never post pictures of yourself again.  But you won't listen to someone who's right cause if you did you would actually look decent and not make an ass of yourself everytime you post on here.  And by the way, why would you want to stay with this board when EVERYONE thinks you're a worthless peice of shit??? Riddle me that bitch.
Title: Re: 4 weeks....I need results fast
Post by: WhiteHulk4 on May 04, 2006, 07:26:40 PM
Well, I feel bad for Condor because his seemingly innocent post has turned into a retarded battle between retards!  "Candidate" I don't give a squirt of piss about your pictures or about you in general!

Back to you Condor and trying to get cut quickly!  Everyone here (with a brain) seems to be in agreement that cutting carbs is the way to go.  However, I'm reading a lot of advice about going hog-wild on cardio.  1, 2, 3 times a day?  Ultra-intense?  On low carbs???  Sure, go for it if you dare...  But my guess is that you're going to be bed-ridden after the second day!  You'll run out of evergy so fast, you won't know what hit you.  I'm all for doing intense exercise while on low-carbs - but you can't push your body further than it wants to go, or it will break down.  And when you're not feeding your body it's preferred fuel (carbs), it's not going to keep up with you.

So cut your carb calories and replace "most" of them with fat calories.  Keep your protein intake high.  If you feel queezy or faint, eat an apple or something to get your blood-sugar back into a safe range.
Title: Re: 4 weeks....I need results fast
Post by: Condor on May 04, 2006, 08:15:59 PM
thanks for those of you that have stayed on target....a few more questions...I have decided to try an ECA stack and take glutamine and BCAA's to supplement......I've read this will help quite a bit.  But also, should I jump right into twice-a-day cardio right away?  Will I not lose some muscle if I start too fast on this?  And are we talking about twice daily every day?  thanks again you guys.
Title: Re: 4 weeks....I need results fast
Post by: Condor on May 04, 2006, 08:46:43 PM
You will lose some muscle if you don't keep protein high.  Don't do anything crazy as far as cardio if you have the ECA stack going.  I had a really bad experience with it.  I would do your crazy cardio early on an empty stomach so your body burns fat for energy first.  The later cardio session should be short and intense, and I wouldn't do it too late because it can mess up your sleep patterns.  If you think it will be too much to do it twice a day everyday then alternate days and on the single cardio days just go harder.

I'm curious....what happened with your experience?  What was your physique like and what were your goals?
Title: Re: 4 weeks....I need results fast
Post by: Geo on May 04, 2006, 09:36:46 PM
Ok so I put off leaning out for my 10-year reunion which is a little over a month from now.  I'm probably at around 15% bodyfat and want to get as cut as possible.  I realize I am going to lose some mass to do this.  Does anybody have any experience with cutting weight in this amount of time (I.E. dieting, nutrition, change of training)?  I'm looking for some advice that I can put to use.

you're being anal........

is this class reunion in the nude or are you just lackin in confidence in general ?
Title: Re: 4 weeks....I need results fast
Post by: candidate2025 on May 04, 2006, 09:47:55 PM
Oh don't worry son.. pics are coming soon.  Having said that I advise your to us some of YOUR infinite knowledge and never post pictures of yourself again.  But you won't listen to someone who's right cause if you did you would actually look decent and not make an ass of yourself everytime you post on here.  And by the way, why would you want to stay with this board when EVERYONE thinks you're a worthless peice of shit??? Riddle me that bitch. guessing you cant answer my simple questions. ;D nice try though
Title: Re: 4 weeks....I need results fast
Post by: candidate2025 on May 04, 2006, 09:49:06 PM
Well, I feel bad for Condor because his seemingly innocent post has turned into a retarded battle between retards!  "Candidate" I don't give a squirt of piss about your pictures or about you in general!

i didnt stray off topic....i posted advice, and then was attacked for no reason.  so shut the fuck up.
Title: Re: 4 weeks....I need results fast
Post by: Brixtonbulldog on May 05, 2006, 03:39:55 AM guessing you cant answer my simple questions. ;D nice try though

I'm guessing yu have no idea what you're doing and why you're still a fat ass.  Nice try though.
Title: Re: 4 weeks....I need results fast
Post by: texasRUSH on May 05, 2006, 05:35:03 AM
Title: Re: 4 weeks....I need results fast
Post by: Condor on May 05, 2006, 06:50:02 PM
you're being anal........

is this class reunion in the nude or are you just lackin in confidence in general ?

Dude it's called bodybuilding we want to show off our gains in the best shape we possibly can, I don't want to look like every other fat classmate that looks like they swelled to twice their size (not in a good way).  This board is for training Q&A, right?  So if I have a goal and have some questions what's the problem?
Title: Re: 4 weeks....I need results fast
Post by: Arnold jr on May 06, 2006, 12:57:51 PM
dude, dont cut.  be big..its more impressive. anyone can diet down, few can get big.      besides....personality is more important than abs when it comes to getting with hotties. ;D
This is the biggest bull-shit statement and it's not the first time I've ever heard it.

Few can get big? Again bull-shit. Anyone who eats enough, trains heavy and consistant with proper planning can get big...this is not rocket science.

Now dieting down or cutting, that's a totally different game. Sure most have the ability to lose a little weight, maybe even a lot of weight, but to be able to do so while maintaining any muscle mass and getting to the ultimate shredded state, well those individuals are few and far between. I realize there are a bunch of guys on this site who do this, my self included, but in the scope of the entire population, most will claim they do not have the desire, maybe true for some, but for many it is because they lack will, discipline, and are content to be as they are because it is a comfortable safe place.

How about you Candidate, is it a safe warm feeling cuddled up next to your mothers breast?
Title: Re: 4 weeks....I need results fast
Post by: dr.chimps on May 06, 2006, 01:59:42 PM
Your at 15% bf and you want to lose some weight/fat in four weeks, eh? Well since you didn't state your intial tonnage we'll have to go on abstract. To do a nice job, you've left this a bit late, but since getting down to 5% is probably unreasonable in any case, lets just start with getting you down to 10% (on a 230lb guy that would be about 207lbs) which, if you have seen such, looks great and works out to just less than 1lb /day - just on the edge of safe weight loss. Besides all the good diet info. I have seen, I would stack a fat loss/thermogenic with ephedrine twice a day (for good sleep, no later than 3-4 in afternoon) . This is a bit harsh on the adrenals but if you are a healthy male you should stand it well. Next, upon waking and a bit of water do a good 45 mins of aerobics to immediately get at that fat. Eat smart and (c)lean all day and end day with another 30-45 mins of aerobics with no food after to end your day. Do this for two weeks and it should start kicking like a m'f'ker, so I would add a sunday of eat-all for the last two weeks.  Not the smartest way to do things but it should work. Key will be harshly sticking to it. I think you will find that while you might not achieve your perfect 'look,' people will more than take notice. Enjoy.   
Title: Re: 4 weeks....I need results fast
Post by: Princess L on May 06, 2006, 02:52:46 PM
dude, dont cut.  be big..its more impressive. anyone can diet down, few can get big.      besides....personality is more important than abs when it comes to getting with hotties. ;D

thats why i didnt offer any advice. ::) haha..what a moron. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D everyones laughing at you!! ;D moron!! ;D ;D ;D

i didnt stray off topic....i posted advice, and then was attacked for no reason.  so shut the f**k up.

Are you bipolar or what?  ::)
Title: Re: 4 weeks....I need results fast
Post by: Princess L on May 06, 2006, 03:09:10 PM
Ok so I put off leaning out for my 10-year reunion which is a little over a month from now.  I'm probably at around 15% bodyfat and want to get as cut as possible.  I realize I am going to lose some mass to do this.  Does anybody have any experience with cutting weight in this amount of time (I.E. dieting, nutrition, change of training)?  I'm looking for some advice that I can put to use.

I would do a PSMF (Protein Strictly Mother F...), I mean Protein Sparing Modified Fast which is basically 1.5-2.0 X LBM  for protein, no carbs unless they're green and only incidental fat.  Calories are very LOW.  Cardio is kept to 3-4 X week, approx. 30 min.  Weightlifting is heavy but frequency and volume is reduced.  Take a multi daily and at least 6 grams of fish oil.

PM me if you're serious and want more info.
Title: Re: 4 weeks....I need results fast
Post by: WOOO on May 06, 2006, 05:25:09 PM
Low carbs, twice daily cardio, thermogenics....

i would also fast one day per week, say Sunday.  Only have a protein shake with 0 carbs then chill all day.  No more than once a week.