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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Positive Bodybuilding Discussion & Talk => Natural Bodybuilding => Topic started by: ~salmon~ on May 31, 2006, 10:18:39 AM

Title: Mike Arvilla...Natural Physique Epitomized!!!
Post by: ~salmon~ on May 31, 2006, 10:18:39 AM
I like Mike's transformation from being a fat/bloated pile of dodo, to the chiseled masterpiece he has become.  A true inspiration!

Way to go Mike!  Good Luck June 10th!!!!
Title: Re: Mike Arvilla...Natural Physique Epitomized!!!
Post by: bmacsys on June 01, 2006, 04:50:23 AM
Why do you have to be a dick?
Title: Re: Mike Arvilla...Natural Physique Epitomized!!!
Post by: ~salmon~ on June 01, 2006, 06:28:05 AM
Title: Re: Mike Arvilla...Natural Physique Epitomized!!!
Post by: Laura Lee on June 02, 2006, 07:44:13 PM
The Life Cycle of a Fish called Salmon
Salmon Life Cycle
The First Stage
In the first stage of a fish's life, they go through a period of being eggs. Salmon eggs lay in a "nest" that is called a redd.
The Second Stage
Salmon eggs contain a yolk that sticks out from the bottom of the alevins. This "sac" contains protein, sugar, minerals, and vitamins...but as these alevins grow the sac dissappears.
The Third Stage
When salmon are fingerlings they have gone past the stage of being the size of a pine-needle. 
When some salmon reach the fingerling stage, they start their journey to the ocean...but some salmon stay where they are in the river, lake, etc. The salmon that go to the ocean have already matured for one year and have many obstacles ahead of them.

When the fish go down the rivers and go through the dams to the ocean, they get bigger and bigger. At the ocean they get food, grow, and mature if they don't get killed or eaten by predators.
________________________ _________________

So when are you gonna start heading for the ocean Salmon?  ;D
Title: Re: Mike Arvilla...Natural Physique Epitomized!!!
Post by: The Master on June 03, 2006, 12:23:44 PM
This thread makes me dizzy
Title: Re: Mike Arvilla...Natural Physique Epitomized!!!
Post by: shiftedShapes on June 04, 2006, 09:20:09 PM
umm why do you degrade MIKE?  This is a board for naturals so if you dont like natural bodybuilding maybe you should go to a different board, because let me tell you EVERYBODY HERE IS PROUD OF WHAT ARVILLA ACHIEVED AS A NATURAL BODYBUILDER.  Sure he's not big, but he lost a lot of weight using nothing but his own willpower.  Now Mike caqn be proud that he is naturally thin, even if he does get owned by a bunch of juicers at his show.

So listen up Fagg1t take your hating someplace else because us naturals stick together, RIGHT MIKE!!!!!
Title: Re: Mike Arvilla...Natural Physique Epitomized!!!
Post by: ~salmon~ on June 05, 2006, 05:13:45 PM
Salmons are an amazing animal.  In their journey to swim upstream to go back to their place of birth and continue the life cycle, most die a horrible death.  The odds are stacked against them.  Only a few make it.  Yet, despite these grim odds, they all attempt the journey.  All beleieve that they will make it.  And, through that unshakeable belief, some actually do.  Like the Salmon, you too can make it Mike.  Just believe in yourself!
