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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Training Q&A => Topic started by: derrock on June 11, 2006, 06:15:15 PM

Title: sets for quads?
Post by: derrock on June 11, 2006, 06:15:15 PM
I  usually  do about 8-9 sets for quads, and I usually get sore but to give my chest or most other bodyparts a decent workout I have to do about 13-16 sets. Is this normal? I think I just train my legs harder, but i go as intense as possible on everything else. Biceps I do 8-9 sets but they are a small group. Not worried or anything just curious.
Title: Re: sets for quads?
Post by: Jr. Yates on June 11, 2006, 06:20:26 PM
I don't do the same thing all the time and it also depends on the day...if im feeling great, i've had 3 meals in me and a good sleep i'll go as heavy and hard and fast paced as I can. sometimes 18 sets for quads alone. Some days I do like you...just a few nice and heavy and get the hell outta the gym. But personally I don't think my legs would grow if my sets were that low every single workout.
Title: Re: sets for quads?
Post by: Arnold jr on June 11, 2006, 06:26:21 PM
I  usually  do about 8-9 sets for quads, and I usually get sore but to give my chest or most other bodyparts a decent workout I have to do about 13-16 sets. Is this normal? I think I just train my legs harder, but i go as intense as possible on everything else. Biceps I do 8-9 sets but they are a small group. Not worried or anything just curious.
Personally speaking, 8-9 sets for quads will not cut it, not even close. I do more sets for quads and back then anything else, simply because it seems that's what it takes.

Normally 16 sets for quads and back, around 12 for chest and delts, and around 8-9 for bi's, tri's, calves and hams. Note, I train hams and quads on separate days.
Title: Re: sets for quads?
Post by: WOOO on June 12, 2006, 03:07:13 AM
IMO... quads can take a hell of a beating... in terms of working sets (not including warm ups) your numbers are not that low... however, I personally do about 16 working sets for quads alone
Title: Re: sets for quads?
Post by: Always Sore on June 12, 2006, 05:18:25 AM
just totaled up in my head and i run around 15-18 sets for quads all inclusive maybe a couple more or a couple less here or there, but i think its important to remain consistent. to many people slack on legs or back and wonder why they i do some hams on legs day (after quads hard to keep driving) and some ham work after back day (since already wroking them with deads and such).

plus leg workouts really define regular lifters from people who are killing themselves for change.each week my leg workout if first and comes with 2 days of rest and i make sure i have eaten and slept like mondays mornings better to get it out of the way before the week turns to shit.
Title: Re: sets for quads?
Post by: pumpster on June 12, 2006, 05:25:20 AM
After doing higher numbers of sets for quads and other muscles I realize now that 7-9 good sets after warmup works for size. By that I mean finding the most personally effective exercises through trial & error and then applying good intensity over a lower number of sets.

It's a sliding scale: the lower the amount of sets the more you have to be willing to up the intensity on each set using post-failure intensity. Or do more sets working hard but stopping at failure. There's some variation on this from one muscle to the next, due both to psychological training preferences as much as physical difference in response to higher or lower sets.
Title: Re: sets for quads?
Post by: derrock on June 12, 2006, 09:03:30 AM
 It seems like I might just have quad training down pretty good. I have really good form on squats, and not to brag but I have never seen anyone train legs as intensly as me. True, legs can take a lot, but they can always  give you one last rep  if you can train thru the pain. 
Title: Re: sets for quads?
Post by: JPM on June 12, 2006, 09:43:47 AM
I've had people squat 10X10's (GVT) at certain short periods of 6-8 weeks with outstanding results. Some would SS these with calf raises or leg curls. And a few would tri set them all. These would be for special needs; lagging lower body strength, stamina & development. And again, for short intense periods of time only, doing legs twice a week. . Their athletic preformances always improved during these off season programs. Usually their one rep max squat shot up greatly. Many also tried the 7X7 method, which have  given me excellent results in the past with regards to quad/leg improvement.

 For regular quad workouts, if you can't work the quads close to their max with-in 3 to 6 sets for max growth potentional, your not training intense enought.  Too much rest between sets and exercises will not take advange of the full growth potentional correct preformance can offer. Why sholud the quads have to take a hell of a beating when more work can be done with less sets and time involved? You want just enought of a work load put upon the quads for future growth, not something that is going to put limits on the CNS and it's ability to recover. Another reason that going to failure on a regular bases should be avoided in any set of exercises. Failure can be included now and then in a workout but only on the last set of a exercise.

Gaging the quality of a workout by the amount of soreness felt has nothing to do with potentional muscular growth gained from that workout, for the most part. Soreness (pain/discomfort) is what it is. Doesn't mean that the exercise that made you sore is a great muscle producing exercise, it just made you sore as hell. For the most part, soreness has just directed the attention to what part of the body/muscle group has been worked hard. Good Luck.

Title: Re: sets for quads?
Post by: texasRUSH on June 12, 2006, 10:11:29 AM
i do about 16
Title: Re: sets for quads?
Post by: derrock on June 12, 2006, 12:47:56 PM
   "For regular quad workouts, if you can't work the quads close to their max with-in 3 to 6 sets for max growth potentional, your not training intense enought."  So I should be doing less sets?