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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Nutrition, Products & Supplements Info => Topic started by: andreisdaman on June 28, 2006, 08:28:18 PM

Title: ZMA is amazing!!!!,,Has this happened to you also?
Post by: andreisdaman on June 28, 2006, 08:28:18 PM
WOW!..started taking ZMA three days ago and I am having some awesome dreams!...It's almost like a hallucinigenic.I read on other threads that people were experiencing some really vivid dreams with this stuff..and I thought it was bunk but now I have to say it is really true!  I am having really vivid and intense being in a 3D movie...I used to never be able to recall my dreams but now I can remember each one very clearly and I remember all the details....I dreamed I was battling an alien on Mars and it was almost as if I was actually there that's how intense it was....also had a dream about cars and remembered each car and the color upon awakening...last dream was about me getting ready to have sex with a naked woman and it was as if I was really there....I'm not kidding....sounds weird and I know some of you guys are going to make fun of me saying I'm high on something..but I swear this is really happening to that really happening to any one out there? this a side effect?..any published studies which cite this as a normal occurence when using this supplement?
Title: Re: ZMA is amazing!!!!,,Has this happened to you also?
Post by: benchmstr on June 28, 2006, 08:48:58 PM
i have bad sleeping problems(3-4 hours a week) and i am on experimental medication right now and i am having the same dreams but in my dreams i fight the aleins in the desert with swords and wake up with a rapid pulse, but as far as ZMA goes my friends are having the same effects and we finally have a good conversation piece
Title: Re: ZMA is amazing!!!!,,Has this happened to you also?
Post by: Luga74 on June 29, 2006, 05:51:21 AM
I've been using ZMA for about 2 months and though not as bizarre and minus the aliens, I do have some very vivid dreams and when I wake up can pretty much remember them to a tee unlike the common dreams you have when not on ZMA. Pretty cool effect but most important is that I wake up feeling very relaxed and that I am getting quality sleep which wasn't the case prior to starting ZMA. Not waking up with muscle stiffness or soreness either, which is good.
Title: Re: ZMA is amazing!!!!,,Has this happened to you also?
Post by: littleguns on June 29, 2006, 12:25:56 PM
Definitely vivid. And sometimes weird. Sometimes it actually scares me at how vivid/clear (whatever word you want to use) they are.
Title: Re: ZMA is amazing!!!!,,Has this happened to you also?
Post by: Mike on June 29, 2006, 12:26:31 PM
I think it worked, I'm not sure though.  I was training balls with cardio twice a day and low carbs so that might have put me out just as easily.  It's pretty cheap if you get them separately and dose it out yourself.
Title: Re: ZMA is amazing!!!!,,Has this happened to you also?
Post by: andreisdaman on June 29, 2006, 01:10:04 PM
wow..I am glad it's not just my imagination.....and I agree, the dreams are so weird and's scary watching yourself in high definition three dimensional TV.....It's so wild....and I do feel relaxed and alert when I I can recall all aspects of the dream unlike the usual fuzzy recall most people have....ZMA definitely fires up the brain somehow...the only other side efect that I seem to have is that I don't get the morning hard-on that I used to get although I get it at other times when I am aroused....anyone experience that also?
Title: Re: ZMA is amazing!!!!,,Has this happened to you also?
Post by: texasRUSH on June 30, 2006, 09:32:42 AM
are you guys fucking around or are you serious? if this is the case i'm gonna go buy some just to see THIS shit!  ;D
Title: Re: ZMA is amazing!!!!,,Has this happened to you also?
Post by: andreisdaman on June 30, 2006, 02:04:58 PM
Hey..dead serious..this is not a joke post.....go get some and you'll see what we mean......Andreisdaman
Title: Re: ZMA is amazing!!!!,,Has this happened to you also?
Post by: Mavis T. on June 30, 2006, 07:13:27 PM
Glad I'm not the only one..I describe my ZMA dreams as "movie theatre" dreams.  Vivid, detailed, off the wall, and long!  I usually only take it on the weekends though, as I wake up a little groggy if I take it during the week and have to get up at 6a.m.
Title: Re: ZMA is amazing!!!!,,Has this happened to you also?
Post by: reacher on June 30, 2006, 08:10:37 PM
what is zma and what is it for?
Title: Re: ZMA is amazing!!!!,,Has this happened to you also?
Post by: Freakzilla_2 on June 30, 2006, 08:54:19 PM
ZMA is the shit!  I need to get my hands on some.

What are the best brands in which they sell ZMA?

Freak ???
Title: Re: ZMA is amazing!!!!,,Has this happened to you also?
Post by: Princess L on June 30, 2006, 09:14:24 PM
Title: Re: ZMA is amazing!!!!,,Has this happened to you also?
Post by: andreisdaman on June 30, 2006, 11:44:04 PM
ZMA is used as a natural testosterone is basically a combination of Zinc, Magnesium and Aspartame...I've been using it at night on an empty stomach about an hour after my last meal....I really thought it would be a crock but I have been having those dreams I talked about...really awesome like being in a movie..also I have been getting some nice erections, you know, the kinds where you've got veins popping out!'s been nice...and I'm glad to see others have responded to my post and experienced the same dreams like I have....thanks guys for proving I'm not insane!...andreisdaman
Title: Re: ZMA is amazing!!!!,,Has this happened to you also?
Post by: andreisdaman on June 30, 2006, 11:47:54 PM
Oh by the way, just so you'll know, I have been using T3 by NxCare....but use any ZMA you can find as long as it's from a reputable company...T3 is expensive and I don't recommend you buy it at the retail price of about $70.00 or so...I found it on sale for $44 at "the vitamin shoppe"....andreisdaman
Title: Re: ZMA is amazing!!!!,,Has this happened to you also?
Post by: WOOO on July 01, 2006, 09:37:23 AM
ZMA is a fantastic supplement... I have the ZMA dreams as well... they are not just good dreams but I find I wake up in much better shape than I would otherwise
Title: Re: ZMA is amazing!!!!,,Has this happened to you also?
Post by: Mavis T. on July 01, 2006, 04:45:46 PM
I use Optimum Nutrition's ZMA.  Only $14 for a bottle of 90 capsules.
Title: Re: ZMA is amazing!!!!,,Has this happened to you also?
Post by: andreisdaman on July 01, 2006, 08:28:53 PM
Thanks for the tip Mavis..have you experienced the vivid dreams also?,,,andreisdaman
Title: Re: ZMA is amazing!!!!,,Has this happened to you also?
Post by: youandme on July 01, 2006, 10:18:17 PM
I've been using ZMA for about 2 months and though not as bizarre and minus the aliens, I do have some very vivid dreams and when I wake up can pretty much remember them to a tee unlike the common dreams you have when not on ZMA. Pretty cool effect but most important is that I wake up feeling very relaxed and that I am getting quality sleep which wasn't the case prior to starting ZMA. Not waking up with muscle stiffness or soreness either, which is good.

Yeah, you will have more dreams and more recollection of them, weird thing is they often turn out to be fantasies, anyways you also dream in color many times.

Title: Re: ZMA is amazing!!!!,,Has this happened to you also?
Post by: Hugo Chavez on July 02, 2006, 12:13:03 AM
WOW!..started taking ZMA three days ago and I am having some awesome dreams!...It's almost like a hallucinigenic.I read on other threads that people were experiencing some really vivid dreams with this stuff..and I thought it was bunk but now I have to say it is really true!  I am having really vivid and intense being in a 3D movie...I used to never be able to recall my dreams but now I can remember each one very clearly and I remember all the details....I dreamed I was battling an alien on Mars and it was almost as if I was actually there that's how intense it was....also had a dream about cars and remembered each car and the color upon awakening...last dream was about me getting ready to have sex with a naked woman and it was as if I was really there....I'm not kidding....sounds weird and I know some of you guys are going to make fun of me saying I'm high on something..but I swear this is really happening to that really happening to any one out there? this a side effect?..any published studies which cite this as a normal occurence when using this supplement?
Yup it sure does...  There is also a chinese mustard plant that does this to an even greater extent.  If you eat this stuff, you wake up the next morning like you just transported from another life.  It's so intense it take some time to realize you're back in the real world.  The chinese guy told me "don't eat too much of this, you'll dream crazy"  I didn't believe him but he was right.  ZMA gives some intense dreams too but not like that.
Title: Re: ZMA is amazing!!!!,,Has this happened to you also?
Post by: Rhino on July 02, 2006, 01:38:29 AM
What about regular zinc? I thought my regular 50mg zinc was working fine. I've taken it for years so I didn't realize my dreams were because of a high zinc intake. I've always had good dreams, but I didn't think it had to do with what I was taking.

Anyway, why is ZMA so much better? Like I said: I take regular zinc tabs first thing in the morning on an empty stomach before eating. I'm going to try them before bed now and see what happens.  8)
Title: Re: ZMA is amazing!!!!,,Has this happened to you also?
Post by: HERACLES on July 05, 2006, 06:34:45 PM
IM takin 3 a day. I guess I like it.. hard to tell though..
Title: Re: ZMA is amazing!!!!,,Has this happened to you also?
Post by: youandme on July 05, 2006, 07:50:58 PM
Just tried some cytodyne ZMA last night, made a hell of a diffrence wokeup non groggy and ready to roll, this has not happend in a long time I did not even drink coffee or anything, Been awhile since Ive taken it, saw this thread and decided to pop some

Rhino ZMA is patent product that Victor Conte came up with I think, and tested it on olympic athletes and then companies started to produce it cytodyne does have the best one though
Title: Re: ZMA is amazing!!!!,,Has this happened to you also?
Post by: alexxx on July 05, 2006, 08:13:27 PM
note to self: stay away from these delusional minds..
Title: Re: ZMA is amazing!!!!,,Has this happened to you also?
Post by: andreisdaman on July 05, 2006, 10:08:40 PM
I just had another ZMA dream last night that was totally weird and some what gay!..I dreamed I had a penis growing out of my neck!...I mean, these are the kind of stupid absurd and weird dreams I have had since I started taking ZMA...Andre
Title: Re: ZMA is amazing!!!!,,Has this happened to you also?
Post by: youandme on July 06, 2006, 07:37:51 AM
IM takin 3 a day. I guess I like it.. hard to tell though..
You can tell while dieting,which you are right?
Make sure to take it on a kinda empty stomach,  then take in something afterwards.
Title: Re: ZMA is amazing!!!!,,Has this happened to you also?
Post by: suckmymuscle on July 17, 2006, 12:38:33 AM
  Where's my ZMA thread?! >:(

Title: Re: ZMA is amazing!!!!,,Has this happened to you also?
Post by: Princess L on July 17, 2006, 03:27:10 AM
  Where's my ZMA thread?! >:(


Oh quit whining
Title: Re: ZMA is amazing!!!!,,Has this happened to you also?
Post by: andreisdaman on September 04, 2010, 06:52:21 PM

Oh quit whining

Anybody taking ZMA any more/..I don't even see it in the nutrition stores any more
Title: Re: ZMA is amazing!!!!,,Has this happened to you also?
Post by: webcake on September 04, 2010, 06:54:39 PM
useless........did nothing for me.
Title: Re: ZMA is amazing!!!!,,Has this happened to you also?
Post by: Purge_WTF on September 05, 2010, 05:29:28 PM
ZMA is used as a natural testosterone is basically a combination of Zinc, Magnesium and Aspartame

  LOL. Actually, it's Zinc, Magnesium and vitamin B-6.
Title: Re: ZMA is amazing!!!!,,Has this happened to you also?
Post by: Montague on September 05, 2010, 05:51:18 PM
Anybody taking ZMA any more/..I don't even see it in the nutrition stores any more

There is quite a few companies still making it, including ON, NOW, Universal, etc.
I don’t know how common they are on retail store shelves because I never shop at them anymore.

With the hype having died down, as well as so many companies maiking the "blend," the price has come down a lot.
I've often wondered how all of those other formulas rate in comparison to the SNAC original.
Title: Re: ZMA is amazing!!!!,,Has this happened to you also?
Post by: barrettaswine on September 07, 2010, 06:30:44 AM
The magnesium relaxes you, and the B6 makes you have vivid dreams. I was taking 100mgs of B6 years ago and you talk about dreams!! It was like veiwmaster porno!!
Title: Re: ZMA is amazing!!!!,,Has this happened to you also?
Post by: powerpack on September 07, 2010, 11:42:00 AM
I also get strange and sometimes disturbing dreams on ZMA
Sometime really freaky stuff
Title: Re: ZMA is amazing!!!!,,Has this happened to you also?
Post by: Montague on September 07, 2010, 03:47:01 PM
It’s a shame that manufacturers were so gung-ho in marketing ZMA as a “test-booster” using rather questionable/misleading information to back it.
As a result, I think that ZMA is often overlooked concerning its legitimate benefits, including improved sleep and - ultimately - recovery; not to mention the fact that most “real” athletes/trainers suffer from zinc deficiencies.

By far, one of the most detailed & comprehensive threads ever to appear on this site examines ZMA:

It’s not a long thread, but is laced with scientific facts/studies, anecdotal evidence, and the educated opinions of some (of the few) intelligent posters here.

Interesting points include:
The benefits ZMA does and can have for different people
Who needs it and why it’s important
The best time to take it
The best foods to take it with & without
The ingredients & the difference between taking them separately, in the absence of others, or together as a formula - as well as the advantages of the aspartate form of Zinc & Magnesium in ZMA

Title: Re: ZMA is amazing!!!!,,Has this happened to you also?
Post by: andreisdaman on September 07, 2010, 07:05:25 PM
  LOL. Actually, it's Zinc, Magnesium and vitamin B-6.

thanks for correcting me..dumb mistake on my part
Title: Re: ZMA is amazing!!!!,,Has this happened to you also?
Post by: andreisdaman on September 07, 2010, 07:07:50 PM
The magnesium relaxes you, and the B6 makes you have vivid dreams. I was taking 100mgs of B6 years ago and you talk about dreams!! It was like veiwmaster porno!!

agreed 1000%...the dreams are amazingly vivid and real...I dreamed of being on a martian landscape and there was a lot of fire...and the fires were so vivid and real it was exactly as you watching a viewmaster....incredible
Title: Re: ZMA is amazing!!!!,,Has this happened to you also?
Post by: Master Blaster on September 07, 2010, 07:48:58 PM
The magnesium relaxes you, and the B6 makes you have vivid dreams. I was taking 100mgs of B6 years ago and you talk about dreams!! It was like veiwmaster porno!!

Dude, that would be a killer stack with gaba

Title: Re: ZMA is amazing!!!!,,Has this happened to you also?
Post by: Cerberus2k7 on September 11, 2010, 08:29:20 AM
I've been taking the stuff for about a month and yeah, crazy ass dreams like others have said.  Haven't really noticed much when I'm awake as it's considered to be a "test booster", but I also take zinc and mag supplements so I know I'm covered there.