Getbig Bodybuilding, Figure and Fitness Forums

Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: The True Adonis on July 08, 2006, 12:12:44 PM

Title: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: The True Adonis on July 08, 2006, 12:12:44 PM
You said you were natural for a long time and competed in natural events.

Can you put up some pictures when you were natural?

Or can anyone.

I want to see the difference juice has made for you.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: The True Adonis on July 08, 2006, 12:21:50 PM
I know you are seeing this john. You should be proud of what you did naturally.  Why don`t you show it?
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: 240 is Back on July 08, 2006, 12:28:51 PM
Dunno at what point these were tookk.  He said 2+ years ago. 

Were these from musclemania/tested competiion?

Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: RAT MCBAT on July 08, 2006, 12:35:06 PM
Dunno at what point these were tookk.  He said 2+ years ago. 

Were these from musclemania/tested competiion?

240, can we get a full name on this guy?
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 08, 2006, 12:55:40 PM
Those pics are not natural, I was only on 2 cycles in those pics.I will post some natural pics later on today.When I was natural I would get up to 250 lbs, and diet down to 217- 200 lbs on stage .In those pics I was about 248 lbs, and those pics are 4 years old
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: sarcasm on July 08, 2006, 12:56:24 PM
brutal A-taper and receding hairline.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 08, 2006, 12:56:40 PM
I meant to say diet down to 217-220 on stage
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 08, 2006, 01:31:50 PM
Here is a pic of me all natural.I weighed in at 218 lbs, it was taken 2 days before I won the Natural World .I only used Creatine, L-Glutamine ,BCCAS, Protein, and Ephedra.I didnt use Androstene or pro-hormones because they were banned from this orginization.This pic was taken about 6 years ago
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: Farcry on July 08, 2006, 01:34:05 PM
you look better drug free, you should of never did steriods
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: avesher on July 08, 2006, 01:40:44 PM
you look better drug free, you should of never did steriods

I gotta agree with this---looks a lot better juice free.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 08, 2006, 01:51:08 PM
A pic on juice 3 years and 35lbs heavier on stage
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: sarcasm on July 08, 2006, 01:56:12 PM
brutal big nose and 17 inch arms.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: 240 is Back on July 08, 2006, 01:57:52 PM
john, you're a big dude, but IMO genetically, you just don't have the leg size.   I could be wrong- post a leg shot and shut us up.  but from your older and newer pics, it seems legs are 10 pounds behind the rest of you.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: sarcasm on July 08, 2006, 01:59:20 PM
john, you're a big dude, but IMO genetically, you just don't have the leg size.   I could be wrong- post a leg shot and shut us up.  but from your older and newer pics, it seems legs are 10 pounds behind the rest of you.
yeah, all bullshit aside his upper body is damn good but his legs look very small, the calves are ripped but small as well.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: SS on July 08, 2006, 02:07:49 PM
did your hair fall out or did you shave it off when you started juicing?
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: sarcasm on July 08, 2006, 02:09:11 PM
did your hair fall out or did you shave it off when you started juicing?
you could tell it was receding before he shaved it Superstar, i have a feeling that it is a hereditary thing, it was receding in the natural pics.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: OneMoreRep on July 08, 2006, 02:09:46 PM
Holy shit, this pose looks gay...

Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: SS on July 08, 2006, 02:16:12 PM
you could tell it was receding before he shaved it Superstar, i have a feeling that it is a hereditary thing, it was receding in the natural pics.
yeah that's what I was thinking.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: Hedgehog on July 08, 2006, 02:39:17 PM

Best pic on this thread thus far.

Got more pics from when you were natural?

Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: brianX on July 08, 2006, 02:42:27 PM
Look out Frank Zane. ::)
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: sarcasm on July 08, 2006, 02:45:00 PM
it makes me laugh how "big John" tries to come off like some mass monster and he gets totally outsized by Frank Zane, hahaha, brutal owning.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: mesmorph78 on July 08, 2006, 03:08:59 PM
mmmmm ur physique reminiscent of nasser...elsonbaty
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 08, 2006, 03:18:19 PM
Sarcasm in my natural pic my arms were probably 19" on stage.I had decent size for a natural my arms got to 20" pumped and my chest was 54" at 255lbs.I also benched 500lbs raw naturally, and curled 225lbs for 4 reps naturally.As far as Frank Zane goes, Brian X masterbates to his pics, lol.Frank Zane has a diffrent structure then I do,I am built more like Nasser, and Art Atwood just a smaller version.I only used anabolics for 3 years,2002-2005 never did growth and insulin, and got up to 290 lbs, and competed at 258 lbs.Frank Zane had good symetry ,very small bones, and would come in hard.I didnt perticulary care for Zanes physique, but I know him and he is a great person.I liked Bertil Fox, and Mike Metzner's physique over Zanes.That is just my opinion
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: The True Adonis on July 08, 2006, 03:59:38 PM
Why did you start juicing?

You would have gotten more notoriety if you remained natural.

You can`t take it back now. Oh well.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: Captain Equipoise on July 08, 2006, 04:35:40 PM
GetItonNy...If it's not too personal (and at this point, I doubt you care) what compounds were you using? that pic of you 3 years ago looks awesome.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 08, 2006, 05:50:44 PM
Adonis I started juicing for 2 reasons.1 was around the years 98-2000 I won the Natural World, then did Msuclamnia pro and got 3rd, and I did TU.I went as far as I could naturally.Not to Bash but I know Muscle Mania is not a all natural show, they only tested 4 guys out of 200 with a urine test.The guys they tested were all novices, lol they didnt test any open or pro athletes, lol.Plus the guy who won the overall pro division Delino Dixon who lives in the same town as me, failed his pre emplyment drug test a week after he won the MuscleMania Pro.If you know about casinos, they test for steroids and recrational drugs.I have known Delino Dixon 15 years, and he was 200 lbs, then 2 years later he was 235 lbs on stage at Musclemania Pro.Also I did Tu and got 6th place, now that show is definatly not natural, lol.I talked to 4 guys doing the show, and they laughed , and said, this is not a natural show, your fooling yourself if you think it is.Backstage in the bathroom there were syringes, in the toilet area, I gues from lasix.All you have to do is look at the compeitors, Johnny Stewart, Robert Washington, Yonnie Shambourger, these guys are all pro bodybuilders now.Plus you got guys like James Bivens who weighed 265 lbs on stage, and he is natural, lol .Then you have Skip Lacour who came in at 232 lbs at 5 '10 with stridated glutes, lol. I know and like Skip but come on.The top 4 guys in the heavy weights weighed 232, 255, 265 and 245lbs, naturally, okay if you say so.The second reason I went to anabolics was I qualified for the USA by taking 2nd in the Heavyweights at the Mr California, the open show, not the natural one.I took second at the California, and 6th at Tean Universe the same year,lolYou think a open show would be tougher then a natural show but it wasnt, lol .Team Universe is not a true natural show thats why.So I figured I went as far as I could as a "real natural'. I didnt want to cheat to to win by doing  natural shows.So I got on the juice and did the Mr USA.I think natural athletes are the true athletes, but I can honestly tell you the big natural shows like Musclmania and Team Universe are not 100 % natural shows.They attract alot of recognition and offer pro cards, and thats why guys cheat to win.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: RAT MCBAT on July 08, 2006, 05:54:53 PM
Adonis I started juicing for 2 reasons.1 was around the years 98-2000 I won the Natural World, then did Msuclamnia pro and got 3rd, and I did TU.I went as far as I could naturally.Not to Bash but I know Muscle Mania is not a all natural show, they only tested 4 guys out of 200 with a urine test.The guys they tested were all novices, lol they didnt test any open or pro athletes, lol.Plus the guy who won the overall pro division Delino Dixon who lives in the same town as me, failed his pre emplyment drug test a week after he won the MuscleMania Pro.If you know about casinos, they test for steroids and recrational drugs.I have known Delino Dixon 15 years, and he was 200 lbs, then 2 years later he was 235 lbs on stage at Musclemania Pro.Also I did Tu and got 6th place, now that show is definatly not natural, lol.I talked to 4 guys doing the show, and they laughed , and said, this is not a natural show, your fooling yourself if you think it is.Backstage in the bathroom there were syringes, in the toilet area, I gues from lasix.All you have to do is look at the compeitors, Johnny Stewart, Robert Washington, Yonnie Shambourger, these guys are all pro bodybuilders now.Plus you got guys like James Bivens who weighed 265 lbs on stage, and he is natural, lol .Then you have Skip Lacour who came in at 232 lbs at 5 '10 with stridated glutes, lol. I know and like Skip but come on.The top 4 guys in the heavy weights weighed 232, 255, 265 and 245lbs, naturally, okay if you say so.The second reason I went to anabolics was I qualified for the USA by taking 2nd in the Heavyweights at the Mr California, the open show, not the natural one.I took second at the California, and 6th at Tean Universe the same year,lolYou think a open show would be tougher then a natural show but it wasnt, lol .Team Universe is not a true natural show thats why.So I figured I went as far as I could as a "real natural'. I didnt want to cheat to to win by doing  natural shows.So I got on the juice and did the Mr USA.I think natural athletes are the true athletes, but I can honestly tell you the big natural shows like Musclmania and Team Universe are not 100 % natural shows.They attract alot of recognition and offer pro cards, and thats why guys cheat to win.
thanks for keeping it real. at least you dont try to convince everyone your a superhuman genetic freak
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 08, 2006, 05:59:50 PM
Capt Eq, off season I would use Sustanon 250 , Decca or Equipose, then maybe some Tren or Primobolan.Sustanon seemed to work for me because I have a fast metabolism, and it never made me pufft or hold water like it does with most people.Then for a show I would use sustanon 250 , Primobolan, Tren and maybe Decaa for the first 6 weekss of my diet.Then at 6 weeks out I would go to test propinate,and cut the Decca.Then at 5 weeks out I would add Winstrol ,Anavar, and Halotestin.Then 1 week out I would cut the test Propinate, and the Trenbalone.At 10 days out I would add Citadren.It sounds like alot but it really isnt because I used very little of each anabolic.Before doing a show I wouldnt use any anabolics so my receptors were totally clean and could absorb everything I was taking in.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 08, 2006, 06:23:22 PM
I always Keep it real.Natural Athltes are the true athletes.My Company endorse natural athltes now.I endosre Mr Natural Universe Jerry Hughes, another Mr Natural Universe Eddie Wide, and I sponsor Curt Fisher who is a WNBF pro .I only endorse 'REAL NATURAL " ATHLETES.I also sponsor Dave Libermans Mr Natutral Ohio 2 times a years well as the INBF pro shows.So I fully support Natural Bodybuilding , because I know what natural athletes have to go through .I even volunteer my time judging and guest posing for natural shows aswell.I that there is not alot of money in real natural shows, thats why I try to help them any way I can.I just wish athletes would get more credit and recognition
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: njflex on July 08, 2006, 07:04:38 PM
good post's and he seem's on the level.good to have his input.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: Hypertrophy on July 08, 2006, 07:42:19 PM
good post's and he seem's on the level.good to have his input.

Agreed. Guys like GetItOnNY are what this sport needs. Being honest with the fans goes a long way in my book.

Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: The True Adonis on July 08, 2006, 08:02:34 PM
I always Keep it real.Natural Athltes are the true athletes.My Company endorse natural athltes now.I endosre Mr Natural Universe Jerry Hughes, another Mr Natural Universe Eddie Wide, and I sponsor Curt Fisher who is a WNBF pro .I only endorse 'REAL NATURAL " ATHLETES.I also sponsor Dave Libermans Mr Natutral Ohio 2 times a years well as the INBF pro shows.So I fully support Natural Bodybuilding , because I know what natural athletes have to go through .I even volunteer my time judging and guest posing for natural shows aswell.I that there is not alot of money in real natural shows, thats why I try to help them any way I can.I just wish athletes would get more credit and recognition

Finally some real truth.
I really can repsect John D. he seems very knowledgable and has eaten from both sides of the table if you know what I mean.  I hope you continue to keep it real because so few people in your position have done so. 

Also, in your opinion, who is the best lifetime natural out there?  Who has impressed you the most.  What is the most signifigant thing you have done or help someone do as a natural?
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 08, 2006, 08:54:36 PM
Well the most impressive REAL NATURAL " athlete, I have ever seen was a guy by the name of Eddie Wide.He only competed at 198 lbs but looked 240 lbs on stage.I have judged over 200 shows and this natural guy was awesome.
As far as supplements go a natural must take 1.75- 2 grams of protein per body lb per day.When I was natural I had 7 meals a day 4 from food 3 from protein powder.Another must for natural athletes is creatine, I recomend Kre-Alkayln .Its the best form of creatine ever made, and it doesnt cause bloating or cramping.I would take 6 grams of Kre-Alkalyn 30 minutes prior to training.L-Glutamine is also a must for the natural athlete.Did you know 60 % of your muscle tissue is made up of L-Glutamine? I would take 50 grams of L-Glutamine per day.I would take a tablespoon in the morning, one in the afternoon, one right after training and the last one right before bed.The best thing about L-Glutamine before bed is it repairs muscle cells while you sleep, and can raise natural GH levels up to 400% .Melattonin is also good for a natural athlete to take before bed, take 3mg 30 minutes before bed,The good thing about Meltonin is it can put your body in a stage 3 sleep, which is the best stage for releasing natural gh levels.I would alos take in 15-20 grams of Branched Chain Amino acids per day.Take 5 grams in the moring, 5 grams with L-Glutamine after training, and 5 grams before bed with L-Glutamine .Branched Chain Amino Acids help with muscle recovery because the saturate the muscle cell with amnino acids, the only things that repairs tissue.Last but not least to naturally raise your testosterone levels , I would stack 600 mg of Longfolia, 600 mg of Bulgarian Tribulus, 200 mg of Yohimbe, 200 mg of Velvet Deer Antler, 200mg of Muira Puama, and 200 mg of Maca.These natural herbs will raise testosterone 4 times your natural levels.It will also make your libido 4 times what it is now.These herbs are all natural and can still be used by all natural organizations.
As far as training goes only train 1 muscle per day, except arms train Triceps and Biceps together.Never train longer then 45 minutes, because your natural Testosterone and Gh levels decline after 45 minutes of intense training.Last dont train a muscle more then once a week.Muscles grow during the healing process not during training.Dont be afraid to go heavy on compound movements, big weight with proper execution =big muscle
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: Captain Equipoise on July 08, 2006, 10:53:53 PM
I'm surprised and impressed by your honesty Getitony, props.. you've totally earned my respect.  :)
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: Oliver Klaushof on July 08, 2006, 10:56:02 PM
Well the most impressive REAL NATURAL " athlete, I have ever seen was a guy by the name of Eddie Wide.He only competed at 198 lbs but looked 240 lbs on stage.I have judged over 200 shows and this natural guy was awesome.
As far as supplements go a natural must take 1.75- 2 grams of protein per body lb per day.When I was natural I had 7 meals a day 4 from food 3 from protein powder.Another must for natural athletes is creatine, I recomend Kre-Alkayln .Its the best form of creatine ever made, and it doesnt cause bloating or cramping.I would take 6 grams of Kre-Alkalyn 30 minutes prior to training.L-Glutamine is also a must for the natural athlete.Did you know 60 % of your muscle tissue is made up of L-Glutamine? I would take 50 grams of L-Glutamine per day.I would take a tablespoon in the morning, one in the afternoon, one right after training and the last one right before bed.The best thing about L-Glutamine before bed is it repairs muscle cells while you sleep, and can raise natural GH levels up to 400% .Melattonin is also good for a natural athlete to take before bed, take 3mg 30 minutes before bed,The good thing about Meltonin is it can put your body in a stage 3 sleep, which is the best stage for releasing natural gh levels.I would alos take in 15-20 grams of Branched Chain Amino acids per day.Take 5 grams in the moring, 5 grams with L-Glutamine after training, and 5 grams before bed with L-Glutamine .Branched Chain Amino Acids help with muscle recovery because the saturate the muscle cell with amnino acids, the only things that repairs tissue.Last but not least to naturally raise your testosterone levels , I would stack 600 mg of Longfolia, 600 mg of Bulgarian Tribulus, 200 mg of Yohimbe, 200 mg of Velvet Deer Antler, 200mg of Muira Puama, and 200 mg of Maca.These natural herbs will raise testosterone 4 times your natural levels.It will also make your libido 4 times what it is now.These herbs are all natural and can still be used by all natural organizations.
As far as training goes only train 1 muscle per day, except arms train Triceps and Biceps together.Never train longer then 45 minutes, because your natural Testosterone and Gh levels decline after 45 minutes of intense training.Last dont train a muscle more then once a week.Muscles grow during the healing process not during training.Dont be afraid to go heavy on compound movements, big weight with proper execution =big muscle

Epic Knowledge!
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: Big N on July 08, 2006, 11:08:34 PM
Well the most impressive REAL NATURAL " athlete, I have ever seen was a guy by the name of Eddie Wide.He only competed at 198 lbs but looked 240 lbs on stage.I have judged over 200 shows and this natural guy was awesome.
As far as supplements go a natural must take 1.75- 2 grams of protein per body lb per day.When I was natural I had 7 meals a day 4 from food 3 from protein powder.Another must for natural athletes is creatine, I recomend Kre-Alkayln .Its the best form of creatine ever made, and it doesnt cause bloating or cramping.I would take 6 grams of Kre-Alkalyn 30 minutes prior to training.L-Glutamine is also a must for the natural athlete.Did you know 60 % of your muscle tissue is made up of L-Glutamine? I would take 50 grams of L-Glutamine per day.I would take a tablespoon in the morning, one in the afternoon, one right after training and the last one right before bed.The best thing about L-Glutamine before bed is it repairs muscle cells while you sleep, and can raise natural GH levels up to 400% .Melattonin is also good for a natural athlete to take before bed, take 3mg 30 minutes before bed,The good thing about Meltonin is it can put your body in a stage 3 sleep, which is the best stage for releasing natural gh levels.I would alos take in 15-20 grams of Branched Chain Amino acids per day.Take 5 grams in the moring, 5 grams with L-Glutamine after training, and 5 grams before bed with L-Glutamine .Branched Chain Amino Acids help with muscle recovery because the saturate the muscle cell with amnino acids, the only things that repairs tissue.Last but not least to naturally raise your testosterone levels , I would stack 600 mg of Longfolia, 600 mg of Bulgarian Tribulus, 200 mg of Yohimbe, 200 mg of Velvet Deer Antler, 200mg of Muira Puama, and 200 mg of Maca.These natural herbs will raise testosterone 4 times your natural levels.It will also make your libido 4 times what it is now.These herbs are all natural and can still be used by all natural organizations.
As far as training goes only train 1 muscle per day, except arms train Triceps and Biceps together.Never train longer then 45 minutes, because your natural Testosterone and Gh levels decline after 45 minutes of intense training.Last dont train a muscle more then once a week.Muscles grow during the healing process not during training.Dont be afraid to go heavy on compound movements, big weight with proper execution =big muscle

Are you trying to put the younger guys in the hospital with all these supplement bs man? C'mon just dont lead the younger kids feeding into this.

Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: Oliver Klaushof on July 08, 2006, 11:34:24 PM
Yeah, I'm not buying into the "raise your natural GH levels 400%" bs.  ;D
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 09, 2006, 12:39:53 AM
The supplements I talked about are completetly safe for anyone over 18 years of age.As far as L-Glutamine goes, in clinical studies it did raise GH level 400% which is 4 times what the body normally produces, in the best case scnerio.L-Glutamine is one of the most underated supplements out there.L-Glutamine repairs Tissue ,prevents muscle soreness, increases muscle cell volume, is givin to alcoholics in recovery to stop there sugar craving that is in alcohol,and nautally raises GH levels.L-Glutamine 10 grams before bed helps the pituatary glad produce more GH then it would with out L-Glutamine.Trust me take L-Glutamine for 30 days and you will see, less fatique, less soreness, and better recovery.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: sarcasm on July 09, 2006, 07:31:52 AM
Adonis I started juicing for 2 reasons.1 was around the years 98-2000 I won the Natural World, then did Msuclamnia pro and got 3rd, and I did TU.I went as far as I could naturally.Not to Bash but I know Muscle Mania is not a all natural show, they only tested 4 guys out of 200 with a urine test.The guys they tested were all novices, lol they didnt test any open or pro athletes, lol.Plus the guy who won the overall pro division Delino Dixon who lives in the same town as me, failed his pre emplyment drug test a week after he won the MuscleMania Pro.If you know about casinos, they test for steroids and recrational drugs.I have known Delino Dixon 15 years, and he was 200 lbs, then 2 years later he was 235 lbs on stage at Musclemania Pro.Also I did Tu and got 6th place, now that show is definatly not natural, lol.I talked to 4 guys doing the show, and they laughed , and said, this is not a natural show, your fooling yourself if you think it is.Backstage in the bathroom there were syringes, in the toilet area, I gues from lasix.All you have to do is look at the compeitors, Johnny Stewart, Robert Washington, Yonnie Shambourger, these guys are all pro bodybuilders now.Plus you got guys like James Bivens who weighed 265 lbs on stage, and he is natural, lol .Then you have Skip Lacour who came in at 232 lbs at 5 '10 with stridated glutes, lol. I know and like Skip but come on.The top 4 guys in the heavy weights weighed 232, 255, 265 and 245lbs, naturally, okay if you say so.The second reason I went to anabolics was I qualified for the USA by taking 2nd in the Heavyweights at the Mr California, the open show, not the natural one.I took second at the California, and 6th at Tean Universe the same year,lolYou think a open show would be tougher then a natural show but it wasnt, lol .Team Universe is not a true natural show thats why.So I figured I went as far as I could as a "real natural'. I didnt want to cheat to to win by doing  natural shows.So I got on the juice and did the Mr USA.I think natural athletes are the true athletes, but I can honestly tell you the big natural shows like Musclmania and Team Universe are not 100 % natural shows.They attract alot of recognition and offer pro cards, and thats why guys cheat to win.
hahahaha, it always made me laugh when i heard that Delino Dixon said he was natural, that dude was way too big to be natural, i knew that guy was juiced to the gills.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 09, 2006, 09:39:01 AM
I live in the same City as Delino Dixon, and I see him all the time.You wont beleive Delino weighs about 180 lbs, now, and just looks like an average guy, lol.Natural my ass lo
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: Bast175 on July 09, 2006, 09:43:49 AM
I live in the same City as Delino Dixon, and I see him all the time.You wont beleive Delino weighs about 180 lbs, now, and just looks like an average guy, lol.Natural my ass lo

haha, interesting.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 09, 2006, 10:56:50 AM
Capt EQ, I noticed you have a pic of a Mexican Anabolic on your profile.Dont use any anabolic compound fomr Mexico, peroid!!!!!.Mexican steroids are garbage, they have no quality control, and sometimes dont even contain what they claim is in the bottle.Jeff Everson  from Planet Muscle tested Mexican Steroids, and the results were scary.Most of the stuff he tested had 20% of what they claimed, and they found testosterone in a Winstrol bottle.If any of you are going to use anabolics make sure they are from Europe, or a reputable American compound pharmacy.Also make sure you always use a new, and clean syringe.Never use a syringe twice, and always make sure you clean the area your injecting with rubbing alcohol thuroughly.If you stay away from Mexican steroids, use a new and clean syringe you wont get an abssess, or a staff infection.I have seen scars were guys had to be cut open to remove a staff infection or an absess, from doing stupid shit.I dont agree everyone should use anabolics but if your going to please make sure your doing it safe
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: sarcasm on July 09, 2006, 11:03:16 AM
Capt EQ, I noticed you have a pic of a Mexican Anabolic on your profile.Dont use any anabolic compound fomr Mexico, peroid!!!!!.Mexican steroids are garbage, they have no quality control, and sometimes dont even contain what they claim is in the bottle.Jeff Everson  from Planet Muscle tested Mexican Steroids, and the results were scary.Most of the stuff he tested had 20% of what they claimed, and they found testosterone in a Winstrol bottle.If any of you are going to use anabolics make sure they are from Europe, or a reputable American compound pharmacy.Also make sure you always use a new, and clean syringe.Never use a syringe twice, and always make sure you clean the area your injecting with rubbing alcohol thuroughly.If you stay away from Mexican steroids, use a new and clean syringe you wont get an abssess, or a staff infection.I have seen scars were guys had to be cut open to remove a staff infection or an absess, from doing stupid shit.I dont agree everyone should use anabolics but if your going to please make sure your doing it safe
Quality Vet was actually one of the best Mex vets, very reliable.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 09, 2006, 11:07:38 AM
Sarcasm ,Jeff Everson tested QV, and it did 20-30& of what the label claimed.If you want to put QV in your body go ahead, but just dont say I didnt warn you.Mexico does not have ANY quality control, and if you got a staff infection what are you going to do sue them? lol I dont think so
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: sarcasm on July 09, 2006, 11:10:29 AM
Sarcasm ,Jeff Everson tested QV, and it did 20-30& of what the label claimed.If you want to put QV in your body go ahead, but just dont say I didnt warn you.Mexico does not have ANY quality control, and if you got a staff infection what are you going to do sue them? lol I dont think so
i've only used about 5 bottles of QV Enanthate in my life so my experience with it isn't that extensive but the results i got were pretty good, not as good as the Upjohn, Schering or Steris test that i've used but WAYYYYYYYY better than Brovel or TTokkyo.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 09, 2006, 02:13:32 PM
Sarcasm anything is better then Tokyo Labs, that stuff is about as good as toilet water.If you want to put QV in your body your more then welcome to.A couple friends of mine used QV Decca, and both of them had erectile disfunction when they took it, and even a month after they took it.So stay away from QV Decca, alot of people told me the same thing unless you dont want your dick to work.With Mexican anabolics you get a good deal, but you are playing Russian Roulette with your body.I dont know about you, but the last thing I want is complications from non sanitary anabolics
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: sarcasm on July 09, 2006, 02:33:26 PM
Sarcasm anything is better then Tokyo Labs, that stuff is about as good as toilet water.If you want to put QV in your body your more then welcome to.A couple friends of mine used QV Decca, and both of them had erectile disfunction when they took it, and even a month after they took it.So stay away from QV Decca, alot of people told me the same thing unless you dont want your dick to work.With Mexican anabolics you get a good deal, but you are playing Russian Roulette with your body.I dont know about you, but the last thing I want is complications from non sanitary anabolics
yeah but Deca is known to cause that problem whether you take high quality shit or not that's why they call it Deca dick, hahaha, i'd rather take Equipoise than that shit anyway, the only test i ever took that i didn't like was Brovel's Test 200, i used to love the little Schering Primoteston 1cc amps those were fuckin' awesome.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 09, 2006, 02:53:13 PM
I have Used PharmaTech Decca 400 and European Decca, and it never gave me any problems with erections.The QV is known for Decca Dick.You should try Oregon Sustanon 250 or Omnidren from Poland, that will  kick your ass.Stack that with some European Primobolan, and you will blow the hell up.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: sarcasm on July 09, 2006, 03:16:28 PM
I have Used PharmaTech Decca 400 and European Decca, and it never gave me any problems with erections.The QV is known for Decca Dick.You should try Oregon Sustanon 250 or Omnidren from Poland, that will  kick your ass.Stack that with some European Primobolan, and you will blow the hell up.
have you ever used the Russian Sustenon amps that were around a few years ago in the 1cc amps with the blue and white label?
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: SS on July 09, 2006, 03:19:13 PM
I have Used PharmaTech Decca 400 and European Decca, and it never gave me any problems with erections.The QV is known for Decca Dick.You should try Oregon Sustanon 250 or Omnidren from Poland, that will  kick your ass.Stack that with some European Primobolan, and you will blow the hell up.
Ive used that Omnidren a couples yrs ago. that was the shit!
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 09, 2006, 07:03:08 PM
I never really messed with the Russian Sustanon, I used the Pakistan Sustanon, by Oregon and that stuff is lethal
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 09, 2006, 07:24:52 PM
Omnidren is pretty much the same thing as Sustanon but , its just made in Poland.When you use Sustanon, and Omnidren you cant shoot more then 3cc's at a time in one area.Right when your done you have to rub the hell out of it, and keep rubbing the area for the next 3 day, several times a day
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: Captain Equipoise on July 09, 2006, 07:49:24 PM
Thanks for the advice and warnings, the pic in the avatar is the best one of EQ I could find on the net. As far as the sterilization procedures you posted, I follow them religiously everytime I do a shot, always load with an 18g and then switch to whatever gauge I'm using for the specific site. Also, I get most of my gear legit through a doctor (obviously aside from EQ since it's a vet drug) so no worries there. :)
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 09, 2006, 08:56:46 PM
Try not to Use even Mexican EQ, because it is not human grade it is vetenerian grade, there is a big diffrence.You wouldnt eat dog food would you?Then why would you inject animal grade stuff into your body.I am sure if you looked around a lil bit you could find some good European or American EQ.Your next cycle try some Sustanon, or omindren, then throw some Prinobolan, and some Trenbalone in the mix.That stack will kick your ass
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: Krankenstein on July 09, 2006, 09:07:36 PM
I have to say this about John....then guy really is a stand up guy when it comes to giving up knowledge.  He took a lot of time out of his day to talk to me about things that should be done with regard to dieting for a show and maintaining the most amount of muscle for a drug free guy.  I am 10weeks out from my first pro show....and have high hopes!

If anyone can still find it....the IsoMilk that he put out was OUTSTANDING.....the Lean Mass Matrix that is the replacement for IsoMilk is awesome too.....some of my patients that started buying the IsoMilk were freaking when they couldnt get it anymore. 

Also, he isnt bullshitting that bringing up the glutamine is must.  I was only doing about 20 - 30gms a, I am putting a ton more in and feel the effects.  His test booster also is no bull. 

His company is nice in that the guy putting it out has been in the game.  He doesnt distribute to just anyone.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: Wombat on July 09, 2006, 09:17:56 PM
GetitonNY you seem like a pretty stand up guy...thats cool

As far as not using mexican gear..You have some merit in your statements but to tell you the truth most of the guys(younger guys) couldn't afford the "real" sh t and if others didn't exists, they wouldn't be able to take anything...

Powder is where it is at---making your own...Talk about Abcesses and what not is way over rated...Hundreds of thousands if not millions of people have taken not only mexican stuff but now are using alot of UG gear...And the guys getting the abcesses "in most cases" are probably not getting it from the gear itself and also guys now are saying they are getting abcesses from such and such but are only saying that on the net because they are pushing "there" product"

In a perfect world, you could all take legit pharmacital gear but thats not reality...
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: schwarzenpecker on July 09, 2006, 10:58:20 PM
I have Used PharmaTech Decca 400 and European Decca, and it never gave me any problems with erections.The QV is known for Decca Dick.You should try Oregon Sustanon 250 or Omnidren from Poland, that will  kick your ass.Stack that with some European Primobolan, and you will blow the hell up.

I used to get Organon (Oregon?)  sustanon 250 in Tijuana and it worked fine so not all steroids from Mexico are junk. This was 4 years ago so I don't know about now.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 09, 2006, 11:42:25 PM
Thank you for the compliments Drug Free.One thing that always puzzled me about this board is the bitterness and the bashing that goes on between natural guys, and guys who use anabolics.Now I have been on both sides of the fence, and I stay nuetral when it comes to taking sides.There is no right or wrong, being natural or using anabolics, we all have the freedom to chose wich route we will take.A guy isnt cheating if he enters open shows and uses anabolics .If he enters a natural show and uses anabolics, he is cheating ,and a loser in my book.I hear alot of negative comments from natural guys on this board about guys who use anabolics.Which is uncalled for , because you made the choice to be natural, and you should be proud to be natural.Being natural is the tougher route, for sure.Just because some one takes anabolcs doesnt mean they a cheater or a druggie, they just chose not to do it naturally.I am neutral, like I said before, because an athlete is an athlete in my book, and I try to help both natural and anabolic users.I just hope this reply sinks in to alot of people on this board to stop all the negative comments, because we all share the same passion, and that is bodybuilding.

Now schartzenpecker, lol not all stuff you can buy in Mexico is made in Mexico.If you got Oregon Sustanon, then it probably was from Pakistan.The stuff I was telling people to look out for is the anabolcs made in Mexico, because they are vetenarian grade, not pharmaceutical grade.I know alot of people may not be able to afford the beeter anabolics, but either you pay now or pay later.Meaning you put an unclean anabolic in your body, and you get a staff infection you will wish you bought a better anabolic.Remeber you are injection this directly into your body, your blod stream, and alot of the Mexican anabolics are not really clean.You wouldnt brush your teeth with a dirty tooth brush, then why would you put something that may not be sanitary into your body.I know young kids want to get big without paying alot of money, but trust me an internal infection is one hell of a price to pay for trying to get big
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: Oliver Klaushof on July 09, 2006, 11:50:53 PM
hahaha listen to this guy!

You can raise your natural gh levels 400% using his methods!!!!
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 10, 2006, 02:40:02 PM
I didnt say my methods, The methods I spoke about are clinical studies, that are even in the encyclopedia of medicine.L-Glutamine naturally raises your gh levels 4 times what the pituitary gland normally produces
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 10, 2006, 06:57:58 PM
Also a must for natural bodybuilders is a good digestive enzyme.They help your body break down food and protein 4 times beeter then your body does alone.The more protein your body digests, the more nitrogen retention your body will have.This basically means your body is in an anabolic state instead of a catabolic state.A good digestive enzyme is made by a company called Solaray, and its called Super Digestaway
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: sarcasm on July 10, 2006, 06:59:31 PM
Also a must for natural bodybuilders is a good digestive enzyme.They help your body break down food and protein 4 times beeter then your body does alone.The more protein your body digests, the more nitrogen retention your body will have.This basically means your body is in an anabolic state instead of a catabolic state.A good digestive enzyme is made by a company called Solaray, and its called Super Digestaway
i could have used one of those tablets with that nasty pizza i had as a cheat meal earlier today.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 10, 2006, 07:06:01 PM
Yes digestive enzymes are good for eating clean or cheating .They help your body absorb food 4 times better.Pizza has alot of fat and carbs so its hard to digest
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: El Guapo on July 10, 2006, 08:29:36 PM
John what is the name of your company?
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 10, 2006, 09:13:22 PM
ELGuapo, I own Extreme Labs, Muscle Synergy, The Natural Solution, and Dedicated
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: njflex on July 11, 2006, 07:38:16 AM
Very good post's one of the more interesting no bs in long time,without too much bashing.i like his input on both side's of the fence,and he call's it as he see's least he give's natural or clean guy's some positive input and not pushing all those overhyped products that have drug like name's and no scientific back up to claims.he give's just the basic's.hope he stay's on and dosen't get caught up in some of the bs here.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 11, 2006, 02:54:31 PM
Thank you NJ Flex , for your positive post.I know some guys said on this thread I was making false claims, but I was stating clinical studies, on L-Glutamine.In chemistry there is fact and no fiction ,and alot of supplements companies out there make outrageous claims.Yes I own 3 sports nutrition companies, but didnt you notice I never tried to plug my company in any of these posts? This way know one can say I was being biased towards my company or my products.The imformation I give is totally free, and if you follow it I promise you it will give you results.If you chose not to follow it its your loss.I have been training fror 20 years and I custom formulate for about 8 pro bodybuilders such as Will Harris and Art Atwood. The rest I cannot disclose because they are under contract with other large companies  and I signed a non disclosure agreement with them.I will tell you this 4 of them were in last years MR Olympia .I am not bragging I am just letting you know that I know what I am talking about and advise alot of top athletes.I have been on both sides of the fence and I try to help everyone I can to help them achieve the physique they want , more effectively
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: hangclean on July 11, 2006, 03:16:16 PM
GetItOnNY,  I appreciate you giving good advice to people that is great.  However, your statement about EQ doesnt make sense.  There is no such thing as real human grade Boldenone.  It was developed for vet use only.  The only thing close would be from a UG lab somewhere and how could you be sure of the Qualty assurance practices they have?
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 11, 2006, 04:45:08 PM
Hang Clean, your right when you said the original Boldenone was created was originally intended  for Vet use only.But in the last 4 years compound pharmacies in the USA, and in Europe have made pharmaceutical human grade Boledenone.Its hard to find but if you look but if you look aroound you can find it.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: El Guapo on July 11, 2006, 05:22:06 PM
Jon where can I find those herbs you listed as test boosters? yohimbe is easy, but the others? Also can you give me a little more detail on your thoughts of tribulus? I Always thoughj it was kind of useless.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 11, 2006, 06:52:17 PM
EL Guapo, your correct in saying Tribulus by itself is not very effective.But if you take it lets say Longfolia, its like 1+1= 3, .The reason for this is they enhance one another.Now this is not a plug for my company , but we make a product called Natural Test Depot that has these ingredients in there.You could go buy all the ingredients individually but it would cost about 5 times as much as it would buying them together.We make 3 diffrent Testosterone boosters, they are Called Natural Test Depot, Halo Test Depot, and Methyl Tren Depot .We dont sell directly, But  you can find them at bodybuilding .com,, or name of my company is Extreme Labs.There are other companies who make good testosterone boosters, like Legal Gear,  and Gaspari Nutrition.I am not plugging my company, so please dont assume that, I am just trying to help out here, with no strings attached.If you dont buy our brand try to find a company that has all the components I mentioned all in the same bottle.If you had to buy them seperatly like I said before it could cost you 5-8 times more money.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: El Guapo on July 11, 2006, 08:09:50 PM
John you have been incredibly helpful!! I truly appreciate your time and honest answers!! I've never tried glutamine so im gonna give it a go with your advice, and I'll give your booster a try. Thank you.

Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 11, 2006, 08:53:06 PM
Anytime Leo, make sure you add Kre -ALKALYN  to your supplement regimen to.Take 5 grams of Kre-Alkalyn on an empty stomach with a testosterone booster 30 minutes prior to training.Then after training take a tablespoon of L-Glutamine and some Branched Chain AMINO Acids .Then before bed take another table spoon of L-Glutamine and some branched chain amnio acids.If you dont want to take the BCAAS ,I understand, but make sure you use L-Glutamine .Alot of companies push alot of B.S. like Leucine, Glycine, Tyrosine which arent bad, but L-Glutamine is the MOST important amino Acid the body needs for cell volume and recovery.Not taking L-Glutamine is like running a draster on cheap pump gas, it will run, but it wont perform like it would with racing fuel
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: Oliver Klaushof on July 11, 2006, 09:01:20 PM
I'm going to trust you GetItOnNy and try this combo out. Either you are sincere, or a very good actor. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. 400% GH increase, well, you can see why I would doubt that. Do you have a link to the study? If you already posted it I missed it.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: Krankenstein on July 11, 2006, 09:10:00 PM
There are other companies who make good testosterone boosters, like Legal Gear,  and Gaspari Nutrition.I am not plugging my company, so please dont assume that, I am just trying to help out here, with no strings attached.If you dont buy our brand try to find a company that has all the components I mentioned all in the same bottle.If you had to buy them seperatly like I said before it could cost you 5-8 times more money.

Find me another guy that doesnt mind throwing out info like John does....owns a company.....and lumps himself in with other companies, not bash and say his is the absolute best.  I will re-iterate that I do feel a difference with the test booster of his.  Actually John was the one who convinced me to take it.  I didnt think much of the tribulus when i took it alone....but after hearing what john made sense.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 11, 2006, 11:44:06 PM
Oliver, there are literally tens of thousands of positive studies done on the amino acid  L-Glutamine.With a lil research you will see that I am correct on saying it can naurally make the pitutary gland produce 4 times more GH, then it normally would Naturally.I could dig up the research, but I dont have the time to dig up all the research, then scan it and then have to post it.I have 3 companies to run and a dozen athletes I work with personally and 7 of them are preparing for shows as we speak.I understand you being skeptical, but I am not a good actor, I just tell it like it is plain and simple.I come on this board sometimes to help people and answer technical questions and expect nothing in return.There is so many companies and people who give out false information ,so I just try to give people a non biased truth to all the B.S..Oliver just do some research on L-Glutamine on the internet or the Encyclopedia of medicine, and you will see that alll the information I gave you is correct.I am not here to sell you something or give you false information everything I give you is from 20 years experience, aswell as 5200 hours of lab time.If you chose not to beleive it, you have that right, but I am hoestly giving you very solid information...
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: castor troy on July 12, 2006, 01:02:02 AM
This thread is what bodybuilding forum is all about - sharing information openly with each other and giving constructive feedbacks. We need more bodybuilders and trainers like John D.  Thank you for taking your time out for this forum getitony.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: El Guapo on July 12, 2006, 08:15:37 AM
John, might be a silly question but does the glutamine befor bed have to be on an empty stomach? Also unless I missed it your company does not make a kre-alkalyn creatine right? Thanks again.

Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: littleguns on July 12, 2006, 08:26:58 AM

What is your website?
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: hangclean on July 12, 2006, 12:21:04 PM
Hang Clean, your right when you said the original Boldenone was created was originally intended  for Vet use only.But in the last 4 years compound pharmacies in the USA, and in Europe have made pharmaceutical human grade Boledenone.Its hard to find but if you look but if you look aroound you can find it.
What is a compound pharmacy?
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 12, 2006, 01:45:59 PM
Hang clean a compound pharmacy, is a pharmacy that makes specific things for doctors or athletes.They supply anti-aging clinics with things like testosterone for older men .They are becoming quite popular because since 9/11 its hard to get European anabolics into the United states

My company websites are Extreme ,which is being updated as we speak, and dedicated woman .com
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: The True Adonis on July 12, 2006, 01:56:28 PM
This thread is what bodybuilding forum is all about - sharing information openly with each other and giving constructive feedbacks. We need more bodybuilders and trainers like John D.  Thank you for taking your time out for this forum getitony.

Just think,  If I never posted this, nobody would have been entitled to this.

I rule.

GetinonNY is a good dude.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 12, 2006, 02:35:26 PM
Leo you can add L-Glutamine to a protein shake before bed
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 12, 2006, 03:25:53 PM
Thank you for the compliments, and since you guys seem eager to learn, lets go one step further.
Now this post is going to be very controversial, and it will go against most what most of you have read, or seen in the magazines.When its comes to creatine, the best form of creatine is Kre-ALKALYN,period !!!!!!You ask why is that John? Well its not because I use it in some of my products.Instead I use it in my products because after 6 months and 1000;s of hours of research I found it to be the most legit form of creatine every made.Most creatine monohydrate has a PH(MEANS parts Hydrogen) of 2- 7 which makes it on the acidic level.With this being said after just 2 minutes it converts into creatinine  which is a toxic by product or creatine.Even if you take creatine and drink right away, it will convert to creatinine is digestion.That is why creatine can cause upset stomach, the runs, bloating, and even cramping.Kre-Alkalyn has a PH ( parts hydrogen ) of 12-14 ,this means it is at an alkalyn level.The good thing about it being an alkalyn level is it never converts to creatinine ,ever.So this way you wont get an upset stomach, look puffy, have cramping or even the runs.Alos when something is at an alkalyn level the body absorbs all of the nutrients, because it is buffered.Now this is the part where it gets controversial.Alot of well known companies are selling Creatine Ester, Creatine Malate, and Creatine Ethly Ester.Now lets start with Creatine Ester.Ester means it is bonded to a lipid, or a fat molecule.Now this is impossible because Creatine Monohydrate, is Creatine bonded to water.You cannot bond a monohydrate (water) to a Ester (a fat molecule) it cannot be done.Have you ever poured lets say vegtable oil into water , didnt you know how they completetly seperat from another.Thats why you cannot bond them together.It would be like bonding water to wood, it cannot be done.Now lets look at Creatine Malate, this is Creatine supposably bonded to Malic Acid.This is also a not possible because Malic Acid is not stable enough to bond to a monohydrate(water).They cannot and will not bond together.Lastly we have the newest nightmare Creatine Ethyl Ester, lol.Now this is Creatine bonded to Ethyl( alcohol) and also bonded to Ester (a lipid or a fat molecule).Now you know we cannot bond creatine to a fat molecule, so how can we bond it to a alcohol and a fat molecule?It cannot be done.Monohydrate, (which is water )cannot bond to alcohol  .They have totally diffrent molecular structures, its like trying to put a square peg in a round hole.Now I know you read in the magazines how these companies and doctors spent millions of dollars to formulate these products.The bottom line is they spent millions of dolaars marketing these products.When I first heard of Creatine Malate and Esters, I thought wow, I wonder how they did it.Well I had it assayed ( lab tested) and all of them just came up as just creatine monohydrate.I sent them to 2 diffrent independent labs, and they both came up just creatine monohydrate.Now the only way these companies could be trying to get away with this is since they cannot bond an Ester , Malate, or an Ethyl is to just mix the ingredients together.Which doesnt do any good because the components will just seperate in liquid or digestion.I personally think the raw material suppliers are tricking these big companies into beleving that these chemicals are what they say they are , or the companies just dont care.I know Kre-Alkalyn cost 3 times as much as Creatine Ester, and 8 times more then creatine monohydrate, but to me its worth it.Kre-ALKALYN is the only type of creatine that has worked for me, and I tried them all.We make a product called Full Throttle Extreme that contains KRE-ALKALYN in it.There are other companies who Kre-Alkalyn as well.They are All American Pharm.,Elite Delivery, and Scifit, just to name a few.I know this post goes against the grain so to speak, but what I am telling you is accurate, and right to the point
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 12, 2006, 05:00:45 PM
The best places to get a good deal on Kre-Alkalyn is,,,and all sell diffrent types of Kre-Alkalyn, so find the one that best fits your needs
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 12, 2006, 07:00:08 PM
The Mr USA is coming up, I know this is off the subject but 4 of my endorsed athletes will be conquering the stage.In the middle weights I have Greg the gian killer Peoples, in the Light heavyweights I have Manny the rock Toress who took 3rd last year.In the Super heavy weights I have Carl Lomax.I hope some of you can come to Vegas to see the show, I think Manny Torres my Light Heavy weight will win the overall.When I work with my athletes I make sure they are always on target for the show.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 12, 2006, 09:07:51 PM
This post is off the subject aswell, but I have seen there is a MR Getbig contest.Now I do own a sports nutrition company , but before I sponsor a contest I would like to know all the criteria.As far as the natural part of the competition is is life time drug free, or a certain amount of years drug free?Alos how wil we be able to test the athletes to see if they are truly drug free? Do we take there word for it, or test them?Being a former Natural athlete I know that this is alot of corruption in some of the natural organizations, so how do we avoid corruption in this contest? .As far as weight classes go, will there be weight classes, and will there be a novice class, and an open class?Who will be the judges? I could judge I am a certified jugde in 4 organizations.Also we have to make sure there is no corruption in the judging panel aswell, because that is  something that happens in bodybuilding all the time.Lastly how will we know if some one falls into a weight class, take there word for it?If these questions are answered and I feel the contest is on the up and up, I may considering sponsoring this contest
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 12, 2006, 09:14:28 PM
One other thing in the Natural show what supplements will the competitors be allowed to use?Can they use Ephedra? Testosterone boosters such as 19-hydroxy-alpha methyl 4,20 dione ?Or the eticholans that in Legal Gear products?Some people consider natural anything over the counter, and some people consider testosterone boosters cheating .Lastly, can they use diurectics, that are over the counter?How can we test to see if they are using diuretics?
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 12, 2006, 11:12:14 PM
Now back to the subject at hand.This time I will let you guys pick what topic you would like for me to give you the inside scoop or technical information on
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: castor troy on July 13, 2006, 12:34:19 AM
Hello John D. Thanks again for taking your time out for this forum.  I was just wondering if companies like MuscleTech and TwinLab actually carry out an unbiased well conducted studies with their products (or they sorta did it and fabricated something or found some correlation and pushed the data and results forward all based on some theory for profit's sake). 

Their products are expensive and heavily advertised.  Sometimes they go as far as saying that because their products are expensive they work.  They say its better quality, more science to back it up, and so on.. We all know its more expensive because they pay top pros fat checks and they cover more pages in magazines.

For example muscle tech comes out with new stuff every few months.  Gakic Leukic I dont even know what they are anymore I dont even care to look at them anymore...When I flip to pages of advertisements like those I usually skip em because they use some pseudoscience or wild theories to tie things together and then have some excel spreadsheet do a bar graph between control group and experimental group....

Only supplements like creatine has been scientifically backed up and has been studied for the longest time. 

Also second question are vasodilators worth the money in terms of muscle growth.  They make have some immdiate effect on appearance but do they have any positive impact on muscle growth?

THanks for your time!
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: El Guapo on July 13, 2006, 08:06:40 AM
John if you want more questions that is not a problem!! I'm kinda confused on maltodextrin(sp?) It is included in a lot of post workout carb drinks. Is the stuff garbage or ok?

Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: littleguns on July 13, 2006, 08:20:10 AM
Thank you for the compliments, and since you guys seem eager to learn, lets go one step further.
Now this post is going to be very controversial, and it will go against most what most of you have read, or seen in the magazines.When its comes to creatine, the best form of creatine is Kre-ALKALYN,period !!!!!!

I am one of those people that has tried many different creatines only to have it tear apart my stomach. I have found that Nutrex's Vitargo is one of the only ones I can take that does not bloat or tear apart my stomach. What's your take on all this Vitargo buzz going around as one of the best post workout type of carbs?
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 13, 2006, 10:20:03 AM
Leo ,Maltodextrin is an easily absorbable complex carbohydrate.It is considered a poly saccharide, and is produced from Corn Starch.Its a creamy white powder that is relatively inexpensive, and is used in weight gainers, as a thickening agent, as well as some types of glue
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: michael arvilla on July 13, 2006, 10:26:56 AM
John got a shitload of knowledge!!!

(def not your typical meathead)

any recent pics/shows your planning on doing?
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 13, 2006, 11:13:29 AM
Castor Troy, Muscle Tech is not a bad company but they tend to stretch the truth as far as they can.As far as there research goes, they put alot more into marketing then they do research .First we have Leukic by MuscleTech which basically say itis a very anabolic compound, and increases muscle mass.The ingredients in Leukic is basically Leucine ,which is one of the Branched Chain Amino Acids.This amino acid by itself is a neurotransmitter ,and helps give the muscles energy understress.It also can preserve muscle glycogen.So there claim of it being anabolic, and a muscle builder are a little off, lol.Second we have Gakic whic is supposed to increase strength by 10 .5% and stop fatique by 28%.Its main ingredient is Glycine which is a non essential amino acid, that helps with sleep, memory, and helps fight of bacteria.So it will help you with your memory and sleep , but to increase strength by 10.5% is a little bit of a reach.Lastly we have Antor 70 Muscle activator, is supposed to alter your DNA so you can use your genetics to there Now this is very outrageous to say the least.The main ingredients are L-Leucine which is a branched chain amini acid that helps with muscle energy under stress.It also preserves muscle glycogen.They also have L-Phenylalline which is a amino acid that is used in Nutrasweet and  increases dopamine aswell norepinephine.These 2 hormones in the brain help stop mental fatigue, and depression.They also have creatine and dextrose, which wil only increase your ATP levels and restore muscle glycogen.So no Anator 70 will not alter your DNA or genetic profile. The bottom line is these products arent cutting edge, but arent bad.No they wont do nearly what they claim.As far as research goes, alot of the so called lab guys in there adds, I am told are there sales reps in lab coats, lol
Now to answer your question about vasodialators.No they dont help muscle growth, they basically contains ephedrine in them which is a fat burner, and increases mental focus.You can go online and get ephedrine pretty cheap at, and to get a product that contains ephedra ,caffeine and white willow,( asprin) .We make 2 one is called Blde, the other is XENxTREME
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 13, 2006, 12:04:43 PM
Little Guns Vitargo is the best carbohydrate ever made, its hypogenic means its faster then water.Yest it keeps the musc le hydrated for up to 2 hours.The problem Nutrex is using Vitatrgo with just creatine monohydrate.Now creatine monhydrate only has a P-H( parts Hydrogen) of 2-7.Which means it will convert to creatinine in water of digestion.Now if Nutrex used Kre-Alkalyn it has a p-h of 12-14 which means it will never turn to creatinine.Nutrex used the best carbohydrate but a cheap creatine, go figure.Art Atwood who  is a close friend of mine owns Professional Supplements that  makes just Vitargo, you could get that then add Kre-Alkalyn to it .This would be the ultimate creatine formula.I am working with Art Atwood as we speak on developing new products containing Vitargo in them
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: sarcasm on July 13, 2006, 12:31:37 PM
hey John i know this sounds like a stupid question but typically how long until what you eat is turned into waste? i've always wondered that.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: castor troy on July 13, 2006, 12:39:23 PM
Thanks alot on the info on muscletech and vasodilators!  You can save alot of people money with your knowledge.

Sorry again, I feel as if I am getting greedy here for knowledge.  How about the potency of products (supposed anabolics) such as 17hd / viraloid, fizogen gear cycle....

Some poeple in the gym I know are using "anabolics" from GNC and they claim they are getting bigger and stronger.  After 5 weeks their results are evident (20 lbs mass gained while getting tighter) but I never trusted those type of products.  Do they really work or did the people I know just trained harder and ate more?

Again thanks for the info. 
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 13, 2006, 01:23:13 PM
Mike whats up? You looked great for your show, I am suprised how much you came down, good job .
As far as competing goes for now I am semi-retired.I am almost 39 years young, and I got tired of carrying around 275-290 lbs off season for 5 years straight.I havent done a cycle since july 2005 for the USA and I maintained 272lbs until recently .I have been eating alot less, and I think im down to 260 lbs now.I plan to get down to 240 lbs and staying lean , for now.When you 5'11" and 280 lbs and fairly lean its hard to walk up stairs, and even buy clothes.I would by xxxl and they would fit tight in the arms and chest.Then when it came to pants my waist was a 34" but my legs got so big I had to buy a 42" pants and wear a belt.Plus bodybuilding on a national level is a full time job.The main reason is I didnt want to take insulin , GH or more anabolics .I had decent size, but at 258 lbs the judges thought I needed an extra 15-20 lbs to fill out my frame.That would mean I would have to use more drugs, and proably use insulin aswell.I  never id or wanted to use insulin, if you know anything about chemistry its pretty dangerous stuff. I am succesful I have a wonderful wife, and I have alot to live for.So for now I am going to just train  hard stay in shape and work with my endorsed athletes.Maybe when I turn 40 I will hit the masters nationals.Until then I am just am just keep formulating and running my biz.
Mike when are you and Cheri going to get married?
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 13, 2006, 01:26:24 PM
Sarcasm that all depends on what you eat and your metabolism.Sugars go right into the blood stream, red meat on the other hand can take 2 to 4 hrs
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 13, 2006, 01:31:06 PM
Caster Troy Viraloid, 17hd, and On and Off cycle aent bad testosterone enhancers, but they are very mild.If you want to really kick your ass try Legal Gear, or Gaspari Nutitions Halo-drol.We make 3 really strong testosterone boosters aswell, Natural Test Depot, Halo Test Depot, and Methyl Tren Depot .It depends on what your looking for, the first 3 I mentioned will not give you significant gains.Legal Gear, Gaspari, and mine Extreme Labs, will make a significant diffrence in size and strength
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: gh15 on July 13, 2006, 01:51:37 PM
this almost sounds as selling pitch for junk,,,the only thing i recomend to buy from big a is hormones and also make sure you ask for domestic remailer if you dont know what youre doing. rest of products mentioned are junk,,keep it real boys ;)

lots of food food
dorian yates approved or the equivelent in quality (beverly) protien powder supp
yammit powder just because you want it on the side for lazy times - not a must
digestive enzymes if over 30,,,wont be bad at all if used at any age
and H O R M O N E S as in anabolic and androgenic steroids + gh/insulin optional and few other stimulators you wont find in walmart

thats all you need in bodybuilding
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: littleguns on July 13, 2006, 02:03:25 PM

Where are you from/live in NY?

I grew up in queens and then moved out to Long Island, Lk Ronkonkoma,

Now live in Tampa and relocating to Boston...
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 13, 2006, 03:25:10 PM
I am not here to bash ,because its not in my pardigm to bash but here it goes.GH 15 you are a complete idiot, you drug pushing loser.Some of these guys here on the board want to remain natural and care about there health.GH 15 you maybe a pro, but I bet you wont live to see 40 and if your 40 you wont live to see 45.Your talking about Dorian Yates Approved, lol is actually a pretty good product but, its outdated, it has 1990 technology behind it.Yes its good protein but ,since the 1990's protein has advanced, you moron.As for Beverly International, other brother,they make a decent product, but they are still stuck in the 1980"s lol.They sell a GH product with Arginine and Lysine, lol thats really going to raise your GH levels through the roof, lol.Oh wait it gets better they make a creatine monohydrate with phosphates , lol thats cutting edge technology I tell ya, lol Creatine Phosphates where popular in 1997 lol its the year 2006 GH15 The sad part about you GH15 is you probably couldnt train without drugs, like gh ,Insulin Test, and all that other shit you put in your body.Some people like me would like to have a healthy liver, kidneys and not die from a stroke at at or kidney failue at age 40 , lol.First of all Kre-Alkalyn is a better form of creatine then any company you mentioned and it really does work.The things like L-Glutamine help with recovery and muscle cell volume, but you wouldnt know that because you are to busy pumping drugs in your body.There are cutting edge natural Testosterone boosters like 13-ethyl-3methoxy-gona-2,5(10)-diene-17-one ,that naturally raise your testosterone levels with out shutting down your testicles.Plus it wont stop your dick from working like anabolics can.I know a guy who is 30 who cannot function sexually thanks to you guessed steroids, lol Now I am not against the use of anabolics, but I also think there is a natural way aswell. GH15 dont make these guys think steroids is the way to go because it isnt.What I formulate, and manufacture is legal and legit, I bet you cant say that.These guys should know that there other options beside taking illegal stuff, that may not be real or land them in jail.Also GH15 if some one is under 30 they dont need digestive enzymes? lol .Even if there taking in 400-600 grams of protein and the same amount in carbs?lol You are kidding right, lol.GH15 if you want I will take an hour of my time and educate you on the proper way to use supplements digestive aides, and so on, because obviuously your clueless.GH15 before you bash next time please know what your talking about, and dont fool these guys inot thinking drugs are the only way.I know thats how you make your living but , dont prey on innocent victims.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: castor troy on July 13, 2006, 03:57:13 PM
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: gh15 on July 13, 2006, 04:04:10 PM
im not going to even put in this post under quotes (what you said) because it is simply rubish.

first, your way of answering (curssing etc etc) shows that you are nothing but a gym rat that still rely on androgens and anabolics only now you do it with out competing. you got very short temper that does not come as a result of protien powder and creatine.

now, almost every second word in that last post of yours is a lie which makes YOU a liar. any normal person on this board knows that you are pitching your garbage line of supp which is similar to other garbage lines around. i dont and never said dorian yates had something unbelievable that no one else has! what i said was that dorian product is THE BEST OUT THERE NOW DAYS,,,,OUT OF ALL THE JUNK THAT IS and since protien product should be used at times to fulfill protien needs,,,i recomend it!

now, the company which i could care less about use technology suits the year of 2006 like any other protien product out there. the reason i recomend it is not the technology used but the type of protien included and the nutrition label who put it as number 1 in the market when it comes to protien powder together with pro lab meal replacments. both tried and approved by me.

you are sitting online and not in the gym because you are pushing supp and LIE to people. they spend their hard earned money on YOUR supp and will NEVER see results! you make your living off it while i make my living  partly by supplementing the industry with stuff that WORKS called HORMONES.

i have decided to make a little research about you with the calibers of the game (dutchbb, flora, retabolil, william and few i wont mention here) i found you quite disturbing and i would like to find wether you got something to do with dpharm, qgl, gymvet,,, ;) if you get the pic right,,, all top notch scammers and fake ug operations done around the usa.

never did i say that you should only rely on hormones for i also mentioned in my 300+ posts a lot about the training and nutrition part.
you can never educate any one (i doubt you can even educate yourself) about supp because you are promoting garbage! and push it in order to make money!

you never see me sitting here promoting and pushing hormones so i can make quick dollars although im in total control of the american and europian markets and i have the finance to do whatever i wish. TOTAL CONTROL. i am here to put reality while you are here to make some money out of kids who try to improve their life style and want to look like the guys they see in magazines!!!

you can not come here and try to push JUNK to BODYBUILDERS. i consider EVERY ONE on a bodybuilder no matter what level they are at and they dont deserve to be told shit by a person like you.

if big a has anything to do with you,,,,he will go down faster than a rocket propel grenade,,,

i wont even go to the stupid stupid things you say about enzymes, pro hormones and "cutting edge technology" ordered to the last detail from main powder company.


Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 13, 2006, 04:08:30 PM
Listen I admit I have used anabolics in my past, and I do regret doing them.I will not bash anyobdy who choooses to use them because that is there choice.Before you consider using steroids, know that about atleast 4-6 bodybuilders per year that we know of dies from a heart attack due to the use of steroids .The use of steroids can raise your blood pressure, and increase your cholesterol levels, which puts stress on the heart.Alos steroids are very well known for cause heart disease and heart arethmia( i forgot how to spell this word) is when the heart beat is irregular.This is why Don Yougblood who was a friend of mine, as well as Sonny Schmidt died at an early age .Also look at Tom Prince, Don Long and Flex Wheeler all had Kidney failure.So yes steroids give you good muscle gains but they can also have some nasty side effects.So before you consider using anabolics know that they can cause heart failure, kidney failure, liver failure, and erectilce disfunction
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 13, 2006, 04:21:31 PM
GH 15 please, Take me down ,lol not on your best day, lol .I am to legit to quit.Dont hate me because what I do is legit, and what you do is illegal.I have been in biz for 12 years, and I custom formulate for alot of pros as well as other companies .GH15 if you want a war, we can go to war .If you try to make life tough on me I can make life very tough on you.I know alot of people to in very high places, so be careful what you say and do
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: gh15 on July 13, 2006, 04:25:27 PM
yet you post a pic of you for every one to see JACKED TO THE MAX!!!!!!!!! with no shame!
WHO ARE YOU TRYING TO PLAY??????? you think you got to 275 by eating chikan and brown rice?  you think you got to be 8% at 260 by using aminogen??? or by using NITREX and like my swolecat like to say nectar blue ice,,,

you got to be 260 after years and years and then SOME MORE years of juicing your mama and papa,,,you probably also got some LE problems (locked up before, or fines if dealt it is very common for npc juniornational  and national level competitors in usa in the last 6 years who deal in gyms around usa and or bouncing their way to jail in clubs,,,and you know exactly what im talkin about)

yes you NOW after problems and are not young no more.....and never winning decided why doing it ,,,,,,,but the size is already gained!!!! and the gain of size CAME OUT OF CONSTANT USE OF HORMONES. PERIOD

yes you ate lots of calories, yes you trained,,,you did an hour a day 5 times a week when on,,,,buttttt BUTTTTTTTTT you would be stuck at 190-200 if you are 5'10,, 210-220 if youre 6'1 IF NOT FOR THE USE OF HORMONES.

you may be CLEAN NOW and i severly doubt it, infact im sure youre not but for you 500mg test and 400mg deca is clean. BUT NATURAL??? you will never be.


people dont know the diff between natural and hormonized and this is a big problem that allow thugs to take advange of this situation.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 13, 2006, 04:59:44 PM
GH , for your inforamtion I got to 255lbs totally drug free, after 11 years of training .All used was creatine protein, prohormones , L-Glutamine, and BCCAS.I also benched pressed 500 lbs totally drug free.So I have been in the trenches, and I busted my ass and became one of the best "real naturals out there.I competed at 218-220 lbs at 5'11 " all natural.I bet you probably would be 180 lbs without juice.And when I did use anabolics I hardly used any, I only spent $1500 on anabolics getting ready for the USA .I didnt use any gh, or insulin and came in a 258lbs.If I wanted to be a pro bodybuilder I would be, I just chose not to use alot of drugs.To be a pro it takes a crap load of drugs, and I have to much to live for to throw my money and life away on steroids.Trust me if I used GH, Isulin and all the crap the pros are using today I would be 350 lb man.I played it safe, and only used what I needed.I got up to 290 lbs just using 750 mg of test 200 mg of Decca, and 200 mg of Primobolan a week.So everything I earned muscle wise I gained.My relatives are all big men, that how I got to 250 lbs all naturally with just using  legal supplements, I bet you cant tell me anyone else who did that.I havent done juice in a year I still was 272 lbs until 3 weeks ago.I got tired of carryting all that weight so I did cardio and only ate 5 meals a day, now I am 260 lbs.GH you maybe a pro bodybuilder but I bet you couldnt have achieved what I did naturally or competed at 258 lbs on only $1500 worth of anabolics for a national show.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: gh15 on July 13, 2006, 05:08:03 PM
GH , for your inforamtion I got to 255lbs totally drug free, after 11 years of training .All used was creatine protein, prohormones , L-Glutamine, and BCCAS.I also benched pressed 500 lbs totally drug free.So I have been in the trenches, and I busted my ass and became one of the best "real naturals out there.I competed at 218-220 lbs at 5'11 " all natural.I bet you probably would be 180 lbs without juice.And when I did use anabolics I hardly used any, I only spent $1500 on anabolics getting ready for the USA .I didnt use any gh, or insulin and came in a 258lbs.If I wanted to be a pro bodybuilder I would be, I just chose not to use alot of drugs.To be a pro it takes a crap load of drugs, and I have to much to live for to throw my money and life away on steroids.Trust me if I used GH, Isulin and all the crap the pros are using today I would be 350 lb man.I played it safe, and only used what I needed.I got up to 290 lbs just using 750 mg of test 200 mg of Decca, and 200 mg of Primobolan a week.So everything I earned muscle wise I gained.My relatives are all big men, that how I got to 250 lbs all naturally with just using  legal supplements, I bet you cant tell me anyone else who did that.I havent done juice in a year I still was 272 lbs until 3 weeks ago.I got tired of carryting all that weight so I did cardio and only ate 5 meals a day, now I am 260 lbs.GH you maybe a pro bodybuilder but I bet you couldnt have achieved what I did naturally or competed at 258 lbs on only $1500 worth of anabolics for a national show.

you just burnt yourself with me when you said you could have  get your card but didnt WANT to,,,i have enough dumb clients to deal with in real world,,,go talk to priest or big a
good luck
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: the choad on July 13, 2006, 05:12:55 PM
I am not here to bash ,because its not in my pardigm to bash but here it goes.GH 15 you are a complete idiot, you drug pushing loser.Some of these guys here on the board want to remain natural and care about there health.GH 15 you maybe a pro, but I bet you wont live to see 40 and if your 40 you wont live to see 45.Your talking about Dorian Yates Approved, lol is actually a pretty good product but, its outdated, it has 1990 technology behind it.Yes its good protein but ,since the 1990's protein has advanced, you moron.As for Beverly International, other brother,they make a decent product, but they are still stuck in the 1980"s lol.They sell a GH product with Arginine and Lysine, lol thats really going to raise your GH levels through the roof, lol.Oh wait it gets better they make a creatine monohydrate with phosphates , lol thats cutting edge technology I tell ya, lol Creatine Phosphates where popular in 1997 lol its the year 2006 GH15 The sad part about you GH15 is you probably couldnt train without drugs, like gh ,Insulin Test, and all that other shit you put in your body.Some people like me would like to have a healthy liver, kidneys and not die from a stroke at at or kidney failue at age 40 , lol.First of all Kre-Alkalyn is a better form of creatine then any company you mentioned and it really does work.The things like L-Glutamine help with recovery and muscle cell volume, but you wouldnt know that because you are to busy pumping drugs in your body.There are cutting edge natural Testosterone boosters like 13-ethyl-3methoxy-gona-2,5(10)-diene-17-one  ,that naturally raise your testosterone levels with out shutting down your testicles.Plus it wont stop your dick from working like anabolics can.I know a guy who is 30 who cannot function sexually thanks to you guessed steroids, lol Now I am not against the use of anabolics, but I also think there is a natural way aswell. GH15 dont make these guys think steroids is the way to go because it isnt.What I formulate, and manufacture is legal and legit, I bet you cant say that.These guys should know that there other options beside taking illegal stuff, that may not be real or land them in jail.Also GH15 if some one is under 30 they dont need digestive enzymes? lol .Even if there taking in 400-600 grams of protein and the same amount in carbs?lol You are kidding right, lol.GH15 if you want I will take an hour of my time and educate you on the proper way to use supplements digestive aides, and so on, because obviuously your clueless.GH15 before you bash next time please know what your talking about, and dont fool these guys inot thinking drugs are the only way.I know thats how you make your living but , dont prey on innocent victims.

Are you fucking stupid...That product is far from natural...Just because it's legal doesn't mean it's natural...Also that shit will shut you down..Period...your last post just shows how little you really know..
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 13, 2006, 05:31:35 PM
GH 15 I know who you are, but I respect your privacy, so I will not disclose your name.Call me stupid but if I really wanted a pro card dont you think I would have spent more then $1500 on anabolics getting ready for the USA ? If I wanted to be a pro I would have used GH,Insulin and a alot more drugs.Heck the middle weights used more anabolics then I did, lol. Anybody who truly wants to be a pro uses what ever it takes to get there, and I didnt .Actions speak louder then words.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 13, 2006, 05:34:09 PM
Choad since your a chemist tell me how 13-ethyl-3methoxy-gona-2,5(10)-diene-17-one  will shut you, down , and how is it not natural?If you are going to question me please give me an in depth answer.This compound very new so enlighten me, lol
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 13, 2006, 05:36:57 PM
Fellas I am sorry I got side tracked , I have dealt with enough negativty and nonsense for one day, lol If you have any more question please just ask me and I will help you as much as I can.As far is GH15 is concerned may god bless him and the best of luck to him
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: the choad on July 13, 2006, 05:39:22 PM
Choad since your a chemist tell me how 13-ethyl-3methoxy-gona-2,5(10)-diene-17-one  will shut you, down , and how is it not natural?If you are going to question me please give me an in depth answer.This compound very new so enlighten me, lol
you retard..Pharmagenix has been selling that coumpound close to 3 years now..Also ALRI has made a generic version of it..I was one of the original testors of this coumpound...I used it as a standalone...And i was shut down after 6 weeks...How is it a test booster...It was designed to a trenbolone precurser...The coumpound is a 19-norandro steriod...Meaning it can only be found in the placenta of a pregant female...Nor andro's aren't natural in the male body..FUCKING owned
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: the choad on July 13, 2006, 05:49:39 PM
GETITONNY has been owned, courtesy of the choad..

Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 13, 2006, 05:51:54 PM
Choad, you got the wrong chemical, lol .Choad do your home work before talking .A placenta of a pregnant female, your pretty creative.Now tell me what the chemical is made of ,and its molecular structure?By the way the chemical pharmagenics uses is 19norandrasta-4 9-diene-3,17 dione you fool.I know this because I know who encapsulates there product for them.If they say its something else there lying ,I seen the raw materials come in before it was even put in capsules
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 13, 2006, 05:52:53 PM
go home little boy, next
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: the choad on July 13, 2006, 05:56:16 PM
go home little boy, next

You dumbass...They are the same chemical..Different chemical nomenclature keep the FDA off there backs...

Owned again
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: sarcasm on July 13, 2006, 06:12:14 PM
i gotta tell you fags i agree with both of John and GH15 they both know their stuff so i guess it comes down to who can do the most "posing sessions" in a day.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 13, 2006, 06:12:44 PM
Choad they are not the same chemical, they are 2 molecules off.I just called my friend who bottles all of pharmagenics stuff.He said they pay $10.00 a bottle to have that product made.Since he is a good friend of mine he said if I buy 100 bottles he will give it to me for $10.00 a bottle.So just to shut you up I will get you a 100 bottles of this compound 90 capsules for my cost.The only thing is it will be in a diffrent bottle and have no label on it.The reason for this is pharmagenics has rights to there label, and supplied there own bottles.But it will be 19norandrasta-4 9-diene-3,17 dione for $10.00 a bottle the same price pharmagenics pays
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: the choad on July 13, 2006, 06:25:44 PM
Choad they are not the same chemical, they are 2 molecules off.I just called my friend who bottles all of pharmagenics stuff.He said they pay $10.00 a bottle to have that product made.Since he is a good friend of mine he said if I buy 100 bottles he will give it to me for $10.00 a bottle.So just to shut you up I will get you a 100 bottles of this compound 90 capsules for my cost.The only thing is it will be in a diffrent bottle and have no label on it.The reason for this is pharmagenics has rights to there label, and supplied there own bottles.But it will be 19norandrasta-4 9-diene-3,17 dione for $10.00 a bottle the same price pharmagenics pays

NO thanks at your offer..As this shit is legal and can be aquired in bulk at a much cheaper rate, from china..As i work for one of these rogue supplment companies and have the connections already.. My advice to you would be to stick with tried, Proven, anabolics, illegal steriods..As bloodwork for some of these Quasi legal supplements has been less than stellar..
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 13, 2006, 06:35:42 PM
Choad sure you can buy it cheaper, lol .If you can how much money does 19norandrasta-4 9-diene-3,17 dione cost per kilo? What is the name of the raw material suppler in China? I dont sell this compound, but I can get it.I cant wait to here what story you come up with the supplier and price per kilo, lol
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 13, 2006, 06:40:41 PM
Now lets make this a positve thread like it was before 2 pests messed it up.If you have any technical questions please post them and I will answer them for you
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: the choad on July 13, 2006, 06:44:47 PM
Choad sure you can buy it cheaper, lol .If you can how much money does 19norandrasta-4 9-diene-3,17 dione cost per kilo? What is the name of the raw material suppler in China? I dont sell this compound, but I can get it.I cant wait to here what story you come up with the supplier and price per kilo, lol

Dude are you stupid? Any chem house in china can make it...Considering 6-OXO powder can be bought in the 600+ range for a kilo, as a kilo of ATD can be bought for close to 2000 dollars..I would guess that4 9-diene-3,17 dione can be aquired for close 1800 dollars per kilo..
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 13, 2006, 06:47:42 PM
Wrong, answer, lol try again .There is only 2 companies in China that carry that particular element , what are there names?Alos who is the 2 diffrent companies that distribute 6 oxo ?Aclue one of them manufactures it one brokers it, lol .A chem house, lol .Want to come by my chem house, lol .Thats pretty funny Choad
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 13, 2006, 06:48:50 PM
no  19norandrasta-4 9-diene-3,17 dione  is not $1800 a kilo, dumb ass, lol
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: the choad on July 13, 2006, 06:50:10 PM
Wrong, answer, lol try again .There is only 2 companies in China that carry that particular element , what are there names?Alos who is the 2 diffrent companies that distribute 6 oxo ?Aclue one of them manufactures it one brokers it, lol .A chem house, lol .Want to come by my chem house, lol .Thats pretty funny Choad

Well of course you have proviant in chicago that makes it...There are like 10 chem houses in china that can make it...You tell them the price you want to pay
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: the choad on July 13, 2006, 06:52:33 PM
no  19norandrasta-4 9-diene-3,17 dione  is not $1800 a kilo, dumb ass, lol

Dude you don't know shit about steriods and hormonal products...As your advice has been less than stellar..

why don't you put your PM's on so we can talk about this like men, and we don't have to bring the rest of the board into it..

Also why would anyone want to source this shit...Oral Bioavalibilty is very low, being a non methylated oral..

there are many companies selling this shit, the demand is also very low..Why would a company sell this when DMT is legal.?
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 13, 2006, 07:05:26 PM
Choad, I respect that you are trying but let me tell you about 19norandrasta-4 9-diene-3,17 dione
First of all Proviant is just a broker, and only carries some items.Secondly 19norandrasta-4 9-diene-3,17 dione  costs $2350 per kilo if you buy 10 kilos, and $2150 per kilo after customs plus shipping.No you cant just tell them what you want to pay for it, the price is the price
Now there are only 2 manufactures of 19norandrasta-4 9-diene-3,17 dione in
China one is shaghi chem and the other you can find out on your own.There are brokers who sell 19norandrasta-4 9-diene-3,17 dione  but they dont manufacture it

I do know my horrmoens I was the first company to bring norandro, and the andro esters to the US
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: the choad on July 13, 2006, 07:15:03 PM
Choad, I respect that you are trying but let me tell you about 19norandrasta-4 9-diene-3,17 dione
First of all Proviant is just a broker, and only carries some items.Secondly 19norandrasta-4 9-diene-3,17 dione  costs $2350 per kilo if you buy 10 kilos, and $2150 per kilo after customs plus shipping.No you cant just tell them what you want to pay for it, the price is the price
Now there are only 2 manufactures of 19norandrasta-4 9-diene-3,17 dione in
China one is shaghi chem and the other you can find out on your own.There are brokers who sell 19norandrasta-4 9-diene-3,17 dione  but they dont manufacture it

I do know my horrmoens I was the first company to bring norandro, and the andro esters to the US

esters..HA....I helped bring one of the first pro-hormone transdermal products to market..One that fucking produced steriod like gains..

Also they are very clever over at proviant, and have some of the best minds in the industry working there..

Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 13, 2006, 07:16:17 PM
Now there is a good oral methly and it is  19-hydroxy 9 alpha methyl 4,20 dione, which is better then 19norandrasta-4 9-diene-3,17 dione .I do carry the 19-hydroxy 9 alpha methyl 4,20 dione in one of my products.It costs like $2472 per Kilo at 10 kilos after customs plus shipping.It of course is 4 times more absorbable.I dont use the 19norandrasta-4 9-diene-3,17 dione but you mentioned phamagenics, and that is what they sell.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 13, 2006, 07:18:25 PM
Esters were the shit, that is why they banned pro hormones.I had an ester product that was 1800 mg of esters.It would give people roid rages, lol Esters were to close to the real thing
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: the choad on July 13, 2006, 07:21:30 PM
Esters were the shit, that is why they banned pro hormones.I had an ester product that was 1800 mg of esters.It would give people roid rages, lol Esters were to close to the real thing

you quite funny..Also all prohormones were banned regardless of there delievery method

Ok each bottle has 90 caps* 25mg per cap equaling 2250 mg per bottle times 100 bottles =225,000mg or 225 grams or close to ¼ kilo…Looks like you good friend is ripping you off...I would to, because you think you know everything when in fact you are a dumbass. Hope this helps
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 13, 2006, 07:26:44 PM
Why would you want that its for women, and its not known to be water soluable?
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 13, 2006, 07:28:03 PM
No the caps arent 25 mg, so whos the dumbass, now, lol
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 13, 2006, 07:29:26 PM
I know prohormones weree banned, the reason why they were all banned is becuae the 1 ad, and the esters, were getting to close to anabolics
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: the choad on July 13, 2006, 07:29:42 PM
Why would you want that its for women, and its not known to be water soluable?

M4ohn was one of my favorites..however, it's illegal now..So i will not be importing it...One of my favorite steriods of all time...

Some of don't want to look like cavemen so we use only shit with low to mild androgenic activity..
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 13, 2006, 07:32:36 PM
I can still get M4ohn but I wasnt crazy about it. its mild, and has a decnet delivery system
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: the choad on July 13, 2006, 07:33:51 PM
I can still get M4ohn but I wasnt crazy about it. its mild, and has a decnet delivery system

hey can unblock your Pm's as i need to talk to you in private...
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 13, 2006, 07:34:53 PM
this sounds stupid, but I dont know how to unblock my pms, I dont come on this board often
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: the choad on July 13, 2006, 07:36:18 PM
this sounds stupid, but I dont know how to unblock my pms, I dont come on this board often

Send me a Pm where i can contact you?
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 13, 2006, 07:37:29 PM
I still dont know why you would want to use m4ohn, it was designed for women, and it isnt water soluable .Plus its delivery isnt the greatest.There are alot better things you could use
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: the choad on July 13, 2006, 07:38:24 PM
I still dont know why you would want to use m4ohn, it was designed for women, and it isnt water soluable .Plus its delivery isnt the greatest.There are alot better things you could use

Just contact me..I have like 10 grams of m4ohn left...this is in reguard for another item...
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 13, 2006, 07:42:46 PM
did you get my pm?
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: the choad on July 13, 2006, 07:46:32 PM
did you get my pm?

yes received....thanks, talk to you later
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: castor troy on July 13, 2006, 08:37:24 PM
I am very interested in what you guys have to talk about. Please continue on this board.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 13, 2006, 08:47:11 PM
The Choad has a pretty good sense of knowledge when it comes to hormones.I think he was just testing my knowledge.Choad is no dummy, he has done his home work.We just had a few disagreements on what hormones to use , and where they come from.I just think it was just a more misunderstanding thats all.No biggie ,I semed to answer all his questions, and we semm to see eye to eye now

If anybody has any more question please submit them
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: El Guapo on July 13, 2006, 09:46:40 PM
John could you go into greater detail as to why "beverly is stuck in the 80's"  namely their proteins mixes.I spend a good amount of money on ther proteins thinking in my mind that nothing is better. Whats sets your isomilk apart?

Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 13, 2006, 10:18:34 PM
Leo, I dont think Beverly International is a bad company, actually some of there products are pretty good.They just use older technology thats all. Like 1 scoop of there protein powder only have 16 - 21 grams of protein per scoop .Most protein powders today have 20 to 30 grams per scoop.Also there protein isnt sustained or Time released so your body can absorb the protein more effectively.Time released protein mimmicks food, so the protein doesnt get wasted in digestion.They dont have added L-Gluamine or BCCAS to alot of there protein powder to help with recovery.Plus there product like there GH Ptroduct in capsules, and there Creatine Phosphate are out dated, its 1996 technology.I think Beverly International is a reputable company, I just think they need to advance there product line a little bit more.I didnt mean to bash them earlier but GH15 kind of backed me inot a corner.Beverly is better then most proteins out there, but they definalty arent the best.They just need to upgrade, and make there products more cutting edge ,because there have been alot of advancements in sports nutrition over the years.If they just made there protein Time released, and added Digestive enzymes, and maybe L-Glutamine as well as more protein per serving it would be a great product.Lastly if they  got rid of there GH product, updated there creatine product, improved there Lean Out product and did away with  that Muscle Synergy product.If you like Beverly International products stick with them, but in my opinion I think they need to do some updating thats all
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: 240 is Back on July 13, 2006, 10:20:13 PM
Mad props to John D of EXTREME LABS for sponsoring the Mr GetBig contest@
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 14, 2006, 11:40:54 AM
Yes I am sponsoring the Mr Getbig.If any of you fellas have any technical questions about dieting ,carb depelting or carb loading, or what ever I will gladly answer all your questions.Lets make this a good show
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: castor troy on July 14, 2006, 12:51:39 PM
Hi again. This is sorta off topic but.. do you think theres any natural bodybuilder who attained pro status naturally from the 60s to now then they started using.  I guess my real question is who do you think is gifted genetically for bodybuilding.  The normal range for test level is around 200-900 deciliters per nanograms.  I was wondering if theres a direct correlation between gifted natural bodybuilders and high levels of test or say if someone is at 400 can stilll grow just as good and as fast as someone around 900 because of receptors and other things. So say if this 400 guy starts using.. would he be respond  better to gear?  This is just hypothetical as we know there are other variables but lets say theoretically those are the only variables present and other things are controlled.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 14, 2006, 01:45:24 PM
Castor this is a very good question, and I know alot of people will argue with me on this one, but thats okay.I naturally have high testesterone level, not only because it was tested, butbut how big I got.I got to 255 lbs totally drug free, after 13 years of training and benched pressed 500 lbs and curled 225 for 4 reps .All the men in my family are 5'9" 5'11 "and all weigh 250 lbs +and none of them touched a weight in there life.My father smoked for 48 years, was an architectual designed never ever worked out and had almost 18" arms,as well as a 52" chest.So I naturally had high testosterone, yet when I injected Testosterone into my body, I would only gain 8-12 lbs tops,even on my first cycle.Then you have a friend of mine who was 160lbs and was very weak ,obviously genetically had low testosterone levels.Get on a cycle and would gain 35 lbs like it was nothing .Then you have Ronnie Coleman who turned Pro all natural, he was only 198lbs when he turned pro .He obviously has high testosterone levels  when get on his first cycle and I think he said he gained 30 lbs.I think naturally if I guy has high testosterone levels he will go alot far as a natural athlete.Now when it comes to anabolics it doesnt matter what your natural levels are so much as how your receptors respond to testosterone or anabolics.There are athletes like Keven Leverone who would be like 210 lbs off season, and come inot a show at 250 lbs.I know Kevein had geneticaly high testosterone by the way he looked before he even stated anabolics.It all how your receptors respond to the anabolic your taking in .Also you have to take to account that not all guys respend well to the same type of testosterone .I respond well to Sustaonon, and a friend of mines body works better with propinate.So its how well your receptors respong to testosterone levels more then what your natural testosterone levels are.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: ronian on July 14, 2006, 02:02:51 PM
Hi John, thanks for answering all the questions posted thus far frankly and openly.  My question is in regards to L-Glutamine.  I see you highly recommend this supp and reference studies done which show the positive results attained using glutamine, however, I have read that there are many studies which show glutamine is basically worthless when it comes to helping with muscle recovery.  What are you thoughts on this?  Thanks again.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: gh15 on July 14, 2006, 02:24:05 PM
Castor this is a very good question, and I know alot of people will argue with me on this one, but thats okay.I naturally have high testesterone level, not only because it was tested, butbut how big I got.I got to 255 lbs totally drug free, after 13 years of training and benched pressed 500 lbs and curled 225 for 4 reps .All the men in my family are 5'9" 5'11 "and all weigh 250 lbs +and none of them touched a weight in there life.My father smoked for 48 years, was an architectual designed never ever worked out and had almost 18" arms,as well as a 52" chest.So I naturally had high testosterone, yet when I injected Testosterone into my body, I would only gain 8-12 lbs tops,even on my first cycle.Then you have a friend of mine who was 160lbs and was very weak ,obviously genetically had low testosterone levels.Get on a cycle and would gain 35 lbs like it was nothing .Then you have Ronnie Coleman who turned Pro all natural, he was only 198lbs when he turned pro .He obviously has high testosterone levels  when get on his first cycle and I think he said he gained 30 lbs.I think naturally if I guy has high testosterone levels he will go alot far as a natural athlete.Now when it comes to anabolics it doesnt matter what your natural levels are so much as how your receptors respond to testosterone or anabolics.There are athletes like Keven Leverone who would be like 210 lbs off season, and come inot a show at 250 lbs.I know Kevein had geneticaly high testosterone by the way he looked before he even stated anabolics.It all how your receptors respond to the anabolic your taking in .Also you have to take to account that not all guys respend well to the same type of testosterone .I respond well to Sustaonon, and a friend of mines body works better with propinate.So its how well your receptors respong to testosterone levels more then what your natural testosterone levels are.

1) the only thing "high" natural testosterone levels will result in is:  being hairy. you my friend DONT HAVE HAIR! head included. but according to past pics you were never hairy.

2) having high natural testosterone level will NEVER EVER NEVER result in even 1/10 of 1 injectable amp of testosterone/day. you are as human as all of us.

3) 5'9 is not big. 6'5 is. alex is big! 5'9 is average. 5'8 and under is short and small framed.  250 at 5'9 with no hormones is fat as in fatzo.

4) IF the subject has high end (not average high,,,HIGH) of natural testosterone levels,, he will have a lot more distinctive face features than you (longer and wider jaw, deeper and more distinctive facial features,nails will be super flat,,exp:antonio banderas, tony danza) this will point to an almost perfect ratio of very high NATURAL test (within limit ofcourse!!) in relashion to estrogen produced by his body

5) ron colman was on gear long before he got his pro card. all through the football/powerlifting  years he was on gear. he started gh and slin when he reached high cometetive levels at around 210-220lb

6) inorder to show you how much i am right i suggest you post a picture of yourself from age 16-17 so it is demonstrated.

7) i got your pm and i have no problem with you what so ever. i just consider and respect my proffession way too much and this is the reason i am here with no blue stars.

Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: gh15 on July 14, 2006, 02:26:11 PM
by the way this will be the last time i go on this thread of yours no matter if what you say is reality or not. you have the right to post whatever you want here,,,let others decide.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 14, 2006, 02:51:17 PM
GH 15 what alot of what you said is correct.For you information I am genetically very hairy and so is my father.I have to literally shave me chest and arms daily .I have been shaving my body since I was 18.The only reason I shaved my head is I was slightly balding in the bcak of my head other wise I have a full head of hair.Plus once I shaved my head I didnt want to have hair on my head anymore. I even have to shave my upper back and shoulders every 3 days .Secondly when I was natural and I weighed 250 lbs, my bodyfat was no higher then 10% because I have a very fast metabolism.I have extremely big bones, my wrists are 8" in diameter, and my hands are huge.I can palm a basketball, lol.My hands are literally as big as a man who is around 6'4-6'5" .Lastly my father had a little bit of a stomach, but he was by all means not fat.He was built like a bear, broad stocky, and very strong.I have seen my father pick up engines and transmission from cars back in the 1970"s and carry them accross the garage.My Uncle Robert who was a big man and benched 500 lbs, couldnt beleive my fathers natural strength.All my relavitves where Stocky Italian men from Naples.My cousin who is also a bodybuilder, hasnt taken a cycle in 2 years and weighs 275 lbs and his body fat isnt over 10%..I am not 5"9 I am around 6 ft
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 14, 2006, 03:01:08 PM
Ronian ,L-Glutamine is the most over looked supplement out there.Did you know 60% of the free form amino acids floating in your skeletal muscle are from L-Glutamine .Also L-Glutamine plays a big role in the body metabolising protein better.I would pick L-Glutamaine over almost any other supplemnt besides a good protein powder.I would take a minimum of 30-40 grams of L-Glutamine per day.I would take a tablespoon in the morning, and tablespoon right after training, and a table spoon before bed.To make the L-Glutamine more effective I would add a teaspoon of Branched Chain Amnino acids in powder form every time you take L-Glutamine .The 2 most impotant supplements are a good protein powder and L-Gluamine.The best types of protein powders are the ones that contain protein from diffrent sources.Like one that contains Milk Isolate, Whey Isolate, Whey concentrates, Beta Caseins , and Egg white.This way it will have a sustained release and have a broad amino acid spectrum
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: alexxx on July 14, 2006, 03:04:30 PM
Cool so there is a reason for all of that hair on me! I wonder how much my test levels are.. 1500?
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 14, 2006, 03:39:48 PM
Alex you are a true character
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: alexxx on July 14, 2006, 03:40:52 PM
Alex you are a true character

Errr thanks I think. ;D
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: the choad on July 14, 2006, 04:07:37 PM
Cool so there is a reason for all of that hair on me! I wonder how much my test levels are.. 1500?

Alex i bet your natural test levels are over 1000ng/dl with free test being in the 60 ng/dl range  ;D
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: alexxx on July 14, 2006, 04:20:14 PM
Alex i bet your natural test levels are over 1000ng/dl with free test being in the 60 ng/dl range  ;D

Cool so do I just bring those stats to whomever is in charge of the contest with a doctor's note that they are naturally high levels and not caused from juicing?
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 14, 2006, 05:00:21 PM
Choad, I think Alex might have a higher amount of estrogen going on here.He tels people how pretty he is and he posted a pic of a guy he trains with.Just a thought
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: alexxx on July 14, 2006, 05:01:16 PM
Choad, I think Alex might have a higher amount of estrogen going on here.He tels people how pretty he is and he posted a pic of a guy he trains with.Just a thought

hahaha your jaleous their are 3 naturals that can blow you away! (I got another training partner) ;D
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 14, 2006, 05:09:49 PM
Oh god please Alex, I am 265 lbs now and I havent took anabolics in over a year.My bodyfat is probably around 7% so trust me they couldnt beat me.I was just joking with you, but if you want I will put my posing trunks back on and do some damage, lol
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: alexxx on July 14, 2006, 05:13:53 PM
Oh god please Alex, I am 265 lbs now and I havent took anabolics in over a year.My bodyfat is probably around 7% so trust me they couldnt beat me.I was just joking with you, but if you want I will put my posing trunks back on and do some damage, lol

hahaha it doesn't matter. There are plenty of bigger guys but not all of them have the shape. either way I am kidding. My other natural friend has a bad case of gyno! ;D ;D ;D But me and chinaboy can take you! :o
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 14, 2006, 05:20:03 PM
Okay what ever you say Alex, I am 5'11 265lbs and lean, and a natural guy can beat, lol if you say so.Technically I am natural because in Team Universe you only have to be one year drug free.I sure hope there are alot of guys bigger then me, lol,I havent used anabolics or even clomed or HCG in a year.So my test levels are probably in the dirt, lol  On my last cycle, last July I didnt even use HCG or Clomed to kick my body back in.If I doeted down right now I could stil get on stage at 240 lbs ,and be hard
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: michael arvilla on July 14, 2006, 05:22:16 PM
Mike whats up? You looked great for your show, I am suprised how much you came down, good job .
As far as competing goes for now I am semi-retired.I am almost 39 years young, and I got tired of carrying around 275-290 lbs off season for 5 years straight.I havent done a cycle since july 2005 for the USA and I maintained 272lbs until recently .I have been eating alot less, and I think im down to 260 lbs now.I plan to get down to 240 lbs and staying lean , for now.When you 5'11" and 280 lbs and fairly lean its hard to walk up stairs, and even buy clothes.I would by xxxl and they would fit tight in the arms and chest.Then when it came to pants my waist was a 34" but my legs got so big I had to buy a 42" pants and wear a belt.Plus bodybuilding on a national level is a full time job.The main reason is I didnt want to take insulin , GH or more anabolics .I had decent size, but at 258 lbs the judges thought I needed an extra 15-20 lbs to fill out my frame.That would mean I would have to use more drugs, and proably use insulin aswell.I  never id or wanted to use insulin, if you know anything about chemistry its pretty dangerous stuff. I am succesful I have a wonderful wife, and I have alot to live for.So for now I am going to just train  hard stay in shape and work with my endorsed athletes.Maybe when I turn 40 I will hit the masters nationals.Until then I am just am just keep formulating and running my biz.
Mike when are you and Cheri going to get married?

(i think you would kick ass in the Masters class,i hear ya tho with the drugs/health/and too expensive,
i can't believe 258 lbs on a 5ft11" frame could be considered small by the judges
in the pics i saw you looked thick and dense..................
yea i gotta put a ring on that girls finger soon!)
peace................... .Mike
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: alexxx on July 14, 2006, 05:27:42 PM
Okay what ever you say Alex, I am 5'11 265lbs and lean, and a natural guy can beat, lol if you say so.Technically I am natural because in Team Universe you only have to be one year drug free.I sure hope there are alot of guys bigger then me, lol,I havent used anabolics or even clomed or HCG in a year.So my test levels are probably in the dirt, lol  On my last cycle, last July I didnt even use HCG or Clomed to kick my body back in.If I doeted down right now I could stil get on stage at 240 lbs ,and be hard

Bro you have unlimited supplies of God knows what supplements. All we have is a bit of food and protein as supplements. If we where on all the things you are on and did a cycle in the past then I am sure my friend would be around your weight naturally and I would be over 300. ;) But still you are a big boy!
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 14, 2006, 05:59:24 PM
Alex, be over 300 come on, all the supplements in the world couldnt get you over 300 naturally, lol.To be honest with you I am not using really any supplements at all now, because I am trying to get down to 240 lbs.So I am trying to lose muscle, lol, I am tired of carrying 275-290lbs off season, so I am just trying to have just a nice physique.I carried an average of 280 lbs for 5 years, and it gets tiring walking up stairs, and trying to find clothes that fit.I love bodybuilding, but for now I am semi -retired
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: castor troy on July 15, 2006, 02:02:25 AM
Thanks again John for your responses. I have another question that may have been talked about before but I bet alot of naturals still think about this once in a while.  Say a natural guy like yourself back then decided to use and then gained good quality, solid 30-40 lbs after using.  Besides loss of water would you lose all of the mass that you gained after you quit using (say within 3-4 months) even if you eat right and workout right naturally? I know the answer is probably case by case based but seems like for you  you still retain alot of what you gained from the stuff.  But to carry all that mass requires high maintenance.  Is the maintenance level higher now that you are natural and need to maintain that amount of muscularity than when you were using?

Most naturals will automatically say no way you can retain any of that because your test level was never that high to begin with and that determines the capacity one can gain muscle mass.  However, if they argue that way it seems as if everyone is destined to gain only certain amount of muscle and stop right there like they have reached their genetic limit or potential. Is that the sad truth?

We hear that naturals have to be more patient because the gains are slower.  But what bout those people who trained 7-8 years naturally and can just not grow anymore no matter what they try cept for drugs? Is it really slower or is it because they have almost reached their natural genetic limit and its even harder to add few more ounces of muscle because they are so close to the ceiling.

I know some ifbb pros start using since their 18-22s so they wont be able to answer this question because they havent given themselves more years to workout naturally to reach that ceiling but since you have been on both sides of the fence I think you understand this more than most people do.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: dr.chimps on July 15, 2006, 06:42:32 AM
I agree with the rest here: Thank you, John, for being so patient and indulging us with answers to, seemingly, trite questions. I have one, if I may. I'm an older lifter who lately has been supplementing my natural decline in test with M1T, with great (amazing, even) success. Now my question is about Gaspari prods., which you briefly mentioned in another post. I have a line on both the Methyl-D Xtreme and the Halodrol. Could you give me a bit of detail (anabolic vs. androgenic properties, etc.) on each and perhaps your thoughts thereof.

I would be most appreciative. Thank you, Mike
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: the choad on July 15, 2006, 08:58:25 AM
I agree with the rest here: Thank you, John, for being so patient and indulging us with answers to, seemingly, trite questions. I have one, if I may. I'm an older lifter who lately has been supplementing my natural decline in test with M1T, with great (amazing, even) success. Now my question is about Gaspari prods., which you briefly mentioned in another post. I have a line on both the Methyl-D Xtreme and the Halodrol. Could you give me a bit of detail (anabolic vs. androgenic properties, etc.) on each and perhaps your thoughts thereof.

I would be most appreciative. Thank you, Mike

those products are all very toxic..I would recommend you use injectable (test) and other non toxic anabolics..I would wager that all of those products you listed are all more toxic than anadrol....
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 15, 2006, 11:37:24 AM
Choad is right some of the products you mentioned are toxic, but not as toxic as Anadrol or Halotestin.Gaspari's Halo Dro,is a good product, and we make a really strong one called Halo Test Depot.Also Legal Gear has a couple of pretty good ones as well.
We know that Products Like M1T, Halodrol, and Superdrol can be toxic on the liver.So can Anadrol, and Haloteston.To properly clean your liver and lower your liver enzymes after using over the counter products, aswell as steroids here is what you do for 10 days.Take lemon cut it in half put half in the blender, then take 1/2 cup of Vigin OLive oil, and then add 1 cup of water.Then blend these ingredients until its just liquid, then drink it.To make it taster better add a tablespoon of Equal or Splenda to it.This will clean you liver and lower your liver enzymes drastically.I got this formula from my professor in college, who once was a national level athlete.I know it sounds crazy but it really does work.TO test how well it worked my friend and I had blood work done, and my liver enzymes were 32 and his were 37.We then got on a 30 cycle I went on Haloteston, he went on Anadrol 50 .After 30 days, my liver enzymes shot up to 185, and his liver enzymes, got to 215.Then we both drank the 3 ingredients I mentioned for 10 days.We were amazed, my liver enzymes went down to 35 and his went down to 42 in just 10 days of drinking this formula.So the next time you take a cycle of prohormones or streroids, after your done, drink this formula I mentioed to take all toxcity out of your liver.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 15, 2006, 11:59:11 AM
Castor Troy good question.Most guys who use anabolics only eat right and train hard when they are on a cycle other wise, its like they lose there drive.Wether or not I was on a cycle or staying clean I always ate 7-8 meals a day, and trained heavy and intensly.The secret is to eat the same when your off of a cycle and to cut back on the amount of sets you do.Lets say, When I was on a cycle I would do 12-14 sets for my chest, when I was off I would only do 9-11 sets for my chest.I would train just as hard, but not as many sets, because my body isnt as anabolic.Also alot of guys who use anabolics dont use supplements which is stupid.When there I was on a cycle or off a cycle I would always use Creatine ,L-Glutamine, BCAAS, and protein powders.Plus I always make sure I get 7- 9 hours sleep every night.Most importantly I dont party at all or drink any alcohol, which alot of bodybuilders seem to do
To answer your question about genetic potential is simple you can only achieve what your mind can concieve .Most naturals limit them selves by saying I am not big because I am natural, or you cant get really big naturally.You can only achieve what you mind can concieve.For example a fish wil only get as big as the tank you put it in, the bigger the tank the more the fish will grow.So with this being said, you and only you  can decide what your capable of achieving natural
If some one say your gentically maxed out after 7-8 years of training naturally there dead wrong!!! I made most of my best gains after about 9 years of training.Just because your natural doesnt mean your going to be small or even a hard gainer.When your natural you need to take supplements, dont over train, and make sure you get alot of rest.If you follow these principles you can get pretty big naturally.I got up to 255 lbs all naturall, benched 500 lbs raw, and curled 225 lbs for 4 reps.Why because I didnt set limits on myself and I pushed my self  to be more and do more. Natural athletes need to wake up and not limit them selves, just go for it.Be the best you an be naturally
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: dr.chimps on July 15, 2006, 12:23:20 PM
we make a really strong one called Halo Test Depot.
 here is what you do for 10 days.Take lemon cut it in half put half in the blender, then take 1/2 cup of Vigin OLive oil, and then add 1 cup of water.Then blend these ingredients until its just liquid, then drink it.To make it taster better add a tablespoon of Equal or Splenda to it.
Thank you, John, for the response. Sounds a bit strange, but I certainly will give your 'detox' formula a try (that's a lot of olive oil!  :)) Any specific time of day? I also checked out your Extreme Labs site, but did not come across the said Halo Test Depot in your list of products. Link?

/The Choad: Thanks for your input, and I hear this criticism from my friends too, but for me injectables are not an option (not the gear, but the injecting part, I mean).  :-[
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 15, 2006, 02:36:10 PM
Dr Chimps , You can drink that formula anytime during the day, ,just make sure you drink it everyday for 10 days.
As for Halo Test Depot, and Methyl Tren Depot, they arent on my companies website yet because they are new, and we are updating our website.They do sell both of those products on
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: the choad on July 15, 2006, 03:22:29 PM
Thank you, John, for the response. Sounds a bit strange, but I certainly will give your 'detox' formula a try (that's a lot of olive oil!  :)) Any specific time of day? I also checked out your Extreme Labs site, but did not come across the said Halo Test Depot in your list of products. Link?

/The Choad: Thanks for your input, and I hear this criticism from my friends too, but for me injectables are not an option (not the gear, but the injecting part, I mean).  :-[

Well my freind you can always drop some test base into a transdermal carrier..
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: hangclean on July 15, 2006, 03:51:13 PM
Leo, I dont think Beverly International is a bad company, actually some of there products are pretty good.They just use older technology thats all. Like 1 scoop of there protein powder only have 16 - 21 grams of protein per scoop .Most protein powders today have 20 to 30 grams per scoop.Also there protein isnt sustained or Time released so your body can absorb the protein more effectively.Time released protein mimmicks food, so the protein doesnt get wasted in digestion.They dont have added L-Gluamine or BCCAS to alot of there protein powder to help with recovery.Plus there product like there GH Ptroduct in capsules, and there Creatine Phosphate are out dated, its 1996 technology.I think Beverly International is a reputable company, I just think they need to advance there product line a little bit more.I didnt mean to bash them earlier but GH15 kind of backed me inot a corner.Beverly is better then most proteins out there, but they definalty arent the best.They just need to upgrade, and make there products more cutting edge ,because there have been alot of advancements in sports nutrition over the years.If they just made there protein Time released, and added Digestive enzymes, and maybe L-Glutamine as well as more protein per serving it would be a great product.Lastly if they  got rid of there GH product, updated there creatine product, improved there Lean Out product and did away with  that Muscle Synergy product.If you like Beverly International products stick with them, but in my opinion I think they need to do some updating thats all
Dude, have you ever looked at their labels?  Ultimate Muscle Protein by Beverly has BCAA's Plus L-glutamine and Arginine added to it.  Also it has 20 grams of total protein per scoop.  I have no problem with you trying to hype your products but dont make shit up about other products to make yours look better.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 15, 2006, 05:05:04 PM
Hang Clean , I said Beverly International was a good company, I just said alot of there products are just out dated.Having 20 grams per scoop is not alot of protein,because alot of other protein companies have 25 to 30 grams of protein per scoop.Secondly I didnt hype my products, if you read my post again I didnt mention even one of the protein products we make, and we make like 10.Now if I said there Muscle Protein is junk and lets say my Lean Mass is better, then I would be guilty of what your accusing me of.Bottom line is Beverly International makes some good products, they just arent cutting edge, thats all.Thats my opinion, and I am entitled to my opinion.If you like Beverly International products then continue to buy them, if there working keep using them.See, there is no bashing here I am  just giving my opinion, because some body asked me what I thought about Beverly International
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: airrick on July 15, 2006, 06:18:54 PM
GETITONY, props dog! you look phenomenal!  keep up the hard work (natural or not!)... both require hard work!
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 15, 2006, 07:52:01 PM
Thank you Arrick
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 16, 2006, 11:01:09 AM
Choad , 99% wouldnt know what to do with test and a trandermal carrier, lol
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: hangclean on July 16, 2006, 01:53:12 PM
Hang Clean , I said Beverly International was a good company, I just said alot of there products are just out dated.Having 20 grams per scoop is not alot of protein,because alot of other protein companies have 25 to 30 grams of protein per scoop.Secondly I didnt hype my products, if you read my post again I didnt mention even one of the protein products we make, and we make like 10.Now if I said there Muscle Protein is junk and lets say my Lean Mass is better, then I would be guilty of what your accusing me of.Bottom line is Beverly International makes some good products, they just arent cutting edge, thats all.Thats my opinion, and I am entitled to my opinion.If you like Beverly International products then continue to buy them, if there working keep using them.See, there is no bashing here I am  just giving my opinion, because some body asked me what I thought about Beverly International
You specifically said in your post that they didnt have added glutamine or BCAA's.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 16, 2006, 02:54:50 PM
Hang CLEAN here are the ingredients to Muscle Provider, it doesnt say anywhere it contains added L-Glutamine of added Bcaas

Protein Blend (Whey Protein Isolate, Hydrolyzed Whey Protein, Whey Protein Concentrate, Lactalbumin, Egg White), Natural and Artificial Flavors, Maltodextrin, Soy Lecithin, Malic Acid, Dipotassium Phosphate, Sucralose.

If they added L-Glutamine and BCCAS, it owuld state that on the ingredients.
I nver said there products are bad, I just think that they use older techonogly.Like there GH, product is something that was marketed in the 1990's, and was never proven to raise GH levels.Also there creatine product contains creatine Phosphate, which is something that was popular in 1997.Since then it has been proven that creatine Phosphate is pretty much not effective.I think Beverly International make pretty good protein powder, better then 80% of the companies out there. But I wouldnt consider then even close to the best products on the market.If you like Beverly International , an you use there product,and they are working, then keep using them.I was aksed my opinion, abot Beverly International, and I gave it.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 16, 2006, 05:32:45 PM
From this point on lets keep this thread only positive.There is enough negative threads on this webiste already.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: hangclean on July 17, 2006, 11:46:57 AM
Hang CLEAN here are the ingredients to Muscle Provider, it doesnt say anywhere it contains added L-Glutamine of added Bcaas

Protein Blend (Whey Protein Isolate, Hydrolyzed Whey Protein, Whey Protein Concentrate, Lactalbumin, Egg White), Natural and Artificial Flavors, Maltodextrin, Soy Lecithin, Malic Acid, Dipotassium Phosphate, Sucralose.

If they added L-Glutamine and BCCAS, it owuld state that on the ingredients.
I nver said there products are bad, I just think that they use older techonogly.Like there GH, product is something that was marketed in the 1990's, and was never proven to raise GH levels.Also there creatine product contains creatine Phosphate, which is something that was popular in 1997.Since then it has been proven that creatine Phosphate is pretty much not effective.I think Beverly International make pretty good protein powder, better then 80% of the companies out there. But I wouldnt consider then even close to the best products on the market.If you like Beverly International , an you use there product,and they are working, then keep using them.I was aksed my opinion, abot Beverly International, and I gave it.
I was talking about the Ultimate Muscle protein.  I even said that in my post.  The Muscle Provider Is not as good in my opinion.  Just for the record I am not trying to be a dick here, it just bothered me in the original post you made about the Beverly products that you stated false info.  I dont use any of their products besides for Ultimate Muscle Protein by the way.  I also agree that Kre-Alkylyn is the best creatine product ever.  I use the Max Muscle brand but if you put out a product I am sure it's just as good.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: The True Adonis on July 17, 2006, 12:05:04 PM
From this point on lets keep this thread only positive.There is enough negative threads on this webiste already.

How much mass can you add on me if I were to follow what you say to a T?

Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: UK Gold on July 17, 2006, 12:54:40 PM
Choad is right some of the products you mentioned are toxic, but not as toxic as Anadrol or Halotestin.Gaspari's Halo Dro,is a good product, and we make a really strong one called Halo Test Depot.Also Legal Gear has a couple of pretty good ones as well.
We know that Products Like M1T, Halodrol, and Superdrol can be toxic on the liver.So can Anadrol, and Haloteston.To properly clean your liver and lower your liver enzymes after using over the counter products, aswell as steroids here is what you do for 10 days.Take lemon cut it in half put half in the blender, then take 1/2 cup of Vigin OLive oil, and then add 1 cup of water.Then blend these ingredients until its just liquid, then drink it.To make it taster better add a tablespoon of Equal or Splenda to it.This will clean you liver and lower your liver enzymes drastically.I got this formula from my professor in college, who once was a national level athlete.I know it sounds crazy but it really does work.TO test how well it worked my friend and I had blood work done, and my liver enzymes were 32 and his were 37.We then got on a 30 cycle I went on Haloteston, he went on Anadrol 50 .After 30 days, my liver enzymes shot up to 185, and his liver enzymes, got to 215.Then we both drank the 3 ingredients I mentioned for 10 days.We were amazed, my liver enzymes went down to 35 and his went down to 42 in just 10 days of drinking this formula.So the next time you take a cycle of prohormones or streroids, after your done, drink this formula I mentioed to take all toxcity out of your liver.
Half a cup of extra virgin olive oil? That is a hell of a lot of fat, good or not. Won't it make you shit slime for a week?
Does this really work? Or is it some bodybuilding fairytale?
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 17, 2006, 02:58:42 PM
Hang Clean I just briefyl looked at there product line.The protein powder you spoke about seems like a pretty good protein powder.Do you say on the label how much L-Glutamine and amnio acids are in each serving?At of all of there products that is the only one that impresses me, the rest seem just okay.Protein powder are like cars , you find one you like and one that works for you, and stick with it, until something else better comes along .The only thing I wish is they had a higher protein to carb ratio.Twently grams of protein and 5 grams of carbs is pretty good.The product would be excellent if it had lets say 45 -50 grams of protein and lets say 5-6 grams of carbs.Other then that the product seems pretty solid, and if you like it keep using it
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 17, 2006, 03:03:33 PM
UK if you read my post, you will see my professor at college gave it to me who was a former nationel level bodybuilder.After using Halotestin for 30 days, my liver enzymes went from around 30 to 185.I know this because I had blood work done.After drinking that formula for 10 days straight my liver enzymes went from 185 back down to 35.This is no joke even my doctor was shocked on how fat my liver enzymes went down, he couldnt beleive it
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 17, 2006, 03:11:48 PM
True Adonis I cant give you an exact figure on how much weight or muscle you will gain if you did everything I said to a T.The reason for this isI am not a physchic.Even if you asked me how much weight would you gain if you took steroids, I couldnt answer it.I can tell you this I have worked with guys who have easily gained 10-20 pounds in 6 to 8 weeks time doing the things I shared with you.I dont know how you train, how you eat, but if you post that I cant fine tune what your doing to make sure you get the most muscle growth you can naturally.Kre-Alkalyn creatine alone I have seem it put 5-8 pounds on a person in just 2 weeks, just imagine if you did everthing else.One thing I can guarantee you is you will look better, recovery alot faster,and you will notice a big increase in strength.You look really good now for a natural athlete but the only way you can get to the next level is to take supplements,otherwise you just wasting your time.All the top professional "real natural " athletes use alot of supplements
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: hangclean on July 17, 2006, 03:21:28 PM
True Adonis I cant give you an exact figure on how much weight or muscle you will gain if you did everything I said to a T.The reason for this isI am not a physchic.Even if you asked me how much weight would you gain if you took steroids, I couldnt answer it.I can tell you this I have worked with guys who have easily gained 10-20 pounds in 6 to 8 weeks time doing the things I shared with you.I dont know how you train, how you eat, but if you post that I cant fine tune what your doing to make sure you get the most muscle growth you can naturally.Kre-Alkalyn creatine alone I have seem it put 5-8 pounds on a person in just 2 weeks, just imagine if you did everthing else.One thing I can guarantee you is you will look better, recovery alot faster,and you will notice a big increase in strength.You look really good now for a natural athlete but the only way you can get to the next level is to take supplements,otherwise you just wasting your time.All the top professional "real natural " athletes use alot of supplements
Kre-Alkalyn is the best creatine I've ever used.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 17, 2006, 03:56:10 PM
Kre-Alkayln is the best creatine ever develpoed, and ever made period!!!!

I know GH15 is just wanting to come on this thread and talk nonsense, lol its killing him inside, lol.Its taking everything he got, icluding popping valiums, lol not to try to try to prove me wrong , lol .No matter what he says or does, it never works, lol .Just having a lil fun
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: njflex on July 17, 2006, 07:29:13 PM
Kre-Alkayln is the best creatine ever develpoed, and ever made period!!!!

I know GH15 is just wanting to come on this thread and talk nonsense, lol its killing him inside, lol.Its taking everything he got, icluding popping valiums, lol not to try to try to prove me wrong , lol .No matter what he says or does, it never works, lol .Just having a lil fun
your a positive person to have on the board,and you don't brag about beating this one or knowing more than that one.just good info and  have bumped up glutamine added 2 more serving's.been using it steady for a few year's.what is your thought on sat gaspari super pump,or labrada supercharge thei basically same preworkout,i get good veiny pump from supercharge.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 17, 2006, 09:07:23 PM
NJ Flex the first thing I would like to say is Gaspari and Labrada, both made some really good products.The 2 products you mentioned are there only downfalls Gaspari, Super Pump 250 and Labrada Supercharge.The problem is both of these companies used Tri Creatine Malate.If you know anything about Creatine, it can only be bonded to a Monohydrate, which is water.Tri -Creatine Malate is creatine supposably bonded to Malic Acid.The problem with this is creaine Monohydrate has a PH( parts Hydrogen) of 6.5.If you acid an acid, such as Malic Acid it lowers the Ph  to the point it will get the proper reaction.In other words it they will not bond together.The only way they could be making Tricreatine Malate is to just mic Creatine Monohydrate with Malic Acid.The problem with this is once you put them in liquid or digest them the compounds completelty seperate.So what they attempted to do is useless.What you can do is make your own kick ass creatine product.Just go to bodybuilding .com, and get what you need.You will need Kre-Alkalyn, L-Arginine , Chromium, caffiene, and some Dextrose.Now take 1 teaspoon of Kre-ALkalyn , 1 teaspoon of L-Arginine, 60Mcg of chromium, and Dextrose.You can get the Higher Power brand of Chromium and caffiene pills, and there pretty cheap.Now take 1 teasppon of Kre-Alkalyn ,1 teaspoon of L-Arginine and 2 table spoons of Dextrose.To flavor it add Crystal Light of Kool-Aide.Now put all of this in a glass, and add 8 to 10 oz of water.Then take 200 mg of Caffeine  in pill form, and 60 Mcg of Chromium in pill form.Now take the caffiene and chrmoium, put them in your mouth  and wash it down with the Kre-Alkalyn ,L-Arginine ,Dextrose mix.Take these ingredients 30 minutes prior to trainingThis is a failry inexpensive thing you can do yourself and I guarantee its more effective then Super Pump 250 and Recharge.I could make it more complex, but I made it simply enough that almost anyone can do this.This blend is just about the same thing all these other companies are doing, Creatine ,caffiene ,L-Arginine ,Chroimum and some carbs to fill the muscle cell with glycogen.We make a product name Full Throttle that is very effective, but if your looking for an inexpensive creatine that is better then 90 % of  all the creatine products out there, the mixture I told you will really give you alot of bang for your buck.I think Labrada, and Gaspari make alot of good products, but as far as the Super pump 250 and the recharge, they will give you energy, and pumps, but the creatine they are using is totally useless.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: njflex on July 18, 2006, 05:24:34 AM
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 18, 2006, 08:52:55 AM
Your Welcome
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: El Guapo on July 18, 2006, 08:57:02 AM
John what is the difference between Iso milk and nitro gen extreme? I sit just the milk protein,what are the
advantages of milk over whey?Thanks

Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 18, 2006, 03:53:52 PM
Muscle Milk is a caseinate protein, and Nitro Gen Xtreme is a Whey Protein Isolate.Muscle milk isnt a bad product, but it has a tone of flaws.Instead of using Milk Isolate, they use Alpha and Beta cassientes.A casseinate is a cheaper form of Milk Isolate, usually around 70 % protein versus, Isolate at 90% protein.Plus Muscle milk has 18 grams of fat and only 32 grams of protein.There fat is from MCT'S which is fat found in cocunut oil and butter.Mct oil can cause cramping and is not as good as flax or CLA.Now is Muscle Milk changed the protein to Milk Isolate, now your talking .Milk Isolate is the single best protein out there.Its not as good as combination proteins, such as Milk Isolate, Whey Isolate, and Egg white combined.Milk Isolate has the highest naturally occuring L-Glutamine 22.3% versus Whey Protein Isolate at only 19.1 % naturaly occurring L-Glutamine.Plus Milk Isolate has the best sustainted release factor, because it naturally curdles in the stomach.Milk Isolate is the closing thin g to mothers milk, and has been used in trauma patients for years.Also  if Muscle Milk lowered the amount of fat they use, and changed the fat to flax, or even CLA.
Now Nitro GEN Xtreme is a great product aswell, because its one of the only Time released Whey Protein Isolate on the market, plus it has 10 grams of L-Glutamine per serving.It has 60 grams of protein and only 5 grams of carbs in 2 1/2 scoops.My personal opinion I would use our Lean Mass which has Milk Isolate ,Whey Isolate, and Egwwhite protein, plus 10 grams of L-Gluamine per serving.It has alot braoder spectrum of amino acids then any other protein  out there.But if you like vWhey the Nitro Gen Xtreme is a great product as well.The only reason Whey protein Isolate is so popular is because it has the fastest breakdown in digestion, and its very clean.Its the best protein right after training, but it doesnt time release as well as Milk Isolate
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: El Guapo on July 18, 2006, 04:55:19 PM
Thanks for your response john. However I was talking about the iso milk product that you make that they sell on Not muscle milk(which I always thought was junk).

Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: El Guapo on July 18, 2006, 05:00:53 PM
also, why did you include soy protein in your lean mass product?

Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 18, 2006, 07:12:48 PM
I am sorry Leo, I have been very busy lately, running the company plus I got 5 of the athleytes doing the USA next week.
Iso Milk Matrix, is now called Lean Mass XR Matrix. The Lean Mass XR Matrix, has Milk Isolate, Alpha and Beta cassenates, Whey Isolate, and 10 grams of L-Glutamine per serving.Plus it has 8 grams of fat from Falx Seed powder and CLA.Best of al it will time release up to 8 hours in digestion, so its great for before bed.The Nitrogen Xtreme is a Whey protein Isolate, that is time released.It will time release up to 4 hours.It alos has 10 grams of L-Glutamine pern serving.They are both good protein, the Lean Mass Xr Matrix has a better amino Acid profile, and time releases longer.The Nitrogen Xtreme has absorbs in the muscle tissue faster.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: alexxx on July 18, 2006, 07:14:08 PM
Question for Getitonme!! Does your lack of height help in any way lift more heavier weights?
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 18, 2006, 07:23:09 PM
Leo ,When I first formulated Lean Mass back in 1995 it was the first time released  protein ever made.My goal was to make the first time released protein and have the perfect PDCAAS profile.This means protein digestiability corrected amino acid scores, its the only score that is neutral and is the only one used by the FDA.This truly determines how well a protein digest, and how braod the amino acid profile is.Since 1995 we have improved Lean Mass, but Lean Mass has the best amino acid profile of any protein ever made period.You asked why does Lean Mass contain Soy Isolate?Well Lean Mass only contains about 10 % of its protein from Soy Isolate.The reason for this is because  Soy Isolate is the only protein that can repair soft muscle tissue, like your kidenys, heart , and tendons.The most over looked things by bodybuilders, and powerlifters.Plus in research, small amounts of Soy Protein was shown to help stop prostate cancer.Now I know what alot of you guys are thinking, yes alot of Soy, can increase your estrogen levels and your right.The good thing is Lean Mass contains very little Soy Protein just enough to make its amino acid profile more complete.Soy protein in small amounts is good for men, but high amounts can raise estrogen levels.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 18, 2006, 07:24:20 PM
Alex lack of height im 5'11 almost 6 ft so I am not short, but im not really tall either, lol
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: alexxx on July 18, 2006, 07:31:24 PM
Alex lack of height im 5'11 almost 6 ft so I am not short, but im not really tall either, lol

Answer the question shorty! Can you still benchh 225 pounds even when off the "stack"?
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: sarcasm on July 18, 2006, 07:32:22 PM
Answer the question shorty! Can you still benchh 225 pounds even when off the "stack"?
he wouldn't even be in the gym if he came off everything just like all of the "pros".
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: alexxx on July 18, 2006, 07:35:51 PM
haha good point sarc so true! Bodybuilders are the lazziest men ever to grace the green grass of this earth.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: sarcasm on July 18, 2006, 07:39:12 PM
haha good point sarc so true! Bodybuilders are the lazziest men ever to grace the green grass of this earth.
all of that is correct except the part about them being men.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 18, 2006, 07:40:32 PM
To be honest with you I have used ant steroids in over a year, last July, for the USA'S I did my last cycle.For your information I can still bench press, 500lbs for 2 and squat 6 plates on each side for 5 reps
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: alexxx on July 18, 2006, 07:41:43 PM
Post some more pics of your 7% 260 pound natural physique please.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: sarcasm on July 18, 2006, 07:42:55 PM
To be honest with you I have used ant steroids in over a year, last July, for the USA'S I did my last cycle.For your information I can still bench press, 500lbs for 2 and squat 6 plates on each side for 5 reps
of course you can sweetheart.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 18, 2006, 07:45:57 PM
Sarcasm well if you dont beleive me come to Vegas, and we will bet a $ 1000 and you can see for yourself
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: sarcasm on July 18, 2006, 07:46:56 PM
Sarcasm well if you dont beleive me come to Vegas, and we will bet a $ 1000 and you can see for yourself
where are you going to get 1000 bucks, you're a bodybuilder aren't you?
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: alexxx on July 18, 2006, 07:51:16 PM
where are you going to get 1000 bucks, you're a bodybuilder aren't you?

bodybuilder aka dealer ;D
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 18, 2006, 07:54:52 PM
Sarcasm lol, yes I am a bodybuilder but I have never sold any form of anabolics period, lol.I only 4 sports nutrition companies ExtremeLabs, Muscle Synergy, Dedicated Woman, and the Natural Solution.I endorse over a dozen athletes including Art Atwood and Will Harris.So I am legit,
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: sarcasm on July 18, 2006, 07:57:06 PM
Sarcasm lol, yes I am a bodybuilder but I have never sold any form of anabolics period, lol.I only 4 sports nutrition companies ExtremeLabs, Muscle Synergy, Dedicated Woman, and the Natural Solution.I endorse over a dozen athletes including Art Atwood and Will Harris.So I am legit,
"you only 4 sports nutrition companies", how do you do that without being able to spell?
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: dorkeroo on July 18, 2006, 07:57:14 PM
Sarcasm lol, yes I am a bodybuilder but I have never sold any form of anabolics period, lol.I only 4 sports nutrition companies ExtremeLabs, Muscle Synergy, Dedicated Woman, and the Natural Solution.I endorse over a dozen athletes including Art Atwood and Will Harris.So I am legit,

Don't worry about sarcasm, anyone that can bench more than him is lying :-\
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 18, 2006, 08:00:55 PM
Sarcasm I can spell I just suck at typing, that is why I havew a secretary.I have huge hans and I fumble around on the keyboard like I have 2 left hands
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: sarcasm on July 18, 2006, 08:03:15 PM
Sarcasm I can spell I just suck at typing, that is why I havew a secretary.I have huge hans and I fumble around on the keyboard like I have 2 left hands
they don't look huge in pictures, don't tell me you're one of these guys that thinks he is too huge to do things normal people do at a MASSIVE 250lbs., hahaha, it always makes me laugh when i hear guys say this shit as if they're 8'6" 750lbs., get over yourself.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: gh15 on July 18, 2006, 08:12:56 PM
i start reading this thread for entertainment purposes now days when i come on getbig :D
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: alexxx on July 18, 2006, 08:19:32 PM
i start reading this thread for entertainment purposes now days when i come on getbig :D

And just how much do you bench big boy? 325?
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 18, 2006, 08:23:43 PM
I am not huge, I am just good size now, I weigh about 257 lbs, but my hands have always been big.I can palm a basket ball, and my hands are bigger then alot of guys who are 6"4 -6'5".I have really long fingers, and 8" wrists.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 18, 2006, 08:27:04 PM
GH15 I try to be nice to this guy, but he just never stops does he.I talked to my cousin who lives in LA down by Venice beach, and I asked him about GH15, I know his real name.It seems like GH15 is quite the entertainer , when it comes to private posing sessions for the local rich homosexuals in Venice.GH 15 acts like a real bad ass, but its seems like he is a pillow bitter deep down inside, lol
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: alexxx on July 18, 2006, 08:28:53 PM
GH15 I try to be nice to this guy, but he just never stops does he.I talked to my cousin who lives in LA down by Venice beach, and I asked him about GH15, I know his real name.It seems like GH15 is quite the entertainer , when it comes to private posing sessions for the local rich homosexuals in Venice.GH 15 acts like a real bad ass, but its seems like he is a pillow bitter deep down inside, lol

LMAO!!! ;D
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: castor troy on July 18, 2006, 10:15:49 PM
Is GH15 bitter because he is too short for the sport or too tall for the sport?  What is his stats like?   You dont have to give away name but you can give away stats. Theres nothing wrong with that.  He claims to be top olympian is it true?

Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 18, 2006, 11:23:24 PM
Castor, I dont know want GH15's  problem is ,I think he is a just a bitter angry person.I tried to be nice to him 2 weeks of free supplements just to prove to him supplements do work.Of course he backed out because he knew I would prove him wrong.I think gh15 's thinks he always has to be right, and if he doesnt like something , or doesnt know about something its junk.He im pretty sure sells stroids for a living, which is his buissnes.The problem I have with him is he thinks all supplements are scams or junk.Thats only because he doesnt know anything about them so if he doesnt know about something he would rather say its junk then admit he doesnt know.If he was smart he would realise that if it wasnt for supplements companies paying there endorsed athletes, all Pro bodybuilders would be dirt poor.Just look at the prize money at pro bodybuilding shows, lol take lets say 8 th ot 10 th in the Mr Olympia, and only get a $1000 , thats sad.Any other sport pays 1000 times more then that.Me OLYMPIA I think I am not sure got like $120-150,000 ,lol thats sad, considering winning the superbowl pays millions.If it wasnt for BSN paying Ronnie Coleman I think it was 1 million dollars for a 2 to 3 year contract, he would have hard times.A 120-150,000 isnt crap when your spending a third of that on drugs a year just to stay on top.So GH15  keep bashing supplements, and I will save your posts, and email them to any company that is or might be endorsing you.Remember this GH15 supplements do work, and if it wasnt for supplement companies endorsing athletes and sponsoring bodybuilding shows, there would be pro bodybuilding shows.So you can thank me for sponsoring the Arnold and the Mr O for the last 7 years buy paying $6000 per booth for 2 booths so you could get your prize money.GH15 dont bite the hands that feed you, or it might bite you in the ass
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: castor troy on July 18, 2006, 11:37:02 PM
Nice post John. (got em by the balls) 
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: gh15 on July 18, 2006, 11:59:51 PM
Castor, I dont know want GH15's  problem is ,I think he is a just a bitter angry person.I tried to be nice to him 2 weeks of free supplements just to prove to him supplements do work.Of course he backed out because he knew I would prove him wrong.I think gh15 's thinks he always has to be right, and if he doesnt like something , or doesnt know about something its junk.He im pretty sure sells stroids for a living, which is his buissnes.The problem I have with him is he thinks all supplements are scams or junk.Thats only because he doesnt know anything about them so if he doesnt know about something he would rather say its junk then admit he doesnt know.If he was smart he would realise that if it wasnt for supplements companies paying there endorsed athletes, all Pro bodybuilders would be dirt poor.Just look at the prize money at pro bodybuilding shows, lol take lets say 8 th ot 10 th in the Mr Olympia, and only get a $1000 , thats sad.Any other sport pays 1000 times more then that.Me OLYMPIA I think I am not sure got like $120-150,000 ,lol thats sad, considering winning the superbowl pays millions.If it wasnt for BSN paying Ronnie Coleman I think it was 1 million dollars for a 2 to 3 year contract, he would have hard times.A 120-150,000 isnt crap when your spending a third of that on drugs a year just to stay on top.So GH15  keep bashing supplements, and I will save your posts, and email them to any company that is or might be endorsing you.Remember this GH15 supplements do work, and if it wasnt for supplement companies endorsing athletes and sponsoring bodybuilding shows, there would be pro bodybuilding shows.So you can thank me for sponsoring the Arnold and the Mr O for the last 7 years buy paying $6000 per booth for 2 booths so you could get your prize money.GH15 dont bite the hands that feed you, or it might bite you in the ass

 :D :D :D  i start liking your posts  :D :D :D
listen,,, i didnt say EVERY SINGLE SUPP is junk. i said 99% of them is junk!

good supp: protien powders such as anything to do with dorian yates or beverly and FEW other "companies",,,,BCAA is decent SUPP infact it is GOOD SUPP!,,,umm digestive enzymes are decent...especially if you got problems down there!,,,,what,,,vitargo the jury still out,, multi vitamin is ok,,,rest is simply JUNK.

creatine is junk,,,glutamine id take only if it's part of protien poweder,,,pro hormones...better take real gear tablets since you gonna get real results as in REAL muscle mass gains,,,,thats bout it. i know a lot about supp i just know the business so well,, that i cant lie about it especially not under this gh15 name ;)

if majority of supp worked as of 2006,, you would have many MANY big muscular guys in ymca,,you dont.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: schwarzenpecker on July 19, 2006, 12:09:31 AM
Castor, I dont know want GH15's  problem is ,I think he is a just a bitter angry person.I tried to be nice to him 2 weeks of free supplements just to prove to him supplements do work.Of course he backed out because he knew I would prove him wrong.I think gh15 's thinks he always has to be right, and if he doesnt like something , or doesnt know about something its junk.He im pretty sure sells stroids for a living, which is his buissnes.The problem I have with him is he thinks all supplements are scams or junk.Thats only because he doesnt know anything about them so if he doesnt know about something he would rather say its junk then admit he doesnt know.If he was smart he would realise that if it wasnt for supplements companies paying there endorsed athletes, all Pro bodybuilders would be dirt poor.Just look at the prize money at pro bodybuilding shows, lol take lets say 8 th ot 10 th in the Mr Olympia, and only get a $1000 , thats sad.Any other sport pays 1000 times more then that.Me OLYMPIA I think I am not sure got like $120-150,000 ,lol thats sad, considering winning the superbowl pays millions.If it wasnt for BSN paying Ronnie Coleman I think it was 1 million dollars for a 2 to 3 year contract, he would have hard times.A 120-150,000 isnt crap when your spending a third of that on drugs a year just to stay on top.So GH15  keep bashing supplements, and I will save your posts, and email them to any company that is or might be endorsing you.Remember this GH15 supplements do work, and if it wasnt for supplement companies endorsing athletes and sponsoring bodybuilding shows, there would be pro bodybuilding shows.So you can thank me for sponsoring the Arnold and the Mr O for the last 7 years buy paying $6000 per booth for 2 booths so you could get your prize money.GH15 dont bite the hands that feed you, or it might bite you in the ass

So GETITONY are you confirming that GH 15 really is a pro that competes at the Mr.O? Also, just because pros are endorsed by supplement companies doesn't mean they use them even though they get a free supply.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: gh15 on July 19, 2006, 12:16:16 AM
i dont think he knows who i am,, but what i can tell you about the above subject is,,,and maybe it will tell you something about how good supp are,,

i would take SEO over supp if the hormone market was to be eliminated (and so would ANY!! other pro card holder)   :)
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: schwarzenpecker on July 19, 2006, 12:20:27 AM
GH1,what's SEO?
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: gh15 on July 19, 2006, 12:27:57 AM
look at naser rear delts in his prime, look at ken biceps in his prime,,,the list has no end. combo of SiteEnhancingOil/AAS and NOLOTIL in uniqe occations (competition ;))
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: hangclean on July 19, 2006, 02:20:41 AM
both of you have horrible typing skills.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 19, 2006, 01:45:04 PM
Yes ,GH15 is a pro bodybuilder, I want disclose his name because out of respect for him and his lively hood.He actually is a pretty good pro athlete..

Now Class is in session , listen carefully GH15 you can learn something .GH 15 says creatine is junk , foolish statement .There is several thousand pages, from very well know professors, doctors, and scientist on the positive benefits of creatine for athletes.These studies go back to the 1940's.Now the only problem they had with creatine was it would when it was put into water or in digestion it would convert to creatinine.This is a a nasty by product of creatine that the body cant use.Until now my good friend and world renown scientist Jeff Golini created Kre-Alkayln ,The good thing about Kre-Alkalyn is it has a PH of 12-14 so it never converts to creatinine .Most creatines only have a PH of 4-6 thats why it converts to creatinine because its PH makes it acidic .Kre-Alkayln is in the Alkalyn zone because of its high PH(12-14) .The reason why creatine monohydrate would cause bloating cramping and the runs is because it would convert to creatinine in the body, and creatinine is toxic. GH 15 I bet you didnt know that creatine is made up of 3 amino acids.They are Glycine ,L-Arginine, and Methionine.GH15 so when are amino acids junk, lol .GH15 says L-Glutamine is junk , this is another uneducated guess, it seems Nubaine has gotten the best of him, lol.
Did you know 60% of all muscle tissue contains L-Glutamine?and L-Glutamine is junk .Listen it takes L-Glutamine to fully heal and help muscles recover.There is literally 100's of pages in medical journals and the encyclopia of medicine support L-Glutamine and its amazing healing properties.Branched Chain Amino Acids arent bad, but they are 10 times more effective taken with L-Glutamine.
GH15 Also said that the Jury is still out on Vitargo, lol .I dont know where you have been but Vitargo is the best carb ever created.There is literally 100's of studies supporting the benefits of Vitargo.The amazing thing about Vitago is its hypogenic, meaning its faster then water , so wont make you retain water.Milos Sarcev swears by Vitargo, he was the first one to bring it to the USA.Also Gustavo Baddell, the third best bodybuilder in the world uses Vitargo daily .After training he takes in 100 grams of Vitargo, 50 grams of Whey protein Isolate, and 10 grams of L-Glutamine.I could name 10 other pro bodybuilders who I supply with Vitargo.
The bottom line is this supplements arent junk, yes there are alot of dishonest companies in this industry.But every industry has its share of scumm bags.If it wasnt for supplement companies like my self who sponsor and support bodybuilding there would be any bodybuilding.I do custome formulations for about 8 pro bodybuilders now.I cannot state there names because they are under contract with large companies.Like GH15 I respect there privacy, and there lively hood.GH15 if you would like to know who they are im me, and then you can call them and ask them about me and my knowledge.
Now here is an open challege.I challenge GH15 to take the supplements I supply to him for 2 weeks, I will even cover shipping.After 2 weeks we will post how well they worked for him.I gurantee,I will change his mind about creatine L-Glutamine and other supplements.GH15 are you up to a challenge?
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 19, 2006, 02:18:57 PM
On a serious note, GH15 dont encourage or encourage these guys to site inject enhancing oils .I personally thinks it not true bodybuilding.GH15 You know as well as I know enhancing oils almost Killed Milos Sarcev .He was injecting it into his tricept and it went terribly wrong and put him in a coma for several days.Milos is no dummy, he knows his stuff, so site injecting can be dangerous.GH15 I know your a fanatical pro bodybuilder but sometimes its better not to encourage others by the power of suggestion.How would you feel if one of these guys read your post . Then got on the internet and bought some enhancing oil and injected into his body.He messes up some how, and pemantly screws up his body for the rest of his life, or it kills him .Would you want that on your conscience?You are a pro bodybuilder , please be careful what you say, because people are influenced by you
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: gh15 on July 19, 2006, 04:39:15 PM
Yes ,GH15 is a pro bodybuilder, I want disclose his name because out of respect for him and his lively hood.He actually is a pretty good pro athlete..

Now Class is in session , listen carefully GH15 you can learn something .GH 15 says creatine is junk , foolish statement .There is several thousand pages, from very well know professors, doctors, and scientist on the positive benefits of creatine for athletes.These studies go back to the 1940's.Now the only problem they had with creatine was it would when it was put into water or in digestion it would convert to creatinine.This is a a nasty by product of creatine that the body cant use.Until now my good friend and world renown scientist Jeff Golini created Kre-Alkayln ,The good thing about Kre-Alkalyn is it has a PH of 12-14 so it never converts to creatinine .Most creatines only have a PH of 4-6 thats why it converts to creatinine because its PH makes it acidic .Kre-Alkayln is in the Alkalyn zone because of its high PH(12-14) .The reason why creatine monohydrate would cause bloating cramping and the runs is because it would convert to creatinine in the body, and creatinine is toxic. GH 15 I bet you didnt know that creatine is made up of 3 amino acids.They are Glycine ,L-Arginine, and Methionine.GH15 so when are amino acids junk, lol .GH15 says L-Glutamine is junk , this is another uneducated guess, it seems Nubaine has gotten the best of him, lol.
Did you know 60% of all muscle tissue contains L-Glutamine?and L-Glutamine is junk .Listen it takes L-Glutamine to fully heal and help muscles recover.There is literally 100's of pages in medical journals and the encyclopia of medicine support L-Glutamine and its amazing healing properties.Branched Chain Amino Acids arent bad, but they are 10 times more effective taken with L-Glutamine.
GH15 Also said that the Jury is still out on Vitargo, lol .I dont know where you have been but Vitargo is the best carb ever created.There is literally 100's of studies supporting the benefits of Vitargo.The amazing thing about Vitago is its hypogenic, meaning its faster then water , so wont make you retain water.Milos Sarcev swears by Vitargo, he was the first one to bring it to the USA.Also Gustavo Baddell, the third best bodybuilder in the world uses Vitargo daily .After training he takes in 100 grams of Vitargo, 50 grams of Whey protein Isolate, and 10 grams of L-Glutamine.I could name 10 other pro bodybuilders who I supply with Vitargo.
The bottom line is this supplements arent junk, yes there are alot of dishonest companies in this industry.But every industry has its share of scumm bags.If it wasnt for supplement companies like my self who sponsor and support bodybuilding there would be any bodybuilding.I do custome formulations for about 8 pro bodybuilders now.I cannot state there names because they are under contract with large companies.Like GH15 I respect there privacy, and there lively hood.GH15 if you would like to know who they are im me, and then you can call them and ask them about me and my knowledge.
Now here is an open challege.I challenge GH15 to take the supplements I supply to him for 2 weeks, I will even cover shipping.After 2 weeks we will post how well they worked for him.I gurantee,I will change his mind about creatine L-Glutamine and other supplements.GH15 are you up to a challenge?

1) why would i take dirty silver if already have pure gold?

2)i get offered about 10-15 diff supp to try in one single week. i categorically refuse it because i refuse to add to the hype of something that is not even in the same world as hormones.

3)you seem to think i have something against you and i DONT,,,i respect you and your contribution to the sport,,,with out supp companies we would pretty much be nothing so you are right about it,, just dont agree with your opinion as to their effectivness.

4)all of what i write on getbig is out of PERSONAL EXPERIENCE on my physiqe of all of the above supp you mentioned

5)this is the main point here so you gotta GOT-TA understand it. THE LIVER take all those supp and KILLS THEM. it beaks them apart and send them on their way to the toilet thus making them NOT EFFECTIVE. on paper they sound good,,,in reality they are junk. NOT ALL BUT MOST! any tablet called  pro hormone is getting broken by the liver and dont even pass the first time,, liver breaks them like they were nothing but dirty hezbolla terrorists since they dont have 17aa atached to them.

glutamine is ok if in protien poweder otherwise dont bother,,,it dont do nothing trust me on that,,,creatine is same thing,,,little water retention if you are responsive,,if not it does nada. new version of both might be easier on the stomack BUT! is still same old final result which is nothing but dissapoinment,,especially when your buddies are blowing up like superman on hormones. i simply say to board members: try it for yourself and see for yourself.

6) BCAA i take only because the body can not produce those amino acids by itself and i want extra in my diet. it is good!

7) i NEVER encoraged any one to inject seo,,,what i did is clarifying the truth. milos problem had nothing to do with the seo,,,it was the fact it was injected into the blood and not into the muscle. sometimes you pull back on syrnge and blood dont come out my friend,,,thats why you need to wait 60-90 seconds at the least with the plunger pulled back and only then inject and inject slowly and not in crazy doses!

comon man im a fuckin top pro in this subject i have seen and done everything on a regular basis for years,,,you cant teach the teacher

*i DO NOT suggest you use SEO if you dont know what you are doing. infact i do not suggest you use it unless your arms mesure 20 inch and stuck at this mesurments for long long time + competetive bodybuilder a must.

8 i do not accept the challenge but maybe a guy from the board. a fair guy,,,developed,,,that been in the sport for some time,,,can accept it and report back,,,and if you do it make sure he got no connection to the supp market because this market is worse than us bodybuilders in its lies, manipulations and at times bunk products.

Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: njflex on July 19, 2006, 07:16:54 PM
gh15 is a tough nut to crack,he has his belief's and theories,their both good on the board .i like both view's they have,just no insult's out of respect for each other's comment's .
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 19, 2006, 07:21:47 PM
GH15 ,You are a smart man, and a pro bodybuilder, and I respect that.You know more anabolics then I know, but when it comes to natural supplementation you have alot to learn.I was a professional "real Natural "athlete in 2 organizations.I would get up to 250-255 lbs off season and diet down to 218-220 lbs, totally drug free.I got my arms up to 20" pumped, and benched 500 lbs ,curled 225 got 4 and squated 500 lbs for 10 totally drug free.I admit I used anabolics for 3 1/2 years,but not alot of them.When I said I didnt want to become and IFBB PRO is because there is no way you can become a pro bodybuilder using only $1500 worth of anabolics for the USA.Plus I didnt use GH ,and I never used any typre of SEO.If you want to turn pro, you know you have to use Insulin, atleast 8-10 IU'S of GH, and use alot more then $1500 worth of anabolics.My goal was to break top 10 at nationals, and I thought if I broke top 5 I would be estatic.I know what IFBB pros go through, and I was not willing to put all that stuff in my body.It wasnt a money issue, it was a personal issue, I have 2 children and a wife, so I didnt want to take any chances with my health.I admire what you have done ,and were bodybuilding has taken you.To be a pro bodybuilder today you have to literally push your body to the limit anabolic wise.Thats why there are bodybuilders who die, and bodybuilders who have health issues.
Now I read your post, and your entitled to your opinion, but research and facts dont lie.Creatine is a naturally occuring element in the body, that needs to be replenished daily.Yes you can get from meat, but alot of the creatine from meat is destroyed from the heat when you cook it.Your right in saying creatine can cause bloating ,but that is cheap Chinese creatine.Kre-Alkalyn on the other hand causes no water retention, and doesnt give you a puffy appearenceThe reason for this is it has a PH that is at an alkalyn level.So it wont cause stomach distress bloating or cramping.Every body builder needs creatine for the benefits it has on ATP.
Now about L-Glutamine , like I said before in my last post 60% of your muscle tissue is made up from L-Glutamine period!!! So you think you need to take BCAAS because the body cannot produce them on its own, but you dont think a bodybuilder needs L-Glutamine? The body needs L-Glutamine more then it needs BCAAS , thats for dam sure.A guy with the amount of muscle couldnt possibly get enough L-Glutamine from food, or even the best protein powder .A guy at your level, with all the mass you carry, and how hard you train needs atleast 50-60 grams of L-Glutamine  per day, ,with about 20-30 grams of BCAAS.If I had to pick a supplement to take L-Glutamine would be #1 on my list, it is the most over looked and most  underated supplement ever made.
GH15  you never answered what I said about Vitargo being the best carb
Lastly my challege wasnt to anyone on this board but you .I work with about 14 athletes, and 6 of them are pro bodybuilders.I know you probably get offers from hundreds of supplement companies a week.I dont want to endorse you, because you dont beleive in supplments, all of my athletes honestly use my supplements.I was just having a friendly challenge for 2 weeks to prove to you supplements do work .I trained drug free for 14 years, and when I did do anabolics I got to 290 lbs, without GH, or insulin.I was at about 10 % bodyfat, I had 21 " arms cold, without any SEO in them,31",  thighs. and 57" chest.So anabolics did help me, but I used alot of supplements including Kre-ALKALYN , L-Glutamine, Protein powder, BCAAS, and other amino acids.So I am not some  gym rat, or a dummy.My challege to you is just for fun, I will not announce your name or want any time or recognition from you whatsoever.This is just between 2 gentlemen, you and I .You think Supplements dont work I say they do, whs right?Lets find out .No there not as good as steroids, but they can work better then you think they can.SO challenge or no challenge?
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: castor troy on July 19, 2006, 11:56:40 PM
John has been a gentleman to GH15 and the rest of us.  I want to thank John because this thread is the main reason I come on board everyday to learn about the sport.

John, I have another question.  Some pros like Dexter Jackson say it is possible to gain lean mass while cutting during the last 10-12 weeks before a show while others say there is no way and that you either bulk or cut.   I know everything is based on the individual but what ratio of carbs to protein do you personally think is instrumental in gaining lean mass while shedding fat. Do drugs play a big role in this journey?     

Is it possible for say a 200 lb bodybuilder to gain lean mass while going as low as 50-100 grams of carbs a day and carb cycles with high level of carb on the every 5th day.

Again thanks for the responses.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 20, 2006, 11:05:06 AM
Castor Troy, thank you so much for your kind words.
As far as dieting goes you cant build muscle while dieting if your a natural bodybuilder, because the cardio, posing, and training make your body very catabolic.To help you preserve all your muscle naturally , you can take L-Glutamine, BCAAS , and 2 grams of protein per body LB per day.Now when it comes to anabolics use you can build muscle and add size during a precontest diet.Look at Kevin Leverone, he would be like 210-200 lbs off season and compete at 250 lbs.When I used anabolics while dieting for the first 4 weeks I would gain size and strength.And after 12 weeks of dieting I would only lose like 15-18 lbs , and if you did the math for my bodfat precentage I should have lost like 30-35 lbs.The reason for this is when most top ametuers and pros use more anabolics when they diet, so there body builds muscle and repairs tissue faster.When I was off season I would use 2 maybe 3 anabolics for a show I would take up to 6 things.I didnt take alot of each thing , but my body was in such an anabolic state it would just grow.It doesnt matter how much you weigh or how you look offseason, its how good you look when you peel off and step on that stage.All the bullshit, and talking stops there
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: alexxx on July 20, 2006, 11:22:56 AM
Hey GetItOnNY what stack do you recommend for a steroid virgin to win the national championships without risking health. Lets say a show like mr. Canada? Hypothetically ofcourse.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 20, 2006, 01:14:38 PM
Alex you have to have some kind of offseason stack to first get a good foundation
For Off season I would use maybe 500 mg of Sustanon 250 400 mg of Decca, and maybe 300 mg of Primobolan

For precontest first the first 6 week out of twelve I would use 500 mg of Sustanon 250 or Omnidren 500mg 300 mg of Equpoise, then 300 mg of Primobolan and 200 mg of Trenbalone.Then at 6 weeks out I would cut out the Sustanon and Equapoise.Then switch to 400 mg Test
Propinate a week, 1/2 to 1 cc of Winstrol,per day. I would also use about 20-30 mg of anavar per day.Then  at 4 weeks out I would add Halotestin and take that daily.Now 1 week before the show I would cut out the Propinate, Trenbalone and Primobolan , and start using Cytodren.The cycles I gave you are the basics

I admit I know a decent amount about anabolics but GH15 is alot more knowledgable about this subject.I was all natural for 14 years and only used anabolics for 3 1/2 years. I didnt use alot I just used what I needed, I am sure GH15 will read this post and give you more insight.When it comes to natural supplements I am a Guru, because I design and formulate then.I know enough about anabolics to know what they do and how they work.If you want to know about supplements ask me, if you want to know more about anabolics ask GH15 .We dont agree on everything but we both have our strong points when it comes to knowlege
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: alexxx on July 20, 2006, 01:58:52 PM
Alex you have to have some kind of offseason stack to first get a good foundation
For Off season I would use maybe 500 mg of Sustanon 250 400 mg of Decca, and maybe 300 mg of Primobolan

For precontest first the first 6 week out of twelve I would use 500 mg of Sustanon 250 or Omnidren 500mg 300 mg of Equpoise, then 300 mg of Primobolan and 200 mg of Trenbalone.Then at 6 weeks out I would cut out the Sustanon and Equapoise.Then switch to 400 mg Test
Propinate a week, 1/2 to 1 cc of Winstrol,per day. I would also use about 20-30 mg of anavar per day.Then  at 4 weeks out I would add Halotestin and take that daily.Now 1 week before the show I would cut out the Propinate, Trenbalone and Primobolan , and start using Cytodren.The cycles I gave you are the basics

I admit I know a decent amount about anabolics but GH15 is alot more knowledgable about this subject.I was all natural for 14 years and only used anabolics for 3 1/2 years. I didnt use alot I just used what I needed, I am sure GH15 will read this post and give you more insight.When it comes to natural supplements I am a Guru, because I design and formulate then.I know enough about anabolics to know what they do and how they work.If you want to know about supplements ask me, if you want to know more about anabolics ask GH15 .We dont agree on everything but we both have our strong points when it comes to knowlege

Cool thanks a lot for your honesty man!!! So many diff asteroids and I don't even knoww what a cc or amp is lol! ;D

Gh15 same question to you and which brands are legid?
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: gh15 on July 20, 2006, 02:54:53 PM
what alex needs is muscle mass,,he already got over all size he is 6'4 or 6'5 no?

testex elmu or norma test 500mg/week+ norma deca400mg/week + 30mg/day thai anabol by british dispensary. NO BRITISH DRAGON PRODUCTS FOR FIRST CYCLE. all the products i recommended sholuld come from a solid supplier. do this 10 weeks,, no anti estrogen needed unless you got problem with severe gyno,, i would also suggest if you want anti estrogen due to paranoia to first try to go with proviron (HUMAN GRADE schering) 50mg/day it will eliminate any problem with regards to hardness and gyno issues in 90% of people.

you will stand ~270 at the end of the cycle if done right and invlove lots of calories. ONLY HUMAN GRADE PHARMA PRODUCTS! write it above your head in bed.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: alexxx on July 20, 2006, 03:05:18 PM
what alex needs is muscle mass,,he already got over all size he is 6'4 or 6'5 no?

testex elmu or norma test 500mg/week+ norma deca400mg/week + 30mg/day thai anabol by british dispensary. NO BRITISH DRAGON PRODUCTS FOR FIRST CYCLE. all the products i recommended sholuld come from a solid supplier. do this 10 weeks,, no anti estrogen needed unless you got problem with severe gyno,, i would also suggest if you want anti estrogen due to paranoia to first try to go with proviron (HUMAN GRADE schering) 50mg/day it will eliminate any problem with regards to hardness and gyno issues in 90% of people.

you will stand ~270 at the end of the cycle if done right and invlove lots of calories. ONLY HUMAN GRADE PHARMA PRODUCTS! write it above your head in bed.

Awesome thanks for the answer! I am actually 6'3 1/2" 230 pounds and below 10% as I am getting reading for the mr. getbig natural. I am only considering using and am not sure yet if I really do need it to compete because lets get real here... I am the epitome of what a man should look like! ;D
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: castor troy on July 20, 2006, 06:16:21 PM
GH15, what do you do to trust ur supplier?

How much would alex need to spend for that one cycle?
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 20, 2006, 07:29:18 PM
Castor Troy, if you get "real anabolics from Europe or the USA, they arent going to be cheap.If you can find Testex Like GH 15 stated it can run anywhere from $8.00 to $15.00 per ampule, it depends who you know.I wouldnt pay more them $10.00 per ampule.Testex is a pretty good form of Test, it will make you horny like fats chicks will even look good, lol.I only took Testex for 8 weeks and it made puberty seem like nothing , you could have sex atleast 6 times a day on Testex.I personaly like Oregon Sustanon 250 from Pakistan, it filled me out,m and made me strong as hell.Alot of people said Sustanon makes you puffy, it made me full and hard.If you cant get Sustanon you could try Ominidren from Poland, its pretty much the same stuff.The main thing you want to do is make sure your getting human grade, not vet grade.I cant beleive some of these idiots taking stuff like Qality Vet and Pet Pharma, they are out of there mind.The shit literally has a picture of an animal on the box, lol You wouldnt eat dog food you would you? Then why would you inject an anabolc thats vetenarian grade? Mexican steroids are junk, your better of injectionfg toilet water in your body.In Parts of Mexico you cant even drink the water, and you trust them making anabolics, lol.The best way to get anabolics is find a European connection or a good compound pharmacy.To bad GH15 isnt giving out his name otherwise he would know alot of good sources,No I will not tell you his name, so dont ask
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 20, 2006, 10:28:01 PM
One thing I tell alot of guys if your not going to step on atleast a national stage ,dont bother using anabolics.The only reasonI switctched from a natural athlete to an open athlete is because I was genetically maxed out after 14 years of training.Plus I qualified for the USA by taking 2nd place in the Mr California, in the open heavyweights, all natural.So I figured I would give the USA'S a shot, but you cant do the USA'S naturally unless youre Vince Goodrum.I dont think even GH15 could even come close to Vinces massive size, and extrordianary shape.Vince makes Flex Wheeler in his prime look like an Ethiopian.I hope to one day have just 25 % of Vinces drive, size ,symmetry , and his vast knowledge.Vince is truly a legend in his own mind
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: cswol on July 21, 2006, 08:53:02 AM
deezenutzlaurio in your bootyhole
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: The True Adonis on July 21, 2006, 08:59:21 AM
deezenutzlaurio in your bootyhole

Whats up Noli!

Anything going down in Venice these days?
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: The True Adonis on July 21, 2006, 09:03:12 AM
what alex needs is muscle mass,,he already got over all size he is 6'4 or 6'5 no?

testex elmu or norma test 500mg/week+ norma deca400mg/week + 30mg/day thai anabol by british dispensary. NO BRITISH DRAGON PRODUCTS FOR FIRST CYCLE. all the products i recommended sholuld come from a solid supplier. do this 10 weeks,, no anti estrogen needed unless you got problem with severe gyno,, i would also suggest if you want anti estrogen due to paranoia to first try to go with proviron (HUMAN GRADE schering) 50mg/day it will eliminate any problem with regards to hardness and gyno issues in 90% of people.

you will stand ~270 at the end of the cycle if done right and invlove lots of calories. ONLY HUMAN GRADE PHARMA PRODUCTS! write it above your head in bed.

Do ME!

What kind of cycle do I need? 
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: alexxx on July 21, 2006, 09:04:00 AM
Do ME!

What kind of cycle do I need? 

You need to stop with the estrogen injections.. for one..
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: The True Adonis on July 21, 2006, 09:06:52 AM
You need to stop with the estrogen injections.. for one..

How come you don`t cycle off estrogen?

Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: alexxx on July 21, 2006, 09:08:17 AM
How come you don`t cycle off estrogen?


Because I am beautifull! Besides my levels of estrogen are far bellow than what even the pros with estrogen blockers have. Plus I don't die my hair or dress like a queen. ;)
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 21, 2006, 12:46:01 PM
CHECK THIS OUT ,We support Natural Body Building and Anabolic Bodybuilding.Saturaday OCTOBER 7 2006 WE ARE SPONSORING THE NATURAL NORTHERN USA NPC BODYBUILDING CHAMPIONSHIPS IN AMHERST ,OHIO.SInce alot of you guys are doing the Mr Getbig you might aswell diet a little bit longer and do the Mr Natural Northern USA.Check this out if any one the people who do the Mr Get Big contest do the Mr Natural Northern USA WE WILL GIVE YOU A $100 RETAIL VALUE WORTN OF PRODUCT FREE, This only applies to Mr Get Big contestants
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 21, 2006, 12:48:22 PM
Hardcore Noli has his own Fintness show out in LA , its called the C-SWOLL Fitness Show .Check it out
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 21, 2006, 05:05:20 PM
Another said day in bodybuilding .A competitor named Anthony Darrezo, died at Masters Nationals from a heart attack, of course from steroids.May he rest in peace, and my prayers go out to his friends and family .I know alot of you guys enquired about steroid use, and thats normal, all natural bodybuilders get curious.I know I did.Now I am not against people who use anabolics, and I am not supporting natural bodybuilding eitther, I beleive in freedom of choice.What I will say is if I had to do it all over again I would have never taken anabolics ,heck I was 250 lbs drug free at 5'11" ,which isnt huge, but it isnt small either.I have talked to alot of guys who have used steroids in the past, and I would say 8 of 10 guys I talked to regret ever using steroids.Yes steroids give you great muscle gains, but they have alot of nasty side effects.For example high cholesterol, high blood pressure , staff infections, heart arithmia, heart attack , stroke, liver failure ,and emoitional problems.Now if you use steroids, I am not attacking you I am just warning people about the side effects from steroids, since I have been on both sides of the fence.If you use steroids and are happy what they do for you, then keep using them, its your choice and your body.Iknow what steroids users have to go through, trust me its no picnic.First you have to find a good source, for gear, and hope this time its as good as the last stuff you got.
You never know if the stuff your getting is real or not because I would 75% of the stuff out there is garbage.I know alot of people and most of the time I got good stuff, but we all get shafted now and then.If you order stuff from Europe they make you prepay, and you have to hope customs doesnt seize your package on the way back to the USA.You have to also worry about the law because when your meeting someone you know in a parking lot or where ever, picking up your gear, and you hope you not being set up.Plus good stuff is expensive , so doing a 10-12 week cycle isnt cheap.To make matters worse pharmacies wont sell syringes( spikes ) to bodybuilders because they know what your doing with them.So you have to have a hook up like I did at a pharmacy.Another problem that can arise is my right glute had scar tissue so now and then I would get an absess which is very painful.Imagine having a softball sized lump that is infected on your ass.If you dont Drain it your self ,then you have to go to the hospitol and they have to cut you open.I would have a nurse friend come to my house, and drain my absess for me, thank god she knew how to drain them.To drain an absses you have to drain it with a syringe.So you have this infected bump on your ass that hurts like hell, and you have a person putting a taking a needle and poking you in an infected area.They have to put the syringe directly into the absess and slowly draw the puss, anabolics, and blood out of that area.They usually have to do this 10 times, so you have to be stabbed in an infection and its not just quick stabs, the needle stays in you for 2 minutes until its full.Then you take a new needle and draw more puss ,blood and anabolics until all of the infection it gone.The pain on a scale of 1to 10 is an 11, because an absess hurts so bad on your ass you cant sit down.Then you have someone putting a 22 gauge needle in an already infected and sensitive area.If you dont drain absess'es it can turn into a staff infection.One of the reasons I stopped using anabolics is I had 2 abbesses in a row, getting ready fot the USA'S last year.Both on the same glute 1 week apart.I had so much scar tissue in that area it would no longer break down the anabolics.I didnt like site injections so I just shot my glutes.I know what your thinking he didnt use a new syringe each time.Yes I did use a new syringe everytime, heck I wouldnt even use the same needle I used to draw the anabolic out of the bottle.Plus my nurse friend she would clean the area with alcohol, and did everything totaly sanitary.I was very clean and very careful, but even when your really careful things happen.If you considering using steroids, please think twice, because it isnt easy as people think it is.It has really bad side effects, and like I said before 75 % of the shit out there is either fake or junk.Plus you dont know who you can trust, my firiend knew a guy 2 years, and the guy set him up for a bust.Guys like GH15 has great connections , trust me 99% of steroid users arent so lucky.Most of the time if you want to do a cycle you have to start buying and looking for your gear 2-4 months in advance.This way you can make sure you have everything .Nothing is worse then starting a cycle or a precontest diet and not having enough to finish your cylce or make it to the show.
I was compelled to be totaly open and honest with you guys who enquired about my steroid use, after finding out Anthony Darreszo died at masters nationals.Some of the stuff, like having absesses are embarrasing, but I would hope you learned from my experience.If you use annabolics , thie post is not by any means attacking you, its just to make you think twice.Like I said before if bodybuilding is you life and you like what steroids do for you, kepp using them.Please be careful, thats all I ask.Lastly I would like to send  my prayers, and my heart goes out to Anthony's family and friends in this difficult time.I met Anthony ,he was a great guy and an awesome athlete.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: alexxx on July 21, 2006, 05:15:15 PM
Another said day in bodybuilding .A competitor named Anthony Darrezo, died at Masters Nationals from a heart attack, of course from steroids.May he rest in peace, and my prayers go out to his friends and family .I know alot of you guys enquired about steroid use, and thats normal, all natural bodybuilders get curious.I know I did.Now I am not against people who use anabolics, and I am not supporting natural bodybuilding eitther, I beleive in freedom of choice.What I will say is if I had to do it all over again I would have never taken anabolics ,heck I was 250 lbs drug free at 5'11" ,which isnt huge, but it isnt small either.I have talked to alot of guys who have used steroids in the past, and I would say 8 of 10 guys I talked to regret ever using steroids.Yes steroids give you great muscle gains, but they have alot of nasty side effects.For example high cholesterol, high blood pressure , staff infections, heart arithmia, heart attack , stroke, liver failure ,and emoitional problems.Now if you use steroids, I am not attacking you I am just warning people about the side effects from steroids, since I have been on both sides of the fence.If you use steroids and are happy what they do for you, then keep using them, its your choice and your body.Iknow what steroids users have to go through, trust me its no picnic.First you have to find a good source, for gear, and hope this time its as good as the last stuff you got.
You never know if the stuff your getting is real or not because I would 75% of the stuff out there is garbage.I know alot of people and most of the time I got good stuff, but we all get shafted now and then.If you order stuff from Europe they make you prepay, and you have to hope customs doesnt seize your package on the way back to the USA.You have to also worry about the law because when your meeting someone you know in a parking lot or where ever, picking up your gear, and you hope you not being set up.Plus good stuff is expensive , so doing a 10-12 week cycle isnt cheap.To make matters worse pharmacies wont sell syringes( spikes ) to bodybuilders because they know what your doing with them.So you have to have a hook up like I did at a pharmacy.Another problem that can arise is my right glute had scar tissue so now and then I would get an absess which is very painful.Imagine having a softball sized lump that is infected on your ass.If you dont Drain it your self ,then you have to go to the hospitol and they have to cut you open.I would have a nurse friend come to my house, and drain my absess for me, thank god she knew how to drain them.To drain an absses you have to drain it with a syringe.So you have this infected bump on your ass that hurts like hell, and you have a person putting a taking a needle and poking you in an infected area.They have to put the syringe directly into the absess and slowly draw the puss, anabolics, and blood out of that area.They usually have to do this 10 times, so you have to be stabbed in an infection and its not just quick stabs, the needle stays in you for 2 minutes until its full.Then you take a new needle and draw more puss ,blood and anabolics until all of the infection it gone.The pain on a scale of 1to 10 is an 11, because an absess hurts so bad on your ass you cant sit down.Then you have someone putting a 22 gauge needle in an already infected and sensitive area.If you dont drain absess'es it can turn into a staff infection.One of the reasons I stopped using anabolics is I had 2 abbesses in a row, getting ready fot the USA'S last year.Both on the same glute 1 week apart.I had so much scar tissue in that area it would no longer break down the anabolics.I didnt like site injections so I just shot my glutes.I know what your thinking he didnt use a new syringe each time.Yes I did use a new syringe everytime, heck I wouldnt even use the same needle I used to draw the anabolic out of the bottle.Plus my nurse friend she would clean the area with alcohol, and did everything totaly sanitary.I was very clean and very careful, but even when your really careful things happen.If you considering using steroids, please think twice, because it isnt easy as people think it is.It has really bad side effects, and like I said before 75 % of the shit out there is either fake or junk.Plus you dont know who you can trust, my firiend knew a guy 2 years, and the guy set him up for a bust.Guys like GH15 has great connections , trust me 99% of steroid users arent so lucky.Most of the time if you want to do a cycle you have to start buying and looking for your gear 2-4 months in advance.This way you can make sure you have everything .Nothing is worse then starting a cycle or a precontest diet and not having enough to finish your cylce or make it to the show.
I was compelled to be totaly open and honest with you guys who enquired about my steroid use, after finding out Anthony Darreszo died at masters nationals.Some of the stuff, like having absesses are embarrasing, but I would hope you learned from my experience.If you use annabolics , thie post is not by any means attacking you, its just to make you think twice.Like I said before if bodybuilding is you life and you like what steroids do for you, kepp using them.Please be careful, thats all I ask.Lastly I would like to send  my prayers, and my heart goes out to Anthony's family and friends in this difficult time.I met Anthony ,he was a great guy and an awesome athlete.

Some very good information there. Thanks. I have a question.. if your ass is really hairy does it mean you have a greater chance of staff infection? Also if you benched 500 natural what did you do on the juice?
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 21, 2006, 05:24:18 PM
The main thing about an injection site is to make sure the area is very clean, and use a new syringe everytime.Always clean the area thuroughly with a syringe.I dont think hair was anything to do with it, as long as you clean the area thuroughly
As far as benching does I did 580 lbs raw, and I attepted 600 and got it 3 inches off of my chest.I never was one to max out.I was at the gym one day, and my friends kind of pushed me into seeing what I could do.So I got 580 up really easy, so I tried 600, and I didnt get it.When I attepted 600 I slightly strained my left tricept, so thatt was the last time I maxed out.The last time I maxed out was my last cycle I think if I wanted to I think I could of eventually got 600lbs.I was so scared of tearing my tricep I didnt max out after that.I would do like 405 for 14 -15 repsthen 500 for 5-6 reops and 525lbs for 4-5 reps
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: alexxx on July 21, 2006, 05:27:56 PM
The main thing about an injection site is to make sure the area is very clean, and use a new syringe everytime.Always clean the area thuroughly with a syringe.I dont think hair was anything to do with it, as long as you clean the area thuroughly
As far as benching does I did 580 lbs raw, and I attepted 600 and got it 3 inches off of my chest.I never was one to max out.I was at the gym one day, and my friends kind of pushed me into seeing what I could do.So I got 580 up really easy, so I tried 600, and I didnt get it.When I attepted 600 I slightly strained my left tricept, so thatt was the last time I maxed out.The last time I maxed out was my last cycle I think if I wanted to I think I could of eventually got 600lbs.I was so scared of tearing my tricep I didnt max out after that.I would do like 405 for 14 -15 repsthen 500 for 5-6 reops and 525lbs for 4-5 reps

so steroids only added 3-4 reps? Whats the point of using them then? I rather do it the hard way.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: gh15 on July 21, 2006, 06:13:48 PM
this is few rules for you how to NEVER get abcess or infection.

1) always be clean and sterile. that means changing needles and syrnges every injection+ complete alchohol sterility and then throw it and not using it again. over 90% of abcess comes from guys "in the know" as i call them. what guys "in the know" mean? it means guys who been in the game for about 3-4 years and feel they know everything there is to know,,,and at that level think... "ohh im the only one uses this needles,,i feel lazy to buy new ones,,,i dont have aids and im not narc addict,,,i just gonna  keep the needles and syrnges and use them for 3-4 times each,,it's my body i wont get sick" THIS ATTITUDE WILL BRING YOU THE ABCESS! dont do it and you wont have abcess.

2) after implying the above mentioned you can only get infection from dirty product WHICH means UG JUNK AND some VET products. use only HUMANG GRADE PHARMA PRODUCTS MANUFACTORED BY ESTABLISHED PHARMA COMPANIES SUCH AS NORMA HELLAS, ORGANON, SCHERING, JELFA ETC.

3) after impling the above mentioned you will be free of infection and abcess in 99% of the cases. the 1% uniqe cases as i call them are the sensetive individuals and loonaateek pro card holders and national junkies exp: valentino and sons ;) those people inject into the same area a lot of times, which still dont make a big diff if you do it 2 times/week, but they inject A LOT LOT LOT LOT of time as in stick in the same place 3+ ml of hormonized oil on a daily basis for months on. scar tissue is developed and drug is not completely disolved into the blood and in times it becomes messy thus result in infection or abcess in the worse case if a long needle used since abcess is deeper infection that isolated itself and stuck deep in your muscle. the diff between infection and abcess for those individuals is very much dependent on the length of needle they use.

4) the ave user if comply with the rules above will NEVER SEE INFECTION IN ITS LIFE TIME,,ave user mean 4 shots per week 1-2 ml each done in sterile conditions with clean legit human grade products.

5) this is for the wacko ones that like to swim in hormones ;) IF infection occures the following anti biotics are the best for quick home use: KEFLEX and/or AUGMENTIN both superb orals and should be prescribed by doc.


7) drainage for abcess will be done with a simple ultra sound like you do inorder to see baby in the woman pegnant body. it is a very fast process that take no more than 2 sticks. they do not hurt at all and locolized anastisia is performed while you are completely awake and have zero pain from the process what so ever. it is a 5-10 min process. you will be given IV anti biotics and be in hospital for 4-7 days. the iv antibiotics that you will most likely be given are: CLINDAMYCIN AND ROCEPHIN while clindamycin will be the main IV antibiotics after the abcess has been pocked and removed/ beeing drained (couple day process)

8) surgery is a longer process kept for the "best" among us that used and abused and recovery is 3-4 months and you do suffer so make sure you follow the rules above and you will never have abcess.

keep it real keep it simple.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 21, 2006, 07:06:12 PM
Here we go again, lol .This is coming from a guy who makes his living selling steroids, so off course he is going to discredit my post.GH15 atleast what I do is legal, and I pay my taxes.My point is steroids do give good results, but they also have a whole lot of nasty side effects.How did Anthony recntly just die?What about Lyle Alasdo?Don Young blood, Sunny Schmidt, the list goes on and on.Steroids can kill you period!!!!If they dont kill you they will mess you up, look at Arnold ,Tom Prince, Flex Wheeler , Don Long?All the people I mentioned were young healthy people who died young or had complications at the age of 30.Did you know we are designed to live to 120-130 so if someone dies at 50 thats almost 3rd of there life gone.GH 15 dont tell me $1500 is alot of hormones, are you on drugs, most national levels guys as well as pros spend $10,000 -$ 20,000 on anabolics for a show.GH15 your just like the rest, they all sand bag and say I dont take that much stuff, yeah right.GH15 remember I know who you are and to get to your level you have to be a pin cushion.I respect pro bodybuilders, but you need to be honest with people and tell them how much shit you really take.For example 60iu's of insulin a day, 10iu's to a bottle of GH per day,4000-5000 mg of test per week, and so on and so forth.For your information my absess wasnt caused by dirty stuff, it was caused by scar tissue, which blocked the body from absorbing the anabolic.I had a ultrasound done on it, and the doctor showed me the scar tissue.Yes I do have insurance, unlike you I am a legit company.My doctor told me how to drain an abseses, because he said it would heal faster, and because some hospitols, might inform the authorities of how I got the absses.Do you want the cops or a detective asking you a muscular man how you got an absses on your ass?When somebody gets checked into a hospitol for lets say doing to much coke they bring the cops in for a full investigation.I dont want the authorities bothering me about my personoll life , especially I have anabolics in my home at the time.Plus I dint want a big scar on my ass for the rest of my life.The Doctor gave me antibiotics, and told me exactly what to do and I did it.So dont call a moron, aleast I am legit, and I will out live you by a long shot.I have the best insurance out there, because I have corporate insurance, but do you want to try to expalin to your insurance company me being muscular how you got an abbsess on your ass from steroid  use?Then no other insurance comapny would want to insure me or they may want to investagate the situation.I have a good life, I live in a 6 bedroom house, I have a wonderful wive, 2 children and I dont want my children finding out about my past anabolic use.I put this post up for one reason, to warn people about the dangers of anablics, thats all.Of course its in your nature to attack and critisize me because I discredited steroids.Something you make your living off of selling .Your telling people L-Glutamine and Creatine are junk and your selling a product that is not only illegal but can kill people.I am not against people who use anabolics, but what I am against is guys like you who say I dont use alof of steroids, and steroids are safe, lol.You know you use a shit load anabolics, I bet when you cut yourself shaving you bleed Winstrol, or proably spend what the average American makes a year on juice, so just be honest with these people, dont lie. I respect every pro bodybuilder out there until they say, I dont use that much gear, lol.Who are you kidding, these guys walk around at 300-340 lbs, and rock solid by just using a lil test, and a little GH , lol yeah right.GH 15 your a knowledgable man, but your a clown , alteast I am totaly honest with these people.I can look in the mirror at myself everyday, knowing I am an honest person and I live an honest life.You on the other hand are not so honest, and always have to look over your shoulder to make sure you dont go to jail for selling anabolics.I am real, why dont you get real, dont lie to these people
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: gh15 on July 21, 2006, 07:31:17 PM
you obviously didnt bother reading through my posts on getbig. i never lie about usage this is why im not claiming 5 blue star. you need to read a little through my posts to understand that the amount of knowledge and experience i got is superior to any thing any one can bring before me.

i make my living of both professional bodybuilding and horomones and forgot already how many times i was on magazine covers in usa and the world,,yes hormones makes good money but i never push them here as in selling them and i ger many MANY question and begs from individuals that i dont even bother to finish reading.

for you to state something and contradict yourself so many times on so many post in one thread is amazing. i NEVER said your company is crap because i dont care about it,,,it is as simple as that,,what i did do on your posts is simply fixing the twisted info and clearing it up.

finally, there is not even ONE SINGLE MEMBER ON GETBIG that think i mislead them about hormone use. $1500 now days bring you a whole lot of hormones especially if bought from american COMPOUND companies ala UG ;) and you can get decent products from europe for this price too. not every one of us pros use 10k/show many of spend 2-3k. it depends on who you know and if you are me you DONT SPEND  A FUCKIN DIME ;)

*all the story about scar tissue yada yada is all from $1500 use of hormones which is as i said big! use and involve lots of injection thus developping scar tissue.

**right here and now i say to this board members i dont need your money we have too many clients infact we are trying to get rid of clients. i chose who i talk to when it comes to hormone and they gotta beg for quite long time ;)
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 21, 2006, 07:33:57 PM
I am done with this guy GH15 from now on this thread will only be a positive, and HONEST thread.I will no longer in dealing with GH15, he is nothing but a waste of my time.He is a person who says he is honest yet he hides his identity, he who has nothing to hide, hides nothing.With this being said ,if any of you have some questions you would like answered I will galdly help you.GH15 if you have a personaly problem with me I own Extreme Labs,Dedicated Woman, and Muscle Syenrgy, so you know where to find me.Everyone else, I am glad that you have gven me the oppurtunity to help you on this journey and my passion which is bodybuilding.If you have any questions I will give you HONEST, and non bias straight forward answers, god bless...John
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: sarcasm on July 21, 2006, 07:42:16 PM
everyone here knows that gh15 is a little skinny Czechoslovakian 16 year old male prostitute who get shis ass filled on the streets of Prague until he gets enough heroin money for the night, hahaha, if i ever saw him i'd smack the yellow off his teeth, he's a bitch.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: SteelePegasus on July 21, 2006, 07:46:20 PM
GetItony, you mentioned taking a large amount of L Glutamine through out the day

with that said you would recommend taking

12 hour time release

1 first thing in the AM and the other mid afternoon, then maybe another before bed for good measure

thanks in advance for your response
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 21, 2006, 07:49:47 PM
Sarcasm, thats funny, but I wouldnt go that far.GH15 is a pro, this I know, I respect his pro statues, but I live in the REAL WORLD.I  tell people how it is, and I own an honest company that beleives in doing the right thing.Bodybuilding is my passion, and I love to share my pasion, and help people live longer healthier lives.I endorse 14 athletes 7 of them are doing the MR USA next week and every one of my athletes will tell you how open and honest I am.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: sarcasm on July 21, 2006, 07:51:17 PM
Sarcasm, thats funny, but I wouldnt go that far.GH15 is a pro, this I know, I respect his pro statues, but I live in the REAL WORLD.I  tell people how it is, and I own an honest company that beleives in doing the right thing.Bodybuilding is my passion, and I love to share my pasion, and help people live longer healthier lives.I endorse 14 athletes 7 of them are doing the MR USA next week and every one of my athletes will tell you how open and honest I am.
how do you know he is? everything he's ever written you can learn from reading magazines and books, he's not a "pro" anything, his attitude is too piss poor to be.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: The True Adonis on July 21, 2006, 07:55:38 PM

What would you say the average Pro spends on juice? 
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 21, 2006, 08:02:41 PM
Steel Pegasus, MHP is a great company and I know the owner Gerrard Dente, he is a good friend of mine.There products are good.We had a time released L-Glutamine back in 1997 and we still do now.The L-Glutamine may last up to 12 hours maximum, depending how much damaged tissue you have.The more damaged tissue you have the more L-Glutamine your body will use .If you train really intense, your body will suck up L-Glutamine like a sponge, literally.Even though we make a time released L-Glutamine I still think a bodybuilder needs anywhere from 30-60 grams per day depending on how hard they train and how much muscle they carry.The closer a person gets to a bodybuilding contest is when the body needs L-Glutamine the most  .When I get ready for a show I will use 80 grams of L-Glutamine a day, because when your dieting and doing cardio, the body becomes very catabolic.So by takingalot of  L-Glutamine the muscle stay fulller, and they repair themselves alot more rapidly
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: The True Adonis on July 21, 2006, 08:03:25 PM
Steel Pegasus, MHP is a great company and I know the owner Gerrard Dente, he is a good friend of mine.There products are good.We had a time released L-Glutamine back in 1997 and we still do now.The L-Glutamine may last up to 12 hours maximum, depending how much damaged tissue you have.The more damaged tissue you have the more L-Glutamine your body will use .If you train really intense, your body will suck up L-Glutamine like a sponge, literally.Even though we make a time released L-Glutamine I still think a bodybuilder needs anywhere from 30-60 grams per day depending on how hard they train and how much muscle they carry.The closer a person gets to a bodybuilding contest is when the body needs L-Glutamine the most  .When I get ready for a show I will use 80 grams of L-Glutamine a day, because when your dieting and doing cardio, the body becomes very catabolic.So by takingalot of  L-Glutamine the muscle stay fulller, and they repair themselves alot more rapidly

MHP has by far the best Protein Bars.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 21, 2006, 08:05:14 PM
Adonis MHP is a reputable company , they make alot of good stuff.Gerrard Dente the owner is a real straight up guy
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: schwarzenpecker on July 21, 2006, 08:06:01 PM
My guess is GH15 is Nasser EL Sonbaty. He says he's European,  emphasizes drugs more than training, comes from a wealthy family and has been on many magazine covers. If it isn't him, how does Nasser make a living these days, not from competing?
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: The True Adonis on July 21, 2006, 08:06:52 PM
Adonis MHP is a reputable company , they make alot of good stuff.Gerrard Dente the owner is a real straight up guy

I`ve always thought Gerard to be a VERY intelligent guy...I have read a lot of his articles and things.

I have always been satisfied with all of his products.  Protein and bars.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 21, 2006, 08:12:05 PM
Gerrard Dente was a national level competitor, he almost became pro.He was endorsed by Twin Labs, and Steve Blechman pissed off somebody at nationals the year Gerrard was lined up to be the next pro.So needles to say he didnt get his pro card.He told me the story about 6 years ago, shit happens.The good news is after he didnt get his pro card he started MHP, and he now doesnt regret not getting his pro card.He told me if I would have turned pro , I would have never started MHP
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: gh15 on July 21, 2006, 08:30:49 PM

What would you say the average Pro spends on juice? 

the ones who buy from us spend between 4-6 k every couple months that includes growth and bulk buy. the minimum for us to talk to you stands at $700 and this is for the average 18-20 year old ;) most buy a lot more and that includes your local usa town dealer.

as i said some do  use like he said 10k per competition but there are many who use~ 2k

sarcasm i would like to give you a french kiss let me find the icon :-* there you go  :D
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: The True Adonis on July 21, 2006, 08:33:15 PM
the ones who buy from us spend between 4-6 k every couple months that includes growth and bulk buy. the minimum for us to talk to you stands at $700 and this is for the average 18-20 year old ;) most buy a lot more and that includes your local usa town dealer.

as i said some do  use like he said 10k per competition but there are many who use~ 2k

sarcasm i would like to give you a french kiss let me find the icon :-* there you go  :D

Have you ever had any famous clients, athletes/actors spend large amounts?
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: 240 is Back on July 21, 2006, 08:56:00 PM
CHECK THIS OUT ,We support Natural Body Building and Anabolic Bodybuilding.Saturaday OCTOBER 7 2006 WE ARE SPONSORING THE NATURAL NORTHERN USA NPC BODYBUILDING CHAMPIONSHIPS IN AMHERST ,OHIO.SInce alot of you guys are doing the Mr Getbig you might aswell diet a little bit longer and do the Mr Natural Northern USA.Check this out if any one the people who do the Mr Get Big contest do the Mr Natural Northern USA WE WILL GIVE YOU A $100 RETAIL VALUE WORTN OF PRODUCT FREE, This only applies to Mr Get Big contestants

Awesome!  Thanks man!
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: The True Adonis on July 21, 2006, 08:58:33 PM
Awesome!  Thanks man!

John surely stands by his product.  Most supplement companies never go that far.  Good stuff.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 21, 2006, 09:02:54 PM
True Adonis I am going to tell you something straight.Alot of these pro bodybuilders prey on amateur athletes.I know because backstage the athletes talk openly about who is helping them for the show and what they used.Alot of pro bodybuilders, not all but some ,use the old bait and switch game on athletes.You know you see a big screen TV for $800 or a SUV at a dealership for like $10,000 and they talk you into buying something twice as much.The athlete will tell you ,that you need lets say test Winstrol, and Anavar, then once you agree to get that they go, you know if you also got some GH, you would be alot bigger.Before you know it you wind up spending $10,000 , like some super heavy weight that palced top 5 at the USA did last year.Some of these pro bodybuilders are smooth talkers because they know how bad these ametuers want to become pro bodybuilders, so they play them.First they become your buddy, then charge you for a diet, then "advise " you on what drugs you need .Before you know it they got you dropping money like its nothing .I see it al the time.The ones you really have to look out for is the reitired pro athletes.They have no shame, they use there former pro status to use and abuse you.They literally get off on getting guys to blow there money on anabolics so they can try to become a pro.Dont buy into this garbage, I am keeping it real, and telling you how it is.Alot of bodybuilders have chased a dream and wound up broke so a pro bodybuilder can pay for his drugs and retire.Most pro bodybulders like Jay, Ronnie, Gustavo, Brach, and Troy Alves are straight, but there are about 20 % out of the bunch that will take your money
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: The True Adonis on July 21, 2006, 09:16:59 PM
True Adonis I am going to tell you something straight.Alot of these pro bodybuilders prey on amateur athletes.I know because backstage the athletes talk openly about who is helping them for the show and what they used.Alot of pro bodybuilders, not all but some ,use the old bait and switch game on athletes.You know you see a big screen TV for $800 or a SUV at a dealership for like $10,000 and they talk you into buying something twice as much.The athlete will tell you ,that you need lets say test Winstrol, and Anavar, then once you agree to get that they go, you know if you also got some GH, you would be alot bigger.Before you know it you wind up spending $10,000 , like some super heavy weight that palced top 5 at the USA did last year.Some of these pro bodybuilders are smooth talkers because they know how bad these ametuers want to become pro bodybuilders, so they play them.First they become your buddy, then charge you for a diet, then "advise " you on what drugs you need .Before you know it they got you dropping money like its nothing .I see it al the time.The ones you really have to look out for is the reitired pro athletes.They have no shame, they use there former pro status to use and abuse you.They literally get off on getting guys to blow there money on anabolics so they can try to become a pro.Dont buy into this garbage, I am keeping it real, and telling you how it is.Alot of bodybuilders have chased a dream and wound up broke so a pro bodybuilder can pay for his drugs and retire.Most pro bodybulders like Jay, Ronnie, Gustavo, Brach, and Troy Alves are straight, but there are about 20 % out of the bunch that will take your money

That is really interesting.  I think it is simply amazing the dynamics that surround present day bodybuilding and its "lifestyle".  John, what are some of the most outlandish things you have seen or heard about regarding bodybuilding?  The more you delve into this world, the stranger it gets. 
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 21, 2006, 09:34:09 PM
Adonis it gets pretty scary.Alot of pros out in Venice have sugar daddy, and they do private posing.Then you got some pros, who will galdly offer you a free sample of Nubaine, before you train.This way you can get high, and train alot harder because you feel no pain.Then you get hooked on Nubaine which is more additive then Heroine.Then you got some guys who offer you Special K which is an animal tranquilizer.This gives you a nice buzz, then makes you pass out.The list goes on and on.Alot of athletes take GHB to get a buzz, and so they can sleep.I also know alot of bodybuilders who love pain killers, like Loritabs, Percosets, Oxicoton, and Vicaden.You think they would want to be healthy but you would be suprsied.Then you have people like Kelly Ryan and Craig Titus who used to do meth, and extasy, and were swingers.The one thing that really freaked me out it I have seem alot of bodybuilders and non probodybuilders with transexuals.This is no joke, because you see these same transexuals at all the big shows, and there with a diffrent bodybuilder all the time.I love bodybuilding with all my heart, but I always stayed far away from the drugs, private posing, the partying, and the transexuals, I am just an average guy who loves to train.I have a great wife, and god has blessed me with a good buissnes.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: El Guapo on July 21, 2006, 09:43:55 PM
John surely stands by his product.  Most supplement companies never go that far.  Good stuff.

Very true adonis, he has answered all of our questions honestly, thats why I want to give his products a go.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 21, 2006, 10:07:33 PM
Thank you for the compliments.I am not here to bash, because there are alot of good hard working non pro, and pro bodybuilders.You just have to be careful because there is a very dark side of bodybuilding, that you can get caught up in very easily.Most of the pro, and non probuilders are great people, but there is always some bad aples in every sport.I would say 90 % of the bodybuilders I know are really cool and down to earth guys.Then you have some that are just a lost cause.I just felt I had to inform some of you guys about some of the dangers after that guy Anthony D died at masters nationals.Plus I think GH15 is very knowledgable but is only telling you half of the story.There is alot of politics, and alot of untold things that go on in bodybuilding.Bodybuildin g is the toughest sport you will ever love.Things and people come and go, but bodybuilding is always there for you.Through the good times, and the bad times.Its your therapy, your mistress, and your best friend, so embrace it.All I wanted to do is give you a honest and open insiders view because I have been on both sides of the fence.This way you can make your own decision on which path you would like to take.We are all bodybuilders, wether we are natural, or we use anabolics, so we all share the same pasion and desire.There is a Mr Olympia in all of us ,we just got to dig deep down with in our selves, and find it.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: Krankenstein on July 21, 2006, 10:14:13 PM
Very true adonis, he has answered all of our questions honestly, thats why I want to give his products a go.

You wont be really wont.  I do really like Johns stuff.  I wish the WNBF wasnt so closed minded about their stance on ephedrine because john gave me a sample of their fat burner....and I let a friend try a couple caps....and he liked the feel he got from it.  His combination protein powders are down right awesome before bed.  In fact, I often wake up in the middle of the night hungry since starting to take it as a shake right before bed.  John has been very helpful with regard to me getting ready for my show in September. 
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: The True Adonis on July 21, 2006, 10:28:28 PM
You wont be really wont.  I do really like Johns stuff.  I wish the WNBF wasnt so closed minded about their stance on ephedrine because john gave me a sample of their fat burner....and I let a friend try a couple caps....and he liked the feel he got from it.  His combination protein powders are down right awesome before bed.  In fact, I often wake up in the middle of the night hungry since starting to take it as a shake right before bed.  John has been very helpful with regard to me getting ready for my show in September. 

Curt,Can you and john elaborate more on the fat burner. Is it Ephedrine and how is it taken? 

What are the Nutrition facts on the Protein and which do you reccommend.  I am about to run out of protein and need to purchase more.  Which one of John`s do you reccommend?
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: ReEvolution on July 21, 2006, 10:31:09 PM
this is a great thread, for once.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: Krankenstein on July 22, 2006, 12:28:49 AM
Curt,Can you and john elaborate more on the fat burner. Is it Ephedrine and how is it taken? 

What are the Nutrition facts on the Protein and which do you reccommend.  I am about to run out of protein and need to purchase more.  Which one of John`s do you reccommend?

John can about his product that has the ephedra in it.  As far as the protein goes....I have indicated previously that I LOVED his chocolate IsoMilk.  Good luck finding it as he had to change the product.  It was 45P, 6C, 8F per two scoops.  The stuff is soooo much better than the MuscleMilk.  His replacement is Lean Mass Matrix XR.  The chocolate is solid...very close in taste to the IsoMilk.  It actually has 50gms of protein per two scoops.

I have tried his Pro Lean Mass in the past.  The pina colada was a great flavor.  I dont carry any of his products in my clinic, but I do send people who ask my advice over to house of fitness for his stuff.  There havent been many that havent liked his stuff.  Its not the cheapest, nor the most expensive either. 
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 22, 2006, 12:10:55 PM
I wanted this thread to give an open and honest look at both sides of bodybuilding.The natural guys think the guys on juice have it easy.Then the guys on juice dont take the natural guys seriously.So you have this rivalry they goes on for no reason.The guys who use anabolics dont have it easy, they have to try to find real gear, hope its not fake, worry about geeeting busted during a buy, and hope they dont get an infection from the stuff they injected.To to make matters worse anabolics arent cheap if they are real,so you have to spend your hard earned money on them.Then you have the natural athlete who has to only use what is organization allows him to use, which is very limited to say the least.Then he has to use alot of supplements otherwise he wont recover or grow.He also has to worry about over training ,which alot of natural guys are guilty of.My point is there is no easy road to becoming a great bodybuilder ,natural or not natural, its hard either way.Its not just a sport its a way of life.For you natural guys who think if you just use wont cycle you could turn pro think again.Remember you could probably do 1 or 2 cycles and win a local show, but a national show is a whole nother ball game.At nationals 90% of the guys have genetics as good as you if not better plus they are on a ton of shit.I was naive as well I figured I got to 2500 lbs nautrally ,if I just used a little juice I would be am monster, wrong.When it comes to a national level or pro athlete its everybody with the best genetincs on that stage so its a matter of chemical warfare.The guys who use the most stuff, and use SEO injections will most likely win.So if you thin your natural and you think that if I did steroids I would be as big as him, think again.Alot orf these guys have great genetics, and have been doing anabolics for years.For you guys whothink natural guys arent serious, think again, they have only use what they are aloowed to use, plus have to pass a polygraph, and a urine test.If its a computer generated polygraph then when the pill wore off he took the test again and he passes.The thing about it was he was honestly natural.So either way there is no easy form of bodybuilding ,it alot of hard work, but I love it.I played Semi -Pro foot ball as a nose guard, ran track, played base ball, and bodybuilding bar far is the most difficult sport.So in bodybuilding they key is to the best you can wether your natural or not natural, with what god gave you, and enjoy the journey
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: njflex on July 22, 2006, 12:52:28 PM
nice roll,john d.......where can we get your products?
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 22, 2006, 06:19:57 PM
NJ Flex thank you sorry I got a little carried away there, lol .The best place to buy my products is, bodybuilding .com, just to name a few
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: castor troy on July 23, 2006, 01:13:29 AM
Hello again John,  what does elevated liver enzymes AST and ALT (transferases) implicate if you are natural and you just train hard and gain say 60-70 lbs (alot muscle/ some fat)over 4 years.   I've had high liver enzymes ever since I started training 8 years ago. The family physician only told me to reduce my protein intake even tho I am a healthy young adult.  I am wondering if this situation occurs in most athletes and bodybuilders who place stress on their muscles and require these enzymes to link the amino acids together (that is their function right?) . I continue to bodybuild but do everything moderately at a slower pace than before (few lbs a year now)  I havent had blood work done in awhile.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 23, 2006, 07:51:40 PM
Castor Troy, it is very common for bodybuilders to have elevated liver enzymes.You just hear about it much because most bodybuilders dont get blood work done, or if they do they tell anybody results.To solves is problem is qute simple, just do 2 things.#1 GET A digestive enzyme with Protese as the main ingedient.This will help you body break down all the protein your taking in.Secondly take a tablspoon of ablecider vinegar, 3-4 times a day .Apple cider Vinegar was shown to help the body digest protein 30% more effectively when take with protein meals.What I would usually do is have a salad , and take 1tablespoon of applecider vinegar, and 1 tablesppon of Safflower oil and use as like a vinegar and oil dressing.Plus Saffower oil is what the popular CLA is made from, so it will give your body good fats.Lastly dink alot of water , try to drink1.5- 2 gallons of water a day.This will help your body in all ways, you need to drink alot of water when taking in alot of protein
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: castor troy on July 23, 2006, 08:46:19 PM
Thanks again for the response John. Do you think ZMA is good. I use SNAC ZMA I get deep sleep but if I  wake up in middle of sleep because of phone call and then stay awake for more than 10-15 min it is harder for me to fall back asleep than without taking it.

Also do you recommend using multivitamins. Are there any studies showing that using vitamins do promote health and bodily functions?

I use GNC multivitamins /time release. In your opinion do you think GNC supplements/ vitamins are effective?
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 23, 2006, 09:46:59 PM
IF YOU USE STEROIDS OR ARE THINKING ABOUT USING STEROIDS PLEASE READ THIS.Now I amo not trying to preach to you guys, I am just trying to give you a little insight.I just found out a friend of mine who was only 28 years old died a couple of days ago in his sleep from a heart attack caused by steroid use.He was found dead by his fiance ,who he was going to marry this summer.The guy did use alot of anabolics, and was only his second cycle .With this being said if you are using anabolics, or thinking about using anabolics please to the following.Get blood work ever 3 to months and monitor your CHOLESTEROL LEVELS to make sure they dont get to high.Also keep an eye on you liver enzymers especially if your using an oral anabolic.NOW THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT, KEEP AN EYE ON YOUR BLOOD PRESSURE ,CHECK IT 2-3 TIMES A WEEK!!!!.Go to the local drug store, like Walmart, or if you have to buy a kit to test your own blood pressure.It only takes 2 minutes and can save your life.When I was on my last cycle getting ready for the USA last year, my blood pressure went from 70 over 120 to very high  95 over 160 and I wasnt using that much gear.Testosterone especially raises blood pressure, and cholesterol, and is what can cause heart failure.So when your on a cycle monitor your self or you can wind up like my friend dead at 28 years old.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 23, 2006, 09:52:03 PM
Castor Troy , I really like ZMA its a great product for sleep and recovery.You dont have to use the SNAC brand you can use ISS or Twin Lab which are also very good brands.
As far aas multi-Vitamins go , dont use GNC Vitamins, use a whole food vitamin.The one I use is called ALIVE by a company by the name of NATURES WAY .A whole foods vitamin is made from food, its not synthetic like most vitamins.The body knows wether something is natural or synthetic, and if its synthetic, your body will just urinate them out
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: Croatch on July 23, 2006, 10:22:36 PM
IF YOU USE STEROIDS OR ARE THINKING ABOUT USING STEROIDS PLEASE READ THIS.Now I amo not trying to preach to you guys, I am just trying to give you a little insight.I just found out a friend of mine who was only 28 years old died a couple of days ago in his sleep from a heart attack caused by steroid use.He was found dead by his fiance ,who he was going to marry this summer.The guy did use alot of anabolics, and was only his second cycle .With this being said if you are using anabolics, or thinking about using anabolics please to the following.Get blood work ever 3 to months and monitor your CHOLESTEROL LEVELS to make sure they dont get to high.Also keep an eye on you liver enzymers especially if your using an oral anabolic.NOW THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT, KEEP AN EYE ON YOUR BLOOD PRESSURE ,CHECK IT 2-3 TIMES A WEEK!!!!.Go to the local drug store, like Walmart, or if you have to buy a kit to test your own blood pressure.It only takes 2 minutes and can save your life.When I was on my last cycle getting ready for the USA last year, my blood pressure went from 70 over 120 to very high  95 over 160 and I wasnt using that much gear.Testosterone especially raises blood pressure, and cholesterol, and is what can cause heart failure.So when your on a cycle monitor your self or you can wind up like my friend dead at 28 years old.
Sorry to hear that.  Did he go to your gym as well?
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 23, 2006, 10:45:21 PM
Croatch no he didnt he lived in LA.They guy didnt even use that much gear.The sad part is he a a great job, a beutiful fiance, and he had alot going for him.Unfortunatly he wasnt one of the lucky ones.There are people who use cocaine,, steroids, and other drugs for years and live long lives.Then you have guys like my friend who just use 2 cycles and die of a heart attack.He didnt drink, smoke, nad never even tried any type of drug, including pot.My point is sometimes in life you have to be careful, and if you are do any type of drug, know that there can be cosequences
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: ReEvolution on July 23, 2006, 11:12:22 PM
i doubt it was the steroid cycles.  but I'm sorry for the loss of your friend.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: castor troy on July 23, 2006, 11:15:15 PM
Sorry for the loss of your friend.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: schwarzenpecker on July 23, 2006, 11:25:25 PM
IF YOU USE STEROIDS OR ARE THINKING ABOUT USING STEROIDS PLEASE READ THIS.Now I amo not trying to preach to you guys, I am just trying to give you a little insight.I just found out a friend of mine who was only 28 years old died a couple of days ago in his sleep from a heart attack caused by steroid use.He was found dead by his fiance ,who he was going to marry this summer.The guy did use alot of anabolics, and was only his second cycle .With this being said if you are using anabolics, or thinking about using anabolics please to the following.Get blood work ever 3 to months and monitor your CHOLESTEROL LEVELS to make sure they dont get to high.Also keep an eye on you liver enzymers especially if your using an oral anabolic.NOW THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT, KEEP AN EYE ON YOUR BLOOD PRESSURE ,CHECK IT 2-3 TIMES A WEEK!!!!.Go to the local drug store, like Walmart, or if you have to buy a kit to test your own blood pressure.It only takes 2 minutes and can save your life.When I was on my last cycle getting ready for the USA last year, my blood pressure went from 70 over 120 to very high  95 over 160 and I wasnt using that much gear.Testosterone especially raises blood pressure, and cholesterol, and is what can cause heart failure.So when your on a cycle monitor your self or you can wind up like my friend dead at 28 years old.

How do you know the heart attack was caused by steroid use. Did he already have a heart condition?
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 23, 2006, 11:44:31 PM
No the guy didnt have a existing heart condition, the autphosy revealed that steroids did cause him to have a heart attack in his sleep.The LA Cornoner did a full investigation, because he was in perfect health so it was very odd for such a young to die of a heart attack.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 24, 2006, 11:12:53 PM
The bottom line is simple if you use steroids, then use your brain, and do it right or dont do it at all.Get blood work done every 3 months, and monitor your blood pressure 2-3 times a wekk
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 25, 2006, 11:04:38 AM
Well lets keep this thread going, but from now on lets keep it positive fellas
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: castor troy on July 26, 2006, 02:06:24 AM
Hey John, is it absolutely necessary to take ZMA on empty stomach.  Some nights i get so hungry that i eat a chicken breast before i sleep but then that chicken is in my stomach so i wait about 1-2 hour + until i get zma but then by that time i might want a shake cuz i get hungry again but at the same time im also sleepy so i dont know what to do its such a pain to wait until u have empty stomach to take zma because u get hungry and u dont want to go into sleep catabolic.  but if u take take time releasing slow digesting protein at night then when should u take zma? im confused aobut the timing. ok thanks.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: El Guapo on July 27, 2006, 03:20:03 PM
John I see that some companies sell glutamine peptides( german pharmaceuticals for example) is this as effective as regular glutamine? Also, what doses of glutamine do you recommend for women?Thanks.

Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 27, 2006, 06:02:47 PM
Castor you can take ZMA about 20 minutes after you have a protein shake before you go to bed.I wouldnt take if within an hour and a half of food such as chicken.Most protein especially Whey Protein Isolates digest very rapidly ,so it wont interfere with the ZMA .Make sure you take a table spoon of L-Glutamine before bed as well
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 27, 2006, 06:13:38 PM
El Guapo I know some companies push the hell out of L-Glutamine Peptides, but I think they are some what overated.L-Glutamine Peptides are made from Gluten,which comes from Wheat.There are alot of people who alergic to gluten, so you have to be careful.I think if you took Fermented L-Glutamine and it contained L-Glutamine Peptides it would be a little more effective then Just L-Glutamine alone.But if I had to chose between taking Fermented L-Glutamine or L-Glutamine peptides, I would take the Fermented L-Glutamine .If you can find a product that contains both of those ingredients, it will work well.
As far a women and L-Glutamine goes, it depends on how much she weighs, how hard she trains, and what kinf of excersizes is she doing( running, lifting ,cardio, aerobics, or spin classes) then we can determine how much L-Glutamine she needs per day.If she is failry acxtive in the gym, and works out I would say a minimum would be 20 -25 grams a day.Which would be 5 teaspoons
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: castor troy on July 27, 2006, 06:31:08 PM
Hey John, is there a need to take extra glutamine when protein shakes like Optimum Nutrition Whey Isolate already have them inside each scoop. I think about 5 grams per scoop.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 27, 2006, 06:58:30 PM
Castor, I dont know But I doubt Optimums Whey Isolate has 5 grams of L-Glutamine per scoop, double check that okay.It probably has 5 grams per 2 scoops.I personally an a very big believer in L-Glutamine , I think it is the most over looked supplement on the market.Depending on your size you should be getting in about 40 to 60 grams of L-Glutamine per day.So find out how much L-Glutamine you are getting from the amount of protein shakes your taking per day.Then total it up.If its under the amount of L-Glutamine I recommended then go buy some fermented L-Glutamine.A teaspoon of L-Glutamine if it has no filllers should be right at 5 grams .The most important times to take L-Glutamine is right after training and before bed.Take 10 grams right after training, and another 10 grams right before bed.This is when the body needs L-Glutamine the most, and it will absorb it like a sponge
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: sarcasm on July 27, 2006, 06:59:46 PM
Castor, I dont know But I doubt Optimums Whey Isolate has 5 grams of L-Glutamine per scoop, double check that okay.It probably has 5 grams per 2 scoops.I personally an a very big believer in L-Glutamine , I think it is the most over looked supplement on the market.Depending on your size you should be getting in about 40 to 60 grams of L-Glutamine per day.So find out how much L-Glutamine you are getting from the amount of protein shakes your taking per day.Then total it up.If its under the amount of L-Glutamine I recommended then go buy some fermented L-Glutamine.A teaspoon of L-Glutamine if it has no filllers should be right at 5 grams .The most important times to take L-Glutamine is right after training and before bed.Take 10 grams right after training, and another 10 grams right before bed.This is when the body needs L-Glutamine the most, and it will absorb it like a sponge
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: Wombat on July 27, 2006, 09:07:07 PM
Ladies and gents i say this to you.....Lyle Alzado certainly DO NOT DIE FROM STEROIDS...And getitonny's buddy did not die from steroids after two cycles....Their has not been one documented case anywhere that states hormones have been the direct cause of anyone's death...Not one...Sure their is news clippings--tv broadcasts and even parents who went to congress blaming steroids for killing there kid..But none of its true...

I will also say this to you ...Arnold didn't need creatine or L-glutamine or even Whey protein and guess what, neither do you...

Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: littleguns on July 28, 2006, 11:08:01 AM

Again on behalf of everyone, thanks soo much for your time and are a gentlemen and a scholar..

You mentioned MHP as a good company. Any other companies you have high regards for?

For any of the natural getbiggers I have condensed alot of John's writings, supplement recommendation etc. If you want a copy, PM me and I'll email it to you...
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: littleguns on July 28, 2006, 12:01:19 PM

I am very big into supplements and wanted to ask....

You talk very highly of Glutamine.Do you really think it is necessary to supplement with it since it is a non-essential amino acid. If one takes in lets say 2-3 gms of Protein Per pound of BW, there should be enough building blocks to make the necessary Glutamine. I would think additional supplementation would make for a very expensive urine stream....
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 28, 2006, 12:03:44 PM
Wombat , First of all they didnt have a Whey Protein Isolate, L-Glutamine, Creatine , or any of the supplments they have today back when Arnold was competeing.I have heard Arnold say his exact words were" body builders have it easier today, they have good supplements, and you can ever go to a health food store and grab a ready to drink protein in a can.Back in the day we had to eat tuna out of a can go to extremes just to get our food in for the day.
I myself started training in 1986 and even back then there wasnt a protein powder that wouldnt bloat you and give you the runs.Plus all they had was amino acid tablets and liver pills .So trust me bodybuilders have it alot easier these days.I know alot of pro bodybuilders such as Gustavo, Troy Alves, Art Atwood, Toney Freeman ,Jay Cutler Will Harris ,Gunther,and Craig Titus.Guess what they all drink protein powder, use L-Glutamine, and about half of them use Creatine .They may not use the company they endoses products, but they do use supplements

As far a anabolics killing people, yes they can.Anabolics ,especially raises blood pressure, cholesterol and can cause an artithemia , which is alterted heart contrations.When you raise blood pressure, and your cholesterol is raised, plus an arithemia happens, this is what causes heart failure.I have nothing against stroid use, but to think they cant cause a heart attack you need to get real.Steroid use did cause me to have high blood pressure, and high cholesterol, which is something I never had before using steroids.Now that I have been off of them  about a year my cholesterol is low, and so is my blood pressure.If you look at any autophosy from the the Guy Anthony who died at masters nationals, and my friend , they both died of heart failure.Plus you have Sonny Schmidy, Don Young blood, Eric Otero, and the big African American British bodybuilder also died from a heart attack.All these men when in there 40"s and were in great shape, yet they died from a heart attack.I read the autopsy reprots on all of them and every single one of them died from a heart attack due to steroid use.So please dont be in denial, if you use steroids, get blood work done, and check your blood pressure 2-3 times a week.Otherwise, you can face the consequences
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 28, 2006, 12:42:35 PM
Little guns there are alot of good companies like AST,Bioplex ,Gaspari( Halodrol) Labrada ( protein) Dorin Approved ( protein ) Beverly international ( some of there protein )MHP, Legal Gear ( hormones )Professional Supplements (Vitargo) Optimum Nutrition ( Pro Complex only) Anabolic Xtreme ,ISS ( protein ),  MLO( HARDBODY PROTEIN)
These are pretty much the companies I fell that there products do what they say
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 28, 2006, 12:49:31 PM
Littel Guns even if you took 2 grams of protein per body lb per day, with most protein powder that would not be enough L-Glutamine to give your muscles full recovery.Even though L-Glutamine is a non essential amino acid, its the most important for muscle cell volume, and muscle recovery.Did you know that 60 % of the tissue in your muscles cells contain L-Glutamine?  So L-Glutamine may not be a so-called essential amino acid, but it is the most essential amino acid for repairing broken down muscle tissue and for increasing mucle cell volume
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: schwarzenpecker on July 28, 2006, 02:57:27 PM
Wombat , First of all they didnt have a Whey Protein Isolate, L-Glutamine, Creatine , or any of the supplments they have today back when Arnold was competeing.I have heard Arnold say his exact words were" body builders have it easier today, they have good supplements, and you can ever go to a health food store and grab a ready to drink protein in a can.Back in the day we had to eat tuna out of a can go to extremes just to get our food in for the day.
I myself started training in 1986 and even back then there wasnt a protein powder that wouldnt bloat you and give you the runs.Plus all they had was amino acid tablets and liver pills .So trust me bodybuilders have it alot easier these days.I know alot of pro bodybuilders such as Gustavo, Troy Alves, Art Atwood, Toney Freeman ,Jay Cutler Will Harris ,Gunther,and Craig Titus.Guess what they all drink protein powder, use L-Glutamine, and about half of them use Creatine .They may not use the company they endoses products, but they do use supplements

As far a anabolics killing people, yes they can.Anabolics ,especially raises blood pressure, cholesterol and can cause an artithemia , which is alterted heart contrations.When you raise blood pressure, and your cholesterol is raised, plus an arithemia happens, this is what causes heart failure.I have nothing against stroid use, but to think they cant cause a heart attack you need to get real.Steroid use did cause me to have high blood pressure, and high cholesterol, which is something I never had before using steroids.Now that I have been off of them  about a year my cholesterol is low, and so is my blood pressure.If you look at any autophosy from the the Guy Anthony who died at masters nationals, and my friend , they both died of heart failure.Plus you have Sonny Schmidy, Don Young blood, Eric Otero, and the big African American British bodybuilder also died from a heart attack.All these men when in there 40"s and were in great shape, yet they died from a heart attack.I read the autopsy reprots on all of them and every single one of them died from a heart attack due to steroid use.So please dont be in denial, if you use steroids, get blood work done, and check your blood pressure 2-3 times a week.Otherwise, you can face the consequences

How did you get access to the autopsy reports? The media says Sonny Schmidt died of cancer in prison and Eric Otero died of an infection from a root canal.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 28, 2006, 03:08:21 PM
First off just because a person only uses anabolics for 2 years doesnt mean it cant give him a heart attack.My Aunt who his a doctor in the largest hospitol in NY wrote 2 books one on infection control, and the other heart prevention.I have met alot of doctors through her, and went to her seminars.People can even  die from just using cocaine there first time.Steroids, raise blood pressure, and increases cholesterol which inturn puts alot of stress on the heart.Plus stroids are known to cause heat arithmia , which is an irregular heart beat.So if you have high blood pressure your cholesterol is high, and your heart has an irregular beat.It doesnt take much to puit the heart in to cardiac arrest.If you dont beleive me ask any heart specialist , they will tell you the 3 drugs that cause  the most heart failure is steroids, meth, and cocaine .With bodybuilders they say 85% of the time its either stroke or hear attack that causes there death .They say its because of the amount of weight in muscle they carry, high blood pressure, and usually high cholesterol from the steroids, and high amounts of red meat they eat.Perfect example Mike Matarazzo, steroids, and red meat almost killed him.
I may be wrong about Eric oteros death, because the first thing that they caused his death was a stroke.But after the autopsy, that probably changed.Now Sonny Schmidt on the other hand did die from an arthemia, irregular beating of the heart muscle.Yes they did find cancer cells in his body.If they would have diagnosed his arethmia, they could have put him on heart bmedication.Heart Arethmia is very common with any athlete who uses or has used anabolic steroids
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: littleguns on July 28, 2006, 05:50:24 PM
Littel Guns even if you took 2 grams of protein per body lb per day, with most protein powder that would not be enough L-Glutamine to give your muscles full recovery.Even though L-Glutamine is a non essential amino acid, its the most important for muscle cell volume, and muscle recovery.Did you know that 60 % of the tissue in your muscles cells contain L-Glutamine?  So L-Glutamine may not be a so-called essential amino acid, but it is the most essential amino acid for repairing broken down muscle tissue and for increasing mucle cell volume

First off thanks again for taking time to reply. I have a BS in Nutrition and Exercise Physiology so I fully understand how abundant Glutamine is thourhgout skeletal muscle. But in regards to Metabolism your body breaks down protein into amino acids and then rebuilds it to make whatever Proteins are lacking or necessary hence non-essential. If your body is lacking Glutamine it will take the necessary free form amino acids and rebuild a GLutamine molecule, but if there is an overabundance as in with supplementation all the excess glutamine will be excreted through Urine, sweat etc etc....

Have you ever had an extremely strong smelling urine? This is all the extra protein your body is excreting.....

Again just friendly banter between 2 guys, knowledge is Power, and thus far I am very appreciative of what you have shared....
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: Wombat on July 28, 2006, 06:52:39 PM
Wombat , First of all they didnt have a Whey Protein Isolate, L-Glutamine, Creatine , or any of the supplments they have today back when Arnold was competeing.I have heard Arnold say his exact words were" body builders have it easier today, they have good supplements, and you can ever go to a health food store and grab a ready to drink protein in a can.Back in the day we had to eat tuna out of a can go to extremes just to get our food in for the day.
I myself started training in 1986 and even back then there wasnt a protein powder that wouldnt bloat you and give you the runs.Plus all they had was amino acid tablets and liver pills .So trust me bodybuilders have it alot easier these days.I know alot of pro bodybuilders such as Gustavo, Troy Alves, Art Atwood, Toney Freeman ,Jay Cutler Will Harris ,Gunther,and Craig Titus.Guess what they all drink protein powder, use L-Glutamine, and about half of them use Creatine .They may not use the company they endoses products, but they do use supplements

As far a anabolics killing people, yes they can.Anabolics ,especially raises blood pressure, cholesterol and can cause an artithemia , which is alterted heart contrations.When you raise blood pressure, and your cholesterol is raised, plus an arithemia happens, this is what causes heart failure.I have nothing against stroid use, but to think they cant cause a heart attack you need to get real.Steroid use did cause me to have high blood pressure, and high cholesterol, which is something I never had before using steroids.Now that I have been off of them  about a year my cholesterol is low, and so is my blood pressure.If you look at any autophosy from the the Guy Anthony who died at masters nationals, and my friend , they both died of heart failure.Plus you have Sonny Schmidy, Don Young blood, Eric Otero, and the big African American British bodybuilder also died from a heart attack.All these men when in there 40"s and were in great shape, yet they died from a heart attack.I read the autopsy reprots on all of them and every single one of them died from a heart attack due to steroid use.So please dont be in denial, if you use steroids, get blood work done, and check your blood pressure 2-3 times a week.Otherwise, you can face the consequences

The diff----between Arnold's days and today are drugs, food, education....Not protein powders c'on...How many pros do you think use protein powders???Arnold talked about today's guys have it easy because the food is so much easier to obtain and the education thru the internet moves so quickly(drug related)

All of these guys you mentioned died of heart attack because of the simple fact that they are over weight....Sure hormones raise blood pressure ect... but to say that is the cause of death is just not true...The body's heart  can not tell if a guy is 260 at 5% bodyfat or 260 fat as doesn't work that way....These guys whose heart's failed did so because of the yo yo dieting for years and the fact that they are extremely overweight....Add stimulants which is one the worst things on the heart and you are basically a ticking time bomb...hundreds of thousands of people die each year from heart disease...And most of them never touched a hormone in their life....Many of these people are in there 40's and 50's....Being overweight will kill you some day...And bodybuilders(the pros) are all well over the weight that they should be to be healthy....These guys are never considered healthy, even though they look it...

And natural bodybuilders have the same problem....They are always trying to add weight and strip it off.  Using stims and what not....Tons of coffee or the next BiG thing from the vitamin store (which is not regulated to begin with)...

A agree hormones play a role and maybe a pretty big one at that(for some) but they are not by any means the #1 problem to the health concerns of these guys you listed....Their hearts are working over time every day...Hormones or no hormones...
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: sarcasm on July 28, 2006, 06:54:41 PM

The diff----between Arnold's days and today are drugs, food, education....Not protein powders c'on...How many pros do you think use protein powders???Arnold talked about today's guys have it easy because the food is so much easier to obtain and the education thru the internet moves so quickly(drug related)

All of these guys you mentioned died of heart attack because of the simple fact that they are over weight....Sure hormones raise blood pressure ect... but to say that is the cause of death is just not true...The body's heart  can not tell if a guy is 260 at 5% bodyfat or 260 fat as doesn't work that way....These guys whose heart's failed did so because of the yo yo dieting for years and the fact that they are extremely overweight....Add stimulants which is one the worst things on the heart and you are basically a ticking time bomb...hundreds of thousands of people die each year from heart disease...And most of them never touched a hormone in their life....Many of these people are in there 40's and 50's....Being overweight will kill you some day...And bodybuilders(the pros) are all well over the weight that they should be to be healthy....These guys are never considered healthy, even though they look it...

And natural bodybuilders have the same problem....They are always trying to add weight and strip it off.  Using stims and what not....Tons of coffee or the next BiG thing from the vitamin store (which is not regulated to begin with)...

A agree hormones play a role and maybe a pretty big one at that(for some) but they are not by any means the #1 problem to the health concerns of these guys you listed....Their hearts are working over time every day...Hormones or no hormones...
very good post.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: gh15 on July 29, 2006, 01:26:49 AM

The diff----between Arnold's days and today are drugs, food, education....Not protein powders c'on...How many pros do you think use protein powders???Arnold talked about today's guys have it easy because the food is so much easier to obtain and the education thru the internet moves so quickly(drug related)

All of these guys you mentioned died of heart attack because of the simple fact that they are over weight....Sure hormones raise blood pressure ect... but to say that is the cause of death is just not true...The body's heart  can not tell if a guy is 260 at 5% bodyfat or 260 fat as doesn't work that way....These guys whose heart's failed did so because of the yo yo dieting for years and the fact that they are extremely overweight....Add stimulants which is one the worst things on the heart and you are basically a ticking time bomb...hundreds of thousands of people die each year from heart disease...And most of them never touched a hormone in their life....Many of these people are in there 40's and 50's....Being overweight will kill you some day...And bodybuilders(the pros) are all well over the weight that they should be to be healthy....These guys are never considered healthy, even though they look it...

And natural bodybuilders have the same problem....They are always trying to add weight and strip it off.  Using stims and what not....Tons of coffee or the next BiG thing from the vitamin store (which is not regulated to begin with)...

A agree hormones play a role and maybe a pretty big one at that(for some) but they are not by any means the #1 problem to the health concerns of these guys you listed....Their hearts are working over time every day...Hormones or no hormones...

ACTUALLY,,(here he goes again ;)) protien powders are SUPER IMPORTANT in maintaining enough calories and proteins while bulking (i consider protein powder not a must while cutting and keep them to minimum)

when bulking and trying to get up in size/weight you must eat enough calories and what can be better than protein shake? tons of good proteins.
you cant sit and eat your 6000-7000+ calories that are needed as a solid bodybuilder by eating ONLY solid foods,,,you need to be wacko to do it from only solid food,,,who has the time or money or eating ability to eat 6000 calories/ day coming out of solid foods?? especially when you try to keep it somewhat "clean" and maintain fat in low-medium zone.

protein shakes are part of any bodybuilder diet. in the 40-70s they were done individually as home made shakes from eggwhites and icecream + some low fat milk,,,and during the 80s till these days they became marketable via supp companies.

now, YES i agree,, many supp companies work too much on the label and outside of the product rather than working on the inside of it. many supp companies throw in protein powder that giving you bloat or  not digested due to many diff reasons such as added meltodextrin,,,whole milk protein in concentrate version (some simply cant digest it) etc,,,BUT there are few companies that care and do very good work.

i dont know how good getitonny company is  but the guy is a good guy seems like and if his product didnt stand to label claim i assume he wouldnt be in business no more because no body would buy,,,,so he may have good product for naturals to help them with their bodybuilding goals.

what i can tell you is from my experience when it comes to protein powders.

1. i find dorian yates and dymatize to be solid companies because i was on their proteins powders.

2. as of today i mainly use true protein cutomized products simply due to the reputation of the main guy and his contribution to our community. no marketing no bullshit straight out best quality protein you can find which means spending less in grocery store. so yes,,,i put $200 on protein powders but i spend $300 less a week in grocery store. to all of the vitargo lovers :D you can also find there waxy maize for half the price. solid products

* i always add digestive enzymes into my meals that is the trick. GOOD digestive enzymes with aminogen included in the protein powder.

Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on July 29, 2006, 11:10:12 AM
Alot of what GH15  said was true, about the guys in the ealry days making protein shakes home made .They would use non fat milk raw eggs bananas wheat germ ,oats ,honey, and maybe icre cream.Then the 1980's came and jow weider came out with his protein powders Which were junk.They contained sweet dairy whey, which is a by product of cheese. that is dirt cheap Sweet dairy whey is what whey protein is, before they , micro filter it, to get rid of all the impurities.Sweet dairy whey has tons of lactose in it and very little protein.But chemists found way to extract the protein from sweet dairy whey..They do this by micro filteratin, cross microfiltration ,cold proccessing the whey.Blelieve it or not, the Cheese manufactures in New Zeland would throw away this sweet dairy whey, because they had no use for it.They Whey protein came around, and made this once disregarded product turn into gold.
Now the reason some protein powders, cause bloating or cramping, is because they contains lactose( milk sugar)There are 2 diffrent types of whey protein whey concentrate which is protein that is 35-89 % pure protein.Then you have whey isolsate which is 90% pure protein and above.The highest whey protein isolate I have seen is 94% so if a company tells you they have 97% protein in there product they are lying .Now a good quatlity whey protein concentrate will be atleast 75% -80 protein , which is pretty clean, and want cause gas or bloating. Alot of the cheap whey protein companies use the junk like the 40-50% pure protein, and this will give you gas bloating naseau and so on.So if you see a protein powder that is 6 lbs of protein at coscto,for $20.00 chances are it 50% protein, which only cost a $1.50 a pound to make .The best way to see what procentage of protein your getting is divide the amount the serving size by the amount of protein they claim.Example lets say a company says they have a 30 grams serving, and they claim 25 grams of protein per serving .So lets go 25 grams divided by 30grams = 83 , so it 83% protein .Now one thing you have to be careful of is alot of companies lie about how much protein per scoop they have in each serving.But alteast this way if the company is legit, you can see what percentage of protein your getting .
Now as Far as good protein manufactures GH is right Droian Yates is pretty good stuff, but Dymatise, is not very good at all.They used to be good, and now there protein is cheap.GH15 if you want to try a really clean protein try Biloplex, tHEY HAVE A GREAT iSOLATE there web site is BIOplexnutrition .com.I know the owner really well and there protein is so clean and pure you can literally drink it the week before a show.Bioplex is kind of bland but there whey isolate I feel is the best out there.He uses the same raw material supplier I do, so I know exactly what he is putting in his product.The only product I will drink is Extreme Labs, Bio-Plex, MLO HardBody, and the original Met Rx.
GH 15 if you ever need anything custom blended PM me, I do alot of custom formulations for alot of pro athletes
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: El Guapo on July 30, 2006, 03:44:18 PM
John or GH15, what is aminogen?Thanks.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on August 01, 2006, 10:31:33 PM
ElGuapo, Aminogen is an enzyme that helps the body break down and assimilate protein.Alot of people lack the enzymes needed to fully break down the protein all the protein they eat.If your body cant break down the protein you take in it will cause gas, cramping and bloating.So Aminogen, protease , or a good digestive enzyme will hel your body break down protein more effectivly
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on August 01, 2006, 10:45:54 PM
Litle Guns, yes some of the protein and L-Glutamine you take in , will be urinated out.And no I have never had strong smelling urine .If you train extremely intensly, use a good digestive enyzme, with protese in it, and add apple cider vinegar to your salads.The chances of you urinating  out protein is alot slimmer.Of course you will urinate out some protein and amino acids. But I would rather urinate a very little amount odf protein and amino acids, then have my body be catabolic.If you train very intesnly, and train 5-6 days a week your body will use almost all the protein you take in to a certain pointThe more muscle you have, means the more damaged tissue you will have.I have always looked my best, and my muscles looked harder and fuller when I took 1.75-2 grams of protein per body pound per day.Also when I took in high amounts of L-Glutamine my recovery time was cut in half and my muscles look alot fuller as well.So yes you might urinate a little bit of protein out, but its beeter then having your muscles be in a catabolic state
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: cswol on August 02, 2006, 02:44:24 AM
no stinking urine, and a stinking azz johnny boy..................... ...............woah nelly
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on August 02, 2006, 12:38:24 PM
C-Swole how is your fitness show doing ?
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on August 02, 2006, 06:22:04 PM
I havent heard anything from GH 15 in a while I wonder what kind of trouble he is causing.The last thread I saw him post he literally destroyed Skip Laour
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: sarcasm on August 02, 2006, 06:22:59 PM
I havent heard anything from GH 15 in a while I wonder what kind of trouble he is causing.The last thread I saw him post he literally destroyed Skip Laour
he's doing his weekly guest spot on
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on August 03, 2006, 05:01:21 PM
I had 5 athletes in the USA , Greg Peoples took 1st in the middle weight, Manny Torres took 3 rd in the light heavies, James Allen took 5th in the middle wieght, and Carl Lomax got 10th in the heavies, and Mike Pallazo took 15th in the heavies.Not to shabby
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on August 03, 2006, 07:40:20 PM
I just got off of the phone with Troy Alves, and he says he is weighing 235 lbs right now and is hard.He said his hamstrings and glutes are alot more seperated., he is hitting them twice per week.Troy is an awesome athlete and a great guy.My company sponsored Troy Alves for 4 years.I did custom formulations for him , and still do to this day.Troy Drinks our Lean Mass ,and our Lean Mass XR Matrix .I am not plugging my company, I am just telling everyone that Troy Alves is going to do some damage this year at the MR Olympia .Troy Alves is a phenomonal athlete, a great person and I am glad I have had the oppurtunity to work with him over the years.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on August 03, 2006, 08:31:49 PM
Some body PM me asking me about Cell Tec by Muscle Tech.Well, I am going answer this question on the  board.Cell Tech isnt god or bad its just okay.But I am going to tell you how to make any even better version of Cell Tech very inexpensively
Go to bodybuilding .com and buy 2 , 2 lb bags of Dextrose at $3.25 each.Then go buy Alpha Lapoic Acid by Bio chem in capsules for $ 7.49 .Lastly, get Kre-Alkalyn by Scifit , 100 GRAMS OF $11.49.Cell Tech uses just creatine monohydrate which isnt nearly as good and Kre -Alkalyn, so you will have a better product for less money.Now go to the store and buy unsweetend Kool-aide what ever flavor you like, fruit punch, grape or what ever.Now get a large bowl, and dump the 2 bags of Dextrose into the bowl, then take the bottle of Kre-Alkalyn and at that to this mixture.Then take the Alpha Lapoic Acid, and empty out the capsules into the bowl.Take a big spooon and mix it really well.Lastly add 2 packets of your Favorite unsweetend Kool-Aid to this mixture, and stir it up realy well, until all of it is mixed completely .And there you go you just made a improved version 4lb version of Cell Tech for just $25.00.Now about serving size, just take 4 1/2 tablespoons will equal 75 grams the same serving size as Cell Tech has
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: cswol on August 03, 2006, 09:22:47 PM
extreme labs are the best supplements out there, If I had money I would use them only, if everyone took extreme labs they could definitely see that other supplements are horrible.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on August 03, 2006, 09:31:13 PM
Thank you C-Swole , how are things treating you in LA? How is your fitness show doing?I know you wont beleive this but C-Swole can concentration curl 150 lbs for for 3 reps, no bull .C-Sswole is a pretty friggin strong dude
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on August 05, 2006, 01:47:46 AM
Only 8 weeks until the Mr Olympia, if any of you guys are going stop by my companies booth and say hi, and grab a t-shirt
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: iabadman2 on August 05, 2006, 07:09:25 AM
     Getitony............I don't post alot here bro .......But I really wanted to thank you for your posts , as well as your honesty . At 36 ,I have been in the game for awhile  and while I did some things in bbing ,I achieved more so in other sports, all using gear did  for me was get me busted and change the course of my entire life.[ my fault totally and I except everything that happened] The integrity that you have demonstrated here is truly  amirable . You sir, are  a class act and I hope that you will keep sharing your time and knowledge here with the members of this board ......I have been clean for over ten years , and honestly find it tough to not want to go back to the dark side at times honestly , I have nothing to gain by doing so .I find that health and longevity are more important to me at this point [ as well as my freedom]....... I would love to see the supplement stack that you would recomend someone that is trying to age well , [ stay lean  under 10% ] , and protect his health ,while maintaining his health /vitality.I want to maintain as much muscle as possible as long as i can .I am in very good condition right now at about 245[ no bs ,came down from 272..I  was 300 on gear was around 255 on stage]. Pro hormones scare me ,same with fat burners........I am extremely sensitive to drugs  and shut down or become over stimulated way too easily and don't like the feeling[ that is another reason I have chose to stay clean ] If you have any detailed advice that you would care to share I would be greatful .........I feel I more than know my stuff .......but with your insight ,I feel there might be some pieces of the puzzle that I might have over looked ........your help and advice would be greatly appreciated.........Oh by the way , I know you and gh15 go at it at times , but I respect you both alot ......he is telling it like it is [ truthfully , I side with him on the Skip Lacour arguement........I know the truth on that  from my old days in the game ]gh15 just wants people not to have unrealistic expections and no the real truth in this crazy sport........guys like you or me [ both Italian guys ,that are mainly meso]  are rare when it comes to holding natty mass [ not that I am anything great , but I would say I am gifted and Dante from true protein , who is a friend would definately agree] But gh15 is an asset, just like yourself [if he wants to chime in ,his opinion would be respected as well]  So if you find the time .......what would be your ultimate formula to hold my lean muscular physique  as long as possible?[basically a larger fitness model ]  Most guys just go on HRT ........but is there a better way that won't shut me down  ? [ shoot ,500mg of test would shut me down in 3 weeks back in the day .......trouble ejaculating , lousy loads ,delayed climax, but horny as really sucked ....I really  hated being on ..I was so sensitive ....My body didn't like being on one talks about his shit .....but I know that I wasn't the only one .....and I happen to like sex ,so I don't get how pros or just users in general  can deal with that shit ......I will them those sides for the guys can deal with them]   All my best to you and your family...............I will look forward to your reply [ you too gh15 ]  ......take care
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: sarcasm on August 05, 2006, 07:42:29 AM
     Getitony............I don't post alot here bro .......But I really wanted to thank you for your posts , as well as your honesty . At 36 ,I have been in the game for awhile  and while I did some things in bbing ,I achieved more so in other sports, all using gear did  for me was get me busted and change the course of my entire life.[ my fault totally and I except everything that happened] The integrity that you have demonstrated here is truly  amirable . You sir, are  a class act and I hope that you will keep sharing your time and knowledge here with the members of this board ......I have been clean for over ten years , and honestly find it tough to not want to go back to the dark side at times honestly , I have nothing to gain by doing so .I find that health and longevity are more important to me at this point [ as well as my freedom]....... I would love to see the supplement stack that you would recomend someone that is trying to age well , [ stay lean  under 10% ] , and protect his health ,while maintaining his health /vitality.I want to maintain as much muscle as possible as long as i can .I am in very good condition right now at about 245[ no bs ,came down from 272..I  was 300 on gear was around 255 on stage]. Pro hormones scare me ,same with fat burners........I am extremely sensitive to drugs  and shut down or become over stimulated way too easily and don't like the feeling[ that is another reason I have chose to stay clean ] If you have any detailed advice that you would care to share I would be greatful .........I feel I more than know my stuff .......but with your insight ,I feel there might be some pieces of the puzzle that I might have over looked ........your help and advice would be greatly appreciated.........Oh by the way , I know you and gh15 go at it at times , but I respect you both alot ......he is telling it like it is [ truthfully , I side with him on the Skip Lacour arguement........I know the truth on that  from my old days in the game ]gh15 just wants people not to have unrealistic expections and no the real truth in this crazy sport........guys like you or me [ both Italian guys ,that are mainly meso]  are rare when it comes to holding natty mass [ not that I am anything great , but I would say I am gifted and Dante from true protein , who is a friend would definately agree] But gh15 is an asset, just like yourself [if he wants to chime in ,his opinion would be respected as well]  So if you find the time .......what would be your ultimate formula to hold my lean muscular physique  as long as possible?[basically a larger fitness model ]  Most guys just go on HRT ........but is there a better way that won't shut me down  ? [ shoot ,500mg of test would shut me down in 3 weeks back in the day .......trouble ejaculating , lousy loads ,delayed climax, but horny as really sucked ....I really  hated being on ..I was so sensitive ....My body didn't like being on one talks about his shit .....but I know that I wasn't the only one .....and I happen to like sex ,so I don't get how pros or just users in general  can deal with that shit ......I will them those sides for the guys can deal with them]   All my best to you and your family...............I will look forward to your reply [ you too gh15 ]  ......take care
if you were so graet natural you never would have juiced, you're just another drug using wimp.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: kingNOLI on August 06, 2006, 12:18:36 PM
Thank you John D." Extremelabs"  for making me my custom Pre workout with Kre Alkalyn its awesome .

If some of you people dont know I picked up the suggestion on BOb Chics Video he took the same formulation for the masters contest.

I also took there Fat burner called Blade , let me tell you that realy got me going before my workout and it also shedded some unwanted weight.

I hope you keep posting here because your knowledge is honest and real.

I guess we are all tiered of all these false claims these companies make now finally we have a honest Owner thats involved and a athlete in the business.

Thanks John D. I will see you at your Olympia Booth this year.

Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on August 06, 2006, 12:31:42 PM
iabadman2  I want to help you but your post doesnt get to the point.Do you want me to help you get big using asupplements, or using gear or both?
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on August 06, 2006, 01:40:18 PM
Noli, thank you for the compliment .I have been in and around bodybuilding for over 20 years.Plus I have been on both sides of the fence so to speak.I think it was time to for me to bring some truth and clarity to the supplement industry.The problem with supplement companies is there is so much conflicting "so -called " research, and false claims, that its hard to distinguish truth from reality .The bottom line is there is only one truth, just like day is day and night is night..Alot of supplement companies make claims that are on an area of gray so to speak.Yes the guy did use the product, but he was also on an anabolic cylce to gain 50 lbs.Or the fat burners that contain Green Tea and caffiene getting athletes ripped, lol.They dont tell you the guy was on clen winstrol , anavar , and cytomel.The only 2  fat burners that was over the counter was Ephedra, Asprin Cafiene, and Tricana, the rest are a bad joke.Thats why my comapny only makes a product that has caffiene asprin and Ephedra.To make the FDA happy I came out with an Ephedra free product, but I talk people out of buying it The only reason it is on my companies website to make the FDA happy. In chemistry there is no area of grey, it either is or it isnt, no if and or buts period!!.My posts are here to seperate  fact from fiction plain and simple.I dont care if any of you buy a product from my company, but if you do thank you.I didnt start Extreme Labs 10 years ago, this month is because I got tired buying protein powder that tasted like shit, and upset my stomach.Or falling prey to a supplement that only made false promises when I was younger.So I started Extreme Labs , not because of money but out of frustration.I was making supplements for my self and friends of mine , because I had a backround in chemistry.One day a friend of mine said John why dont you start a company ,and sell this protein and creatine you are making.So I thought about it, and it seemed like a good idea, but what was I going to call it? I was listening to a new radio station one day, and it was called x107.5 Extreme Radio. I thought wow ,extreme is a cool, name, why dont I call it Extreme Labs. so there you have it.Anybody who truly knows me knows I didnt start this company out of greed or just for money, it was out of passion, frustration.I have had numerious chances to do mass market crap like Wal-Mart, and other mass market chains ,but I turned it down.I dont want to sell junk, and I want to be able to look myself in the mirror everyday, knowing I am giving people what they pay for.All that mass market crap that are in WalMarts, and other chains, is garbage.Most of the time all that stuff just a stem of the ingredient,  or the root, of the ingredient, or rice flour in a capsule. Not the potent part of the plant like the leaf.I dont like bashing but to mass market companies its not about quality its about the bottom line, money period!!!
In my posts I try to remain neutral, and bash other companies but  sometimes, I have to tell it like it is.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: kingNOLI on August 06, 2006, 08:56:43 PM
Noli, thank you for the compliment .I have been in and around bodybuilding for over 20 years.Plus I have been on both sides of the fence so to speak.I think it was time to for me to bring some truth and clarity to the supplement industry.The problem with supplement companies is there is so much conflicting "so -called " research, and false claims, that its hard to distinguish truth from reality .The bottom line is there is only one truth, just like day is day and night is night..Alot of supplement companies make claims that are on an area of gray so to speak.Yes the guy did use the product, but he was also on an anabolic cylce to gain 50 lbs.Or the fat burners that contain Green Tea and caffiene getting athletes ripped, lol.They dont tell you the guy was on clen winstrol , anavar , and cytomel.The only 2  fat burners that was over the counter was Ephedra, Asprin Cafiene, and Tricana, the rest are a bad joke.Thats why my comapny only makes a product that has caffiene asprin and Ephedra.To make the FDA happy I came out with an Ephedra free product, but I talk people out of buying it The only reason it is on my companies website to make the FDA happy. In chemistry there is no area of grey, it either is or it isnt, no if and or buts period!!.My posts are here to seperate  fact from fiction plain and simple.I dont care if any of you buy a product from my company, but if you do thank you.I didnt start Extreme Labs 10 years ago, this month is because I got tired buying protein powder that tasted like shit, and upset my stomach.Or falling prey to a supplement that only made false promises when I was younger.So I started Extreme Labs , not because of money but out of frustration.I was making supplements for my self and friends of mine , because I had a backround in chemistry.One day a friend of mine said John why dont you start a company ,and sell this protein and creatine you are making.So I thought about it, and it seemed like a good idea, but what was I going to call it? I was listening to a new radio station one day, and it was called x107.5 Extreme Radio. I thought wow ,extreme is a cool, name, why dont I call it Extreme Labs. so there you have it.Anybody who truly knows me knows I didnt start this company out of greed or just for money, it was out of passion, frustration.I have had numerious chances to do mass market crap like Wal-Mart, and other mass market chains ,but I turned it down.I dont want to sell junk, and I want to be able to look myself in the mirror everyday, knowing I am giving people what they pay for.All that mass market crap that are in WalMarts, and other chains, is garbage.Most of the time all that stuff just a stem of the ingredient,  or the root, of the ingredient, or rice flour in a capsule. Not the potent part of the plant like the leaf.I dont like bashing but to mass market companies its not about quality its about the bottom line, money period!!!
In my posts I try to remain neutral, and bash other companies but  sometimes, I have to tell it like it is.

Thats why I come to you bro  " Keep it up"

Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: iabadman2 on August 06, 2006, 09:04:14 PM
  No bro, I am plenty big I think If you re- read my post you would see what I am asking.......[ I am 6 feet , a  lean 245 under 10%] and I have stayed clean for 10 yrs........On gear ,I was 300 or so and competed in the 260s[looked my best at 255 though] ......but that was in the past and along time ago..........everybody used to look goal is to try get down to a real 6-7 % [ I am 8-9 right now so I am very close to my goal and loving it ]    And I want to try to maintain a muscular male fitness model type look as long as time /age will allow........I just want to be heathy and continue to look great as I age..........I wanted to see what you would recomend supp/diet wise for me to achieve this [ I know my stuff but I thought you might point me into some areas I might of missed ]..........If you get time [ maybe re read my post]  and answer my questions.......also what is your honest opinion of hrt ? Is it smart for what I am after or not? ...........Let me know .....thanks for your time......
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: hangclean on August 06, 2006, 09:28:53 PM
They should change the name of this thread to "Advertisement for John D's supplement company".
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on August 06, 2006, 09:46:47 PM
Hang clean I am in no means trying to push my company on this thread, .If you read my last post it states, It doesnt matter if you buy my supplements or not, but if you do thank you.I didnt start this thread, Adonis did.I am just here to help thats all
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on August 06, 2006, 10:00:03 PM
iabadman2 .I would recomend trying to get in 7-8 meals in a day, and about 450  to 500 grams of protein per day.So that would be roughly 60 grams of protein per meal.Now depending on your metabolism if its fast or slow, will determine how many carbs you take in.If it fast shoot for 400 carbs per day, if its slower take in about 250 to 200.As far as supplements go I would use Kre-Alkalyn creatine, about 2 teaspoons a day, 30 minutes before training.Then gets some Glutamine and take 4 table spoons of that a day. one in the morning, i in the after noon, 1 after training and the last one before bed time.If you can get a good branch chain amino acid in powder form and take that 3 times a day with the L-Glutamine.You will also need a protein powder because there is no way you could eat 500 grams of protein per day. So you will have to alternate 1 meal from food 1 mealfrom protein powder.Try to find a protein powder that contains Milk Isolate, Whey Isolate, Whey concentrate, and egg protein combined.This way it will have a broad amino acid profile.Now if you want you could add, a prohormone in there aswell, like Halodrol from Gaspari, legal gear makes some good stuff, and my company makes Methyl Tren Depot, and Halo Test Depot just to name a few.Lastly get a good digestive enzyme, to help your body breakdown all the food you taje in.I recommend SUPER DIGESTIWAY, by a company called  SOLARAY.THats about all you will need.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on August 06, 2006, 10:07:27 PM
If anyone thinks that I am just trying to get buissness by posting on here, besides Hangclean, I will not post here anymore.I want to make sure everyone knows my intensions are good, and I dont have alterior motives. I am a bodybuilder and it is my passion and I love to help other people achieve there goals.If you feel I am trying to get buissness by posting here, and I wil gladly not post here.......God Bless John
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on August 07, 2006, 12:53:23 AM
The next big low calorie sweetener will be Lohan Kuo, Lo Han Kuo is the fruit of Momordica grosvenorii, a plant cultivated in the mountains of southern China. Mogrosides, which are water extracted from the Lo Han fruit, offer a pleasant and sweet taste, without elevating blood sugar. Lo Han Kuo Mogrosides are up to 250x sweeter than sugar. This fruit, has like a honey taste to it.Once they find away to make it cost effective you will see it replace, Aspartame , Nutrasweet , Stevia , Sucralose and Sweet and Low.I have worked with it in some of my formulations, and found it will make anything low carb, low sugar taste awesome.The plant it comes from it a type of melon, that has very low sugar, but has a very unique taste.In the next 2-3 years it will be the safest, all natural sweetener ever made
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on August 07, 2006, 11:32:01 AM
Matt I have seen pics of you, and your look pretty good,but this guy wants to stay lean at 250lbs .By eating 7-8 times day ,his body will kick into over drive because it knows it is getting food every hours, so it speeds up the metabolism.Your right you can grow on 5-6 meals, but to get to 6% body fat you have to keep the protein high, and them meals frequent.YOU also have to remeber this guy is 250lbs, lean and I think your around 210 lbs if I am not mistaken.I have stepped on stage at 258lbs at 3.8% bodyfat so I know how to stay big and lean at the same time
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on August 07, 2006, 05:58:23 PM
I got a pm and they asked me how do I eat and how do I take my supplements, basically supplement timing, so here it goes.

7 AM 1 scoop of Full Throttle
       3 tablets of Natures Way Multi Vitamin
       3 grams of Vitamin Ester C

8AM 3 scoops of Lean Mass
      1 cup of oatmeal
      1 table spoon of natural peanut butter

10am  20 egg whites, or 9ioz of lean meat
         3/4 cup of rice or grits or baked potato

12:30 pm  3 scoops of Lean Mass Protein MRP
               1 cup of oatmeal
              1 table spoon of peanut Butter

2:30 pm    9 oz of lean meat
               3/4 cup of rice or baked potato
               salad with apple cider  vinegar and oil

4:30 pm        3 scoop of Lean Mass Protein
              3/4 cup of oatmeal
             1 table spoon of natural peanut butter

5:30 pm  2 scoops of Full Throttle
              2 Blade Hard core

6:00 PM Train

7:00 PM  10 Grams of L-Glutamine,
             10 Grams of BCAAS
             3 Grams of Vitamin C
             1 Scoop of Nitro 92
             2 scoops of Vitargo

7:30 PM  10 oz of lean meat
             baked potato  or yam
             2 cups of salad with apple cider vinegar and oil

10:00 PM 3 Scoops of Lean Mass XR Matrix
              1 cup of oatmeal

11:00 pm   10 grams of L-Glutamine, and BCAAS

After every meal I take a digestive enzyme.I like Super Digestaway , by Solaray
Now as for protein powder you can use ours or AST, Bio -Plex, some Met-RX  products ,Dorian Yates, or Beveryl International;
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on August 08, 2006, 02:14:25 PM
I just got off of the Phone with The Big Cheese Art Atwood, he is 2 weeks out from the Europa Pro.He said he plans on coming in at 265-268 lbs, instead of 275-280 like he usually does, so he will look alot more symterical.Art is a big ass man, if he nails his condition he could easily win that show.Art said I plan on doing the Mr Olympia, with that said I am hoping "CORN FED" WINS THE Europa
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on August 08, 2006, 07:02:24 PM
I got a PM  today asking me about the supplement CLA and how good is it.I think CLA is a good source of  unsaturated fat, but there are better .If you want CLA dont go to a supplement store, go to the grocery store, that right the gorcery store.The supplement CLA is Safflower Oil in a capsule.So for about $5.00 you can get alot of CLA, lol.The best way to take CLA or Safflower Oil is on a salad with apple Cider Vinegar, like vinegar and oil.This way you get good fats, and the applecider vinegar has enzymes to help break down the protein you take in for that meal.I personally like to use Safflower Oil on my low carb days, while dieting, for energy.Another good oil is Udos Choice, which is alot more expensive but has a broader band of EFA'S .
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: kingNOLI on August 08, 2006, 08:13:04 PM
Wow! I have been getting ripped off with CLA Products.

Thanks for the info....

I got a PM  today asking me about the supplement CLA and how good is it.I think CLA is a good source of  unsaturated fat, but there are better .If you want CLA dont go to a supplement store, go to the grocery store, that right the gorcery store.The supplement CLA is Safflower Oil in a capsule.So for about $5.00 you can get alot of CLA, lol.The best way to take CLA or Safflower Oil is on a salad with apple Cider Vinegar, like vinegar and oil.This way you get good fats, and the applecider vinegar has enzymes to help break down the protein you take in for that meal.I personally like to use Safflower Oil on my low carb days, while dieting, for energy.Another good oil is Udos Choice, which is alot more expensive but has a broader band of EFA'S .
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on August 08, 2006, 08:33:54 PM
I like to put my Kre-Alkalyn in my 40 oz of Old English and train Dominican style, lol
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: hangclean on August 08, 2006, 09:04:11 PM
I probably shouldn't have been as rude as I was with my post.  It's just that the past year I tried something.  I stopped taking protein supplements and only ate real food and lo and behold I made more strength gains than ever before.  Now the only supps I take are B complex, Kre-alkyln, ephedrine (I will never stop that one) caffeine and fish oil.  I just hate all the supp industry bullshit.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on August 08, 2006, 09:19:15 PM
Hang clean I dont blame you, 90 % of the claims some of these companies are so exagerated that they belong in comic books.I am on this board to give people some clarity, like telling people not to buy CLA for $30.00 a bottle when they can buy Safflower oil for $5.00 and gets 10 times as much.Hangclean I started my company out of sheer frustration, and drive
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on August 08, 2006, 10:07:32 PM
Since GH 15 requested a pic of me off of hormones here you go.This was taken at the Arnold Classic by Ron Avidan at my company booth.In this pic I weigh around 268- 272 lbs,and at the time I was off of ALL  hormones almost 10 months.My cousin Eric is on the Right he weghs about 260 lbs in this pic, he is 30 years old, and has been off of all hormones 3 years.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: gh15 on August 08, 2006, 10:18:25 PM
Since GH 15 requested a pic of me off of hormones here you go.This was taken at the Arnold Classic by Ron Avidan at my company booth.In this pic I weigh around 268- 272 lbs,and at the time I was off of ALL  hormones almost 10 months.My cousin Eric is on the Right he weghs about 260 lbs in this pic, he is 30 years old, and has been off of all hormones 3 years.

i did not request a current picture of you i know what you look like. you are clean in this picture according to what you say and i take your word on that. how long,,i dont know,,,

from my experience in bodybuilding the chances of someone ANYONE to be 250 not 260 but 250 with less than 8% bf at height of 6 feet all of that after being clean for a over a year or a whole 3 years,,and i mean NO hormones or stimulants at all for all of that duration,,  is ZERO.

what i would approciaite is if you post here a picture of you from age 17 it will be easier to explain my points.

very good picture though!

Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: Disgusted on August 08, 2006, 10:38:22 PM
i did not request a current picture of you i know what you look like. you are clean in this picture according to what you say and i take your word on that. how long,,i dont know,,,

from my experience in bodybuilding the chances of someone ANYONE to be 250 not 260 but 250 with less than 8% bf at height of 6 feet all of that after being clean for a over a year or a whole 3 years,,and i mean NO hormones or stimulants at all for all of that duration,,  is ZERO.

what i would approciaite is if you post here a picture of you from age 17 it will be easier to explain my points.

very good picture though!

I agree. Look at the post of Dorian weighing 250. Supposedly he is very lean. Dorian weighed 254 at his first Olympia win. So that means his is only 4 pounds lighter than that. Granted he could drop "some" water, but this makes no sense. I ran into Dorian right after he retired at the AC. I am not sure as to what year it was maybe 2000?, but I remember looking at him and not recognizing him. He dropped what looked to be around 70 to 80 pounds. He was a lot smaller than he is now. I am guessing maybe 25 pounds. Most guys  still use a little or just enough to stay decently big and claim to be off.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on August 08, 2006, 11:00:34 PM
In that pic I was clean 10 months, and weighed 268-272 lbs, and my cousin weighed 260 lbs and he was clean 3 years.We are both Napledon Italian, so we have big heavy frames.When we were on the hormones we both weighed 290 lbs.In this pick the only things we used were prohormones, Kre-ALkalyn,protein powder, L-Glutamine, and BCCAS.You have to remeber I have been training 20 years.When I was 19 I only trainined a year and a half and I already weighed 208 lbs, and was bench pressing 325 lbs, naturally
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: Bast000 on August 08, 2006, 11:12:16 PM

 what in the world is this?
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: hangclean on August 09, 2006, 01:07:19 AM
what in the world is this?
Buffered creatine.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: Croatch on August 09, 2006, 01:15:14 AM
In this pick the only things we used were prohormones, Kre-ALkalyn,protein powder, L-Glutamine, and BCCAS.
That's all?  Enough prohormones is almost like a small cycle.
Just breaking your balls.  You have some good posts and are not one to judge people, I wish I could be more like that.
I'm trying out that KrekAlkalyn, so watch out!
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: iabadman2 on August 09, 2006, 01:59:56 AM
  Thanks for the reply John.......I am very greatful..........I was more looking  to see if  you take any supplements for health or longevity?[ things to control BP , Choresterol, keep heart healthy , arteries clean , postate in check , test levels in natural range,ect.....]   I totally agree with what you recomended me as far as eating........6- 8 meals .......high protein you really think BCCA's , Glutimine make a difference? Isn't most of that destroyed in the gut ?  Do you think that really improve muscle gains or size ? What about Arginine?   And creatine has never really done much for me ?  [ is it worth another try?] I would like to stay away from prohormones, but maybe just use some natural  things to get my test up in a high normal range and keep it there ]  You and I agree on alot , and have similar bulids[ and Italian backgrounds as well], but I am not sure about creatine and aminos if your protein is high already..........I also think carbs need to be lower [ unless using vitargo or waxy mase]  especially for a natty .......I like alot of fat supps[ thanks for the great tip on the CLA ....I find that supp I will try that ] .......and find them[EFA's] useful tools in both health  and appearence...........I think carbs should be played with ,but kept as low as possible otherwise .......I believe vits / mins are very important as well .........I think it is possible to be 250 at 8 % clean at around 6 feet ......[ I have never quite made it, but have been pretty darn close  and there are  some Black plus Samoan  guys that have some pretty insane genetics......many NFL Linebackers, running backs [ mainly fullbacks ] that have been around that number for is rare for sure , but I believe it is possible..........I like alot of what gh15 sayes ,because he doesnt want to BS people and tells it like it is , but he is fooling himself into thinkng that all of the elite in sports are on gear, I can assure him that is just not the case [ I have been i have some knowledge]   Is pro bbing just pain chemical warfare.........maybe ......for most of the guys ......but take it from an ex supplier [ not proud to say that either]   there are plenty of pros that are not on huge ammounts of gear.........any that are clean ?  I think not ......not possible to be 4 % dry and full without way ........8 % is very lean .....abs , no visible fat , but next to 4 % that is fat ........the drug look can only happen with hormones ,anyone that claims different is simply not being truthful.........I have been around Football players, wrestlers , and fighters that were clean and were big and sheredded , but they still did not look like a guy on gear .........I don't get why people judge people that use gear . What someone wants to do with their own body is their own business ..........if someone to take risks with their health and possibily their freedom, that is up to them [same goes for drugs and alcohol IMO]......Everyone should just focus on making themselves the best they can be within  the framework of what they are comfortable with ..........I just want to be healthy , and  as good as I can, far as long as I can.I am hoping you might have the same goals and would be willing to share more insight in your plan on how to achieve that ............makes sense ?  
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: hangclean on August 09, 2006, 02:21:46 AM
 Thanks for the reply John.......I am very greatful..........I was more looking  to see if  you take any supplements for health or longevity?[ things to control BP , Choresterol, keep heart healthy , arteries clean , postate in check , test levels in natural range,ect.....]   I totally agree with what you recomended me as far as eating........6- 8 meals .......high protein you really think BCCA's , Glutimine make a difference? Isn't most of that destroyed in the gut ?  Do you think that really improve muscle gains or size ? What about Arginine?   And creatine has never really done much for me ?  [ is it worth another try?] I would like to stay away from prohormones, but maybe just use some natural  things to get my test up in a high normal range and keep it there ]  You and I agree on alot , and have similar bulids[ and Italian backgrounds as well], but I am not sure about creatine and aminos if your protein is high already..........I also think carbs need to be lower [ unless using vitargo or waxy mase]  especially for a natty .......I like alot of fat supps[ thanks for the great tip on the CLA ....I find that supp I will try that ] .......and find them[EFA's] useful tools in both health  and appearence...........I think carbs should be played with ,but kept as low as possible otherwise .......I believe vits / mins are very important as well .........I think it is possible to be 250 at 8 % clean at around 6 feet ......[ I have never quite made it, but have been pretty darn close  and there are  some Black plus Samoan  guys that have some pretty insane genetics......many NFL Linebackers, running backs [ mainly fullbacks ] that have been around that number for is rare for sure , but I believe it is possible..........I like alot of what gh15 sayes ,because he doesnt want to BS people and tells it like it is , but he is fooling himself into thinkng that all of the elite in sports are on gear, I can assure him that is just not the case [ I have been i have some knowledge]   Is pro bbing just pain chemical warfare.........maybe ......for most of the guys ......but take it from an ex supplier [ not proud to say that either]   there are plenty of pros that are not on huge ammounts of gear.........any that are clean ?  I think not ......not possible to be 4 % dry and full without way ........8 % is very lean .....abs , no visible fat , but next to 4 % that is fat ........the drug look can only happen with hormones ,anyone that claims different is simply not being truthful.........I have been around Football players, wrestlers , and fighters that were clean and were big and sheredded , but they still did not look like a guy on gear .........I don't get why people judge people that use gear . What someone wants to do with their own body is their own business ..........if someone to take risks with their health and possibily their freedom, that is up to them [same goes for drugs and alcohol IMO]......Everyone should just focus on making themselves the best they can be within  the framework of what they are comfortable with ..........I just want to be healthy , and  as good as I can, far as long as I can.I am hoping you might have the same goals and would be willing to share more insight in your plan on how to achieve that ............makes sense ?  
calm down.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: TheGoldenPrince on August 09, 2006, 04:16:11 AM
i did not request a current picture of you i know what you look like. you are clean in this picture according to what you say and i take your word on that. how long,,i dont know,,,

from my experience in bodybuilding the chances of someone ANYONE to be 250 not 260 but 250 with less than 8% bf at height of 6 feet all of that after being clean for a over a year or a whole 3 years,,and i mean NO hormones or stimulants at all for all of that duration,,  is ZERO.

what i would approciaite is if you post here a picture of you from age 17 it will be easier to explain my points.

very good picture though!

Markus, with all the hormones and dirty calories you've ingested, how long do you gauge your lifespan?
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: sarcasm on August 09, 2006, 07:14:54 AM
Since GH 15 requested a pic of me off of hormones here you go.This was taken at the Arnold Classic by Ron Avidan at my company booth.In this pic I weigh around 268- 272 lbs,and at the time I was off of ALL  hormones almost 10 months.My cousin Eric is on the Right he weghs about 260 lbs in this pic, he is 30 years old, and has been off of all hormones 3 years.
no offense dude but you don't look like anything special in that pic.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on August 09, 2006, 09:38:56 AM
I know I dont look freaky or huge in that pic, because I was off all gear.How ever I think I look pretty good considering I held that much size being off of gear for 10 months.Most guys come off of gear and they look like a California Raison, lol .My goal is not to be big any more I am almost 39 years old, so I just want to have a nice physique
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on August 09, 2006, 09:41:55 AM
Croach as far as judging people the wiser you get in life you realise that its not worth the tme or energy to try to change or judge people.I either except them the way that they are, or just avoid them.Life it to short and to valuable to waste time on disempowering nonsense
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on August 09, 2006, 02:51:21 PM
iabadman2  The reason why natural bodybuilders bash anabolic out of frustration usually.I know I have been there .You bust your ass in the gym and your lucky to gain 5 maybe 7 lbs of muscle a year naturally , then you see a guy at the gym  get on a cycle and gain 30 lbs in a month.Seeing that can frustrate anyone.Thats why there is friction between natural bodybuilders, and bodybuilders that use anabolics.The natural bodybuilders are the true athletes, and the more difficult road.I just wish some of them would just be proud that they did it naturally .Then you have the juicers who dont give naturals guys respect , or dont take them seriously .The anabolic guys should give the natural guys more respect , because it is a harder road.Then you have the so-called natural bodybuilders ,who like to go into natural shows, gassed out of there friggin minds, and get harder then Roniie Coleman and claim, there natural, lol .Those people should be stoned to death , they are the lowest form of life in my book .Cheating to win is not winning!!!The bottom line is natural bodybuilders need to be proud to be natural  the anabolic guys need to give naturals guys more respect, and the guys who enter natural shows on gear need to be beaten with a hammer, lol.
Now about L-Glutamine and BCAAS ,yes some get wasted in digestion but about 70-80 % gets absorbed depending on your PH level
As far as prohormnoes goes, if you can Superdrol, by Anabolics Xtreme or Halodrol by Gaspari, those are very strong prohormones.My company makes 2 strong prohormones Halo -Test Depot, and Methyl Tren Depot .These prohormnoes arent nearly as strong as gear, but they give you a nice kick, and raise your libido.
As far as creatine Goes, creatine never worked for me until I used Kre-Alkalyn, that stuff worked amazing.I have taken up to 30 grams a day of American Creatine with no luck in size or strength.I took 7 grams of Kre-ALKALYN and I gained like 7 lbs in 10 days, and I wasnt puffy, plus I added 1 more rep to most of my lifts.Kre-Alakyln is truly amazing, I am good friends with Jeff Golini , who created it.Like you I doubted Kre-Alkalyn, then I took it, and it removed all my doubts.Kre-Alaklyn is creatine that has a phof 12-14 so it never converts to creatine , so your body absorbs all of it.Give it a try, you will love it .
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: Hedgehog on August 09, 2006, 03:06:31 PM
It never converts to creatinine, and you only need 2 grams daily, unless you're a vegetarian.

Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: El Guapo on August 09, 2006, 03:24:22 PM
John what is your opinion on the amount of protein someones body can absorb in one meal?
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on August 09, 2006, 04:14:45 PM
El Guapo , it depends on how much the person weighs, how hard they train, and how much lean muscle they have.I would say anywhere from 1.5 to 2 grams of protein per body LB per day
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on August 09, 2006, 04:57:13 PM
Hedge Hog is right in some respects,you dont need to take as much Kre-Alkalyn as regular creatine.But if your a big guy like iabadman2  250 lbs, your going to need 5-7.5 grams of Kre-Alkalyn per day.I have been working with Kre-Alkalyn for 3 1/2 years now, so I am very familiar with dosages.I took 10 grams of Kre-Alkalyn for 10 days, & gained 10 lbs, and it wasnt all water.My strength went through the friggin roof .Trust if you can afford to try to use Kre-ALkalyn in failry high dosages, it will give you some very suprising results.We did a study at Superior Medical Services, with Dr Josh Linberg and I .We tested 2 guys in a blind placebo test.The weight classes were 160 lbs, 200 lbs and 250 lbs.We gave the guys at 160 lbs 5 grams  the guys in 200 lbs 7.5 grams and the guys that weighed 250 lbs 10 grams per day.The results were suprising .In the 160 lbs class, the guy on Kre-Alkalyn gianed 11 lbs while the placebo gained 2 .In the 200 lbs class the guy  who took Kre-Alkayln gained 9 lbs, while the placebo lost 3 lbs.Lastly the guy in the 250 lb class who took Kre-Alkalyn gained 13 lbs, and the placebo gained 4 lbs.This study was done 3 years ago, before I even sold Kre-Alkalyn so I put it to the test .The Placebo, when given Creatine Ester, so you can tell by our study how much better Kre-ALKALYN  works better then CE2, lol or Creatine Ester.In this study, in 160 lb class each had to each 6 meals taking in 200 grams of protien and 250 grams of carbs.In the 200 lb class the guys had to take in 7 meals with 300 grams of protein and 350 grams of carbs.In the 250 lb class the guys were told to take in 400 grams of protein  and 400 grams of carbs.In this study we really wanted to see in Kre-Alkalyn lived up to all the hype ,it made a beleiver out of me.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: sarcasm on August 09, 2006, 04:58:44 PM
Hedge Hog is right in some respects,you dont need to take as much Kre-Alkalyn as regular creatine.But if your a big guy like iabadman2  250 lbs, your going to need 5-7.5 grams of Kre-Alkalyn per day.I have been working with Kre-Alkalyn for 3 1/2 years now, so I am very familiar with dosages.I took 10 grams of Kre-Alkalyn for 10 days, & gained 10 lbs, and it wasnt all water.My strength went through the friggin roof .Trust if you can afford to try to use Kre-ALkalyn in failry high dosages, it will give you some very suprising results.We did a study at Superior Medical Services, with Dr Josh Linberg and I .We tested 2 guys in a blind placebo test.The weight classes were 160 lbs, 200 lbs and 250 lbs.We gave the guys at 160 lbs 5 grams  the guys in 200 lbs 7.5 grams and the guys that weighed 250 lbs 10 grams per day.The results were suprising .In the 160 lbs class, the guy on Kre-Alkalyn gianed 11 lbs while the placebo gained 2 .In the 200 lbs class the guy  who took Kre-Alkayln gained 9 lbs, while the placebo lost 3 lbs.Lastly the guy in the 250 lb class who took Kre-Alkalyn gained 13 lbs, and the placebo gained 4 lbs.This study was done 3 years ago, before I even sold Kre-Alkalyn so I put it to the test .The Placebo, when given Creatine Ester, so you can tell by our study how much better Kre-ALKALYN  works better then CE2, lol or Creatine Ester.In this study, in 160 lb class each had to each 6 meals taking in 200 grams of protien and 250 grams of carbs.In the 200 lb class the guys had to take in 7 meals with 300 grams of protein and 350 grams of carbs.In the 250 lb class the guys were told to take in 400 grams of protein  and 400 grams of carbs.In this study we really wanted to see in Kre-Alkalyn lived up to all the hype ,it made a beleiver out of me.
did you ever think that it might be the food?
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on August 09, 2006, 05:00:59 PM
They had the same amount of protein and carbs in the palcebo, and the Kre-Alkalyn users.We provided them with protein powder, so we made the study as fair as possible
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: Bast000 on August 09, 2006, 05:04:09 PM
Does Kre Aklyn have sugar in it?
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on August 09, 2006, 05:09:20 PM
The Kre-Alkalyn did not have any sugar in it
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: Croatch on August 09, 2006, 06:44:49 PM
Croach as far as judging people the wiser you get in life you realise that its not worth the tme or energy to try to change or judge people.I either except them the way that they are, or just avoid them.Life it to short and to valuable to waste time on disempowering nonsense
Yes, but a good put down here or there does feel good...hahaah  After all, that makes up 80% of the posts on the site.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: dorkeroo on August 09, 2006, 06:48:08 PM
Yes, but a good put down here or there does feel good...hahaah  After all, that makes up 80% of the posts on the site.

Nice avatar man.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on August 09, 2006, 06:51:35 PM
If you like to torture people , Croatch read my Just for fun post, you will love it  ;D
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on August 09, 2006, 08:16:34 PM
I got a PM asking me how many reps I do on each set?  Well I dont count reps, on the first set I might do around 8- 11, the next set 6-8 then if there is a third set 4-6 reps .I dont count reps, I go strickly by feel , because if lets say you shoot for 10 reps on the 9th rep you will phychologically feel fatigue.Plus your so busy focusing on the number of reps that you not focusing on what really important muscle stimulus.Dont worry about reps, just make sure the first set you can get around 8-11 reps, if you get more good.Keep your focus on going to complete and all out failure each set, .REMEMBER Bodybuilding is a sprint, not a marathon, so train each and every set like you would run a 100 yard dash, all out !!! On compund movements like squats ,Bench Dead lifts, dont be afraid to go heavy, because heavy weight with proper executiion = big muscle
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on August 10, 2006, 04:17:32 PM
Just in we have 2 booths this year at the Mr Olympia, we will be at booths 1522 & 1523 .The Name of my companies is Extreme Labs & Dedicated Woman .The first 24 people from get big to come to my booth and say "Mammoth" to me will either  get a free bottle of Ephedra, Natural Test Depot ,Methyl Tren Depot, or a T-shirt.Most of these items retail for about $40.-$70 , This is only for get big members.It pays to get big .....God Bless John
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: powerforward on August 10, 2006, 05:31:16 PM
iabadman knows what he is talking about..
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on August 10, 2006, 07:18:24 PM
iabadman  Must know what he is talking about , other wise he wouldnt be 250 lbs, and failry lean.Anything over 225 lbs is considred huge in the publics eye.iabadman  seems straight up, and tells it like it is.In my book that goes along way
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on August 10, 2006, 07:39:37 PM
In this post I am not in no way shape or form advising anbody to take insulin, but if your foolish enough to do so I Advise you not to just use Dextrose. Alone The reason for this is Dextrose has almost the same glycemic index as table sugar, so its pretty much a joke , .I have made formulas for people that use insulin, and it stopped them from getting light headed and the shakes.
What you do it is get 1 lb of Dextrose, 1lb of Glucose Polymers, 1 lb of Maltodextrin, and 1 lb of Vitargo, and mix it into a largy bowl until its mixed well.Then get 2 packets of non sweetened Kool -Aid or 1 packet of your favorite flavor of Crystal light, and mix it in with the carb blend until its mixed extremely well.Now to measure it most protein powders have a 60cc scooper in them, use that for measuring. One 60 cc scooper of this blend will give you about 38- 43 grams of carbs per scoop.This blend is designed to give a sustained release of carbs to stop the shakes.After drinking this mix, 2-3 scoops I would advise, make sure you eat a large meal , like a steak and a large baked potato.I have never done insulin, but I have saved atleast a dozen guys from having, or getting the shakes by making this formula for them.AGAIN i DONT CONDONE THE USE OF INSULIN, I JUST WOULD RATHER HELP YOU THEN SEE YOU DEAD
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on August 10, 2006, 11:46:13 PM
I got a PM  about Vitamin C, and why do I take it.Well Vitamin C is the most important Vitamin for Skeletal muscle and its recovery.I personaly take 3 grams upon rising and 3 grams right after I am done training .I prefer to use Ester C because it absorbs alot better in the body.Plus Vitamin C as we know has alot of good anti-oxident properties
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: Croatch on August 10, 2006, 11:50:06 PM
Nice avatar man.
I made it myself.  Ewa Sonnet is what every womans breasts should aspire to be like.  She has zero ass though, God is a cruel bastard.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on August 11, 2006, 03:21:43 PM
 In 4-6 weeks My company will come out with a new 3 stage product that will literally revolutionize body building supplements .It will make anything and everything ever made for before  workout , preworkout , and post workout obsolete.I have been working on this project for the Last 6 months.I have used Art Wood, Mr Canada Eric Dilauro, Will Harris, and Manny Torres for my research.After alot of fine tunning it will be released by the Mr Olypia Expo.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: UK Gold on August 11, 2006, 03:43:24 PM
"methl tren depot", ha ha ha, this is the kind of thing that pisses me off, a name designed to sucker teenagers into buying some crappy supplemant. Unless your product actually works as well as tren. Are the night sweats included? Getitonny, you seem like a nice guy, but you do yourself no favours by labelling snake oil with a steroid sounding name.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on August 11, 2006, 04:08:23 PM
UK gold the ingredients in Methyl Tren Depot does convert to Trenbalone in Digestion.No its not as strong as the Drug, but trust me its pretty dam potent.I have been on and off of it for a year now because I got off of gear a year ago, and I am holding 255 lbs.I know what your talking about stuff Like Beta Ecdosterone, Methyoxy-Isolflavone, and just Tribulus alone are junk.UK my moto is simply if I wouldnt use trhe product myself, I dont expect anyone else to buy it.Most supplement company owners are usually some fat slob in it just for the money.Thats what sets me apart,I was a pro natural bodybuilder  for 10 years, then a top 10 national NPC competitor .I am this buissnes to make an honest living, you will never see my adds say, a person gained 25 lbs in 4 weeks using Anator70.UK I understand your doubt , but if you knew how many pro bodybuilders who use my product or I formulate for, who are endosred by larger companies, you would be amazed.I work with about 8 pro athletes, including Art Atwood , and Will Harris just to name a few.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: Croatch on August 11, 2006, 04:09:52 PM
In 4-6 weeks My company will come out with a new 3 stage product that will literally revolutionize body building supplements .It will make anything and everything ever made for before  workout , preworkout , and post workout obsolete.I have been working on this project for the Last 6 months.I have used Art Wood, Mr Canada Eric Dilauro, Will Harris, and Manny Torres for my research.After alot of fine tunning it will be released by the Mr Olypia Expo.
Don't you think that would hinder the sincerity of the results, using guys who take massive amounts of gear?
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on August 11, 2006, 04:12:05 PM
The guys I named, I made sure they were not on any gear when we doing out trials out on the product.I made sure they were off of all gear 6 to 8 weeks, before I would put them on any test
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on August 11, 2006, 04:52:02 PM
I am so positive that my new 3 stage supplement system will work I randomly picked Croatch on this board to go on it for 30 days.He lives in the same town as I do, but I have never met him personaly.This way one of my tests will not be manipulated or biased in any way..I chose him because he has been all anabolics for 14 years, and it will be easier to track his weekly progress
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on August 11, 2006, 05:08:33 PM
I am so positive that my new 3 stage supplement system will work I randomly picked Croatch on this board to go on it for 30 days.He lives in the same town as I do, but I have never met him personaly.This way one of my tests will not be manipulated or biased in any way..I chose him because he has been all anabolics for 14 years, and it will be easier to track his weekly progress
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: Croatch on August 11, 2006, 05:08:59 PM
I am so positive that my new 3 stage supplement system will work I randomly picked Croatch on this board to go on it for 30 days.He lives in the same town as I do, but I have never met him personaly.This way one of my tests will not be manipulated or biased in any way..I chose him because he has been all anabolics for 14 years, and it will be easier to track his weekly progress
All anabolics for 14 years?  Did you mean off?
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on August 11, 2006, 05:21:29 PM
Croatch has BEEN OFF anabolics for 14 years.Busy day, you know how it is
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: Disgusted on August 11, 2006, 09:23:19 PM
UK gold the ingredients in Methyl Tren Depot does convert to Trenbalone in Digestion.No its not as strong as the Drug, but trust me its pretty dam potent.I have been on and off of it for a year now because I got off of gear a year ago, and I am holding 255 lbs.I know what your talking about stuff Like Beta Ecdosterone, Methyoxy-Isolflavone, and just Tribulus alone are junk.UK my moto is simply if I wouldnt use trhe product myself, I dont expect anyone else to buy it.Most supplement company owners are usually some fat slob in it just for the money.Thats what sets me apart,I was a pro natural bodybuilder  for 10 years, then a top 10 national NPC competitor .I am this buissnes to make an honest living, you will never see my adds say, a person gained 25 lbs in 4 weeks using Anator70.UK I understand your doubt , but if you knew how many pro bodybuilders who use my product or I formulate for, who are endosred by larger companies, you would be amazed.I work with about 8 pro athletes, including Art Atwood , and Will Harris just to name a few.

I'm guessing this stuff is progesterone based to make it legal.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: Mr. Michael Moore on August 11, 2006, 09:36:20 PM
I got a PM asking me how many reps I do on each set?  Well I dont count reps, on the first set I might do around 8- 11, the next set 6-8 then if there is a third set 4-6 reps .I dont count reps, I go strickly by feel , because if lets say you shoot for 10 reps on the 9th rep you will phychologically feel fatigue.Plus your so busy focusing on the number of reps that you not focusing on what really important muscle stimulus.Dont worry about reps, just make sure the first set you can get around 8-11 reps, if you get more good.Keep your focus on going to complete and all out failure each set, .REMEMBER Bodybuilding is a sprint, not a marathon, so train each and every set like you would run a 100 yard dash, all out !!! On compund movements like squats ,Bench Dead lifts, dont be afraid to go heavy, because heavy weight with proper executiion = big muscle


How many sets do you recomend taking to total absolute failure for each muscle groups? I am talking sets aimed to really induce hypertrophy, which means after the warm up sets.

How many sets to failure for a guy ON and for a guy NATURAL?

Also, how would you train legs?
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on August 11, 2006, 09:49:24 PM
A transport that will become very big in all Nitrous Oxide products on the market is L-Norvaline , in the next yearThe benefits of L-NOrvaline are simply amazing  .L-Norvaline is an analog of the branched chain amino acid Valine. L-Norvaline inhibits the arginase enzyme thus increasing arginine concentrations for enhanced conversion to nitric oxide.This means it will help the body absorb L-Arginine 5 times better in studes, in other words, mind blowing pumps.

Another Analog that will become very popular in Nitrous Oxide prooducts is Metafolin.Now .Metafolin is a new, coenzymated form of folic acid. Upon absorption into our bodies, folate is converted into L-methylfolate, the predominant form of folate in circulation and the only type that can cross the blood-brain barrier. This conversion is difficult for some people. As a result, they may not receive the full nutritional benefits of folic acid. Metafolin does not require enzymatic conversion. Preliminary research suggests that it is more bioavailable than folic acid.So in other words Metafolin,  fully expands the muscle cell so the muscle cell can take in more nutrients , and it increases the volume of the cell.So if your taking Kre-Alkalyn, ,L-Arginine, or even AKG, the muscle cells will absorb it like a sponge, and very little nutrients will get wasted .Which has been a problem with 90 % of all  N.O .products and cell volumizers of the past.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on August 11, 2006, 10:41:04 PM
Mr. Michael Moore This is just an approximation, because I go strictly by feel
                            natural                on gear
Monday Chest           9-11     on gear 12-14 sets
Tuesday Legs           10-12   on gear   16-18 sets
Wednesday  Back     10-12     on gear 16 sets
Thursday   shoulders  12        on gear   16 sets
Friday       Arms biceps  6-8 sets  on gear  9-10 sets
                     Triceps 6-8 sets  on gear  9-10 sets
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: Mr. Michael Moore on August 11, 2006, 10:55:35 PM
Ok, john, but out of all those sets, how many of those are aimed at total failure?

Also, do you REALLY think it's absolutely necessary to cycle failure ? If so, how do you do ?

Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: cswol on August 12, 2006, 01:26:23 AM
dr. moore, to be honest, do you think following a workout with an exact number of sets and reps is working out?  Dont you know that everyone is different, and a true hardcore, iron guy, like myself could respond totally different than another does to a workout.  A true lifter will know his body, what makes it grow, and what to do in his workout.  Ive done workouts with 70 sets with a ton of reps and heavy weight, and workouts with only one set per exercise at low or mid range reps.  A true workout will consist of warmups, light sets, heavy sets, low reps, high reps, negatives, dumbell exercises, barbell exercises, body weight exercises, supersets, giant sets, etc..................... .......all this shit in one workout, one fuckin workout for about 30 minutes, no bullshittn, no talking, no jackin off in your head to bitches in the got that, none of that gold's gym venice shit of reading the paper on the got that.................tha ts a fuckin workout and how you get big.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: kingNOLI on August 12, 2006, 02:01:58 AM
Cswole you are 100% on the ball, Your one hard core MOFO.

None of you get biggers can match the hardcore Cswole or even stand a chance to follow him in one of his workouts .

I have seen him one arm curl 130's , he is one serious dude .

Cswole if you dont mind can you go through a chest workout I have been a little stagnate on chest developement.

I want something new and harcore to promote new muscle growth and create burn in the muscle fibers.

If you dont mind to pass on a experts opinion .

I am tiered of these wanabee get biggers I want a experts advice.

BTW JOHn D . you are excluded from that comment you the man also.::))

Let me have it I am ready with my bucket by my side.

Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: cswol on August 12, 2006, 10:24:04 AM
well in that case dr. moore will have to consult with getbiginnewyork, cause extreme labs has the only supplements that can help a hardgainer and a guy like dr. moore. 
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: cswol on August 12, 2006, 10:29:15 AM
well this one guy who calls himself mr. canada told me a long time ago if you fuck standing up, it will promote growth in the calves and the chest area.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on August 12, 2006, 10:58:39 AM
Mr Moore its plain and simple, each and every set to all out failure, that means balls to the wall.Since I do not do alot of sets, I make the absolute most out of every set.Bodybuilding is a sprint not a marathon,meaning you train each in every set like a 100 yard dash all out !!!!.When you done with a set, your muscle that your working is pushed to the limit that the only reason your taking a break in between sets is because you have to, because there is no way you could do another rep at all
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: Mr. Michael Moore on August 12, 2006, 12:35:23 PM
Mr Moore its plain and simple, each and every set to all out failure, that means balls to the wall.Since I do not do alot of sets, I make the absolute most out of every set.Bodybuilding is a sprint not a marathon,meaning you train each in every set like a 100 yard dash all out !!!!.When you done with a set, your muscle that your working is pushed to the limit that the only reason your taking a break in between sets is because you have to, because there is no way you could do another rep at all

Are u saying to me that all of those 12 to 16 sets are all done until failure, they are all working sets, actually???? :o :o :o :o

Are u sure in that example you posted, in all of those 12 to 16 sets , aren't included the warm up ones?

Lemme refrase: let's say you do 4 diferent exercises per bodypart. Out of the 4 exercises, how many WORKING SETES until failure EACH exercise will receive?


Oh, and Hey, Cswol: Go fuck your self! ;)
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on August 12, 2006, 04:18:34 PM
Michael Moore , yes those are all working sets, But I never do more then 3 sets per exercise.Example Chest without gear

3 sets of flat bench  first set 10-14 reps second set 6-8 reps third set 3-5 reps
3 sets incline press  first  set  9-12 reps   second set 6-8 resp  third set 4-6 resp
2 sets of flatt dumbell press  first set 6-8 reps second set 4-6 resp
Incline dumbell press    first set   6-8 resp second set  4-6 reps
1  incline dumbell flies    6-9 reps
1 set of cable flies       8-11 reps

This is an example off an off season off gear training session.Sometimes I will do dumbells first and to 3 sets of flat and incline dumbell press, then only 2 sets of flat and incline bench.I always try to change things up .The reps are only approximation because I dont count reps, I focus on muscle stimulus and pushing the muscle to complete failure.Your muscle dont know the diffrence between 8 and 10 reps, but they do know failure.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on August 12, 2006, 09:28:36 PM
I got a PM  today asking me about the supplement Pyruvate, and they wondered if it was a good fat burner.First of all Pyruvate was neverwas and never will be a good fat burner .Believe it or not Pyruvate is a 3 carbon molecule, which would make it a carbohydrate.What Pyruvate does is it transports carbs into useable energy, so its a great transport for any type of carbohydrate for endurace before exercise or working out.One thing Pyruvate does do is increase endurance because it stops the carbohydrates in your body from sitting in the liver, but instead shuttles the glcogen into the muscle cell.Thus, creating endurance.One thing about Pyruvic Acid ( the main ingredient in Pyruvate ) is it is unstable so they have to bond it to a salt .Which Usually calcium , that why its called Calcium Pyruvate.There are also Soduim Pyruvate, and Potasium Pyruvate as well.In my studies with working with endurance athletes, Calcium Pyruvate, worked well when taken with L-Carnatine .The dosages were 3 grams of Pyruvate, and 700 mg of L-Carnatine, gave athletes alot more endurance, and consistant energy.So if somebody tell you Pyruvate is a fat burner, tell them no its not its a 3 carbon molecule, and transports carbs into useable energy
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: kingNOLI on August 12, 2006, 09:31:06 PM
Cool always wondered exactly what it did.

Thanks JOHN D.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: The True Adonis on August 12, 2006, 09:56:29 PM
You should have chose me for your experiment. I am supplement free even and am a much harder trainer than Croatch.

Its all good though.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: Croatch on August 13, 2006, 12:42:22 AM
I am supplement free even and am a much harder trainer than Croatch.
That would be a good assumption, considering you've never trained with me.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: kingNOLI on August 13, 2006, 01:06:20 PM
John D. muscle tech claims a 97 % whey Isolate , can this be ?????
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on August 13, 2006, 10:47:34 PM
There is no such thing as 97% whey protein Isolate, trust me.I have assayed ( independent  labtest ) atleat 2 dozen whey protein Isolates claiming to be 95- 98 % isolate only to come up 89-91 % Whey Isolate. The highest assay I have ever seen a whey protein Isolate show up as 94% , but on average most Isolates I have tested come up 80 to 86% which is not a true Isolate .A Isolated Protein is protein that has 90% plus protein of its make up.Now Nitro Tec is not a bad product but its not great either. Lets do the math ,a scoop of Nitro Tec is 28.5 grams.Out of that there is only 20 grams of protein ,so lets do the math, 20 grams divided by 28.5 = 71% .So Nitro Tech is 71 % protein, which would  make it a concentrate.Plus if you read the ingredients the first ingredient is Whey Protein concentrate, and the 5th ingredient is 97% whey protein Isolate.So this means there is very little so called 97 5 Isolate in this product because in my math it only came up 71% protein. Now 71 % whey protein concentrate isnt bad, but there is alot better like 80 and 85 % concentrate is alot better.Plus Nitro Tec has low carbs, and has creatine and L-Glutamine in its ingredients, so this is a train wrech waiting to happen, lol. First 5 grams of carbs, is not much of a transport, then creatine and L-Glutamine will compete for thesame cell receptor, so they will conveniently cancle each other out.I am not bashing Nitro Tec because its not a bad product, but it is over priced, and overated.There are alot of better products out there that are more cost effective, and have a higher percentage of protein per gram.The 2 brands I recomend that are about the same price is Bioplex  Isolate and AST VP2  which are true Isolates, besides my Nitro 92 whey Isolate.With Muscle tech your paying for athletes and a whole lot of marketing, with just average products.They make these outrageous claims, so they can charge a premium price so a just average quality product.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: Mr. Michael Moore on August 14, 2006, 03:39:21 PM
John, thanx for the answer, man!

What do you think about OPTIMUM NUTRITION'S Whey protein?

Thanx again!
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: Wombat on August 14, 2006, 03:56:49 PM
Working out to total failure is only one way of thousands to workout...Like any thing, you must change it up....
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on August 14, 2006, 08:11:41 PM
Mr Moore , I am not a big fan of Optimum Nutrition, and I never have been.I dont care for the 5 lbs Whey protein because I tried it once about 3 years ago at a juice bar and gave me an upset stomach.I had bloating ,cramping and gas for several hours , so it wasnt pleasent.The only product I would even thing about using is Pro Complex by optimum Nutrition, is have 4 diffrent types of protein, and has a broader amino acid profile then tghere Whey.Plus it seems to be alot higher quailty so it probably wont have any lactose in it .
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: Mr. Michael Moore on August 14, 2006, 08:38:18 PM
John, I'm sorry to keep asking you things training related, but the issue is just fantastic, since people have the most divergent opinions to all the training protocols.
Do you REALLY think it's necessary to cycle intensity? Like the previous post, from Wombat, when he said that going to failure is just one type, and you have to change it up from time to time. I have a hardtime agreeing with this theory, 'cause I have always thought the ultimate goal of someone seeking hypertrophy is to go to absolute failure. How on earth are you going to stimmulate growth if you take it easy with your foot on that pedal from time to time, so to speak, as it's exactly what periodization implies.

I'd appreciate your insight , here. Thanx again!
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: Mr. Michael Moore on August 14, 2006, 08:40:50 PM
Mr Moore , I am not a big fan of Optimum Nutrition, and I never have been.I dont care for the 5 lbs Whey protein because I tried it once about 3 years ago at a juice bar and gave me an upset stomach.I had bloating ,cramping and gas for several hours , so it wasnt pleasent.The only product I would even thing about using is Pro Complex by optimum Nutrition, is have 4 diffrent types of protein, and has a broader amino acid profile then tghere Whey.Plus it seems to be alot higher quailty so it probably wont have any lactose in it .

Yeah, but your buddy Art Atwood , besides being on their pay role in the past, used to rave about their products. Besides, I consume Optimum's WHEY quadplex on a daily basis and I haver never get those runs. :-\

And what about NATURE'S BEST ISO WHEY (not isopure), their whey protein blend?

Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: kingNOLI on August 14, 2006, 10:49:30 PM
Any bodybuilder on a supplement company payroll is going to rave  DUHH!!

Yeah, but your buddy Art Atwood , besides being on their pay role in the past, used to rave about their products. Besides, I consume Optimum's WHEY quadplex on a daily basis and I haver never get those runs. :-\

And what about NATURE'S BEST ISO WHEY (not isopure), their whey protein blend?

Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on August 15, 2006, 08:08:14 PM
I looked up Iso Whey and the only Iso Whey I saw was from iteractive nutrition .Can you tell me a website I can go to to find this socalled Iso Whey by NATURES BEST.I went to numerious webistes including Natures  Best, and bodybuilding .com and the Only Whey Isolate NATUES WAY makes is Isopure
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on August 15, 2006, 11:12:31 PM
I got a PM today asking , John why would you make a time released protein.The answer is quite simply, so your body can absorb all of the protein more effectively .God did not make instantised chicken breasts or stake, why would you want to drink and instantised protein?Instantised means its designed to digest in 20- to 30 minutes, this is only  good right after training and if you take small dosages at a time, otherwise it gets wasted in digestion .By time releasing protein it mimicks food so the body will utlilise all of the protein , so this way you dont wind up urinating some of it out .Time relasing also means you can take in larger dosages of protein at a time because your absorption is up to 4 times better then just instantised protein
Another interesting facts about protein is I see people making pancakes and even muffins with protein, this is a no no. The reason for this is when protein is made they dont use any heat, the reason for this is heat denatures and destroys the delicate chains of amino acids.Once you damage an amino acid or break the chain of amino acids, it becomes a calorie, and not a source of protein.So never heat or cook with protein powder, otherwise it becomes useless, and you will lose the muscle building effects from the protein.It will become just an empty calorie, instead of a quality source of protein 

Another fact is never buy or store protein, L-Glutamine, or even Creatine  in a clear container thie reason for this is UV rays from the sun and light can over time take away the potency, and can damage the nutrients in the supplement your storing.Think about UV rays kill skin cells so they can denature supplements as well.Why do you think legit supplement companies use neutral white containers ? Because they want to  protect the supplement they manufactured from potential damage.

Proteins worst nightmare, the high torque blender.Believe it or not, blenders used at high speeds can damage amino acids, and break the chains of amino acids because the blade rips acrosss the chains and damages them .  So instead of being a source of protein and amino acids, it just becomes a calorie .Amino acids can be damaged and stressed by high torque and high speed blenders very easily.So if you use a blender just use the pulse button, a spoon or a shaker bottle, otherwise your going to  make that protein your ingesting useless. I would say 99% of all juice bars are guilty of this crime, by making smoothies with high torque blender, and blending it a very high speeds for a couple of minutes.Yes that smoothie will taste good , but when there done with it, the protein in that smoothie is usless protein wise.

The Acid Tablet is another useless source of protein or amino acids.The reason for this is when they make the tablets , they are pressed together, in a tablet press .This pressure, can also damage and stress, the delicate chains of amino acids  in each tablet.If you are going to buy amino acids, make sure they are in capsule form other wise, you will be buying an expensive useless source or protein.Amino acid tablets are just usally just whey or egg protein put inot a tablet or capsule, it would be more cost effective to just buy protein powder.Unless you just want BCAAS, then just buy it in powder form because it absorbs 4 times better then a capsule.

Lastly beware of hydorlised gelatin protein, collagen protein, that is sometimes found in liquid amino acids, and some protein powders.This useless form  of amino acids and protein  comes   from collagen, which is the remainders of the animal.Meaning the skin hoaves, bones , carlidge etc.They put all of this in a large bath  until it turns into a liquid, and there you have it collagen protein .Thsi protein is not only gross, it basically  useless when it comes to its biological value, for repairing tissue.This product is dirt cheap, so some companies will use it to make high profits.So beware, read the label, if it says hydrolised geltin protein ,hydrolised collagen , or beef gletain, say no thank you, and move on to the next product.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on August 16, 2006, 11:19:35 AM
I got a PM today sking about adding milk to protein powder.I dont care what kind of milk it is, milk is garbage.When whey is made they go through several steps to filter out lactose puss and bacteria milk naturally has in it.When you add milk you put all the garbage back into the Whey.Even fat free Milk has back puss and bacteria in it.Milk does not do a body good, its a big scam.Did you know animals are smarter then humans?The reason why is animals know instictivly not to drink milk, they only drink it if you give it to them otherwise, they will not drink it.The body was made to have human breast milk until a person becomes 2 years of age, then the body creates enzyes to digest food.The reason why 85% of the population is lactose intolerant, is because the body does not have the enzymes to fully break down milk, because god didnt intend for us to drink cows milk after 2 years of age.Milk does not do a body good!!!!
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: Croatch on August 16, 2006, 12:13:05 PM
The reason why 85% of the population is lactose intolerant, is because the body does not have the enzymes to fully break down milk, because god didnt intend for us to drink cows milk after 2 years of age.Milk does not do a body good!!!!
Does this mean I need to stay away from big breasted animals like this?
Something about 36 J's, that make DD's' seem so small. :'(
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: ronian on August 16, 2006, 12:31:22 PM
iabadman2  The reason why natural bodybuilders bash anabolic out of frustration usually.I know I have been there .You bust your ass in the gym and your lucky to gain 5 maybe 7 lbs of muscle a year naturally , then you see a guy at the gym  get on a cycle and gain 30 lbs in a month.Seeing that can frustrate anyone.Thats why there is friction between natural bodybuilders, and bodybuilders that use anabolics.The natural bodybuilders are the true athletes, and the more difficult road.I just wish some of them would just be proud that they did it naturally .Then you have the juicers who dont give naturals guys respect , or dont take them seriously .The anabolic guys should give the natural guys more respect , because it is a harder road.Then you have the so-called natural bodybuilders ,who like to go into natural shows, gassed out of there friggin minds, and get harder then Roniie Coleman and claim, there natural, lol .Those people should be stoned to death , they are the lowest form of life in my book .Cheating to win is not winning!!!The bottom line is natural bodybuilders need to be proud to be natural  the anabolic guys need to give naturals guys more respect, and the guys who enter natural shows on gear need to be beaten with a hammer, lol.
Now about L-Glutamine and BCAAS ,yes some get wasted in digestion but about 70-80 % gets absorbed depending on your PH level
As far as prohormnoes goes, if you can Superdrol, by Anabolics Xtreme or Halodrol by Gaspari, those are very strong prohormones.My company makes 2 strong prohormones Halo -Test Depot, and Methyl Tren Depot .These prohormnoes arent nearly as strong as gear, but they give you a nice kick, and raise your libido.
As far as creatine Goes, creatine never worked for me until I used Kre-Alkalyn, that stuff worked amazing.I have taken up to 30 grams a day of American Creatine with no luck in size or strength.I took 7 grams of Kre-ALKALYN and I gained like 7 lbs in 10 days, and I wasnt puffy, plus I added 1 more rep to most of my lifts.Kre-Alakyln is truly amazing, I am good friends with Jeff Golini , who created it.Like you I doubted Kre-Alkalyn, then I took it, and it removed all my doubts.Kre-Alaklyn is creatine that has a phof 12-14 so it never converts to creatine , so your body absorbs all of it.Give it a try, you will love it .

John could you please elaborate on this and if you have a low PH level vs a high PH level how this will effect glutamine/BCAA absorbtion?

Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on August 16, 2006, 08:08:47 PM
Good question .The PH, parts hydrogen of a human being can range from 0 to 14.When it comes to PH  0 to 6.9 and under is considred acidic, and anthing from 7.0 to 14 is considered Alkaline  level.The body works at its best at when your PH is 6.5 in the morning and around 7.5 in the evening .The bodies PH varies from food and stress during the day.To answer your question to if the body was to acidic low PH the lower the number, the less your body would absorb the BCCAS and L-Glutamine.The foods that make the body acidic is meats, chicken fish, pasta, bread .Now if the body is to high Alkaline level it will not abosorb the BCAAS or L-Glutamine fully.The foods that make the body alkaline is things like fruit Vinegar, and baking soda.iF you want the body to absorb all the nutrients you take in the body should have a PH of around 7.1 to 7.5 which would be slightly at the alakaline level.The things that effect PH is stress, and lack of digestive enzymes to properly break down food.So to help your body have a good PH level you probably need a good digestive enzyme on that is complete.Make sure it has Protease to break down protein, Amylase to break down carbohydrates, and Lipase to help your body break down fats.By doing this your body will have a healthy PH , and it will digest not only L-Glutamine, and BCAAS  beeter, but ever supplement you take in
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on August 16, 2006, 08:34:42 PM
Croatch this is nothing wrong with breast milk from a big chested woman, but there is nothing worse then a big chested woman who has a flat ass.A woman needs curves, another words, Thickness is my Sickness, right Kelly ???????
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: Van_Bilderass on August 16, 2006, 08:34:56 PM
God did not make instantised chicken breasts or stake, why would you want to drink and instantised protein?Instantised means its designed to digest in 20- to 30 minutes, this is only  good right after training and if you take small dosages at a time, otherwise it gets wasted in digestion .
Instantised, when referring to protein powder, means it will blend easily with a liquid.

Did you know the body regulates digestion naturally, according to volume? If you had a huge whey shake do you think all of it would be digested in 20 minutes? ARE you aware of the study on a whey/casein blend showing exactly THE SAME rate of digestion and uptake, compared to just whey??

Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on August 16, 2006, 08:44:48 PM
Van, to answer about the question about drinking a huge a huge Whey protein shake digesting in 20 minutes.If it was about 50 grams of Whey protein Isolate, I would say depending on the persons metabolism, but most of it would be digested.But alot of it wouldnt be absorbed.Now as far as casien whey and digestion, it dpends on if it was Whey concentrate, or Whey Isolate?Was the caseinate instatised, ?an alpha Casein? a beta Casein, what casseinate did they use.Diffrent cassinates have diffrent release times.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on August 16, 2006, 10:51:33 PM
ANother thing I want to point out was , the whey protein they used might have been Adglomerated, this is a process, that the protein is sprayed then dried with lecithin to make it have a slower release time .An Agglomerated Whey protein can time release up to 2 to 3 hours, depending on the persons metabolism .If you were to take a straight cassenate protein and a straight whey protein and did an Acid Hydrolisis ( aa tank made to mimiich human digestion)test the cassenate would have about  30- to 60 minute longer release time, depending on the persons metabolism, and ther PH levels.The reason for this is all Milk derived proteins, casseinate, Milk Isolate etc, etc, curdle in the stomach, so it slows down digestion of protein in the body.Whey is made from Sweet dairy Whey which comes from cheese, so it has a diffrent molecular structure.Trust me I was the first company to come out with a time released protein back in 1995 after 1000 of hours of research, and numerious Acid hydrolisis tests .I dont know what study or research you read, but I will tell you this from a chemists point of view.In the lab a chemist can get the out come he wants just by maipulating the conditions of what he is testing.If he wanted Whey to have the same release time as casienate, just use and instatized casenate, and an Agglomerated Whey, and in that  envirement they will have the same release time .Just like some companies will say a creatine product will make a person gain 10 lbs in a week.All they have to do is deplete the subject of carbohydrates for 4-5 days, then load up on carbohydrates while taking there creatine product, and wham there you have it the subject gained 10 lbs in a week.I have been in this industry 10 years, and any company can literally get any out come they want by simply manipulating the envirement and the conditions of a study.Just like cars, you know these auto manufactures are literally full of shit, in plain english with there miles per gallon ratings.There is no way these cars get 35 to 40 mpg in average conditions.But in the right conditions, lets say taking off really really slow and going down a hill and coasting for 20 miles the car will get 35-40 mpg.My point is if a chemist is payed enough he can create the right conditions to make the thing he is testing get the result he is after.Muscle Tech, does this all the time, and so do alot of companies,its just part of the buissness
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: Mr. Michael Moore on August 17, 2006, 01:12:40 PM
John, regarding the blending of the shake using a blender, how come the simple act of mixing the protein using a motor can alter the structural properties of the protein itself. Since no chemical compounds are reacting with the molecule, just a simple kinetical procedure is taking place to mix all of the protein, how come the ultimate result can be altered? Besides , could the process to turn the protein into the powder form of the final product itself affect the BCAA chains into its molecule properties? The grounding of the powder could alter the BCAA pattern, by your own line of thinking, i believe.

Since I mix my whey protein with egg protein in my afternoon shakes (NOT the post workout shake), and since egg protein needs a blender to mix properly in the water, otherwise it gets clumsy, how can mix both of them in the same shake, using a blender and not fucking up the BCAA's bio activity?? How many seconds could I blend it?

Thanx. I have never ever heard of such a thing, regarding the way you mix your protein could affect negatively the BCAA's content.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: Van_Bilderass on August 17, 2006, 01:17:49 PM
ANother thing I want to point out was , the whey protein they used might have been Adglomerated, this is a process, that the protein is sprayed then dried with lecithin to make it have a slower release time .An Agglomerated Whey protein can time release up to 2 to 3 hours, depending on the persons metabolism .If you were to take a straight cassenate protein and a straight whey protein and did an Acid Hydrolisis ( aa tank made to mimiich human digestion)test the cassenate would have about  30- to 60 minute longer release time, depending on the persons metabolism, and ther PH levels.The reason for this is all Milk derived proteins, casseinate, Milk Isolate etc, etc, curdle in the stomach, so it slows down digestion of protein in the body.Whey is made from Sweet dairy Whey which comes from cheese, so it has a diffrent molecular structure.Trust me I was the first company to come out with a time released protein back in 1995 after 1000 of hours of research, and numerious Acid hydrolisis tests .I dont know what study or research you read, but I will tell you this from a chemists point of view.In the lab a chemist can get the out come he wants just by maipulating the conditions of what he is testing.If he wanted Whey to have the same release time as casienate, just use and instatized casenate, and an Agglomerated Whey, and in that  envirement they will have the same release time .Just like some companies will say a creatine product will make a person gain 10 lbs in a week.All they have to do is deplete the subject of carbohydrates for 4-5 days, then load up on carbohydrates while taking there creatine product, and wham there you have it the subject gained 10 lbs in a week.I have been in this industry 10 years, and any company can literally get any out come they want by simply manipulating the envirement and the conditions of a study.Just like cars, you know these auto manufactures are literally full of shit, in plain english with there miles per gallon ratings.There is no way these cars get 35 to 40 mpg in average conditions.But in the right conditions, lets say taking off really really slow and going down a hill and coasting for 20 miles the car will get 35-40 mpg.My point is if a chemist is payed enough he can create the right conditions to make the thing he is testing get the result he is after.Muscle Tech, does this all the time, and so do alot of companies,its just part of the buissness
Did you do blood draws on your so called time released protein and compare amino acid levels in the blood to a whey control for example? If not your hypothesis is pretty much worthless. The thing is is that when you put something that curdles in the stomach  (casein) in the mix it slows down the absorption of the WHOLE formula. The whey portion will not absorb as fast as the whey in a whey only formula.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on August 17, 2006, 02:07:36 PM
First of all acid hydrolisis is a scientific test that mimicks human digestion period!!!It is a tank that shows, and measures human digestion, there is no guess work or hypothesis , its just a fact.Whey digest faster then casenate, but caseinate digests slower, thus making is a sustained release protein .Van I have read your past posts, and your very knowledgeable, but on this particular subject trust me what I stated is actually facts.I have atleast a couple of thousand hours, formulating, studying, and research protein and iits digestion in the huamn body
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: Van_Bilderass on August 17, 2006, 04:08:52 PM
First of all acid hydrolisis is a scientific test that mimicks human digestion period!!!It is a tank that shows, and measures human digestion, there is no guess work or hypothesis , its just a fact.Whey digest faster then casenate, but caseinate digests slower, thus making is a sustained release protein .Van I have read your past posts, and your very knowledgeable, but on this particular subject trust me what I stated is actually facts.I have atleast a couple of thousand hours, formulating, studying, and research protein and iits digestion in the huamn body
Did you do the acid hydrolysis test on the complete formula or the different proteins separately? I'm no expert on this but from what I've read you can't test the absorption of the proteins separately and then assume they will absorb the same when used as a mixed formula. Am I wrong?
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: toolarge4u on August 17, 2006, 05:46:38 PM
iabadman2  The reason why natural bodybuilders bash anabolic out of frustration usually.I know I have been there .You bust your ass in the gym and your lucky to gain 5 maybe 7 lbs of muscle a year naturally , then you see a guy at the gym  get on a cycle and gain 30 lbs in a month.Seeing that can frustrate anyone.Thats why there is friction between natural bodybuilders, and bodybuilders that use anabolics.The natural bodybuilders are the true athletes, and the more difficult road.I just wish some of them would just be proud that they did it naturally .Then you have the juicers who dont give naturals guys respect , or dont take them seriously .The anabolic guys should give the natural guys more respect , because it is a harder road.Then you have the so-called natural bodybuilders ,who like to go into natural shows, gassed out of there friggin minds, and get harder then Roniie Coleman and claim, there natural, lol .Those people should be stoned to death , they are the lowest form of life in my book .Cheating to win is not winning!!!The bottom line is natural bodybuilders need to be proud to be natural  the anabolic guys need to give naturals guys more respect, and the guys who enter natural shows on gear need to be beaten with a hammer, lol.
Now about L-Glutamine and BCAAS ,yes some get wasted in digestion but about 70-80 % gets absorbed depending on your PH level
As far as prohormnoes goes, if you can Superdrol, by Anabolics Xtreme or Halodrol by Gaspari, those are very strong prohormones.My company makes 2 strong prohormones Halo -Test Depot, and Methyl Tren Depot .These prohormnoes arent nearly as strong as gear, but they give you a nice kick, and raise your libido.
As far as creatine Goes, creatine never worked for me until I used Kre-Alkalyn, that stuff worked amazing.I have taken up to 30 grams a day of American Creatine with no luck in size or strength.I took 7 grams of Kre-ALKALYN and I gained like 7 lbs in 10 days, and I wasnt puffy, plus I added 1 more rep to most of my lifts.Kre-Alakyln is truly amazing, I am good friends with Jeff Golini , who created it.Like you I doubted Kre-Alkalyn, then I took it, and it removed all my doubts.Kre-Alaklyn is creatine that has a phof 12-14 so it never converts to creatine , so your body absorbs all of it.Give it a try, you will love it .

Horseshit...any npc or ifbb pro trains just as hard and diets just hard as any natural. Shit if anything its harder being on then off. You have to deal with cramps, bloat, hypertension etc etc. Its also easier to get dry an shredded being natural. Any bodybuilder from ANY federation should get the same respect. Not our fault someone decided to go the slow route. If your clean in the Npc...well your an idiot.  Any competitive BB'er should get respect.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on August 17, 2006, 05:55:00 PM
With Acid Hydrolosis you can test proteins one at a time or lets say a combination of Whey Isolate, Egg, and then milk Isolate.iF if you combined these protein the first protein that would disolve or digest would be they Whey Isolate and slowly it would start abdorbing or digesting the Egg protein.Lastly because the the Milk Isolate, because it would curdle in absorbtion so it would digest alot slower.Yes the protein will over alp each other in digestion, but by blending proteins, it creates a slower release time for all of them .If you just drink Milk Isolate in goes into the body and the body immediatly tries to break it down, but if you mix it with Whey Isolate it will break down the WHEY Isolate first.So to answer your question by blending proteins, all the proteins will have a longer time release period then if they were taken seperatly.The problem with alot of companies is the just blend proteins and say, whamo its now times released .The most important thing is when making a time released product its to make sure they all arent instatized other wise it wont time release, they will all digest at the same time.The Whey , Egg and Milk Isolate I mentioned earlier where not instatized.To truly have a protein time release the best thing to mix Agglomertated, and instantised together.Instantised protein gets absorbed immedialty, Agglomerated protein is a larger particle and takes longer to digest.Think of it like this when you eat a chicken breast, and when it goes into your stomach it is diffrent sizes, smaller pieces and larger pieces, depending on how well it was chewed.Of course the smaller pieces ( Whey Isolate ) would go into digestion immediatly, then the larger pieces ( Aggermated Whey Isolate) would start to be broken down after the smaler pieces were abosorbed.So by blending lets say  Instantised Whey Isolate, Agglomerated Whey Isolate,  Instantised Egg protein, Agglomerated Egg protein, and Alpha caseinate, and Aglomerated Milk Isolate.This blend would give you the best of both world, fast and slow acting proteins, and have a very braod band of Amino Acids.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: kingNOLI on August 18, 2006, 02:16:38 AM

John I want to thank you for this valuable information , most people have know idea about the different proteins. Thats why when I was turn on to Extremelabs like most people there are just thinking another supplement company . But you guys are not just another company when I met your cousin I was so impressed by his knowledge and also you guys are competitors and National title holders .

Well I just wanted to say thanks for the awesome supplements and if my opinion counts I never tasted protein that tasted so good and trust me I have tryed them all. also I am very sensitive and being lactose free was a plus .

John I wish I met you 10 years ago , In wouldnt of waisted money on all those worthless products.

Thanks and see you at the Olympia....

With Acid Hydrolosis you can test proteins one at a time or lets say a combination of Whey Isolate, Egg, and then milk Isolate.iF if you combined these protein the first protein that would disolve or digest would be they Whey Isolate and slowly it would start abdorbing or digesting the Egg protein.Lastly because the the Milk Isolate, because it would curdle in absorbtion so it would digest alot slower.Yes the protein will over alp each other in digestion, but by blending proteins, it creates a slower release time for all of them .If you just drink Milk Isolate in goes into the body and the body immediatly tries to break it down, but if you mix it with Whey Isolate it will break down the WHEY Isolate first.So to answer your question by blending proteins, all the proteins will have a longer time release period then if they were taken seperatly.The problem with alot of companies is the just blend proteins and say, whamo its now times released .The most important thing is when making a time released product its to make sure they all arent instatized other wise it wont time release, they will all digest at the same time.The Whey , Egg and Milk Isolate I mentioned earlier where not instatized.To truly have a protein time release the best thing to mix Agglomertated, and instantised together.Instantised protein gets absorbed immedialty, Agglomerated protein is a larger particle and takes longer to digest.Think of it like this when you eat a chicken breast, and when it goes into your stomach it is diffrent sizes, smaller pieces and larger pieces, depending on how well it was chewed.Of course the smaller pieces ( Whey Isolate ) would go into digestion immediatly, then the larger pieces ( Aggermated Whey Isolate) would start to be broken down after the smaler pieces were abosorbed.So by blending lets say  Instantised Whey Isolate, Agglomerated Whey Isolate,  Instantised Egg protein, Agglomerated Egg protein, and Alpha caseinate, and Aglomerated Milk Isolate.This blend would give you the best of both world, fast and slow acting proteins, and have a very braod band of Amino Acids.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: Wombat on August 18, 2006, 03:07:22 AM
why arent all those protein posts ect moved to the supplement site?????Strange place to have this talk going on don't ya think???
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: Croatch on August 18, 2006, 08:59:24 AM
Its also easier to get dry an shredded being natural. Any bodybuilder from ANY federation should get the same respect. Not our fault someone decided to go the slow route. If your clean in the Npc...well your an idiot.  Any competitive BB'er should get respect.
Easier to get shredded naturally?  That has to be the dumbest comment I ever read on getbig.  I agree that competing clean in the NPC is pointless.  Disagree on any competitive bodybuilder should get respect.  Just cause you compete, doesn't mean squat, especially when the basis of most competitors is the drug regiment.  How hard would the majority of these guys train without it?  I see it all the time, guys who "compete" then lay off the sauce and look like a fucking plumber.
I don't care if a guy is 170lbs or 270lbs, juiced or not, it's the effort someone puts into their diet/training that means something to me.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: kingNOLI on August 18, 2006, 11:42:17 AM
A lot of bodybuiders cant train at all with out sauce and most of the amature and top pro's dont trai hard at all!!! I have witnesed plenty who  train like girls.

Easier to get shredded naturally?  That has to be the dumbest comment I ever read on getbig.  I agree that competing clean in the NPC is pointless.  Disagree on any competitive bodybuilder should get respect.  Just cause you compete, doesn't mean squat, especially when the basis of most competitors is the drug regiment.  How hard would the majority of these guys train without it?  I see it all the time, guys who "compete" then lay off the sauce and look like a fucking plumber.
I don't care if a guy is 170lbs or 270lbs, juiced or not, it's the effort someone puts into their diet/training that means something to me.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: Mr. Michael Moore on August 18, 2006, 12:37:35 PM
John, regarding the blending of the shake using a blender, how come the simple act of mixing the protein using a motor can alter the structural properties of the protein itself. Since no chemical compounds are reacting with the molecule, just a simple kinetical procedure is taking place to mix all of the protein, how come the ultimate result can be altered? Besides , could the process to turn the protein into the powder form of the final product itself affect the BCAA chains into its molecule properties? The grounding of the powder could alter the BCAA pattern, by your own line of thinking, i believe.

Since I mix my whey protein with egg protein in my afternoon shakes (NOT the post workout shake), and since egg protein needs a blender to mix properly in the water, otherwise it gets clumsy, how can mix both of them in the same shake, using a blender and not fucking up the BCAA's bio activity?? How many seconds could I blend it?

Thanx. I have never ever heard of such a thing, regarding the way you mix your protein could affect negatively the BCAA's content.

John, could you please elaborate a little more on this trouble with using a blender to mix the whey protein? I mix the whey with egg protein powder, and the egg needs to be shaken with the blender , otherwise it won't mingle so well with the whey, cause the egg powder i use tends to cloth a little bit.  Thanx.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: doison on August 18, 2006, 02:09:52 PM
Good question .The PH, parts hydrogen of a human being can range from 0 to 14.When it comes to PH  0 to 6.9 and under is considred acidic, and anthing from 7.0 to 14 is considered Alkaline  level.The body works at its best at when your PH is 6.5 in the morning and around 7.5 in the evening .The bodies PH varies from food and stress during the day.To answer your question to if the body was to acidic low PH the lower the number, the less your body would absorb the BCCAS and L-Glutamine.The foods that make the body acidic is meats, chicken fish, pasta, bread .Now if the body is to high Alkaline level it will not abosorb the BCAAS or L-Glutamine fully.The foods that make the body alkaline is things like fruit Vinegar, and baking soda.iF you want the body to absorb all the nutrients you take in the body should have a PH of around 7.1 to 7.5 which would be slightly at the alakaline level.The things that effect PH is stress, and lack of digestive enzymes to properly break down food.So to help your body have a good PH level you probably need a good digestive enzyme on that is complete.Make sure it has Protease to break down protein, Amylase to break down carbohydrates, and Lipase to help your body break down fats.By doing this your body will have a healthy PH , and it will digest not only L-Glutamine, and BCAAS  beeter, but ever supplement you take in

   I like what you're doing here, but the pH of the body is a range of 7.36 - 7.44, and acidosis occurs when your blood pH level falls below 7.30.  You can literally die if your blood pH varies by more that 0.1. 
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: Van_Bilderass on August 18, 2006, 02:46:42 PM

   I like what you're doing here, but the pH of the body is a range of 7.36 - 7.44, and acidosis occurs when your blood pH level falls below 7.30.  You can literally die if your blood pH varies by more that 0.1. 
Maybe he is talking about urine, not blood PH levels? I seem to recall there being a difference how it's measured but I could be wrong.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: Croatch on August 18, 2006, 04:26:42 PM
Croatch this is nothing wrong with breast milk from a big chested woman, but there is nothing worse then a big chested woman who has a flat ass.A woman needs curves, another words, Thickness is my Sickness, right Kelly ?
Yeah, but God is a sick freak.  How many times does a woman get a big rack, thick ass, small waist, and a good face?  Hell, even 3 of those is very rare.  When I was younger, I was more into thin girls, now I need some things to shake up.  Thickness is my sickness, agreed.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: Croatch on August 18, 2006, 04:30:47 PM
Croatch this is nothing wrong with breast milk from a big chested woman, but there is nothing worse then a big chested woman who has a flat ass.A woman needs curves, another words, Thickness is my Sickness, right Kelly ?
Yeah, but God is a sick freak.  How many times does a woman get a big rack, thick ass, small waist, and a good face?  Hell, even 3 of those is very rare.  When I was younger, I was more into thin girls, now I need some things to shake up.  Thickness is my sickness, agreed.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: kingNOLI on August 18, 2006, 04:36:25 PM
It could be the protien your using, these days these companies cut it up fillers.

Extremelabs protein blends awesome. Blenders are bad because they cause a lot of heat when used and that kills the protein , try to use the blender but use pulse option or use a shaker bottle.

John, could you please elaborate a little more on this trouble with using a blender to mix the whey protein? I mix the whey with egg protein powder, and the egg needs to be shaken with the blender , otherwise it won't mingle so well with the whey, cause the egg powder i use tends to cloth a little bit.  Thanx.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: kingNOLI on August 18, 2006, 04:42:36 PM

Doison just listen to the Dr.John .

The comment were you can die if your PH varies by 0.1 that has to be the stupidest comment I have ever read.


   I like what you're doing here, but the pH of the body is a range of 7.36 - 7.44, and acidosis occurs when your blood pH level falls below 7.30.  You can literally die if your blood pH varies by more that 0.1. 
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: toolarge4u on August 18, 2006, 04:49:56 PM
Easier to get shredded naturally?  That has to be the dumbest comment I ever read on getbig.  I agree that competing clean in the NPC is pointless.  Disagree on any competitive bodybuilder should get respect.  Just cause you compete, doesn't mean squat, especially when the basis of most competitors is the drug regiment.  How hard would the majority of these guys train without it?  I see it all the time, guys who "compete" then lay off the sauce and look like a fucking plumber.
I don't care if a guy is 170lbs or 270lbs, juiced or not, it's the effort someone puts into their diet/training that means something to me.

i have done it both ever even compete...didnt think so so shut the fuck up girl trumpet. And ya obvioulsly if they cant train without drugs they are not to be respected, i thought that was clear enough that it didnt need to be said but i guess your 150lb toothpick ass didnt catch on. SHut your cock holster
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: Van_Bilderass on August 18, 2006, 04:55:46 PM
Doison just listen to the Dr.John .

The comment were you can die if your PH varies by 0.1 that has to be the stupidest comment I have ever read.


Nope, blood PH level is VERY tightly controlled. I suspect the confusion here is blood vs urine PH or something like that.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: Van_Bilderass on August 18, 2006, 04:58:38 PM
Yup, as I suspected:
Blood pH:
The bloodstream is the most critically buffered system of the entire body, far more sensitive than any other. Arterial and venous blood must maintain a slightly alkaline pH: arterial blood pH = 7.41 and venous blood pH = 7.36. Because the normal pH of arterial blood is 7.41, a person is considered to have acidosis when the pH of blood falls below this value and to have alkalosis when the pH rises above 7.41.

Urine pH values:

In a pH balanced body. urine is slightly acid in the morning, (pH = 6.5 - 7.0) generally becoming more alkaline (pH = 7.5 - 8.0) by evening in healthy people primarily because no food or beverages are consumed while sleeping. Whereas, during the day the body buffers the pH of the food and beverages consumed by releasing electrolytes and the pH level goes up. This process allows the kidneys to begin the elimination process slowly.

Outside the range implies that cells are being burdened with caustic pH fluids within and without surroundings. Long term experience outside this range is unhealthy. However, the pH of urine can range from an extremely unhealthy low of 4.5 to a high if 8.5, which it tolerates a little easier, depending on the acid/base status of the extracellular fluids. A high pH value may indicate the body is over buffering to compensate for a physiological system that is too acidic.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: kingNOLI on August 20, 2006, 02:02:57 AM





Yup, as I suspected:

Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: rocket on August 20, 2006, 03:10:48 AM
i have done it both ever even compete...didnt think so so shut the f**k up pussy trumpet. And ya obvioulsly if they cant train without drugs they are not to be respected, i thought that was clear enough that it didnt need to be said but i guess your 150lb toothpick ass didnt catch on. SHut your cock holster

You've got me curious, elaborate on why it is easier to get shredded as a natural.  You say you've done both ways, lets hear your reasons.  I think what you said is a load of shit too but I've not done both so I'm willing to listen.

Fire away.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: gh15 on August 20, 2006, 03:51:22 AM
Yeah, but God is a sick freak.  How many times does a woman get a big rack, thick ass, small waist, and a good face?  Hell, even 3 of those is very rare.  When I was younger, I was more into thin girls, now I need some things to shake up.  Thickness is my sickness, agreed.

whos this ass belongs to?? damn mother fuckin nice ass. thank god for for women like that,,atleast from the back,,god knows what she look like from the front better be careful :D
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: Van_Bilderass on August 20, 2006, 04:42:24 AM




Either he does not know what's up or he is dishonest. He thinks Gamma Oryzanol and Tribulus will increase testosterone levels when there is zero evidence for this. Someone who is honest should try to steer kids away from this crap.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: Gordon_Gekko on August 20, 2006, 08:56:29 AM
whos this ass belongs to?? damn mother fuckin nice ass. thank god for for women like that,,atleast from the back,,god knows what she look like from the front better be careful :D

I agree - that's an incredible ass. That ass is too beautiful to be natural - I think we're looking at a hormonized ass there. I think that chick has been taking in some supplemental estrogen to get that ass so thick and curvy. I don't think it's possible for a woman to have that fine of an ass without being hormonized. What's your opinion on this?
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on August 20, 2006, 10:40:21 AM
Croatch nice job, that is a great ass ,

Now Gamma Orazoanol if it is real, which most isnt, can raise natural  testosterone levels, slightly, but in my opinion there are better things like lonfolia, Primo Vda, and androstene.As far as Tribulus goes, I think Tribulus by itself doesnt do much at all, as far as raising natural tesosteone levels.But if you take it will Longfolia, Andro, Primo Vda, it works quite well.Kind of like 1 +1= 3 , they amplify each other effects.The problem is I would say 85% of all Tribulus on the market isnt real or is just garbage, but if you get real Tribulus and stack it what I mentioned it will work quite well.

Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: TheGoldenPrince on August 21, 2006, 12:56:32 AM
Better be careful of the turds that must shoot outta there! :D
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: kingNOLI on August 24, 2006, 01:18:21 AM
Hey any more supplement info , great topic..
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: kingNOLI on August 26, 2006, 01:38:51 AM
I tried this cell tech months ago and it made me fat , any comments on this supplement ????
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: dr.chimps on August 26, 2006, 04:24:23 AM
I tried this cell tech months ago and it made me fat , any comments on this supplement ????
Should have also used 'photoshop.' Works wonders.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on August 26, 2006, 09:56:44 PM
Okay fellas `im back ,been realy busy lately ,I`was making stuff for Art Atwood, Troy Alves,and Will Harris  so I have been quite busy.Art got 5th at the Europa not bad for a comeback show.I talked to Troy the giant Killer Alves last night and he weighing around 230-235lbs right now, and said he is bigger and harder this year then he has ever been .Troy is a` great guy and I
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on August 26, 2006, 10:09:34 PM
As I was saying before my post got cut off, lol.Troy Alves is`a` great guy and I love working with him.I hope Troy breaks top 5 at the Mr Olympia this year because nobody deserves it more then Troy .I am a` proud member of Team Troy,god bless you Troy .As for Art Atwwod he is a great guy aswell, and I think he is going to do some damage in the next year to.I call Art cornfed, because he is big like a cornfed bull or ox, the guy is massive.The most impressive part about Art is there is not a` drop of synthol in his body.He is just shear mass, no he isnt the most symertical guy, but he is huge, and gets hard as nails, so I give him alot of credit for that.Anyways now that I am almost caught up lets keep this thread a positive and informative one.If I  dont answer questions right away please be patient ,I am still busy preparing for the Mr Olypmpia Expo, plus releasing 4 new products this month.God bless ...John
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: TheGoldenPrince on August 27, 2006, 02:07:26 AM
As I was saying before my post got cut off, lol.Troy Alves is`a` great guy and I love working with him.I hope Troy breaks top 5 at the Mr Olympia this year because nobody deserves it more then Troy .I am a` proud member of Team Troy,god bless you Troy .As for Art Atwwod he is a great guy aswell, and I think he is going to do some damage in the next year to.I call Art cornfed, because he is big like a cornfed bull or ox, the guy is massive.The most impressive part about Art is there is not a` drop of synthol in his body.He is just shear mass, no he isnt the most symertical guy, but he is huge, and gets hard as nails, so I give him alot of credit for that.Anyways now that I am almost caught up lets keep this thread a positive and informative one.If I  dont answer questions right away please be patient ,I am still busy preparing for the Mr Olypmpia Expo, plus releasing 4 new products this month.God bless ...John

Yes, Troy is an incredible BBer. The key though for him is staying completely off of the chemicals...look at what befell Kamali.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on August 29, 2006, 07:05:54 PM
I  got a PM  asking me how well does Milk Thistle work.Mailk Thistle doesnt work bad after a cycle, but it does nothing to lower liver enzymes, which are raised by steroid use, especially oral steroids.I advice to take a lemon cut it in half, put one of the halves in the blender.Then add a 1/4 cup of pineapple juice, a half cup of Olive oil ,then add 1 cup of water.To add a little of flavor use a tablespoon of splenda.Now take all of those ingredients and put them all in a blender, and blend it until its all liquid.Now pour in a cup and drink it, do this for 7 to 10 days .This will clean out your ststem and lower you liver enzymes drastically.You can also use Milk Thistle if you want. to help cleqan out your system but it is not neccesry
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: Stavios on August 29, 2006, 09:43:14 PM
sounds disgusting to drink  :-X
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: GetItOnNY on August 29, 2006, 11:09:06 PM
Its better  to drink that mixture or have high liver enzymes, which inturn could cause liver problems down the road
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: bigcal on August 30, 2006, 05:49:42 AM
Its better  to drink that mixture or have high liver enzymes, which inturn could cause liver problems down the road

Would this work for individuals who have elevated liver enzymes but are not steroid users?  I have had elevated liver enzymes for a couple years now and after extensive testing, for everything under the sun, nothing could be correlated with this increase.  My guess is that its simply a by-product of weight lifting since the muscle breakdown goes through the liver for excretion and filtration.  Is this correct?
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: Stavios on August 30, 2006, 02:33:27 PM
Its better  to drink that mixture or have high liver enzymes, which inturn could cause liver problems down the road

Can't argue with that !

still sounds disgusting tought  ;D
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: littleguns on October 09, 2006, 09:05:08 AM
So what's the latest and greatest from Extreme labs?
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: Mr. Michael Moore on October 09, 2006, 12:24:45 PM
So what's the latest and greatest from Extreme labs?

Paparazzi to the Trannies in love at bodybuilding expos !!!!!!!! ;) ;D
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: venom gang.bronze on October 09, 2006, 04:00:33 PM
Sarcasm in my natural pic my arms were probably 19" on stage.I had decent size for a natural my arms got to 20" pumped and my chest was 54" at 255lbs.I also benched 500lbs raw naturally, and curled 225lbs for 4 reps naturally.As far as Frank Zane goes, Brian X masterbates to his pics, lol.Frank Zane has a diffrent structure then I do,I am built more like Nasser, and Art Atwood just a smaller version.I only used anabolics for 3 years,2002-2005 never did growth and insulin, and got up to 290 lbs, and competed at 258 lbs.Frank Zane had good symetry ,very small bones, and would come in hard.I didnt perticulary care for Zanes physique, but I know him and he is a great person.I liked Bertil Fox, and Mike Metzner's physique over Zanes.That is just my opinion
you know what bro'? i think you look great! probably less than 2% of the guys here could look half as good! good going- even if you don't like sasha! (haha-bustin' your balls!)
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: Wombat on October 15, 2006, 07:57:21 PM
I  got a PM  asking me how well does Milk Thistle work.Mailk Thistle doesnt work bad after a cycle, but it does nothing to lower liver enzymes, which are raised by steroid use, especially oral steroids.I advice to take a lemon cut it in half, put one of the halves in the blender.Then add a 1/4 cup of pineapple juice, a half cup of Olive oil ,then add 1 cup of water.To add a little of flavor use a tablespoon of splenda.Now take all of those ingredients and put them all in a blender, and blend it until its all liquid.Now pour in a cup and drink it, do this for 7 to 10 days .This will clean out your ststem and lower you liver enzymes drastically.You can also use Milk Thistle if you want. to help cleqan out your system but it is not neccesry

thanks for the recipe...I'll give that a shot...
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: Livewire on October 29, 2007, 07:20:16 PM
In this post I am not in no way shape or form advising anbody to take insulin, but if your foolish enough to do so I Advise you not to just use Dextrose. Alone The reason for this is Dextrose has almost the same glycemic index as table sugar, so its pretty much a joke , .I have made formulas for people that use insulin, and it stopped them from getting light headed and the shakes.
What you do it is get 1 lb of Dextrose, 1lb of Glucose Polymers, 1 lb of Maltodextrin, and 1 lb of Vitargo, and mix it into a largy bowl until its mixed well.Then get 2 packets of non sweetened Kool -Aid or 1 packet of your favorite flavor of Crystal light, and mix it in with the carb blend until its mixed extremely well.Now to measure it most protein powders have a 60cc scooper in them, use that for measuring. One 60 cc scooper of this blend will give you about 38- 43 grams of carbs per scoop.This blend is designed to give a sustained release of carbs to stop the shakes.After drinking this mix, 2-3 scoops I would advise, make sure you eat a large meal , like a steak and a large baked potato.I have never done insulin, but I have saved atleast a dozen guys from having, or getting the shakes by making this formula for them.AGAIN i DONT CONDONE THE USE OF INSULIN, I JUST WOULD RATHER HELP YOU THEN SEE YOU DEAD

holy fcck.... it IS gh15.

if you put his writing in caps, it's gh15, word for word.

plus gh15 was 'born' when john's pics came out, he was owned over and over, and he went into hiding.

oh my god...

Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: MAXX on October 31, 2007, 03:15:28 AM
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: webcake on October 31, 2007, 03:22:07 AM


Either way, its obvious that gh15 isn't a pro or ex-pro.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: Cleanest Natural on October 31, 2007, 04:14:10 AM
Dunno at what point these were tookk.  He said 2+ years ago. 

Were these from musclemania/tested competiion?

the word moronic liar comes to mind...he might be clean in those shots ( although I highly doubt it ) but natural? way,
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: Cleanest Natural on October 31, 2007, 04:16:39 AM
Either he does not know what's up or he is dishonest. He thinks Gamma Oryzanol and Tribulus will increase testosterone levels when there is zero evidence for this. Someone who is honest should try to steer kids away from this crap.
I constantly get aproached at the gym I train at about tribulus . I keep telling them that aspirin is a zillion times better but they still believe theey felt something from it so I just give up and say : I never used it...dunno.
Title: Re: Request for GETITONY, aka John D.
Post by: MAXX on May 23, 2009, 05:08:45 PM
Does this mean I need to stay away from big breasted animals like this?
Something about 36 J's, that make DD's' seem so small. :'(