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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Positive Bodybuilding Discussion & Talk => Natural Bodybuilding => Topic started by: HANAN on July 14, 2006, 02:31:11 PM

Title: What constitutes "natural?"
Post by: HANAN on July 14, 2006, 02:31:11 PM
Hello, I'm new.  Been around bb boards off and on for a long while.  I have fought mostly mma and boxing, did a lot of performance specific training.  We're all building our bodies one way or another, I'd like to get back into more appearance focused training.  In short, I train, eat, and dabble in sports/arts just like the rest of you fkrs.  Gr8 board, the one I'd like to hang at.  That's my intro.

I don't quite understand what "natural" bodybuilding means.  I get that there exists a basic definition of "natural" that would mean "person who bodybuilds and claims not to use steroids based on the honor system."

But, is there a standardized set of rules and regulations that determines this definition of "natural?"

I mean, what happens if my natural testosterone is higher than another fella's, all steroid/test therapy aside?  And, how could it ever be proven that I have not been spiking my test levels pre-testing for the validity of "natural" bodybuilding? 

Thank you.
Title: Re: What constitutes "natural?"
Post by: jonno gb on July 14, 2006, 03:42:47 PM
Basically,'natural' means a person who has never taken a substance on the IOC/WADA banned list IMO but you will probably get a different definition from everyone.
Title: Re: What constitutes "natural?"
Post by: alexxx on July 14, 2006, 03:55:51 PM
"natural" is when you cut your test down to 500mg a week and your deca down to 400mg a week..

Title: Re: What constitutes "natural?"
Post by: HERACLES on July 14, 2006, 05:13:46 PM
"natural" is when you cut your test down to 500mg a week and your deca down to 400mg a week..


I think if someone trained for 10 years and in the middle of those years they experimented with 1 or 2 cycles, I would still consider them natural..
Title: Re: What constitutes "natural?"
Post by: flowdan on July 14, 2006, 05:35:20 PM
I did a 2 week cycle of m1t when it was legal, and used 6 oxo for pct. Would i still be considered 'natural' then?
Title: Re: What constitutes "natural?"
Post by: Bluto on July 15, 2006, 04:51:08 AM
I don't think those "natty"-guys have a standard they agree on...
Title: Re: What constitutes "natural?"
Post by: MCWAY on July 19, 2006, 02:20:20 AM
To me, there's a big difference between high concentrations of natural substances and synthetic hormones, altered to maximize anabolic properties (i.e. steroids). To most people, consumption of the latter takes you out of the categories of "natural". As for the former, I see it like this:

Creatine is a natural substance, but I'm not trying to down a whole cow just to obtain the amount of creatine I get from loading CELL-TECH.

Whey protein, of which I consume at least 200 grams, comes from milk. Each fluid ounce of milk has one gram of protein. However, only a fifth of that protein is whey. So, to get 200 grams of whey from milk, I'd have to guzzle 1,000 fluid ounces (nearly EIGHT GALLONS) of moo juice per day. That ain't happening!!

That's my rule for buying supplements: Supplements are to provide nutrients, in extremely high doses, that are impossible/impractical to get from actual food. For this reason I believe many people deem people who use supplements, but not steroids, as "natural".
Title: Re: What constitutes "natural?"
Post by: Nathan on August 06, 2006, 09:19:24 AM
"natural" is when you cut your test down to 500mg a week and your deca down to 400mg a week..

LOL good one!
Title: Re: What constitutes "natural?"
Post by: Tryinghard on August 08, 2006, 03:23:51 AM
The way I see it, as long as it's legal OTC stuff, then your natural!!