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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Training Q&A => Topic started by: RancherRanger on August 04, 2006, 11:57:12 AM

Title: Need help with bench
Post by: RancherRanger on August 04, 2006, 11:57:12 AM
I've never been good at benching.  I don't know if this weird or not, but I do close to the same around of weight and reps with dumbbells as I do with the bar.  I've noticed from others, there bench is alot higher than what they do reps with dumbbells.  I've been concentrating on doing alot of incline db's and incline bench with 3 sets of flies.  Can anybody offer some suggestions on how to up my bench?  I usually do incline a couple of weeks, then I'll transition to flat, etc...Is there something important that you guys might know of that I'm not doing?
Title: Re: Need help with bench
Post by: lilwoday09smb on August 04, 2006, 01:07:25 PM
if your jsut worried about strength in flat bench then i would reccomend starting with flat barbell bench. warm up then do the 5x5 program adding 2.5-5 pounds every week. do heavy negatives and every now and then do some 1-2 rep maxes. after the 5x5 flat do heavy incline for 3 x 4-8 and then do some weighted dips. remeber in order to up your benxh ypur gonna have to get stronger triceps and shoulders so do heavy tri and shoulder work
Title: Re: Need help with bench
Post by: pumpster on August 04, 2006, 01:50:44 PM
Some exercises that might help:
-Close-grip benches
-Pushups w/ resistance bands

Keep in mind that having great bench power probably isn't viable for you anyway-more important to find exercises that are good for development. Doesn't mean huge weights but instead using exercises with moderate reps that allow you to feel it in the muscle.
Title: Re: Need help with bench
Post by: JamieX4200 on August 04, 2006, 02:14:45 PM
I like chains, put some chains on each end of the bar, and the higher you get the heavier it is.
Title: Re: Need help with bench
Post by: wes mantooth on August 04, 2006, 07:40:05 PM
I've never been good at benching.  I don't know if this weird or not, but I do close to the same around of weight and reps with dumbbells as I do with the bar.  I've noticed from others, there bench is alot higher than what they do reps with dumbbells.  I've been concentrating on doing alot of incline db's and incline bench with 3 sets of flies.  Can anybody offer some suggestions on how to up my bench?  I usually do incline a couple of weeks, then I'll transition to flat, etc...Is there something important that you guys might know of that I'm not doing?

all of these suggestions are good rr. another exercise that can help are floor presses, but more importantly, technique is crucial. you could be a "shoulder presser", which means your triceps lack, or a "tricep pusher", which means the shoulders lack strength. hand placement, foot placement, and speed are all factors in a good flat bench press.

evaluate your technique, then make changes in it as well as your surrounding exercises
Title: Re: Need help with bench
Post by: krazee on August 05, 2006, 03:12:54 PM
5 x 5 training, keep at a weight that pushs you to do the 5 reps and do it 5 times. Works wonders do it for a couple of weeks, each week try to add some weight even if it is 2 1/2 lbs per side. Also dips work great, rep out at least 3 times. Hope it works for ya, it did for me.
Title: Re: Need help with bench
Post by: Jr. Yates on August 05, 2006, 03:28:24 PM
I like to think my bench went up from doing flat flyes first in my workout, going super heavy and super low. then going and doing flat dumbs or bar....or incline. then next week start with a pressing movment. my bench went up very quick.
Title: Re: Need help with bench
Post by: brianX on August 05, 2006, 11:35:02 PM
The bench press should be trained fairly frequently, especially if you're natural. It can be trained with heavy poundages 2-3 times a week. Also, I would not switch around between flat and incline benches. The flat bench should be your top priority.

When I started getting serious about training in early 2005, I would just pyramid up to a max single on the bench three times a week. This might sound crazy, but my bench went from 250 to 385 in about 18 months with this basic training method. I don't know how strong you are, but it's almost impossible to get overtrained when you're just a beginner. Too many guys want to jump into a specialized "powerlifting routine" before they've put in a decent amount of heavy lifting.
Title: Re: Need help with bench
Post by: kicker on August 06, 2006, 12:25:34 AM
The bench press should be trained fairly frequently, especially if you're natural. It can be trained with heavy poundages 2-3 times a week. Also, I would not switch around between flat and incline benches. The flat bench should be your top priority.

When I started getting serious about training in early 2005, I would just pyramid up to a max single on the bench three times a week. This might sound crazy, but my bench went from 250 to 385 in about 18 months with this basic training method. I don't know how strong you are, but it's almost impossible to get overtrained when you're just a beginner. Too many guys want to jump into a specialized "powerlifting routine" before they've put in a decent amount of heavy lifting.

What's your bench program (frequency, reps, sets)?

Going from 250 to 385 in a year and half is damn impressive, if w/o the aid of pharmaceuticals.
Title: Re: Need help with bench
Post by: RancherRanger on August 07, 2006, 04:49:41 AM
My triceps are fairly strong, but I'm gonna start hitting them more now.  I've been doing the 5x5 on flat, then I usually do incline for 3 sets of 10, then 3 sets of flies.  I'm only workin my chest 1 time a week, maybe I need to up that to 2 times.
Title: Re: Need help with bench
Post by: texasRUSH on August 07, 2006, 06:53:49 AM
brian x gave spot on advice....

the only other thing i would include would be to train your triceps, shoulders, and back heavier too since they are all apart of the bench to some degree. That way no one thing will give out before the other.  And that's what's helped blow my bench up to 425 as of now...

that and listening to something other than "you're beautiful" and that other bullshit htey play in the gym.
Title: Re: Need help with bench
Post by: Always Sore on August 07, 2006, 07:07:55 AM
brian x gave spot on advice....

the only other thing i would include would be to train your triceps, shoulders, and back heavier too since they are all apart of the bench to some degree. That way no one thing will give out before the other.  And that's what's helped blow my bench up to 425 as of now...

that and listening to something other than "you're beautiful" and that other bullshit htey play in the gym.

well now I know whats been holding me back...:)
Title: Re: Need help with bench
Post by: pumpster on August 07, 2006, 07:14:24 AM
well now I know whats been holding me back...

Yet another vacuous contribution.
Title: Re: Need help with bench
Post by: Always Sore on August 07, 2006, 07:32:47 AM
Yet another vacuous contribution.
was not giving help was making a joke but really do you feel the need to follow me around and post your 2 cents? Do I not give you enough credit on your good training advice which I agree with most times that because in general topics we go back and forth you need to carry on everywhere?

If you want to trade shots start a topic between us or fuck off really its silly.
Title: Re: Need help with bench
Post by: texasRUSH on August 07, 2006, 08:15:34 AM

hey music gets me pumped! if you listen to that mo-ish shit and can still get in a good state of mind you da man....

but if i hafta hear "your kiss is on my list..." before one more fucking lift off i'm gonna scream
Title: Re: Need help with bench
Post by: Always Sore on August 07, 2006, 08:26:50 AM

hey music gets me pumped! if you listen to that mo-ish shit and can still get in a good state of mind you da man....

but if i hafta hear "your kiss is on my list..." before one more fucking lift off i'm gonna scream

I agree I listen to stuff every day before I go but hate wearing a Ipod so Im stuck with the bullshit music lite or rap crap.
Title: Re: Need help with bench
Post by: texasRUSH on August 07, 2006, 08:35:33 AM
wtf is music lite?!  ???
Title: Re: Need help with bench
Post by: Always Sore on August 07, 2006, 08:42:29 AM
wtf is music lite?!  ???

anything that is advertise as "even the boss would like to listen to it"

kelly clarkson,christina aguilara,nick lechey,ect...
Title: Re: Need help with bench
Post by: JPM on August 07, 2006, 09:30:36 AM
Most people either have a dominate push (BP, press, dip's, etc) or a dominate pull (chin, row, upright row, etc). The few that have a somewhat balance between these two are the outstanding PL's or Olympic lifters.  Can always improve your shortcommings in any version of push or pull.

Not sure if RR is more concerned with his numbers on the BP or muscular development. Right now it seems to be the weight on the bar. If RR has a power rack in his gym, than plan a workout using the three pin position and watch the BP take off like a rocket. Even locking out at the top position (3-4 inches) for reps is excellent. Should be using 100 over your normal flat BP at that top position.. In other words, used more weight than your accustomed to using, for heavy partial reps. I don't mean doing partials after your normal reps.  Those are not true partials in the true sense of the word. Have a whole set (and workout) devoted to heavy power rack partial reps (three pin position if you can). Try a regular BP once a week to check progress. And surprise, you shoud be adding muscle mass along with the power you gain. 4-6 week cycle on the Power rack. Negatives can also be very effective with this type of training.

No power rack? Than the 5X5 system, as suggested on this thread, is very good. Use heavy weight but never go to the point of failure on any set. If you really want power, but not always increased muscle size, than do set's of 3's for 5-6 sets. Again, never to the point of failure. Failure, in simple terms, is when the bar can no longer be moved by yourself.

Another method that has worked for a lot of guy's is different hand spacing during a workout. Start with a wide grip (if you can almost touch the inside of the collars...that's good) for a couple of sets. Than a middle grip and last, a close grip (6-8 inches apart).

The PBN has helped many men increase their Bench strength. As has weighted dips. Miliary presses (push/jerk press also) tranfer's well to benching power. These three movements hit the triceps and anterior/laterior delts strongly. That's where the basic BP power is. The pec's are the lesser involved in benching.

 DB's should be used, from time to time, to insure an equal balance of power in the left and right arms, so feel free to use them in a power workout. Personal view: As for me, I stopped using them a long time ago. I found that anything above the 180lb+ range was just a pain in the butt for me. Have to  take up the workout time of two spotters, have to get in the "just so" position, etc.

BrainX gives good insight. The more you rep an exercise with-in a week, the better you get at it. And that Lone Star stud, also. But TexR should turn up the volume to some choice heavy metal. That "Your beautiful" is not manly man's music for Texas. If music like that, I would avoid the men's locker room and take my shower's at home. Good Luck.