Getbig Bodybuilding, Figure and Fitness Forums

Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: Arnold jr on August 09, 2006, 12:13:38 PM

Title: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Arnold jr on August 09, 2006, 12:13:38 PM
The thread with the guy that wants to put on 60lbs in a year got me thinking that it might be cool to have a thread where we all share are own history. It might give some realsictic insight to some of the newbies as well as be entertaining just to give everyone a better idea of who the other guy on the other end of the screen is.

Let's try and keep this thread on topic or as close as we can and be honest...lying impresses no one.
If you all like this idea for this thread maybe it will hang around for a while and we can continually add to it as time goes by. Also feel free to lay it out any way you would like.

...I'll start

*I grew up a fat/chunky kid...not obese just semi-soft. I started lifting at age 14 for football and baseball and did so all through high-school...made some progress but my diet sucked and so did my training splits.

*After high school sports I had reconstructive surgery on my left ankle...22 fiber glass clamps...I had played with a broken ankle for 3 years...yeah, I know, dumb ass but dumb ass coaches as well.

*Freshman year of college...stopped lifting, became an alcoholic...drank 6-7 days per wk ate maybe once a day and because of my naturally slow metabolism got fat as a pig...a case of beer a night and nothing but 10 Krystal's a day will do that too you.

*Finally have a wake up call after a year of stupid behaviour...I had gotten up to almost 230lbs of fat and at 5"8' it looked like 330lbs. I began dieting, stopped drinking and started running my ass off. I did some light circuit weight training at the beginning, just basics for 20-30min. All in all it took 19months but I went down to 150lbs. Way too low for my body type but when you're running 5-8miles a day and eating boiled chicken and lettuce then that's what happens.

*Age 21, finally go back to lifting for real. Began reading everything I could about bodybuilding, nutrition and yes even steroids. I spent the first year really learning how to lift properly and I also messed with the Arnold training plan in his many of you fell prey to that insane nonsense in the beginning? Even so I went from 150lbs to a little over 175 that first year...yeah, some fat for sure but even so it was better then 150lbs.

*Since 21 I've ate and trained religiously...I trained naturally until I was 24 at that point was just barely over 200lbs.

*Since age 24 (almost 28 now) I've used AAS. I've never put on more then 20+ lbs from a cycle, simply because I want allow it. I don't like my bf getting too high so that's why I keep the bulks reasonable...of coarse each time is a little heavier...I should hit a good clean 230-235 by this winter late spring

*For now my goals are simple and day compete at nationals and be competitive...that's it. I'm not looking any further then that and I believe this is a realistic goal.  I will get where I need to get, or kill myself trying that much is a given.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Captain Equipoise on August 09, 2006, 05:55:49 PM
I suppose I'll go next.

I grew up an athletic kid, lean and muscular.. my body type is almost pure mesomorph (lean but have an easy time adding muscle)
I played some sports growing up, namely basketball and hockey, had no real interest in lifting until after highschool which is when me and a friend joined the gym together (we were 18 or 19). The first year was kind of a waste since neither one of us really knew what we were doing for the most part, we referenced magazines and books for exercises and designed routines for ourselves, neither us knew really anything about protein or creatine or any of that other stuff so we just lifted and ate normal, not much happened in the first year.

When I started lifting I was maybe 5"10,5"11 and a lean athletic 170-175 (can't remember exactly) I lifted naturally for 4 years (while learning about proteins, amino acids, food types, body types, etc.) then I did my first cycle, consisting of 250mg sustanon and 250mg of test enanthate a week, by the time I did my first cycle I was already 216lbs. and lean naturally. (a lot of people say I should have never touched gear) With that first cycle a strange thing happened, my weight only got up to 220 but I had gone from aprox. 10-12%bf to about 7 or 8% I was ripped with striations and veins everywhere (strange, huh ?).

After that first cycle a few months went by and I went to university (I had previously attended college) and halfway through the first  year had a really bad medical problem, I lost my vision and couldn't see at all for a period of about 6 months, after many painful and invasive surgeries in my eyes, the blood (from burst blood vessel's) had finally all been sucked out (with needles) and after a few more months my vision started returning, needless to say I didn't lift a thing for a period of about 2 years. I started lifting again sometime after, maybe 6-8 months after starting to lift again I decided to go back to gear.

Since then I've done about 6 or 7 cycles (some small and short, some lengthier ones) I've never stayed on longer then 5 months, I believe you gain more from shorter cycles, I also don't use heavy androgens like suspension or anadrol since they just puff you up, I prefer light, clean quality cycles such as: anavar, EQ, winstorl, test, primo, etc.  The heaviest I've been (on Test E. galenika's and EQ) was 261lbs. at which point my lower back was hurting from the water retention, my natural (fully off after PCT) weight is about 230-235 and on cycle right now I'm 250 1/2 lbs. as of yestarday. I should add, my body responds very well and rapidly to any exogenous hormone use, I can still put on 20lbs. with one sustanon a week and a little EQ but that's just me.

I don't have any real goals to compete, I get asked every other day if I compete or if I'm a pro and so on, but that's just not for me, I bodybuild for me and for fun, I was inspired to start working out when I was 8 or 9 by watching Arnold movies in the 80's... commando, predator, raw deal, that's why I started working out, I wanted to look like that.. only sad thing is I started so late :(
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: bigjohn_bluesfan on August 09, 2006, 07:17:31 PM
Arnold and Captain---- I can honestly say that was an inspiration to hear your stories---At first I was thinking these posts are way to long and nobody will read but when I took the time I really enjoyed it---- I am going to share my story soon but I have to go eat right now--- Captain and Arnold: thanks for taking the time to share those stories

This proly sounds gay but this is a great support group and for those of us who take it seriously- this is a great outlet
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Captain Equipoise on August 09, 2006, 07:47:04 PM
Arnold and Captain---- I can honestly say that was an inspiration to hear your stories---At first I was thinking these posts are way to long and nobody will read but when I took the time I really enjoyed it---- I am going to share my story soon but I have to go eat right now--- Captain and Arnold: thanks for taking the time to share those stories

This proly sounds gay but this is a great support group and for those of us who take it seriously- this is a great outlet

Hey, thank you man :)   that's exactly what we need on this board, pure support for each other, none of this 'I'm bigger, blah blah blah b.s'  and I'm glad that I don't really see that grade school crap on here, we're all trying to accomplush the same thing, it's best to help each other and share knowledge, not bash and keep good finds to ourselves.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: bigjohn_bluesfan on August 09, 2006, 07:52:31 PM
I am 29 years old. I got into lifting when I was 13 because my sisters boyfriend was a bodybuilder. I fell in love with lifting weights because when i started at 13, I was just a skinny kid that bigger kids picked on, but I was still athletic. The summer that I started lifting I put on alot of muscle and got ripped. I guess it was because it was perfect timing right around puberty. Needless to say, when I went back to school that fall, I was about 20 lbs heavier of muscle and the kids were like-- wtf --- so then, I started going around the school fighting anyone who picked at me before and I beat some kids up and got beat up some. I kept on lifting and walked around with my chest poked out like a bad ass. I realized that the muscle helped me get girls too so that was all the more reson. but chasing the girls got the best of me and by the time I got out of highschool, I was partying and chasing girls and not lifting seriously.

My partying eventually developed into full fledged alcoholism and I also experimented with some drugs-- those years stripped me of all the muscle I had earned and I was left with the faint remenance of what used to be a great body. I got sober completely when I was 24--- at that time I was about 172 lbs--- I lifted on and off though it was hard working full time and going to college

Around about 26 I regained my passion for bodybuilding and began to lift seriously again, though it was still tough due to the busy schedule. I began making a promise to myself that I was going to save and manage my finances in a way that I could be more disciplined and dedicated to building.

I am 29 now and I have plenty of time to train. I did my first cycle this year. I put on about 22 lbs. I am now at 200 lbs after pct and I have been off now for 5 weeks.

I am hard as hell and look good. My back is ripped with good size and my chest looks good. I still need alot of work. I have no desire to compete. I lift because I love the sport and how it is a positive hobby. I also like to be big and feel tight in my clothes. I also like to be bigger than other guys and I am not afraid to say it.

I am 5' 10" 3/4        8% bodyfat

200 pounds

I hope to get to a nice 235-240 in the next couple years from good cycles, diet, rest, and hard training
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Rimbaud on August 09, 2006, 08:23:39 PM
My turn...

In high school I guess I was pretty active. I swam, ran, & played a little baseball. In the off seasons I lifted a little & ran a lot. Needless to say I was pretty skinny. I was about 165lbs when I graduated (I'm about 6 feet tall). I also left with a lot of injuries: tendonitis in my left shoulder, hips, left knee.

After high school I went headlong into lifting (I was also pretty strict with my diet). I also began to do a ton of research about working out & dieting & such. I probably put on about 30 pounds in about three years.

When I was 21 I moved away (got tired of driving 20 miles to school). Between 21-24 I only lifted sparatically. I also began experimenting with all sorts of drugs (including steroids). So needless to say those were the lost years. After about 25 I settled down.  

Now I'm 29 & I guess I'm growing up. Over the last four years I've taken a "few" steroids & done a lot of research. I'm currently about 240lbs & about 15% body fat. I'd like to be about that weight with a body fat of about 10%. I'd also like to have a 32 inch waist again (but I think I might be dreaming there). I've toyed with the idea of doing a show...but I'm not sure if I can keep a strict diet for 10 weeks or so. Time will tell. It'll also depend on how my current cutting cycle goes.

However, I'm still plagued by a few old injuries. My hips still bother me which keeps me from doing free weight squats. My left knee also gives me a little trouble here & there. I recently developed a new injury. Apparently I have arthritis & tendonitis in my ankle (which is odd because I've never really injured them). On a positive note my shoulders feel great.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: !@#$% on August 09, 2006, 08:25:45 PM
I feel uncomfortable giving out personal info on a steroid board, but wtf.

I lifted for a few months when I was 15 at a friends house, until we got into an arguement. For years after that I got comments on how big my arms were and how big my veins were. I barely touched weights again until my early 20s. I went to one of those big gyms with a wide mix of people and tried to copy what the biggest guys were doing, but I wasn't very serious about it. I ate mostly steak, fruit, chocolate bars, soda pop and beer.

I then moved and joined a hardcore gym, where it was normal to bench 500lbs, and I still just copied the bigger guys. I made some good gains for about a year, inclining 200lbs, flat benching 200lbs, dead-lifting 700lbs and squatting 650lbs. People were amazed by my giant arms, but no one was impressed with the rest of me. I then bought the Arnold Encyclopedia and began to seriously over-train. I made no further gains and stayed the same for the next 5-6 years of working out at least 4 hours a day. I slowly started improving on nutrition, but still ate poorly.

My grades were slipping, so I took some time which turned into a couple years. I started and stopped lifting again 5-6 times over the next 5 years. I've been lifting this time around about 5-6 years.

I had never done any gear until about three years ago, I discovered pro-hormones and stacked 19-nor- androstendione, 5-androstendiol, 4-androstendiol and 4-androstendiol. I thought since they were legal they were safe, so I would do 3000-5000 mg a day on work out days. For a while, I wouldn't go to the gym unless I had a buzz from those things. I got my flat bench up to 250lbs for 8 reps doing this, from 200lbs, in a couple of months.
BTW, I am aware of how retarded I was being.

Some guy then told me about M1T and I did a cycle, which took me from 200lbs to 230lbs in three weeks. I am only 5'7". My flat bench went to 350lbs for 6 reps. I kept this weight on for year, until I went back to 200lbs. Last summer I did a cycle of Superdrol which took me to 215lbs lean, until I threw out my back plus a minor tear in my hamstring. It made me really sick too. I went back to 200lbs after about three months. A few months ago I tried to do a cycle of M1t and Dbol, my strength only went up slightly and I went up to 210lbs but lost it immediately after the cycle. The cycle made me feel like shit.

After that M1t/Dbol cycle my weight and strength has been dropping to levels way below what it was before the cycle. I don't know why. I recently started a test-cyp/tren-e cycle which I hope will help me. I am currently 200lbs, 5'7". I have visible abs, but they are soft and spongy. I want to tighten up my waist and do a heavy bulk this winter. So I am trying to keep my dosage low, so my receptors will be fresh when I bulk this winter.

3 weeks into my cycle and not much improvement. This week, I tried spliting my dose up through the week which seems to be working.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Captain Equipoise on August 09, 2006, 08:57:21 PM
Good stuff, since everyone is mentioning stats I'll add mine, nothing special but it does get me noticed :)

6"0, 250 lbs.
aprox 10-12% bf (striations in shoulders, veins, visible abs, etc.)
19" arms
49 1/2" chest (my weakest bodypart)
not sure about other measurements, I got those last week when I was getting fitted for a suit.

I'm currently finishing off a cycle (have 3 weeks left) I should drop down to about 235 or so when I'm fully off, maybe 240 if I eat a lot.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: MLAT on August 09, 2006, 09:28:11 PM
In high school played football and basketball, always stayed pretty active.  During football season playing weight was about 230-235 probably 17-19% BF.  I knew nothing about dieting or lifting for that matter.  I really didnt take lifting a serious as I should have.  Our lifting program consisited of working every body part 3x/week.  And I wondered why I really didnt get any bigger, lol.  But even to this day I have a hard time gaining muscle no matter what my diet or training routine is.

During my first 2 years of college I would lift on and off for a few months at a time.  Still couldnt get my act together with my diet and training.  The best part is I couldnt blame it on partying, drinking, etc. because I dont drink.  I just didnt have the self discipline to get my ass in the gym.  I ended up quitting school to get a job.  After letting myself go I balloned up to 250, and got hurt working.  I herniated a disc in my lower back which required surgery (at age 25).  

That was my wake up call.  After my surgery I made the decision to take better care of myself.  My physical therapist recommended the zone diet.  I ordered my first supplement, hydroxycut.  Did cardio 6x/week and ate a clean diet.  At one point I was down to 185 with a 32 inch waist (I'm 6'4) around 6%BF.  But I didnt like the way I looked.  People thought I was sick because I was so skinny.  So at that time (age 27) I started training seriously and still going strong now.

I just finished my first cycle 6 weeks ago at age 30.  Everything went very smooth with the help of this board.  I have been a member for a while, but hardly post.  I would just read the posts and gain as much info as possible.  My training and overall well being has never been better.  I am counting down the days to my next cycle. I love training , I look foward to it everyday.  It has made me a better person.

My current stats

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: bigjohn_bluesfan on August 10, 2006, 06:04:19 AM
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: ZEEK on August 10, 2006, 10:44:45 AM
Im next pick me pick me please....

First off let me just say I know pretty much alot about AAS,But maybe not alot of what I should Know.So Im glad I got to be apart of this group of brothers that know a little more and have helped me out while learning more.I will give credit were credit is do. So thanks to every MOD on here, and to all the new friends and old friends on here,when we all stick together there is more form of knowledge out there then we think. Ok lets do this damn thing....

Im 33 years old, I started working out when I was 13, I was a little kid that got picked on all the time,So I use to watch these shows when i was younger and I would see like the bigger guys beating up the bullies,So I was always in gym class just tring my hardest just to get over that 140 mark. fianally I was in 8 grade in high school I was at 185 ppounds I did the football thing i would workout to look good and get laid as much as I could.When i hit 12th grade i was at 195 pounds.Back then i didnt know anything about steroids and I didnt want to I was just happy to look pretty good and get past all the bullshit that comes with high school. I was no longer getting picked on,I was one of the kids that would help the kids that were getting picked on.After high school I just stoped working out. when i hit 21 i was off to the army of course they busted my ass back into shape well as I was in up to my 4 years I did alot of reading at times i found a BB magaine my buddy had, so I started reading articles and it showed the break down of a steroid and what it does and blah blah anyways I found it interesting so I started reading books about compounds and molicules and the how things are broken down.Well as I seen more and more BB on the base I wanted to get like that So i did research and learned about steroids I started buying books on steroids Im at 23 when I learning the compounds and the break down of roids.At 25 i get out of the army i take my ass back to  school to learn about busssiness. i dont want to make a whole book out of this but anyways,At 25 i started to my first ever cycle of steroids i was at 195 still Iwas using just a test cycle i got big up to 212 pounds.i dont want to compete and I dont want to be a BB I just want to look good and be big.Ever since then All I ever use is test E, EQ, D-bol. Again Im 33 and I like the results I get from these products I know i can get bigger with other products but i like were Im at. I didnt want to bore anyone So i kinda just hurried up my life.
My stats are
215 pounds
10% b/f

so good luck to everyone
god bless
lift heavy and get big and know one can bring us down.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Overload on August 10, 2006, 02:53:58 PM
Started lifting at 14 because the guy across the street was huge and was throwing away his old plastic cement filled weights. i always wanted to look like arnold just like most of you. those 80's movies made me dream of being big and ripped! i was always skinny growing up and got picked on quite a bit, i was a loner and i still am to this day, which is why the bodybuilding/powerlifting lifestyle works so well for me. i played all the kid sports - football, baseball, basketball, soccer, ETC. but i was only good at explosive stuff like sprinting, jumping and tackling. i was the skinniest kid on my junior high football team but i was the middle linebacker because i hit very hard for my size and i've always been aggressive. sports never worked out for me because i was a loner and didn't get along with all the rich kids at my school who's parents gave them everything under the sun.

i got into inline speed skating at around 8 and was very good at it. i was beating kids twice my size and by the time i was 12 the owner of the local skating rink asked me to be on the team. we did alot of explosive training with weights, jumping squats, string shoes, lunges and plenty of cardio. this was when i realized i had potential for mass, my legs were growing very fast. after 2 years of inline competitions i was top 3 in the state and won 2 national meets until i was tripped going into a corner and almost broke my neck. my collar bone stuck through the skin and i had to wear a neck brace for 3 months. i gave it up for kick boxing which i also gave up after about 2 years...

quit working out completely and started smoking dope and getting drunk every weekend with my friends all through high school. always getting suspended for cussing out teachers and fighting kids who tried to bully me. i played a little baseball in high school but never took it seriously and when it came time to workout i just did light weight but my legs were very strong. at 160 pounds i could squat 335 for 6 reps, ass to ankles. my coach called me captian tree-trunks because my legs were huge compared to the rest of my body. eventually gave up baseball my junior year in high school and started partying hard, acid, X, coke and lots of booze was all i knew for about 3 years. i look back and it makes me sick but i honestly had some of the best times of my life during that period so no regrets. finally i had 2 friends of mine die from xanax overdoses. both were 19/20 when this happen. this is when i woke up...

at 20 i started lifting weights for no reason except to keep myself from getting fucked up every night. i left all my friends and moved in to a shithole apartment alone and did nothing but read about bodybuilding and nutrition. the first year i trained alone and did every exercise for every muscle group. i really was lost in the magazine workouts that were complete crap. i still made pretty decent gains during that first year. at 170 pounds i was benching 205(i started at 115) and could incline the 75 DB's for a few reps. nothing special but my squat was still good, i could rep 315 for 10 like nothing but never went heavier because my neck problems from my skating accident. it would flare up from time to time...still does.

then i met a guy named jeff, he was huge and 100% natural. he had been training for 6 years and looked impressive. he told me i had the bone structure and build to get really big and strong. we started hitting the weights HARD, some of my best workouts to this day were back when we trained. we did the whole lifestyle, eating, training, eating, sleep, eating...i had forgotten about my long lost friends and drugs at this point, i was obsessed. after 3 years i was getting very strong and almost caught jeff in every lift. i was 205 pounds and a little chubby but very strong.

kept up this pace for another 3 years training with several different people after jeff got married and left the game. bulked up to 230+ pounds natural and was fat but still managed to bench 370 all natural. finally decided to competed in a local natural bodybuilding show and won my class, very suprised actually. i thought i was going to get killed. then i realized natural bodybuilding wasn't for me and i began power lifting. after 3 months i was pulling 455 for a few reps and got up to 515 for single. squat was around 485 at this point i think.

to make a long story short i met some world class powerlifters at a local gym. they got me hooked on their lifting style and i trained with them for about year completely natural and i competed in two local powerlifting meets and won both. then gains started getting tough, i was eating like a horse and training like an animal but the gains were slow. started researching AAS and talked with my powerlifting friends about them. my first cycle was 500mg sust and 30mg dbol the first 4 weeks. i absolutely exploded on this! i was eating everything in sight and gained 28 pounds during my 16 week cycle. then i realized being fat was good for strength but not for health. i would rather be healthy AND strong...

years have gone by and all my cycles have been very good, i've competed in several powerlifting meets and finished top 3 in every single meet as a 220 or 242 pounder. won a few and lost a few by close margines.

people from high school who see me now usually freak because i used to be the biggest drug head asshole on this earth...i fucked over many people during my drug phase. now i am a totally different person and i think weight lifting actually changed my life. i honestly mean that...

my goal in the next year or so is to bench 500 raw, deadlift 650 raw and squat 600 raw...current raw maxes are 465 bench, 590 dead, 565 squat...all in a meet and with a pause. i'm also currently training for an equipped meet in december using a titan F6 single ply bench shirt and Inzer hardcore squat suit.

i've gone from a 165 pound weakling all the way to 257 pounds of fat but strong as hell. currently weigh in at 227, visible hard 6 pack around 8% bodyfat and veins in my quads...6' tall and irish/scottish blood. classic mesomorph from what i can tell. never had problems gaining or losing weight.

pics will follow shortly and i'll expand a little more on my journey...

i consider myself a training starts with power and finishes with bodybuilding. i'll elaborate more on that later as well.

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Arnold jr on August 10, 2006, 09:29:10 PM
Good stuff's motivational to see where others have come and where they are going...hopefully more people will share their stories as well. Hopefully this thread will grow and everyone will feel comfortable sharing there ups and downs on it as time goes by.

It also apperas that everyone is being pretty honest...there have yet to be any outrageous claims of bodybuilding superiority...but I'm sure a couple of those will do there best to sneak in here.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: G on August 11, 2006, 11:41:42 PM
I grew up playing all kinds of different sports, but wrestling is my passion.I got injured when i was 16  and couldn't pactise for a few months and that's when i started lifting weights - age 16, and haven't stopped since then.I started at 5'9, 140 lbs.Three months later i did my first cycle with great results.I've done multiple cycles since then. Right now i'm 25y, still 5'9, 260 lbs, 15 % bf., but still needs a lot of improvement.Wanna get bigger, stronger and leaner.Weakest bodypart - arms - fucking 19 - looks just small for my body.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Arnold jr on August 11, 2006, 11:49:53 PM
I grew up playing all kinds of different sports, but wrestling is my passion.I got injured when i was 16  and couldn't pactise for a few months and that's when i started lifting weights - age 16, and haven't stopped since then.I started at 5'9, 140 lbs.Three months later i did my first cycle with great results.I've done multiple cycles since then. Right now i'm 25y, still 5'9, 260 lbs, 15 % bf., but still needs a lot of improvement.Wanna get bigger, stronger and leaner.Weakest bodypart - arms - fucking 19 - looks just small for my body.
First cycle at 16? Any thoughts now looking back about starting that so early?
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: G on August 12, 2006, 12:05:47 AM
First cycle at 16? Any thoughts now looking back about starting that so early?

I regret it.I was just hanging out with the wrong people - a bunch of dumbass gym rats who were telling me what to use , when to use and how to use it.And i was only 16.That's just too early for that shit.If a 16 year old ask me about roids  - i 'll tell him to stay away from it.First of all a 16 years old is not mature enough to decide if he 'sready for that or no, and second at that age you can get pretty good results without that.But there
's nothing  i can do about it now.Everybody makes mistakes.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Poopshake on August 13, 2006, 01:11:56 PM
Me: Now
age 25
205 bench
300 dead
275 squat

age 23
165 bench
185 dead
185 squat

Been lifting for about a year and a half not to active growing up, I did wrestle a couple years but never put a hell of alot of effort in to it.  I've always wanted to be strong but I never put much of a lasting effort into that either.  I finally decided I was going to stick with it and I have made some decent strength gains but nowhere near enough, which is why I am here on this board in particular.  I dont give a lick about my size all I want is explosive strength.  My gains have ceased for the past months and I have tried different routines and switching up my schedule and more protein.  None of it has worked.  Help me out guys, I am ready to enter the darkside.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: !@#$% on August 13, 2006, 05:41:34 PM

*Since 21 I've ate and trained religiously...I trained naturally until I was 24 at that point was just barely over 200lbs.

*Since age 24 (almost 28 now) I've used AAS. I've never put on more then 20+ lbs from a cycle, simply because I want allow it. I don't like my bf getting too high so that's why I keep the bulks reasonable...of coarse each time is a little heavier...I should hit a good clean 230-235 by this winter late spring

So you were 200 before AAS and have been using for 4 years. How much did you weigh right before your last cycle and how much do you weigh now?
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Arnold jr on August 13, 2006, 08:22:23 PM
So you were 200 before AAS and have been using for 4 years. How much did you weigh right before your last cycle and how much do you weigh now?
As of today I weigh 196...I just stopped a diet I was on for a show that I was supposed to do this coming Saturday, but as mentioned in another thread it will not work out for me this go around.

Since I've been using I've always bulked up and then cut, bulk up to around 220+ and then drop down to cut up...each time I diet however I am heavier at the end of the diet then previous diets because I am able to start with more mass...make sense?

This year from where my starting weight is and based on past experience, I may easily hit the low to mid-230's during bulking phase, which in turn would help me be larger and to carry more mass once I diet down again. I am flirting with the idea of bulking a little longer this time, I haven't made my mind up yet, but doing so I would be able to get even bigger. At the same time, I have to be very carefull because I have a naturally slow metabolism, and it is easy for me to gain fat, and putting on too much fat would make dieting even harder then it already is. I've gotten pretty good at maintaining my cardio regiment and a clean diet, even when bulking, which helps me controll things a great deal, so we'll see what happens.

All add this, I am very eager and still very motivated about my BB goals, but the setbacks this year in regards to the said show have really been hard on really sucks to diet so long and hard and to not do a show, especially when it was part of a plan. I'm someone who sets long term goals and this show has been in my plan now for 4 years. I refuse to look at the whole thing as a failure and to lay down and quit, it has only motivated me more, but it is a struggle to make certain that I don't let myself fall into a state of pity.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Luv2Hurt on August 14, 2006, 03:35:48 AM
Enjoy the leaness you have now.  Why did you have to miss the show? 
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: BigIronMike25 on August 14, 2006, 06:54:52 AM
As of today I weigh 196...I just stopped a diet I was on for a show that I was supposed to do this coming Saturday, but as mentioned in another thread it will not work out for me this go around.

Since I've been using I've always bulked up and then cut, bulk up to around 220+ and then drop down to cut up...each time I diet however I am heavier at the end of the diet then previous diets because I am able to start with more mass...make sense?

This year from where my starting weight is and based on past experience, I may easily hit the low to mid-230's during bulking phase, which in turn would help me be larger and to carry more mass once I diet down again. I am flirting with the idea of bulking a little longer this time, I haven't made my mind up yet, but doing so I would be able to get even bigger. At the same time, I have to be very carefull because I have a naturally slow metabolism, and it is easy for me to gain fat, and putting on too much fat would make dieting even harder then it already is. I've gotten pretty good at maintaining my cardio regiment and a clean diet, even when bulking, which helps me controll things a great deal, so we'll see what happens.

All add this, I am very eager and still very motivated about my BB goals, but the setbacks this year in regards to the said show have really been hard on really sucks to diet so long and hard and to not do a show, especially when it was part of a plan. I'm someone who sets long term goals and this show has been in my plan now for 4 years. I refuse to look at the whole thing as a failure and to lay down and quit, it has only motivated me more, but it is a struggle to make certain that I don't let myself fall into a state of pity.

Hang in there bro....You're TIME will come!!!  I have no doubt it will!!! 

You should be content knowing you did all you could possibly do and  nobody onstage next weekend will have trained or have dieted as hard as you did!!!
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: BigIronMike25 on August 14, 2006, 07:30:24 AM
Wasnt going to post but what the hell:

*Started lifting freshman yr in hs but strictly for baseball.  Was always a tall, lanky ectomorphic type.  Began lifting at 6-2 140lbs just plain TINY!!!  lol...after i got just absolutely sick of being skinny and weak i started reading MD and Muscle Media and pretty much anything i could get my hands on.

*By jr yr in hs i blew up to around 205lbs after discovering creatine and protein powders.  Ended up getting blessed with a scholarship to play ball in college, which i did for 3 yrs until shoulder surgery put an end to that. 

*After this i became severely depressed and didnt want to do anything but stare at the wall all day wonderin what might have been.  Finally i woke up and realized that i still had a deep burning desire to compete i just didnt know in what but i knew i had to find something.  I had always loved lifting bc of the stress-relief it provided during tough times in my life. 

*Finally, after many talks with my brother Arnoldjr (we used to train at the same gym)...i decided i really wanted to compete in bodybuilding.  Still, i found it difficult to break out of that 200lb or so plateau.  At nearly 6 foot 3 this wasnt gonna cut it.  I began researching anabolics for about a yr and half before finally taking the plunge over to the "Dark side" about a year ago.  I still remember shaking like hell and sweatin and being white as a ghost while pinning myself the first time (that seems like ages ago now).

*Last summer my 1st cycle was simply 500mg of Test Enanthate per week.  I grew to a little over 220lbs.  After that 1st cycle i took 6 months completely OFF (while still training hard) to plan my next move.  I wanted to do another bulking cycle but just couldnt wait to step onstage.

*Finally in January of this year i started planning my comp prep which included a heavy cutting cycle of 16weeks.  I once again read everything i could about dieting / cardio and comp prep in general.  I also asked advice from everyone i knew was knowledable on the subject.

* 2 months ago on June 10th i cashed in on my hard work taking 3rd place at my first ever show.  After baseball ended i never thought i'd be content again but the Good Lord put bodybuilding in my life for a reason.  This without a doubt the greatest sport there is.

*as for long term goals, i honestly don't know.  I do plan on competing for a long long time, but seriously doubt i have the genetics (6-3 220 isnt that big in our world) to ever be a pro or anything like that.   I do plan on getting up to around 250 or so before cutting up for my next show (which i will win this time).  When it comes down to it though, i bodybuild because the gym is the one place i can go and totally block out work, school, relationship issues etc.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: !@#$% on August 14, 2006, 01:55:14 PM

Since I've been using I've always bulked up and then cut, bulk up to around 220+ and then drop down to cut up...each time I diet however I am heavier at the end of the diet then previous diets because I am able to start with more mass...make sense?

So, that long cycle was a cutting cycle? Or did you combine a bulk and cut in one cycle, with the bulk at the beginning?

If it was a cutting cycle, 9 months seems like a long time to cut. Why so long and why so much gear to cut? And why use bulkers to cut?

Also if you are about 200 now and you were 200 before ever using gear, how many pounds of lean muscle do you think you have put on?
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Havenbull on August 14, 2006, 08:26:58 PM
whole lot of "29" year olds up in here.

(gentlemen, just admit you're over thirty)  ;)
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Arnold jr on August 14, 2006, 08:35:32 PM
Enjoy the leaness you have now.  Why did you have to miss the show? 
During the middle of the diet I got a hamstring injury due to an allergic reaction from some sust. My supplier started using Grapeseed oil as his base and didn't tell me and I'm allergic to grapes...this knocked me out of the gym for 2 solid wks and another 2wks of no leg training or cardio.

I also got a bad stomach flue for nearly a wk that really set me back. Once I got to a couple wks out from the show I could tell I wasn't going to be ready because of the set backs...I just had to take it as it wasn't meant to be. I know I could have gone ahead and done the show and not made a fool of myself, but if I'm not at my best then I have no desire to get on stage...that's just me.

Hang in there bro....You're TIME will come!!!  I have no doubt it will!!! 

You should be content knowing you did all you could possibly do and  nobody onstage next weekend will have trained or have dieted as hard as you did!!!
Appreciate the kind words bro...I'll be sure and try to give you a call this wk end and catch up.

So, that long cycle was a cutting cycle? Or did you combine a bulk and cut in one cycle, with the bulk at the beginning?

It was a combo cycle...I've never done that before and I will not do it again...I have just always wanted to try that.

Also if you are about 200 now and you were 200 before ever using gear, how many pounds of lean muscle do you think you have put on?
Exactly, well I am not sure, but it is a shit load compared to where I started...BigIronMike25 can attest to he said we used to train at the same gym and we still keep in touch.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: BigIronMike25 on August 15, 2006, 07:03:00 AM

Also if you are about 200 now and you were 200 before ever using gear, how many pounds of lean muscle do you think you have put on?

Baby Arnold has mastered the concept of putting on good size without adding much bodyfat at all.  I would say he's carrying at least 25-35 lbs more lean muscle tissue than he was when I first met him.  The guy is a machine, he eats clean year round, never lets up on the cardio, and trains his ass off, he truly lives for the sport and willingly shares his advice (which helped me tremendously this past show in june)
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: blondmusclhunk on August 15, 2006, 11:08:08 AM
26 yrs old
six foot
50 chest
32 waist
19.5 arms
10% bodyfat
Been lifting since I was 16 yrs old.  I guess more of a mesomorph here.  I eat 5 meals a day and protein drinks.  I believe that if your not getting enough calories and protein you wont grow. 

I started doing cycles when  I was 21. Currently ill do a few cycles a year. Nothing too complicated.  And never any real side effects.

I train 5 days a week.  Each body part only once per week heavy
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: davinci on August 15, 2006, 04:26:25 PM
man arnold this is awesome thread, it also gives a chance to show not everyone hear uses to compete, but more for self use and choice....

my quick story

i had always been the skinniest kid in class, and tallest, even through out highschool. i lifted weights, did track and ate like a machine, only problem was i had such high metoblism i couldnt put on any pounds. i was not athletic build i was lanky as hell. at the age of 18 i rocked the scales at 150 pounds 6 foot 2 haha! it was pathetic. i started really gettin into working out and martial arts at this age, reading up arnolds book, learning about protein calories etc.  from about 18-24 i got up to a very healthy and athletic looking 185 ripped...... but i think from 22-24 my alcohol drug era slowed my progress, then at 25 my metoblism changed, i then started to put on muscle AND FAT quite easily but was up to 190. at this time and after 2 years of research on aas i decided to take the plunge, with a small cycle of test 500 a week i managed to get up to 215-220 with about 12% body fat. held onto all of it and was looking great, mind you this isnt huge at 6 foot 2 but im not into being the biggest guy, i currently train in MMA and i work construction, so add in sometiems 10 hr days of work, 4 hrs day training mma or working out for hour plus cardio and you can see where my aas helps me. i dont rely on it but it is a huge help.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: mem on August 15, 2006, 09:21:45 PM
OK my turn - the O L D guy part of thread.
(so sorry) I have been lurking on this thread,
have not had the time to post . . .

I graduated school at 5'8" 125 lbs., was a wrestler
throughout high school. I too relate to being smaller
(mentioned elsewhere in thread) and disliked feeling
threatened. BUT I had big friends, rarely got picked-
on, with exception (8 years old) of **3 bullies holding
me down and cramming *dirt clods* in my mouth.
Personal healing moment there - speaking the petty
truths of youth, at one point feeling threatend . . .

I  a l w a y s  liked the way that exercise makes
you feel - always been somewhat of a hormone junky.

Lifetime Athlete, 46 years old YOUNG
Mostly did cadio/endurance based training
H A R D core bicycle riding (until 35-36 years old)
started weight training at 19 and have done
ever since, biking stood in direct conflict with
attempts at bulking, tendancy to be hard-gainer.
Body fat tends to be below 10% 24/7, easily
done without red wine . . . certain carbs.

I did my first program at 35 years old.  8)
I AM a proponent of training natural up to
genetic limits and t h e n consider hormones
as body declines its production. I have done
periodized Hgh since I turned 40 years old.

Averaged body weight (195) past 10 years
185 lbs. natural is easy for me to maintain
without AAS.

5' 8", 45" chest, 32" waist,
24" thighs, 16-17" arms,

Train my body parts oddly.
...I leave alot more time for recovery
than when when I was younger...
smaller parts heal quicker and
overall recovery IS multi-faceted
Arms and calfs 2x week.
Chest every 5th day
Back 6 to 7 days
Legs 7 to 9 days
shoulders incidentally trained...

s e l d o m do any cardio
particularly catabolic to me,
strips weight off of me . . .

My current program based on
my last cycle very effective - (intent)
improved shape, overall hardening.
kept vascular throughout.

. . . The base . . .

- - - -  **10 weeks
D'bol jumpstart
- - - -  first 4 weeks
with HGH

then I shift from Deca
overlap with EQ

- - - - **10 weeks
Primobolan DP
- - - - last 6 weeks
HGH thoughout
Anavar last weeks

Ahhh the benefits being old,
MATURE muscles the trade off,
may be worth the trade.
Title: .......
Post by: Cleanest Natural on August 17, 2006, 01:04:55 PM
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: scooter on August 17, 2006, 07:48:55 PM
   so I posted this in the other thread but I will do it again in here...I am 21 yrs old 5'6 160-165 I started lifting when I was 17 in high school. I quit for a couple of years to get a job I started back when I was 20 after I broke my wrist in 5 places had a cast on for 3 months full arm cast. I lost down to about 130 and my arms got really tiny from not being able to use it. I grew up a pretty small guy so I have always wanted to be bigger, that is why I started lifting in the 1st place but I never took it really seriously until I got out of the cast. I got out of the cast in April of 05 I used my 1st cycle shortly after I started lifting hardcore. I took 500mgs test and that was it. I likeds it I gained 30lbs. I know not all of it was muscle but I think that maybe half was? I was off for about 6 months took the next cycle of 800mgs test and 400mgs Deca and dbol 5mg tabs pyramiding up to 5 tabs and then back down to 1(it was a 10wk cycle) I didnt gain alot of weight off of that cycle because I messed it up about half way through I didnt run pct with it(dumb gyno and deca dick). I did gain some strength with it though. I am taking some time off right now. I will be back in the gym in about a week. I went from 130 2 years ago to 160 right now.
5'6 160
arms at biggest 15 1/2
chest 44''
bench start (right after broken arm so it was really low) 115
now 245 for 2
squat 185 for reps
now(max) 315
deadlift 225 for reps
now(max) 345 for a couple
 Still not where I want to be but I am working on it so it will be better in a couple of months I want to be 200-215 pretty lean that is a long way off but I will get there
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: !@#$% on August 17, 2006, 08:09:57 PM
This thread is depressing.

Doesn't anyone have a story of how they used to weigh 150 lbs, started using gear and now they weigh 300 lbs, lean?

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Arnold jr on August 17, 2006, 08:24:11 PM
This thread is depressing.

Doesn't anyone have a story of how they used to weigh 150 lbs, started using gear and now they weigh 300 lbs, lean?

Depressing? It's everyones' real life experience and I for one find it motivating.

As for the 300lb lean and ripped guy, well that would be a pro BB.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Captain Equipoise on August 17, 2006, 10:11:34 PM
This thread is depressing.

Doesn't anyone have a story of how they used to weigh 150 lbs, started using gear and now they weigh 300 lbs, lean?

Depressing is not being able to lift for almost two years... that's f**ing depressing... watching all your friends blow up and you're stuck at the same weight because you can't lift. :(
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: ty100 on August 19, 2006, 11:10:12 AM
Good stuff's motivational to see where others have come and where they are going...hopefully more people will share their stories as well. Hopefully this thread will grow and everyone will feel comfortable sharing there ups and downs on it as time goes by.

It also apperas that everyone is being pretty honest...there have yet to be any outrageous claims of bodybuilding superiority...but I'm sure a couple of those will do there best to sneak in here.
im 24 years old been bb for four years i bench 750lbs for 7 reps and i squat 1000lbs for 10 reps but im not geting any bigger im 490lbs now. sorry i couldnt resisist, just a little humor. take buds
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Beener on August 19, 2006, 02:06:07 PM
This thread is depressing.

Doesn't anyone have a story of how they used to weigh 150 lbs, started using gear and now they weigh 300 lbs, lean?

What i find depressing are the stories of people who were at 150, and were gaining for a bit so they started juicing. i dont care who you are, you dont need any gear to get past 150 lbs wiht at 300 lbs deadlift.

Btw what would you folks suggest be some good benchmarks to reach naturally before startin with gear?
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: whitewidow on August 19, 2006, 06:50:48 PM
What i find depressing are the stories of people who were at 150, and were gaining for a bit so they started juicing. i dont care who you are, you dont need any gear to get past 150 lbs wiht at 300 lbs deadlift.

Btw what would you folks suggest be some good benchmarks to reach naturally before startin with gear?

LOL- what a name you have there bud-lol
id say you should be benching close to 300pds and squatin at least 405 for a few reps before you step up to juicing-
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: !@#$% on August 20, 2006, 01:57:33 PM
What i find depressing are the stories of people who were at 150, and were gaining for a bit so they started juicing. i dont care who you are, you dont need any gear to get past 150 lbs wiht at 300 lbs deadlift.

Btw what would you folks suggest be some good benchmarks to reach naturally before startin with gear?

I think two or three years with no improvement should go by, before you start. You should be sure you are at your natural limit. I went 5 years without any improvement and tried many different workouts. After taking 5 years off, I returned to lifting and went back to the level I was at, within 2 years. I stayed at that level for long enough, that I know that it is my natural peak.

After two years of steady lifting I was squating 6 plates + for 5x8, deadlifting 7 plates + 5x8, inclining 2 plates 5x8 and benching 2 plates 5x8. I know my bench was pathetic, but I would do it after inclining. Even so, my bench has alway been pathetic, but after years of lifting, I am pretty sure that that was my natural limit. It was only after using pro-hormones that I started benching three plates. I also prioritized bench during this period.

After using gear my lifts are still the same though, I'm hoping this will change. I can no longer squat or deadlift much, due to injuries, and now oddly enough the bench is my best movement.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Rimbaud on August 21, 2006, 07:38:09 AM
Btw what would you folks suggest be some good benchmarks to reach naturally before startin with gear?

I think it would depend on the individual & what your goals are.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: mem on August 21, 2006, 08:52:46 AM
im 24 years old been bb for four years i bench 750lbs for 7 reps and i squat 1000lbs for 10 reps but im not geting any bigger im 490lbs now. sorry i couldnt resisist, just a little humor. take buds

Ya' right !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post something serious!
Ya wanker.

***These "KIDS" these days!***
(little boys) using cement weights
in thier mommies basements!!!
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Bonfiglio on August 22, 2006, 02:08:32 AM
Wow, your one weak midget.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: weldr911 on August 24, 2006, 09:07:09 PM
I'm 35 years old. I started lifting when I was 15, because my dad lifted weights and like most kids, I wanted to be just like my dad! I can remember hearing stories from the guys that worked with my dad, about how he was showing off at work and did some kind of muscular feat or how they always talked about how big and "bowed up" he was. And for a kid to hear that stuff and think to himself, "thats MY dad they're talking about", was a damn good feeling. I remember being so damn proud to be seen with my dad in public because he was so much bigger than everyone else's dads. That's why I intially started lifting. I wanted people to look at me the way they looked at him.

I was never very athletic in high school, unless you consider a drunken cow tippin night a sport. But I was always hitting the weights, taking in as many protein, weight gain shakes as I could.

Then, right after high school, I fell in love with a girl that I now refer to as "THE" devil. We married and had a couple of little boys and that's when I started pumping iron again. Remembering my dad and how I felt and how it felt to be seen with him, all muscled up. I wanted that for my kids, to be proud of their "bowed up" dad.

Things didn't work out, we divorced and the weights stayed racked. Just didn't have the drive anymore. My world had turned upside down. I started drinking, smoking, (cigs and dope), staying out all night and chasing my next high. I was pathetic!! I couldn't believe that I had let a freakin woman tear me apart like that, but she did.

I eventually pulled my shit together and straightened up. I started pumping iron and thinking about my boys. I got big again and restored my confidence. I met the wife I have now, of 10 years. And let me tell you something guys, when you marry "up", you HAVE to stay on top of your game! Because if you don't, the guy that is, will move in on your space when you're not looking.

We had alittle girl, and I went into double time!! I had always wanted to be bowed up for my boys. For a different reason. But now I have a little girl! I was honestly expecting it be a boy, even after the tests told us it was a girl. HOLY CRAP! A girl??!!

Now my pumping iron has a new purpose. When that "little" boy walks up to the door to pick up my daughter for her first date, I want to open the door and take up the damn door frame opening and put the fear of God in his eyes when he sees me standing there telling him to have her home at 8pm, even though he's picking her up at 7:30 pm. Because I know what "I" as after at that age, like most of yall. Horny bastards!! lol.

I'm really not into the intimidation thing, but I most defiantly am when it comes to my little girl. I have no desire to compete, none what so ever. I just love being big and getting "those" looks from other women with their boyfriends and husbands standing right next to them, watching them look at me. Damn thats awesome!

My two boys are 14 and 15 now. I love it when I'm with them some where and I hear them tell their little friends, "thats MY dad", and then  hear the response that I NEVER get tired of, "THAT'S your dad??!!" awesome. just awesome.

Unless both my arms are ripped from my body, I will never stop pumping iron. Well, I will as long as I'm physically able to anyway. I want to still be "bowed up' when I'm in my 60's.

Being muscled up is the best feeling in the world. And hearing my wifes friends tell my wife, (when they think I'm not listening), "I sure wish my husband cared about his body half as much as your husband cares about his." aint too painful either! 

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Jr. Yates on September 04, 2006, 11:57:40 AM
wow lots to learn in this thread alone! thanks guys for sharing. I suppose I'll tell mine.
Everything I've ever been into i've obsessed about it to the max. I used to Bmx and do tricks (360,backflips and such) which resulted in a broken elbow and its still a pain in the ass for training...i've lost range of motion so i can't completly lock out my right arm (not noticable but sometimes locks up and hurts) so when I stared working out I stopped biking.

I lifting in a really small, crappy gym when I was about 14. I had a friend a year older than me and got big from bench pressing so I wanted that too. I didnt' know anything about training, my chest workout was 4 hours long, I'd do flat,decline,incline press with dumbs,then a barbell, then flyes....just every chest excersise known to man! about one year later a new gym opened in my small, nothing to offer town and I joined. The gym was brand new and the owner was a monster.

He corrected my training and gave me a better idea about how to put one together. now I was about 17 years old and I managed to get to about 175lbs on a 5'9" frame. By this time me and the owner became good friends and he gave me my dream. To work at the gym. he was really skeptical about hiring a guy but i've proven myself. So I started working and Training hard, having the keys to the gym, I could do my cardio or weights or Tan whenever i needed. I worked for about 1 year and half then my girlfriend ( ayear younger than me) graduated and was going away to obviously me being an idiot FOLLOWED her and had to leave my gym :(

Moved away didn't like school, or the new city/life had no friends so all i did was train and eat. I did my own shopping which helped. I went from 190lbs when i left my town in september....i came back for christmas and everyone in my small town, where everyone knows everyone thought i was on gear. I came back 224lbs. Soon my life went weird and I got really depressed because me and my girlfriend broke up so i came back home to get my job back and be happier. My boss offered me manager of the gym so obviously I said yes, im training,eating,tanning for free. My diet is pretty much like a bodybuilders which is super expensive so as long as I buy a box of chicken and some eggs it works out alright. Im 20 now and still havn't touched gear. I know I will. I read this board for hours everyday and learn more and more. I hope to get much better and still perfect my diet. all my friends are party freaks, and eat whatever, they think its insane that i'll bring my food in tupperware if I do go out with them. but yeah my storie's still in the making fellas, im sure i'll go to school for something i want not just cuz im following some girl. and i know i'll bodybuild forever.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Arnold jr on September 04, 2006, 12:22:59 PM
and i know i'll bodybuild forever.

You and me both's one of the greatest most addicting things on earth!
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: BigIronMike25 on September 26, 2006, 06:31:26 AM
You and me both's one of the greatest most addicting things on earth!

Its definitely unlike anything else!!!
Title: Why we all do what we do . . .
Post by: mem on September 26, 2006, 06:35:41 AM

I once had a girlfriend ask me about weight training . . .
Almost defiantly (negatively) why do you spend
all this time and money for this sport.

My response to her . . .

How many things in life are you actually in control of?
How many things in life make you feel good each time you do it??
How many things in life do you see making a difference???
each and every time that you do it . . .

This RUNG HER BELL - stopped her dead in her tracks
she never once again bust my balls over my (reasonable)
interest in this remarkable sport that we each do as a
discipline (sp?) that has been one of the most productive
things that I have done in my life and I am thankful for
having it to steer the course (of my life) and to share
with others in my life.

Title: Re: Why we all do what we do . . .
Post by: Arnold jr on September 26, 2006, 02:35:03 PM
I once had a girlfriend ask me about weight training . . .
Almost defiantly (negatively) why do you spend
all this time and money for this sport.

My response to her . . .

How many things in life are you actually in control of?
How many things in life make you feel good each time you do it??
How many things in life do you see making a difference???
each and every time that you do it . . .

This RUNG HER BELL - stopped her dead in her tracks
she never once again bust my balls over my (reasonable)
interest in this remarkable sport that we each do as a
discipline (sp?) that has been one of the most productive
things that I have done in my life and I am thankful for
having it to steer the course (of my life) and to share
with others in my life.

Perfect answer mem.

I'll be honest though, ever since I've made BB my lifestyle, and BTW, I hate that word "lifestyle", I've found it increasingly difficult to create a meaningfull relationship with too many women. Yes, I can get dates, but I've gotten to a place in my own life where dating just for the sake of dating is just not really worth the time. I prefer cultivating a meaningful relationship, but with the way I live, this can be extremely hard on a lot of women. Even with an explanation like the one mem gave his girl friend, a lot of women can not accept the way I live. Now I'll say this, I truly believe that I treat all women with respect, and if I am in a relationship with them, then I feel that I treat them very well, but when BB is such a large part of your life, even the best treatment in the world is sometimes not enough. I used to say that I would never let BB define my life, but if I am honest with my self, then that statement would be false. It is something that has affected every aspect of my life and I for one believe that it's affect has been 100% positive. I'm certain that eventually I'll find or meet a woman who can fully accept and support what I do, but until that time I refuse to settle or alter the best part of my life. Sure, there are times when the way I live can get a little lonely and that's fine...women come and go, but my passion for this support remains the same.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Jr. Yates on September 26, 2006, 02:43:28 PM
Those questions you asked her, I wrote them down so i can memorize them and ask them to other people that bust my glutes all the time.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Overload on September 26, 2006, 03:11:37 PM
Good posts guys...

My girlfriend asked me stuff like that a few months ago...she asked "you always find time to go to the gym for 2 hours almost everyday but i'm always seeing you in your spare time, why?"

i replied that lifting is like my 2nd job...i just do it and i have to. it's part of my daily schedule and will not change. just like i can't skip work to hang out with her and then make it up later, it doesn't work like that. i go to work then straight to the gym, after that i can do as i please. there is nothing besides a family emergency or injury that will make me leave work or miss the gym. it's the same thing to me...she never understood and thought i was pushing her away, which was untrue.

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Jr. Yates on September 26, 2006, 03:30:07 PM
Random question here guys, I hope this doesn't affect the thread or insult any of you. How many of you guys have told your spouce/girlfriend about juice use, or family like parents,siblings, or aunts. have any of you ever had some serious problems??
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Arnold jr on September 26, 2006, 04:14:48 PM
I've had girls run away once they found out. But this is something that I try to keep to myself as much as I can. As for my family, my parents asked me about it earlier this year, and I told them the straight truth. To my suprise they did not flip out. Concerned? A little, but that is to be expected. Over-all they have become very supportive of my goals, which is something I am very thankfull for.
Title: Re: Why we all do what we do . . .
Post by: Beener on September 26, 2006, 08:30:14 PM

Perfect answer mem.

I'll be honest though, ever since I've made BB my lifestyle, and BTW, I hate that word "lifestyle", I've found it increasingly difficult to create a meaningfull relationship with too many women. Yes, I can get dates, but I've gotten to a place in my own life where dating just for the sake of dating is just not really worth the time. I prefer cultivating a meaningful relationship, but with the way I live, this can be extremely hard on a lot of women. Even with an explanation like the one mem gave his girl friend, a lot of women can not accept the way I live. Now I'll say this, I truly believe that I treat all women with respect, and if I am in a relationship with them, then I feel that I treat them very well, but when BB is such a large part of your life, even the best treatment in the world is sometimes not enough. I used to say that I would never let BB define my life, but if I am honest with my self, then that statement would be false. It is something that has affected every aspect of my life and I for one believe that it's affect has been 100% positive. I'm certain that eventually I'll find or meet a woman who can fully accept and support what I do, but until that time I refuse to settle or alter the best part of my life. Sure, there are times when the way I live can get a little lonely and that's fine...women come and go, but my passion for this support remains the same.

Hey there AJR,  I was wonderin what exactly about bodybuilding has bad affects on relationships?  Anal eating and stuff? Drug use? Accidentally crushing her wiht your massive strength?
Title: Re: Why we all do what we do . . .
Post by: Arnold jr on September 26, 2006, 09:52:36 PM
Hey there AJR,  I was wonderin what exactly about bodybuilding has bad affects on relationships?  Anal eating and stuff? Drug use? Accidentally crushing her wiht your massive strength?
Every thing takes a special woman to understand and be supportive of this sort of least in my opinion it does. The eating habits, the time spent in the gym, the money spent on food, supplements, everything about it can really put stress on a relationship.

Think of it this way. How many girls do you know, who would allow you to be involved with other women at the same time you're involved with them? Very, very few. BB is a lot like becomes sort of a mistress, but unlike a mistress who remains hidden, it rears its head on a daily basis, over and over and over again.

The biggest thing though is time. I get off work and go straight to the gym. A lot of women prefer their man spending time with them when the work is over, and this can get very irritating. Sure a lot of women are fine with not being with there man every minute of every day, I mean really, who wants that anyway, but when it is an every day thing, most can't or rather they won't tolerate it.

Then throw in a contest talk about adding fuel to the fire. For example, girl friend wants to go out, your answer, "sorry baby, I got to eat again in 30min." Her replie, "but you just ate like an hour and a half ago." Then there are nights you do go out, she sits there with a nice meal, you sit there sipping on water and a small lettuce salad with no dressing...for some reason this pisses a lot of women off. Of course to make matters worse, half way into the meal you either go out to the car and eat your cold chicken breast and steamed broccoli or you announce to her that it's time to go because it's eating time again. Or she wants to go out and stay out late, your replie, "sorry, I've got to sleep, I've got cardio at 5:00a.m."

The ticket is to find someone who is supportive and understanding of all this, and those women are rare. I think that's why you see so many BB's who are in relationships with women who are competitors themselves, because it is so much easier when there is a common intrest and a common understanding. Obviously this does not allways work out either...just ask Lee Priest about it.
Title: Re: Why we all do what we do . . .
Post by: Jr. Yates on September 26, 2006, 10:56:16 PM
just ask Lee Priest about it.
I did a while back. lee knows how to make ya feel better about that stuff. Same with Ar.Jr. They've both been through it.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: BigIronMike25 on September 27, 2006, 07:36:03 AM
I've lost some girlfriends as well as friends over bodybuilding.  a lot of them i lost during my last contest prep of about 20 weeks.  what we do is unheard of to some people...they think we dont have a life...heres what i say , its better to spend alll your available time towards your passion than to waste your live away by constant partying, drinkin, druggin etc. 

99% of people will never ever understand the way we live this sport.  I always had to date athletes just bc i thought girls who compete would understand, even those relationships failed.  Luckily the Lord has blessed me with a life partner that truly supports what i do and what i want to accomplish.  She knows about my AAS use and has never complained or questioned me about it (though dumass gregg valentino's show scared her).  She cooks for me, and even diets with me when its time.  We have at times scuffled about how much $$$ it costs for me to compete in this sport, which i understand. 

The bottom line is that most women are so self-conscious about their looks that they find it extremely intimidating / irritating when they meet a guy who plays a game that is based soley on appearance!  If you find a woman who is supportive of your bb goals you better never let her get away bc they are indeed FEW and FAR between.  As bodybuilders we will get attn from women all the time and girls will come and go but if you've got someone who supports your goals thats reallly all you need
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Jr. Yates on September 27, 2006, 01:27:15 PM
Mike, thats awesome that you have that. Im happy for you man. Keep reaching for the dream.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Rimbaud on September 27, 2006, 01:56:09 PM
You and me both's one of the greatest most addicting things on earth!

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: BigIronMike25 on September 28, 2006, 06:37:18 AM
Mike, thats awesome that you have that. Im happy for you man. Keep reaching for the dream.

thanks Baby Yates keep poundin bro!
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: D-bol on September 29, 2006, 12:58:18 AM
I've lost some girlfriends as well as friends over bodybuilding.  a lot of them i lost during my last contest prep of about 20 weeks.  what we do is unheard of to some people...they think we dont have a life...heres what i say , its better to spend alll your available time towards your passion than to waste your live away by constant partying, drinkin, druggin etc. 

Well said, Mike. It is indeed better to spend all your time fulfilling your passion than wondering about not knowing wtf you're living for. Have you bros notices how people who don't really have any freewill-produced goal/passion in life simply paraphrase banal statements that thery heard from other people countless of times (i.e. no thoughts of their own) or simply critisize everything and everyone...

Max respect to those who live their passions, whether its bbing, business, or simply studying bugs.

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Farkenell on October 02, 2006, 10:07:33 AM
Only child.
Son a sea captain and lecturer.
Brought up by a broken family since 8.
Grown up in a fishing town, always surrounded by the sea.
Swam competitively during high school. Took up spearfishing, golf and tennis.
Gave up golf and tennis before leaving high school
Studied Laboratory Science for 3 years after leaving high school
Worked a number of shit jobs till I was 22. Bakeries, factorys, labouring, forklift driver.
Studied at college to work at sea as a seafarer.
Now working as a seafarer in the oil and gas, 5 weeks on, 5 weeks off.
A mate I knew since I was 12 started training at 17 and putting on size. So, I decided to give it a shot. I was 177cm and 65 kg, pretty scrawny but not lean either. I didnt really stick at it and gave up after a month. 6 months later I tried again. 2 years later I'd put on 40kgs of mass. I'd overtaken my mate who'd been training for more than double the time as me, nearly 5 years. In nine months my deadlift went from one plate to four and squat from 50kg to 150kg, and these were from first doing the exercises. Funny, only had stretch marks on the back of my legs, no where else. I was natural and still am. I only started working away a year ago, and there's no gym out there, but Im still making progress, the weights are still going up. I rarely drink alcohol, and have never used drugs.

At the moment Im just focusing on career, and bodybuilding. Im relocating from Australia to Europe, dunno where yet. I am aiming to compete in 2 or 3 years and give more and more to bodybuilding. Im changing companys so I can work on a vessel or installation that accomodate a gym.

The aim is to succeed. When Im away for 4 weeks, all I'll do is work and train. When Im home I will train and relax. In 7 years I will be a Master Mariner, and hopefully at least won a Amatuer Comp.

The only person that can stop me acquiring the above is myself. I've always believed in my own potential, and my outlook on life is positive, I avoid negativity in any form.

I just turned 23.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Rimbaud on October 02, 2006, 10:29:02 AM
Random question here guys, I hope this doesn't affect the thread or insult any of you. How many of you guys have told your spouce/girlfriend about juice use, or family like parents,siblings, or aunts. have any of you ever had some serious problems??

My wife knows I use gear. My mother & sister know I use gear as well. I've also discussed gear usage (mine included) with a few friends. I haven't gotten any negative feedback. However, even though my wife doesn't mind I wouldn't want her coming home & finding me sticking myself (that might make her freak & change her tune).
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: D-bol on October 03, 2006, 02:41:10 AM
Im 26yo, 210pnds, 178cm tall.
At school played rugby, soccer, field athletics, and ran alot.
At 18 started powerlifting - coach was an intl champ.
Switched to bbing at 19...
Big brake in training from 23 to 25 cuz of work, travel, relationships. Lost about 45 pounds but gained some fat too. Smoked aand drank regularly. Bbing seemed like a thing of the past then...
At 25 picked up regular training. Gained 60 pounds since then w/ good strenght gains and moderate fat loss. All natural since then.

My wife knows I used. Had to tell her before we decided on a baby. Btw, bros...if you have problem accomodating your bbing with relationship - very effective way is to have a baby. Once she has that little angel in her arms she'll ''forget'' about you for quite a while and you can focus on your goals. A case with me, anyways. Otherwise yeah, I know how it is w/ women and bb. Likely I'm not competing nor planning to (I do this for myslef and for the love of it) - so very strict diets and stuff is not an issue. Only thing she complains about is that we had to change my wardrobe about 3 times in the last year, and I can't ware some of the suits and shirts that are still pretty new - moeny well wasted, lol:)

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Jr. Yates on October 03, 2006, 02:04:35 PM
Only thing she complains about is that we had to change my wardrobe about 3 times in the last year, and I can't ware some of the suits and shirts that are still pretty new - moeny well wasted, lol:)

haha! that's awesome! so you told her when the baby plans were in store? did she react ok or mad that you had it a secret or anything?
Title: Re: Why we all do what we do . . .
Post by: Princess L on October 03, 2006, 09:37:21 PM
Every thing takes a special woman to understand and be supportive of this sort of thing...
Someone who is very secure with themselves.

Someday when it's not time to sleep, I'll come back to this thread  ;)

Every time I try to post in this forum, the site locks up ???

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: D-bol on October 04, 2006, 02:09:32 AM
haha! that's awesome! so you told her when the baby plans were in store? did she react ok or mad that you had it a secret or anything?

she reacted ok...she just said that I should get bloodwork done before we implement the plan for a baby. I knew she was worried, but after all the though she was relieved.:)
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Jr. Yates on October 07, 2006, 06:57:59 PM
she reacted ok...she just said that I should get bloodwork done before we implement the plan for a baby. I knew she was worried, but after all the though she was relieved.:)
wow thats good. I know most girls are scared about how your "mood" is going to be and they all seem to think its going to affect the size of your penis and stuff like that.  Mostly because they only know and understand very little about it.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Luv2Hurt on October 07, 2006, 08:15:19 PM
Here goes my story,

Was the oldest boy in the family when my dad passed away...I was 6.  Needless to say it was a hard childhood for me and my family, I had to grow up way too fast and missed a lot of important things in life.  We did the best we could and things were not all bad.

In school I matured early, first kid with facial hair and that kind of stuff.  I was strong and ahead of my peers in athletic ability mostly because I was stronger, faster. Top homerun hitter in baseball and made the first string in football freshman year, having never played organized football till then.  About year or so later started to find out about drinking and getting high and pretty much wasted my chances of doing anything in sports and I didn't care at that time. I was into motorcycles since I was 13 and bought my first new motocross race bike at age 15, I raced MX for about 3 years in the 125 class, I loved it and was still getting stoned all the time.

Being lost after high school I joined the air force where I was a crew chief on F-4 phantoms.  It was a very cool job that I could never have experienced anywhere else.  I had so much responsibility at such a young age.  As the crew chief it is your job to ensure the jet is ready to fly and when you strap those pilots in and send them out you damn well better be sure it is.  I was an awesome crew chief as I'm very good at mechanics, lots had to come from rebuilding my MX bikes.  I graduated AF tech school with honors and was the best damn crew chief the AF ever had :)

After I got out in 85 after 4 years the job market in the airline industry was very flat so there were no jobs.  I became a union carpenter and started to make some pretty decent money.  I hated the job though so I was going to school part time for my degree in Safety Engineering.  The government cause I was a veteran paid my way through school so that was cool.

At this time I started to look at myself and thought damn I have some decent muscle size right now.....I should work out and do something with this, cause I was kind of chubby then (nice way of saying fat) and was sick of it and knew i had some potential, plus I knew the women liked the hot bods.  So I joined a gym and started to read everything on nutrition and training........This was the start of my BB life.

Getting tired now will continue the L2H story very soon.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Luv2Hurt on October 08, 2006, 06:44:18 PM
OK so now I'm learning to train and eat like a BB.  I always thought at this time that steroids were cheating and i would never do them.  I trained natural for about 3 years starting at age 22.  I bought all the supplements and took everything that may help me that I could buy at the store.  I ate and trained religiously and made pretty good progress.  As a natural at a height of 5'7" is was able to get to 190-195lbs and fairly lean probally in the 10% range give or take a point or so.  Well I was also working as a carpenter full time and training after work, this was tuff but i was young so I hit it hard. 

Well around this time a buddy from work who was a juicer asked me to come work out at his gym which was on the way home from work, so I did and it was a hardcore place.  Some of the guys there were BIG and strong  lots of gear heads but at the time I was pretty naive and really didn't think about it.  Well I started to make more progress and I also joined this gym and went there whenever I could.  I fit in good with the guys and made friends there easy, I always had good gym etiquette and they respected that and the fact I was serious.

Around this time I started to get the urge to compete.  So I started attending the shows and checked out what it would take.  I remember my favorite show was the state championships and saw Cory Everson Miss O guest pose there which was very cool!!  She was sooo hot!

Well i realized to compete in the NPC I was gonna have to get with the program and start gearing myself.  I knew this one dude at my gym who's brother was big and did some shows, so I asked his bro if he would ask his brother if he would get me some gear, he said OK. Back then gear was not yet classified as it is now so there was tons to be had.  All of it was legit most human grade and reasonably priced.  So I read all i could on juice, but the info was not wide spread then, so I made some mistakes.  PCT what was that?

My first cycle was deca and d-bol which worked OK I put on about 10 lbs.  It was the hardest thing doing that first shot of deca, it took me over an hour to get up the nerve to stick myself, I can still remember that night.  Well i got together another cycle and this one was good, probally the best I ever did.  I did test cyp, anadrol, EQ and tren!  Boom! this time I got jacked and put on about 20 lbs and I was very strong I remember being in the gym and being able to easily pump 10 reps on the incline bench with 295lbs man i was in love with it.

Well in the winter i picked my first show I was gonna do the state championships in the mens open class, looking back I should have went novice or picked an easier show for my first one but I learned a be continued tired from a kick ass leg session earlier today. man I love to train legs......In the gym on Sunday morning doing the things nobody else wants to do!
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Arnold jr on October 08, 2006, 07:43:36 PM
Good stuff L2H :)

Legs on a Sunday morning, yep, it's always better when you're in there almost with no one else. My training partner and I spent our Friday night doing legs and there was hardly anyone else in there. I also love doing chest on Sunday, did that this afternoon, I like Sundays because during the wk when the gym is packed every wanna be meat head is doing chest, especially on Monday which I've decided must be national chest day.

Question, that first cycle of deca dbol you did, how did that affect you? Did it shut you down pretty hard? I know what you mean about that very first pin, it took me a little bit to get the nerve up on my first was just 200mg of EQ ::) I remember the biggest thing for me when I first started, I remember looking at the stuff I had and I just couldn't believe I had bought it. I had been so adamant about not using it, I had been brain washed by all the media hype, you might even say I felt guilty about my decision, almost ashamed. But you live and learn, and at that point I was already learning that the entire "steroid scare" was simply hype. I know we all like to joke around and refer to steroids as the "Dark Side" but in truth I don't really look at it in that format. True, it is the "Dark Side" in reference to how the most of the world views it, but rather, I see it as a positive means to an end, as a helpful tool that will aid me in reaching my goals, that will aid me in my quest to not live a mediocre life. Now I don't believe that having muscle, being big, or doing shows makes me any more worth while then that next Joe shmoe, but doing nothing with my life or not taking every advantage I can in my life with what ever the case may be, then that is mediocrity.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Luv2Hurt on October 08, 2006, 08:05:44 PM
Thanks AJ  :)  Yep I agree those were the reasons for me too as to why it was so hard to take that first spike.  I always thought and was raised that f*cked up junkies use needles, that was always a line that had to be crossed.

I honestly dont remember how that cycle shut me down or how I felt, didnt know enough to know better or look for symptoms.  I was young and it was my first time on a pretty low dose cycle, I think I did 400mg deca EW and maybe 30mg d-bol ED so i think I bounced back fairly well.  Now that i think about it thats the last and only time I did d-bol.

"The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation. From the desperate city you go into the desperate country, and have to console yourself with the bravery of minks and muskrats."    Thoreau
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: D-bol on October 09, 2006, 07:38:18 AM
Good stuff L2H :)
Legs on a Sunday morning, yep, it's always better when you're in there almost with no one else. My training partner and I spent our Friday night doing legs and there was hardly anyone else in there. I also love doing chest on Sunday, did that this afternoon, I like Sundays because during the wk when the gym is packed every wanna be meat head is doing chest, especially on Monday which I've decided must be national chest day.

mondays suck...packed from 12 till 21....seems like everyone is starting a new life after weekends....don't seem to last too long though - wed is already quite...thur/fri is empty....:) and I go to 3 different gyms - all the same!
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Rimbaud on October 09, 2006, 07:43:38 AM
Good stuff L2H :)
especially on Monday which I've decided must be national chest day.

...You didn't get that memo?  ;D

I know what you mean about Mondays being everyone's Chest day. I used to always do legs on Mondays because all the leg equipment was open.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Luv2Hurt on October 15, 2006, 03:24:12 PM
So I had the date of my first BB show on the horizon and it was gonna be tough being the biggest show in the state and I live near a big city.  In the period before the show when I started my diet I was about 205lbs and I'm 5'7".  I figured I would shoot for the middle weight class which tops out at 176 so I had to loose about 30lbs.  Now at the time my knowledge was pretty limited about gear and a contest diet.  I started my diet about 12 weeks from the show.  It really took up all my time, I was working full time as a carpenter, training, tanning, cardio and going to school on the weekends!!  I was maxed but then again I young and it really didn't seem too bad or hard to get everything done.  Worst part was my job at the time was pretty physical and it was very hard to gauge how much to eat.  Something I read back then said to stop the juice about 2 weeks out from the show, in an effort to remove water, but that was not really a good way to do it.

At weigh in I was 176lbs which is the most you can weigh and still be a middle weight.  I made some mistakes with my diet the last couple days which did not help me.  For the show I was pretty flat and to get down to this weight I had to give up too much muscle.  So I placed out of the money as they say 6th in a class of 11.  It was a great learning experience and I was proud to have just gone through with it.  That night pigged out on pizza and stuff and the next day looked much better, went down to the pool where I lived at the time and it was crowded and people were just staring!! I sat down to catch some rays and these 2 women were muttering about steroids just loud enough so I could hear.  It was almost more fun than the show the night before! After that show I took some time to put on some more size and the next 2 shows I did I competed in the light heavies around 190-195 lbs and that was a better weight for me.  I also learned more about what my body did on a contest diet. I got better placings my best being 3rd place at the same state show I did for my first.  But that was it for competitions for me, see the next couple years I became p a girl.  We ended up getting married, but I will save that for my next installment.

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Arnold jr on October 15, 2006, 03:50:04 PM
  But that was it for competitions for me, see the next couple years I became p a girl.  We ended up getting married, but I will save that for my next installment.

...oohh, the dreaded female interference...I wonder how many times this will pop up on this thread before it's all said and done? If everyone is honest, it should pop up in nearly all of them.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Jr. Yates on October 18, 2006, 12:40:46 PM
...oohh, the dreaded female interference...I wonder how many times this will pop up on this thread before it's all said and done? If everyone is honest, it should pop up in nearly all of them.
amen to that!
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Arnold jr on October 22, 2006, 04:31:24 PM
All right Div, now that you're back around it's time for you to indulge the rest of us with the incredible life that is Division...inquiring minds want to know. :)
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Jr. Yates on October 23, 2006, 02:04:51 PM
All right Div, now that you're back around it's time for you to indulge the rest of us with the incredible life that is Division...inquiring minds want to know. :)
agreed. cmon DIV, im sure its a good one.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: DIVISION on October 24, 2006, 10:14:34 PM
I jointed the Army at nineteen after two years of college, mainly because I knew that if I never got out of the suburban lifestyle I was living I would be one of those people who never did anything interesting, life altering in their lives.

I was working on my Psychology degree at the time, when a recruiter explained the options open to me.  Given my high ASVAB scores, I had a choice of anything, plus GI BILL and choice of duty station.

Spent several years in Germany, was deployed to Bosnia, spent time in South Carolina, Georgia and Texas. 

Honorably discharged in '01, and was enrolled full-time in college, then 9/11 happened and was re-activated and deployed for two years straight as part of the "War on Terror".

Before the military I was more of an overall athlete and had a good run time.

The military only enhanced that, I took up powerlifting in the Army and though it was difficult to maintain (given the amount of running we had to do) it was a staple of my life.

Now that I'm out, I can focus completely on my lifting goals, which are strictly strength related.

I'm 5'7" and range anywhere from 240-260lbs in the 18-23% BF range.

I'm not concerned with size, only with strength.  My thoughts being that the strongest I can be at the smallest size possible, the more versatile I can be.

I think my training would best be described as a mix of traditional powerlifting with other influences added in.  I believe in explosive positive lifts like a powerlifter, but I also believe in intense negatives as well.  Explosion with control, I suppose.  Most powerlifters don't fully control the weight, rather they rely as much on gravity and momentum as true strength.  Cheating the negative portion of an exercise is cheating your body of the added stress and possibility of strength.  This is how I differ from traditional powerlifters.

I was not and will never be a bodybuilder, either in training style or competition.  I have no desire for it. 

I lift because it's empowering and tests the will, not because I want cuts or women.  My motivations are somewhat different than most guys who are in this.

I study pharmacology, both AAS and traditional on the side.

Most of the women I've dated were goth/industrial....though since I've matured I'm attracting the literature/philosophy type chicks.

I eat clean (just that I eat ALOT).

I don't drink.

I don't do recreational drugs.

I don't find female bodybuilders attractive.

I don't do small talk.

I don't care if people like me.

I do like Rose McGowan and there's not an inch of her body I wouldn't devour like a bloody rare 32oz. sirloin...

Any questions, feel free to ask (within reason).


Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Jr. Yates on October 25, 2006, 12:22:24 PM
cool, thanks DIV. interesting.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Arnold jr on October 25, 2006, 07:02:06 PM
I jointed the Army at nineteen after two years of college, mainly because I knew that if I never got out of the suburban lifestyle I was living I would be one of those people who never did anything interesting, life altering in their lives.

I was working on my Psychology degree at the time, when a recruiter explained the options open to me.  Given my high ASVAB scores, I had a choice of anything, plus GI BILL and choice of duty station.

Spent several years in Germany, was deployed to Bosnia, spent time in South Carolina, Georgia and Texas. 

Honorably discharged in '01, and was enrolled full-time in college, then 9/11 happened and was re-activated and deployed for two years straight as part of the "War on Terror".

Before the military I was more of an overall athlete and had a good run time.

The military only enhanced that, I took up powerlifting in the Army and though it was difficult to maintain (given the amount of running we had to do) it was a staple of my life.

Now that I'm out, I can focus completely on my lifting goals, which are strictly strength related.

I'm 5'7" and range anywhere from 240-260lbs in the 18-23% BF range.

I'm not concerned with size, only with strength.  My thoughts being that the strongest I can be at the smallest size possible, the more versatile I can be.

I think my training would best be described as a mix of traditional powerlifting with other influences added in.  I believe in explosive positive lifts like a powerlifter, but I also believe in intense negatives as well.  Explosion with control, I suppose.  Most powerlifters don't fully control the weight, rather they rely as much on gravity and momentum as true strength.  Cheating the negative portion of an exercise is cheating your body of the added stress and possibility of strength.  This is how I differ from traditional powerlifters.

I was not and will never be a bodybuilder, either in training style or competition.  I have no desire for it. 

I lift because it's empowering and tests the will, not because I want cuts or women.  My motivations are somewhat different than most guys who are in this.

I study pharmacology, both AAS and traditional on the side.

Most of the women I've dated were goth/industrial....though since I've matured I'm attracting the literature/philosophy type chicks.

I eat clean (just that I eat ALOT).

I don't drink.

I don't do recreational drugs.

I don't find female bodybuilders attractive.

I don't do small talk.

I don't care if people like me.

I do like Rose McGowan and there's not an inch of her body I wouldn't devour like a bloody rare 32oz. sirloin...

Any questions, feel free to ask (within reason).


Thanks for sharing bro.

You've mentioned before that your training is more out of "empowering and tests the will" and that's great, I think a lot of guys can relate at some level. But I've allways found that having a set goal really helps in this. What about PL comps or something like that? Have you ever given that a thought?

Oh, BTW, not lifting because for women, you're right on point with that remark. Guys like this absolutely infuriate me, you can tell by the way they carry themselves that that's why there in the gym. And it's always simply a matter of time before they crack and leave the game all one can last if their drive is not self motivated.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: DIVISION on October 26, 2006, 07:13:23 AM
Thanks for sharing bro.

You've mentioned before that your training is more out of "empowering and tests the will" and that's great, I think a lot of guys can relate at some level. But I've allways found that having a set goal really helps in this. What about PL comps or something like that? Have you ever given that a thought?

Oh, BTW, not lifting because for women, you're right on point with that remark. Guys like this absolutely infuriate me, you can tell by the way they carry themselves that that's why there in the gym. And it's always simply a matter of time before they crack and leave the game all one can last if their drive is not self motivated.

I'll need to get my totals up before I'd do well in PL tournaments.  I'd also have to diet down to get in to a weight class that fits me.

It's possible, but not something I'm really striving for.

I lift because it's sustainment...

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: jmckin726 on October 28, 2006, 06:14:33 AM
I first picked up a weight when i was 16 yrs old weighing a whopping 135.... I still remember those days struggling to bench 135 and even getting stuck trying to bench 155....  I was always the skinny, smart, quiet kid growing up... i was the runt on the family..... my older brother was benching 315 @ 16yrs old...
I lifted hard for a few years and got up to 185-190 around 19 but i was a little chubby... 
Ripped fuel and Hydrocut 9 each a day ( way too much.. this was when it was real) and some Andro poppers were the supplements i was using and dropped down to a decent condition 175 but i still sucked.....   I started working for a moving compnay that summer and my boss gave me my first injection of enanthate in my left delt and it was all over from there.... Over the next 2 years i used about every type of steroid i could get... I easily spent 600-700 a month on gear when i was on...Usually 3 or 4 months... I spent all the money i had on gear...  i gradually moved up to about 225 15% bodyfat which still really sucked for all the abuse i put my body through... Anyways i went to the Airforce lost 30 lbs in two months and looked like shit... I had my friend send me some d-bols via mail lifted hard gained most of my weight back.... Finally came home for good.  Then i started real bodybuilding... I used to be all drugs, shitty nutrition, and lifting like a pussy... Well that all changed I joined a real gym started lifting with my friend who i was getting my gear from... My friend always places top 3 in local shows... Our other lifting partners were top 5 finisher @ nationals in SHW and his gf @ the time who was top 15 female @ the USA's.....  I never lifted with anyone that big in my life, I was in awe everyday, man I was jealous of all the muscle my friends gf had.. shit I wanted to be like her... Anyways lifting with them for a while changed my whole perspective... They taught me how to train, and i started getting all my protein in, and i started jucing in moderation.  even tried a kit of growth and experimented with insulin.   Its been 2 years since then my life has changed a married bought a new house, and a few more years of college (I'm gonna be a pharmacist)  I train on my own...probably only spend about 600-700 on a cycle ( 2 a year) i have a wife and kids so i cant afford to spend that much money until im done school...  But with everything I have learned I'm up to 240 around 12% bodyfat when im on nothing at all.   Im only 25 I would like to compete someday.. Iv'e come a long way from 135...  i working on bringing my legs up at the moment... I'm on these boards just trying to learn...I respect everyone who tries there best in achieving their goals.. I'm not here to bash anyone ...I believe everyone has valuable info that they can pass on.. I've learned Training comes first, then nutrition and finally drugs if a person chooses to.   My advice to anyone is AAS is the icing on the cake don't use them till your ready
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Luv2Hurt on October 29, 2006, 05:42:09 PM
Well when I met my ex-wife is was in night school trying to learn algebra.  She was 19 I was 27, yeah I know.  Well we dated for a couple years and got married.  During this time my training became more and more sporadic, to the point after a couple years of marriage I was not even training anymore.  At this point my old bad habits started to surface again and I would say because I started to get depressed.  We had the nice house, the picket fence, the dog in the yard, but something was missing or something about me was.

Well I started to get high again after 10 years of not even touching the stuff.  I started drinking and getting fat too, this and other factors lead to me becoming depressed.  A while after I started smoking weed again she found my stash.  This really strained things and it was lost after that, never got back to where we were.  I specifically remember driving by the gym one night thinking about how I used to be and what the people in there were doing and how I had drifted so far from it.  What had I become?

Well things got progressively worse in my marriage and then one day when I was at work I came home and she was gone.  Even took the dog who I helped raise from a pup.....I never saw him again....never got to say goodbye.  Must say it hit me like a ton of bricks when I realized what happened, was one of the worst things I ever felt.  Our relationship lasted about 9 years total.

Well after the divorce and selling the house I moved and rented a townhouse for a few years, this is where I started to turn things around again.  I joined a gym and just started real slow, doing cardio and some machines.  It was so hard being in there seeing the guys in shape and being such a joke myself but I just kept going, nothing hardcore just some cardio and very light weights.....not that I could lift heavy ones even if I tried.

I didn't date anybody or even have the desire to for 2 years.  But I was going to the gym and started to get a little more serious with my training and diet....because the desire awakened again.  I started to talk to some girls again and even went out a couple times....cause I was getting my confidence back.  There was this trainer girl who I really adored and she helped me see that maybe I could love again, she just helped me see it was possible that's all she had a boyfriend but somehow she helped me through it.  As did myself and this other big trainer who I talked with and he helped me get my diet back in order, mainly by just encouraging me.

Well I was juice free was for years but I got myself in some pretty good shape again I was a solid 190lbs natural.  One hotty who had not seen me in a few months said "damn you got huge" and she was a serious trainer.  This really helped me feel good so i just kept at it.  I finally finished school at this time too and started my new job, which also really made me feel better.  Weight training helped me once again feel good about myself, I had come a long way from where I was and I know one thing for sure I'm never going back again.

So I was back in the lifestyle, training, going out, banging women.....having fun had been a long time.

More to come.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Stubborn on October 29, 2006, 07:33:28 PM
That is a great story, Luv2hurt. Not all the female drama but the fact that no matter what goes on WE ALL find our way back to the gym. We know exactly how to get things straightened out. I always said that the gym is MY church, its how I relax, and its great therapy too. ;)

Lets keep this goin!
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Arnold jr on October 29, 2006, 08:58:49 PM
Really enjoying your stories L2H...keep them coming :) You hit a soft spot when you mentioned the female trainer.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Luv2Hurt on October 30, 2006, 05:48:28 PM
That is a great story, Luv2hurt. Not all the female drama but the fact that no matter what goes on WE ALL find our way back to the gym. We know exactly how to get things straightened out. I always said that the gym is MY church, its how I relax, and its great therapy too. ;)

Lets keep this goin!

Yep that's the truth bro.

You hit a soft spot when you mentioned the female trainer.

Seems like there is one like that in every gym AJ  :)

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Arnold jr on October 30, 2006, 06:35:04 PM
Yep that's the truth bro.

Seems like there is one like that in every gym AJ  :)

Maybe, but I've been at 3 different gyms over my time, and I guess around 3 or 4 other gyms that have always been my "stand by" gyms and I've never come across anyone like her...not even close. Not to sound negative, it can sometimes be hard to decipher tone of voice in these post , but I honestly doubt I'll ever meet anyone again who clicks for me like she did. I'm not bitching or anything, just stating how I see it.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Luv2Hurt on October 30, 2006, 07:02:48 PM
Maybe, but I've been at 3 different gyms over my time, and I guess around 3 or 4 other gyms that have always been my "stand by" gyms and I've never come across anyone like her...not even close. Not to sound negative, it can sometimes be hard to decipher tone of voice in these post , but I honestly doubt I'll ever meet anyone again who clicks for me like she did. I'm not bitching or anything, just stating how I see it.

And please don't think I was trying to trivialize it bro, I certainly know how you feel.  I'm thinking you will find someone even better one day though  :)
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Arnold jr on October 30, 2006, 07:15:35 PM
And please don't think I was trying to trivialize it bro, I certainly know how you feel.  I'm thinking you will find someone even better one day though  :)
Maybe...I don't go out chasing tail like I did when I was younger, it's got to be a worth while thing or I'm not interested. However, this girl did set the standard, it's not that anyone else has to match up exactly like her, but the bar has been raised a great deal. A lot of people would say I'm being stupid or irrational, I disagree. Although, maybe a bad analogy, since this is a steroid board, look at it like this. Once you cycle on, why on earth would you ever go back or even want to. Like everything in life, once the best of something has been revealed, then that is what you always want.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Jr. Yates on October 30, 2006, 10:45:51 PM
Maybe...I don't go out chasing tail like I did when I was younger, it's got to be a worth while thing or I'm not interested. However, this girl did set the standard, it's not that anyone else has to match up exactly like her, but the bar has been raised a great deal. A lot of people would say I'm being stupid or irrational, I disagree. Although, maybe a bad analogy, since this is a steroid board, look at it like this. Once you cycle on, why on earth would you ever go back or even want to. Like everything in life, once the best of something has been revealed, then that is what you always want.
totally agree AJ, im in the same boat. and its a shitty boat, kind of like a canoe with a fucked up paddle.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Luolamies on October 31, 2006, 11:29:02 AM
Thanks for a great thread, it´s seems like everybodys been honest. I´ll give you a slice of my story (nothing too personal).
By the way if i sound arrogant in this thing, i don´t meen to.
My two cents...

Me 8 years ago:
age: 13
weight: 110 lbs
relatively strong, but skinny as all hell

Me now:
age: 22
weight: 295 lbs
height: 5´10
(let´s just say enough)

Ok, i started sports when i was 6 years old (wrestling) and i took up bodybuilding/powerlifting at 13. All i did while growing up was pretty much train, eat and sleep. That was/has allways been no 1 and i´m not about to change it ever. I have allways trained heavy and hard, but when i was 20 i eased up on martial arts and really blew up. I have allways had an insane appetite so gaining quality weight was never too hard. These days i eat about 6-8 times a day (use to eat 10-12 times), lift weights 4 times a week and do a couple of cardio sessions a week. But don´t get me wrong none of this was/is easy my story is filled with death, pain and loss, but still i´m a happy trooper (relatively). I know some people might say that guys like me DO NOT have a life, but what the fuck do they know, right. I mean i have traveled all over the world and done things those scrawny junkies can´t even dream off. BTW best time i ever had was when i was in THAILAND training at the UNIVERSE GYM (too bad i didn´t meet DJ).

Steroids: i use to think all that was cheating but when you get older you know better. All i ever have done is: 6 weeks dianobol/nolva (while in Thainland) at age 20 went from 230 natural to 245 solid. And 8 months later 7 weeks sustanon+10 days d-bol+pct (too short, i know) went from 255-275, now i have been almost 1,5 years off and i´m planning on a proper cycle 12 weeks etc. I´m not planning on competing in bb, but down the road i might get into that strongman stuff. I respect bodybuilders and i do live that lifestyle but my childhood dream was to be a strongman...
Hope somebody got something out of this rant...
See ya!
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Jr. Yates on October 31, 2006, 11:41:30 AM
cool man thanks! wow you've been eating properly for along time now thats good.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Arnold jr on October 31, 2006, 11:46:48 AM
Hey Luolamies, do both, both strong man and BB...there are guys that can do this successfully.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Luolamies on October 31, 2006, 12:09:50 PM
Good idea Jr. Arnold, but i´m not sure if i can pull it off...
btw Luolamies=Caveman in finnish in case somebody was wondering.

The reason i´ve been eating good from the get go is because when i was starting i got a lot of help from a bodybuilder who had just gotten out of jail.
So i give credit where it´s due, jesus even writing is a bitch cause i did a monster delt-workout last night.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: DIVISION on November 01, 2006, 07:27:48 AM
Really enjoying your stories L2H...keep them coming :) You hit a soft spot when you mentioned the female trainer.

Having a female trainer as a GF would be 'da bomb....

She'd know where I was coming from, and vice versa.....

Sounds like a dream.   :-*

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Jr. Yates on November 01, 2006, 11:18:53 AM
Having a female trainer as a GF would be 'da bomb....

She'd know where I was coming from, and vice versa.....

Sounds like a dream.   :-*

I agree!! that'd be perfect. Everything would be understood and because of that would get rid of 80% of fights and arguements.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Arnold jr on November 01, 2006, 11:29:15 AM
I agree!! that'd be perfect. Everything would be understood and because of that would get rid of 80% of fights and arguements.
That, and it creates a connection because of the common intrest that can't or won't be there with others.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Jr. Yates on November 01, 2006, 11:31:10 AM
That, and it creates a connection because of the common intrest that can't or won't be there with others.
I hope theres one out there for me :'( :'(, my last one could spend 10 hours in a mall but not even 20 min in the gym. And getting the hour and half to train each day was miracle if there was no fight.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Overload on November 01, 2006, 12:16:14 PM
That, and it creates a connection because of the common intrest that can't or won't be there with others.

Good point.

i dated a Lebonese women who knew more about nutrition than i did. she used to catch me slipping on my diet and would bust my balls. we never fought and everything was cool because she understood why i do what i do each day and working out was never a problem. she moved to Kansas so we broke up.

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Jr. Yates on November 01, 2006, 01:07:11 PM
Good point.

i dated a Lebonese women who knew more about nutrition than i did. she used to catch me slipping on my diet and would bust my balls. we never fought and everything was cool because she understood why i do what i do each day and working out was never a problem. she moved to Kansas so we broke up.

:'( aw thats too bad.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: SuperStu on November 01, 2006, 01:17:51 PM
ok here is my story, I was born into this world parentless and homeless. My real father "fell" off a cliff but I have reason to belive he was pushed. My mother gave birth to me and 2 hours later she died of blood poisoning. I ended up in an orphanage in Boston and from there I went to new york. First got adopted when I was 3 by a women who died of cancer when I turned 6. Her cousin took me from age 6 to age 10, her and her boyfriend broke up and her boyfriend took me because she was into drugs. so I was with this guy until i was 15, thats when the sister of my REAL mom filed for custody and I had to move to Detroit. I took a trip back to new york to see greg, "the boyfriend i was with for 5 years" this trip changed my life forever. Gregg was working on a truck and the jack fell crushing him, I ran to the truck and tried lifting it, but i couldn't. I tried and tried and screamed and the truck wouldn't get off him, I was only 16 so there wasn't much i could do. Gregg was killed. I went back to detroit and started lifting weights.

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Jr. Yates on November 01, 2006, 01:24:57 PM
oh my god stu, thats crazy!!
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: SuperStu on November 01, 2006, 04:32:08 PM
oh my god stu, thats crazy!!
yes, lots more to come, next i'll post my teenage years which is filled with worse.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Rimbaud on November 01, 2006, 05:02:00 PM
ok here is my story, I was born into this world parentless and homeless. My real father "fell" off a cliff but I have reason to belive he was pushed. My mother gave birth to me and 2 hours later she died of blood poisoning. I ended up in an orphanage in Boston and from there I went to new york. First got adopted when I was 3 by a women who died of cancer when I turned 6. Her cousin took me from age 6 to age 10, her and her boyfriend broke up and her boyfriend took me because she was into drugs. so I was with this guy until i was 15, thats when the sister of my REAL mom filed for custody and I had to move to Detroit. I took a trip back to new york to see greg, "the boyfriend i was with for 5 years" this trip changed my life forever. Gregg was working on a truck and the jack fell crushing him, I ran to the truck and tried lifting it, but i couldn't. I tried and tried and screamed and the truck wouldn't get off him, I was only 16 so there wasn't much i could do. Gregg was killed. I went back to detroit and started lifting weights.


Wow. You still live in the Detroit area?
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Arnold jr on November 01, 2006, 05:25:00 PM
Wow. You still live in the Detroit area?
Wow is right!
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Cleanest Natural on November 02, 2006, 12:11:12 AM
hei stu...keep your head up..there's better stuff coming and i'm sure of it....i lived on 7 mile and woodward close to the original powerhouse and ron love trained me for a while at the powerhouse that closed on schaener & 10 ...stanley friederich was there also simmons (john)
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: SuperStu on November 02, 2006, 10:45:06 AM
ok so im living in detroit, not the city where a messed up kid should be living thats forsure. I went to this shitty ass gym everday only because I wanted to deadlift. Nothing more, nothing less just raw deadlifts....all day, everyday. I felt like greggs death was my fault and If i could have lifted the truck we'd be alright. School wasn't going well, and the kids i met from there were all mixed up like me. so obviously I got into drugs. although i never stopped my deadlifts, I'd even go do them high on whatever it didn't matter. I've stumbled into the gym drunk and swearing and crying to go do my deadlifts. One night at a party, the cops came and each and everyone one of us had drugs on us, I ended up punching one cop and running. I got caught and it ended up being juvy- for me. I was 16.  Now all of a sudden I developed a major sleep disorder. I couldn't sleep and if i did I woke up to gregg's screaming voice, The juvy hall i was in wouldn't allow weights or anything, and I would tell them that I HAVE to deadlift. It was the only thing that made everything feel ok. I made a friend in "prision" Tommy. Who also loved weight training and had the same basic sentence as me. We became very good friends and would sit on eachothers backs and such to do pushups and things...he explained to me that you have to train the whole body. I'd do squats with him on my shoulders sometimes as many as 100+ reps. Leg extensions were done just by doing forced negitives and pushing on the legs to add all our workouts were as "makeshift" as you could get.

Once we got out we got ourselves to newyork and lived together and trained together. We both found basic little jobs and stayed clean. By now i was 20 and the real sister of my real mother never got in touch with me. basically dumped my ass along time ago. which was fine with me i didn't even blink about it. so there was me and tommy. we put our money together and bought a vehicle. now heres something hard to belive. Tommy went and came home with the same looking truck that killed gregg. I was very uncomfortable with it but he told me its ok man its ok its just a truck. one day he was outside working on it.....i was yelling at him to get his out from under it and he laughed and said fuck off man relax!! I ran from the upstairs window to go outside and stand near the truck. hes still laughing at me while i hold the back end. SURE enough, the axel stand breaks, its not like its a heavy truck or anything, the axel stand just broke! even though he would have been alright if i wasn't there i held the end up that would have fallen.....i screamed GET THE FUCK OUT NOW! GET OUT GET THE FUCK OUT! he did, and when i saw that he was ok, it was like I FINALLY measured up. I suddenly felt light like an enormous amount of weight had lifted off of me....I felt so light that I threw up and passed out. The next day I made Tommy sell the truck and everything was alright. I felt like a new person.

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Beener on November 02, 2006, 11:27:47 AM
I hope theres one out there for me :'( :'(, my last one could spend 10 hours in a mall but not even 20 min in the gym. And getting the hour and half to train each day was miracle if there was no fight.

I dunno i couldnt actually bring a gf to the gym, cuz then i couldnt look at all the hotties! Plus those people who bring their gfs to the gym are lame, and its always the skinny guys!

I dont see why a girl would have a problem with a guy takin part of the day to go hit the gym.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Luolamies on November 02, 2006, 11:37:42 AM
There are a lot of skinny guys in my gym with their gf:s, they don´t even train, they are there just to "watch over" their bitches. Jesus, how insecure can someone be...
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: D-bol on November 03, 2006, 02:56:08 AM
I can't even train w/ partner properly, let alone my wife. Used to go to gym together but I moslty sent her ass to the spa for some 2 hours and hit weights while she's at it. I don't like people watching me over when I train.

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Jr. Yates on November 03, 2006, 09:53:41 AM
wow stu thats quite the story so far.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Luv2Hurt on November 03, 2006, 02:34:20 PM
ok so im living in detroit, not the city where a messed up kid should be living thats forsure. I went to this shitty ass gym everday only because I wanted to deadlift. Nothing more, nothing less just raw deadlifts....all day, everyday. I felt like greggs death was my fault and If i could have lifted the truck we'd be alright. School wasn't going well, and the kids i met from there were all mixed up like me. so obviously I got into drugs. although i never stopped my deadlifts, I'd even go do them high on whatever it didn't matter. I've stumbled into the gym drunk and swearing and crying to go do my deadlifts. One night at a party, the cops came and each and everyone one of us had drugs on us, I ended up punching one cop and running. I got caught and it ended up being juvy- for me. I was 16.  Now all of a sudden I developed a major sleep disorder. I couldn't sleep and if i did I woke up to gregg's screaming voice, The juvy hall i was in wouldn't allow weights or anything, and I would tell them that I HAVE to deadlift. It was the only thing that made everything feel ok. I made a friend in "prision" Tommy. Who also loved weight training and had the same basic sentence as me. We became very good friends and would sit on eachothers backs and such to do pushups and things...he explained to me that you have to train the whole body. I'd do squats with him on my shoulders sometimes as many as 100+ reps. Leg extensions were done just by doing forced negitives and pushing on the legs to add all our workouts were as "makeshift" as you could get.

Once we got out we got ourselves to newyork and lived together and trained together. We both found basic little jobs and stayed clean. By now i was 20 and the real sister of my real mother never got in touch with me. basically dumped my ass along time ago. which was fine with me i didn't even blink about it. so there was me and tommy. we put our money together and bought a vehicle. now heres something hard to belive. Tommy went and came home with the same looking truck that killed gregg. I was very uncomfortable with it but he told me its ok man its ok its just a truck. one day he was outside working on it.....i was yelling at him to get his out from under it and he laughed and said f**k off man relax!! I ran from the upstairs window to go outside and stand near the truck. hes still laughing at me while i hold the back end. SURE enough, the axel stand breaks, its not like its a heavy truck or anything, the axel stand just broke! even though he would have been alright if i wasn't there i held the end up that would have fallen.....i screamed GET THE f**k OUT NOW! GET OUT GET THE f**k OUT! he did, and when i saw that he was ok, it was like I FINALLY measured up. I suddenly felt light like an enormous amount of weight had lifted off of me....I felt so light that I threw up and passed out. The next day I made Tommy sell the truck and everything was alright. I felt like a new person.


2 trucks falling off the jacks on people stories? You were there both times?  :-\
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Beener on November 03, 2006, 09:25:27 PM
ok so im living in detroit, not the city where a messed up kid should be living thats forsure. I went to this shitty ass gym everday only because I wanted to deadlift. Nothing more, nothing less just raw deadlifts....all day, everyday. I felt like greggs death was my fault and If i could have lifted the truck we'd be alright. School wasn't going well, and the kids i met from there were all mixed up like me. so obviously I got into drugs. although i never stopped my deadlifts, I'd even go do them high on whatever it didn't matter. I've stumbled into the gym drunk and swearing and crying to go do my deadlifts. One night at a party, the cops came and each and everyone one of us had drugs on us, I ended up punching one cop and running. I got caught and it ended up being juvy- for me. I was 16.  Now all of a sudden I developed a major sleep disorder. I couldn't sleep and if i did I woke up to gregg's screaming voice, The juvy hall i was in wouldn't allow weights or anything, and I would tell them that I HAVE to deadlift. It was the only thing that made everything feel ok. I made a friend in "prision" Tommy. Who also loved weight training and had the same basic sentence as me. We became very good friends and would sit on eachothers backs and such to do pushups and things...he explained to me that you have to train the whole body. I'd do squats with him on my shoulders sometimes as many as 100+ reps. Leg extensions were done just by doing forced negitives and pushing on the legs to add all our workouts were as "makeshift" as you could get.

Once we got out we got ourselves to newyork and lived together and trained together. We both found basic little jobs and stayed clean. By now i was 20 and the real sister of my real mother never got in touch with me. basically dumped my ass along time ago. which was fine with me i didn't even blink about it. so there was me and tommy. we put our money together and bought a vehicle. now heres something hard to belive. Tommy went and came home with the same looking truck that killed gregg. I was very uncomfortable with it but he told me its ok man its ok its just a truck. one day he was outside working on it.....i was yelling at him to get his out from under it and he laughed and said f**k off man relax!! I ran from the upstairs window to go outside and stand near the truck. hes still laughing at me while i hold the back end. SURE enough, the axel stand breaks, its not like its a heavy truck or anything, the axel stand just broke! even though he would have been alright if i wasn't there i held the end up that would have fallen.....i screamed GET THE f**k OUT NOW! GET OUT GET THE f**k OUT! he did, and when i saw that he was ok, it was like I FINALLY measured up. I suddenly felt light like an enormous amount of weight had lifted off of me....I felt so light that I threw up and passed out. The next day I made Tommy sell the truck and everything was alright. I felt like a new person.


To trucks falling off the jacks eh..

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: SuperStu on November 04, 2006, 12:48:42 PM
yes most people don't belive me thats allright. maybe it didn't fall, it could have been me lifting or nudging the truck because i was paranoid.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: durbax on November 04, 2006, 09:54:46 PM
either way the whole thing is just a wild story.. i'm not saying i don't believe you because who am i to question what happened to you.. but its hard to think that all that happened to one person
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: D-bol on November 06, 2006, 12:16:40 AM
I agree...somehow very hard to believe...

Stu, start writting novels bro...You'll make big bucks in no time ;)
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Luv2Hurt on November 06, 2006, 05:07:04 AM
yes most people don't belive me thats allright. maybe it didn't fall, it could have been me lifting or nudging the truck because i was paranoid.

Yeah I knew this would happen someone who is flexing thier creative writting skills, should have known better then to take it too far.  He suckered in a few  ;D

His post above destroys any credibility he may have had.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Luolamies on November 06, 2006, 08:08:02 AM
Like this one time, these aaaa short gray little dudes like aaa abducted me, soooo..... and i was like in space and aaaa they aaaah... you know anal...
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Cleanest Natural on November 07, 2006, 06:04:21 AM
i said it before...ignorance is bliss
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: muscleluvr on November 18, 2006, 02:44:58 PM
46-year-old guy here.  Have exercised most of my adult life, but never got the results I was looking for until a couple of years ago.  Looking back, I now realize that I did way too much cardio and consumed far too little protein (was a strict vegetarian until 2 1/2 or 3 years ago).  By the time I was in my early forties, I felt like shit most of the time--no energy, depressed, always pissed off.  I started reading about anti-aging medicine because nothing else was working, and I ultimately decided to do an aggressive cycle of steroids through a very expensive anti-aging clinic.  Ended up doing test, deca, hgh, and anavar.

I barely knew what I was doing with my diet and at the gym, but I was absolutely blown away by the results.  My entire physique was completely transformed, and I felt better than I had in years.  Everybody noticed the dramatic difference in how I looked, and people started treated me in ways that I had not previously experienced.  I even started getting hit on in bars for the first time in years.

At the end of the cycle, I had the option of continuing on low dose test indefinitely--but decided not to.  I ended up losing a moderate amount of the gains I had made, but I still continued to look and feel much better than I had before.  This past summer (about one year after my first cycle), I did a second very expensive cycle through the anti-aging clinic.  This time, I stayed on low dose testosterone after the cycle.  I now feel completely focused and clear all of the time, and I can not personally relate at all to any of the propaganda that is constantly circulating about steriods causing rage attacks and other unavoidable problems.  The whole experience for me has been completely life changing. 

I've never really taken the time to measure my before and after progress, but the change in me physically and mentally is enormous.  My stats at this point are far from ideal, but they are definitely ideal for me.  I am 6'2" 216 20% body fat (just finished a bulking phase).  Don't know exactly what my body measurements are, but I do know that I have had a lot of growth throughout my entire body.  It has been a very demanding process for me, but the results have far outweighed the efforts.  The only downside has been that I have had to buy all new clothes.  I have complete respect for people who take the time and discipline to make informed decisions about steroid use--especially when they do it in conjunction with physically challenging their bodies to be all that they can be.

One other thing I forgot to mention about my steroid use: I previously had chronic muscle strains and misalignments along with two herniated discs in my low back.  Using steriods (along with precise exercising form and focus) actually healed my chronic injuries.  I have a fairly tight budget, and I spent a ton of money to do what other people have done for a lot less...but in my case, I wanted to make sure that I was working with someone who knew exactly what he was doing.  I can now understand much of what I read on sites like this one.  Before, it felt to me like everyone was talking in code.

If I had listened to my primary care physician or to my best friends, I never would have tried steriods.  Now that I have taken the plunge twice, I have to say that it is one of the best decisions that I have ever made.  I have absolutely no regrets.

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Arnold jr on November 18, 2006, 04:56:32 PM
46-year-old guy here.  Have exercised most of my adult life, but never got the results I was looking for until a couple of years ago.  Looking back, I now realize that I did way too much cardio and consumed far too little protein (was a strict vegetarian until 2 1/2 or 3 years ago).  By the time I was in my early forties, I felt like shit most of the time--no energy, depressed, always pissed off.  I started reading about anti-aging medicine because nothing else was working, and I ultimately decided to do an aggressive cycle of steroids through a very expensive anti-aging clinic.  Ended up doing test, deca, hgh, and anavar.

I barely knew what I was doing with my diet and at the gym, but I was absolutely blown away by the results.  My entire physique was completely transformed, and I felt better than I had in years.  Everybody noticed the dramatic difference in how I looked, and people started treated me in ways that I had not previously experienced.  I even started getting hit on in bars for the first time in years.

At the end of the cycle, I had the option of continuing on low dose test indefinitely--but decided not to.  I ended up losing a moderate amount of the gains I had made, but I still continued to look and feel much better than I had before.  This past summer (about one year after my first cycle), I did a second very expensive cycle through the anti-aging clinic.  This time, I stayed on low dose testosterone after the cycle.  I now feel completely focused and clear all of the time, and I can not personally relate at all to any of the propaganda that is constantly circulating about steriods causing rage attacks and other unavoidable problems.  The whole experience for me has been completely life changing. 

I've never really taken the time to measure my before and after progress, but the change in me physically and mentally is enormous.  My stats at this point are far from ideal, but they are definitely ideal for me.  I am 6'2" 216 20% body fat (just finished a bulking phase).  Don't know exactly what my body measurements are, but I do know that I have had a lot of growth throughout my entire body.  It has been a very demanding process for me, but the results have far outweighed the efforts.  The only downside has been that I have had to buy all new clothes.  I have complete respect for people who take the time and discipline to make informed decisions about steroid use--especially when they do it in conjunction with physically challenging their bodies to be all that they can be.

One other thing I forgot to mention about my steroid use: I previously had chronic muscle strains and misalignments along with two herniated discs in my low back.  Using steriods (along with precise exercising form and focus) actually healed my chronic injuries.  I have a fairly tight budget, and I spent a ton of money to do what other people have done for a lot less...but in my case, I wanted to make sure that I was working with someone who knew exactly what he was doing.  I can now understand much of what I read on sites like this one.  Before, it felt to me like everyone was talking in code.

If I had listened to my primary care physician or to my best friends, I never would have tried steriods.  Now that I have taken the plunge twice, I have to say that it is one of the best decisions that I have ever made.  I have absolutely no regrets.

Great story! Congrats on being freed from mediocrity!
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Luolamies on November 19, 2006, 11:08:01 AM
Hey muscleluvr!
Good to hear that, i´m happy for you. See most of the "information" in mainstream media about ANY performance enhancement product is 100% bs. In the US it´s clear that the goverment is after the athletes just because they need to divert people from the real issues. i don´t think that people understand steroids in ANY country and if you ask about them from a regular joe (even regular dr.), what they know about gear all you get is bunch of bs. Many people think that TESTOSTERONE is much more harmfull than alcohol...
Which one is naturally produced by the body? The key to using is use vs. abuse. All that is no news but i felt like contributing...
BTW what´s up whit that vegetarism? I don´t get it.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: DIVISION on November 19, 2006, 12:51:01 PM
Yeah I knew this would happen someone who is flexing thier creative writting skills, should have known better then to take it too far.  He suckered in a few  ;D

His post above destroys any credibility he may have had.

Reality and Fantasy don't belong together......  :-\

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: wes mantooth on November 20, 2006, 10:10:23 PM
That, and it creates a connection because of the common intrest that can't or won't be there with others.

couldnt agree more. i train with my girlfriend (before my surgery)...and it couldnt be better. she pushes me more than most people ive worked with. shit.....shes stronger than most of the little college boys there. its funny as hell. she pushed the 70's on incline dumbells for a clean eight today. she said the kid next to her looked like he was either gonna shit or go blind!!!! good stuff...and still extremely feminine. makes dieting easier as well....and you get to share supplements ;D

she was actually in Oxygen magazine this month!!! (but of course she wasnt happy with the competition picture (women ::))
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: wes mantooth on November 20, 2006, 10:25:19 PM
guess ill add my stats while im at it:

started lifting at around 16 because i was just too god damn skinny!! didnt break the 100lb mark until my junior year of high school LOL. graduated at a whopping 127lbs and went off to the military.

super hard gainer
broke 145 at 20
175 at 22
185 at 24....then i hit the stuff

did a eq only cycle at 200mgs a week for about 6 weeks (no clue what i was doing)

did years of journals, jockeying on the net, forums...and learned a few things before i tried that route again..

heaviest was about 216-219 at 6.8 % bodyfat last year

5' 8" tall

today i nurse my injury at a steady 200lbs, but probably a disgusting 15% bf.

i do cardio about 4 days a week to help the ticker, and eat relatively clean to conteract the lack of training. hopefully i will return to training lightly in a few weeks....then hit it hard (injury permitting) with otc supplementation late january. will hit the sauce again when i feel my body and cholesteral levels are ready.

standardized training. change routine every 4 weeks. always include basic movements, and pepper in power/ compound movements and occasional plyo when the girlfriend makes me do them!LOL

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Brixtonbulldog on November 21, 2006, 06:14:36 PM
I'm currently 22.  Serving in the Navy.  Married to my off and on GF for 3 years.

Never trained as a kid.  I was short and skinny like most white boys.  I was very active but not much of an athlete.  Played a little basketball.  Then played baseball in high school and was MVP.  Started wrestling and football but never stuck with it.  Around 16 or 17 took up grappling and kickboxing (the real kind) with a friend of mine.  Also started training in the gym a couple times a week.  Never really got serious with it though.

My problem was that I always liked to fuck off too much and I never took anything seriously.

Joined the Navy about a year and a half after high school.  After about 6 months life sucked so I started weight training and this time it stuck for good.  I didn't know jack shit at first and I only had crappy machines to use so made almost no gains the first year.  When my gains started I was about 170 lbs at maybe 12-14% bodyfat.  I have been training for about two years now and I am at 186 lbs at 5' 10".  About 12-14% bodyfat.

I am about to start my certification process through ISSA and ACE.  I love training and helping others around me train.  Apparently I'm good enough cause they keep coming back to me for advice and it shows.  I'll be leaving the Navy in about 3 years and I plan on PTing until I can open my own fitness club or personal training facility.

My lifts suck.  I'll admit it.

I can bench 260-270 max on a smith machine.  I prefer to train w/ the Smith machine only because I usually train alone and it's safer.  I've never tried to max my squat or my deadlift so I don't know what my max would be.  I use 225 for reps on deads and 200 for reps on   squat.  I'm hoping I can hook up with a powerlifter in the area and help my get my bench up to at least 300, my squat to 400, and my deadlift to 400. 

I also hope to take up grappling, kickboxing, or even wrestling when I get leave the service.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Puller on December 05, 2006, 06:11:01 PM
Ill go..

I'll be 24 in a month. I started lifting about 2 years ago. Before I started lifting I was a serious smoker (3-4 packs a day min.). I smoked from the age 12 and quit right before I started lifting.Most of you know I am somewhat of an alcoholic which I struggle with. I'm a Gin drinker. Usually go through a 750 a day during the week and a handle a day on the weekends. I have proudly not been drunk since October 1st and while I don't plan on quiting for ever I am trying very hard to concentrate on the gym. I've lifted consistently over the past 2years with the exception of two 3-4 month benders. Below is where I was at when I started and where im at now. They are my 5RM, I dont max out too often except with the deads. The beginning numbers are not typos I was the biggest 21 yr old mess most people ever see.

Start :
Height: 5'10" 1/2
Age: 21
waist - 40in

Bench - 225 but its very easy will try 245 this week
Dead - 465  recently did 500 fro 2 but after 7 sets of 5 up to 465
Squat - 315
Weight: 216
Waist - 33

As you can see I've come a long way. My lifts aren't the best but from where I started and slowing down on my drinkin I am very happy and I will continue to lift. Not too sure what my goals but I know its better than chain smoking and being drunk all the time.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Arnold jr on December 05, 2006, 07:07:00 PM
Ill go..

I'll be 24 in a month. I started lifting about 2 years ago. Before I started lifting I was a serious smoker (3-4 packs a day min.). I smoked from the age 12 and quit right before I started lifting.Most of you know I am somewhat of an alcoholic which I struggle with. I'm a Gin drinker. Usually go through a 750 a day during the week and a handle a day on the weekends. I have proudly not been drunk since October 1st and while I don't plan on quiting for ever I am trying very hard to concentrate on the gym. I've lifted consistently over the past 2years with the exception of two 3-4 month benders. Below is where I was at when I started and where im at now. They are my 5RM, I dont max out too often except with the deads. The beginning numbers are not typos I was the biggest 21 yr old mess most people ever see.

Start :
Height: 5'10" 1/2
Age: 21
waist - 40in

Bench - 225 but its very easy will try 245 this week
Dead - 465  recently did 500 fro 2 but after 7 sets of 5 up to 465
Squat - 315
Weight: 216
Waist - 33

As you can see I've come a long way. My lifts aren't the best but from where I started and slowing down on my drinkin I am very happy and I will continue to lift. Not too sure what my goals but I know its better than chain smoking and being drunk all the time.
Congrats on your success so far. Now, get the drinking under controll and your progress will double. I know it might be easier said then done, but try to really understand how much this drinking is slowing you down. Also, if you ever do decide to use AAS, do not even consider it until you have the alcohol problem fixed...and I don't mean under controll, I mean flat out gone from your life.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Rimbaud on December 05, 2006, 07:49:05 PM
Congrats on your success so far. Now, get the drinking under controll and your progress will double. I know it might be easier said then done, but try to really understand how much this drinking is slowing you down. Also, if you ever do decide to use AAS, do not even consider it until you have the alcohol problem fixed...and I don't mean under controll, I mean flat out gone from your life.

I agree with Arnold. Good job so far. Good luck getting the drinking under control.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Puller on December 05, 2006, 08:26:02 PM
Thanks, my main reason for giving up the drinking is for lifting. When I would go out drinkin it always felt like 1 night out meant 1 extra week in the gym for nothing. Now that I haven't drank in months im making phenominal gains, 5-15lbs a week to each of my lifts. It'll prolly be something I'll always deal with (runs serious on both sides of the fam) but I finally have it under control. Thanks again for the reinforcement.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Rimbaud on December 05, 2006, 08:39:26 PM
Thanks, my main reason for giving up the drinking is for lifting. When I would go out drinkin it always felt like 1 night out meant 1 extra week in the gym for nothing. Now that I haven't drank in months im making phenominal gains, 5-15lbs a week to each of my lifts. It'll prolly be something I'll always deal with (runs serious on both sides of the fam) but I finally have it under control. Thanks again for the reinforcement.

I personally don't think there's anything wrong with drinking (even though my father died from alcohol related issues - liver failure) but most people can't find any balance. It's usually all or nothing. Lucky for me I can just have one drink & that's it (even on cycle). But now when I do drink (off & on) I chase it with a handful of vitamins & about a gallon or water. Now, that's not to say I don't get trashed from time to time (but the older I get the harder it is to recover).
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: wes mantooth on December 05, 2006, 08:45:33 PM
(but the older I get the harder it is to recover).

tell me about it!!! the days of popping out of bed and running to work in 10 minutes are over!!!

and i call myself an irishman!!! grandpappy is rollin' in his grave!! LOL

irish as fuck....with a 2 day pathetic!
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Rimbaud on December 05, 2006, 08:49:27 PM
tell me about it!!! the days of popping out of bed and running to work in 10 minutes are over!!!

No kidding. I can no longer drink untill 3:00AM & wake up at 6:00AM & work 12 hours. Now if I party like that I'm useless for two or three days.  :'(
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Rimbaud on December 05, 2006, 08:50:17 PM
and i call myself an irishman!!! grandpappy is rollin' in his grave!! LOL

irish as f**k....with a 2 day pathetic!

I feel your pain. I'm half Irish.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: DIVISION on December 06, 2006, 08:07:19 PM
Congrats on your success so far. Now, get the drinking under controll and your progress will double. I know it might be easier said then done, but try to really understand how much this drinking is slowing you down. Also, if you ever do decide to use AAS, do not even consider it until you have the alcohol problem fixed...and I don't mean under controll, I mean flat out gone from your life.

Concur with Arnold.

If you are drinking, AAS should be the least of your concerns.

Talk about burning the candle at both ends!

Your liver will hold you for ransom...

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Overload on December 12, 2006, 07:18:10 AM
I feel your pain. I'm half Irish.

A bunch of irishmen in here i see...

I'm full blood irish! i drink Guiness like a protein shake!

i hardly drink anymore but when i do i'll do it on a weekend so i can sleep in. i find that if i drink a bunch of water and sleep a good 8-10 hours i feel fine in the morning.

i'm not old by any means(28) but i can't recover from drinking very well at all. i remember getting trashed every night in college and i could sleep 4 hours and be fine. not anymore.

I honestly have no reason to drink unless it's a special occasion like new years or my birthday...

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: wes mantooth on December 17, 2006, 07:14:46 PM
I must question Arnold Jr on every level because he lacks 2 things that make up every true champion.

1. Heart
2. Balls

PS: You have failed to live by the "code of a champion"

what? what are you talking about kevin lacy?
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Arnold jr on December 17, 2006, 07:25:32 PM
I must question Arnold Jr on every level because he lacks 2 things that make up every true champion.

1. Heart
2. Balls

PS: You have failed to live by the "code of a champion"
Welcome to the board dip shit! And remember, I own your sorry ass!
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: wes mantooth on December 17, 2006, 08:17:18 PM
Arnold Jr, Your lucky if you own your set of baby nuts.  Someone needs to tell mantooth who runs shit around here. I'm the new boss in this bitch.   Champion out.

LOL....arnold just showed me a polaroid of your smaller than human ball bag.....he owns your every being.

i merely watch the show around here..... ;) im my own boss
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Arnold jr on December 17, 2006, 08:18:37 PM
Arnold Jr, Your lucky if you own your set of baby nuts.  Someone needs to tell mantooth who runs shit around here. I'm the new boss in this bitch.   Champion out.
Easy there bro...if your not careful, these shriveled up nuts are gonna end up slapping in between little JLM's thighs 8)
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Arnold jr on December 17, 2006, 08:19:24 PM
LOL....arnold just showed me a polaroid of your smaller than human ball bag.....he owns your every being.

i merely watch the show around here..... ;) im my own boss
Mantooth speaks truth
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: wes mantooth on December 17, 2006, 08:33:07 PM
Mantooth speaks truth

Mantooth IS truth LOL
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Arnold jr on December 18, 2006, 07:08:18 PM
This is horse shit.... you know that right??
I told you, if you want to hate on anyone, even me, do so in the thread "the locker room." Let the rest of the threads do what they are supposed to.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: kksmoke on December 19, 2006, 07:21:50 PM
i'm right here fuck suck...... tell Jr. that i've seen some shitty workouts but tonight took the cake. also tell him that i know he does gay for pay.

Ps: whatever shitlick decided to delete me last night.....  well, i'm back in full force now
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Arnold jr on December 19, 2006, 07:59:55 PM
i'm right here f**k suck...... tell Jr. that i've seen some shitty workouts but tonight took the cake. also tell him that i know he does gay for pay.

Ps: whatever shitlick decided to delete me last night.....  well, i'm back in full force now
Welcome to getbig bitch!

Why don't you use this thread and grace all of us with your own history. You could inform the board members on how to build a physique based around training sessions that consist of deep throat squats and cock lunges and how a sound nutritional regimen is built on hours of sucking man pole.

You could also inform the board on your you want to be a bodybuilder vs. you want to be a transvestite homosexual. I know this is a tough decision but I'm certain you will pick the one that best fits your needs, as well as your pre determined flawed genetics.

BTW, on a more serious note, I fucked your girl friend last night, and will probably do the same tonight.

PS. did I mention you're gay?
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: kksmoke on December 20, 2006, 10:24:22 AM
my history is classified bitch. If yall knew my secrets you guys would shit yourself.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: wes mantooth on December 21, 2006, 10:33:22 AM
If yall knew my secrets you guys would shit yourself.

yes..we would shit ourselves hearing of your bukkake adventures with your boyfriend. ill be sending you a message through Ajr at your next "training" session. it will be a 45lb plate to the side of your head.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: kksmoke on December 21, 2006, 07:48:35 PM
i dont know what your talking about asstooth, but heres the way it is. Jr is a slut. Obviously you have figured that out and thats why you just play nicely with him. Feel free to drop him a fucking clue.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Deadpool on December 26, 2006, 05:42:54 PM
I need to get me some stats

I did some measurements recently and found I lost my 50" I am now down to 48+
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: ARISTIMUQOH on January 11, 2007, 09:22:23 AM
I'm 37 year old, started lifting in 1984 when I was a skinny boy in the high school and the rest is history,... I have been national heavyweight champion in my country 5 times , I'm 6 feet and my offseason is around 280 to 290 pounds, my contest weight 245 pounds....  always I try to do my best but still I have not reached my goal....
Title: Arnold jr's updated stats
Post by: Arnold jr on April 22, 2007, 08:37:31 PM
Well, I hit my goal weight this year (reffer to original post) but it was not as pretty as I'd have hoped. The last 10lbs or so took an ungodly amount of eating and I was so hell bent on reaching this goal weight I kind of lost sight of my long term goals and the way to best go about them. So, in short, I did put on a little too much fat this year, but it's nothing that got so out of controll that I can't deal with. It's funny, you keep seeing the scale go up, and you start pushing and pulling more weight then before, and you become blinded to reality. Yes, you are bigger and stronger, but you're sacrificing conditioning making it all that much harder for diet time.

But not all is lost, I still made some very good progress this year, and I'm eager to see the fruits so to speak. At the same time, I know now that once I'm back into bulk mode come late august, I will not go about it the same way. I wish I knew this past year what I know now about nutrition in the off-season...a certain champion has opened a revelation before my eyes...a few of you know who I'm speaking of.

Well, diet has officially started...hopefully I'll be able to do some damage.

I know this thread also has the word "stats" in it and I know a lot of you are big into power lifting. Have any of you guys hit some new big numbers this year? Me, I don't have any real impressive numbers, not compared to you PW guys. I still stay in that 8-12 rep range most of the time, but I'll do a 5 or 6 now and again. But honestly for my purpose numbers mean nothing...If I could make great gains moving 20lbs I'd do it. But I still enjoy reading and hearing about some of you guys who are moving the massive weight.

BTW, a few of you newer guys to this board who've been hanging around. Post your info in this thread or forever be banned. j/k
Title: Re: Arnold jr's updated stats
Post by: Luv2Hurt on April 23, 2007, 04:29:01 AM
Well, I hit my goal weight this year (reffer to original post) but it was not as pretty as I'd have hoped. The last 10lbs or so took an ungodly amount of eating and I was so hell bent on reaching this goal weight I kind of lost sight of my long term goals and the way to best go about them. So, in short, I did put on a little too much fat this year, but it's nothing that got so out of controll that I can't deal with. It's funny, you keep seeing the scale go up, and you start pushing and pulling more weight then before, and you become blinded to reality. Yes, you are bigger and stronger, but you're sacrificing conditioning making it all that much harder for diet time.

But not all is lost, I still made some very good progress this year, and I'm eager to see the fruits so to speak. At the same time, I know now that once I'm back into bulk mode come late august, I will not go about it the same way. I wish I knew this past year what I know now about nutrition in the off-season...a certain champion has opened a revelation before my eyes...a few of you know who I'm speaking of.

Well, diet has officially started...hopefully I'll be able to do some damage.

I know this thread also has the word "stats" in it and I know a lot of you are big into power lifting. Have any of you guys hit some new big numbers this year? Me, I don't have any real impressive numbers, not compared to you PW guys. I still stay in that 8-12 rep range most of the time, but I'll do a 5 or 6 now and again. But honestly for my purpose numbers mean nothing...If I could make great gains moving 20lbs I'd do it. But I still enjoy reading and hearing about some of you guys who are moving the massive weight.

BTW, a few of you newer guys to this board who've been hanging around. Post your info in this thread or forever be banned. j/k

Sounds good AJ, You will be in shape before you know it.  Nice to see that you also realize the difference between getting fat and bulking.  As you lean down people will start coming up to you saying "damn you got big" even though you just dropped 20lbs.  The big, soft, no definition weight lifter look is not at all impressive and people will really not even know that they work out, just another chubby guy in the gym lifting weights.  But when you have good shape and size and are cut up its a different story, you look like a whole different class of trainer.

Some people think they can throw every drug in the book at themselves, juice, clen, HGH, insulin, T-3, you name it.  Many even start using these things before they have even built a natural foundation for a few years.  Thinking the drugs will make up for a lack of genetics, desire, determination, hardwork and diet.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Overload on April 23, 2007, 03:11:45 PM
Good work Arnold!

2 weeks before i tore my ACL in december i did 5 reps with 585 in the deadlift and pulled 635 for a smooth double RAW at 227 pounds!

it's going to be a while until i do that again! my bench hasn't gone up because my training has sucked since the injury. i'm thinking about getting back into bodybuilding...doing more sets and staying in the 6-12 range since february.

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Arnold jr on April 23, 2007, 03:23:16 PM
Good work Arnold!

2 weeks before i tore my ACL in december i did 5 reps with 585 in the deadlift and pulled 635 for a smooth double RAW at 227 pounds!

it's going to be a while until i do that again! my bench hasn't gone up because my training has sucked since the injury. i'm thinking about getting back into bodybuilding...doing more sets and staying in the 6-12 range since february.

That's a big number. The heaviest I've ever gone on deads is 500lbs and that is a struggle...when I go that heavy it doesn't feel like I'm working my back muscles as well as I'd like...basically it feels like I'm stressing my joints and tendons. These days I typically stop at 405-455 and stay in my normal groove...deads are also the last thing I do on a back day.

As far as you getting back into bodybuilding, first off good luck with that. to me it's the best of both worlds. You still get the opportunity to move some decent weight, but the overall package in terms of the "look" is so much more appealing IMO.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Overload on April 23, 2007, 04:43:47 PM
You're right about the stress being on your joints and tendons. that is why i'm thinking of getting back into bodybuilding. at my young(29) age i have way too many nagging pains to keep this powerlifting training style alive for many years. i want to lift weights the rest of my life.

i had a good run at the national level, i don't want to push my body too much more and risk health problems. this ACL replacement has given me alot of time to think about my future. i'll keep doing mild cycles and see how BBing treats me the next few years. might even compete, i have a good base already!

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: leonp1981 on April 23, 2007, 08:19:36 PM
New deadlift best:  270 for 8 @ 158lbs.   Woo hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   ;D

(Dammit, I need to gain some weight  :-\)
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Arnold jr on April 25, 2007, 09:27:38 PM
New deadlift best:  270 for 8 @ 158lbs.   Woo hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   ;D

(Dammit, I need to gain some weight  :-\)
Well, if you're using drugs, and you're not gaining any weight, then the problem is basic. Eat more. If you're off cycle and you're not gaining weight, then again there is a basic remedy. Eat more. Are you eating 6-8 meals per day? If so, and you're not gaining, then eat more meals. And as always, make the calories matter what you read on any of the other boards, all calories are not created equal.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Overload on April 25, 2007, 10:07:24 PM
New deadlift best:  270 for 8 @ 158lbs.   Woo hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   ;D

(Dammit, I need to gain some weight  :-\)

how long have you been training?

we all had to start somewhere.

many moons ago i "injured" myself attempting to deadlift 315 for the first time. just keep training hard and eat, Arnold gave good advice and take your time, it takes years to get big and strong.

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Cleanest Natural on April 26, 2007, 03:28:57 AM
You're right about the stress being on your joints and tendons. that is why i'm thinking of getting back into bodybuilding. at my young(29) age i have way too many nagging pains to keep this powerlifting training style alive for many years. i want to lift weights the rest of my life.

i had a good run at the national level, i don't want to push my body too much more and risk health problems. this ACL replacement has given me alot of time to think about my future. i'll keep doing mild cycles and see how BBing treats me the next few years. might even compete, i have a good base already!

so u basically never acomplished much...u CAN'T  push it because u are just another guy in the gym..hope this helps
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Overload on April 26, 2007, 11:47:45 AM
so u basically never acomplished much...u CAN'T  push it because u are just another guy in the gym..hope this helps

lol...i'm still ranked top 3 on benchamerica, wabdl, apa, ipf and usapl.

i have a business to run now.

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Cleanest Natural on April 26, 2007, 12:33:27 PM
lol...i'm still ranked top 3 on benchamerica, wabdl, apa, ipf and usapl.

i have a business to run now.

 8) u are a powerlifter...what do u have in common with bb?
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: leonp1981 on April 26, 2007, 02:14:09 PM
Well, if you're using drugs, and you're not gaining any weight, then the problem is basic. Eat more. If you're off cycle and you're not gaining weight, then again there is a basic remedy. Eat more. Are you eating 6-8 meals per day? If so, and you're not gaining, then eat more meals. And as always, make the calories matter what you read on any of the other boards, all calories are not created equal.

No, I've been off since october.  I'm into my fourth year of training now, but I seem to be stuck at around the 160 mark.  I was up to 170 on cycle, came down to 166 when I came off, then got ill and went to 162, then just as I was getting back on track I took on a second job (more active than my current one) and lost 7lbs in 4 weeks!

I'm eating 5 meals on non training days, 6 on training days.  My problem has always been that my metabolism is ridiculous.  I can do absolutely no exercise and still lose weight on 3000cals a day.  I'm currently trying to get around 3500cals but its tricky working two jobs.  I usually take a shake or two with me to work.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Overload on April 26, 2007, 02:18:48 PM u are a powerlifter...what do u have in common with bb?

i competed in natural BBing before powerlifting. now i'm thinking about getting back into BBing full time again.

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Arnold jr on April 26, 2007, 03:06:09 PM
No, I've been off since october.  I'm into my fourth year of training now, but I seem to be stuck at around the 160 mark.  I was up to 170 on cycle, came down to 166 when I came off, then got ill and went to 162, then just as I was getting back on track I took on a second job (more active than my current one) and lost 7lbs in 4 weeks!

I'm eating 5 meals on non training days, 6 on training days.  My problem has always been that my metabolism is ridiculous.  I can do absolutely no exercise and still lose weight on 3000cals a day.  I'm currently trying to get around 3500cals but its tricky working two jobs.  I usually take a shake or two with me to work.
Well, if you are truly a hardgainer, then 5-6 meals per day is not going to cut it. You need to be shooting for at least 8 meals per day, I'm talking eating every 2hrs and if you wake up in the night, have a shake or eat some food. Also, you should be eating as many meals on non training days as training's actually more important on the non training days. You have to feed your body for recovery and for growth.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Cleanest Natural on April 27, 2007, 02:57:53 AM
i competed in natural BBing before powerlifting. now i'm thinking about getting back into BBing full time again.

good for post some pics..
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: HYDROLICS on May 09, 2007, 08:50:38 AM
this thread is hilarious, everyone reaches their goal, everyone is big, nobody is an ectomorph.

thread should be titled  "Board members wish list"

where are all the skinny geeks? I would be willing to bet that at least 60% of you are adding 15 pounds to your stats and at least 1 inch in any measurement you posted.

just my honest opinion.

been around the block a few times myself, seen it all before. This thread shouldnt even exist.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Rimbaud on May 09, 2007, 09:09:37 AM
this thread is hilarious, everyone reaches their goal, everyone is big, nobody is an ectomorph.

thread should be titled  "Board members wish list"

where are all the skinny geeks? I would be willing to bet that at least 60% of you are adding 15 pounds to your stats and at least 1 inch in any measurement you posted.

just my honest opinion.

been around the block a few times myself, seen it all before. This thread shouldnt even exist.

Why? Because you think people are lying? Who cares if they are? I don't, I take it with a grain of salt.

I personally am not lying about my stats (I don't relly need to). I'm 6' & about 235lbs at about 15% bodyfat. I don't know what my maxes are anymore because I don't really "max out". I'll also tell you I don't think I'm very strong for my size but I don't care. I just enjoy lifting & I leave my ego at the door of the gym.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: HYDROLICS on May 09, 2007, 09:55:41 AM
Why? Because you think people are lying? Who cares if they are? I don't, I take it with a grain of salt.

true, I guess I think it is just a waste of time and space to give people a platform to tell lies, god knows the internet is already full of people giving false information. But I suppose if there are a few people who are honest then maybe we can have a  respectable board here.

I will not and have never posted any of my stats outside of "I out on X#'s with this cycle and blah blah blah". Mostly for the reason that I am aware that it is pretty meaningless unless you can prove it. otherwise it is just talk, and that is not why I am here....I enjoy the knowledge that can be gained here and hearing from people about their experiences, weather I agree or not. 
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Rimbaud on May 09, 2007, 09:57:07 AM

true, I guess I think it is just a waste of time and space to give people a platform to tell lies, god knows the internet is already full of people giving false information. But I suppose if there are a few people who are honest then maybe we can have a  respectable board here.

I will not and have never posted any of my stats outside of "I out on X#'s with this cycle and blah blah blah". Mostly for the reason that I am aware that it is pretty meaningless unless you can prove it. otherwise it is just talk, and that is not why I am here....I enjoy the knowledge that can be gained here and hearing from people about their experiences, weather I agree or not. 

Fair enough.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: leonp1981 on May 09, 2007, 06:04:08 PM
this thread is hilarious, everyone reaches their goal, everyone is big, nobody is an ectomorph.

thread should be titled  "Board members wish list"

where are all the skinny geeks? I would be willing to bet that at least 60% of you are adding 15 pounds to your stats and at least 1 inch in any measurement you posted.

just my honest opinion.

been around the block a few times myself, seen it all before. This thread shouldnt even exist.

I've never lied once about my stats on this or any other board.  I don't see the point.  If you come here looking for advice, then lie about things, you're not gonna receive opinions that relate to your actual circumstances. 
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Arnold jr on May 09, 2007, 07:18:19 PM
this thread is hilarious, everyone reaches their goal, everyone is big, nobody is an ectomorph.

thread should be titled  "Board members wish list"

where are all the skinny geeks? I would be willing to bet that at least 60% of you are adding 15 pounds to your stats and at least 1 inch in any measurement you posted.

just my honest opinion.

been around the block a few times myself, seen it all before. This thread shouldnt even exist.
I disagree. have you read the whole thing? There are some stats up there for some that are not what one would deem "impressive." For that matter, I haven't read on yet where someone claims to be 275lbs 3%bf w/24" arms.

You're right though, people may very well lie and embellish, but if they do this they are only hurting themselves. the whole idea of this thread, beyond just knowing where each guy is coming from, was to provide some info about yourself so others can know what they are dealing with a little more clearly when they give out advice. You know how some one will post a question in the thread and no one has any idea about this guys stats, cycle history, etc. That's irritating, and this is supposed to clear that up. Of course if they lie, well, that's just stupid on their part.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Luv2Hurt on May 09, 2007, 07:26:22 PM
this thread is hilarious, everyone reaches their goal, everyone is big, nobody is an ectomorph.

thread should be titled  "Board members wish list"

where are all the skinny geeks? I would be willing to bet that at least 60% of you are adding 15 pounds to your stats and at least 1 inch in any measurement you posted.

just my honest opinion.

been around the block a few times myself, seen it all before. This thread shouldnt even exist.

The thread is about a lot more than just stats and how much you can push or how many shows you have won.  If you read it all you will see it as about the people who make up this board and who they are and where they came from.  Its probally the best thread in getbig. 

reading about cycles and juice and PCT is really pretty boring.  This is unlike G&O board where someone would get flamed by writing about themselves.  If someone does not like it, they should just not read it, simple huh?  Why try and be so controlling by saying things like "it should not even exist"?  Yeah, yeah people lie who cares if they want to, it does not impress anyone, and most of us know better anyhow.

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: wes mantooth on May 09, 2007, 08:34:49 PM
alright...gotta add something. since were talking "real" stats and such.....

as some of you know i was in a car accident last july, had shoulder surgery late october. i did my exercises at home, went to rehab religiously 2-3 times a week...and was finally cleared to "test" the shoulder.

at my 7th week back (give or take) of training, i can say that muscle remembers!!!! my shoulders and chest filled back out, by traps blew back up and my hurt shoulder is getting more and more stable each day. im back up to 205lbs...a little more fat than before...but not so bad for 8 months and some change off. on friday of last week i was able to flat bench 315 for a clean spotter.

at my was hard to get re motivated to get back in there. not working out for the ladies anymore.....not ego lifting....i had to get back for me. never been a quitter....and i hate those mother fuckers that "used to be" in the front of every sentence.

im coming back better than before....
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: HYDROLICS on May 09, 2007, 09:06:38 PM
If someone does not like it, they should just not read it, simple huh?  Why try and be so controlling by saying things like "it should not even exist"?  Yeah, yeah people lie who cares if they want to, it does not impress anyone, and most of us know better anyhow.

wasnt trying to controlling, I stated my opinion, and I'm sticking to it. I am entitled to that correct?

If anything good happens out of this maybe some noob will read my post and give his stats a little more accurately.

I think we can bury this one now.....agree?
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Luv2Hurt on May 10, 2007, 03:47:17 AM
alright...gotta add something. since were talking "real" stats and such.....

as some of you know i was in a car accident last july, had shoulder surgery late october. i did my exercises at home, went to rehab religiously 2-3 times a week...and was finally cleared to "test" the shoulder.

at my 7th week back (give or take) of training, i can say that muscle remembers!!!! my shoulders and chest filled back out, by traps blew back up and my hurt shoulder is getting more and more stable each day. im back up to 205lbs...a little more fat than before...but not so bad for 8 months and some change off. on friday of last week i was able to flat bench 315 for a clean spotter.

at my was hard to get re motivated to get back in there. not working out for the ladies anymore.....not ego lifting....i had to get back for me. never been a quitter....and i hate those mother fuckers that "used to be" in the front of every sentence.

im coming back better than before....

Awsome man!  Yep makes me sick 99% of the population are those guys who "used to be"  Telling you how "yea I used to, back in HS, be a little bigger than you and in great shape  ::)"  Keep going bro I can say for sure that you can even be better than ever now.....if you want.

wasnt trying to controlling, I stated my opinion, and I'm sticking to it. I am entitled to that correct?

If anything good happens out of this maybe some noob will read my post and give his stats a little more accurately.

I think we can bury this one now.....agree?

Yep and yep.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: udeluz on May 13, 2007, 07:28:53 PM
I will finally post my history

Born 1970
Current stats: 5' 11" 229lbs @ 8.5 BF

Grew up playing football and baseball, always skinny but muscular.
Started lifting the summer before High School to get ready for football, weighing in at 140 soaking wet.
All through High School I could not break 150 Lbs, Diet was not existant then, I ate pretty much everything in sight and never gained a pound, I tried weight gainers, and supplements to no avail.

Graduated went to ASU for my Degree and Lifted on and off, not to serious, but enough to keep me fit and my BF low

After getting married and having my first kid, the gym was a distant memory, then I met my what was soon to be my training partner who set me up with a 12 week cycle of Dbol and Omnadren (500mg) a week

Needless to say I blew up! Gained 20 lbs I looked like I different person and then I was hooked, I the gym every day, eating right, sleeping, I was a nut. My wife was all over my ass because I had become so obsessed with the lifestyle ( I would never eat out, never drink, and couldn't miss going to the gym)

Well as that began to take a toll on my marriage I had to back off and stop being so obsessive, and so I gained FAT (The first time in my life my BF was over 12%

My training partner was killed in a motorcycle crash the next summer and kept me out of the gym for a year or so.

Skipping a few years at 30 years old I got back into the gym and starting eating right again and was right in the 175-185 Zone with about 16@ BF, I started training harder then before I started the cycle and just couldn't get the numbers up to where they were before.
Kept in the gym 3 times a week mainly cardio just trying to stop father time.

Then I decided it was time to do another cycle, Last year was a powerful cycle I gained 26lbs in 16 weeks and kept 19 of those after PCT. BF dropped from 17-18% down to 11-12 Finished the Cycle AFTER PCT at 217-220 lbs

I am on my second one now 1000Sust and 500Deca a week, I am going to start the Tren on Tuesday, I am now at 229 BF is at 8.5

I am going to run this cycle ALOT longer then my last one (maybe 8 months) and then take 6 months off

Hopefully I will do my first show in October 07

Well thats it for now Nugga's
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Luv2Hurt on May 13, 2007, 08:36:59 PM
Great job udeluz, cool to read your history.  I can understand the marriage thing and it being hard.  BB is such a selfish sport it makes it hard to live a balanced life when you hit it hardcore.  How is working out for you now that you are at it hard again?

Im doing that show in October, maybe we will be in the same class if you do it.  What weight class do you think you will be in?  I will be a LT heavy and masters also.  This could be interesting, we could spice this board up some in a little friendly competition, maybe a little "road to the NPC Continental" drama might be fun.  ;D
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Arnold jr on May 13, 2007, 09:31:09 PM
Good story UDE...props on sticking to getting back at it and sticking to it...I've been wondering when you'd post your stuff.
As far as marriage being tough on BB, well, I'm not married, but I know it's a tuff thing when it comes to any relationship. Like L2H said, it is a selfish sport, or at least it's perceived that way. In my opinion, it's not any more selfish then any other endeavour...after all, to do well at anything you have to go at it 100%. It's just that in this case, the things that are effected are "everyday" things, i.e. sleeping, food, basic exercise, etc. It's hard for people to relate to this since for them, no other endeavour requires sacrifices to be made in these areas of life.

L2H & UDE, that'll be pretty cool if you two end up doing the same show...could create some intersting stuff here.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Zugzwang on May 16, 2007, 07:20:45 PM
Okay, let's give this a go.

I joined my first gym when I was 15, and still at school. I was very skinny up to this point. Of course, back then, I knew fuck-all, and when I saw the poster of Tom Platz on the wall behind the leg press machine I figured for some time it was some kind of special effect.

I pissed around here with no knowledge but over the next few years, thanks to some heavy reading (mostly FLEX, of course, which is where most people start, I guess) started to learn a few bits and pieces and put on a bit of muscle.

At the age of 22, I started a serious relationship and dropped all that again. In my late 20s, I got back in to it on and off, but never really seriously. Then in my 30s I did the same again, taking it very seriously for x months, only to drop it all after either an injury or some other impact on my schedule.

Now I'm 35 and have been training seriously - again - for about the last six months. This is actually my best year ever, having surpassed all my PBs. To be honest, my gains have been quite frightening simply because every other week I'm adding a few pounds to virtually everything with absolutely no setbacks or even one of those 'God, I was weak today' gym sessions. Not really sure what's going on; at my age it should be getting tougher, surely?

My stats aren't massively impressive, but it's all natural:

Height: 5ft9
Weight: 205lb
Chest: 46"
Arms: 16.5"
Bench: 275lb
Dead: 315lb
BB Curl: 135lb

These are all for at least six reps.

(I don't do any leg work, although I may re-introduce it. My legs have always been pretty big.)

No idea on my BF but it's certainly not low.

I'm absolutely ready to cross over to the 'dark side', but am slightly concerned as to both how effective and how costly it will be at my age. While my gains are, as said, improving quite frequently, I feel I must be near to my peak; I think I'm probably capable of a 1RM of 300-315 on the bench, but I train alone so it's not really something I want to test out.

Any comments/thoughts appreciated.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Arnold jr on May 16, 2007, 07:49:31 PM
Zugzwang, before you come to the "Dark Side" there are some things you should consider. First off, you said you've only been back at this for a little while, it's great that you're back, but you need to make sure this is perminant and not just another whim that could easily die out again. As for reaching your natural potential already, I doubt it very way in that short of a time. I'm not saying you have to wait until you've reached the absolute peak of natural potential, some might disagree, but there has to be a very solid base or you're just wasting your time and money on AAS...there need to be a solid commitment.

As for your age, this should not be a concern. If anything, it should be viewed as a positive. Performance enhancing drugs in terms of ones age are only a negative if you're extremely young. In your case, being 35 it will most likely only improve your quality of life...this does however rely on responsible use.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Zugzwang on May 17, 2007, 04:24:06 AM
Yes, fair comment mate. I guess I need to wait for a few of those 'God, I was weak today's after all; or, at least, an extensive plateau. :) Although I do have a reasonable 'base' below me of many years, albeit of 'on and off'-style training, as discussed.

Cheers for the post.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: trab on May 17, 2007, 06:45:20 AM
I really sugest geting a couple baseline blood pannels (and a Physical w/ prostrate exam) run before using
AAS. Make sure to include Free & Total Testesterone, PSA, Clolesterols and TRiglyserides etc.

Esp at a older age (I think the young dudes ought to do same prior to using AAS also).

That gives you a idea whats normal for you. Test levels fluctuate.
Idealy guy could get a reading well rested, and also overtrained. Major difference.
SOme of the HRT BIz's will set up local blood work orders much more reasonable priced than a Dr.(At drug test places).

At your age its not unreasonable to ask your PCP for a Testo blood work up. Complaine of symptoms of low test (Then refuse the Anti-depresents he tries to shove on you).!
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: udeluz on May 17, 2007, 07:30:05 AM
Great job udeluz, cool to read your history.  I can understand the marriage thing and it being hard.  BB is such a selfish sport it makes it hard to live a balanced life when you hit it hardcore.  How is working out for you now that you are at it hard again?

Im doing that show in October, maybe we will be in the same class if you do it.  What weight class do you think you will be in?  I will be a LT heavy and masters also.  This could be interesting, we could spice this board up some in a little friendly competition, maybe a little "road to the NPC Continental" drama might be fun.  ;D

My wife is cool with it now (we have been married almost 15 years) as long as I do what I gotta do and don't miss out on anything, I am good to go.

Since my new outlook on diet, I have been rubbing off on her and my kids, We are ALL eating better and heathier, Its funny as hell to see my 8 year old checking how much protien or how many carbs she is getting.

I'll tell you what Luv, I am nervous as hell about doing my first show, but its something I want to do for ME.  Plus after seeing some of those pics from the OTTAWA show I do feel I have a good chance.

As far as class, I will probally be a heavy weight (I am 227) currently.

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Luv2Hurt on May 17, 2007, 07:38:15 PM
My wife is cool with it now (we have been married almost 15 years) as long as I do what I gotta do and don't miss out on anything, I am good to go.

Since my new outlook on diet, I have been rubbing off on her and my kids, We are ALL eating better and heathier, Its funny as hell to see my 8 year old checking how much protien or how many carbs she is getting.

I'll tell you what Luv, I am nervous as hell about doing my first show, but its something I want to do for ME.  Plus after seeing some of those pics from the OTTAWA show I do feel I have a good chance.

As far as class, I will probally be a heavy weight (I am 227) currently.

Like you said do the show for yourself, so there is no reason to feel nervous.  Try and have fun with it and see how you like it.  I look at BB comps as a way to challenge yourself, yes it sucks to not place or have a poor showing but that is fuel to improve.  There will always be someone better out there, but if you it do it just for a placing people are setting themselves up for dissapiontment.  Hell you never know, you could win the whole thing, who knows?

A guy I know who did the NPC Nationals talked with me before the one I did recently and I was voicing my concerns to him.  And then he looked at me and asked "did you do your homework?"  I said "yes" and he said "then your ready."  It was calming because I knew in my heart I did the best I could at the time, no playing around.

Good luck in your training and prep and we will see you there.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: udeluz on May 17, 2007, 07:43:01 PM
Like you said do the show for yourself, so there is no reason to feel nervous.  Try and have fun with it and see how you like it.  I look at BB comps as a way to challenge yourself, yes it sucks to not place or have a poor showing but that is fuel to improve.  There will always be someone better out there, but if you it do it just for a placing people are setting themselves up for dissapiontment.  Hell you never know, you could win the whole thing, who knows?

A guy I know who did the NPC Nationals talked with me before the one I did recently and I was voicing my concerns to him.  And then he looked at me and asked "did you do your homework?"  I said "yes" and he said "then your ready."  It was calming because I knew in my heart I did the best I could at the time, no playing around.

Good luck in your training and prep and we will see you there.

Thanks bro. . . . Now lets get together and TRAIN
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Luv2Hurt on May 17, 2007, 07:57:27 PM
Thanks bro. . . . Now lets get together and TRAIN

That would be nice, we should.  What the hell Rim and AJ did it, which sounded cool.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: udeluz on May 18, 2007, 07:39:12 PM
Ya we could all get together and wear our "Getbig" T-shirts. . . . . . .

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Luv2Hurt on May 18, 2007, 08:01:10 PM
Ya we could all get together and wear our "Getbig" T-shirts. . . . . . .

Hey where do I get one of those?  ;D
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Arnold jr on May 18, 2007, 08:17:55 PM
Ya we could all get together and wear our "Getbig" T-shirts. . . . . . .

Speaking of T-shirts. A few years ago I was at the Arnold and I came across a shirt that said "Got Juice?" Obviously, I had to have this shirt, but when I bought it I thought to myself, this is one shirt that I'll never wear to the gym or in public. Well, I had it for over a year and never wore the thing, until one day I just thought, "why the hell not?" I wore it to the gym and you would not believe some of the looks I got. Some people, it cracked them up, but several seemed really irritated and offended by it...offended? It's not like it said "fuck you" on the front. Anyway, I rather enjoyed wearing the shirt, and from that moment on I would pull it out from time to time just for my own entertainment.

Then, one day wearing the shirt, some man went to the front desk at the gym and told the counter girl, "there's some guy in there wearing a steroid shirt...I think he's giving off a bad message to all the kids in here and I don't appreciate it...I don't think people like that should be allowed in here."

The girl at the counter, who is a good friend of mine told me what the man said...she thought it was kind of funny. She didn't tell me not to wear the shirt, but just thought I should know what the guy said...she wouldn't tell me who said it though...even if she had, ti's not like I'd of punched the guy or anything...I'm not that psycho. Even so, it did piss me off, I told the girl, "you know what, I'm going to wear that shirt every day from here on out, every single time I'm at the gym." Well, after thinking about it, I decided this was the wrong thing to do...why be an ass just to be one?

In the end, it's been a long time since I wore the shirt...actually, it doesn't fit too well anymore, ha ha. But, I may pull that one out one more time this summer...just to see what kind of reaction it gets this time. ;D

Oh, and one more thing. On that same day, this girl at the gym asked me, and I shit you not, "juice? you mean like apple juice?" My jaw hit the floor and I did laugh...almost uncontrollably. I said "sure, if that's what you want."
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: udeluz on May 18, 2007, 10:34:10 PM
Speaking of T-shirts. A few years ago I was at the Arnold and I came across a shirt that said "Got Juice?" Obviously, I had to have this shirt, but when I bought it I thought to myself, this is one shirt that I'll never wear to the gym or in public. Well, I had it for over a year and never wore the thing, until one day I just thought, "why the hell not?" I wore it to the gym and you would not believe some of the looks I got. Some people, it cracked them up, but several seemed really irritated and offended by it...offended? It's not like it said "fuck you" on the front. Anyway, I rather enjoyed wearing the shirt, and from that moment on I would pull it out from time to time just for my own entertainment.

Then, one day wearing the shirt, some man went to the front desk at the gym and told the counter girl, "there's some guy in there wearing a steroid shirt...I think he's giving off a bad message to all the kids in here and I don't appreciate it...I don't think people like that should be allowed in here."

The girl at the counter, who is a good friend of mine told me what the man said...she thought it was kind of funny. She didn't tell me not to wear the shirt, but just thought I should know what the guy said...she wouldn't tell me who said it though...even if she had, ti's not like I'd of punched the guy or anything...I'm not that psycho. Even so, it did piss me off, I told the girl, "you know what, I'm going to wear that shirt every day from here on out, every single time I'm at the gym." Well, after thinking about it, I decided this was the wrong thing to do...why be an ass just to be one?

In the end, it's been a long time since I wore the shirt...actually, it doesn't fit too well anymore, ha ha. But, I may pull that one out one more time this summer...just to see what kind of reaction it gets this time. ;D

Oh, and one more thing. On that same day, this girl at the gym asked me, and I shit you not, "juice? you mean like apple juice?" My jaw hit the floor and I did laugh...almost uncontrollably. I said "sure, if that's what you want."
LOL Great story. . . BTW was the chick a blonde?
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Luv2Hurt on May 19, 2007, 05:23:40 AM
Speaking of T-shirts. A few years ago I was at the Arnold and I came across a shirt that said "Got Juice?" Obviously, I had to have this shirt, but when I bought it I thought to myself, this is one shirt that I'll never wear to the gym or in public. Well, I had it for over a year and never wore the thing, until one day I just thought, "why the hell not?" I wore it to the gym and you would not believe some of the looks I got. Some people, it cracked them up, but several seemed really irritated and offended by it...offended? It's not like it said "fuck you" on the front. Anyway, I rather enjoyed wearing the shirt, and from that moment on I would pull it out from time to time just for my own entertainment.

Then, one day wearing the shirt, some man went to the front desk at the gym and told the counter girl, "there's some guy in there wearing a steroid shirt...I think he's giving off a bad message to all the kids in here and I don't appreciate it...I don't think people like that should be allowed in here."

The girl at the counter, who is a good friend of mine told me what the man said...she thought it was kind of funny. She didn't tell me not to wear the shirt, but just thought I should know what the guy said...she wouldn't tell me who said it though...even if she had, ti's not like I'd of punched the guy or anything...I'm not that psycho. Even so, it did piss me off, I told the girl, "you know what, I'm going to wear that shirt every day from here on out, every single time I'm at the gym." Well, after thinking about it, I decided this was the wrong thing to do...why be an ass just to be one?

In the end, it's been a long time since I wore the shirt...actually, it doesn't fit too well anymore, ha ha. But, I may pull that one out one more time this summer...just to see what kind of reaction it gets this time. ;D

Oh, and one more thing. On that same day, this girl at the gym asked me, and I shit you not, "juice? you mean like apple juice?" My jaw hit the floor and I did laugh...almost uncontrollably. I said "sure, if that's what you want."

Yeah thats an awsome story.  Unreal how freaked out people can get and their insecurites never cease to amaze me.  Like a shirt like that is gonna turn their little Johnny into a juicer, just like that.  And the guy is trying to tell people what that can wear and say.  There should be an age limit at gyms anyhow I think 18 at least.  Hate those places that let little kiddies run around.  Sorry I just cant stand it.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: udeluz on May 19, 2007, 06:03:20 AM
Yeah thats an awsome story.  Unreal how freaked out people can get and their insecurites never cease to amaze me.  Like a shirt like that is gonna turn their little Johnny into a juicer, just like that.  And the guy is trying to tell people what that can wear and say.  There should be an age limit at gyms anyhow I think 18 at least.  Hate those places that let little kiddies run around.  Sorry I just cant stand it.

I am with you Luv, Don't get me wrong I love kids, but at lifetime anyone over 12 can be upstairs, and it sucks.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Luv2Hurt on May 19, 2007, 07:03:09 AM
I am with you Luv, Don't get me wrong I love kids, but at lifetime anyone over 12 can be upstairs, and it sucks.

Yeah UDE I hear ya, they let kids in 16 YO with a parent in the gym I train at  ::).  I like kids too but not at the gym.

Alright lets get this thread back on track.

Me this morning, staying pretty tight 7 weeks post contest.  Stats, tell the story best ;D

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: leonp1981 on May 19, 2007, 05:57:41 PM
From what I can see of them, the legs are looking awesome.  The pose is a bit funny though, its tough to guage the rest of your physique.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Luv2Hurt on May 20, 2007, 05:47:07 AM
From what I can see of them, the legs are looking awesome.  The pose is a bit funny though, its tough to guage the rest of your physique.

Well Thanks, It was just meant as a fun pic goofing around, nothing serious.  :)
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Rimbaud on May 20, 2007, 07:10:37 AM
I am with you Luv, Don't get me wrong I love kids, but at lifetime anyone over 12 can be upstairs, and it sucks.

You go to Lifetime as well? So do I, it's the closet gym to me although it's a little pricy.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: udeluz on May 20, 2007, 07:22:07 AM
You go to Lifetime as well? So do I, it's the closet gym to me although it's a little pricy.
Yep $1620.00 a year
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Overload on May 20, 2007, 11:02:05 AM
Yep $1620.00 a year


there is one a few miles from me but i've never bothered to check it out. i figured they wouldn't allow chalk and deadlifts.

i pay $29 a month at LA fitness and i can train however i want. but i've heard there is alot of eye candy at those LT fitness centers...

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Rimbaud on May 20, 2007, 11:29:20 AM
I think our membership is $1200 a year (you must have the upgrade membership). Overload is very correct though - there's a lot eye candy.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: udeluz on May 20, 2007, 11:52:00 AM
I think our membership is $1200 a year (you must have the upgrade membership). Overload is very correct though - there's a lot eye candy.

It the family w/ sports package.   
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Rimbaud on May 20, 2007, 04:18:03 PM
It the family w/ sports package.   

I see. We just have the basic package.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: busyB on May 22, 2007, 04:37:26 PM
Lifetime is expensive, for sure! I used to work at mine so they still have me as an employee  ;D 

UDELUZ, did you go to Arizona State? We are close to the same age and might have gone at the same time (mid 90's). I am still here in the Valley...

I deadlift all the time at LTF but never use chalk. They probably do not even know what gym chalk is!
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: udeluz on May 22, 2007, 06:24:15 PM
Yes I got my degree from ASU early 90's

I love it there, If the wife would go I would move down there in a second.

I have friends in Gilbert, Scottsdale, Mesa, and Chandler

I have been down the salt river a million times. . What a blast!

Where in the Valley are you?
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: busyB on May 23, 2007, 01:23:17 PM
Ahhh. we missed each other, got my degree in '97.

I am still here and love it, would never leave. I am in Ahwatukee and go to Lifetime and Golds here.

You wouldn't want to go down Salt River now, it is FILTHY!

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Luv2Hurt on June 06, 2007, 05:50:02 PM
"And of course you can't become if you only say what you would have I missed a million miles of fun."
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: leonp1981 on June 07, 2007, 04:08:19 PM
"And of course you can't become if you only say what you would have I missed a million miles of fun."

Len - "Steal My Sunshine"
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Luv2Hurt on June 07, 2007, 05:36:13 PM
Len - "Steal My Sunshine"

Very good, was listening to that song and those words jumped out at me.  Seemed very inspirational to me  :)
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: leonp1981 on June 07, 2007, 05:47:08 PM
Very good, was listening to that song and those words jumped out at me.  Seemed very inspirational to me  :)

I'm surprised I remembered it, I don't think I've heard that song in about 5 years!!!  I've just pulled it up on YouTube, it's still quite a catchy tune.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: AMNIMAL on June 11, 2007, 12:25:22 AM
Better late than NEVER!

Here's my story, I'm a bicentennial baby so I too grew up watching Rocky and Arnold movies. When they would come on (especially Rocky) I would do push ups and sit ups till my tiny body could do no more. In high school I played football, wrestled, and threw shot-put all four years. Like a majority of others that have posted I made mediocre gains due to lack of knowledge, diet, etc. Graduated in 95 @ 150 lbs and continued to find a gym wherever I went! Back then it was more about wanting to impress people ie girls, more than myself I think. Through the years I managed to do one thing that I think many intrested in lifting often overlook. CONSISTANCY!!! I slowly but steadily made gains and when I was 25 ran across some guys in the gym that all competed. They asked if I did and at that point in time I never had or even thought about it really. I read the magazines and knew the body builders names etc but never pictured myself on stage. I started training with them picking up little bits of info  here and there and was introduced to Arnold's New Encyclopedia of Modern Day BBing and became addicted! After about six months of lifting with them and getting some much needed pointers on diet/training they talked me into doing my first show in the Novice class. Somehow I won that class and that fueled my desire to compete again...SOON!!! I did another show later that year and won the Lt. Heavy Wt. class and took second overall which surprised myself along with my friends. I continued to compete doing an average of 2 shows a year with pretty good results always placing in the top 3. Fast forward to last Spring...I won the Southern USA @ 207 lbs which was a HUGE stepping stone for me. It qualified me for Nationals this year which I am currently preparing for in Nov. Right now I am 240lbs at about 15% bf. I have seen the quality of muscle that show up at National Level shows and hope to crack the top ten. In the next three years I hope to earn a Pro Card and at this point in time I think it is a realistic goal. Especially if Pro BBing steers away from Super FREAKS like Big Ron.  ;D For an idea of what shape I competed in last year check out pics a fellow Getbig'er friend posted. They are under General topics-Members pics & more posted by The BEAST ;D
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Arnold jr on June 11, 2007, 05:24:32 PM
Better late than NEVER!

Here's my story, I'm a bicentennial baby so I too grew up watching Rocky and Arnold movies. When they would come on (especially Rocky) I would do push ups and sit ups till my tiny body could do no more. In high school I played football, wrestled, and threw shot-put all four years. Like a majority of others that have posted I made mediocre gains due to lack of knowledge, diet, etc. Graduated in 95 @ 150 lbs and continued to find a gym wherever I went! Back then it was more about wanting to impress people ie girls, more than myself I think. Through the years I managed to do one thing that I think many intrested in lifting often overlook. CONSISTANCY!!! I slowly but steadily made gains and when I was 25 ran across some guys in the gym that all competed. They asked if I did and at that point in time I never had or even thought about it really. I read the magazines and knew the body builders names etc but never pictured myself on stage. I started training with them picking up little bits of info  here and there and was introduced to Arnold's New Encyclopedia of Modern Day BBing and became addicted! After about six months of lifting with them and getting some much needed pointers on diet/training they talked me into doing my first show in the Novice class. Somehow I won that class and that fueled my desire to compete again...SOON!!! I did another show later that year and won the Lt. Heavy Wt. class and took second overall which surprised myself along with my friends. I continued to compete doing an average of 2 shows a year with pretty good results always placing in the top 3. Fast forward to last Spring...I won the Southern USA @ 207 lbs which was a HUGE stepping stone for me. It qualified me for Nationals this year which I am currently preparing for in Nov. Right now I am 240lbs at about 15% bf. I have seen the quality of muscle that show up at National Level shows and hope to crack the top ten. In the next three years I hope to earn a Pro Card and at this point in time I think it is a realistic goal. Especially if Pro BBing steers away from Super FREAKS like Big Ron.  ;D For an idea of what shape I competed in last year check out pics a fellow Getbig'er friend posted. They are under General topics-Members pics & more posted by The BEAST ;D
Question, why go straight to Nationals before doing something like Jr. USA's or Jr. Nationals? Just curious.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: AMNIMAL on June 13, 2007, 06:14:50 AM
Question, why go straight to Nationals before doing something like Jr. USA's or Jr. Nationals? Just curious.

I dunno, I guess in a way i feel like the Jr. USA is a unnecessary detour to getting a Pro Card. I know it's all about timing and who looks the biggest and best come the day of the show. I would just rather spend my time and energy doing something that will lead to something bigger in this case and get straight to the point if that makes any sense?
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: trab on June 13, 2007, 09:17:26 AM
Even if you got the stuff, and can bring it in on schedule (thats the whole game in a nutshell)
practice makes perfect. The best Pros in the Biz mess it up all the time. It's one thing to build the symmetrical beef; Peaking YOUR condit to the day & hour is a artform.
Not being critical, just tip the odds in your favor.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Arnold jr on June 13, 2007, 10:40:06 AM
I dunno, I guess in a way i feel like the Jr. USA is a unnecessary detour to getting a Pro Card. I know it's all about timing and who looks the biggest and best come the day of the show. I would just rather spend my time and energy doing something that will lead to something bigger in this case and get straight to the point if that makes any sense?
That may work out fine for you, but remember, as much as anything else, competitive BB is about politics and getting your face out there. That's why most guys do Jr shows first, this way, they establish a name and a face before stepping on the bigger stage. I don't care how good you look, but if you're on stage against a guy who's not quite as good as you, but the judges already know him from one of the JR shows...I guarantee he wins.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Overload on June 13, 2007, 12:03:17 PM
That may work out fine for you, but remember, as much as anything else, competitive BB is about politics and getting your face out there. That's why most guys do Jr shows first, this way, they establish a name and a face before stepping on the bigger stage. I don't care how good you look, but if you're on stage against a guy who's not quite as good as you, but the judges already know him from one of the JR shows...I guarantee he wins.

Very true...Seen it happen a few times.

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: benchmstr on June 13, 2007, 12:45:33 PM
Yep $1620.00 a year

thats crazy,my membership is $165.00 a year :o

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: trab on June 13, 2007, 12:50:57 PM
$1600 BUYS  a hell a lot equipment!
Store'n its the prob for most guys though.
I like the hole in the wall gyms I've run into across the planet best.
Most fun & real.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: benchmstr on June 13, 2007, 01:26:53 PM
$1600 BUYS  a hell a lot equipment!
Store'n its the prob for most guys though.
I like the hole in the wall gyms I've run into across the planet best.
Most fun & real.
my gym is much like metroflex about 15,000 square feet,dumbells go up to 200,and have every hammerstrength machine known to man.There are very few women who go their but it doesnt matter,because no one play around.and its open 24 hours because the owner lives there ;D

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: trab on June 13, 2007, 01:39:10 PM
my gym is much like metroflex about 15,000 square feet,dumbells go up to 200,and have every hammerstrength machine known to man.There are very few women who go their but it doesnt matter,because no one play around.and its open 24 hours because the owner lives there ;D

Sounds cool, atmosphere makes for a lot. I'd rather do w/ out some shiny equip and have a FEEL to a gym.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: benchmstr on June 13, 2007, 02:03:10 PM
Sounds cool, atmosphere makes for a lot. I'd rather do w/ out some shiny equip and have a FEEL to a gym.
i broke a mirror there before on accident,and when i told the owner he said "so,mirrors are for girls anyway.just be sure to take the rest of it down before you leave"

the guy is cool as shit,and people know needless to say it is a meathead haven ;D

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Overload on June 13, 2007, 03:04:15 PM
Sounds cool, atmosphere makes for a lot. I'd rather do w/ out some shiny equip and have a FEEL to a gym.

It really does.

when i first started lifting seriously there was an old school powerlifting gym right down the street from my house. that is where i learned alot about powerlifting from some older men who had been doing it 20+ years, many had state records. i trained there for almost 4 years before the owner went bankrupt and sold the gym.

i had the most intense workouts at that gym. they had a deadlift platform and a rubber coated circle to practice olympic lifts with all the rubber coated bumper plates. you could yell and get fired up before a lift and nobody even paid any attention. they played old metallica and rock and roll all day. they even had a vertical leg press and chain driven nautilus machines from the 70's and 80's.

i'd say it was similar to metroflex but not quite that hardcore. 50% of the members were juicers and everyone was cool about it. they only had 3 treadmills and 3 bikes, everything else was for weight lifting. plate loaded reverse hyper machine, i've never seen one to this day and they had 2 of them.

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Rimbaud on June 13, 2007, 03:15:08 PM
my gym is much like metroflex about 15,000 square feet,dumbells go up to 200,and have every hammerstrength machine known to man.There are very few women who go their but it doesnt matter,because no one play around.and its open 24 hours because the owner lives there ;D


Where is it located?
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: benchmstr on June 13, 2007, 04:04:23 PM
Where is it located?
texas, about 60 miles south of houston


Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Luv2Hurt on June 13, 2007, 05:59:10 PM
It really does.

when i first started lifting seriously there was an old school powerlifting gym right down the street from my house. that is where i learned alot about powerlifting from some older men who had been doing it 20+ years, many had state records. i trained there for almost 4 years before the owner went bankrupt and sold the gym.

i had the most intense workouts at that gym. they had a deadlift platform and a rubber coated circle to practice olympic lifts with all the rubber coated bumper plates. you could yell and get fired up before a lift and nobody even paid any attention. they played old metallica and rock and roll all day. they even had a vertical leg press and chain driven nautilus machines from the 70's and 80's.

i'd say it was similar to metroflex but not quite that hardcore. 50% of the members were juicers and everyone was cool about it. they only had 3 treadmills and 3 bikes, everything else was for weight lifting. plate loaded reverse hyper machine, i've never seen one to this day and they had 2 of them.


Man that old Nautulis leg extension with the chain was a good machine.  So was the leg curl, triceps extension and preacher curl.  But that leg ext was awsome.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: benchmstr on June 13, 2007, 06:04:58 PM
Man that old Nautulis leg extension with the chain was a good machine.  So was the leg curl, triceps extension and preacher curl.  But that leg ext was awsome.
we have both the leg machines your talking about

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Rimbaud on June 13, 2007, 06:30:38 PM
texas, about 60 miles south of houston


Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: benchmstr on June 13, 2007, 09:00:29 PM
maybe one day you will see the light and move here ;)

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Luv2Hurt on June 14, 2007, 03:28:06 AM
we have both the leg machines your talking about


Yeah when I first started training in 1986, it was at a local Ballys. They had most of the old Nautilus equipment.  I remember the pull over machine was pretty good too.  Actually wish they still had those today.  I know they can be bought refurbished today still.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Overload on June 14, 2007, 05:53:35 AM
texas, about 60 miles south of houston



I live near Sealy.

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Rimbaud on June 14, 2007, 01:21:47 PM
maybe one day you will see the light and move here ;)


I want to move but I don't think I could sell my house right now. Besides I'd like to get a Master's degree & then move down south - my timeline is four years.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: trab on June 14, 2007, 01:39:20 PM
The real estate market is shot in the ass, practicly have to give away a house now.
Nothings selling up here.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Rimbaud on June 14, 2007, 01:46:25 PM
The real estate market is shot in the ass, practicly have to give away a house now.
Nothings selling up here.

What state do you live in?
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: benchmstr on June 14, 2007, 06:04:06 PM

I live near Sealy.

it is actually in brazoria county,what town do you live in

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: benchmstr on June 14, 2007, 06:04:47 PM
Yeah when I first started training in 1986, it was at a local Ballys. They had most of the old Nautilus equipment.  I remember the pull over machine was pretty good too.  Actually wish they still had those today.  I know they can be bought refurbished today still.
we have a pullover machine too.

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: benchmstr on June 14, 2007, 06:06:38 PM
I want to move but I don't think I could sell my house right now. Besides I'd like to get a Master's degree & then move down south - my timeline is four years.
i am 22 and own several houses here in texas,so if i can you can ;D

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Rimbaud on June 14, 2007, 06:11:36 PM
i am 22 and own several houses here in texas,so if i can you can ;D


I'd have to convince my wife to move there as well.  ;D
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: trab on June 14, 2007, 06:12:35 PM
What state do you live in?

Wi just outside MadCity. I know developers, builders, Realtors, it's bad.
Lots of stuff real stale on the market.  Everyone thinks they  can still get those peak of the bubble prices.
They Wrong! I cashed in outstanding just before the peak on one property, and got  nicer, but I'd be hard pressed to break even on the new one. Even Luxury lakefront properties are sacrificing price and hard to sell.
Buyers market.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Rimbaud on June 14, 2007, 06:13:42 PM
Buyers market.

True. If only I had a couple million I could just sit on right now. Damn.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: trab on June 14, 2007, 06:21:21 PM
True. If only I had a couple million I could just sit on right now. Damn.

Yup, I hear they cant give away a lot of nice properties in the Fla Keys.
Many people got in too deep W/ property speculation, and theres also a collection of global economic forces allied against any quick change. Lowering int rates would further bleed the US dollar, and it allready sits on feeble support at a near alltime low. Bad implications there.
If we was just BORN RICH ;).
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Rimbaud on June 14, 2007, 06:23:10 PM
If we was just BORN RICH ;).

...if not that then how about at least winning the lottery?
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: trab on June 14, 2007, 06:27:15 PM
...if not that then how about at least winning the lottery?

YOu sound better off in Vegas.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: benchmstr on June 14, 2007, 06:30:44 PM
I'd have to convince my wife to move there as well.  ;D
just tell her i said it is alright,she will understand ;D

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Rimbaud on June 14, 2007, 06:40:24 PM
just tell her i said it is alright,she will understand ;D


Will do. If that works I'm telling her you said I can get a puppy.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: benchmstr on June 14, 2007, 07:54:46 PM
Will do. If that works I'm telling her you said I can get a puppy.
agreed,only if you tell my ex-girlfriend to stop stalking me ;D

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Rimbaud on June 14, 2007, 08:23:05 PM
agreed,only if you tell my ex-girlfriend to stop stalking me ;D


Consider it done.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: benchmstr on June 14, 2007, 08:26:39 PM
Consider it done.
and thats why your my bro 8)

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: busyB on June 14, 2007, 09:15:40 PM
YOu sound better off in Vegas.

Better hope you hit is big in Vegas, real estate sucks down here in the Southwest as well...buyers market everywhere!

And, y'all can have Texas, I will take my dry broiler over heat over your humidity anyday!
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: benchmstr on June 14, 2007, 10:00:49 PM
Better hope you hit is big in Vegas, real estate sucks down here in the Southwest as well...buyers market everywhere!

And, y'all can have Texas, I will take my dry broiler over heat over your humidity anyday!
humidity depends on where you live in texas,i happen to live in the most humid place in texas being brazoria county.I dont even notice it because i was raised in it.

but places like austin or san marcos(i have a house there)has ver little humidity,and thats where most people want to live anyway.

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Luv2Hurt on June 15, 2007, 03:55:52 AM
Hot and Humid??  Try Homestead Fla, I was stationed there for 3 years.  Just comming up north felt like someone turned on the AC outside compared to there.

"And did they get you to trade
Your heros for ghosts?
Hot ashes for trees?
Hot air for a cool breeze?
Cold comfort for change?
And did you exchange
A walk on part in the war
For a lead role in a cage?"
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: trab on June 15, 2007, 05:08:41 AM
Hit Chaing Mai for the Thai New year, Song Kran. A 3 day nation wide water-fight/ wet T-Shirt smorgasborg :o :P ;).
Mid April, file a tax extension and say F' it! It's the tail end of the hot season before the rainy hits.
THe heat and Humidity is like hydrolic pressure. Stone Buildings radiate heat till 10pm.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Overload on June 15, 2007, 06:04:40 AM
it is actually in brazoria county,what town do you live in

bench's between Brookshire and Sealy. Population around 300.

i have 40 acres and a house on the land.

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: busyB on June 15, 2007, 06:15:22 AM

"And did they get you to trade
Your heros for ghosts?
Hot ashes for trees?
Hot air for a cool breeze?
Cold comfort for change?
And did you exchange
A walk on part in the war
For a lead role in a cage?"

Pink name escapes me but know the lyrics anywhere!
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: busyB on June 15, 2007, 06:16:58 AM
And at least we have not hit 110 degrees yet! OUCH!!  8)
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Overload on June 15, 2007, 06:19:26 AM
And at least we have not hit 110 degrees yet! OUCH!!  8)

The "feels like" temp was 120 on tuesday...

i've lived here my entire life and it still kills me every summer.

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Luv2Hurt on June 15, 2007, 08:13:48 AM
Pink name escapes me but know the lyrics anywhere!

yep it was from the song "Wish you were here" From the "album" of the same name.

always reminded me of south Fla and the USAF
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Rimbaud on June 15, 2007, 08:23:21 AM
yep it was from the song "Wish you were here" From the "album" of the same name.

Yup. My favorite Pink Floyd album.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: busyB on June 15, 2007, 11:23:21 AM
yep it was from the song "Wish you were here" From the "album" of the same name.

always reminded me of south Fla and the USAF

Yeah, reminds me of smokin dope at the river with a 12 pack of Milwakee's Best! when I was a teen.... ahhhh, those were the days...
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: busyB on June 15, 2007, 11:24:23 AM
I jinxed myself.

7 am this morning was already at 87 degrees.....but, hey it is a dry heat!  :-[
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: benchmstr on June 15, 2007, 11:36:40 AM's between Brookshire and Sealy. Population around 300.

i have 40 acres and a house on the land.

i know were that is,that is a good amount of land.I am about to sell several of my houses and get me about that many acres to live on.

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: trab on June 15, 2007, 04:35:08 PM's between Brookshire and Sealy. Population around 300.

i have 40 acres and a house on the land.


That Begs for a nice rifle range if not allready.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: benchmstr on June 15, 2007, 09:18:45 PM
That Begs for a nice rifle range if not allready.
it's called the front porch,i have a house on 8 acres and i do that ;D
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: trab on June 16, 2007, 06:16:31 AM
it's called the front porch,i have a house on 8 acres and i do that ;D

Those days are gone up here by me and I miss them. Damn luxury home developments grew right to my property. Oh, well $$ ;).
Shooting ranges are too sterile, nothing like a wide open place to see dust kick up way out there, or hear the smack of a fmj on a big old rock @ 300 yds. 
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Overload on June 16, 2007, 09:33:54 AM
That Begs for a nice rifle range if not allready.

I shoot white tail deer and coyotes off my front porch! my house is dead center in the middle of the land and it's a rectangle tract. all i hear is the wild all day. no cars or kids.

Land around here is going up fast, lucky for me i inherited the land. it's about 5000 an acre now for undeveloped land on the cheap side. 10 years ago it was 1200 an acre.

the nearest town is about 10 miles away and it's not a big town at that.

i only stay there on the weekends. i have an apartment 5 minutes from work. my land is over an hour away from work and the commute sucks, i did it for about 3 years.

i shot this buck on my was eating breakfast and looked out towards my pond and this bastard was laying down under a tree. took him down with my .270 from my kitchen window!  ;D


Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: trab on June 16, 2007, 12:27:32 PM
Nice one, they grow bigger in Texas. The corn and alfalfa, soy  fed ones here in Wi are good eats.
Tenderloins, Hind 1/4 on the grill, wrapped in bacon, garlic stuffed...Couple ICE Cold Henikins on a day like today ;D.

I cant touch off anything louder than air rifle around here anymore, need go to the range- sucks!

Hell, neighboring liberals even bitch about ranges.

My surveyor buddy said the developers still are paying $50K per acre   for 40 acre spreads on the edge of towns up here. But hardly a damn house sells. 
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: benchmstr on June 16, 2007, 12:52:08 PM
I shoot white tail deer and coyotes off my front porch! my house is dead center in the middle of the land and it's a rectangle tract. all i hear is the wild all day. no cars or kids.

Land around here is going up fast, lucky for me i inherited the land. it's about 5000 an acre now for undeveloped land on the cheap side. 10 years ago it was 1200 an acre.

the nearest town is about 10 miles away and it's not a big town at that.

i only stay there on the weekends. i have an apartment 5 minutes from work. my land is over an hour away from work and the commute sucks, i did it for about 3 years.

i shot this buck on my was eating breakfast and looked out towards my pond and this bastard was laying down under a tree. took him down with my .270 from my kitchen window!  ;D


hahaha i did something like that going to work yesterday.I pulled out of my garage and there was a big ass armadillo going thrue my trash,so i pulled out my duty weapon and shot him from my car(i live in the middle of nowhere).here is the kicker,i told my friend about it and he had me put it in a bag and freeze it so he could eat it because he just got a recipe for fried armadillo.needless to say i will probably try it. ;D

i also killed a few alligators living in my pond in the backyard.I normally wouldnt do that but i was there first and they ate my buddies(yes the same friend that had me keep the armadillo) dog.

and i am about to tackle my hog problem.


Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Luv2Hurt on June 16, 2007, 06:56:12 PM
I shoot white tail deer and coyotes off my front porch! my house is dead center in the middle of the land and it's a rectangle tract. all i hear is the wild all day. no cars or kids.

Land around here is going up fast, lucky for me i inherited the land. it's about 5000 an acre now for undeveloped land on the cheap side. 10 years ago it was 1200 an acre.

the nearest town is about 10 miles away and it's not a big town at that.

i only stay there on the weekends. i have an apartment 5 minutes from work. my land is over an hour away from work and the commute sucks, i did it for about 3 years.

i shot this buck on my was eating breakfast and looked out towards my pond and this bastard was laying down under a tree. took him down with my .270 from my kitchen window!  ;D



Why would you shoot a coyote?  For what reason?  A deer is lying under a tree relaxing and you kill it?? while it's on the ground??  Man that had to make YOUR day. Did it make you laugh and feel powerful?

Suddenely there a few guys on here I think a lot less of.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: trab on June 16, 2007, 07:26:49 PM
Luv, you eat beef, they kill them too, and chop them up before they get put in the plastic wrapped Styrofoam pack.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: benchmstr on June 16, 2007, 10:35:08 PM
Luv, you eat beef, they kill them too, and chop them up before they get put in the plastic wrapped Styrofoam pack.
i agree,i think allot of these guys who have never left the city need a reality check.for instance the beef and chickens they eat do not die of natural causes,there are no unicorns,and there is no such thing as the tooth fairy.

i eat almost everything i kill,even the alligators i shot in my pond.if nothing is going to waste then whats the is no worse than going to a restaurant.

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: trab on June 17, 2007, 03:56:50 AM
i agree,i think allot of these guys who have never left the city need a reality check.for instance the beef and chickens they eat do not die of natural causes,there are no unicorns,and there is no such thing as the tooth fairy.

i eat almost everything i kill,even the alligators i shot in my pond.if nothing is going to waste then whats the is no worse than going to a restaurant.


I was shocked when I heard someone was gona eat the 'Dillo... They's ugly!
The only thing I feel, think when Im setin up a shot is -  Hitin' the target square where I want, where it's moving,wind, etc it's all just mechanical. I'm happy w/ a good shot, it don' make me feel "powerfull", shit my sister could pop a oil can w/ my .357 when she was 12yrs old,  and that aint powerfull, thats good shootin ;).
   But she turned into a liberal vegatarian now, works as a librarian ::)  Maybee she seen 1 too many deer processed in the kitchen.  Some counties up here we have way too many whiteTails. They wreck cars, destroy crops, and get diseased. They are 100-200lb rats IMO in about 7 counties.  I dont hunt anymore, it's too much trouble, time  and expense. I buy my dead cow at Piggley and grill it.  But wild backcountry Texas sounds like my kind of place. Even The heat up here in Wis is kick'n my ass the last week, Texas heat got to get brutal. I suppose it aint any worse than SE Asia, that heat is solid.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: benchmstr on June 17, 2007, 12:37:54 PM
I was shocked when I heard someone was gona eat the 'Dillo... They's ugly!
The only thing I feel, think when Im setin up a shot is -  Hitin' the target square where I want, where it's moving,wind, etc it's all just mechanical. I'm happy w/ a good shot, it don' make me feel "powerfull", shit my sister could pop a oil can w/ my .357 when she was 12yrs old,  and that aint powerfull, thats good shootin ;).
   But she turned into a liberal vegatarian now, works as a librarian ::)  Maybee she seen 1 too many deer processed in the kitchen.  Some counties up here we have way too many whiteTails. They wreck cars, destroy crops, and get diseased. They are 100-200lb rats IMO in about 7 counties.  I dont hunt anymore, it's too much trouble, time  and expense. I buy my dead cow at Piggley and grill it.  But wild backcountry Texas sounds like my kind of place. Even The heat up here in Wis is kick'n my ass the last week, Texas heat got to get brutal. I suppose it aint any worse than SE Asia, that heat is solid.
yeah i have never had a bad shot either,the armadillo was actually very good much like alligator.i do not feel powerful when i shoot something i dont feel and my sister were both on the US national team(olympic shooting)since age 15 and i have been winning shoots since i was 10,shooting is just something i was born to do.I am not cocky about many thing,but if you put a gun in my hand and give me a target lights out I can make it rain ;D

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Overload on June 18, 2007, 10:48:18 AM
Why would you shoot a coyote?  For what reason?  A deer is lying under a tree relaxing and you kill it?? while it's on the ground??  Man that had to make YOUR day. Did it make you laugh and feel powerful?

Suddenely there a few guys on here I think a lot less of.

You're a citified boy ain't ya? do you eat meat? then you kill helpless "caged" animals every day without skinning them by hand. you pay money to do what i do with my own two hands. i find it funny you think less of me because of your own ignorance about life on a FARM.

coyotes kill livestock...the landowners next to me have plenty of cows, horses and goats that need protection and these people are like family to me. this is nothing new, we've been killing coyotes for 100's of years out here. consider the fact that they kill 20% of your annual income, would you shoot them? i think so...just imagine you had a purebred $30k roping horse MANGLED by a pack of coyotes, you would protect your investments right?

i eat the deer meat(which is very lean and good for you) and white tail are considered "pests" in this part of the state we are "required" to regulate their numbers. remember i live in TEXAS. it's either the deer, or our livestock...easy solution if you ask me.

i would have tried to kill the buck with my hands but i don't think i could run that

i have no problem with you but please don't get up on a soap box over the way we do things in the country. i could tell you several things you wouldn't like but that's how we HAVE to do things down here to keep our land and livestock. i've killed over 100 deer in my life easily and probably the same amount of coyotes. remember i grew up on a farm bro, we do things differently to SURVIVE and make money.

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Overload on June 18, 2007, 10:54:35 AM
yeah i have never had a bad shot either,the armadillo was actually very good much like alligator.i do not feel powerful when i shoot something i dont feel and my sister were both on the US national team(olympic shooting)since age 15 and i have been winning shoots since i was 10,shooting is just something i was born to do.I am not cocky about many thing,but if you put a gun in my hand and give me a target lights out I can make it rain ;D


i killed my first deer at 6 years old with a .22!!! then i had to wear the blood as face paint the rest of the day...indian influence.

if you need help with your hog problem i'm only an hour or two away and i have LOTS of guns!

Dillo tastes kinda funky but squirrel is good eating!

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: trab on June 18, 2007, 11:14:55 AM
i killed my first deer at 6 years old with a .22!!! then i had to wear the blood as face paint the rest of the day...indian influence.

if you need help with your hog problem i'm only an hour or two away and i have LOTS of guns!

Dillo tastes kinda funky but squirrel is good eating!


Squirle gravy is tops. We ate plenty of them and rabits, ducks, when I was a kid. But, Strangely there are way more deer now with heavy development. ::).
Running wild pigs w/ dogs sounds good; I'd make it fair for the pigs -   6" .44mag.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Overload on June 18, 2007, 11:31:35 AM
Squirle gravy is tops. We ate plenty of them and rabits, ducks, when I was a kid. But, Strangely there are way more deer now with heavy development. ::).
Running wild pigs w/ dogs sounds good; I'd make it fair for the pigs -   6" .44mag.

Deer are pests out here. if we don't kill them off they will eat all the food and our livestock will suffer. many people out here make all their income off livestock.

i could easily kill 5 deer a day if i wanted to, they are everywhere!

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: benchmstr on June 18, 2007, 01:00:12 PM
i killed my first deer at 6 years old with a .22!!! then i had to wear the blood as face paint the rest of the day...indian influence.

if you need help with your hog problem i'm only an hour or two away and i have LOTS of guns!

Dillo tastes kinda funky but squirrel is good eating!

yeah,i am not a big hunter but i really love to shoot.another forum member(rockedupmotha)and i go shooting almost every weekend i really dont compete in shotgun anymore,but i like to think i retired a champion.

about 3 months ago i got home from work and the hogs had rutted up my yard and broke my porch swing,so i have been hunting them lately.I dont want to kill them all,but if i need any help i will definitly give you a call ;)

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Rimbaud on June 18, 2007, 07:23:16 PM
yeah,i am not a big hunter but i really love to shoot.another forum member(rockedupmotha)and i go shooting almost every weekend i really dont compete in shotgun anymore,but i like to think i retired a champion.

about 3 months ago i got home from work and the hogs had rutted up my yard and broke my porch swing,so i have been hunting them lately.I dont want to kill them all,but if i need any help i will definitly give you a call ;)


A guy I work with got back from a hog hunt down there about three months ago.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Luv2Hurt on June 18, 2007, 08:15:17 PM
You're a citified boy ain't ya? do you eat meat? then you kill helpless "caged" animals every day without skinning them by hand. you pay money to do what i do with my own two hands. i find it funny you think less of me because of your own ignorance about life on a FARM.

coyotes kill livestock...the landowners next to me have plenty of cows, horses and goats that need protection and these people are like family to me. this is nothing new, we've been killing coyotes for 100's of years out here. consider the fact that they kill 20% of your annual income, would you shoot them? i think so...just imagine you had a purebred $30k roping horse MANGLED by a pack of coyotes, you would protect your investments right?

i eat the deer meat(which is very lean and good for you) and white tail are considered "pests" in this part of the state we are "required" to regulate their numbers. remember i live in TEXAS. it's either the deer, or our livestock...easy solution if you ask me.

i would have tried to kill the buck with my hands but i don't think i could run that

i have no problem with you but please don't get up on a soap box over the way we do things in the country. i could tell you several things you wouldn't like but that's how we HAVE to do things down here to keep our land and livestock. i've killed over 100 deer in my life easily and probably the same amount of coyotes. remember i grew up on a farm bro, we do things differently to SURVIVE and make money.


I will express my opinion when and how I want.  To bad it stuck a nerve and you had to start calling names, shows what kind of a person you really are.  Its not ignorance I have but enlightenment. 

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: benchmstr on June 19, 2007, 12:25:58 AM
I will express my opinion when and how I want.  To bad it stuck a nerve and you had to start calling names, shows what kind of a person you really are.  Its not ignorance I have but enlightenment.  

whatever you have to tell yourself bro  ;)

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Unknown8471 on June 19, 2007, 02:13:24 AM
apologies for the broken english, i am realy tiered.
 played football in high school dint have mutch in the way of talent. (prity mutch standered) i was a bit on the fat side. satrded lifting trying to look like arnald (lolz). relized i had the rong body type and gave up. started studing martial arts whitch is a beter fit for me. curently looking for a reson why i shuld try bodybuilding again, havent found it.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Overload on June 19, 2007, 06:11:23 AM
I will express my opinion when and how I want.  To bad it stuck a nerve and you had to start calling names, shows what kind of a person you really are.  Its not ignorance I have but enlightenment. 

You really have no idea what you are talking about. you grew up in the big city right? you do eat meat? are you a tree hugging hippie?

You shouldn't pass judgement on people who you don't know.

Feel free to express yourself but next time if you have a problem just PM me and i'll prove how much you don't know...again.

Enlightenment??? you watch too much Kung are IGNORANT.

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Luv2Hurt on June 19, 2007, 07:49:15 AM
You really have no idea what you are talking about. you grew up in the big city right? you do eat meat? are you a tree hugging hippie?

You shouldn't pass judgement on people who you don't know.

Feel free to express yourself but next time if you have a problem just PM me and i'll prove how much you don't know...again.

Enlightenment??? you watch too much Kung are IGNORANT.


LOL MELTDOWN!!   Are you wearing a cowboy hat as you type your angry reply?
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: trab on June 19, 2007, 08:48:40 AM
Lets not get angry w/ a bunch of guys that all like the same stuff.  Life on even the county woodlot dairy farms I grew up around is way different than  the wild Texas ranch country.

We all exist at the expense of other living creatures, we all part of the food chain whether we are aware anymore or not. I think it would be good if kids saw where/ how their food comes from.

Only a strict vegetarian living in a solar home etc deserves to start  be critical.

I consider Coyotes a unnecessary danger in my area, they kill dogs right off peeps porches and have been known to attack a kid now and them. I waste them given the op. They dont tend to show themself much and ones that do likely have something wrong.

I enjoy watching a couple red fox hunt out my windows, but if I had a chicken coup - I'd put a .223 in their ear asap.

I grew up fairly poor, my dad had us raise rabbits to eat. Killing your pet rabbits and eating them is not something I want for my daughter, but it's not good IMO for kids to grow up so clueless and soft these days.  A game bag full of squirrel, rabbit, duck, pheasant.. went a long way to helping save a little extra cash to take the kids to the movies or something like that when I was a kid.

Those old Farmers are a rare breed. I know exactly what Overload means when he told me his gramps would touch each steer before they took them to market. They care deeply for those animals, but
it's a living. It's all they got or ever knew. Those guys were tough beyond comprehension/ description.

Lets not get all pissed at each other over stuff the others dont understand. If you go wandering around this planet you'll see shit that will make the death of a animal become meaningless. Ive seen people live way worse than US animals.  People in living condits that will make your eyes water, and my wife walks by and says "save yourself, you cant save them all". Ok she's right. Americans have become very very soft. Out of touch w/ reality.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Arnold jr on June 19, 2007, 10:11:01 AM
apologies for the broken english, i am realy tiered.
 played football in high school dint have mutch in the way of talent. (prity mutch standered) i was a bit on the fat side. satrded lifting trying to look like arnald (lolz). relized i had the rong body type and gave up. started studing martial arts whitch is a beter fit for me. curently looking for a reson why i shuld try bodybuilding again, havent found it.
Wrong body type? No such thing. Maybe you will never look like Arnold, who will? But everyone can progress and obtain something, everyone...and I don't care what anyone has to say about that conversely, because it's bullshit IMO.

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Arnold jr on June 19, 2007, 10:15:12 AM
You guys sure are getting riled up over something that seems so trivial to me. Some like to hunt, some don't, big deal IMO. Now I can see and understand arguments from both sides, but both arguments have major flaws IMO. I also have my own opinion about all this, but as I've learned over the past year or so, no one could really give 2 shits about someone else's opinion.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: trab on June 19, 2007, 10:16:15 AM
Yeah, everyone can change their body to a degree, and even if ya dont pack on beef as well as some, you can allways work on strength. It comes in handy...
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Arnold jr on June 19, 2007, 10:18:59 AM
Yeah, everyone can change their body to a degree, and even if ya dont pack on beef as well as some, you can allways work on strength. It comes in handy...
True, but I'm a firm believer that anyone can "pack on the beef." Obviously some to a greater degree, but most could do it better then they do now...they just don't know it and give up too easily.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: trab on June 19, 2007, 10:33:13 AM
True, but I'm a firm believer that anyone can "pack on the beef." Obviously some to a greater degree, but most could do it better then they do now...they just don't know it and give up too easily.

It takes consistency w/ the eating, that's the prob for me, I just dont feel well shoving down that much food day after day. I get so I just bloat up and dont digest it well. But I  can go up 20lbs of good looking muscle fast if I want, at this point in life it's just extra load on 2 bad discs for me. If I knew what I now know about AAS when I was in my 20's-30's  I'd easily have put on some good size. I way overtrained in my younger days. These days, I'll make faster strength gains off 1 severe bench session every 5 to even 10 days. Full recovery is the ticket for me.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Overload on June 19, 2007, 11:42:14 AM
You guys sure are getting riled up over something that seems so trivial to me. Some like to hunt, some don't, big deal IMO. Now I can see and understand arguments from both sides, but both arguments have major flaws IMO. I also have my own opinion about all this, but as I've learned over the past year or so, no one could really give 2 shits about someone else's opinion.

I'm simply pointing out that Luv has no clue what he is talking about.

I'm done. i know how game management is done and what is "required" by the state of texas to keep things in balance. this ISN'T about hunting, it's about wildlife management and protecting your well being.

i just find it odd that a city boy would argue about something he knows nothing about.

too me, i take it personal because i was raised to respect nature and the land BUT at the same time you must control populations and protect investments. then someone takes a shot at me for doing what you must do to keep your land.

the guys in here who PMed me understand what it's like growing up in the country. 99% of you have no idea what it's like.

i apologize to everyone but Luv for taking up space on this board.

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Rimbaud on June 19, 2007, 12:25:53 PM
Settle down guys. It's all good we're all friends here.  ;D
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Overload on June 19, 2007, 12:35:53 PM
Settle down guys. It's all good we're all friends here.  ;D

I'm being friendly!

I want to meet my good friend and wish him luck on his show!... ;)

No hard feelings at all, i just want to meet this guy in person. afterall, how well can you know someone on the internet?

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Luv2Hurt on June 20, 2007, 04:15:06 AM
I'm being friendly!

I want to meet my good friend and wish him luck on his show!... ;)

No hard feelings at all, i just want to meet this guy in person. afterall, how well can you know someone on the internet?


Wow how nice....buddy.  Im easy to find you can find me at X-Sport Fitness in St. Charles Illinois.  I am hard to miss about 5'7" 200 lbs, ripped and tan. Oh yeah I have even posted pics of me here, so you will be able to find me easy, just look for the dude with the quads and hamstrings busting out of his shorts.  Im there Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri, from 4:00pm-6:00pm and on Sat and Sun morninings from about 10:00am-12:00pm.  The place is easy to find, I look forward to seeing you!  Would love to show a country boy how we do it in the city.  Hey bring your training gear, we can get a work out in.

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: trab on June 20, 2007, 05:14:11 AM
Luv they should put your legs picture on your Drivers Liscense! ;D Aint no mistakin  'em.
Everone back off and quit fightN! ;D 8)  Break!
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: bassmaster on June 20, 2007, 02:55:36 PM
agree, that teardrop reminds me to take my umbrella when i leave the house!
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Luv2Hurt on June 20, 2007, 03:19:24 PM
Luv they should put your legs picture on your Drivers Liscense! ;D Aint no mistakin  'em.
Everone back off and quit fightN! ;D 8)  Break!

Your right trab.  I guess I started it with my comment about "thinking less of" you guys involved in the hunting talk.  I take that back cause I think you guys are great in reality.  Even though we dissagree on that does not make us enemies or at least it should not.

You see the truth is there was a point in my youth when I was a hunter, trapper and fisherman. I have killed animals with guns, clubs, dogs and even high-powered slingshots.  I have skinned animals I killed and cooked them too.  I have trapped animals in foot hold traps and found them the next day trying to chew there own foot off to get out, so nobody here is gonna tell me I dont know!! Cause I do!

The thing that changed me was the opposum I trapped on accident (trying for muskrat and racoons).  He was in a leg hold trap and I knew the only way to get him out was to kill him.  So I got close to the opposum to club him and he just played dead.  So I hit him a couple times and he just layed there trying not to move so I would leave him alone.  The whole time his sad eyes were looking at me saying "why are you doing this to me"  He did not fight but just layed there as I clubed him to death. The pain and suffering I put that poor, helpless animal through I will never forget or forgive myself for. Have you ever started something and half way through realized it was the major wrong thing to do? but you were in too deep to stop?  That's a terrible feeling and thats how I felt while killing the opposum. At least that event changed me for the better and I learned a valuable leason that day that I hope I can pass on one day to my children. I feel now Iam a very compassionate man not perfect by any means but Iam trying.

Thanks for letting me tell my story it helps me if I can tell people about it.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: trab on June 20, 2007, 05:16:36 PM
Surprised to hear you trapped, LUv,
Yeah Ive trapped all them animals to, & hunt coons w/ hounds at night is hard work too,
they were way up in price when I was in HS.  I dont take the time & trouble & expense anymore. And theres too many nuts out in the short Wi deer season these days. Dangerous.
I do miss the way the land used to be up by me.
I'm torn w/ my daughter to have her understand real life and not hurt her feelings.  She's been on some farms and seen me kill a few of the way too many squirrels emptying our bird feeders on a daily basis,
but she's clueless compared to how things were when I was a kid.  There's some kids out here today the just go "hunt" and kill the stuff. A buddy told me 2 of them were shocked when he told them that they can EAT those squirrels and rabbits!! That is just wrong (unless so overpopulated that disease or something else is a issue).

Even though I used to hunt I look at some of the WI deer boys a little strange, they live 356 days of the year waiting for the next season and rekill them same deer at work daily all year! ::) God! There's a point...
But then you need to take a look at them and their wives! ;D

*$*$ NOTICE - THe PC spell thought EDITOR will not let YOU  WRITE  "KOON"  W/ A Letter C! >:( ::)
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Overload on June 23, 2007, 09:18:17 AM
Your right trab.  I guess I started it with my comment about "thinking less of" you guys involved in the hunting talk.  I take that back cause I think you guys are great in reality.  Even though we dissagree on that does not make us enemies or at least it should not.

You see the truth is there was a point in my youth when I was a hunter, trapper and fisherman. I have killed animals with guns, clubs, dogs and even high-powered slingshots.  I have skinned animals I killed and cooked them too.  I have trapped animals in foot hold traps and found them the next day trying to chew there own foot off to get out, so nobody here is gonna tell me I dont know!! Cause I do!

The thing that changed me was the opposum I trapped on accident (trying for muskrat and racoons).  He was in a leg hold trap and I knew the only way to get him out was to kill him.  So I got close to the opposum to club him and he just played dead.  So I hit him a couple times and he just layed there trying not to move so I would leave him alone.  The whole time his sad eyes were looking at me saying "why are you doing this to me"  He did not fight but just layed there as I clubed him to death. The pain and suffering I put that poor, helpless animal through I will never forget or forgive myself for. Have you ever started something and half way through realized it was the major wrong thing to do? but you were in too deep to stop?  That's a terrible feeling and thats how I felt while killing the opposum. At least that event changed me for the better and I learned a valuable leason that day that I hope I can pass on one day to my children. I feel now Iam a very compassionate man not perfect by any means but Iam trying.

Thanks for letting me tell my story it helps me if I can tell people about it.

Well, i guess i was wrong about you luv. i just got a different opinion from the way you worded your previous posts. i thought you were an animal rights tree hugger type of guy...

i gut shot a doe one time when i was a kid and my 30/30 jammed. i found her about 100 yards away under a tree and all i had was a buck knife. it took over an hour to get up the courage to cut it's throat, i will never forget the look in her eyes. when i told my family they patted me on the back and said "your a man now", i was 12 at the time. i grew up on a farm and things were way different. i've hunted every animal there is in these parts. most hunters in texas use feeders to attract deer. i don't believe in that, i like to hunt the old fashion way.

i just grew up in a very different enviornment. we used to kill doe just to increase the ratio of bucks to doe on the land. many of these doe were tossed in ditches. i look back at it now and it makes me sick but that was the mindset down here at that time, it's different now. i only kill deer for food now and the coyotes destroy our livestock so we kill them as well. that's pretty typical though.

you have a good build and i do have friends in IL. if i ever visit them i'll hit you up. i'm just not used to people taking shots at me because in person it never happens. sometimes i get worked up over the internet talk. i was brought up not to take shit from anyone and i'm an "in your face" type of person...and yes i wear cowboy hats.

I apologize for being a prick.

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Luv2Hurt on June 23, 2007, 10:56:58 AM
Well, i guess i was wrong about you luv. i just got a different opinion from the way you worded your previous posts. i thought you were an animal rights tree hugger type of guy...

i gut shot a doe one time when i was a kid and my 30/30 jammed. i found her about 100 yards away under a tree and all i had was a buck knife. it took over an hour to get up the courage to cut it's throat, i will never forget the look in her eyes. when i told my family they patted me on the back and said "your a man now", i was 12 at the time. i grew up on a farm and things were way different. i've hunted every animal there is in these parts. most hunters in texas use feeders to attract deer. i don't believe in that, i like to hunt the old fashion way.

i just grew up in a very different enviornment. we used to kill doe just to increase the ratio of bucks to doe on the land. many of these doe were tossed in ditches. i look back at it now and it makes me sick but that was the mindset down here at that time, it's different now. i only kill deer for food now and the coyotes destroy our livestock so we kill them as well. that's pretty typical though.

you have a good build and i do have friends in IL. if i ever visit them i'll hit you up. i'm just not used to people taking shots at me because in person it never happens. sometimes i get worked up over the internet talk. i was brought up not to take shit from anyone and i'm an "in your face" type of person...and yes i wear cowboy hats.

I apologize for being a prick.


Cool bro, Me too, like I said I started it and take back that comment.  Glad we have worked this out  :)  I know you are cool guy and if in the area would be fun to meet up.  I am a bit of a tree hugger, animal rights type of guy but it does not make me bad.  I promise if we ever do meet, to not preach about animal rights if you promise not to shoot something  :D deal? LOL
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Overload on June 23, 2007, 11:31:34 AM
Cool bro, Me too, like I said I started it and take back that comment.  Glad we have worked this out  :)  I know you are cool guy and if in the area would be fun to meet up.  I am a bit of a tree hugger, animal rights type of guy but it does not make me bad.  I promise if we ever do meet, to not preach about animal rights if you promise not to shoot something  :D deal? LOL


one of my highschool friends lives in southern IL, i don't remember the town. i'll let you know if i ever make that trip. i'd like to meet some of you guys, maybe at a big Pro show or something.

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Beener on July 01, 2007, 11:00:02 AM
See this is exactly why the Steroid and Hardcore board is better than the others. Not only do the mods keep out the retards who just talk shit and mess around, but this board is filled with REAL men who have good discussions which dont escalate and turn the board into shit.

Asper the hunting discussion, I have no input, being a city boy and all.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: trab on July 01, 2007, 11:58:54 AM
Yeah, there's some truely messed up peeps under the GB circus tent, this corner is reserved for more serious stuff. There's allways some dumbass gearhead w/ a sudden serious problem that needs advice,
can allways count on geting it pretty quick here.

THe net has changed the world. Ive seen young Hill Tribe girls practicaly out of National Geographic who are more computer/ Thecno literate than I. Powerfull stuff.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: 2big4u on July 07, 2007, 04:22:39 PM
Hey guys i am somewhat new here.I started lifting at 14 at 5'9" 135 lbs with 11" arms and a 37" chest ,I lifted till 21 natural and was eventually 6'1 230 with 19" arms and 48" chest,then did my first cycle of 20 mg of dbol a day for 60 days and 500 mgs of duratest a week for 12 weeks and went from 230 to 260 and arms hit 21" chest hit 54".then got off and weighed 250 with 20" arms and 52" chest.then did my next cycle at 25,200 mgs of equipoise and 500 mgs of duratest aweek for 16 weeks and went from 250 to 275 and got real strong benching 405 for 8.then did another cycle at the age of 26 which was 750 mgs of test enanthate with 150 mg tren a week and got so rock solid and veiny and was bigger than ever at 255lbs.then got off and maintained 245 till my next cycle at 27 which was 500 mgs of sustanon 250,300 mgs of deca and 200 mg eq weekly and hit 265 and that cycle was 20 weeks then i got off and decided to not do roids ever again although the temtation is great i have been clean for 3 years and now at 30 i am 6'1 250 with 21" arms,53"chest and can bench 405 for 2-3.and i am loving the fact that i can maintain this size without juice but i have no doubt i would not have this size if i had not done roids.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Lifter4Life on September 07, 2007, 09:23:03 PM
Training for 12 years
Started at 170lbs 5'11 lean
Currently 226lbs 12%BF
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Arnold jr on September 07, 2007, 10:59:03 PM
Training for 12 years
Started at 170lbs 5'11 lean
Currently 226lbs 12%BF
Goals aspirations, do you compete?
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Rimbaud on September 07, 2007, 11:11:52 PM
Goals aspirations, do you compete?

Good call. A little incomplete history.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: GermnBlt on September 13, 2007, 03:49:34 PM
Whats up everyone,

Graduated HS at the age of 16, Played football all thru HS

Went to college at 16, graduated at 19 (2yr degree, Business management/Accounting) Played football in College.

Came home, work for my family's business & to this day still do. Got my college smarts to take over my pops business and be able to run it like him & do my own finances!

During HS, coach made us mainly do power movements. Same in college, but worked more on our condition as well

After college, I maintained my lifting & I at the time weighed in at 190lbs. (175 in HS)

I got heavy into lifting around 20-21yrs old. Did my first run with Gear when I was 22. I did one 12wk cycle each yr for 3 yrs. Last one I did was for 14wks!

I now own 2 website companies & work fulltime for my dad! Got a divorce 4 months ago, she actually got me into trouble with gear during our divorce. Stupid heffer! anyways, Can't hold me down

I also do MMA, been fighting for over 4yrs now, have 6 fights under my belt with no loses. Boxing/wrestling/Brazilian Jujitsu

My stats when I started lifting till now:

15yrs old in school 5'9-5'10  165lbs (HS = 175lbs)
19yrs old after college 190lbs
now I'm 28 & I'm 230lbs 10-12% bodyfat.

I've competed in BB shows locally, got 4th first time, then 2nd & 1st. I quit on a high note! lol

My goal is 250lbs around 10-12% bodyfat and stay 36" in the waist or smaller (unless I hit 250 and have 38" then I'm happy)

I know a good bit about AAS, help my friends with it as well. But everyone learns new things, & for this I have a few people to talk to thats been around more than me & knows my knowledge about it than me. Couple on here!

Bench = 435lbs
Squat = 405lbs (knees hurt from football!)
Leg press (full reps) 990lbs
Deadlift = 505lbs

I don't do this like others on here has mention for women, I do it for myself. I have goals in my head & thats it. Besides, who wants to diet 24/7 & have to eat clean as hell 24/7?!! I like being big, strong & know I can move weight when needed. Any questions? Just give me a shout out
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Arnold jr on September 13, 2007, 08:09:49 PM
Whats up everyone,

Graduated HS at the age of 16, Played football all thru HS

Went to college at 16, graduated at 19 (2yr degree, Business management/Accounting) Played football in College.

Came home, work for my family's business & to this day still do. Got my college smarts to take over my pops business and be able to run it like him & do my own finances!

During HS, coach made us mainly do power movements. Same in college, but worked more on our condition as well

After college, I maintained my lifting & I at the time weighed in at 190lbs. (175 in HS)

I got heavy into lifting around 20-21yrs old. Did my first run with Gear when I was 22. I did one 12wk cycle each yr for 3 yrs. Last one I did was for 14wks!

I now own 2 website companies & work fulltime for my dad! Got a divorce 4 months ago, she actually got me into trouble with gear during our divorce. Stupid heffer! anyways, Can't hold me down

I also do MMA, been fighting for over 4yrs now, have 6 fights under my belt with no loses. Boxing/wrestling/Brazilian Jujitsu

My stats when I started lifting till now:

15yrs old in school 5'9-5'10  165lbs (HS = 175lbs)
19yrs old after college 190lbs
now I'm 28 & I'm 230lbs 10-12% bodyfat.

I've competed in BB shows locally, got 4th first time, then 2nd & 1st. I quit on a high note! lol

My goal is 250lbs around 10-12% bodyfat and stay 36" in the waist or smaller (unless I hit 250 and have 38" then I'm happy)

I know a good bit about AAS, help my friends with it as well. But everyone learns new things, & for this I have a few people to talk to thats been around more than me & knows my knowledge about it than me. Couple on here!

Bench = 435lbs
Squat = 405lbs (knees hurt from football!)
Leg press (full reps) 990lbs
Deadlift = 505lbs

I don't do this like others on here has mention for women, I do it for myself. I have goals in my head & thats it. Besides, who wants to diet 24/7 & have to eat clean as hell 24/7?!! I like being big, strong & know I can move weight when needed. Any questions? Just give me a shout out
So why no more BB comps? Did you just not like doing them? I would think that after getting a 1st place finish you would want to try to maybe do a bigger show and see how you stacked up...maybe it's just the dieting aspect of it that turns you off now, yes? Anyway, thanks for sound a lot like Division, "I like being big, strong & know I can move weight when needed."
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: GermnBlt on September 15, 2007, 03:37:43 PM
So why no more BB comps? Did you just not like doing them? I would think that after getting a 1st place finish you would want to try to maybe do a bigger show and see how you stacked up...maybe it's just the dieting aspect of it that turns you off now, yes? Anyway, thanks for sound a lot like Division, "I like being big, strong & know I can move weight when needed."

Yeah DIV is a cool cat!

But far as the shows go, I wanted to be first you know? So I got it after 3 trys & it takes others a lot longer to get there than me! I like going out on a high note! Same thing with football, I stop playing after we won states. And then in college won our bowl game! Had enough, but yes your right the diet did have something to do with it! ;D
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Bastygone on September 15, 2007, 03:53:26 PM
Yeah DIV is a cool cat!


Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Lifter4Life on September 16, 2007, 09:53:23 PM
No interest in competing, just enjoy the challenges of bodybuilding. I started lifting when I was 15. I was overweight and decided to do something about it. Worked out and lost 30lbs of fat I was the most ripped i've ever been. Continued working out until I was 21 and stopped until I was 25 and have been consistent ever since, 12 years. I don't ever want to be average in anything I do. Sometimes I look at people and think how I would never want to end up like them. I realize everyone has potential some just choose not to live up to theirs. Bodybuilding has not only enabled me to develop my physique but also my drive and determination. My goals are to continue improving my body through the years. I would like to conquer certain lifts in the gym and maintain my health so I don't end up like alot of older people on a half dozen meds.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Arnold jr on September 16, 2007, 10:01:39 PM
No interest in competing, just enjoy the challenges of bodybuilding. I started lifting when I was 15. I was overweight and decided to do something about it. Worked out and lost 30lbs of fat I was the most ripped i've ever been. Continued working out until I was 21 and stopped until I was 25 and have been consistent ever since, 12 years. I don't ever want to be average in anything I do. Sometimes I look at people and think how I would never want to end up like them. I realize everyone has potential some just choose not to live up to theirs. Bodybuilding has not only enabled me to develop my physique but also my drive and determination. My goals are to continue improving my body through the years. I would like to conquer certain lifts in the gym and maintain my health so I don't end up like alot of older people on a half dozen meds.
I agree. It's amazing how BB can help produce the will power and determination in other aspects of your life. BB is such a consuming endeavour that does require a total commitment, I don't think it's possible for it not to affect other areas of your life with the same zest and zeal.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Rimbaud on October 05, 2007, 02:43:47 PM
I agree. It's amazing how BB can help produce the will power and determination in other aspects of your life. BB is such a consuming endeavour that does require a total commitment, I don't think it's possible for it not to affect other areas of your life with the same zest and zeal.

I couldn't agree more. I find myself more focused when I'm on a set training & dieting schedule.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: alejandro_torres on November 01, 2007, 11:19:39 AM
ok, my turn

i used to play a loooooooooooooooooooot o f soccer since i everknew how to walk hahaha and i just played and played and played soccer.... i played for the sub 14 paraguayan team, but then quit because i was forced to beacause(soccer gets you nowhere in life acording to my dad....) (and my gpa was like 1.5 at the time i was palying soccer....)  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
i left soccer and i started lifting weights since i was 16, i liked it from the beggining and never stopped since that time...
I actually started bb beacuse i allways wanted to be strong like the guys on espn! really that was my goal! to move the airplane or to carry the buss or so do squats with the car or something like that!
what i enjoy about bb is that your complete lifestyle changes, first you star taking one suplement, then eating more, and better, then you read only bb mags, then you only have your cheat meal once a week, then everyone notices! hahaha its such a good experience
now i just graduated from high school and manage my dads bussines... i looooooooooooooooove cars and have a few at this age, wich is kind of cool! but hey biz is in dollars and living in py is in guaranies 1 dolar y 5000 guaranies, so its GOOOD to live like that!

now im 5 8 and 93,453(i have a reaaly good scale at my biz hahah) kilos
my bench press is 220 for 6 8
my deadlift is 315 for 10
my squat  is 315 for 12
i go heavier once i a while just to see how much can i lift

my girlfriend supports me, and she goes to the gym with me,  my office looks liek a supplement store, i have a fat burner, multivitamins, amino, im my desk, oats and protein too! hahaha
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: CalvinH on November 02, 2007, 09:06:51 AM
ok...nice i would like to share mine..i'm 30 currently 181lbs( by the way arnoldjr. i did get those 45lbs off in 1 month and 2 weeks without clen or t3 because i couldn't find any, and without starving :)))

He should have his own diet book out.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Arnold jr on November 02, 2007, 11:40:41 AM
ok, my turn

i used to play a loooooooooooooooooooot o f soccer since i everknew how to walk hahaha and i just played and played and played soccer.... i played for the sub 14 paraguayan team, but then quit because i was forced to beacause(soccer gets you nowhere in life acording to my dad....) (and my gpa was like 1.5 at the time i was palying soccer....)  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
i left soccer and i started lifting weights since i was 16, i liked it from the beggining and never stopped since that time...
I actually started bb beacuse i allways wanted to be strong like the guys on espn! really that was my goal! to move the airplane or to carry the buss or so do squats with the car or something like that!
what i enjoy about bb is that your complete lifestyle changes, first you star taking one suplement, then eating more, and better, then you read only bb mags, then you only have your cheat meal once a week, then everyone notices! hahaha its such a good experience
now i just graduated from high school and manage my dads bussines... i looooooooooooooooove cars and have a few at this age, wich is kind of cool! but hey biz is in dollars and living in py is in guaranies 1 dolar y 5000 guaranies, so its GOOOD to live like that!

now im 5 8 and 93,453(i have a reaaly good scale at my biz hahah) kilos
my bench press is 220 for 6 8
my deadlift is 315 for 10
my squat  is 315 for 12
i go heavier once i a while just to see how much can i lift

my girlfriend supports me, and she goes to the gym with me,  my office looks liek a supplement store, i have a fat burner, multivitamins, amino, im my desk, oats and protein too! hahaha
Good story, thanks for sharing...good luck to you, and welcome to the hardcore board!
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: alejandro_torres on November 13, 2007, 05:12:38 PM
thanks man..
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: aussiepro on November 26, 2007, 09:43:05 PM
i guess i'll have a turn at sharing...i'm kinda new to this board aswell...
i grew up in sydney Australia (still living here now), always played sports as a kid but was kind of small. for some reason though i excelled at rugby league (it makes NFL look like ballet... just kidding) I played semi professional while also represented my state and nearly my country (missed by 2 placing). i Started lifting weights purley because of football but once i realised i wasn't going to make it as a proffesional i went on to other things. when i left school 4 years ago i got my certifications in personal training, and thats when i found about bbing. Like i said i was always a small kid growing up and its been a huge struggle putting on any sort of muscle, i need to eat at least 8 quality meals a day, but over the 4 years i have grown considerably.only reacently i purchased a gym and am currently working there all the time, soon i hope to expand and get a couple more gyms up and running in the not oo distant future... i will be starting my first cycle this friday and hope to get a whole lot bigger but only time will tell... i will keep you all updated... thanks for listening... or reading ;D
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Luv2Hurt on November 27, 2007, 04:38:02 AM
i guess i'll have a turn at sharing...i'm kinda new to this board aswell...
i grew up in sydney Australia (still living here now), always played sports as a kid but was kind of small. for some reason though i excelled at rugby league (it makes NFL look like ballet... just kidding) I played semi professional while also represented my state and nearly my country (missed by 2 placing). i Started lifting weights purley because of football but once i realised i wasn't going to make it as a proffesional i went on to other things. when i left school 4 years ago i got my certifications in personal training, and thats when i found about bbing. Like i said i was always a small kid growing up and its been a huge struggle putting on any sort of muscle, i need to eat at least 8 quality meals a day, but over the 4 years i have grown considerably.only reacently i purchased a gym and am currently working there all the time, soon i hope to expand and get a couple more gyms up and running in the not oo distant future... i will be starting my first cycle this friday and hope to get a whole lot bigger but only time will tell... i will keep you all updated... thanks for listening... or reading ;D

Good stuff.  Very cool to hear how you are doing for a carrer the things you love, thats what it is all about.  Good luck with the gyms, sounds like you will do very well.  What are the gyms you have opened like? 
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Arnold jr on November 27, 2007, 03:25:56 PM
Good stuff.  Very cool to hear how you are doing for a carrer the things you love, thats what it is all about.  Good luck with the gyms, sounds like you will do very well.  What are the gyms you have opened like? 
I Agree with this more then anything you've ever said. Doing what you love and what makes you happy is what it's all about.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: aussiepro on November 27, 2007, 03:53:29 PM
Good stuff.  Very cool to hear how you are doing for a carrer the things you love, thats what it is all about.  Good luck with the gyms, sounds like you will do very well.  What are the gyms you have opened like? 
initially i wanted to start the gyms catering more for bbers, But in Australia bbing isn't that big so i had rethink how i was going to market it... now its just an everyday gym for all types of people to workout in (there's more money in it this way).. We do have some really heavy dumbells 70kgs (about 160 pounds or so). because of this we do get some bber's in here, but nothing compared to the rest of our members...
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: krazee on November 28, 2007, 08:02:32 PM
Ok so let me throw the Canadian curve in the mix....

Currently 34 yrs old
245LBS, probably 15 to 17% body fat (offseason)
5 foot 11

Lift more towards the powerlifting side as that's what I strived to do from the beginning, although in the summer, more like the bodybuilding side.

In school I was not an outkast but wasn't the kid in the limelight either. Played soccer since I was 3 until I was 16. Love the sport and will play the odd pick up game, easier to play keeper at this weight though. Picked up the love of bodybuilding when I was 19, when I decided to get into Law Enforcement. Figured it was more intimidating to see a big cop then a skinny one.

Started lifting and stayed natural until I was about 24, then I dabbled in the AAS, started with the DBols believe they were Nerobols...loved them. After awhile realized the real game was in the shots so I started with them soon after. Started with a Karachi and Orgenon Deca cycle. From there have pretty much tried anything to see how my body would react.

Started bodybuilding at 155 and grew from there, heaviest I have ever been was 260 but my ex wife couldn't take the weight on top of her. Hence why she is my ex.

So as you can see my life is nothing to spectacular, but at least I heard no one yawn.

I've lifted tons of weight, but to be honest, no weight goals or any weight feel as good in my hands as my son does..for you young bucks that don't have children yet there is greater full fillment to life then having a child...sorry that was my sappy side..
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Arnold jr on November 28, 2007, 08:27:16 PM
Ok so let me throw the Canadian curve in the mix....

Currently 34 yrs old
245LBS, probably 15 to 17% body fat (offseason)
5 foot 11

Lift more towards the powerlifting side as that's what I strived to do from the beginning, although in the summer, more like the bodybuilding side.

In school I was not an outkast but wasn't the kid in the limelight either. Played soccer since I was 3 until I was 16. Love the sport and will play the odd pick up game, easier to play keeper at this weight though. Picked up the love of bodybuilding when I was 19, when I decided to get into Law Enforcement. Figured it was more intimidating to see a big cop then a skinny one.

Started lifting and stayed natural until I was about 24, then I dabbled in the AAS, started with the DBols believe they were Nerobols...loved them. After awhile realized the real game was in the shots so I started with them soon after. Started with a Karachi and Orgenon Deca cycle. From there have pretty much tried anything to see how my body would react.

Started bodybuilding at 155 and grew from there, heaviest I have ever been was 260 but my ex wife couldn't take the weight on top of her. Hence why she is my ex.

So as you can see my life is nothing to spectacular, but at least I heard no one yawn.

I've lifted tons of weight, but to be honest, no weight goals or any weight feel as good in my hands as my son does..for you young bucks that don't have children yet there is greater full fillment to life then having a child...sorry that was my sappy side..
Cool bro, thanks for sharing the "krazee" story.

...and you're right, a big cop would be more intimidating then a skinny one...I've been pulled over by little scrawny guys before and thought to myself, "ha, I could kick your ass, lol!"
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: wes mantooth on November 28, 2007, 09:28:35 PM
heaviest I have ever been was 260 but my ex wife couldn't take the weight on top of her. Hence why she is my ex.


down here in america we have alternative sexual positions...not just missionary...

perhaps a few of the bros can post some pics to help krazee, that way he can get his old lady back with his newly found tricks...

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: D-bol on November 29, 2007, 03:53:54 AM

I've lifted tons of weight, but to be honest, no weight goals or any weight feel as good in my hands as my son does..for you young bucks that don't have children yet there is greater full fillment to life then having a child...sorry that was my sappy side..

yeah bro, know how u daughter is now 1.5 yo and she's the best thing happened to me.....

i dropped the cable sets for my arms few months ago cuz as soon as I get home from gym she jumps into my arms and wants to stay there for a good half-hour or so....puts that finishing burn in my bi's ;)
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: trab on November 29, 2007, 04:34:49 AM
Ok so let me throw the Canadian curve in the mix....

I've lifted tons of weight, but to be honest, no weight goals or any weight feel as good in my hands as my son does..for you young bucks that don't have children yet there is greater full fillment to life then having a child...sorry that was my sappy side..

Krazee- Edit?
? There is **NO** greater full-fillment....? Right? ;D
Im really surprised your a cop. I can usually pick up on some subtle cop vibes.

I agree about having a child, and thats why I want to see they young guys come off for good long stretchs.
This stuff DOES knock sperm production down to about zero. It works pretty good as birthcontrol, but dont trust if for that.

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Luolamies on November 29, 2007, 02:30:45 PM
Krazee- Edit?
This stuff DOES knock sperm production down to about zero. It works pretty good as birthcontrol, but dont trust if for that.

Too bad deca and test can't prevent STD's...
A bouncer friend of mine got klamydia while on cycle and he wasn't a happy trooper...
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: trab on November 29, 2007, 03:25:37 PM
Too bad deca and test can't prevent STD's...
A bouncer friend of mine got klamydia while on cycle and he wasn't a happy trooper...

Deca only cycle will stop STD's....
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Luolamies on November 29, 2007, 03:47:24 PM
Deca only cycle will stop STD's....

Yeah, and everything else for that matter...

At least when it comes to down under...
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: krazee on November 29, 2007, 03:49:10 PM
yeah bro, know how u daughter is now 1.5 yo and she's the best thing happened to me.....

i dropped the cable sets for my arms few months ago cuz as soon as I get home from gym she jumps into my arms and wants to stay there for a good half-hour or so....puts that finishing burn in my bi's ;)

Best feeling in the world, my son when he was born would sleep no were else besides my arms...god bless him.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: krazee on November 29, 2007, 03:50:31 PM

down here in america we have alternative sexual positions...not just missionary...

perhaps a few of the bros can post some pics to help krazee, that way he can get his old lady back with his newly found tricks...


Wes I know bro, but she's Greek (no Offence to any of the greeks) but I mean old sex is for one thing and is only one position or it's slutty....go figure.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: krazee on November 29, 2007, 03:51:52 PM
Krazee- Edit?
? There is **NO** greater full-fillment....? Right? ;D
Im really surprised your a cop. I can usually pick up on some subtle cop vibes.

I agree about having a child, and thats why I want to see they young guys come off for good long stretchs.
This stuff DOES knock sperm production down to about zero. It works pretty good as birthcontrol, but dont trust if for that.


People say I look like a cop, but don't have that prick complex...go figure!
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: trab on November 29, 2007, 03:58:00 PM
Wes I know bro, but she's Greek (no Offence to any of the greeks) but I mean old sex is for one thing and is only one position or it's slutty....go figure.

Greeks are very conservative (in Athens at least, not the tourist islands)
They will whistle and scream at the sight of leg even. They cover up even inthe heat.
That was my impression there.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Luolamies on November 29, 2007, 04:07:29 PM
GREEK WOMEN, best there was, is or ever will be... End of story. They are incredible good looking, fit, independent and smart, plus that dark curly hair is enough to turn a FAG into a proper man.

Btw: it's really weird that greek women (or atleast you're) is so conservative, because back in the day Greeks had sex doggystyle and missionary was considered "dirty" (yeah i like history) also even if it's still only missionary for you, it's still better than anything else with dime a dozen blonds...
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: krazee on November 29, 2007, 07:36:54 PM
GREEK WOMEN, best there was, is or ever will be... End of story. They are incredible good looking, fit, independent and smart, plus that dark curly hair is enough to turn a FAG into a proper man.

Btw: it's really weird that greek women (or atleast you're) is so conservative, because back in the day Greeks had sex doggystyle and missionary was considered "dirty" (yeah i like history) also even if it's still only missionary for you, it's still better than anything else with dime a dozen blonds...

Funny you would quote Brett Hart with your own twist (fellow Canadian). You either are greek or are married to one....

To be honest I have a thing for the Purteo Ricans, Cubans or my girlfriend now....Italian....Calabr ese to be that my friend is a women...but hey I'm biased now.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Arnold jr on November 29, 2007, 08:00:07 PM
We Greeks are Champions of Life...this is fact!
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Luolamies on November 30, 2007, 01:06:58 AM
Funny you would quote Brett Hart with your own twist (fellow Canadian). You either are greek or are married to one....

To be honest I have a thing for the Purteo Ricans, Cubans or my girlfriend now....Italian....Calabr ese to be that my friend is a women...but hey I'm biased now.

I was wondering if anyone picked that Brett Hart quote, i guess some getbiggers have brains. I like to watch pro wrestling and Brett the hitman Hart was my favourite, he was a star in the "golden age" of pro wrestling (mid 90's) and it still pisses me off the way Vince screw him over.

And no i'm not greek i'm scandinavian, but i have been to greece many times and the women are just out of this world. I'm talking about the greek women that are born in and live in greece. I have a feeling that the ones that live in other countries have "adapted" that "please, cut off my balls" attitude. As far as dating a greek women, i wish. I'm single, but would do allmost anything to get a proper greek woman...
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: trab on November 30, 2007, 04:01:45 AM
I been a LOT of places, Greece is up near top the list of most memorable.
Cute little houses and gardens cut into the hillsides. Ancient fenced off ruins scatted about here and there.
Anyone who can should make it a stop.

It was ridiculously cheap to stay there in the mid 80's.
Unfortunately, if your holding US$'s taht's not as true today.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: krazee on November 30, 2007, 01:51:17 PM
I was wondering if anyone picked that Brett Hart quote, i guess some getbiggers have brains. I like to watch pro wrestling and Brett the hitman Hart was my favourite, he was a star in the "golden age" of pro wrestling (mid 90's) and it still pisses me off the way Vince screw him over.

And no i'm not greek i'm scandinavian, but i have been to greece many times and the women are just out of this world. I'm talking about the greek women that are born in and live in greece. I have a feeling that the ones that live in other countries have "adapted" that "please, cut off my balls" attitude. As far as dating a greek women, i wish. I'm single, but would do allmost anything to get a proper greek woman...

Brett Hart was amazing, I always liked him myself. And Chris Benoit unfortunate as it was what he did, was always my favorite...huge intensity. I'd have to say one of my favs was Razor Ramone though...guy was a great charecter.

Greek women change once they get to a different enviroment trust word the inherit the ways and cutoms of were they are....and quick.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: krazee on November 30, 2007, 01:54:28 PM
I been a LOT of places, Greece is up near top the list of most memorable.
Cute little houses and gardens cut into the hillsides. Ancient fenced off ruins scatted about here and there.
Anyone who can should make it a stop.

It was ridiculously cheap to stay there in the mid 80's.
Unfortunately, if your holding US$'s taht's not as true today.

Got to love that Canadian dollar

Greece as a whole is gorgeous, and the people are is phenominal, to be honest it's amazing overall. I've been twice. Still want to go to Brazil, though.

So here is a question along these lines....

Whats the nicest place you have ever been to and why?
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: trab on November 30, 2007, 03:27:44 PM
Got to love that Canadian dollar

Greece as a whole is gorgeous, and the people are is phenominal, to be honest it's amazing overall. I've been twice. Still want to go to Brazil, though.

So here is a question along these lines....

Whats the nicest place you have ever been to and why?

Im partial to Thailand, my wife is from there, but its so over-the-top wierd it scores 1st place anyway.
The girls, the low cost of everything, the people, ...
But Things are a lot easier for me there than average tourist.
Wifey cuts thru their bullshit fast. Your open to gettin overcharged and scammed till you kind of got it down there.
Its a great place for a single guy, but such a long flight. Need about a month at least.

Greece is THE coolest place I been in europe. Switzerland is awesome (But Way too spendy)
Holland also up top. Norway was cool too.Spain & Portugal.
Just Land in Holland for a couple days, get a train pass and let the wind blow you.

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: udeluz on November 30, 2007, 05:23:51 PM
Trab, Were you in the service?   
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: krazee on November 30, 2007, 06:18:15 PM
Im partial to Thailand, my wife is from there, but its so over-the-top wierd it scores 1st place anyway.
The girls, the low cost of everything, the people, ...
But Things are a lot easier for me there than average tourist.
Wifey cuts thru their bullshit fast. Your open to gettin overcharged and scammed till you kind of got it down there.
Its a great place for a single guy, but such a long flight. Need about a month at least.

Greece is THE coolest place I been in europe. Switzerland is awesome (But Way too spendy)
Holland also up top. Norway was cool too.Spain & Portugal.
Just Land in Holland for a couple days, get a train pass and let the wind blow you.

Thailand is a long flight from here, as is Greece about 14 hours...too long to be on a plane. I plan on going to the isle of man, which is outside of England. It's were my ancestors are from. Love to go to Amsterdam...
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: trab on November 30, 2007, 06:33:02 PM
Trab, Were you in the service?   

Nope, I used to have money before I was married... ;)

They put uncensored war on TV when I was a kid. That cured me of ever joining the military.
It would end this war in a few months if they did that on the nightly news.
people wouldnt stand for it.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Arnold jr on November 30, 2007, 06:51:00 PM
Nope, I used to have money before I was married... ;)

They put uncensored war on TV when I was a kid. That cured me of ever joining the military.
It would end this war in a few months if they did that on the nightly news.
people wouldnt stand for it.
It's funny you brought this up. I was talking to a few buddies of mine last wk who both have spent 2yrs over there...both are getting ready to go back on their own free will. I asked them if they were serious, and weren't they worried about their safety or anything or if they thought it was a lost cause?

Both of them chuckled a little bit, they said the opposition over there is a joke, and that if opposition over here would ever "let go" and let what needs to be done be done, then this thing would be over in a matter of a couple months max. I've heard the same thing from every person I've talked to that has been there.

One last thing, war is terrible, no one can deny this...and I hate the fact that many have lost their lives in this thing...every life has value IMO. But this is what they signed up for and most all of them seem eager to serve in this...that should be viewed as being worth something IMO.

But what about all these deaths we've had on our side over there? Is it really that many in terms of numbers? I heard this on CNN about a month ago...and CNN for the most part seems to be very anti-this-war. The statement made was this"

"Although we've had a large share of casualties in the war, in the United States we lose more police officers every year then we've in lost in solder's during the entire war so far." Kind of puts a twist on what we normally hear IMO.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: trab on November 30, 2007, 07:04:27 PM

 if opposition over here would ever "let go" and let what needs to be done be done, then this thing would be over in a matter of a couple months max.

Exactly. And it will never happen.

WE just swore in a Muslim congressman not far from me on a Koran  ::) You tell me whose winning.

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Luv2Hurt on November 30, 2007, 08:59:22 PM

"Although we've had a large share of casualties in the war, in the United States we lose more police officers every year then we've in lost in solder's during the entire war so far." Kind of puts a twist on what we normally hear IMO.

I do not believe this is true.  Would like to see some reliable stats on this from an independent agency.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Arnold jr on November 30, 2007, 09:52:46 PM
I do not believe this is true.  Would like to see some reliable stats on this from an independent agency.
Yeah, it could be off, but I was still surprised to hear someone on CNN say this...I cannot remember who said this, it was one of their regular reporters though for what ever that's worth.

Exactly. And it will never happen.

WE just swore in a Muslim congressman not far from me on a Koran  ::) You tell me whose winning.

Yep, it won't happen, but the reason it won't infuriates me...but for the peace and sanity of our little board here, I'm not going to bore you guys with my thoughts any more on this, at least not what I "really" think, that and no one comes to the getbig hardcore board to hear AJ preach, lol!
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: trab on December 01, 2007, 03:58:27 AM
AJ go ahead and say what ya think...

Who eversaid we lose more cops is wrong.

A friend just got back, seems he made some pretty good money but its not wortht the risk in my mind.
(New 300M, complete remodle of the house, home cinama....
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Luv2Hurt on December 01, 2007, 06:11:05 AM
Yeah, it could be off, but I was still surprised to hear someone on CNN say this...I cannot remember who said this, it was one of their regular reporters though for what ever that's worth.

Well I did a quick search and in 2005 55 police officers nationally were killed in the line of duty.  The # was 57 in 2004.  Tons more soldiers have been killed than 55 or 57, just goes to show you cant believe what you hear on TV.  The Bush administration probally came up with the phony stat to take away from the fact that they are murdering so many of our young boys every year and spending billions of dollars of money we don't have to support it.  All the rhetoric in the world will not change those facts. 

Of course your buds wanna go back, there is nothing for them to do here.  So they fall into that military lifestyle.  Don't fool yourself with that macho plays for keeps.  I can speak on this as a veteran who has served this country, I have seen both sides.  It makes me sick we are in this war still, guess what? As soon as whe pull out of there its back to square one, all for nothing.  Remember Saigon?  I say pull out right now and cut our loses.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Luolamies on December 01, 2007, 06:15:48 AM
While back i was informed that they are hiring bodyguards from Scandinavia to Irak and a business pal of mine said that he could hook me up, but NO thanks!
I have no idea who would go overthere even for good money and as far as the oil/terrorist war goes it's a waste of good young men.

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: trab on December 01, 2007, 06:09:01 PM
Well I did a quick search and in 2005 55 police officers nationally were killed in the line of duty.  The # was 57 in 2004.  Tons more soldiers have been killed than 55 or 57, just goes to show you cant believe what you hear on TV.  The Bush administration probally came up with the phony stat to take away from the fact that they are murdering so many of our young boys every year and spending billions of dollars of money we don't have to support it.  All the rhetoric in the world will not change those facts. 

Of course your buds wanna go back, there is nothing for them to do here.  So they fall into that military lifestyle.  Don't fool yourself with that macho plays for keeps.  I can speak on this as a veteran who has served this country, I have seen both sides.  It makes me sick we are in this war still, guess what? As soon as whe pull out of there its back to square one, all for nothing.  Remember Saigon?  I say pull out right now and cut our loses.

Yuper to all the above Luv........ Its just prolonging the inevitable. A giant bloodbath and the worst of the worst siezing control.

I bet more of our guys been Killed in one incident over there that all the cops die stateside in a year.

Construction work is way more dangerous than being a cop. There may be cities and particular LE jobs with higher serious injury/ death rates. But on average I'd bet large taht any job in const trades is WAY more dangerous then LE.

Leaving Iraq is going to throw it into the hand of worse than Sadam. Bush made a Giant blunder and refuses to admit it. Just go take a walk thru your nearby VA hospital and tell me how safe it is over there.

Problem is we's talking Oil and securety of the whole damn region. This is a disaster, and I think leaving will create a even bigger one.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Luolamies on December 02, 2007, 01:50:21 AM
Construction work is way more dangerous than being a cop. There may be cities and particular LE jobs with higher serious injury/ death rates. But on average I'd bet large taht any job in const trades is WAY more dangerous then LE.

AMEN, I have done some construction work and i have had a few accidents, nothing too serious, but a hospital visit anyway.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Luv2Hurt on December 02, 2007, 05:56:26 AM
Yuper to all the above Luv........ Its just prolonging the inevitable. A giant bloodbath and the worst of the worst siezing control.

I bet more of our guys been Killed in one incident over there that all the cops die stateside in a year.

Construction work is way more dangerous than being a cop. There may be cities and particular LE jobs with higher serious injury/ death rates. But on average I'd bet large taht any job in const trades is WAY more dangerous then LE.

Leaving Iraq is going to throw it into the hand of worse than Sadam. Bush made a Giant blunder and refuses to admit it. Just go take a walk thru your nearby VA hospital and tell me how safe it is over there.
Problem is we's talking Oil and securety of the whole damn region. This is a disaster, and I think leaving will create a even bigger one.

This is one of the best things you have written and so very true.  Sometimes it takes an eye opener like that to wake people up. Think about how many lives and families have been destroyed because of this war.....Goddamn it! THINK ABOUT IT!  And for what?

Well as you can see bro Police did not even make the list.  All the respect in the world to Police, they have a tuff job.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: busyB on December 02, 2007, 09:38:54 AM
This is one of the best things you have written and so very true.  Sometimes it takes an eye opener like that to wake people up. Think about how many lives and families have been destroyed because of this war.....Goddamn it! THINK ABOUT IT!  And for what?

Well as you can see bro Police did not even make the list.  All the respect in the world to Police, they have a tuff job.

YES, Po Po do have a tough job and much respect.

My best friend was killed in the line of duty in '99. Pulled over a car with a cracked winshield and when he walked toward the car, the guy pointed his gun toward my friend, not even aiming at him and fired off a bunch of rounds to scare him and his partner away. Punk then fled and a straybullet went thru the arm pit of his vest and severed an artery in his heart. Died instantly. When it is your time, its your time...

I too know those that did their tour in Iraq and all of them complained that it was pointless to be there. Some cops I know are going over there to "train" the Iraq guys in police work bringing back six figures plus.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: trab on December 02, 2007, 12:57:51 PM
NO amt of money is worth it IMO. My friend that just got back was talkin about the Private contractors and the money they make...
(He works on elect generators, easy 4-Him to get a job there private)

I asked him if he'd go back for 6 Figures, slight pause - NO!
Said he might "Think about it".

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: busyB on December 02, 2007, 01:23:13 PM
NO amt of money is worth it IMO. My friend that just got back was talkin about the Private contractors and the money they make...
(He works on elect generators, easy 4-Him to get a job there private)

I asked him if he'd go back for 6 Figures, slight pause - NO!
Said he might "Think about it".

Yeah, the guys I talked to that were going over had not left yet. They were customers and have not seen them since. Myself, not worth it at all....
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Overload on December 03, 2007, 06:30:56 AM
Well I did a quick search and in 2005 55 police officers nationally were killed in the line of duty.  The # was 57 in 2004.  Tons more soldiers have been killed than 55 or 57, just goes to show you cant believe what you hear on TV.  The Bush administration probally came up with the phony stat to take away from the fact that they are murdering so many of our young boys every year and spending billions of dollars of money we don't have to support it.  All the rhetoric in the world will not change those facts. 

Of course your buds wanna go back, there is nothing for them to do here.  So they fall into that military lifestyle.  Don't fool yourself with that macho plays for keeps.  I can speak on this as a veteran who has served this country, I have seen both sides.  It makes me sick we are in this war still, guess what? As soon as whe pull out of there its back to square one, all for nothing.  Remember Saigon?  I say pull out right now and cut our loses.

I agree 100%.

i've had family die in Irag for our "War for Oil"...makes me sick. Chalk it up as a loss and get the fuck out, the day we leave it will go back to normal, but we will also lose our hold on all the "oil" we found instead of WMD's.

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: trab on December 03, 2007, 12:27:54 PM
I agree 100%.

i've had family die in Irag for our "War for Oil"...makes me sick. Chalk it up as a loss and get the fuck out, the day we leave it will go back to normal, but we will also lose our hold on all the "oil" we found instead of WMD's.


Im sorry to hear that... way to many have had lives destroyed.

Bush did NOT think this thru or listen to advisors who know the region, and thats unforgivable. (esp for a Oil man)

We're screwed. We cant even hold that piece of realestate, much less controll it.
Its NOT going to be business as usuall after we finaly throw in the towel. ANd tahts what leaving will be no matter how they phrase it.

They (Insurgents) may create the illusion of peace till we are good and gone, after that the moderates there all die.
Then who runs the worlds gas pump?
Prepare mentaly for $5 - $10 Gal Gas. Id say prepare financialy, but 90% cant.

Just what happens after that I dont know.

I think They should be shown that We Dont need send one soldier there to make them see things our way.

Perhaps the next president with PMS could do that?  ;D 
No, Im not voting for her. But the Repus-bli-cants are not offering anyone I'd even use to vote against Hillary.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Red Hook on February 21, 2008, 05:19:42 AM
Training for 12 years
Started at 170lbs 5'11 lean
Currently 226lbs 12%BF

and let me pics?  :-\

in that case, I am 300lbs with abs..been training 6 months
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Overload on February 21, 2008, 09:33:00 AM

and let me pics?  :-\

in that case, I am 300lbs with abs..been training 6 months

226 at 12% bodyfat isn't very big dude...give the guy a break.

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Arnold jr on May 27, 2008, 12:16:49 AM
My personal update. Now if this isn't depressing I don't know what is, lol!

This past summer when I ended my diet I weighed 193lbs, bf 4.3% 5'8". After the diet I went right back into my regular training, just normal bulking diet and bulking cycle, by December I was up to around 217lbs. But by the first of the year due to some personal issues, (Ripster if you happen to read this you should have a very good idea, lol!) I really started slacking on my eating and training. Still trained, but not nearly as hard, didn't eat bad but not near enough...but definitely much looser eating then I have in years.

OK, so I weighed and checked my bf  4wks ago...still 5'8" lol, but here's the kicker....203lbs, 14.5% about a huge shift in composition!!!!!! If that's not depressing I don't know what is!

Anyway, I've finally started to get the bug back to really start going full force again with is starting to be fun again and my eating is getting better...more regimented like it should be. Personally I'm also doing a lot's amazing how your own personal life can effect everything else...especially when you let it.

So I feel I'm getting back to where I'm supposed to be and need to be mentally and that is a very good feeling.

Arnold jr. is back on the hunting trail...all I can say is it's about fucking time!
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Beener on May 27, 2008, 05:12:41 AM
My personal update. Now if this isn't depressing I don't know what is, lol!

This past summer when I ended my diet I weighed 193lbs, bf 4.3% 5'8". After the diet I went right back into my regular training, just normal bulking diet and bulking cycle, by December I was up to around 217lbs. But by the first of the year due to some personal issues, (Ripster if you happen to read this you should have a very good idea, lol!) I really started slacking on my eating and training. Still trained, but not nearly as hard, didn't eat bad but not near enough...but definitely much looser eating then I have in years.

OK, so I weighed and checked my bf  4wks ago...still 5'8" lol, but here's the kicker....203lbs, 14.5% about a huge shift in composition!!!!!! If that's not depressing I don't know what is!

Anyway, I've finally started to get the bug back to really start going full force again with is starting to be fun again and my eating is getting better...more regimented like it should be. Personally I'm also doing a lot's amazing how your own personal life can effect everything else...especially when you let it.

So I feel I'm getting back to where I'm supposed to be and need to be mentally and that is a very good feeling.

Arnold jr. is back on the hunting trail...all I can say is it's about fucking time!

good luck dude, i know jsut what you're talkin about as far as personal shti affecting diet
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: 4thAD on May 30, 2008, 01:31:16 PM
Training for 12 years
Started at 170lbs 5'11 lean
Currently 226lbs 12%BF


and let me pics?  :-\

in that case, I am 300lbs with abs..been training 6 months

How is that not attainable?
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: candidizzle on June 08, 2008, 02:06:30 PM
well i like this board best now because its one of the only ones with good moderators and "real" people

so i need to post some stats

i think my history is kind of known cuz i have big mouth ? lol

well currently i weigh right around 230 lbs. my bf is at about 14 % and lowering... it should be considerably lower withing a month though.. 19 years old..

well my aspirations dont have so much to do with becoming "big" in the sense that i care about being intimidating being manly or any of that junk. i could care less what people think of me.

my inspiration is a picture i have been workin on in my head (and on paper) of what i think is the ideal physique... what i think is beatuful... what to me, epitomizes how i feel about myself as aperson...   

like in the matrix movie, how when you pop up in the matrix and you look like what you think you look like in your mind ? well, if you could have a physique matrix, where it shows you what you feel like...   thats what i mean.. thats what i am trying to build

but realisticallly, the physique i want, is a very large one, only because it takes a very large man to be able to hit the shots i want to hit and still look full and beatuful...

so as for weight...  id say at my height.. ( about 5'10'', maybe 5'11'' ).. i need to be around 260  to look the way i want to look.. and thats a lean body weight.. probably like 6 % bf


so thats me some current statss and my aspirations
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: cobrajoe on June 27, 2008, 06:28:04 PM
New to this board and wanted to say hey to all.

Stats:  35 years old, 5' 10", 220lbs, and currently around 13%bf.  I've worked out for years and have done three past cycles.  Two things I've learned is that more is not necessarily better and that you gotta keep learning. 

I'm looking forward to getting some help and helping as much as I can for the people of the board.  I'd like to get to 10% BF.  That is my next goal!

Keep lifting all
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Luv2Hurt on June 27, 2008, 07:18:33 PM
New to this board and wanted to say hey to all.

Stats:  35 years old, 5' 10", 220lbs, and currently around 13%bf.  I've worked out for years and have done three past cycles.  Two things I've learned is that more is not necessarily better and that you gotta keep learning. 

I'm looking forward to getting some help and helping as much as I can for the people of the board.  I'd like to get to 10% BF.  That is my next goal!

Keep lifting all

Welcome aboard.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Arnold jr on June 27, 2008, 08:28:33 PM
New to this board and wanted to say hey to all.

Stats:  35 years old, 5' 10", 220lbs, and currently around 13%bf.  I've worked out for years and have done three past cycles.  Two things I've learned is that more is not necessarily better and that you gotta keep learning. 

I'm looking forward to getting some help and helping as much as I can for the people of the board.  I'd like to get to 10% BF.  That is my next goal!

Keep lifting all

Glad to have you here. Contribute all you can 8)
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: gracie bjj on August 13, 2008, 05:12:03 AM
hello my name is george,i use gracie bjj cause i love to train in jiu jitsu,im not really that good in it or anything but i enjoy it, 6 ft even and weigh 270 lbs,i dont know my bodyfat % but im sure its kinda high,ive competed back in the late 90,s in local gym shows just to get the feel of the stage and was a great but nerve racking experiance,i weighed 196 at that time.i hit the sauce every so often,every couple years ill do a nice little 12 week cycle or so,i could take it or leave it,if its around ill grab some but if its not i wont go out of my way hunting for it.i started weight lifting back in the mid 70,s,it was either get bigger or get my lunch money stolen by the bigger kids going to school,i decided i like to eat lunch so i joined the local boys club,that was afew blocks from my house and it was free to use.i met some old time hard core guys who helped me with a basic program,squat,bench press,military press,rows ect,i was maybe 10 years old or my neighborhood growin up you either hang with the wrong crowd and get in trouble or go to the boys club and exercise,i chose to gains didnt come fast but the came,i remember starting to put on some better muscle when i turned 14 or so.i remember i couldnt wait till the new copy of joe weiders(muscle builder) came out every month,id sit home and read it over and over and look at the pics of all my heros back then,they had robby,arnold,casey,franco,boyer and all the other greats from that time.ive remember buying my first bottle of dbol back in the very early 80,s and that was the beginning of my journey in the steroid world,the first cycle i did,if you can call it a cycle,was just dbol,i didnt know any better but that old cibs geigy dbol was some potent stuff,i was getting larger by the day,lol.i just want to thank everyone here for the knowledge you shared with me and tons of others in the bodybuilding area,especially the mods on here,they are straight up good people who always are there to help out when someones got a question or concern about the roids,they helped me out alot of times with good,solid advice.thanks again and i feel fortunate to have found such an awesome site
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Arnold jr on August 13, 2008, 09:25:39 PM
hello my name is george,i use gracie bjj cause i love to train in jiu jitsu,im not really that good in it or anything but i enjoy it, 6 ft even and weigh 270 lbs,i dont know my bodyfat % but im sure its kinda high,ive competed back in the late 90,s in local gym shows just to get the feel of the stage and was a great but nerve racking experiance,i weighed 196 at that time.i hit the sauce every so often,every couple years ill do a nice little 12 week cycle or so,i could take it or leave it,if its around ill grab some but if its not i wont go out of my way hunting for it.i started weight lifting back in the mid 70,s,it was either get bigger or get my lunch money stolen by the bigger kids going to school,i decided i like to eat lunch so i joined the local boys club,that was afew blocks from my house and it was free to use.i met some old time hard core guys who helped me with a basic program,squat,bench press,military press,rows ect,i was maybe 10 years old or my neighborhood growin up you either hang with the wrong crowd and get in trouble or go to the boys club and exercise,i chose to gains didnt come fast but the came,i remember starting to put on some better muscle when i turned 14 or so.i remember i couldnt wait till the new copy of joe weiders(muscle builder) came out every month,id sit home and read it over and over and look at the pics of all my heros back then,they had robby,arnold,casey,franco,boyer and all the other greats from that time.ive remember buying my first bottle of dbol back in the very early 80,s and that was the beginning of my journey in the steroid world,the first cycle i did,if you can call it a cycle,was just dbol,i didnt know any better but that old cibs geigy dbol was some potent stuff,i was getting larger by the day,lol.i just want to thank everyone here for the knowledge you shared with me and tons of others in the bodybuilding area,especially the mods on here,they are straight up good people who always are there to help out when someones got a question or concern about the roids,they helped me out alot of times with good,solid advice.thanks again and i feel fortunate to have found such an awesome site
Thanks for sharing. I always enjoy reading everyone's story...not sure if others do, but hey, what can you do?

I know you said you could take or leave gear, that you only use it if there is some around. Leads me to think that a lot of what you used may have been UG. Granted, the dbol you used back in the 80's was probably legit, but IMO, if you can ever get your hands on some human grade test, assuming you haven't before, your opinions will change.

BTW, glad you're enjoying the board.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Luv2Hurt on August 14, 2008, 04:13:05 AM
Thanks for sharing. I always enjoy reading everyone's story...not sure if others do, but hey, what can you do?
I know you said you could take or leave gear, that you only use it if there is some around. Leads me to think that a lot of what you used may have been UG. Granted, the dbol you used back in the 80's was probably legit, but IMO, if you can ever get your hands on some human grade test, assuming you haven't before, your opinions will change.

BTW, glad you're enjoying the board.

I enjoy this thread also, one of the best here.  People can make it what they want when they post here.  I think Iam due for a new chapter to add soon  8)
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Overload on August 14, 2008, 09:18:12 AM
I enjoy this thread also, one of the best here.  People can make it what they want when they post here.  I think Iam due for a new chapter to add soon  8)

Same here.

So many things have changed, and my views have as well!

All for the better of course!

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Arnold jr on August 24, 2010, 08:28:26 PM
Wow, this thread is kind of funny to read for's strange looking back four yrs ago at life compared to now. A lot has changed since then and I do mean a lot.
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: kevinf on August 24, 2010, 09:00:41 PM
I guess ill add in my stats.
im 280lbs with abs around 4-8 %BF depending what time of the day it is.
I believe less is more, so I'm currently on a 250mg test e a week cycle for 3 weeks with a 5mg/day dbol kicker to start things off strong for the first couple days of the cycle.  
Oh and all british dragon products, stuff grows me like weed.
I had pics, but my computer just blew up and had to get a new one...but just take my word for it.

whos next?
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Arnold jr on August 25, 2010, 12:28:40 AM
I guess ill add in my stats.
im 280lbs with abs around 4-8 %BF depending what time of the day it is.
I believe less is more, so I'm currently on a 250mg test e a week cycle for 3 weeks with a 5mg/day dbol kicker to start things off strong for the first couple days of the cycle.  
Oh and all british dragon products, stuff grows me like weed.
I had pics, but my computer just blew up and had to get a new one...but just take my word for it.

whos next?

Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: tstmaniac on August 25, 2010, 05:03:28 PM
Im 21 years old at 200 pounds with 6 percent bodyfat...i started lifting when i was 14 to compete at a higher level for football and wrestling..i started taking steroids when i was 16...Mainly anavar cycles during wrestling season...i took my first cycle of test and deca in my senior year of high school for football and blew up like a monster...i now compete in ju jitsu and mma..eating clean, training hard, and taking steroids will always be a part of my also looking to do a show next year
Title: Re: Board Member's History/Stats
Post by: Tats on August 26, 2010, 10:27:00 AM
I'm 28 220lbs 6' 2" 10%-12% body fat (I like food  ;D and us Italians like to eat). Been in sports my entire life, mainly boxing from 13 to 21. Did my first cycle at 18 of winny, dbol, deca and paid out the ass because I had no idea what I was doing. I did not touch another cycle until I was 23. I have been cycling about 1 - 2 cycles every year since. Now days all I do is work, train MMA, lift weights and spend time with the family.