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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Training Q&A => Topic started by: Carter on September 02, 2006, 03:53:27 PM

Title: Workout Progress... How much time did it take you to see visible improvements?
Post by: Carter on September 02, 2006, 03:53:27 PM
Hi, I'm kinda workin out for a year and a half... :) got stuck at home for 2 months then went back to the gym. Anyways just to have an idea on an ideal work out progress...

How much time did it take you to see visible (notable) improvements in physique as you work out?
Say, 2 weeks? a month or 6 months?

May you good souls guide me as I trace my way to fitness. Thanks!!!
Title: Re: Workout Progress... How much time did it take you to see visible improvements?
Post by: alexxx on September 02, 2006, 05:20:48 PM
I can see changes from day to day. Trick is to lift heavy and eat lots of protein.
Title: Re: Workout Progress... How much time did it take you to see visible improvements?
Post by: Arnold Palmer on September 02, 2006, 06:46:02 PM
I can see changes from day to day

Title: Re: Workout Progress... How much time did it take you to see visible improvements?
Post by: alexxx on September 02, 2006, 06:48:59 PM

I grow after every workout and can feel and see the changes.
Title: Re: Workout Progress... How much time did it take you to see visible improvements?
Post by: GoneAway on September 03, 2006, 07:51:53 AM
I think some bodyparts develop faster than others. You can usually tell which ones they are. I would give it a month doing the same routine. If something is not changing to your liking, change your training and/or eating. Nutrition takes up about 70% of your overall progress, so if you don't eat enough good food = minimal results.

I grow after every workout and can feel and see the changes.

Alexxx, that is called a pump. Welcome to BBing.
Title: Re: Workout Progress... How much time did it take you to see visible improvements?
Post by: Carter on September 03, 2006, 05:06:41 PM
Woah, thanks a bunch for that, i need info! :):):)
Title: Re: Workout Progress... How much time did it take you to see visible improvements?
Post by: Sculpter on September 03, 2006, 06:26:42 PM
Many different ways to reply to this question really.For 1, you may take pics of yourself at different lengths of time periods & different positions (say a mnth apart pics) which will visibly be able to be seen by you regarding body differences.Another way, which can be shorter timewise, is to keep track of your strength levels.Almost always if a bodypart gets stronger then that bodypart has gotten bigger also.Noticing differences in yourself can be a bitch as you see yourself every day in the mirror & may not notice slight changes that others may see.
Title: Re: Workout Progress... How much time did it take you to see visible improvement
Post by: JPM on September 04, 2006, 09:34:28 AM
You should feel improvements also as your visible results become noticeable, maybe even before, if the goal is for muscle size. Your clothes should become a little tighter, like shirts, jackets, etc. Mostly around the shoulders, back, arms, etc. If you button your collar it may seem tighter.The belt notch should be the same size or looser. If you wear jeans, than the legs may feel fuller in them.  And if your one of the luckly ones, the calves also. The abs should feel drawn in and tighter also. If the waist becomes soft and the start of love handles begins than a adjustment to the diet will need attention. Might try reducing the carbs, at first, to around 200/300 grams daily.  You should still make muscular gains at a steady pace, but at a slower rate. The calorie intake will be around or above the mean average of 3000 for an active male.  Though some fat gain, for most people, can not be avoid along with a muscle increase. Re-defining the diet after the muscle gain is what most serious BB'ers do.

Usually a good judge of how a exercise program is working is with-in 3 or 4 weeks. Consider the first two weeks as a breaking in period for any program. If after that time, say up to 5- 6 weeks as a fair test period, no results are produced than try another verson(s) of a BB'ing/lifting program. Do not fall under tha false impression that if a workout give you a great pump, that will mean that you are making any lasting muscle gains. It does not. A good pump means that blood is backing up in a certain muscle group, giving a incorrect feeling of lasting fullest and size to that muscle area.

Also increased strength does not always go hand in hand with increased muscle size for a lot of people. Working the heavy compound exercises like the squat, DL, bench, dips, chins, etc will most always insure strength and giving  full advantage for your potentional for muscle mass.

If you tend to be an easy, natural gainer who has been given the genetic code for very large muscle mass, than just about any form of exercise can give results. Swinging around a couple of empty milk carton's (the ones with The Pumpsters picture on them) may give good results to this type of biochemical mutation. A couple of guy's have accused me of falling into this class of human.They are wrong, I require my milk carton's to be filled. Good Luck.
Title: Re: Workout Progress... How much time did it take you to see visible improvement
Post by: dontknowit on September 04, 2006, 10:06:47 AM
If you wanna get big, not just fat, but big as in massive big without a stomach that's hanging out of your shirt, start eating and heavy training,

if you wanna see result, put very much attention to your nutrution and keep training (heavy, but it's actually different for every person, if you prefer to train with less weight and more reps and your body is able to maintain your musclemass, keep doing it)
Title: Re: Workout Progress... How much time did it take you to see visible improvement
Post by: Carter on September 04, 2006, 01:26:18 PM
If you wanna get big, not just fat, but big as in massive big without a stomach that's hanging out of your shirt, start eating and heavy training,

if you wanna see result, put very much attention to your nutrution and keep training (heavy, but it's actually different for every person, if you prefer to train with less weight and more reps and your body is able to maintain your musclemass, keep doing it)

But what if I'm trying to lose body fat? Wouldn't I get even the minimal gains in muscle? I am not over-restricting my calories for the day, and eat as much protein as available and as I can afford... See i kinda lost 60 pounds quite quickly that was about 2 years ago, and i kinda am repairing myself again, this time i'd say there are improvements in my muscles, yet with all contradicting, confusing infos I read from the net... Go figure...

Though it is logical that you can't gain muscle and lose fat at the same time... then what should I do to tighten up. I got a few lose areas. :)

Thanks a loT! :)
Title: Re: Workout Progress... How much time did it take you to see visible improvement
Post by: dontknowit on September 05, 2006, 02:31:44 AM
Loosing fat <=> loosing muscle mass.

If you're lucky, you will be able to maintain your musclemass.
Very few are able to gain size if they're trying to loose fat.

The mainfactor is rest to get the best results. And that's something most of us don't have (enough).