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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => History - Stories - and Memories => Craig Titus & Kelly Ryan Discussions => Topic started by: Ron on September 14, 2006, 09:59:27 AM

Title: 09-14-06: Titus replaces lawyers
Post by: Ron on September 14, 2006, 09:59:27 AM
Frustrated by lawyers who had been advising him to keep quiet, 41-year-old bodybuilder and slaying suspect Craig Titus fired his legal team this week.

Then, in his first public interview since his arrest Dec. 23, Titus wept as he told the Review-Journal at the Clark County Detention Center on Wednesday afternoon that he and his wife loved Melissa James, their 28-year-old live-in personal assistant whom they are accused of killing.

Titus said he and 33-year-old fitness champion Kelly Ryan "are not guilty of murdering anybody."

"My wife and I are caring people. We are loving people," Titus said. "We are not the horrific monsters we've been portrayed as.

"Kelly and I loved Melissa," Titus said. "She was our friend. She was family. ... She was one of my best friends."

Titus said the only thing he is guilty of is bad judgment on the night James' body was set ablaze in the trunk of Ryan's red Jaguar in the desert off Blue Diamond Road.

Although Titus wouldn't discuss exactly what he had done that evening, he told police last year that James overdosed on drugs at the couple's southwest Las Vegas house and that he panicked and burned the body to try to avoid negative publicity that would have ruined the couple's careers.

"I'm guilty of some very, very bad judgment," Titus said Wednesday. "I'm guilty of some very poor decisions.

"I wish I would have just listened to my wife and called the police," Titus said, choking back emotion.

Ryan is a fitness champion and Ms. Olympia runner-up. Titus is a past place-winner of international Mr. Olympia competitions.

Titus said he had known James since approximately 1999. He said he met her in Panama City, Fla., when she worked as a driver for him when he was competing in a bodybuilding show there.

"A great girl," he said. "We were best friends. And she really became good friends with my wife, too."

Fighting back tears, he said James was a good person. She spent much of her time running a dance studio and teaching young children how to dance in Florida.

After she moved in with the couple in California, James became addicted to methamphetamine, Titus said.

"The drug use became prevalent," Titus said. "We had to ask her to move out."

He said that James later rejoined the couple when they moved to Las Vegas in 2003, and that she continued to struggle with methamphetamine use.

"I watched a human being disintegrate in front of my eyes," Titus said, adding, "This crystal meth is destroying the United States."

Witnesses, however, have told police that Titus and Ryan were themselves prolific drug users, according to police reports.

When asked about his and Ryan's reported drug use, Titus said: "I feel like we were an average couple, going out on weekends, and that's as far as I'm going to go with it."

Titus said he has had a tough time being incarcerated but has been able to endure the past 8 1/2 months behind bars because he has been allowed to have video conference meetings with his jailed wife twice a week on account of their married status.

Police allege that Titus and Ryan attacked James with a Taser, drugged her with morphine, duct-taped her face, restrained her and beat her. They then put her in the trunk of Ryan's car, drove it into the desert off state Route 160, and set it on fire, authorities said. The burning car -- and the body in it -- were discovered Dec. 14.

An autopsy was unable to determine a cause or manner of James' death, meaning the Clark County coroner's office never ruled the death a homicide.

Clark County prosecutor Robert Daskas, however, said the evidence supporting the murder charges against the couple is "overwhelming."

At first, Titus and Ryan told police they didn't know how James ended up dead in the trunk of Ryan's car. Shortly after their initial statements to police, the couple went to the East Coast.

They were arrested by federal authorities in Massachusetts.

After they were arrested, however, Titus told police in Boston that James died of a drug overdose in his car, and that he panicked and disposed of the body instead of calling the police.

"Found her (James) in the (expletive) car dead, stinking up my (expletive) car," Titus told detectives in an interview taped on Dec. 24. "I panicked. That gets in the newspaper, we're ruined. Dead girl, car, OD'd, Craig Titus, Kelly Ryan. We're (expletive) ruined," Titus said. "Plus, not to mention that my car's ruined."

Several of Titus and Ryan's friends have told police that Titus and Ryan made incriminating statements to them about James' death.

Police recovered Titus' Taser gun, and a search of Titus and Ryan's home turned up Taser "dots," which are remnants from the discharge of a Taser gun.

Titus' decision to go public is a complete about face from his prior legal strategy.

But he said he has wanted to talk publicly about the charges against him since the moment authorities started to voice suspicions that he and his wife were suspects in James' death.

But, he said, his prior defense attorneys, Richard Schonfeld and Steven Boozang, prevented him from speaking out.

"I've never been scared to talk to the press," he said. "It was the attorneys. ... Unfortunately, though, in this cynical world we live in, things can spin out of control in a hurry."

Titus said he has fired Schonfeld and Boozang, and hired Las Vegas defense attorney Mark Saggese.

"He's innocent, and he's going home in January," Saggese said. "I'm going to walk him. So far, the public has only had a completely one-sided story as to what the facts are in this case."

Ryan also has changed lawyers. She was represented by Thomas Pitaro. Her new lawyer is Greg Denue.

"This is going to be a war," Denue said. "We are going to fight this because she's innocent, and she shouldn't even be at the Clark County Detention Center."

Pitaro declined to comment. Schonfeld returned a phone call seeking comment and left a message but later could not be reached for an interview. Boozang, of Boston, also could not be reached for comment Wednesday afternoon.

From Glen Puit
Las Vegas Review Journal
Title: Re: 09-14-06: Titus replaces lawyers
Post by: Ron on September 14, 2006, 12:11:44 PM
Statement from Steven C. Boozang, Esq. --  09-14-06

Attorney Schonfeld and I stand by our advice, legal strategy and tactics.  I’ve been involved in several cases with attorneys from all over the country and Richard Schonfeld is one of the finest, smartest and hardest working lawyers I’ve come across, I hope Craig made the right decision for the right reasons.  We have worked our hardest for Mr. Titus from the beginning but when someone's life is on the line, ultimately they must make their own decisions since their fate is really in their own hands in the end and I respect that fact.  However, even though I wish it had been handled differently, we nonetheless wish Mr. Titus the best.

By the way, so the record is clear, Richard Schonfeld and I recieved a notice from the court that their was a request for replacement of counsel. We never heard from our client or his new lawyers.




Title: Re: 09-14-06: Titus replaces lawyers
Post by: Motorbreath on September 14, 2006, 01:33:56 PM
Very interesting....I am not buying it though, if you "love someone" as Craig says, then you wouldn't burn them in the back of your car at 3AM.

You would do the right thing and call authorites. Career or not, if the cops investigate it at the time of death
and there is no "foul play" then their careers would have been fine.

I will keep my comments about them to myself..... 
Title: Re: 09-14-06: Titus replaces lawyers
Post by: knny187 on September 14, 2006, 01:46:40 PM
Craig is reaching & looking desperate.

Because he lied in his initial questioning to the police...& his prior does not look good.

He should have shut his face.
Title: Re: 09-14-06: Titus replaces lawyers
Post by: figgs on September 14, 2006, 01:51:40 PM
He's screwed.
Title: Re: 09-14-06: Titus replaces lawyers
Post by: Karl Kox on September 14, 2006, 01:55:32 PM
He's screwed.

I would rather take the one on the right then have to work out on that piece of shit
Title: Re: 09-14-06: Titus replaces lawyers
Post by: gordiano on September 14, 2006, 02:02:55 PM
Very interesting....I am not buying it though, if you "love someone" as Craig says, then you wouldn't burn them in the back of your car at 3AM.

You would do the right thing and call authorites. Career or not, if the cops investigate it at the time of death
and there is no "foul play" then their careers would have been fine.

I will keep my comments about them to myself..... 

Exactly. He says it would have "ruined" them.......I don't buy that. if you are innocent, the best thing you can do is call the cops and telll them the truth. Bad judgement my ass. There is right and there is wrong. Burning the body of someone you "love" because you are worried about your career is wrong.
Title: Re: 09-14-06: Titus replaces lawyers
Post by: ARMZ on September 14, 2006, 02:10:06 PM
He's screwed.

Both of those machines, you can feel the burn..
Title: Re: 09-14-06: Titus replaces lawyers
Post by: Adam Empire on September 14, 2006, 02:19:29 PM

I would rather take the one on the right then have to work out on that piece of shit

Ha, my old gym just got that machine.  It gave me slivers.  ;D
Title: Re: 09-14-06: Titus replaces lawyers
Post by: Dorian 01 on September 14, 2006, 02:42:58 PM
Maybe she wanted to be cremated anyway?
Title: Re: 09-14-06: Titus replaces lawyers
Post by: Butterbean on September 14, 2006, 03:08:42 PM
It was also "bad judgment" to duct tape her face.
Title: Re: 09-14-06: Titus replaces lawyers
Post by: figgs on September 14, 2006, 03:40:36 PM
Maybe she wanted to be cremated anyway?

LOL nice!!
Title: Re: 09-14-06: Titus replaces lawyers
Post by: Motorbreath on September 14, 2006, 03:56:08 PM
I wonder if in his next statement, he will blame his "bad judgement" on the nubain/coke cocktail he seemed to so enjoy....

BRUTAL ATTEMPT at getting charged with a lesser crime than murder......   
Title: Re: 09-14-06: Titus replaces lawyers
Post by: bigbalddaddy on September 14, 2006, 04:45:48 PM
I wonder if in his next statement, he will blame his "bad judgement" on the nubain/coke cocktail he seemed to so enjoy....

BRUTAL ATTEMPT at getting charged with a lesser crime than murder......   

Sorry bro but you left out the Crystal & GHB... ;D
Title: Re: 09-14-06: Titus replaces lawyers
Post by: mrsirjojo on September 14, 2006, 06:05:25 PM
I think you guys are forgetting that there's another victim in all Craig himself mentions twice.

His car.
Title: Re: 09-14-06: Titus replaces lawyers
Post by: Special Ed on September 14, 2006, 06:15:37 PM
I had a pet hamster that I loved. He died. I couldn't imagine burning a dead hamster, much less a human being that I loved.

Special "Unless of course, their will requested a cremation" Ed
Title: Re: 09-14-06: Titus replaces lawyers
Post by: Croatch on September 14, 2006, 06:39:19 PM
Epic Intelligence!
Whether you are guilty or not, you should never make a statement other than, "I'm innocent."
Title: Re: 09-14-06: Titus replaces lawyers
Post by: Benito Mutumbo on September 14, 2006, 06:52:25 PM
Regardless of whether he's culpable in the death of Melissa James, he has admitted to more than enough things to send him away for a long.  Hindering an investigation, arson, desecration of a body, failure to report a crime or knowledge of a goes on and on.

His disdain for his lawyer's strategy of silence is insane.  99.999% of all lawyers would advise the same thing.  It doesn't look good for Craig.
Title: Re: 09-14-06: Titus replaces lawyers
Post by: bigdumbbell on September 14, 2006, 08:00:33 PM
craiggers has never known when to STFU
Title: Re: 09-14-06: Titus replaces lawyers
Post by: chainsaw on September 14, 2006, 10:26:24 PM
This is really what happened that night..   Remember "pulp fiction?"

They were gonna buy her a trip back to NJ or Florida.
She needed to get really intoxicated for the long flight back east since she had a history of dependance “so we have heard.”
Took to Much Meth, OD’D and started into convulsions.
They injected Morphine to bring her down and her heart stops.
They use the taser to try to shock the heart into beating again.
She die’s and they freak out and dispose of the body.

Well, I know it seems crazy, but has anything in this case been sensible?
Title: Re: 09-14-06: Titus replaces lawyers
Post by: Don Miracle on September 15, 2006, 12:08:51 AM
He's f*cking up.  As everyone else but Craig seems to know, you should NEVER discuss your current legal struggles with anyone but your lawyer. (like, duh)

Really, really f*cking dumb. 

By the way, his new attorney will advise him to kindly keep his face shut for now, too.  Should be interesting.
Title: Re: 09-14-06: Titus replaces lawyers
Post by: fathead on September 15, 2006, 01:53:57 AM
Very interesting....I am not buying it though, if you "love someone" as Craig says, then you wouldn't burn them in the back of your car at 3AM.

You would do the right thing and call authorites. Career or not, if the cops investigate it at the time of death
and there is no "foul play" then their careers would have been fine.

I will keep my comments about them to myself..... 

O.J. loved Nicole Simpson     just a thought
Title: Re: 09-14-06: Titus replaces lawyers
Post by: Matt4Muscle on September 15, 2006, 07:16:19 AM
Both OJ and Craig are narcisistic sociopaths who love themselves and only themselves.... imagine the nerve of that bitch, Melissa James, to croak..... stink up poor Craig's Jaguar and jeopardize his and Kelly's "awesome" careers. Guilty or not, this guy is a first class cock sucker and deserves what he gets. I don't usually post here because I graduated 7th grade quite some time ago but I must say that I find the idea of a legal relief fund for these two offensive.
Title: Re: 09-14-06: Titus replaces lawyers
Post by: bigbalddaddy on September 15, 2006, 08:46:45 AM
I had a pet hamster that I loved. He died. I couldn't imagine burning a dead hamster, much less a human being that I loved.

Special "Unless of course, their will requested a cremation" Ed

LOL!!!!  You gotta love "Special Ed" and his posts!  Funny, sad and very true!  Same with me when I lost some dogs over the years...

cheers to Special "well said" Ed!!! ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: 09-14-06: Titus replaces lawyers
Post by: bigdumbbell on September 15, 2006, 05:54:28 PM
Both OJ and Craig are narcisistic sociopaths who love themselves and only themselves.... imagine the nerve of that bitch, Melissa James, to croak..... stink up poor Craig's Jaguar and jeopardize his and Kelly's "awesome" careers. Guilty or not, this guy is a first class cock sucker and deserves what he gets. I don't usually post here because I graduated 7th grade quite some time ago but I must say that I find the idea of a legal relief fund for these two offensive.

if true, it's totally offensive.
Title: Re: 09-14-06: Titus replaces lawyers
Post by: gmflex on September 16, 2006, 02:43:52 PM
I had a pet hamster that I loved. He died. I couldn't imagine burning a dead hamster, much less a human being that I loved.

Special "Unless of course, their will requested a cremation" Ed

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: 09-14-06: Titus replaces lawyers
Post by: BEAST 8692 on September 18, 2006, 10:24:44 AM
the general public collectively view bodybuilders as narcisists.

they will now view them as very very stupid narcisists.

this guy has no idea. the only type of therapy that can cure these characteristics is electric chair therapy.
Title: Re: 09-14-06: Titus replaces lawyers
Post by: shockandawe on September 20, 2006, 01:07:05 PM
For the love of God! I don't believe in my life I've ever met anyone MORE capable of cooking his own goose than Craig!  It's astounding how his mouth has a life of its own and he just cannot stop using it. 

Yes, to be sure... C&K were an average couple, with an average intake of recreational drugs on a Saturday night. (Sorry, is this average?) 
That's why everyone they knew were ready to stage an intervention with them both, and Kelly had to wear long sleeve turtlenecked shirts, looked like she was dead when apprehended, and their bank accounts and lives had totally derailed...

Gotta admit... I drank a little too much Wal-Tussin last week and ended up slaying my entire neighborhood, but I burned them up in each of their cars in various places and no one ever was the wiser.