Author Topic: Ford snubbed in death  (Read 2474 times)


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Ford snubbed in death
« on: December 31, 2006, 08:05:36 AM »
At the Capitol, VIP Roll Call Has Many No-Shows
By Dana Milbank
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, December 31, 2006; A01

The military band drilled. Wreaths with white roses hung outside the House and Senate chambers. In the Capitol Rotunda rested the black velvet catafalque that once bore the remains of Abraham Lincoln.

Everything was in place for Gerald R. Ford's state funeral last night -- everything, that is, but the statesmen.

President Bush sent his regrets; he was cutting cedar and riding his bike on his ranch in Texas. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and his deputy, Richard Durbin, couldn't make it, either; they were on a trip to visit Incan ruins. Incoming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi took a pass, too -- as did nearly 500 of the 535 members of Congress.

A 6-to-3 majority of the Supreme Court, including Ford's appointee, John Paul Stevens, ruled against attending. All the nation's governors were invited; few, if any, came. Apparently only two Cabinet members -- Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez -- accepted the invite.

Congressional staffers and Ford family representatives scrambled to find sufficient greeters and honorary pallbearers to join Vice President Cheney and a score of former lawmakers and Ford administration officials. Organizers had to scratch one name they had circulated Friday as a pallbearer: Elford Albin Cederberg, the former Republican congressman from Michigan, died eight months ago.

Waiting in the Capitol crypt -- the holding place for lawmakers attending the rites for Ford -- Rep. James Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.) noted the absence of a quorum. There were only eight congressmen in the room, and a couple of them were watching the Texas-Iowa football game. "What's the score?" one called out.

"Everybody's got to deal with their own schedule," Sensenbrenner, who brought his wife and son to the funeral, said of his absent colleagues. But in his minority view, funerals "are important," he said. "When you're in an official position, it's one of the things that's the right thing to do."

The American people quickly outdid their representatives in respect for the departed president, as several hundred citizens lined up for a late-night public viewing of the casket. But the populace, too, was slow to rally. Capitol police erected barriers to contain thousands, but by mid-afternoon yesterday, only 20 people were in line -- providing a luxurious person-to-portable-toilet ratio of 1:1.

Ford, a onetime college football star, would have understood that New Year's weekend is a difficult time for a funeral. His 6:30 ceremony was tucked in between the 4:30 p.m. Alamo Bowl (Texas vs. Iowa) and the 8 p.m. Chick-Fil-A Bowl (Virginia Tech vs. Georgia). And it was just bad luck that the ceremony would fall on the same day as James Brown's funeral, a Redskins home game and the appearance of photos showing Saddam Hussein in the hangman's noose.

The modest 38th president -- a "Ford, not a Lincoln" was his famous self-description -- probably would not have fretted about the attendance.

His family, reflecting his wishes, dispensed with the horse-drawn caisson, the military flyover and the round-the-clock viewing that accompanied Reagan's rites here in 2004. And high officials will have a chance to improve on their performance when a second ceremony is held for Ford on Tuesday at Washington National Cathedral. Certainly, though, official Washington could have done better by Ford last night.

Had the majority of America's leaders dragged themselves to the Capitol, they would have developed the inevitable lumps in the throat as they felt the percussive pounding of the cannon battery, heard the gentle strains of "America the Beautiful" and viewed the crisp steps of a military guard carrying the flag-draped casket. But, as it happened, there were only 77 chairs put out for mourners in the vast Rotunda; staffers were invited in to pad the crowd and make the room look less empty.

Bob Dole, Alan Greenspan, Henry Kissinger, Brent Scowcroft and other luminaries from the Ford orbit were there. Chuck Hagel, Bill Frist and Mitch McConnell were among about 10 senators visible in the crowd, and departing Speaker Dennis Hastert and outgoing Senate President Pro Tempore Ted Stevens offered workmanlike eulogies.

Cheney graciously overlooked his old boss's posthumously published view that the Bush administration had made a "big mistake" and should not have gone to war in Iraq. "He answered discourtesy with courtesy," Cheney told the mourners. Former defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld, an honorary pallbearer, was a no-show -- reportedly the victim of a delayed flight. And if pallbearer James A. Baker III was in attendance, he proved elusive to the cameras.

Democratic attendance was rather more sparse. The official greeters included Rep. John Dingell, former congressman Lee Hamilton and former speaker Tom Foley. Spied in the crowd were Sens. Chuck Schumer, Carl Levin and Byron Dorgan, and incoming House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer.

Conservatives were quick to condemn Reid and Durbin, who proceeded with four other senators on a trip to South America, knowing they would miss the rites in Washington. "He's the incoming Senate majority leader, for crying out loud, and he can't even show a little bit of respect?" commentator Mike Gallagher demanded on Fox News.

But the disregard was bipartisan. The White House sent out a press release from Crawford, Tex., detailing the logistics of last night's service, then added an asterisk: "Please note that President George W. Bush will not be attending this event." He will pay his respects when he comes back to Washington, then go to the other service on Tuesday. Aides pointed out that this was the same thing Bush did for Reagan's funeral, but Bush had a better excuse that time: He was hosting the G-8 summit of world leaders, not clearing brush on the ranch.

Instead, Bush phoned in a eulogy, using his usual Saturday radio address to proclaim Ford a man of "selfless dedication" and saying, "He always put the needs of his country before his own."

It was a rare trait in official Washington last night.

The Squadfather

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Re: Ford snubbed in death
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2006, 08:25:42 AM »
huge surprise ::) they're all a bunch of selfish phonies, did anyone ever doubt that?

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Ford snubbed in death
« Reply #2 on: December 31, 2006, 08:50:25 AM »
500 of the 535 members of Congress.... I didn't like the guy and I would have went had I been a representitive of the people... This just proves these politicians to give a fuck about America or the people they are suppose to be representing...

Straw Man

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Re: Ford snubbed in death
« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2006, 10:04:15 AM »
This is disgusting.  As is almost always the case - actions speak louder than words


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Re: Ford snubbed in death
« Reply #4 on: December 31, 2006, 10:51:17 AM »
I understood the family wanted a small service, but this is ridiculous, no respect.

Guarantee it interferred with the Saddam hanged party, anyone remember when IBM and Clearchannel Radio had "war parties"


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Re: Ford snubbed in death
« Reply #5 on: December 31, 2006, 04:42:15 PM »
Sickening, very sickening. Shows you what most of our politicians are made of.
The House that Ruth built

Dos Equis

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Re: Ford snubbed in death
« Reply #6 on: December 31, 2006, 05:58:11 PM »
Appalling.   >:(

G o a t b o y

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Re: Ford snubbed in death
« Reply #7 on: December 31, 2006, 06:03:40 PM »
This has far more to do with the funeral falling over the holidays than it does with Ford's stature.  If the guy had waited two more weeks to die, I'm betting 80% of those who were "absent" would have attended.
Ron: "I am lazy."


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Re: Ford snubbed in death
« Reply #8 on: December 31, 2006, 06:43:33 PM »
This has far more to do with the funeral falling over the holidays than it does with Ford's stature.  If the guy had waited two more weeks to die, I'm betting 80% of those who were "absent" would have attended.
Holidays have nothing to do with it, on top of that senators only work about 10 days out of the year anyway, and bush was at his ranch "clearing brush" (wtf) this is America and we honor those that served before us.

Straw Man

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Re: Ford snubbed in death
« Reply #9 on: December 31, 2006, 07:28:16 PM »
Holidays have nothing to do with it, on top of that senators only work about 10 days out of the year anyway, and bush was at his ranch "clearing brush" (wtf) this is America and we honor those that served before us.


G o a t b o y

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Re: Ford snubbed in death
« Reply #10 on: December 31, 2006, 08:54:00 PM »
Holidays have nothing to do with it, on top of that senators only work about 10 days out of the year anyway, and bush was at his ranch "clearing brush" (wtf) this is America and we honor those that served before us.

I was explaining it, not excusing it.  Please don't misconstrue my posts.
Ron: "I am lazy."

Dos Equis

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Re: Ford snubbed in death
« Reply #11 on: January 01, 2007, 11:05:35 AM »
O.K.  So I read that the actual funeral service hasn't been conducted and that the prez will deliver the eulogy.  Talk about a misleading post.   ::)  As Paul Harvey would say, here is the rest of the story (see last paragraph):

Americans Continue to Pay Respects on Final Day Ford Lies in StateMonday, January 01, 2007

EAST GRAND RAPIDS, Mich.  —  They came wearing parkas, bearing umbrellas and clutching snack sacks — a throng of New Year's Day mourners who braved a rainy wait Monday to join Americans who paid last respects to Gerald R. Ford.

President Bush and first lady Laura Bush were to visit the Capitol Rotunda later Monday upon their return from the president's Texas ranch. Monday marked the third day that Ford, whose historic presidency started and finished well before many the visitors here were born, has lain in state where he toiled for two decades as a congressman and House minority leader.

Karen Olson, 53, of Herndon, Va., said the rain couldn't dampen her determination to see him. Her mother, who's now deceased, was on his staff, she said.

"I wanted to come pay my respects. He was a big part of my life," said Olson, who was among the people lined up before 9 a.m. EST to enter the Capitol building. "I have a lot of ties to his family."

"The few times that I met him, he was just really nice," she said.

"I kind of felt like I wanted to be there for them," she said. "There's just an emotional connection there."

Inside the Rotunda, Ford's daughter, Susan Ford Bales, and son Michael Gerald Ford, stood near the casket greeting mourners.

Kirk Scofield, 44, and his wife Mary Scofield, 50, of Sterling, Va., also were among those who lined up early.

Mary was dressed in a parka, poncho and had "six hours of food" in her backpack. She said she was expecting a six-hour wait, though they had been in line less than an hour. "She looks like she's ready to go camping," Kirk joked.

Mary said she wanted to come to the viewing because it was a unique opportunity.

"It's just kind of neat to see."

John Erb, 56, and his wife Karen Erb, 55, of Alexandria, Va., said they were in line at 8:20 a.m. and stood less than an hour to see Ford's casket.

"Between being New Year's Day and rain, it kept a lot of people from being ahead of us," John said.

John said he was in the Army during Ford's administration and came to the viewing because "it's part of the old commander in chief thing."

Following the pardon of Richard Nixon for any crimes from Watergate, Ford lost the 1976 election to Jimmy Carter. Former Sen. Bob Dole of Kansas, Ford's running mate in that campaign, returned unannounced to pay his respects again Sunday, after being among the invited guests as an honorary pallbearer at Saturday evening's ceremonies in the Rotunda.

Political analysts believe the pardon played a major — if not the major — role in Ford's defeat.

Ford was out of the White House after just 2 1/2 years in office and he is the only unelected president. Nixon had appointed Ford vice president to replace Spiro Agnew, who resigned in a bribery scandal stemming from his days as Maryland governor.

The Rotunda was closed to the public at just after 6 p.m. Sunday, but a military guard, changed every hour, stood silent vigil throughout the night, and then reopened Monday morning.

Ford was to lie in state for public viewing through Monday.

On Tuesday morning, Ford's remains will rest outside the Senate chamber before a funeral service at Washington National Cathedral where Bush will deliver a eulogy.,2933,240483,00.html