Author Topic: Your chinese sign  (Read 28120 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Your chinese sign
« Reply #150 on: January 25, 2007, 05:12:18 PM »
d  you mentioned Nick Cave on the sad songs thread. EVERYTHING he does is sad. Love his voice.

Christ almighty.  I've missed this thread.  I was gonna continue doing readings, but....

Hey Toxi, I never meet any dragons, they keep themselves to themselves.

Now about Nick Cave...
A girlfriend (Jeri) moved in with me in NY
after moving out from him.

she said he wrote about her, she couldn't handle it.


Year of the ...
coming up

from chinky shirley:

Astrological Insights, January 22-28, 2007

The winter season has started with an intense energy that commands everyone’s attention. No matter what the weather and its extremes, remember you always carry your own personal sunshine and starlight wherever you go. Therefore, just focus on your personal inner radiance of starlight in the daytime and have your own special inner sunshine where ever you are at night!

It is also important to remember that your inner starlight can flourish no matter what occurs in the outer world, especially when accompanied with a happy and thankful attitude, wrapped in thoughts of compassion and caring for others. It has been said that only by being attentive and sympathetic to all living beings can one realize the true power of love, with its most unique ability to dispel darkness. That includes the entire earth planet package of humans, animals and the environment.

It seems that the environment can do better without humans but humans cannot continue to exist without a balanced environment, which is demonstrated so vividly in the past weeks and months. Hopefully, you are being more astrologically conscious of our wonderful Earth Planet’s environment. It was amazing to discover that basic astrological configurations, which appear for every earth citizen, can be shown in their chart what they can do best to help our planet. Some astrological signs are slightly more sensitive and aware of protecting our planet than others. (That will be an interesting point to observe and explore in the forthcoming presidential candidates as they emerge.)

Comet McNaught gets my vote for bringing attention to its magnificent presence as it sweeps through the astronomical heavens. Although it is no longer able to be seen from the earth’s northern continents, according to NASA it will be able to be viewed a few more days through the southern hemisphere’s skies.

What is the Astrological impact of comets? There are various points of view that have followed all comets, including Haley’s and the current comet McNaught. Comparisons relate to sometimes dramatic and startling historical events that are felt to have occurred because of a Comet’s presence. Some feel they bring good to many and challenges to some, which includes political and earth-changing events, dramatically visible to the public news eye.

Some also feel there is heightened danger for prominent leaders, both royal and elected, during this time. You don’t need a comet to tell you about that! However, with the legends that accompany comet travel and translations of related events by many, it definitely seems to portend that possibility. It is important to remember there are also balances and ways to work beneficially with most astrological aspect influences that are always occurring within the various areas of one’s personal astrological chart.

Add in the comet McNaught energy factor to this year's prominent Virgo and Pisces eclipses and it could get very exciting. You may recall in this column on Jan 8th we wrote about the Lunar Virgo eclipse that occurs on the March 3rd Full Moon and how “this eclipse energy could contribute to launch the beginning of an increase in new UFO sightings, that could start at any moment” as well as call attention to environmental concerns and efforts. We have since learned something did occur during that week in a news related report of a UFO with most unusual lights being seen near Ft. Chaffee, Arkansas. This was photographed and reported to the news by a military Colonel.

That seems to parallel part of the astrological eclipse energy to be a possible preview of some exciting new discoveries and insights into some of the current mysteries and unexplained.

Toss in a splash of optimism that always accompanies Jupiter’s fabulous astrological energy and you can think of this fairly New Year of 2007 being filled with marvelous aspects that may not come to visit again for some time. Make sure you make the most of it. On the nights that you gaze dreamily at the winter skies and you make a wish or two, let them fly on the wings of your thoughts to reach the greatest heights, while being thankful that you are you.

Everyone has their own agenda that leads them to their personal astrological adventure!

Hope yours is wonderful and filled with special moments as we enter the wonderful week of:


Friday, January 26th

The Moon continues in Taurus and this is a day to communicate with those around you in a charming but distinct way. It is a day when you will be able to express great depth of your subjects in a most insightful way. You will find that it is a morning not to just sit around at home and do nothing. Use your initiative to do good things as Venus sextiles Pluto at 4:59 a.m. It is another day that can be powerfully creative artistically in what ever you do with personal projects that may require speaking, writing or just enjoying shopping or redecorating your home or office! At 7:20 a.m. Mercury conjuncts Neptune and you might wish to make a list of things to do so that there is no confusion once you start on your day’s plans. It is a good financial moon and can be used in a generous way during the mid to late morning.

In the afternoon it is wise to review events cautiously and stay alert for good financial moments. Plan to combine your knowledge with your hunches! Keep your head up as there are three planet squares in the late afternoon. The Taurus Moon squares Neptune at 4:05 p.m. This is a moon that seems to prevail during earthquake events and as Neptune rules water it will be interesting to see what or if anything occurs around this aspect. At 5:17 p.m. the Taurus Moon squares Mercury. This seems to toss in energy that can be quite restless or worrisome. If you have a tendency to be indecisive, it could be boosted during this time.

Fortunately, the evening gives everyone a break, becoming a perfect time to visit with friends and family, perhaps enjoying selections from Shirley’s outstanding film collection.

However, at 10:39p.m., the Moon squares Saturn, possibly giving you some late night insight in a delightfully philosophical way to enjoy and understand more about your friends, the people you care about and those who care about you!

Saturday, January 27th

The Moon is in Taurus until mid-morning. It is a great moon to have on a Saturday morning for it brings a gift of endurance! This is a good morning to enjoy your artistic interests or perhaps start to plan your spring garden even if just looking at the seed catalogs. A real bonus of the Taurus Moon seems to heighten your personal magnetism and gives a boost to your creative imagination. It will be a morning when you can achieve a lot but you might choose to keep some of your tasks simple.

The moon briefly goes void at 10:08 a.m. when the Moon squares Venus. From that point on just relax and enjoy the morning and perhaps read and reflect on a few excerpts from one of Shirley’s many outstanding books that includes her classic writing of her inspiring adventures of the soul in "The Camino”. You may also enjoy her delightful “Out on a Leash” which adds brightness to any day.

The Moon enters Gemini at 11:10 a.m., helping you more easily be aware of its gift of making intelligent decisions very quickly. This is another moon that can lift your creativity to exciting new levels whatever you task may be! If you write humor or comedy, this moon certainly helps that aspect. This moon is a communication moon and is great for phone calls to catch up on what’s happening with friends or associates. Expect this day to be most enjoyable whatever you do! You should have no problem communicating and that is a special bonus any time. Anytime is perfect for a random act of kindness and to take action in your own life to help the environment! So plan to do something special and enjoy yourself as well as accomplish a lot.

Venus enters Pisces at 9:32 p.m. This aspect brings sincere empathy for others and for problems that need to be corrected. Be careful that you don’t let your finances slip through your fingers as some offers that may seem too good, probably are, during this astrological influence. Enjoy the evening but hold on to your heart and hold on to you pocketbook!

Sunday, January 28th

The Moon is in Gemini. The Moon trines the sun at 1:07 a.m.

You can enjoy yourself as these aspects boost popularity. Keep the energies balanced and benefit from the good aspects! It can be a very nice morning. It is a great morning for creative accomplishments as this moon complements compelling artistic creations that you can more easily express in your very own way.

The Moon squares Uranus at 9:28 a.m., boosting your thoughts to new levels to create plans for things you need to do. However, it can also trigger strange behaviors so you might want to avoid crowds or crowded places during this time. Follow your hunches. The aspects quickly improve and into an atmosphere of harmony and contentment late morning as the Moon conjuncts Jupiter at 10:46 a.m. If you meet with friends for a late morning brunch you may find the conversations become a little serious and more detailed as Mercury conjuncts Saturn at 12:07 p.m. You may want to try to lighten them up. Whatever you do, be sure to enjoy the afternoon.

The Moon trines Neptune at 8:47 p.m., setting the pace for a friendly evening that can also have a touch of the romantic perhaps enjoy reflecting and remembering special moments that were and are with family and those you care about. This is a nice aspect with which to end the week. As you end the day thinking of your blessings, pause to take a look up towards at the winter night skies and make a wish being thankful that you are you! Tomorrow is a new day filled with unlimited possibilities and just maybe you will find them all!

Happy Birthday!

If you celebrate your birthday during this time, your sun sign is in Aquarius. It is a perfect time to enjoy combining your creativeness with new ideas that will let you move forward and blaze new trails.

It is also a time when you may find that your independence can work wonders helping you to complete important projects that were delayed because of committed work assignments or family concerns. A break through in accomplishment is waiting for you this year.

This year lets you enjoy the feeling of positive action that removes any further doubt about yourself. The planets bring you beautiful aspects to work with in this next twelve months. Enjoy them, but be sure to use them. A fair amount of travel or a change in the way you travel may also prove to be important to reaching your new career goals.

Remember, moderate exercise is important for you as an Aquarian to keep proper circulation so try walking as you think on your feet. It can do wonders to keep you in good health. Paying attention to your diet will help your inner environment!

Meditation will prove to be vitally important to you also to keep a type of sparkling Einstein connection with your most creative mind to the higher energies! This is a year you could have great ideas thanks to the Saturn and Neptune influences. Be sure you are prepared to receive all the important details! Technical equipment to help you have a mobile office will be items you eagerly shop for. And several visits to update your wardrobe will help you to fashionably put your foot in the right place at the right time. Remember, no matter when you celebrate your birthday, it is important to realize that it always takes courage to embrace the possibilities of your own potential. In times of change, there is no incentive as great and powerful as hope for a better tomorrow!

Gemstones selected for this week include....

Amber, which is lovely to use to reach a deep stillness in meditation as you give yourself time to just ‘be’. Amber is usually found in yellow, gold or orange shades but other varieties of red, brown and green also exist. In the epic poem the “Odyssey”, Homer mentions ‘Amber” being given as a princely gift. In roman times, amber artifacts were regarded as being more valuable than slaves. Amber lifts your spirits and positively charges your energy levels. It shields you from negativity from other people or from your environment. Amber is an organic gemstone made up of tree resin. Some people like to take a piece of amber with them on a spring time or early summer walk to help connect to the plant kingdom. Be sure to remember it is important to try to always be respectful for the gifts of the mineral kingdom and the earth.

Special essences also include geranium which is uplifting as well as balancing. Its floral fragrance comes from it fresh green leaves as it releases a rosy and sweet aroma yet is strong with a hint of lemon. It seems to help maintain a positive mood during emotional times and can be quite calming. It lifts the spirits and calms the nervous stem to assist in your meditations as it helps to create the right atmosphere that is conducive to meditation or relaxation. To help maintain a positive mood cycle, add 3 drops of geranium and 3 drops of lemon to your bath water as you relax to receive its aromatic benefits. To raise the energy level in your home, put five drops in the mop water and you will be amazed how it balances and gives an uplifting atmosphere to any area that it is used in. Try it, you may be surprised!

Another wonderful essence selected for your consideration is Ylang-Ylang which brings a fragrance that is sharp and sweet, becoming deeply flora, similar to Jasmine, however it softens with time. Ylang-Ylang flowers are beautiful exotic blooms, found primarily in Madagascar, an island off the coast of East Africa. They yield large amounts of deeply scented essential oil and are called the ‘flower of flowers’ by many. Ylang-Ylang is excellent for reducing panic attacks and stress-related anxiety symptoms. It is suggested to put 2 drops Ylang-Ylang and 3 drops of lavender to a warm bath. Ylang-Ylang’s essence also helps to create a lovely atmosphere that is helpful both to meditation and for relaxation.

Blessings and love to you and to our unique Earth Planet,

Clarisa Bernhardt

(All times CST)

(Column contents © copyrighted)


Your Time Table:

For your convenience, listed here are primary global times with instructions for use. Every location is different and the times listed herein of the celestial alignments are the exact peak of the energy, meaning the influence is over at that time. The energy is active prior to that time and date. Some stellar influences can last for several days to several weeks. Times for this week are set for Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) that may also be called Universal Time (UT) and Eastern Daylight Tim (EDT). I use GMT or UT for publications because it is easier for everyone globally. The table shows how you may add or subtract hours in relation to your location, i.e., for the Eastern Standard Time zone you would subtract 5 hours from GMT. I know that when I am having breakfast on the east coast of the US, my British friends are having lunch. If you think back to New Year's Eve celebrations, the media broadcasted celebrations around the world in different time zones - zone by zone for a 24 hour period. Our Earth time is based on the starting point in Greenwich, England and all formal coordinates are founded from that, such as militaries, ships and so on. There is the matter of Daylight Savings Time or Summer Time to consider. While in the US, one hour should be added to the time tables. Some countries may have double or even triple Summer Time such as Israel, so check in your local area for these conversions. In astrology, a celestial event may be occurring on different calendar dates in different countries on Earth. What may be a planetary alignment in the US on one day could very well be happening the next day in Russia or Tibet. By using the most universal time possible, everyone, everywhere will be able to take full advantage of these stellar alignments.

So, with all that said, here is your Time Zone Table:


Take UT and add or subtract the following hours listed.

Minus ( - ) means to subtract;

Plus ( + ) means to add in relation to GMT and UT time.

Example: When it is noon is England it is 9 P.M. in Japan.

Check your local area for Daylight Savings and Summer Times

International Date Line East (IDLE) + 12 hours

New Zealand Standard Time (NZST) + 12 hours

New Zealand Time (NZT) +12 hours

Guam Standard Time (GST) + 10 hours

East Australian Standard Time (EAST) +10 hours

Japan Standard Time (JST) +9 hours

China Coast Time (CCT) + 8 hours

West Australian Standard Time (WAST) + 7 hours

India Standard Time (IST) + 5.5 hours

Russian Zone 3 + 4 hours

Baghdad Time (BT) + 3 hours

Russian Zone 2 + 3 hours

Eastern European Time (EET) + 2 hours

Russian Zone 1 + 2 hours

Central European Time (CET) + 1 hour

Middle European Time (MET) + 1 hour

Swedish Winter Time (SWT) +1 hour

Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) 0 hour

Universal Time (UT) 0 hour

Western European Time (WET) 0 hour

West African Time (WAT) - 1 hour

Atlantic Standard Time (AST) - 4 hours

Eastern Standard Time (EST) - 5 hours

Central Standard Ti

me (CST) - 6 hours

Mountain Standard Time (MST) - 7 hours

Pacific Standard Time (PST) - 8 hours

Alaskan Standard Time (AkST) - 9 hours

Hawaiian Standard Time (HST) - 10 hours

International Date Line West (IDLW) - 12 hours


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  • Getbig V
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Re: Your chinese sign
« Reply #151 on: January 25, 2007, 05:42:05 PM »
linda..i'll be in london come august...

please please hook me up with some of what u r taking
carpe` vaginum!


  • Getbig V
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Re: Your chinese sign
« Reply #152 on: January 25, 2007, 05:44:17 PM »

I do know what "CUIDATE" means...

spent time in Lisboa, Sintra,



  • Getbig V
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Re: Your chinese sign
« Reply #153 on: January 25, 2007, 05:46:57 PM »
linda..i'll be in london come august...

please please hook me up with some of what u r taking

I can about afford a bottle of Pino Grigio.  There ain't no drugs here, I'm thinking of asking the cops how to find some grass...

Can you bring me news of Toronto?  I used to love my life there.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Your chinese sign
« Reply #154 on: January 25, 2007, 05:52:17 PM »
i HATE grass..

i'm funning..

although i shall be in london..visit a couzin..hit the club scene..make like patsy!  ;) ..

then off to paki..a wedding..then hiking in the himalayas  8)

carpe` vaginum!


  • Getbig V
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Re: Your chinese sign
« Reply #155 on: January 25, 2007, 05:55:52 PM »
linda..i'll be in london come august...

Toxi baby, I wouldn't come in August.  If you're gonna do London, do it in June. 

Canada in September.

August might be okay, but everyone leaves town around that time. 
End of August (the Bank Holiday, CARNIVAL is fantastic. 
I live in the middle of it.

Just make sure you're in the right place at the right time.  Canada in fall.

Rio in Feb.

Paris in the Spring?

if you're really coming to London, book it for the end of August, okay?  and do me a favour, don't expect to see the whole of europe while you're at it, it'll take a week or a year to do London. 

But Amsterdam and Paris are one hour away...

and Prague and Vienna and Roma and Milano.  Barcelona?

oh hang on, I just read your thread. 
You're going to the himalyays, yeah right, London is on the way there.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Your chinese sign
« Reply #156 on: January 25, 2007, 07:00:25 PM »
anybody see nick cave's movie 'the proposition'? it was good . . . except for the excessive quotation of poetry . . . i hate movies in which people quote things.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Your chinese sign
« Reply #157 on: January 28, 2007, 07:36:15 AM »
Nick Cave is in the movies?  Is this the same Nick Cave (he sang), a girlfriend of mine lived with in NY in the early 80s?  He wasn't particularly photogenic back then, so I can't imagine what he looks like now.  She said he didn't have a sense of humour and left him.  (That was before he made any money and had spent all of hers, obviously).

Should I look up his chinese sign?  I still remember hers, though i lost track of her, she moved to England after I invited her, married a Brit then moved to Seattle.

I must apologise, I still haven't read this thread entirely.  It'd be funny to make a list of who is what and who is compatible with who on getbig.  But I haven't time, I've got surveyors coming in to look at my flat tomorrrow, so I'd better do the dishes and mop the kitchen floor. 

Wish me luck (I'm already lucky, but wish me a good time?

is this Nick Cave movie recommended?  Jerri told me lots and lots of stuff about him (she'd just left him, so was hurting), so I'm curious ! !!


  • Getbig V
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Re: Your chinese sign
« Reply #158 on: January 28, 2007, 08:01:02 AM »
I'm going to look up the foot thing, since this thread has turned into a free for all
(and rightly so, it ought be about all alternatives). 
I've ripped pediology out of a magazine someplace and it's fascinating.  Your liver can be fixed by massaging the ball of your foot, but I can't remember whether the brain is the big toe or the heel.

Do I google pederast or podiatrist?  Kidding.

I'm just glad I have beautiful feet
And that I'm the only Monkey.



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Re: Your chinese sign
« Reply #159 on: January 28, 2007, 04:06:24 PM »
Yeah, it's probably impossible to put it into words exactly. What do you mean by "unfair"?

I meant it's unfair probably to judge other people as not having depths of emotion. But it seems to be so.

I've been to Portugal, but it's a long time ago, i was still a kid. I don't remember that much from it. I want to go back this summer. I was thinking about going to Lisboa, i also want to check out Porto (the city, not the drink), and maybe the algarve area. For some reason i've gotten along with all the portuguese people i've met. Quite strange.

Can't wait till its summer again.

You'll love it. Go check on a Fado place if you can.  It's really amazing to see, and you won't find it anywhere else in the world. Good porto (the wine) too.  Last time I smuggled six bottles home in my suitcase.  I clinked and clanked from airport to airport.  It was worth it though.  :D  The food isn't so great, unless if you fance boiled potatoes and fish... but, minor detail.

Lol, good one.
Well, we all need a cheat meal now and then to keep that metabolism going. 
It's hard to resist that "whipped" cream.

I agree.  :)

Camel Jockey

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Re: Your chinese sign
« Reply #160 on: January 28, 2007, 04:29:09 PM »
'86 so I'm a Tiger. RAWR!  ;D


  • Getbig V
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Re: Your chinese sign
« Reply #161 on: January 28, 2007, 09:38:57 PM »
I'm going to look up the foot thing, since this thread has turned into a free for all
(and rightly so, it ought be about all alternatives). 
I've ripped pediology out of a magazine someplace and it's fascinating.  Your liver can be fixed by massaging the ball of your foot, but I can't remember whether the brain is the big toe or the heel.

I think the brain is the big toe, or at least slightly south, in the fleshy part between the big toe and the second toe, ...or that might be circulation (I'm not sure). Years ago my sisters boyfriend knocked himself out playing tennis. His brain was swollen, and doctors wanted to operate to relieve the pressure. my sister who knows very little about alternative solutions was ok with this, but she knew her boyfriend would want every alternative exhausted before having brain surgery. So my sister brought him to a herbalist / iridologist who was able to figure out what was wrong with him in a heartbeat. He mixed up a herbal concoction, then pulled off the guys socks, and with his knuckles stimulated the fleshy pad between his big toe and second toe. My sister's boyfriend, who, at the time, could only best be described as floating around in space somewhere, completely delusional and out of it, bolted upright, and screamed like a bat out of hell, due to the pressure this guy was applying to his feet, ... but it did the trick. The fluids and the swelling that had been building in his brain subsided. Within  hours he was feeling better, regaining his appetite, and returning back to normal. Within 48 hrs, you would never had known there was even a crisis. The doctors were stunned that reflexology and herbs were able to do what they with their millions of dollars of sophisticated machinery could not.

Months later, we got a series of wierd messages on our voicemail. It took saving a few of them and piecing them together to get a complete message and a complete return phone number. It turns out there was a  guy who had a similar brain injury, ...only he let the doctors operate, and he had to re-learn how to walk, talk, feed himself etc. He was trying to contact us for help but his speech was so bad, we couldn't understand the messages. Some things just really are NOT meant to be cut open. I think the human brain is one of them.


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Re: Your chinese sign
« Reply #162 on: January 29, 2007, 07:04:07 AM »
The food isn't so great, unless if you fance boiled potatoes and fish... but, minor detail.
Lol, my friend once made me a portuguese meal. Guess what, it was potatoes mixed with fish, lol. It wasn't that bad, a little salty.
You'll love it. Go check on a Fado place if you can.  It's really amazing to see, and you won't find it anywhere else in the world. Good porto (the wine) too.
I'll do that.  :)