Negroloidzulumusclemuncher!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How dare you insult the great Kiwiol!!!!!!!!!!!!, a man who not only dwarfs you in mucle mass and intellect, but also a living legend who is co responsible along with RB for making the most entertaining board on the internet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh brother , I 'll bet you're the type of whiny little queer that goes to Ernies Erotica to get a refund on your latest purchase, and when the cashier asks "what was wrong with the "Stretch Ass-strong 3000, with 12 pre-recorded dominatrix phrases on the built in speaker" that you waited 4 anxious weeks to be delivered sir?", you reply, "Oh it was a lovely piece of machinery, dont get me wrong, but it's just that everytime I pressed the speak button when it was up my ass it said "Take that you nasty little ####!"....."Take that you nasty little ####!" ....."Take that you nasty little ####!" ....."Take that you nasty little ####!" ....."Take that you nasty little ####!" ....."Take that you nasty little ####!" , It must be broken or something?" hahahahahahahaha gayer than dumbell squats
Oh brother I'm gayer than........ Great material Big C, I guess you can be thanked for the Squads downfall as well. Why don't you do another chronicle
hahahaha too easy
Kiwiol wasnt the death of the Squad - when he failed to speak up over the treatment of holy leader MARS... it left the doors open for more uprising.Mars has had the last laugh. The SQUAD will return to its glory days.
Kiwiol was not the death of the squad
how has mars had the last laugh
i know and for these guys to claim that is assanine
the tiny tits like nzmusclemonster think they run shit now
'NZMUSCLEBEAR' is almost as suggestive as the name 'NAUGHTY BY NATURE'Quite an inviting name to use on a male bodybuilding site; wouldnt you say Mr Pearson?
Oh brother Could you please just clarify what you acturly do in the SQUAD? Your like the special kid in school who gets to become 'milk monitor' no one respects it, you bring nothing to the table.It is no coincidence that the SQUAD got crushed after his majesty Mars departed.
He is too accessable. There used to be a mystique and sense of unattainability of the Squad. He made it too mainstream and watered down the impotence and sting that this group of individuals once had.