Author Topic: Jimmy v Noam Chomsky on 911  (Read 1597 times)


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Jimmy v Noam Chomsky on 911
« on: April 04, 2007, 04:08:55 PM »

"Did they plan it in any way or know anything about it? This seems to me extremely unlikely. I mean, for one thing they would have had to be insane to try anything like that. First if they had, it’s almost certain that it would have leaked, you know it’s a very poor system; secrets are very hard to keep so something would have leaked out, very likely. And if it had they would have all been before firing squads and that would be the end of the Republican party for ever. To take a chance on that, just, even if you could control… First it was completely unpredictable what would happen. You couldn’t predict that the plane would actually hit the World Trade Center and it happened that it did but you know it could easily have missed. So you could hardly control but what you could be almost certain of is that any hint of the plan would have leaked and would have just destroyed them. And to take a chance on something like that would be meaningless." Noam

Basically, Noam is saying large conspiracies cannot exist because "somebody will talk". If this is the case, how was Enron able to defraud its stockholders for years without detection? For Enron to mask the heavily financed nature of their organization and to maintain their increasingly false image as a profitable industry leader took the synergistic corruption of Enron, their accountants Arthur Anderson, the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Federal Energy Review Committee, the Bush Administration, hundreds of lawyers, and executives from all the major banks. Speak of the devil, when Tower 7 fell guess what happened to many of case files related to the Enron investigation??

As for the chances of a successful operation on 911,  if one has the technology to make a missile go through the second story window of an Iraqi school, one can make airplanes hit two of the biggest buildings in the world. Noam thinks it is unlikely the most sophisticated government in the world would be successful, but how exactly did 19 Arabs with box cutters do it?

It was a rigged day in history, the Bush Administration terminated investigations into terrorist activities related to the bin Laden family prior to 911 (ostensibly to negotiate his extradition from the Taliban) 1. This made it impossible for anyone to connect the many pieces of information flooding in about an upcoming terror operation, from Israel, Germany, Russia, and France, amongst others.

As for September 11 itself, there were at least half a dozen war exercises being conducted on that day. Some of these exercises actually mimicked the attacks that were unfolding. You can hear the North American Radar Air Defense NORAD operators asking "is this real world or exercise?" in their conversations with the Federal Aviation Administration FAA. The military exercises of 911 served to confuse and frustrate any possible response from American air defenses. The planes that were scrambled to intercept the hijacked airplanes were too late and sent in the wrong directions.


"Now, if you look there is a big industry in the United States, on the left as well. I mean you should see the emails I get, this huge internet industry from the left trying to demonstrate, and there is books coming out, the best sellers in France, ah so on… That this was all fake and it was planned by the Bush administration and so on. If you look at the evidence, ah anybody who knows anything about the sciences would instantly discount that evidence.

I mean there’s plenty of coincidences and unexplained phenomena you know ‘why did this happen’, ‘why didn’t that happen’ and so on. But if you look at a controlled scientific experiment, the same thing is true. I mean when someone carries out a controlled scientific experiment at the best laboratories, at the end there are lots of things that are unexplained and there are funny coincidences, and this and that. If you want to get a sense of it take a look at the letters column in the technical scientific journals, like nature  or something. The letters are commonly about unexplained properties of reports of technical experiments carried out under controlled conditions which are just going to leave a lot of things unexplained. That’s the way the world is.

Ah when you take a natural event, you know, not something that’s controlled, most of it will be unexplained, there will be all sorts of things that happened And you know you can after wards, you can put them in some sort of pattern, but before hand you cant. The pattern may be completely meaningless, because you could put them into some other pattern too. That’s just the way complicated events are too. So the evidence that’s been produced, in my opinion, is essentially worthless. And the belief that it could have been done… is so, you know, has such low credibility, that I don’t really think its serious.

I should say that, you know, I’m pretty isolated about this in the West. I mean a large part of the left completely disagrees on this and has all kinds of elaborate conspiracy theories about how it happened and why it happened and so on. But I think it just, first of all I think its completely wrong, but also I think its diverting people away from serious issues." Noam

It is true money exists to be made through websites, documentaries and merchandise, but the other side of the story is near cross the board condemnation and ridicule. Ask Charlie Sheen, David Lynch, Rosie O'Donnell and especially Kevin Ryan (who was fired for questioning the NIST story). Even 911 hero and last survivor Willie Rodriguez was chastised for asking questions about the explosions he heard all over the building (even before first plane strike) as he was helping firemen save people. As long as we are discussing money to be made from 911, we should look at the top of the food chain and  considered the Oil and Defense industries. Unlike the thousands that conspiracy websites are scrambling over there are literally trillions at stake for them.

Its easy to summarily dismiss the many anomalies and impossibilities that arose from the NIST and 911 Commission Reports as "unexplained".  However, looking at the summation of these anomalies and impossibilities and taken in the context of frustrated investigations into Bin Laden by the Bush Administration beforehand, and the wars which had been planned for years unfolding after that day, as well as the Pakistani ISI connection to the hijackers ... it is very difficult say there is no evidence for a conspiracy whatsoever. In fact I would say its downright stupid.

"I mean it does not make any… even if it were true, which is extremely unlikely, who cares? It doesn’t have any significance but it’s a little bit like the human energy that’s put out on trying to figure out who killed John F Kennedy. Who knows and who cares? I mean, plenty of people get killed all the time, why does it matter that one of them had to be John f Kennedy?

If there was some reason to believe that there was a high level conspiracy it might be interesting. But the evidence against that is overwhelming. And after that it’s just a matter of did it happen to be a jealous husband, the mafia or someone else? What difference does it make? Its just taking energy away from the serious issues onto the ones that don’t matter and I think the same is true here." Noam

Seeing as nearly three thousand lives ended on 911, and hundreds of thousands more are ending do to the resultant wars, finding out who carried out this attack does not strike me as a waste of energy. I would really like to know what is more important?

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Jimmy v Noam Chomsky on 911
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2007, 12:02:50 AM »
Alright jimmy, you have a second chance here.  By all means please feel free to blow it.  I will have no problem re-banning you.  I do not want to restart all the bullshit over again.  As you can see this forum is going above and beyond expectations.  I don't intend on letting anyone fuck that up.  Respect the people who post here and respect all the mod's decisions and there will be no problem.  The forum runs awesome, that's all I want to keep in tact.  All the people who put time into posting here deserve no less.  I'm saying this stuff out of respect for all these people posting here, not for self gratification or ego.  If you have the desire to cross the forum or the mods, this will not be the place for you.  If you're here to share and debate politics, we will have ZERO problems and this will all be in the past.  up to you...

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Re: Jimmy v Noam Chomsky on 911
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2007, 06:18:44 AM »
IMO, chomsky understand the true motives behind 911 - survival of the US against RUS/CHI over the next 100+ years.  911 was one of those events that the utilitarians decide is necessary for the survival of the superpower.  He knows he'll be trivialized and labeled by sheep if he admits it was an inside job.

Or, he's a shill. 


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Re: Jimmy v Noam Chomsky on 911
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2007, 06:32:51 AM »
i gott disagree rob ... i think he wants to believe what hes saying ... he sounded to me like he was seriously rationalizing at the end of the interview

can you make a video of him having sex with his grandfather or something ? :D


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Re: Jimmy v Noam Chomsky on 911
« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2007, 06:56:20 AM »
Alright jimmy, you have a second chance here.  By all means please feel free to blow it.  I will have no problem re-banning you.  I do not want to restart all the bullshit over again.  As you can see this forum is going above and beyond expectations.  I don't intend on letting anyone fuck that up.  Respect the people who post here and respect all the mod's decisions and there will be no problem.  The forum runs awesome, that's all I want to keep in tact.  All the people who put time into posting here deserve no less.  I'm saying this stuff out of respect for all these people posting here, not for self gratification or ego.  If you have the desire to cross the forum or the mods, this will not be the place for you.  If you're here to share and debate politics, we will have ZERO problems and this will all be in the past.  up to you...

LMAO, you don't respect anyone bitch! if you did you would take that porn off of your profile....if I wanted the naked pics I would go to the sex home
gotta love life


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Re: Jimmy v Noam Chomsky on 911
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2007, 06:58:44 AM »
hes a whiny emotional bitch but ron wont yank him so thats life


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Re: Jimmy v Noam Chomsky on 911
« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2007, 07:09:32 AM »
hes a whiny emotional bitch but ron wont yank him so thats life

oh I know dude, that fucker has never posted ONE fact on here. He just comes around to try and piss people off. But hey when you jerk off to cartoons how cool can you be anyway
gotta love life


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Re: Jimmy v Noam Chomsky on 911
« Reply #7 on: April 05, 2007, 07:12:28 AM »


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Re: Jimmy v Noam Chomsky on 911
« Reply #8 on: April 05, 2007, 07:14:54 AM »
Get a room, you two.  :-X

oh sorry Ribo, I forgot Beserker was on your team
gotta love life


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Re: Jimmy v Noam Chomsky on 911
« Reply #9 on: April 05, 2007, 07:19:21 AM »
they both play for the other one :D

but this thread is about Gnome Chompsky running his mouth and getting slapped iwth my dick


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Re: Jimmy v Noam Chomsky on 911
« Reply #10 on: April 05, 2007, 08:12:22 AM »
i agree with chomsky here
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Re: Jimmy v Noam Chomsky on 911
« Reply #11 on: April 05, 2007, 08:12:53 AM »
he hates america with the best of them, but even he doesn't buy the 9/11 inside job
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Re: Jimmy v Noam Chomsky on 911
« Reply #12 on: April 05, 2007, 08:18:51 AM »
what a well thought out rebuttal ::)


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Re: Jimmy v Noam Chomsky on 911
« Reply #13 on: April 05, 2007, 08:39:49 AM »
i can only waste so much time a week on CT's and you don't qualify
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Re: Jimmy v Noam Chomsky on 911
« Reply #14 on: April 05, 2007, 08:42:07 AM »
that and youre too fucking stupid to string an argument together