Author Topic: Oral Roberts U Sued - And Kids vs. Crackberry  (Read 1491 times)

Dos Equis

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Oral Roberts U Sued - And Kids vs. Crackberry
« on: October 13, 2007, 01:22:03 PM »
So I'm sitting in church last week and the speaker mentions a scandal involving Oral Roberts U, but doesn't say explicitly what the scandal involved.  I promptly whipped out my Blackberry and pulled up the story.  My friend, sitting with his family in front of me, then draws a picture of a burning house (with kids and a Blackberry inside), with the caption "Kids or Crackberry?"  :) 

Professors Sue Oral Roberts President
Kelly Kerr/Tulsa World, via Associated Press
Richard Roberts, the president of Oral Roberts University, has been accused of irregularities.

Published: October 11, 2007
Correction Appended

A suit filed by three former professors charges financial, political and personal irregularities by the president of Oral Roberts University, including a claim that he illegally mobilized students to campaign for a Republican mayoral candidate.

The president, Richard Roberts, the son of the university founder, the television evangelist Oral Roberts, has offered a series of denials. But he declined yesterday to respond in detail to the accusations in the suit.

The ex-professors, citing a secret internal report by an official of the Oral Roberts Ministries, linked to the university in Tulsa, Okla., sued on Oct. 2. They also contended that the Roberts house on the campus had been remodeled 11 times in 14 years, that the university jet took family members on trips and that the family’s university-paid cellphones sent text messages to “under-age males — often between 1 a.m. and 3 a.m.”

The plaintiffs said “some of the more salacious entries” were omitted from the suit “to preserve, as much as possible, the remaining positive image of the university.”

A plaintiff, John Swails, a 14-year tenured professor and the chairman of the department of history, humanities and government, said by phone he had been fired after providing a copy of the report to the university provost, Ralph Fagin, and the university’s Board of Regents in July. “It was the first they saw of it,” Mr. Swails said.

Mr. Fagin did not return a call to his office.

Another plaintiff, Tim Brooker, said in the suit that under pressure from university officials he gave inaccurate information to the Internal Revenue Service in an investigation of the political activities last year.

Mr. Roberts was on “Larry King Live” on Tuesday night with his wife, Lindsay, who is included in the accusations. He denied any improper political role, saying: “I didn’t ask or coerce anybody. That’s not true.”

He and Mrs. Roberts also denied wrongdoing to a list of other accusations in the suit.

Denials were also made to reporters who flew to New York with the Robertses in the university jet, which the suit described as university-owned but Mr. Roberts said was leased.

Gary L. Richardson of Tulsa, a lawyer for the professors, said he tried to call to the King show but was not put through, unlike Oral Roberts, now 89 and retired in California, who defended his son on the air.

On the campus, students said Mr. Roberts appeared at a midday prayer meeting and spoke briefly of the controversy. “He kind of made some jokes and had fun with it,” said Sara Swanson.

Ms. Swanson said she had watched Mr. Roberts on the King show. “If you know him really well, you could tell he was a little nervous,” she said. “But who wouldn’t be in that situation?”

Blogs in Oklahoma crackled with comments by alumni, neighbors and others for and against the Robertses and the university, which has 5,300 students.

The suit says the accusations come from a document compiled by a sister of Mrs. Roberts, Stephanie Cantees, community and governmental liaison aide for the Oral Roberts Ministries.

No listed telephone number could be found for Ms. Cantees, and university officials did not make her available for questions. The university Board of Regents voted last Friday to hire an independent auditor to review the accusations.

A spokesman for university, Jeremy Burton, said he had to refer all questions to Mr. Roberts, who did not respond to requests for an interview.

Tax law strictly limits the political activities of nonprofit groups, as well as the use of a charity’s assets by insiders like the Roberts family. The university’s reported ownership of a plane might also raise questions, lawyers said. Harvard, the nation’s wealthiest nonprofit institution, does not own a plane.

In the 1960s, the I.R.S. ruled that a college could require students to work on political campaigns as part of a class assignment. But the agency did not address whether a nonprofit group could direct students to work on a specific campaign in the way the suit contends that Oral Roberts students were managed.

The suit raises potential problems for the university that could jeopardize its tax-exempt status, said Marcus S. Owens, a lawyer at Caplin & Drysdale in Washington who previously ran an I.R.S. division that oversees nonprofit groups.

If it is determined that university officials misled the tax agency in the inquiry on the political activities, the Justice Department could begin a criminal investigation, Mr. Owens said.

The state suit was filed by Mr. Swails along with Mr. Brooker, a professor in the government program, and his wife, Paulita Brooker, an adjunct professor of history, humanities and government and, since last year, an employee in the School of Lifelong Education. They said that after bringing accusations of wrongdoing to the attention of university officials, Mr. Swails and Ms. Brooker were fired and Mr. Brooker was pressed to resign.

They said that in December 2005 Mr. Brooker was told by Mr. Roberts and Ms. Cantees to mobilize students on behalf of a candidate in the Republican primary for mayor of Tulsa, Randi Miller. Ms. Miller lost but was later elected a county commissioner. She did not return a call to her office.

Mr. Brooker said he opposed the effort as illegal but was ordered to do it, anyway. In May 2006, the suit says, the I.R.S. investigated the university’s role in the campaign and Mr. Brooker gave inaccurate information to take the blame and shield Mr. Roberts and other officials in what Mr. Brooker called a cover-up.

He says he was later made the scapegoat, denied $18,000 in pay and forced out.

The suit also says a student working in the Miller campaign, with access to Ms. Cantees’s computer, came across a “substantial documentation of immoral and improper conduct” and gave it to the professors.

Mr. Roberts told Larry King that he had asked Ms. Cantees to be his “eyes and ears and from time to time to make notes on things that she heard.”

Mr. Roberts described them only as rumors and said: “I laughed. They were so preposterous and untrue.”


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Re: Oral Roberts U Sued - And Kids vs. Crackberry
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2007, 06:55:28 PM »

That name always made me crack up. I was gonna apply there for college just so I could shock people by telling them I was applying to "Oral Roberts" hahahahahhahaaaaa

Dos Equis

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Re: Oral Roberts U Sued - And Kids vs. Crackberry
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2007, 02:58:15 PM »
This is ugly. 

Embattled Oral Roberts President Resigns

TULSA, Okla. (AP) — The president of Oral Roberts University, facing accusations he misspent school funds to support a lavish lifestyle, resigned on Friday, officials said.

Richard Roberts' resignation is effective immediately, according to a statement e-mailed from George Pearsons, chairman of the school's Board of Regents.

Roberts and the evangelical university have come under fire since three former professors sued last month, alleging wrongful termination.

The lawsuit includes allegations of a $39,000 shopping tab at one store for Richard Roberts' wife, Lindsay, a $29,411 Bahamas senior trip on the university jet for one of Roberts' daughters, and a stable of horses for the Roberts children.

Roberts, son of school founder and televangelist Oral Roberts, had been on temporary leave from the university, fighting the accusations against him. The Board of Regents had ordered an outside probe of the school's finances.

In a recent interview, Roberts and his wife denied wrongdoing. He has said the lawsuit amounted to "intimidation, blackmail and extortion."

On Friday, he said in the statement that he loved the university, of which he became president in 1993.

"I love ORU with all my heart," he said. "I love the students, faculty, staff and administration and I want to see God's best for all of them."

The school will not provide additional comment until next week, spokesman Jeremy Burton said. A message left for Roberts' personal attorney wasn't immediately returned.

Gary Richardson, the attorney for the three professors, said, "Those who have seen what we have seen won't have any surprise about the fact that Richard has stepped down." He later said, "There was no option, period."

One of the plaintiffs, John Swails, said Roberts "could have spared the university and the students by going ahead and stepping down and admitting his wrongdoing."

The professors also alleged in their lawsuit that Richard Roberts required students in a government class to work on 2006 mayoral candidate Randi Miller's campaign.

Roberts publicly endorsed Miller, but said then that he was doing so as a private citizen and not as an ORU representative. He has denied the lawsuit's claims that he ordered students to work on Miller's campaign.

Professor Tim Brooker, one of the lawsuit plaintiffs, accused the school of forcing him to quit after he warned Roberts that requiring students to work on Miller's campaign jeopardized ORU's tax-exempt status.

In the weeks since that lawsuit was filed, others have cropped up, including one from a former senior accountant who alleged that the Robertses ordered him to help them hide improper and illegal financial wrongdoing from the authorities and the public.

"This is good news for the university," said Donald Vance, a professor of biblical languages and literature. "It's time for the Board of Regents to step forward with a strong choice, and I hope they will involve the tenured faculty in the process."

Two weeks ago, Vance joined the majority of tenured faculty in a vote of "no confidence" in Richard Roberts as president, regardless of the outcome of the lawsuit.

Cornell Cross II, a senior government major, said the resignation is "an excellent step to fix the university," but believes the school's most trying days lie ahead.

"This is not over, there a lot of things that need to continue," Cross said. "The culture of fear that has been allowed to fester at ORU has to be looked into.

"We still haven't heard any admission of wrongdoing or any kind of humility or contrition," he said.

The school's regents will meet Monday and Tuesday to determine action in the search process for a new president, Pearsons said in the statement.

Executive Regent Billy Joe Daugherty will assume the president's administrative responsibilities, working with Oral Roberts until the regents' meeting, the college said.

Former ORU Regent Harry McNevin, who quit the board in 1987 because of the misspending he alleged he witnessed, called the resignation "inevitable."

"You can't take the sacrifices of God's people and use them any old way," he said. "It's been 20 years that they've been doing the same things that I became aware of."


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Re: Oral Roberts U Sued - And Kids vs. Crackberry
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2007, 05:28:06 PM »

 Yes this doesnt look good for ORU. i only skimmed this thread, but i hope people dont hold this particular incident against Christianity in general, that would be ignorant.  RAIN!!!...BOWS!!!!! 

Dos Equis

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Re: Oral Roberts U Sued - And Kids vs. Crackberry
« Reply #4 on: November 26, 2007, 05:42:01 PM »

 Yes this doesnt look good for ORU. i only skimmed this thread, but i hope people dont hold this particular incident against Christianity in general, that would be ignorant.  RAIN!!!...BOWS!!!!! 

Did you go to the game?  I don't think I'm going to get a lick of work done all week.   :)


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Re: Oral Roberts U Sued - And Kids vs. Crackberry
« Reply #5 on: November 26, 2007, 05:47:53 PM »

  i have tickets, but we didnt have enough for aveyone so we just watched it at home. took the new tv ouside and had a bbq. the neighbors came and everything, it was great. easily the best game ever. or maybe when we beat BYU when they had Ty, thats what the old timers say anyway, i was around six at that time.

  what was the name of that good book you were reading? i want to pick it up.

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Re: Oral Roberts U Sued - And Kids vs. Crackberry
« Reply #6 on: November 26, 2007, 06:26:20 PM »
  i have tickets, but we didnt have enough for aveyone so we just watched it at home. took the new tv ouside and had a bbq. the neighbors came and everything, it was great. easily the best game ever. or maybe when we beat BYU when they had Ty, thats what the old timers say anyway, i was around six at that time.

  what was the name of that good book you were reading? i want to pick it up.

You missed a great game, but watching it with friends is the next best thing.  The stadium was literally rocking brah. 

I have broken my own rule and I'm reading three (I usually only read one at a time), but I think the one you're referring to is "Billions of Missing Links" by Dr. Geoffrey Simmons.  My weekend reading.  It's fascinating so far.  I've been posting some excerpts here: 

I ordered it from Amazon:

I'm only a third of the way through, but I highly recommend it.  I've learned a ton already, like the fact cockroaches have two brains, the octopus is one of the smartest animals in the world (I had no idea), etc.  There is some wild and fascinating stuff in nature.  Currently reading about worms. 

It's a very easy read, easy to understand.  It's not a religious book.  At least not yet.  Good stuff.   


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Re: Oral Roberts U Sued - And Kids vs. Crackberry
« Reply #7 on: November 26, 2007, 07:14:08 PM »

  yes that the one, thanks!  Im gonna pick it up tonight.

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Re: Oral Roberts U Sued - And Kids vs. Crackberry
« Reply #8 on: November 26, 2007, 07:28:03 PM »
  yes that the one, thanks!  Im gonna pick it up tonight.

No trouble.  You might want to call first.  They didn't have it at Borders (Windward) when I went.  They will order it for you if they don't have it in the store or you can get from Amazon, which is pretty fast. 


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Re: Oral Roberts U Sued - And Kids vs. Crackberry
« Reply #9 on: November 27, 2007, 10:04:20 AM »

That name always made me crack up. I was gonna apply there for college just so I could shock people by telling them I was applying to "Oral Roberts" hahahahahhahaaaaa

i'm missing the funniness of oral roberts? I mean, if you said morehead state...then i'd laugh..but oral roberts---unfunny.
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