Author Topic: PitBull almost ate a puppy  (Read 2258 times)


  • Getbig IV
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PitBull almost ate a puppy
« on: December 06, 2007, 12:56:03 PM »
One of my close friends who happens to live in a house right down the street from me called me yesterday and told me he took his dog out for a walk yesterday, while on the walk another neighbor was walking her dog. As they crossed paths, my friend who has a 100 pound pitbull and the other neighbior who had a golden retriever puppy, started talking, the lady with the puppy asked my friend if they could play as they spoke, if his dog was safe, my buddy said yes,and as they talked, the puppy and the pitbull started playing until all of a sudden, the pitbul grabbed the puppy in his mouth, basically the puppy's head was all the way in the pitbulls mouth. The pitbull started rag dolling the puppy in his mouth as my friend tried to break it up, even hitting the pitbull in the head several times and trying to clamp open the dog's jaw but couldnt until the pitbull let the puppy go. The puppy actually got a small punture wound in his ear, but right after it happened, my friend and the neighbor,jumped into his car and went straight to the vet. The vet checked him out and after a $400 vet bill the puppy went home with very monor injuries. The next day the woman said she was throwing up and was very upset but thanked my buddy for paying for the vet and running her to the vet. The next day, the lady called my friend to tell her the puppy wont eat and is scared of her other little dog which is a chihuuha. She also said she wants to take her dog to a behavioral specialist, and get this,,,she has all the tapes of Ceasar Milan,,lol...but anyway,,,my buddy feels bad,,but already spent a lot on the vet, and even said he would pay more,,but my question is ,,if she wants to go to a behaviroal psy. for treatment,,how much do they cost,,,what is the duration of time,,,i can understand the puppy is shaken up from almost being eaten,,,so does anyone how long and how much they would cost,,,wont the puppy be ok after a week or so?? thanks,,,,Hi Flower.


  • Getbig III
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Re: PitBull almost ate a puppy
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2007, 01:34:27 PM »
One of my close friends who happens to live in a house right down the street from me called me yesterday and told me he took his dog out for a walk yesterday, while on the walk another neighbor was walking her dog. As they crossed paths, my friend who has a 100 pound pitbull and the other neighbior who had a golden retriever puppy, started talking, the lady with the puppy asked my friend if they could play as they spoke, if his dog was safe, my buddy said yes,and as they talked, the puppy and the pitbull started playing until all of a sudden, the pitbul grabbed the puppy in his mouth, basically the puppy's head was all the way in the pitbulls mouth. The pitbull started rag dolling the puppy in his mouth as my friend tried to break it up, even hitting the pitbull in the head several times and trying to clamp open the dog's jaw but couldnt until the pitbull let the puppy go. The puppy actually got a small punture wound in his ear, but right after it happened, my friend and the neighbor,jumped into his car and went straight to the vet. The vet checked him out and after a $400 vet bill the puppy went home with very monor injuries. The next day the woman said she was throwing up and was very upset but thanked my buddy for paying for the vet and running her to the vet. The next day, the lady called my friend to tell her the puppy wont eat and is scared of her other little dog which is a chihuuha. She also said she wants to take her dog to a behavioral specialist, and get this,,,she has all the tapes of Ceasar Milan,,lol...but anyway,,,my buddy feels bad,,but already spent a lot on the vet, and even said he would pay more,,but my question is ,,if she wants to go to a behaviroal psy. for treatment,,how much do they cost,,,what is the duration of time,,,i can understand the puppy is shaken up from almost being eaten,,,so does anyone how long and how much they would cost,,,wont the puppy be ok after a week or so?? thanks,,,,Hi Flower.

Probably a couple hundred bucks for someone with a brain.  This whole scenario is completely possible so don't think the lady is making it up.  Just like humans, puppies outlook on the world is molded as they grow up.  First of all, your friend should have never let his dog interact with any dog he doesn't know.  Dogs just don't walk up to each other and say "Hi how are you".  There is a process.  When i walk my dog and people ask if their dog can say hello I say "No" as I don't even break stride and continue walking.

Now what that lady is going to wind up doing is coddling that puppy and keeping it away from all other dogs for fear of a repeat situation.  This is the worst possible scenario.  I am sure this is what she is doing because it is human nature.  The problem is the puppy isn't a human.  The dog will never learn that it doesn't need to fear other dogs until it has experiences to reassure itself if it continues

Consider this

1) Your friend could probably have a problem with animal control considering you have a 100lb pitbull on the one hand, and a golden retriever puppy on the other.  The public will jump all over that comparison and you know who gets blamed, and this time it is for a good reason since it is 100% the dogs fault.  The fact that your friend did not know that his dog would act that way is a fucking disgrace.  How do you not know your dog is dog aggressive?  You have to be a complete uninformed moron to not see signs as that dog grows up.

2) A good behaviorist with half of a brain would know everything I am saying and everything that would be too much to type.  This isn't un-fixable, but it is a serious setback in that puppys development.  If it goes untreated, that golden retriever could wind up being generally nervous and anxious, a fear biter, or even worse just flat out dog aggressive to where it will attack another dog without blinking an eye.  There are also sometimes cases that are so extreme, to be honest with you, this would be considered "so extreme", that the dog is never really right again.

3) Behavior modification really is not something that SOMEONE can fix.  She has to fix it, and fix it along with the puppy.  No trainer can come in an erase what happened.  They have to educate the woman and explain to her what needs to be done.  It really doesn't need to go past 1 visit + phone call support for any questions she has. 

"wont the puppy be ok after a week or so??".  Not at all.  The cure for something like this is to socialize the daylights out of that dog until he has nothing to fear.  It'll be a lengthy process, but sheltering that dog never fixes the problem.  The dog isn't going to remember the incident, but it is going to form a view on strange dogs that they want to hurt him and he may defend himself in one way or another as I explained above.

4) Lastly, it is amazing that anyone who watches Cesar's show is so blind.  It really is a great show in the fact that it is on TV and should prevent at least these common sense mistakes from happening.  I would never in a million years put a puppy or any dog near a strange dog I have never met and know nothing about.  Amazing really.

The bottom line is both parties are wrong.  Ignorance on both parts.  It isn't the pitbulls fault, it is your friends fault.  Even if the dog was die hard dog aggressive that is irrelevant, because your friend let it happen and let him get that way.

Where do you live?  I may know of a behaviorist that isn't a crock.


  • Getbig III
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Re: PitBull almost ate a puppy
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2007, 01:47:12 PM »
your friend is lucky his dog is still alive. most people would have flipped even more because its a pitt and had the dog put down. it was probally the puppies fault and the other dog was just showing dominance. if it wanted to it could have killed it. it choose not to. however i would still keep a better eye on the dog. i own pits and it sucks because people already have a misconception. shit like this gives them a bad name that they def don't deserve.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: PitBull almost ate a puppy
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2007, 03:02:07 PM »
Thank you both for both make PERFECT sense. The pitbull was showing dominace as the puppy might of growled at him wrong,,,but my friend had no business bringing his dog close to another dog..his pitbull has a history of attacking other dogs,,i dont know why he didnt think it could happen again,,,thanks again


  • Getbig III
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Re: PitBull almost ate a puppy
« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2007, 11:40:39 AM »
similar situation happened to me, I own a pit bull terrier and another dog (that was not on a leash) approached my dog in a dominant manner and they got into a fight. 

I will tell you this much, if she calls animal control he's in for a big ol mess, if she calls his homeowners assoc he's in for a big mess also.

Best thing he can do is buy a muzzle for his dog and be extra careful, b/c since it's a pit bull it's a lose/lose for him.

Dude my dog was on a leash, the other dog wasn't, and I still got the brunt of the punishment simply b/c she's a bulldog.  Everything is different when a pit bull is involved.

I tried to go the extra mile and pay 1/2 of the vet bill, be nice about it, do the responsible thing and it still backfired on me; now I'm the scourge of my neighborhood w/ my big mean pit bull  ::).  Long story short, he's screwed just b/c of the breed of dog he has.

Wrong.  Hes screwed because he didnt train his dog and now its a fucking mess.


  • Getbig III
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Re: PitBull almost ate a puppy
« Reply #5 on: December 11, 2007, 04:56:19 PM »
yup i had 2 German Shepard's who belonged to a cop attack my pit. i was walking my dog and they were off leash playing fetch. i didn't care put they ran over and immediately starting going at it. my dog is very submissive and she rolled over etc. well anyways i punted one of the dogs in the side and pulled my dog out and then the owner was there by that time. ass hole lectured me about owning a pit and told me never to kick his dogs again. then he gave me the cop speech. my dog was fine just a Lil blood on her ear and nose. it healed in a few days.


  • Getbig III
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Re: PitBull almost ate a puppy
« Reply #6 on: December 11, 2007, 05:49:22 PM »
i wish but i wouldnt last long in prison. ive got a great ass. jk


  • Getbig V
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  • Ron "There is no freedom of speech here" Avidan
Re: PitBull almost ate a puppy
« Reply #7 on: December 11, 2007, 06:04:03 PM »
yup i had 2 German Shepard's who belonged to a cop attack my pit. i was walking my dog and they were off leash playing fetch. i didn't care put they ran over and immediately starting going at it. my dog is very submissive and she rolled over etc. well anyways i punted one of the dogs in the side and pulled my dog out and then the owner was there by that time. ass hole lectured me about owning a pit and told me never to kick his dogs again. then he gave me the cop speech. my dog was fine just a Lil blood on her ear and nose. it healed in a few days.
Should have punched that cop right in the throat, then kicked his dogs for good measure. >:(

Thank you both for both make PERFECT sense. The pitbull was showing dominace as the puppy might of growled at him wrong,,,but my friend had no business bringing his dog close to another dog..his pitbull has a history of attacking other dogs,,i dont know why he didnt think it could happen again,,,thanks again
Your "friend" ::) is a fucking moron and should be beaten. His dog has previous incidences and he allowed him to interact with a puppy?!? His dog should be taken and your "friend" should be kicked in his head. Thatr is the type of guy right there that gives people a bad impression of pits. He should have said "No", dumb ass.


  • Getbig V
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Re: PitBull almost ate a puppy
« Reply #8 on: December 11, 2007, 09:47:09 PM »
yup i had 2 German Shepard's who belonged to a cop attack my pit. i was walking my dog and they were off leash playing fetch. i didn't care put they ran over and immediately starting going at it. my dog is very submissive and she rolled over etc. well anyways i punted one of the dogs in the side and pulled my dog out and then the owner was there by that time. ass hole lectured me about owning a pit and told me never to kick his dogs again. then he gave me the cop speech. my dog was fine just a Lil blood on her ear and nose. it healed in a few days.

I would've sued his ass and had his dogs put down.. ;D ;D ;D ;D Maybe not sued but I would have had the dogs put down.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: PitBull almost ate a puppy
« Reply #9 on: December 12, 2007, 07:43:20 AM »
Chaos,,aka,,Pandaemonium,,aka Bluto,,aka BigBobo,,is still upset that I OWNED him and Team Nasser then Ron deleted all 50 of there Nasser threads.  But anyway, my friend should have been  more responsible and YES by his actions he gives pitbulls a worse name, his dog had not been in a fight in a long time and it is mostly indoors now, so he thought it would be ok to interact for a second with a puppy, but it couldnt.  But in certain times, it's ok to let your pitbull loose when they encounter a member of Team Nasser, including "chaos" , then I would let the pit chew on his head while "Chaos" cries and runs home to his poodle "fifi". Team Nasser= Teh Gay


  • Getbig V
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  • Ron "There is no freedom of speech here" Avidan
Re: PitBull almost ate a puppy
« Reply #10 on: December 12, 2007, 07:49:02 PM »
Chaos,,aka,,Pandaemonium,,aka Bluto,,aka BigBobo,,is still upset that I OWNED him and Team Nasser then Ron deleted all 50 of there Nasser threads.  But anyway, my friend should have been  more responsible and YES by his actions he gives pitbulls a worse name, his dog had not been in a fight in a long time and it is mostly indoors now, so he thought it would be ok to interact for a second with a puppy, but it couldnt.  But in certain times, it's ok to let your pitbull loose when they encounter a member of Team Nasser, including "chaos" , then I would let the pit chew on his head while "Chaos" cries and runs home to his poodle "fifi". Team Nasser= Teh Gay
Fuckface, I'm not reading this........stay on track.

Your friend is a moron, plain and simple. If his dog had previous incidences, like you said, then what kind of asshole is he to allow his aggressive dog be approached by a puppy? Even after the owner asked if it was OK?

By the way, cuntfart, I own pits, I know what it takes to be a responsible person with a dog.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: PitBull almost ate a puppy
« Reply #11 on: December 12, 2007, 11:02:02 PM »
Read it. ::)