Author Topic: Introducing new Muscle Warfare products  (Read 2989 times)


  • Getbig II
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Introducing new Muscle Warfare products
« on: January 26, 2010, 07:42:05 AM »
I was part of the pilot study and thought you all might find it interesting.

All the abstracts are linked to our site.

The full article and all mentioned studies can also be found there.

NMDA - Amino Acid Doping?
Newly Discovered D-Form Amino Acid Packs HUGE Anabolic Punch!

Studies Show Incredible Testosterone, Growth Hormone, IGF-1 and Leutenizing Hormone Increasing Effects In Only One Use from this Little Known Amino Acid!

This article discusses the groundbreaking new discovery made by Muscle Warfare researchers, which is literally an "overlooked" D-form amino acid that triggers massive growth hormone and testosterone spikes. This article explains scientific details about the two patent pending new ingredients that make up NMDA and their effects on the body. It also explains toxicology studies to determine safe dosages and other interesting data. We now welcome you to a new era of "legal" performance enhancement!

Muscle Warfare researchers have uncovered what WILL be considered the performance enhancement discovery of the century! This compound is based on little known D-form amino acids. Just for clarification, the difference between the typical L-Form aminos, which we all have taken, and their counterpart D-Forms, is simple. It is the way in which they disperse polarized light. L-Form disperse to the left, D-Forms rotate and disperse the light to the right. Additionally, L-Form amino acids are all oxidized by L-amino-acid-oxidase, while the D-Forms are contrarily oxidized via d-aspartate oxidase. At the time of their discovery in the early part of the last century, D-form amino acids not yet found in nature in plants and animals, and therefore were deemed useless and forgotten for many decades.

However, researchers began to discover high concentrations of some of these new D-Form amino acids in animal and human tissue. Specifically, D-Aspartate and n-Methyl-D-Aspartate were shown to be instrumental in the neuroendocrine and nervous system function and development.

As we will discuss in the following article, even though they were overlooked for so long, the two aformentioned D-Form aminos, now known as NMDA, have become a centerpiece in Muscle Warfare's product arsenal.

For clarification, NMDA sold by Muscle Warfare and in each product of THE WARFARE STACK is a proprietary mixture of D-Aspartate and N-Methyl-D-Aspartate. When taken orally, they induce dramatic testosterone and growth hormone increasing potential. Their results are pretty incredible and literally blow away anything available EVER before. A published Italian study shows an amazing total blood testosterone increase in humans is around 42% in only 6-12 days. Other animal models point to dramatic hGH and IGF level increases. All of these findings were substantiated with our in house pilot testing as well. If you think that is impressive, get this. Some animal models show an amazing 1000+% increase in hGH in only 1 hr! Again, our in house beta testing trials showed very promising results with regards to these powerful hormone enhancing effects. They can be viewed on the following page.

Graph taken from Pilot study #2

The above study shows:

?€?20% HIGHER IGF-1

These pilot study results help validate all of the research we will reveal in this article. These ingredients are revolutionary and are finally a "clean" answer to extreme performance enhancement that we have all been looking for!

Again, to start, please understand that the product NMDA by Muscle Warfare is a combination of two ingredients that contains both D-Aspartic Acid and a smaller amount of N-Methyl-D-Aspartate. The name NMDA was derived for the product because it is the receptor, named NMDA that is responsible for the growth hormone and testosterone increasing effects of our formula. Stimulation of this receptor is the key for maximum GH and test increase. That's where the name and trademarks originate.

The technology is new and it was brought to the market first by Muscle Warfare. We have filed multiple patents that will issue soon on a multitude of technologies in the Muscle Warfare Brand, including the D-Aspartate and N-Methyl-D-Aspartate for hormone increase and other functions.

As far as research goes, click on the links in the forthcoming sections of this article for D-Aspartic Acid and N-Methyl-D-Aspartate published abstracts and reseach. There is also more available on each of the products pages for in the same format. We will continue to update our research files with the latest and most relevant studies to help substantiate product safety and efficacy.

For clarification, when a company introduces a new product to the market, safety data is required. As a responsible company, we will share some of this data with you for insight. Of course since this ingredient combination has never been seen before in this industry, it is important for consumers to be informed of the studies that point to NMDA safety.

We have discovered in our research that dosing is KEY with this or any other ingredient to get the beneficial effects. Anything can be overdone, and it is our aim as a company to provide you with exactly what you need to get the results that you need, without any excess. You shouldn't have to pay for supplements that you don't need or take excessive dosages of anything. For instance, even drinking too much water or eating too much food can be toxic... drinking to much coffee, taking too many vitamins, whatever... Too much of anything isn't good for you. But find the right amount and bingo, its supplement Nirvana.

Therefore, through ample testing and thorough research of published research, we have identified the proper dosing protocol for optimal efficacy and safety. It is also based on "real" in house beta testing of the products in our Muscle Warfare Training Center.

We have currently run multiple pilot studies in house and multiple beta tests of our formulas. So, what does the published research say about the proper dosing?

Before I start digging into the science real hard, I would like to issue a warning to all other would be knockoffs... First, our patent will issue soon and we'll be vigorously enforcing. Second... 3 Grams of D-Asp is a "very high" dose of D-Asp to use daily. It's just way too high and an equal OR BETTER hormonal increasing effect can be obtained with a much lower dose... We haven't yet revealed our dosing patterns yet as not to tip of any potential knockoffs.

FYI... For a hint of the dosing protocol we will roll out on FEB.16th, check out the Pilot studies on our website for a clue. These pilots both obtained very impressive hormone increases at only 75mg (D-Aspartic Acid) used daily and pre-workout. That's a big difference from 3 grams sited in the popular Italian study... (Which I personally feel might have some skued information regarding those dosages.) But anyway... keep this dosing pattern in mind while you read this article.

Ok... let's talk about efficacy and safety. We'll be using some studies for reference. Please read all of the abstracts and articles below.

1. D-Aspartate has been shown to be safe in dosages ranging up to 3 grams daily with no reported ill effects in humans! The testosterone increasing effect is pronounced. Around (42%+)! Leutenizing hormone levels were increased by (33%+)

This study also shows that more D-Asp didn't induce more hormone release. Therefore, there is a saturation point of positive effect. So, taking more than 3 grams won't give better results. Considering this fact (there is a saturation point), and that D-Aspartate has been shown to build up in the system, we theorized that the daily dosage could be far less than the aforementioned study. Therefore we tested and confirmed this fact. We found in our in house pilot studies that a much lower dose of D-Aspartate is capable of eliciting the same response that the Italian study below references, with 40 times less milligrams! This lower dose limits D-Asp's negative potential interaction with neurotransmitters and other factors. In addition to dosing, in this group of studies, we'll also show an animal model that shows an enormous (1000%+) increase in growth hormone levels after administration of intravenous N-Methyl-D-Aspartate. IGF-1 levels are also positively affected as well due to this hGH increase.

2. It has been discovered that (100X's) lower dose of N-Methyl-D-Aspartic Acid is required to elicit the same GH, Testosterone and LH release in animal models when compared to pure D-Aspartic Acid. Both of them work, just NMDA is more potent. In using the above formula, it would require only 30mg of N-Methyl-D-Aspartate to induce the same hormone increasing effects as the Italian Study that used 3 grams of D-Aspartate. However, Our inhouse pilots demonstrate that far less of either (40x's less) is required for the same effects.

Keep in mind that animal models have almost identically matched current human studies for this compound helping to validate this study with regard to humans. The reason why animal models and human models match so well is because the compound is so deep rooted in the evolutionary cycle of physical maturation cycles. From embryonic development to puberty, this amino acid pathway is responsible for dramatic hormonal changes. The close correlation of virtually every vertebrae and invertebrae of D-Asp metabolism helps prove that the D-Asp pathway is deep rooted in the evolutionary process of animal development. The below study discusses the potency of N-Methyl-D-Aspartate compared to D-Asp in eliciting the hormonal response.

3. In the following two studies we show that n-methyl-d-aspartate is what actually causes the majority of the hormone increases that subjects experience once D-Aspartate is ingested. This conversion of D-Aspartate into N-Methyl-D-Aspartate occurs via a methyltransferase reaction called NMDA synthetase. This reaction is SAMe dependant and requires a methyl donor. So, for clarification, if you take D-Aspartic Acid, you will get more N-Methyl-D-Aspartate in your organs via enzymatic conversion... there is no escaping that fact. They go together and are part of the same neuro-endocrine d-amino acid regulating pathway.

Last edited by y19mike77; Today at 10:40 AM.


  • Getbig II
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Re: Introducing new Muscle Warfare products
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2010, 07:42:43 AM »
4. Ok... In this next selection of research studies, we are looking at dosage patterns with respect to safety. We clearly show an animal model using dosages of n-methyl-d-aspartate of up to 1mg, 2.5mg and 5mg per kilogram of bodyweight... and this was "Intravenously administered"! So comparing this to oral consumption would even translate to a much higher dose. These dosages were used in various animals, including primates, with no reported ill effects. Muscle Warfare NMDA TM, due to high pricing of raw ingredients, uses a comparatively much smaller dose of N-methyl-D-Aspartate than D-Aspartate. It is used in the small miligram to microgram range only, yet still effective because of its extreme potency. Remember, this smaller dose, because it is 100X's more potent than D-Aspartate, acts synergistically with the D-Asp to maximize the hormone increasing effects, while keeping the dose of each low. Muscle Warfare researchers worked long and hard to get the dosing right here. We're going to keep the exact amount proprietary for now as to not tip off potential knockoffs though. Here is that information.

5. Ok... So now we touch on more information about potential D-Asp and n-Methyl-D-Aspartate induced toxicity. The NMDA receptor is one of three pharmacologically distinct subtypes of ionotropic receptor channels that are sensitive to the endogenous excitatory amino acids, d-aspartic acid, n-methyl-d-aspartic acid and L-glutamate. The prior studies above show that substantial dosages of orally consumed N-Methyl-D-Aspartate showed no ill effects in animal models. Human models show similar safety data in humans at substantially higher dosages of 3 grams per day. This data is helpful as D-Aspartic Acid converts at a high rate into n-Methyl-D-Aspartic Acid and both are active components of Muscle Warfare's NMDA. Additionally we add a study below that shows a very high dose that is well tolerated of a closely related chemical analog of n-Methyl-D-Aspartate.

Many studies actually demonstrate a NEURO PROTECTIVE EFFECT against excitotoxicity with N-Methyl-D-Aspartate administration. So, here again, it is in the dosing structure we developed that gets the benefits. NMDA contains two excitatory amino acids that need to be properly dosed to prevent excito-toxicity. Remember, you can drink too much water and that can actually be toxic. Another example might be that drinking too much red wine is toxic, but one glass a day and it has many potent health benefits. So, all you need to do is get the dosing right.

Finally, the last study listed demonstrates that inadequete stimulation of the NMDA receptor, simulated by administration of NMDA receptor antagonsits, results in excitotoxic effects and NMDA receptor dysfunction. Fortunately, Muscle Warfare's NMDA ingredient does exactly the opposite of this. In contrast, NMDA provides moderate stimulation of this receptor to induce powerful hormonal increases. Muscle Warfare's NMDA is well below any toxic doses and still very efficacious for hormone increase.

6. In these studies, we'll go over the potential neurological benefits of the right dose of NMDA and D-Aspartic Acid. If you've understood the previous information, you will by now realize that both D-Aspartate and n-Methyl-D-Aspartate are in the same chain reaction of chemical interactions that regulate the neuroendocrine response. D-Aspartate converts into N-Methyl-D-Aspartate, which then stimulates the like named receptor to exert its powerful effects. This occurs via a methyltransferace reaction in which D-spartic acid aquires a methyl group. As far as anti-depressive effects, it is theorized that some of these effects may be derived from it's stimulation of neurotransmitters GABA, dompamine. There are other studies that substantiate cognitive enhancement effects and anti-depressive activity. Here are the studies.

7. Here are a few more articles on the safety data of L-Aspartate used in very high daily doses with no ill effects. They also demonstrate that L-Aspartate version is virtually useless in increasing performance. So if you see a product with L-Aspartate claiming to have big hormonal increasing effects, the company is misled of deceiving you. Hopefully, you all know by now that D-Aspartate & N-Methyl-D-Aspartate (collectively Muscle Warfare's NMDA) are two, entirely new, monster pro-anabolics. Both of which are capable of triggering massive growth hormone and testosterone increases.

8. Ok... Here is some cool information about how NMDA can enhance erections. I thought you guys might want to hear this one! NMDA's powerful ingredients are compared to oxcytocin and apomorphine for inducing powerful erections. Anecdotal reports are very strong and indicate powerful erection enhancement. Plus, increased endurance and stronger climaxes. Believe me, you'll definitely want to try it out!

Ok, as you can see, NMDA is a remarkable compound capable of inducing incredible hormone increasing effects. Please read the rest of the Muscle Warfare's website to learn more about the other AMAZING features of our products. We have a lot of other ingredients in our various formulas that havemany powerful and synergistic effects on performance. Best of all, they are each designed to work with the NMDA to amplify its effects. We hope that you have been educated a little more about our new technology. So now, go grab THE WARFARE STACK and a bottle of NMDA! Then get ready for incredible gains with the explosive new patent pending ingredient called NMDA!

Muscle Warfare R&D Team


  • Getbig II
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  • Posts: 251
Re: Introducing new Muscle Warfare products
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2010, 07:43:56 AM »
Here is a link to our home page

We have a forum over there for any questions you might have about any of our products.


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Re: Introducing new Muscle Warfare products
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2010, 02:20:10 PM »
I was part of the pilot study and thought you all might find it interesting.

All the abstracts are linked to our site.

The full article and all mentioned studies can also be found there.

NMDA - Amino Acid Doping?
Newly Discovered D-Form Amino Acid Packs HUGE Anabolic Punch!

Studies Show Incredible Testosterone, Growth Hormone, IGF-1 and Leutenizing Hormone Increasing Effects In Only One Use from this Little Known Amino Acid!

This article discusses the groundbreaking new discovery made by Muscle Warfare researchers, which is literally an "overlooked" D-form amino acid that triggers massive growth hormone and testosterone spikes. This article explains scientific details about the two patent pending new ingredients that make up NMDA and their effects on the body. It also explains toxicology studies to determine safe dosages and other interesting data. We now welcome you to a new era of "legal" performance enhancement!

Muscle Warfare researchers have uncovered what WILL be considered the performance enhancement discovery of the century! This compound is based on little known D-form amino acids. Just for clarification, the difference between the typical L-Form aminos, which we all have taken, and their counterpart D-Forms, is simple. It is the way in which they disperse polarized light. L-Form disperse to the left, D-Forms rotate and disperse the light to the right. Additionally, L-Form amino acids are all oxidized by L-amino-acid-oxidase, while the D-Forms are contrarily oxidized via d-aspartate oxidase. At the time of their discovery in the early part of the last century, D-form amino acids not yet found in nature in plants and animals, and therefore were deemed useless and forgotten for many decades.

However, researchers began to discover high concentrations of some of these new D-Form amino acids in animal and human tissue. Specifically, D-Aspartate and n-Methyl-D-Aspartate were shown to be instrumental in the neuroendocrine and nervous system function and development.

As we will discuss in the following article, even though they were overlooked for so long, the two aformentioned D-Form aminos, now known as NMDA, have become a centerpiece in Muscle Warfare's product arsenal.

For clarification, NMDA sold by Muscle Warfare and in each product of THE WARFARE STACK is a proprietary mixture of D-Aspartate and N-Methyl-D-Aspartate. When taken orally, they induce dramatic testosterone and growth hormone increasing potential. Their results are pretty incredible and literally blow away anything available EVER before. A published Italian study shows an amazing total blood testosterone increase in humans is around 42% in only 6-12 days. Other animal models point to dramatic hGH and IGF level increases. All of these findings were substantiated with our in house pilot testing as well. If you think that is impressive, get this. Some animal models show an amazing 1000+% increase in hGH in only 1 hr! Again, our in house beta testing trials showed very promising results with regards to these powerful hormone enhancing effects. They can be viewed on the following page.

Graph taken from Pilot study #2

The above study shows:

?€?20% HIGHER IGF-1

These pilot study results help validate all of the research we will reveal in this article. These ingredients are revolutionary and are finally a "clean" answer to extreme performance enhancement that we have all been looking for!

Again, to start, please understand that the product NMDA by Muscle Warfare is a combination of two ingredients that contains both D-Aspartic Acid and a smaller amount of N-Methyl-D-Aspartate. The name NMDA was derived for the product because it is the receptor, named NMDA that is responsible for the growth hormone and testosterone increasing effects of our formula. Stimulation of this receptor is the key for maximum GH and test increase. That's where the name and trademarks originate.

The technology is new and it was brought to the market first by Muscle Warfare. We have filed multiple patents that will issue soon on a multitude of technologies in the Muscle Warfare Brand, including the D-Aspartate and N-Methyl-D-Aspartate for hormone increase and other functions.

As far as research goes, click on the links in the forthcoming sections of this article for D-Aspartic Acid and N-Methyl-D-Aspartate published abstracts and reseach. There is also more available on each of the products pages for in the same format. We will continue to update our research files with the latest and most relevant studies to help substantiate product safety and efficacy.

For clarification, when a company introduces a new product to the market, safety data is required. As a responsible company, we will share some of this data with you for insight. Of course since this ingredient combination has never been seen before in this industry, it is important for consumers to be informed of the studies that point to NMDA safety.

We have discovered in our research that dosing is KEY with this or any other ingredient to get the beneficial effects. Anything can be overdone, and it is our aim as a company to provide you with exactly what you need to get the results that you need, without any excess. You shouldn't have to pay for supplements that you don't need or take excessive dosages of anything. For instance, even drinking too much water or eating too much food can be toxic... drinking to much coffee, taking too many vitamins, whatever... Too much of anything isn't good for you. But find the right amount and bingo, its supplement Nirvana.

Therefore, through ample testing and thorough research of published research, we have identified the proper dosing protocol for optimal efficacy and safety. It is also based on "real" in house beta testing of the products in our Muscle Warfare Training Center.

We have currently run multiple pilot studies in house and multiple beta tests of our formulas. So, what does the published research say about the proper dosing?

Before I start digging into the science real hard, I would like to issue a warning to all other would be knockoffs... First, our patent will issue soon and we'll be vigorously enforcing. Second... 3 Grams of D-Asp is a "very high" dose of D-Asp to use daily. It's just way too high and an equal OR BETTER hormonal increasing effect can be obtained with a much lower dose... We haven't yet revealed our dosing patterns yet as not to tip of any potential knockoffs.

FYI... For a hint of the dosing protocol we will roll out on FEB.16th, check out the Pilot studies on our website for a clue. These pilots both obtained very impressive hormone increases at only 75mg (D-Aspartic Acid) used daily and pre-workout. That's a big difference from 3 grams sited in the popular Italian study... (Which I personally feel might have some skued information regarding those dosages.) But anyway... keep this dosing pattern in mind while you read this article.

Ok... let's talk about efficacy and safety. We'll be using some studies for reference. Please read all of the abstracts and articles below.

1. D-Aspartate has been shown to be safe in dosages ranging up to 3 grams daily with no reported ill effects in humans! The testosterone increasing effect is pronounced. Around (42%+)! Leutenizing hormone levels were increased by (33%+)

This study also shows that more D-Asp didn't induce more hormone release. Therefore, there is a saturation point of positive effect. So, taking more than 3 grams won't give better results. Considering this fact (there is a saturation point), and that D-Aspartate has been shown to build up in the system, we theorized that the daily dosage could be far less than the aforementioned study. Therefore we tested and confirmed this fact. We found in our in house pilot studies that a much lower dose of D-Aspartate is capable of eliciting the same response that the Italian study below references, with 40 times less milligrams! This lower dose limits D-Asp's negative potential interaction with neurotransmitters and other factors. In addition to dosing, in this group of studies, we'll also show an animal model that shows an enormous (1000%+) increase in growth hormone levels after administration of intravenous N-Methyl-D-Aspartate. IGF-1 levels are also positively affected as well due to this hGH increase.

2. It has been discovered that (100X's) lower dose of N-Methyl-D-Aspartic Acid is required to elicit the same GH, Testosterone and LH release in animal models when compared to pure D-Aspartic Acid. Both of them work, just NMDA is more potent. In using the above formula, it would require only 30mg of N-Methyl-D-Aspartate to induce the same hormone increasing effects as the Italian Study that used 3 grams of D-Aspartate. However, Our inhouse pilots demonstrate that far less of either (40x's less) is required for the same effects.

Keep in mind that animal models have almost identically matched current human studies for this compound helping to validate this study with regard to humans. The reason why animal models and human models match so well is because the compound is so deep rooted in the evolutionary cycle of physical maturation cycles. From embryonic development to puberty, this amino acid pathway is responsible for dramatic hormonal changes. The close correlation of virtually every vertebrae and invertebrae of D-Asp metabolism helps prove that the D-Asp pathway is deep rooted in the evolutionary process of animal development. The below study discusses the potency of N-Methyl-D-Aspartate compared to D-Asp in eliciting the hormonal response.

3. In the following two studies we show that n-methyl-d-aspartate is what actually causes the majority of the hormone increases that subjects experience once D-Aspartate is ingested. This conversion of D-Aspartate into N-Methyl-D-Aspartate occurs via a methyltransferase reaction called NMDA synthetase. This reaction is SAMe dependant and requires a methyl donor. So, for clarification, if you take D-Aspartic Acid, you will get more N-Methyl-D-Aspartate in your organs via enzymatic conversion... there is no escaping that fact. They go together and are part of the same neuro-endocrine d-amino acid regulating pathway.

Last edited by y19mike77; Today at 10:40 AM.

What journal are these studies published in, who are the authors? Post the abstracts here, i dont want to go to your website.