Author Topic: Silence of the lambs...  (Read 53112 times)


  • Getbig III
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Re: Silence of the lambs...
« Reply #50 on: March 03, 2011, 10:03:26 AM »
Interesting and Samson is correct with films, adverts etc being heavily laden with hidden messages, symbols etc.

The Abdominal Snoman

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Re: Silence of the lambs...
« Reply #51 on: March 03, 2011, 10:24:11 AM »
Interesting and Samson is correct with films, adverts etc being heavily laden with hidden messages, symbols etc.

Yes. Stanley Kubrick's "The Shining" was a real eye opener about the fake moon landings


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Re: Silence of the lambs...
« Reply #52 on: March 26, 2011, 03:31:42 PM »
I always like how people think films are planned down to the second before they are shot to get a certain message or agenda across when the reality is there is hours of extra footage and scenes shot and the whole film is cut and recut (edited) many times always in order to trim time because the studio wants as many viewings per night as possible.

The Abdominal Snoman

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Re: Silence of the lambs...
« Reply #53 on: March 26, 2011, 11:02:27 PM »
I always like how people think films are planned down to the second before they are shot to get a certain message or agenda across when the reality is there is hours of extra footage and scenes shot and the whole film is cut and recut (edited) many times always in order to trim time because the studio wants as many viewings per night as possible.

Yet I know of 5 people who put a youtube clip where all 5 have over 1 millon views and every one of them have dissected every single word said in their clips. Movies in over a million dollars in Hollywood are dissected to mars and back. Anyone who says they aren't are for sure COINTELSCHMOE or retarded, Which one are you?


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Re: Silence of the lambs...
« Reply #54 on: March 30, 2011, 06:02:25 AM »
Update this, I'm bored!

I demand it!

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Silence of the lambs...
« Reply #55 on: March 30, 2011, 06:58:43 AM »
Ok, Samson, are you fucking finished now?  I've been waiting for you to finish up so say so now if you've got more... People are waiting....


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Re: Silence of the lambs...
« Reply #56 on: March 30, 2011, 08:09:31 AM »
Ok, Samson, are you fucking finished now?  I've been waiting for you to finish up so say so now if you've got more... People are waiting....

I'm having a fucking stroke ova' here, post the shit! I can't read about Obama, communists and the collapse of America for much longer before I take dive off of my  7th floor balcony of my condo that costs 5k a month and land on my Ferrari!

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Silence of the lambs...
« Reply #57 on: March 30, 2011, 08:50:14 AM »
I'm having a fucking stroke ova' here, post the shit! I can't read about Obama, communists and the collapse of America for much longer before I take dive off of my  7th floor balcony of my condo that costs 5k a month and land on my Ferrari!
I'll get back on it here soon, in the next day or so.  I've gotten several pms on this so I will get it going.  

Samson, if you've got a final post, please finish it up.


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Re: Silence of the lambs...
« Reply #58 on: March 30, 2011, 12:51:47 PM »
I'm having a fucking stroke ova' here, post the shit! I can't read about Obama, communists and the collapse of America for much longer before I take dive off of my  7th floor balcony of my condo that costs 5k a month and land on my Ferrari!

DAAMNNNNNNNNNNN.... Is it that bad??? Suicide from the seventh floor by crashing headlong into a Ferrari?????

OK, then I am onto the next episode. I wondered whether to continue as I kept getting the dumbass responses from some and no rebuttal  or commentary from the rest so I was taking my time. I guess fro the sake of saving a life i will hurry up the next installment.

Roger Bacon

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Re: Silence of the lambs...
« Reply #59 on: March 30, 2011, 02:10:00 PM »
Ok, Samson, are you fucking finished now?  I've been waiting for you to finish up so say so now if you've got more... People are waiting....

Yay!  I'm still here!


  • Getbig V
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Re: Silence of the lambs...
« Reply #60 on: March 30, 2011, 06:31:38 PM »
Silence Of The Lambs Continues ( I hope this saves some people from suicide and reduces the HIGH TENSION over not getting the episodes out faster. Sorry...I will be quicker from now on.

Dr. Chilton hears Hannibal revealing the details of Buffalo Bill to Clarrise he comes to the knowledge that his “patient”: Hannibal, is compromising the security of his mind control program as well as possibly destroying his career should this information go public

The scene changes quickly to the dungeon basement of Buffalo Bill where he has the daughter of Ruth Martin:Catherine, in a dry well. Remember this is all an act to get funding for this mind control program to be expanded. We see Buffalo Bill talking to Catherine telling her to rub lotion on her skin lest she get hosed down with water…This lotion is to keep her skin supple as he uses the flesh/skin of his victims to make clothing. Catherine screams in fear and announces that her family is well off/important and will pay CASH for her release. In short her abduction will make all the money needed available for this mind control program expansion.

While Buffalo Bill makes this demand for her to lotion her skin he holds a small white poodle, which represents the only thing he loves and more importantly trusts, as dogs don’t talk (humans do) or reveal secrets …which he has plenty. The scene continues with Catherine Martin(Hostage) pleading for her release, while Buffalo Bill lowers a small basket down the dry well to retrieve the lotion he has given her to rub all over her body. Notice he refers to Catherine as IT and not as her/she or even her name. This plays into how mind controlled individuals can not see something or someone as they really are his  mind has been manipulated to see (as in this case) a human being as a thing…IE military soldiers who reference people in other nations as “enemies, insurgents, terrorist, resistance, opposition” etc etc are perfect examples to show how their minds have been manipulated to see differently…This labeling dehumanizes and makes it easier to commit the acts of violence and depravity against another person/nation ie: Abu Graib, Vietnam, Japan, Guantanamo Bay, Afghanistan, Libya etc etc…as we see in this movie and in the real world.

Another fast scene change brings the viewer to the Behavioral Research Center where Dr. Chilton has had Hannibal placed in a straight jacket and a face guard…referencing that Hannibal is his mind controlled program and he is not letting control of it into anyone else’s hand but his own nor is he allowing the expansion of the operation, as he wants full control over it. Here is something for you to think about…If Hannibal is so violent, how did they get him into that straight jacket? (answer at end of page)

As Hannibal is strapped to this gurney type device, Dr Chilton is lying on Hannibal’s bed in the cell that Hannibal is kept in, referencing that Dr Chilton is just as mentally demented as the patients he deals with. While lying there Chilton keeps sticking a gold Cross pen into his mouth and tapping it on his teeth. Once again as I said before these tell tale signs inform the viewer that the murders committed by these “killers” are done though mind control and all of the aspects of the murder (cocoons in throat, skinning, heavyset women etc etc) are all aspects programmed into their minds. This pen in the mouth goes back to the techniques “taught” to these killers by the FBI of gagging the victims or finishing the grisly murder by placing the cocoons down their throats. Seems Dr Chilton can not stop unveiling their protocol by referencing it by opening his mouth and putting this pen in it or he is trying to strike fear in Hannibal that this same thing will be done to him if he does not comply with telling who Buffalo Bill is.

Chilton asks the guard, who has been in the room with him and Hannibal, to leave and then turns to Hannibal and says there was never a deal with Senator Martin of Hannibal being moved to Plum Island in New York or to him having a one week vacation time to swim in the ocean, walk on the beach or access to books as Clarrsie promised. Instead Chilton has struck a new deal with senator Ruth Martin (hostages mother) that if Hannibal reveals the name of Buffalo Bill and Senator Ruth’s daughter (Catherine) is found alive he:Hannibal, would be transferred to a prison in Tennessee. This “prison” in Tennessee is either under Chilton’s control or he has/will have great influence over what goes on in it as he says moving Hannibal there is to his: Chilton’s benefit. All of this reveals a change in plans to where the new mind control program will be located/expanded to…not New York, but now Tennessee, and who will be in charge. Dr. Chilton then takes pleasure in telling Hannibal that HE HAS BEEN SCAMMED into this false belief of a new better facility with vacation, books and swims on the beach by Clarise. Dr. Chilton thinks Hannibal does not know this, but truth is Hannibal is fully aware and instead of being scammed… Hannibal is about to scam Chilton and quite a few others(remember Hannibal is EXTREMELY INTELLIGENT… and designed to be so).

Dr Chilton then threatens Hannibal that if does not reveal the name of Buffalo Bill, he will make sure he never leaves the facility he is now in… Hannibal … informs Chilton that Bills real name is Louis (to Chilton’s elation), but he reveals nothing more saying he will speak to senator Martin in Tennessee and elaborate further IF his condition are met (notice at this time the gold Cross pen Chilton left on the bed disappears).  Here is where the dirtiness of politics comes in. Just as Catherine is being held in a dry well as a means of getting government funding to expand this mind control program…now we have another person (Chilton) trying to beat everyone else to the punch by getting the name of Buffalo Bill first, so he can present it and get the funding to move the mind control program to Tennessee where he will control it.

A quick scene change again and the viewer is looking at a helicopter view of Washington DC’s Capital, Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial in the background, letting the viewer know that it is the highest level of government behind all of this. Another quick scene change has the viewer in the Washington DC office of Crawford who is on the phone with a high level FBI officer who informs him that Hannibal will be transferred to Tennessee (something Crawford is unaware of). He then asks Crawford if he had a “trainee”: Clarrise, make a phony offer to Hannibal that he would be transferred to New York. Crawford admits he did and claims he did so in hopes of getting Hannibal to confess to who Buffalo Bill is. Here we once again have politics showing its face. Crawford is pretending to have made this offer as a deal to try and get evidence, when in truth he too was trying to get money out of the deal by secretly helping in transferring Hannibal the patient and Hannibal the mind control program to New York…This upper level FBI agent then informs Crawford that senator Martin is angry as hell and made no arrangements or agreements to a New York move and Hannibal will not only be transferred to Tennessee, but the handling of this case is now out of the hands of Crawford and has been given over to a new person named Paul Crennler from the justice department. Here we also have exposure of senator Ruth Martin in making money off of this program… as she will now get greater kickbacks/rewards agreeing to the move to Tennessee. Chilton has managed to undermine him and all others in that regard and will now have control over the program which will be moved to Tennessee.

Now as Crawford was talking to Burke (the high level FBI agent) on the wall in Burkes office is a large picture of George Bush Sr. This photo and scene references the new America or NWO that George Bush announced in the same year this movie was made. At the same that it is announced that the new agent: Crennler of the justice department, would be taking the case over from Crawford, the camera pans over to him and behind him is a large picture of Herbert Hoover. Herbert Hoover created the FBI as a means of surveillance of the American public (Big Brother) these two scenes are important as they reveal a new America, different from the old where the government opinion of America and Americans has changed to one of DISTRUST and with that increased violations of the publics trust and rights and privacy.

Another quick scene change to the Memphis International airport where Hannibal has just arrived with a virtual army of cops, investigators and MIB. Hannibal is on a gurney being led to a secret hanger to meet senator Martin. He reaches a point where the police inform him to NOT be a problem and all should go well. As he awaits, we see Dr. Chilton gleefully coming to see Hannibal. Remember he is happy that he now has control over the Hannbal program and person.

The police hand Chilton some paper work to sign custody of Hannibal over to him… it is at this point he realizes he does NOT have the gold cross pen he had earlier and is given a pen by one of the cops to sign for custody. It is at this time the viewer is made aware of the craftiness of Hannibal and the fact that he is in possession of this pen. What will he do with it?

Soon Senator Ruth martin shows up in her limousine with an entourage of security for her protection. Dr. Chilton has security take Hannibal over to Ms. Martin where Chilton proudly introduces Hannibal to her; Hannibal is straight jacketed, face gagged and shackled. Once again reminding that Hannibal, the program, is completely under Chilton’s control and the face gag representing that nothing will be said about this program to anyone..utmost secrecy of this program that has now been moved to Tennessee.

Dr. Chilton with a broadly smiling face announces Hannibal to Senator Martin where she says to Hannibal that she has brought an affidavit guaranteeing him his new rights and that he may wish to read them before she signs the document. Notice here that government is now admitting that it decides what your rights are and can change them at their will. Hannibal quickly announces that he will not waste his time or Catherine’s (hostage) time bargaining for petty privileges. Again notice that he sees the rights of people as petty privileges. Hannibal is making it known that he will NOT operate under anyone’s restrictions but his own. He then says Clarrise and Crawford have already wasted too much time already and may have doomed Cathrine already. Hannibal is saying for the sake of everyone trying to get their hands in the money box by trying to make deals on where he and the Hannibal mind control program will be expanded to, and dragging out the time in which Buffalo Bill has to kill Catherine…it may be to late already. Hannibal then says he will help senator Martin now and will trust her promises when it is all over. In short saying he will see how true she is to her word once her daughter: Catherine, is rescued from Buffalo Bill.

Hannibal begins by revealing to Ms. Martin that Buffalo Bill’s name is Louis Friend and he came to know him byway of a patient (remember Hannibal was once a doctor) of his: Benjamin Raspell who was Louis’s lover. Raspell did not stay with Louis long as Louis killed a homeless man and butchered the body and skinned the victim. It can be seen here that all of these “patients” of Hannibal were mentally manipulated to become the same type of murderous killers (keep in mind Hannibal is a person and a mind control program too). As Hannibal describes this killing, senator Martin is shaken as she believes her daughter will have the same done to her by Buffalo Bill (remember all of this is being done as a threat to a congresswoman to make her/congress fund the mind control program, by using her daughter as a hostage/victim).

Hannibal is asked by one of the investigators for a description of Buffalo Bill…which instead of giving it Hannibal begins asking senator Martin if she ever breast fed Catherine..much to her shock.. Ms Martin responds by saying Yes, in hopes it would help saving her daughter. Instead Hannibal begins asking her if it toughened her nipples?  (Dr. Chilton is horrified at Hannibal’s questioning as well) Hannibal then goes on to say when a man loses his leg he still feels the tickling of where the leg once was…then he asks when you daughter is on the slab where will it tickle you? Ms. Martin seeing how Hannibal (the program) really is and how intimately he can delve into ones most secret and even unrevealed secrets… she is horrified and requests Hannibal be taken back to Baltimore. In short the revelation of the Hannibal program of mind control and subversive information gathering is so good that it is frightening to the point of disturbing.

As Ms. Martin begins walking away, Hannibal yells out that Buffalo Bill (Louis)  description is five foot ten, 180 pounds, blond hair, strongly built , pale blue eyes, 35 years old, which stops Ms Martin dead in her tracks. The entourage Ms. Martin arrived with quickly scurry to verify the information. Hannibal at this point is making them aware that they need him very much (he does not need them) to solve this case. Also notice as Ms. Martin turns to walk away from Hannibal, her neck scar is wrapped and folded in such a way as to look like a Masonic Apron…Illuminati in control. Hannibal calls at her again and says “if I remember anything more I will let you know”…again making them all aware that they need him/this program. Hannibal then says he loves her suit… showing he himself has some slight gender identity issues.


BTW… How was Hannibal put into that straight jacket? Hannibal is a mind control program and a person. As a program he can be packaged and moved anywhere. As a mind controlled person the commands to control him can be called off at any time making him docile and controllable (remember the scenes in THE MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE where phone calls rendered Denzel Washington and Liev Schrieber practically mummies?) The same was done to Hannibal the person and while docile he was fitted into the suit.


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Re: Silence of the lambs...
« Reply #61 on: March 31, 2011, 09:35:39 AM »
Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu uuggggggggggggggggggggoo ooooooooooooooooooooooo?!

He's doing it again! Make him stop!


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Re: Silence of the lambs...
« Reply #62 on: March 31, 2011, 12:52:16 PM »

He's doing it again! Make him stop!

I see reading this episode stopped you from committing suicide....was that a good thing?


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Re: Silence of the lambs...
« Reply #63 on: March 31, 2011, 01:48:26 PM »
I see reading this episode stopped you from committing suicide....was that a good thing?



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Re: Silence of the lambs...
« Reply #64 on: April 03, 2011, 03:54:45 PM »
Seriously, where the fuck is this shit?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Silence of the lambs...
« Reply #65 on: April 04, 2011, 11:17:25 PM »
Here we go with the next installment of Silence Of The Lambs

As the last scene closed we saw Hannibal commenting about senator Martins suit…A slight revelation of Hannibal maybe having some gender issues. The scene now opens with a helicopter view of downtown Shelby County Tennessee where Hannibal is being held, and a quick scene change reveals Dr. Chilton absolutely beaming in front of reporters telling them how they have now discovered the name of Buffalo Bill thanks to Hannibal and how it will help in the finding of Catherine Martin (senator Martin’s daughter) who is Buffalo Bill’s hostage. All of this grandstanding Chilton is doing before the reporters is once again to get money for this mind control program, as well as self promotion. All before, Chilton was hell bent on keeping the mind control program(Hannibal) a secret, now he is beginning to reveal the NEED for it by publicly saying IT (the Hannibal program) will be used to track, discover and save lives such as senator Martins daughter as well as find other serial killers who terrorize the public

As Dr. Chilton speaks, a reporter asks for the real name of Buffalo Bill, which Chilton quickly diverts to telling another reporter his own name. This has two purposes: In saying his own name, it revealed him as the serial killer, because it is the mind control program that he oversees that created the likes of Buffalo Bill and Hannibal… so Chilton is in a way the killer. Second the reason there is so much difficulty in discovering Buffalo Bill’s real identity is Buffalo Bill was created by Hannibal and therefore only Hannibal can know the workings of his mindset and what he will do and where he will strike next. Dr. Chilton is crafty to say the least and also knows in order to keep control over Hannibal, the case and keeping anyone else from discovering who Buffalo Bill really is first, he must be vague and appear to always be at the precipice of capture/discovery/revelation of Buffalo Bill. Doesn’t this sound so much like politicians and Osama Bin Laden (or any other supposed terrorist) and the game politicians play in making the public feel as though capture is imminent? All the while they milk the government for money as it supposedly is needed for weapons, troops, machinery yadda yadda yadda…which supposedly will help capture the guy.

A quick scene change finds Clarrise walking into the building where Hannibal is being kept. She is confronted by two police officers who give her a hard time about seeing Hannibal, as Chilton has made it clear to them that no one is to deal with/see Hannibal but himself. She is told Hannibal is getting death threats (excuses, red tape, distractions to keep anyone away) and therefore access to him is restricted. It would seem that a serial killer as Hannibal is, one would be glad if someone or a cop shot him dead, but Hannibal is a government product/project/property and must be protected…can you say Osama Bin Laden or the Bin Laden family, or Saddam, Hosni Mubarack etc etc they too are US puppets/products/property and are protected. Clarrise none the less is allowed in and has Hannibal’s artwork (pacifying tool), which was confiscated from him as punishment a while back, to give to him..

As Clarrise travels up on the elevator to where Hannibal is, a security guard who is accompanying her, asks if Hannibal is a vampire? This questioning reveals two things; one is the government knows how to keep things secret because even these police men/sheriffs know nothing about him. Second, the lack of knowledge about Hannibal is a great way of spreading the fear necessary to guarantee funding, as this cop believing Hannibal is a vampire only intensifies the FEAR FACTOR amongst the public. Clarrise responds to the vampire question by saying “They don’t have a name for IT”. Again two fold one it feeds the fear factor even more and two she reveals that Hannibal is a Mind Control Program and therefore calls him IT.

As Clarrise enters a large room Hannibal is being kept in, the first thing that is noticed is the very large cage he is being kept in. This is not the type of cell a prisoner is kept in… it is more like the cell a animal in a zoo or circus is kept in or even a tropical fish tank that is decorated with coral, clam shells, sand etc etc so the fish feel at home. Around the cell are police barricades, yet no one is in or even allowed in the room…so what are the barricades for? All of this tells of Hannibal NOT being a killer, but a mind controlled subject who is now ON DISPLAY like a prized tiger/tropical fish for those who wish to see this “new creation” in action. The interior of the cell is not just a cell, but more of a crude hotel room with a bathroom, carpeting, lamps, desk, chairs, easels, tables etc etc.. Hannibal is being kept comfortable while on display just as a tiger would be as he is transported from city to city as the circus or zoo moves. Those who are coming to see him are by invite only as they (politicians, military) will be those who wish to have Hannibal (mind control program) as well. Also notice the strange washed out red, white and washed out blue colors painted on the walls and the contrasting vibrant red, white and blue banner that circles the room. It looks more like a political convention just took place (this references the fact that the US government is behind all of this)…this color scheme and banner is important and must be remembered as it will play a important role soon.

As Clarrise brings the drawings over to Hannibal….. without him even turning around to see her, Hannibal immediately knows it is her who has come to see him. Again the sophistication of Hannibal as a information gathering tool shows itself. Clarrise tries to pacify Hannibal with the artwork and by saying to him that he will be getting his “view” soon. The “view” was the false promises of a better prison, books, view of the ocean/outside she promised when she first met him. Clarrise seems to believe Hannibal still thinks what she told him about going to Plum Island is true. Little does she know that he knows the truth that he as a person will NOT get those things ever and all that she is saying is a LIE, and that he as a mind control program will be moved somewhere else other than New York.

Hannibal reveals that the only reason she has come is because he is aware that she and Crawford are booted off the case. He then comments about ANTHRAX ISLAND (Plum Island) informing her that Plum Island is not a animal reserve, but is a place of investigation/research into the worlds most virulent pathogens. Again he has uncovered her lies to her shock and has let her know that this supposed move to Plum Island is for even more research to be done on him in the sense of improving the mind control program even more. BTW Long Island (where Plum Island is was actually the place where the MONTAUK PROJECT was carried out and many mind control experiments conducted, so this Plum Island comment makes the viewer aware of this fact).

As he continues revealing the lies of Clarrise, he says people will think they are lovers for her always coming to see him. Here Hannibal is letting her know that the public will come to know the tie in between government and this mind control program because of the constant contact/involvement between the FBI and Hannibal… something Dr. Chilton is trying to beat everyone else to… as well as keep a secret.

Clarrise at this time begins to feel as though she can handle Hannibal intellectually and begins challenging him, but soon finds out she is mentally insufficient for the task. She informs Hannibal that the name Louis Friend he gave as the real name for Buffalo Bill is NOT his real name, but an anagram for IRON SULFIDE, which is known as FOOLS GOLD (a metal that looks like gold but isn’t). Hannibal has made a mockery of their/FBI’s intelligence and showed them he is intellectually superior to even the best when he told them Buffalo Bills name was Louis Friend… he was actually calling them FOOLS for thinking he would give up such important details so easily.

Clarrise realizing she only has a short time to ask Hannibal the questions necessary to discover who Buffalo Bill is before Dr. Chilton shows up, begins to panic as Hannibal refuses to give up the name, but informs her that his identity is right in the paperwork/case file she already has on Buffalo Bill…she just has to decipher it. Knowing her limited time, Clarrise begins demanding his name and Hannibal asks her to tell him why Buffalo Bill would do the things he does. He asks her a series of questions of which she could not answer…the point in Hannibal doing this is to show just how insufficiently equipped her intellect is in comparison to his as well as he is marketing himself as a “program” that is necessary. He then informs her that Buffalo Bill does what he does because he covets. In short he means he does this kidnapping and torture, because there is something about the person he sees and wants. Hannibal knows this, because this is what he has “trained” Bill to do.

(Here is where this movie gets really interesting and telling of what the colors mean and what the lambs mean)

Hannibal changes the course of the discussion and begins to question Clarrise about her childhood and why she was sent to live with her uncle and cousins after her father’s murder and why she ran away. As Hannibal questions Clarrise she tells of awakening one night or being in a dream state and hearing screaming coming from a barn on the property. She tells of going into the barn and hearing and seeing the lambs screaming in a child’s voice (Child represents people and innocence). This is telling that these lambs are not lambs, but are representations of people she was hearing scream. She then goes on to say she went to the barn and saw them screaming and tried saving them by opening the barn door in hopes they would run out and away.. .instead they just stood there not moving. Here Clarrise is talking about the lambs who represent a population of people who rather than saving themselves by putting up a fight, by learning what their governments are really about, what is really going on within their government or at least fleeing from the sick ideals of their government… marched head long into their death as their government is not concerned with their rights, life, pursuit of happiness, privacy etc etc…IT is only concerned with what is good for itself … something we all see today in governments around the world.

As a non-challenging society, people are referred to as sheep and then again as sheeple when they march headlong into their own death/destruction/enslavement/oppression by not taking opportunities to bring about change/challenge their government/resist and/or fight against those in their government that are their oppressors, which again is what these lambs (sheep) represent.. As Hannibal goes on with the questioning about what she did while all of this was happening, Clarrise speaks of grabbing and running away with one lamb which she took and ran with for a couple of miles, but because it was so cold and she was without food or water could not get far enough away to save the lamb, which she and the lamb were caught by the police and taken back to the farm and the lamb slaughtered. Here Clarrise is showing how even in her young years she was aware of the ills of government and those who carry out the will of government to slaughter/oppress/silence those in society it deemed troublesome such as civil rights leaders, union leaders, whistleblowers, community leaders, anyone who reveals the goings on of government or stands up to its will etc etc. Clarrise attempted in this dream or dream like state to save one lamb (a segment of the population) from the slaughter, but failed in the task as the resources of government to silence is greater than her ability to wake them up to reality and save them. Hannibal then asked now that she is an adult whether she still wakes up hearing the screaming of the lambs, which she answers yes. Clarrise knows what the government is becoming and knows that the new government is not like the old as it views society not as society, but as a threat to their own programs/wants that must be tamed, pacified, placated, subdued (mind controlled) and even SLAUGHTERED/SILENCED if needs be. Clarrise feels like if she could just wake up a segment of the population (get one lamb free) they can be saved from this, but it seems a losing battle as the population is too much in the SHEEPLE mindset to see. Clarrise whole purpose for joining the FBI was to bring about this possibility of finding out what government was about and then alerting the masses…unfortunately once in she became more obsessed with climbing up the ranks of the FBI than being concerned with the masses (I discussed this earlier in the first post where Clarrise is seen “training”, which was a representation of her hardening herself to the FBI standards and losing concern for people/citizens for the sake of promotion). Isn’t that how so many politicians are? Before being elected they champion the rights of the people, but once elected the people are the last things they think of.

Hannibal then ask her if she still wakes up in the dark to the screaming of the lambs? He then asks her if she thinks if she saved Catherine ( a lamb in the sense she has done nothing to be held hostage and killed) that she will no longer wake up to the screaming of the lambs?…which she replies she does not know. Once again the reference to Catherine by Hannibal as a lamb (innocent) being captured, screaming from fear/torture and desiring freedom from being slaughtered (either literally destroyed or mentally destroyed through lies, torture and programming). The dark in this situation represents the UNKNOWN as the people of a government/nation are in the dark or unknowing to/of what government’s goals/aspirations/doings/desires really are.

As Hannibal stalled in giving Clarrise the answer to Bill’s real name, Dr. Chilton with cops, walks into the room and tells Clarrise she not only must leave, but will be put on a plane back to Baltimore. Chilton is showing his control of the situation and power even over the FBI… so once again this goes to the highest levels of government.

Hannibal then says to Clarrise as she is being led off that she will tell him when those lambs stop screaming. Here Hannibal is saying that Clarrise will have to inform him when she has awoken the population or a segment of the population to what the government is really about/ what it is really doing… something unlikely to ever happen till it is too late.

As Clarrise is led away Hannibal screams out to her that she will want Bill’s case file which Hannibal holds in his hand for her to take. Clarrise breaks free of the cops and runs and grabs the large packet and just as she grabs the file Hannibal gently strokes her hands and says goodbye Clarrise. This is a reference to him knowing both she and Crawford will be off the case soon as well as the fact he knows their physical contact will be no more…



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Re: Silence of the lambs...
« Reply #66 on: April 07, 2011, 10:33:03 PM »
Silence Of The Lambs Interpreted

We next see a TWA airplane taking Clarrise back to Langley Virginia ( a quick shot of Washington DC is shown as the plane passes over).

A fast scene change see two prison guards entering into the room where Hannibal is kept in the crude hotel like cage. They are carrying a second dinner Hannibal requested of extra rare lamb chops. These rare lamb chops represent slaughtered innocent people as Clarrise had in her dreams. With the cops representing those who were responsible for leading the innocent (American populace in this case) to the slaughter. As the guards draw near to the cage, Hannibal is first handcuffed to the cage and then the guards enter in to bring him the meal. As the guards do this Hannibal who had swiped Dr. Chilton’s gold cross pen earlier while in the FBI Behavioral Science Labratory and swallowed it, regurgitated the clip portion of the pen which he uses as a lock picking device to break himself free of the handcuffs. Again the underestimation of the abilities of Hannibal, the mind controlled subject, shows itself here. Clearly these cops were not informed of his abilities as they should have been. To the guards shock Hannibal is free, is incredibly strong, is ferociously well trained for combat and he launches a brutal attack upon them, handcuffing one guard to the cage and then over powering the second guard where he bites him in the face and bashes him in the head until death with one of the cops batons. After completing a assassin/mercenary type killing of both cops, Hannibal picks up a small knife while listening to classical music and leaves the “cage”...Remember Hannibal is trained to perform in all situations like an expert. Here we see his COMBAT MODE of defense on display. He represents the brutality of a mercenary/assassin/well trained soldier.

On the first floor a group of cops notices the elevator begins traveling up to the 5th floor from the third floor where Hannibal is kept. As the cops gather together questioning who may have gone up on the elevator, on the first floor where they are standing is a giant Knights Templar Cross..also called the Maltese Cross… a symbol not only of freemasonry which controls law enforcement, but also the symbol used by the cops and especially the fire department as their symbol, moniker, badge to denote affiliation with THE ORDER (Masons). Soon shots are heard from the floors above and the elevator soon starts its downward descent back to the third floor. The commanding officer calls in for help requesting a SWAT team and an ambulance…once again the knowledge of Hannibal being more than NORMAL is suggested by the fact that this group of about twelve cops calls in for SWAT as well…they know Hannibal is capable of handling all of them so they need skilled backup.

With a small army of cops, the commanding officer heads to the third floor byway of the staircase and then enters onto the third floor only to find the elevator empty. As they move down the hallway to the room with the cage inside that held Hannibal, the first thing they notice through the frosted door before entering is what looks like a giant eagle/bird in flight. Bursting through the door they find that Hannibal has killed the cops and taken one and hanged him on the top of the crude hotel like cage and has his arms spread side to side giving him that appearance through the glass door of looking like an eagle, but face to face he appears like a person crucified…or should I say SACRIFICED.

Upon closer inspection it is noticed that Hannibal has wrapped the red, white and blue banner that was on the walls behind the cop’s back and attached it to his hands giving him an eagle or angel like appearance. Hannibal has used the small knife he took earlier to gut the now hanging cop, who has most of his intestines and internal organs on display. This scene has many purposes. One the banner used to make the cop appear like an angel or eagle is the rich red, white and blue colors of the US flag. The red white and blue represents the colors of America and what it is supposed to represent: democracy, freedom, security, rights, constitution, honesty etc etc. In the same room the colors on the wall are of washed out and faded red, white and blue representing that America now is NOT like the old/used to be, where the constitution is now replaced by the Patriot Act, where privacy is violated continuously, where your guilty until proven innocent, where the government is really fascist and honesty/pride is something long forgotten. The red white and blue banner also represents the red shirts and blue shirts (remember what they mean?) , it represents the supposed democratic and republican sides of america, it represents the left and right, it represents the constitution, it represents a symbol of democracy etc etc. In between these red and blue stripes is the white stripe that represents the people of the land who are like LAMBS (white ad innocent) ignorantly caught between these political systems that are trying to take control of them. They (citizens) are innocent in that they truly believe they live in a country where their vote counts, their voice can bring about change, that it is a democracy, that they are safe and secure from the tyranny that is their government as they believe they can vote out terrible government/officials and elect new/better etc... NONE OF WHICH IS TRUE. Truth of the matter is some have come to the realization that what America represents is a LIE and the fight to not only achieve the things the country and its flag represents, but to also help others to realize they to have been deceived and they must also fight against this government which is actually fascist and has the worst intent imaginable for the masses

The cop represents those who would uphold the law, it also represents the people’s rights as citizens and it represents the Constitution…as you can see the cutting away of the abdominal by Hannibal represents the GUTTING of all three. As you see today around the world cops are the biggest abusers/violators of people’s rights, the US constitution has been over taken by the PATRIOT ACT and updates to old laws that now supersede the constitution; and any group protesting any new laws, rules, regulations etc are quickly jailed/beaten to a pulp…welcome to the New World Order. Remember I said earlier that the photos of George Bush Sr. and Herbert Hoover in the FBI headquarters represented the NWO as well as the police state. Hoover created the FBI which was followed by the CIA, NSA, Blackwater, Xe, and all too many other letter agencies whose main goal is to survey and watch over the US population (BIG BROTHER…CONTROL).

As the cops survey the room they find that one of the two officers (Pembray) is lying on the floor and is still alive. While the commanding cop calls in information on the state of the other officers and the possible whereabouts of Hannibal, the ambulances and SWAT cops show up and take (who the believe to be Pembray) to the ambulance. SWAT and ambulances rush the building and while taking “Penbray” down the elevator into the ambulance, they notice blood coming from the ceiling of the elevator. Believing Hannibal has been shot and is hiding out on the roof of the elevator, “Pembray” is rushed off once the first floor is reached and the cops swarm the elevator in hopes of catching Hannibal. SWAT rushes to the floors above the elevator and open the elevator doors to the shaft. Looking down they can see who they believe to be Hannibal laying on the roof of the elevator. A shot to “Hannibal’s” leg by one of the SWAT members causes no movement to “Hannibal”. The team of cops on the first floor decided to open the elevator ceiling door ( with their guns at the ready to shoot Hannibal) only to find the man on the roof is one of the two dead cops Pembray) who has had his face cut off by Hannibal.

While the cops are looking at the de-faced cop in the building elevator, the patient in the ambulance who they thought was officer Pembray gets up from the gurney, pulls off the false face (which was the face cut off of the real officer Pembray) and proceeded to kill the EMT technician, the driver and abandons the ambulance on the side of the road near the Memphis airport. Turns out it was Hannibal pretending to be the patient/cop all along. This part of the movie has multiple meanings. One it reveals how the government will bring its goals into fruition by putting a “different face” on law enforcement agents of all types. They will appear to be upholders of the law, but underneath they will be violators of the law, violators of human rights, act like animals, be provocateurs, and even killers when needed. This scene also shows how government will be able to get away with murder, by blaming someone else…False Flag anyone?



  • Getbig V
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Re: Silence of the lambs...
« Reply #67 on: April 12, 2011, 08:01:14 PM »
Silence of The Lambs Interpretation Continues…

Ardeliah the fellow officer of Clarrise at the FBI headquarters overhears on the phone about Hannibal getting away. The fact that this information has not been made public tells that somehow this Ardeliah person has access to information she should not be privy to…Or she is a part of the Hannibal escapade. Also notice she is wearing a BLUE SHIRT. Ardeliah quickly runs down the hall to inform Clarrise that Hannibal is on the loose and feels he is coming to kill Clarrise… something Clarrise denies when she hears of it. This means as a FBI agent and Hannibal being a FBI mind control subject…he would not seek to kill Clarisse as it would be a sign of one destroying/eating their own.

With the concern of Hannibal coming to kill her not in her thoughts Clarrise begins analyzing the notes Hannibal inscribed in the case file notes of Buffalo Bill with Ardelia. As the two of them go over the notes in an attempt to find out the name of Buffalo Bill, the scene of the movie and interaction of the two of them changes. First thing noticed is Clarrise who was in a bathrobe when the scene opened with Ardelia is now dressed in a funny looking shirt that is sort of pink/purple and black color scheme and Ardelia has on a plaid shirt that is the same funny looking pink/purple and black color as well. If you research colors, black signifies unconscious and mystery…deep meditation. In the aura it signifies some kind of blockage or something being hidden. The purple represents power, both earthly and spiritual. Purple is often used for mental disorders and becoming one with the spirit. Its aura denotes higher spiritual development. Meaning of Colors. This scene is informing the viewer of the mind manipulation that is going on not only in Hannibal, but also Clarrise as she is as much mind controlled as Hannibal is and is using it to advance herself up in the FBI. The colors also tell of what they are dealing with at the moment. As everything they are handling is a mystery, it is mind boggling, it is dealing with Hannibal’s conscious mind to find out what he knows about Buffalo Bill as well as find out where Catherine is being held. It is dealing with Buffalo Bill who like Hannibal is operating on a higher level..complexity and with both he and Hannibal being mind controlled they both are in POWER modes as everyone is helpless around them and helpless to figure them out.

As Ardelia and Clarisse talk of the information in the notes on buffalo Bill… all of a sudden Ardelia begins to look directly at the camera and begins speaking as though she is under hypnosis as Clarrise asks her questions. Here we have an example of Clarrise using the mind control technique she has learned on Ardelia. She is actually manipulating Ardelia’s mind in hopes of getting her to analyze the information about Buffalo Bill more deeply in order to find the clues to buffalo Bills identity. Ardelia then snaps out of the trance realizing they have just discovered some more clues they did not know before in finding Buffalo Bills identity.

A quick scene change and the viewer is looking at a bridge leading to Belvedere Ohio where one of Buffalo Bills victims was found. Clarrise is heading to Belveder to meet the father of the Fredricka who was found in the river (she is the woman who had the cocoon in her throat). Upon entering Belvedere, a poor/ working class town Clarrise enters onto the property of  Mr. Bimmel (the father of the killed woman: Fredricka). As she steps onto the property there are instances of the washed out red, white and blue motif about, that signifies America as being different than it once was… which this property represents it. A woman in a green shirt sits looking longingly out a green window…remember green in represents MONEY and it is money she longs for that will help her get out of this condition she lives in. As Clarrise approaches Mr. Bimmel she notices animal skins hanging on the outside of a small barn/workshop. She pauses for a second as these skins reminds her of what Buffalo Bill does to his victims. Confronting Mr. Bimmel Clarrise introduces herself, while Mr. Bimmels walks her into the house and tells her of Fredricka’s bedroom being kept as it was since the day she disappeared.

Clarrise enters the bedroom and looks about for clues. The first things she notices are many pictures of her and her father all over the walls and dresser tops. There are books about weight loss and romance novels strewn about. A cut out of a fat pig and a fat farmer and a poster of Madonna, all indicate a self consciousness of herself and weight, and a desire to be smaller and sexier(Madonna). As Clarrise walks over to her dresser, she sees a small music box and investigates and opens it to find pictures Fredricka (or someone) took of herself in only her bra and panties. A indication that she is happy with her weight, but society as a whole is making her feel she is an outcast for being heavy. On the wall right next to the music box is a poster that says DUMB AND BLOND with a large hypnotic spiral in the center of it. A reference for sure of how society brainwashes/mind controls a person (a dumb person) to feel that the only way to be happy is to be what society dictates as beautiful…an example being a dumb blond who is always depicted as being shapely, big busted, attractive, desired by all the  men, envied by all the women…like Madonna.

As Clarrise is looking at the pics a cat captures her attention and leads her into a sewing room right next to Fredricka’s room. As Clarrise walks into the room the first thing noticed on the walls are BUTTERFLIES which are symbols of the MONARCH PROJECT (mind control) and because this sewing room was once a bedroom, it references a program called THE SLEEP ROOM that was run by the CIA where people were taken and were given all manner of drugs from insulin to LSD, to Paralytics, to shock therapy etc etc and horrendous experiments done to them in the quest to mind control them. These experiments were carried out by a doctor named Ewen Cameron (Videos below)

As Clarrise continues investigating the room she opens a closet door to see clothing that Fredricka has made and is in the process of making a dress. At that instant it becomes clear to her that Buffalo Bill is using the skin of his victims to make women’s clothing/dresses. She calls Crawford to tell him of what she discovered about Bill only to be told they already know about Bill and who he is and where he is lives…or so they believe. The one thing noticed in this scene is Crawford after being kicked off the case by the FBI has joined up with the military or some part of it to find out where Buffalo Bill is. He, while talking to Clarrise is on a military airplane on his way to Calument City in Chicago. Crawford name has been discovered as Jamie Gum(b)/John Grant. Crawford managed to get back on the case by turning this into a case of capturing a murderer which allowed him to get involved with the local police of Chicago to capture Bill as opposed to trying to capture a serial killer/mind controlled subject which is federal..

Another scene change shows Christine Martin (Buffalo Bill’s hostage) still in the dry well in the basement of the house where Buffalo Bill is. While she is trying to find a way to get Bill to release her from the well, Buffalo Bill is in another room naked taking off a chain from around his neck that has a pendent on it and replacing the pendent with another of a gold fat lady.

This pendent of a fat lady represents something he covets as the fat ladies are needed to satisfy his need for their skin to actually make clothes out of it. As he put the chain and pendent on his neck, a body shot of him is seen and a weird tattoo on his side is shown. This tattoo has two meanings. One is it represents something in him trying to cut its way out. Remember Bill think he is a transsexual because of all of the abuse done to him during his mind control treatments. So this tattoo is of a knife actually cutting him open from the inside out representing this woman coming out or this transformation of himself into a woman by having gender augmentation surgery he once wanted. Second, this same tattoo represents what he is doing to the captured heavyset women…and that is cutting off their skin/flesh to make clothing out of it…. So he can be “beautiful”.

While he is putting on lipstick, in the dry well Catherine is trying to capture the little white poodle Bill has. Thinking that she can use it as a bargaining too to get Bill to release her from the well. A fast scene change takes the viewer back to Buffalo Bill who has now started filming himself with a camcorder dancing around the room he is in. On his head is the scalp of a person and looking carefully the flesh of the scalped person can still be seen with long blond hair coming from it. Buffalo Bill, draped in a quilt like coat/robe begins revealing more of himself before the camera and then advancing forward to the camera and then retreating Bill is shown with his penis held tightly between his legs so as to make himself look like he has a vagina. He then does his glam poses like a female model on a runway. In his mind at this point his transformation is complete… he is now the woman he has been made to believe he is.


Ewen Cameron

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3



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Re: Silence of the lambs...
« Reply #68 on: April 18, 2011, 06:30:25 AM »
Great thread !!! A +++

Samson ... keep doing your thing. Keep doing your thing ... ;)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Silence of the lambs...
« Reply #69 on: April 19, 2011, 09:30:19 PM »
Silence Of The Lambs Interpretation (Final Episode)

A quick scene change and we see Crawford arriving at the Air National Guard HQ in Chicago, while in Belvedere, Ohio Clarrise is interviewing a woman who was a friend of Fredericka (woman found in river with cocoon in throat) in hopes of getting some information that will lead her to Buffalo Bill, who she now knows his real name is either James Gum(b) or John Grant. It is at this moment that the woman exposes that she and Fredericka were seamstresses and did work for a woman named Ms. Litman, who Clarrise now wants to interview.

While Clarisse gathers this info, Catherine has managed to capture the poodle Buffalo Bill has. This poodle is the one thing Buffalo Bill loves as it represents secrecy (dogs can’t talk or reveal secrets of its owner) and it sends him crazy knowing the dog is in her possession and she is threatening to kill it if he does not let her out of the dry well. Buffalo Bill goes frantic about the house until he decides to get his gun from under his mattress, which is covered with a quilt that has two giant Swastikas on it (This will become important in a minute). The Swastikas represent those scientist brought from Germany to America under OPERATION PAPERCLIP (more info here and here) who were working on mind control programs in Germany during WWII and where given unlimited sums of money by the US government (CIA) to continue testing their mind control program until they actually perfected it. Hannibal (as a mind control program) is the perfection of this program, as it produces a perfect mind control specimen that will be highly intelligent, subversive, charming, a perfect killing machine etc etc. It is not like the former mind controlled programs of old which produced temperamental, uncontrollable, and prone to exiting out of the mind controlled state subjects. Hannibal was/is perfect in that regard, which is what the Germans and Americans were working toward. Buffalo Bill having these Swastikas on his bed informs the viewer that he is a product of this German mind control program by way of Hannibal (the person and program who “trained” him), who was once his doctor and treated ( or should I say mind controlled) him and turned Bill into his own mind controlled subject.

As Buffalo Bill is about to head back to the dry well to get his dog out of the clutches of Catherine, to his worry, the doorbell rings.

Meanwhile in Chicago Crawford and a group of Chicago police/swat/national guardsmen are at another home ringing the doorbell at the same time the bell is ringing at the home of Buffalo Bill in Ohio. Unfortunately Crawford, believing he is at the home of Buffalo Bill, has his team of armed men burst through the home through every window and door only to find out made a mistake has been made and he and his team have gone to the wrong home…in the wrong city… in the wrong state. Oooops, yes government fucks up royally, with even the best intentions and advice

Back in Belvedere Ohio, Clarrise is at the door of Ms. Litman’s home and encounters who she believes is Buffalo Bill and begins questioning him about the Litman woman who once lived there. Buffalo says she doesn’t live hear anymore, but he has the phone number of her son. He invites Clarrise into the home while he gets the business card of Litman’s son. While in the house Clarrise notices the houses is extremely unkempt, has some strange moths in it like the ones she saw in the museum and spools of thread like a seamstress/tailor would have, which to her is a dead give away that this is Buffalo Bill. She pulls her gun on Buffalo Bill who quickly dashes down into the basement of the house. In this scene the failure of Buffalo Bill as a mind controlled subject shows. He was trained by Hannibal, but not nearly to the intense level Hannibal functions at. Psychologically, intellectually, physically he lacks what Hannibal does…as Hannibal would have easily subverted Clarrise in her questioning, in her forwardness and in her accusatory tone and in combat mode when she pulled the gun.

Clarrise pursues Buffalo Bill into the basement and as she enters the stairs that lead to the basement it is painted that same green as seen earlier, which represents money. Keep in mind Clarrise’s goal in the FBI is to advance herself for the sake of money, a title and fame…hence why she is pursuing Buffalo Bill alone as opposed to with other agents (as Crawford did)…she wants all of the recognition for herself.

As she gets to the bottom of the stairs she is confronted by two closed doors, which symbolizes her having to make a choice. The choice is does she or does she not really want to know what goes on in the shadow part of the US government. This scene is almost like in the Matrix where Neo is asked to take the RED pill or the BLUE pill each having their own consequence and revelation. She chooses the door to the right that leads to a dungeon like place. This door to this basement and the dungeon like appearance represents not only the world of Buffalo Bill which is SECRET, but it also represents the doorway to the secrets of the US government (hence the washed out red, white and blue motif right in the middle of the two doors, that represent a different america). At this point Clarrise is being challenged to dig deep (if she dares) into the dark/evil/mysterious/secret/ugly side, of Americas government as she walks down the spooky passage.

Entering in she is confronted by a dark passageway with closed doors and dark hallways that bear no clue as to what lay beyond them. She comes to a door that has a large American map on it…indicating that, like a game show where you choose what's behind a curtain based on a hint, this map on the door hints/informs that this is the real America behind this door (can you handle the truth?). As she nervously pushes the door open it leads to the room where Buffalo Bill has his sewing machine, female mannequins and a large red white and blue flag right near the door. As Clarrise moves into the room there are many other doors in the room (representing choices, secrets and the unknowns) she heads toward another door and quickly pushes it open. Entering in this room leads to a room which has the dry well with Catherine in it, still another door and then another very dark space. Catherine is screaming for help from the well as Clarrise enters and says she is the FBI. As Clarrise enters the room she shuts the door behind her and then blocks it so that it can’t be opened from the outside. This is symbolic on two fronts…One she is actually trying to protect herself from Buffalo Bill, and secondly as a FBI agent of government it symbolizes that once she comes to know “THE SECRETS” of government/america there is no turning back or getting out. Truly it is a TILL DEATH DO THEY PART agreement to anyone desiring to advance up in government and/or it branches as she desires. Ever wonder why politicians never leave politics? Because they know too much to be set free and will be killed if they try and do so.

Catherine Martin screams “get me out of here”. Again there is the literal getting her out of the well as well as a secondary meaning of get her out of this political game of being a pawn being played to get money from the government for this mind control project. As Clarrise moves about this room she sees open doors (meaning she is discovering more secrets about the government that she did not know of) and slams them shut (meaning she doesn’t want to know them and/or wants them to remain secret). Clarisse then shouts to Catherine (who is still screaming to get her out of the well) to be quiet and to shut the barking dog up. In this case she is telling Catherine to not tell of this ordeal she is enduring once freed (especially once the press finally gets a hold of her for interviews). Keeping the dog quiet also represents keeping quiet about all she knows about Buffalo Bill (remember Bill loves that dog, because the dog knows all of his secrets, but the dog is unable to tell anyone else of what it knows) and all of the secrets she has found out about government.

Moving about the room Clarrise sees still another door at the other end of the room…she feels Buffalo Bill is in there (it also represents her feeling that a great government secret is behind that door) and she heads toward the door, pushes it open to find the laboratory Buffalo Bill has been raising his moths and performing the surgical skin removal of his victims. (This is a jackpot for Clarrise as this room is the unveiling of government techniques and locations set up for these mind controlled subjects/terrorist/assassins/serial killers to operate out of like Buffalo Bill).

This is a horrifying scene for Clarrise as the room is extremely dimly lit with moths flying all about. The room also represents the kind of place a person would be tortured into being a mind control subject. The moths like spiders, snakes, rats, etc invokes great fear in people and it is this fear that begins the mental breakdown process in order to get control of a person mind. The surgical table represents a place of pain, which like fear is inflicted on a subject to also cause a break in the mind in order to get control. The darkness represents all of this being done in secrecy.

As Clarrise searches about the room she comes across a poster on the wall of an American who is blind folded with the words BUSINESS AS USUAL. In the background of the poster are Swastikas and underneath it says AMERICA OPEN YOUR EYES. This is very telling.. The poster is clearly telling the everyone that America is a communist/Fascist country and government (Swatikas)and it is time to open their eyes to that reality… and until Americans open their eyes and come to the knowledge of what America really is, it will be BUSINESS AS USUAL. Meaning not only will the Fascist government continue its course, it will grow more powerful (just as seen today). Sadly most Americans are kept BLIND through distractions: game shows, award shows, celebrity gossip, sports, concerts, mindless news etc etc…all the while clueless as to what is really going on. This poster also comes from the WWII era and harps again of PROJECT PAPERCLIP and the bringing of German (Nazi) scientist involved in mind control to ameria (See VIDEO Below). This poster also tells Clarrise about what she is involved in… a government that is NOT democratic and really does not give a damn about its citizens.

Clarrise then goes through yet another door and the first thing she sees is a red light. You’ll remember a red light in this film means DANGER and she has just entered a very dangerous place. As she enters the room, Buffalo Bill (not seen by her yet) turns off the lights and is wearing night vision glasses, leaving Clarrise to feel her way around in total darkness. This dark room represents the deepest secrets of government and its doings. The basement where this room is represents a place where things are discarded, hidden and forgotten, kept a mystery, a place where danger dwells, a place of the unknown etc. As she feels around the blinding darkness her fingers touch a hot furnace. This hot furnace represents things too dangerous for her to handle, know about or even touch…that is reserved for those who have reached advanced levels in the FBI….which she has not reached yet.

While Clarisse gropes about in the dark, Buffalo Bill is watching her every move through the night vision glasses ( a reference that a shadow government watches over the portion of government presented to the masses as the real government) and then he reaches out to touch her hair, which he stops just short of doing (a reminder by the shadow government that every official/president/agent etc, is right within their grasp). While Clarrise continues moving about the impossibly dark room Buffalo Bill pulls out an old style gun and attempts to shoot Clarrise, but just as he cocks the lever on the gun, the click startles Clarrise and she goes about firing wildly in the dark and actually shoots Buffalo Bill multiple times in the chest killing him (once again failure as a good mind controlled subject is shown). Though Buffalo Bill is killed in this scene the real meaning behind Buffalo Bill pulling the gun on Clarrise in the dark is it symbolizes that the shadow government will assassinate a political/government figure if he/she does not do or does more than what they are told to do.

In the wild shooting she shoots through a window pane that was blacked out, allowing sunlight in (hidden secrets now revealed) only to reveal a military helmet and American flag sitting on the window ledge. This military helmet and flag informs the viewer that this entire operation is carried out COVERTLY (symbolized by the dark basement/room) by the US and its military. Immediately the camera focuses on the now dead Buffalo Bill (meaning old mind control program and subject eliminated for the new advanced Hannibal program) and then quickly switches to a twirling mobile which has a large yellow butterfly on one side and a yellow and white butterfly on the opposite side. These butterflies reference the MONARCH PROJECT which deals with mind control…which Buffalo Bill was a victim/subject of.

A quick scene change and outside Buffalo Bills house are cops and ambulances and Crawford. As Crawford approaches the house the EMT are escorting Catherine out of the house and clutching very tightly to her chest, is the white poodle that belongs to Buffalo Bill. As one of the cops on the scene attempted to take the dog away, the dog whines, which caused the cop to leave the dog in Catherine’s arms. Catherine holding that dog means she will not tell anything about what happened to her, what happened to Bill or what she knows about the government being involved in all of this. Remember Bill loved that dog because it held all of his secrets and was unable to reveal any of them to the public…now Catherine holds onto the dog for the same reason.

As Clarrise exits the house Crawford comforts her and asks if she is OK.

Another quick scene change and we see Clarisse at a FBI ceremony receiving the Special Agent title and the advancement for her heroic work at capturing/killing Buffalo Bill. A quick scene change and we see a large cake decorated with the FBI DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE symbol on it as the icing and having a single slice cut out of it. This image informs the viewer that there is a segment (as that cut piece of cake represents) of the government (FBI, CIA, NSA etc etc) that is involved with these covert clandestine projects. Like mind control, manipulating government for money, creating terror(ist)(ism), creating assassins, causing fear and pandemonium amongst the public etc.

After getting her award and socializing, Ardelia comes to Clarrise and says “you have a phone call”. In the back of the room away from everyone is Crawford, who comes forward to congratulate Clarrise on her new title as Special Agent and then informs her he can’t stay long. Before he leaves he gives her a long handshake which is symbolic of the Illuminati handshake as well as a welcome to the ALL BOYS CLUB of the FBI. Crawford then says, while departing, you have a phone call (now how did he know?). As Clarrise answers the phone she hears the unmistakable voice of Hannibal on the other end asking her” have the lambs stopped screaming”? Meaning has she managed to wake up the masses and make them aware of what government is about and really doing?..especially since she has learned so much about the government herself. Just as that poster read ‘America Open Your Eyes’…Those lambs Hannibal speaks of and Clarrise dreamed about being slaughtered, are those Americans (Sheeple) who believe in government  so much so that they can not see the evil of it and are destroyed by the same. Clarrise is particularly disturbed by the phone call because it was Ardelia and Crawford who told her she had a call, meaning both Ardelia and Crawford knew it was Hannibal on the line…this once again shows government complicity in all of this and that Hannibal is their creation, doing their bidding and under their control. As Clarrise listens to Hannibal she turns to see Crawford leaving the room and on her face is the clear shock that he knew this was Hannibal on the phone and has now exposed himself as being a part of this charade of terror/serial killings on the American public.

Hannibal says to her not to try and trace the call and that he will not call on her and he wishes for her to extend him the same courtesy, which Clarrise  responds by saying she can’t do that. In this part of the film Hannibal is asking Clarrise to forget he exists and to try and not find or capture him or use him in the quest to capture any future serial killers.

As the camera pans out Hannibal is seen on what looks like a Caribbean Island watching as a plane unloads, with one of the passengers being Dr. Chilton. Hannibal then tells Clarrise that he can not stay on the phone long as he is having an old friend for dinner, then hangs up. This is a great scene and reveals a lot. First Hannibal the mind control program has been moved to a Caribbean Island for the sake of secrecy and government not being able to interfere. Dr. Chilton has either secured the funding from the government and fled America for the sake of advancing and expanding this program from an off shore location or he has obtained private funding for the expansion and advancement of the mind control program and its subjects. So the US mind control program can now go one without the obstructions, secrecy and financial wrangling that has held up its development in the states.

Hannibal’s comment about having an old friend for dinner is a dire warning as Hannibal (the mind controlled person) is growing out of control and he is now going to destroy Dr. Chilton who he sees as someone who tortured him and made his life a living hell. I expect Hannibal will literally eat for dinner (or certainly kill) Chilton … which reminds me of how Dr.Frankenstein’s monster killed Dr. Frankenstein when the abuse of the monster became too much. This all speaks of the horrors of trying to play GOD or at the very least delving into a science, a psychology and a manipulation of human minds… areas you shouldn’t tamper with…thinking you have full control …only to be shown later you have no control at all.

A quick shot of Dr. Chilton shows him talking to another man asking if security is set up in the facility. Here we have acknowledgment of this mind control center being operated out of another country with Chilton fully in charge.

As the scene begins closing we see Clarrise still holding onto the phone repeatedly calling off the name “Dr. Lechter” (Hannibal), who has now hung up and is calmly walking (at distance) after Dr. Chilton. All the while as the camera pans out, all around are the washed out red, white and blue color motifs that begins appearing all over the scenery. This color message tells that the American mind control program has been moved/expanded to this new place of operation (Just like what we now see in Guantanamo Bay, Abu Graib, prison systems and various places where people are kidnapped to and “RENDITIONED” around the world) and Hannibal is now operating in a autonomous manner as he no longer needs Dr. Chilton and will soon do away with him.

All of this signifying losing control over the program and over the subject who now operates under his own command…Eisenhower spoke of the MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX as an entity, if allowed, would grow out of control and then turn on its owner/creator. Surely enough today we see branches of the American and British government operating autonomously and out of the control of its government. This scene is also reminiscent of government of any nation, controlling the masses of its nation and oppressing and violating the people so much and so long that the people eventually rise up against the government (which loses control over the population) and destroys it.

This video is terrifying because of its reality (must watch),cia-mind-control-experiments.html



  • Getbig V
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Re: Silence of the lambs...
« Reply #70 on: April 22, 2011, 09:14:30 AM »
Hello All

I hope you have all read the interpretation of Silence Of The Lambs and have come to an understanding of how Hollywood puts a strong underlying message in films and then covers it over with symbolism and portrayals that makes the REAL MESSAGE disappear in front of the eyes of those who can not see it. I would suggest to everyone to please watch Silence Of The Lambs again and maybe even printout the interpretation I did so you can watch and read and see this underlying (secret) message in the film. This technique is not new of hiding messages in films, as a matter of fact practically all Hollywood movies, commercials, videos, books etc have a secret message running just beneath what you see on the screen or read on the pages.

Movies like the Matrix, The Siege, The Long Kiss Goodnight, Mulholland Drive, Metropolis, Inception, The Manchurian Candidate, Control Factor and many many more all have a message, and in the case of these films they are SINISTER messages.

I said earlier that I would do The Wizard of Oz next...that is another film that has nothing to do with a young farm girl being whisked off to a fantasy land....It is a whole lot deeper and the underlying message really applies to what is happening in the world today.


  • Guest
Re: Silence of the lambs...
« Reply #71 on: April 22, 2011, 09:53:44 AM »
I'll get back on it here soon, in the next day or so.  I've gotten several pms on this so I will get it going.  

Samson, if you've got a final post, please finish it up.

Hugo .. can you carry on now please  ?  :D

Silence Of The Lambs Interpretation (Final Episode)