Author Topic: Gary Johnson Leaving GOP for Libertarian Party  (Read 431 times)

Dos Equis

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Gary Johnson Leaving GOP for Libertarian Party
« on: December 15, 2011, 10:05:35 AM »
Probably a good idea, but he's about make himself even more irrelevant. 

Gary Johnson Leaving GOP for Libertarian Party
Wednesday, 14 Dec 2011
By Martin Gould and Kathleen Walter

Republican presidential candidate Gary Johnson has been “hung out to dry” by the GOP establishment and that is the reason he is likely to leave the party and run for the presidency as a libertarian, he says.

The former New Mexico governor tells Newsmax.TV he has faced a Catch-22 situation because his name has not appeared in the opinion polls that decide whether he has enough support to get him a place in the party’s debates, which means he has not been able to gain the exposure that could have lifted him in the polls.
“I have been hung out to dry by the Republican Party,” Johnson said in the exclusive interview. “I have asked them to stand up against the fact that I am not in the polls that determine whether or not I am in the debates.

“I keep hoping that I’ll be in the final debates that are left in this contest and I continue to be excluded. So in am at a point where I am going to have to make a decision.”

Johnson, who describes himself as fiscally conservative but socially liberal, is due in New York on Thursday and he is expected to announce formally that he is joining the Libertarian Party.

He has never managed to gain traction in the run-up to the Republican primary season. He says time is running out because of “sore loser laws” in some states that say a candidate cannot run in primaries and then stand on a different ticket in the general election.

When asked why he thinks the GOP establishment has not taken up his case, he replied, “I cannot tell you why, I can only guess.”

He says if he decides on a third party run, he intends to get his name on the ballot in all 50 states.

Johnson says he believes most Republicans are not socially conservative, it is only the activists that are. “I didn’t win over social conservatives running as governor of New Mexico in the primary. I didn’t get their votes, there were others to choose from.

“But when it came time for the general election, those social conservative Republicans then deferred to their second-most important issue, which was dollars and cents. And I excelled in the dollars and cents area.

“New Mexico is a state that is 2-1 Democrat,” Johnson, who was governor in Santa Fe for eight years from 1995-2002, pointed out. “I won election and I won reelection by a bigger margin.”

During his Newsmax interview Johnson said many of his views coincide with Republican candidate Ron Paul, who is now running high in the polls. He agrees with Paul that most drugs should be decriminalized and that troops should be brought home from overseas fighting.

He said the ban on drugs is responsible for the violence that has engulfed the Mexican border area. “We need to get rid of prohibition like we needed to get rid of prohibition of alcohol, to move disputes from the streets and machine guns to the courts.

“I’m one of 100 million Americans who have smoked marijuana in this country,” he admitted. “I am not behind bars because I guess I got lucky, but then most Americans have been lucky when it comes to this.”

But, he said one of the favorites for the presidency looks at it in a different way. “Newt Gingrich, in 1997, proposed the death penalty for possession of marijuana in excess of 2oz. with intent to distribute from outside of the country. Newt Gingrich has smoked marijuana. Gosh, to me this is hypocritical.

“When it comes to Newt Gingrich, we have a real fundamental difference when it comes to marijuana and other drugs, and that fundamental difference is, you know what? Maybe it’s a bad choice, but should you be subject to the death penalty because of your bad choice? I don’t think so.”

He also took issue with the other leader in the Republican race. “I don’t know where Mitt Romney stands on the issues. I’m in the contest and I really don’t know where he stands.

“This process should be about explaining what your positions are, what the problems are and, of course, what your resume is.

He said it was only American intervention in Iraq that turned Iran into a threat. “What is Iran but an unintended consequence of our Middle Eastern policy?” he asked.

“We took out Iraq and Saddam Hussein, and until that happened, Iran had but one concern, and that was Saddam Hussein and Iraq. We take him out and now they raise their head.”

Johnson said that another four years of Barack Obama would lead to monetary collapse and a balanced budget is his priority. “I am not saying that balancing the budget may get us out of experiencing a monetary collapse, but it is the one thing that we can do, it’s the one thing that we are in control of that we need to accomplish,” he said.

But he said it is wrong to place all the blame on Obama’s head. “Recently Republicans controlled both houses of Congress and the presidency and at that time they ran up record deficits, they gave us a prescription healthcare benefit which at that time was the largest entitlement ever passed. That was Republicans.”

He wants to abolish most taxes and replace them with a 23 percent federal sales tax that he describes as the “Fair Tax.”

“It does away with the federal income tax, it does away with business and corporate tax, it does away with the IRS, it does away with withholdings. It makes American goods and services 23 percent more competitive and in a zero-corporate tax rate environment.

“If the private sector does not create tens of millions of jobs with a zero corporate tax rate then there is nothing we can do for the private sector to make that happen.”

He said the Fair Tax would be “cost-neutral,” adding, “A can of Coke that currently sells for $1, arguably has 23 percent tax built in. Now you are going to do away with all federal tax, the 23 percent built into the Coca Cola goes away. Coca Cola doesn’t have to sell that can of Coke for $1 anymore and because cola is so competitive, they are going to sell their Coke at 80 cents and they are going to make the same amount of profit.

“American goods and services end up being very competitive if they cost 23 percent less to have to export. Imports, on the other hand, are going to be subject to 23 percent Fair Tax.”


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Re: Gary Johnson Leaving GOP for Libertarian Party
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2011, 10:08:07 AM »
I'll consider voting for him if he wins the LP nomination and if he fixes his stance on drugs and his idiotic support for the revenue neutral and redistributive "Fair" Tax.

George Whorewell

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Re: Gary Johnson Leaving GOP for Libertarian Party
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2011, 06:47:50 AM »

Dos Equis

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Re: Gary Johnson Leaving GOP for Libertarian Party
« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2011, 11:44:31 AM »
Not surprising.  They're both libertarians. 

Johnson urges Iowa backers to caucus for Paul
Posted by
CNN's Kevin Liptak

(CNN) – Gary Johnson, who announced this week he was withdrawing from the 2012 Republican race to seek the Libertarian presidential nomination, urged his Iowa supporters Saturday to back Ron Paul in Tuesday's caucuses.

Libertarians have long identified with Paul's views, which espouse limited American military involvement abroad and a reduced role for government at home.

In his letter to supporters, Johnson acknowledges his views and Paul's were not perfectly aligned.

"While Ron Paul and I are both libertarians, we don't necessarily agree on every single issue," Johnson wrote. "However, on the over-riding issues of restoring our economy by cutting out-of-control spending and the need to get back to Constitutional principles in our government, Ron Paul and I are in lock-step."

Johnson, who backed Paul for the 2008 Republican presidential nomination, noted that the viewpoints he shared with the Texas congressman were ultimately of greater importance that presidential politics.

"The cause of individual liberty and freedom is bigger and more important than any candidate or campaign," Johnson wrote. "I am hopeful that in urging my supporters in Iowa to vote for Ron Paul in the upcoming Caucuses, a victory for the principles we share can be won."

A former two-term governor of New Mexico, Johnson struggled to gain traction in the Republican race for the White House, though he did appear in two presidential debates in May and September.


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Re: Gary Johnson Leaving GOP for Libertarian Party
« Reply #4 on: December 31, 2011, 08:19:06 PM »
Oh boy Gary, please dont make yourself a loser like Ross Perot. The losertarians will get you no where. Be a man and decide which issue is most important to you. If it is fiscal issues, then stay with the GOP and try to convince them why they are wrong on social issues. I think you will lose on that, considering that you would not get drug legalization with the Dems in power either, atleast not on a national level.

Some one needs to ge the memo to this guy that if some pot head third party loser candidate spoils our effort to get this piece of crap out of the White House he will forever be branded a LOSER like Ross Perot. No one will speak his name again except in utter contempt. And he really has spoken like a true RINO when he tries to equate the GOP's less than stellar performance of the last decade to the absolutely HORRID record of this administration. Mr. Johnson, the Republicans actually passed BUDGETS. As a result, They ran deficits that were either managable or accceptable. Good riddance RINO.
Jan. Jobs: 36,000!!


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Re: Gary Johnson Leaving GOP for Libertarian Party
« Reply #5 on: January 01, 2012, 08:41:09 AM »
Not surprising.  They're both libertarians. 

Johnson urges Iowa backers to caucus for Paul
Posted by
CNN's Kevin Liptak

(CNN) – Gary Johnson, who announced this week he was withdrawing from the 2012 Republican race to seek the Libertarian presidential nomination, urged his Iowa supporters Saturday to back Ron Paul in Tuesday's caucuses.

Libertarians have long identified with Paul's views, which espouse limited American military involvement abroad and a reduced role for government at home.

In his letter to supporters, Johnson acknowledges his views and Paul's were not perfectly aligned.

"While Ron Paul and I are both libertarians, we don't necessarily agree on every single issue," Johnson wrote. "However, on the over-riding issues of restoring our economy by cutting out-of-control spending and the need to get back to Constitutional principles in our government, Ron Paul and I are in lock-step."

Johnson, who backed Paul for the 2008 Republican presidential nomination, noted that the viewpoints he shared with the Texas congressman were ultimately of greater importance that presidential politics.

"The cause of individual liberty and freedom is bigger and more important than any candidate or campaign," Johnson wrote. "I am hopeful that in urging my supporters in Iowa to vote for Ron Paul in the upcoming Caucuses, a victory for the principles we share can be won."

A former two-term governor of New Mexico, Johnson struggled to gain traction in the Republican race for the White House, though he did appear in two presidential debates in May and September.
Awesome. Youll never hear that from any of the other politicians running for the GOP nomination, theyre to busy slandering each other. You can tell who gives a damn about the US as opposed to those who are just vieing for a position of power.

Dos Equis

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Re: Gary Johnson Leaving GOP for Libertarian Party
« Reply #6 on: January 01, 2012, 11:38:07 AM »
Awesome. Youll never hear that from any of the other politicians running for the GOP nomination, theyre to busy slandering each other. You can tell who gives a damn about the US as opposed to those who are just vieing for a position of power.

It is a good line, but I don't trust politicians, and they're all just politicians. 


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Re: Gary Johnson Leaving GOP for Libertarian Party
« Reply #7 on: January 01, 2012, 01:23:19 PM »
Oh boy Gary, please dont make yourself a loser like Ross Perot. The losertarians will get you no where. Be a man and decide which issue is most important to you. If it is fiscal issues, then stay with the GOP and try to convince them why they are wrong on social issues. I think you will lose on that, considering that you would not get drug legalization with the Dems in power either, atleast not on a national level.

Some one needs to ge the memo to this guy that if some pot head third party loser candidate spoils our effort to get this piece of crap out of the White House he will forever be branded a LOSER like Ross Perot. No one will speak his name again except in utter contempt. And he really has spoken like a true RINO when he tries to equate the GOP's less than stellar performance of the last decade to the absolutely HORRID record of this administration. Mr. Johnson, the Republicans actually passed BUDGETS. As a result, They ran deficits that were either managable or accceptable. Good riddance RINO.

Maybe the GOP needs to get its ass kicked by a third party candidate, so they learn to put forward more good candidates.