Author Topic: MAJOR TREMBOLONE SIDES!!  (Read 34374 times)


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« Reply #225 on: February 10, 2012, 06:06:41 AM »
Dbol - (or/and Turinabol) a waste of time and money. Way to go is Var. Solid keepable gains & more strength having tried both. Did the Var @20mg ed vs 40mg Dbol ed. Would go with var over dbol anyday.

No! dbol is probably the best oral ever. dbol is the most used oral out of any oral. anavar is probably the least used oral out of all orals. Tbol falls right in the middle of anavar and dbol wich makes it one of the best orals-IMO. especially if you consider the price. anavar if real potent is at least 2$ a tab maybe 3$ from some guys. and if you get lucky and can get rea USA oxandrolone those can run 4-5$ a tab. Anavar is really similar to Tbol in my eyes you def cant feel it working like dbol. The gains are lean but so are Tbol gains both anavar and Tbol can be used by women at the same dose. dbol cannot be used by women. it can but most chicks rather use var or tbol. I think var is just to mild for me. I dont get much size at all from var. I do get some strength gains and good pumps. but with tbol I get more size without the water retention I get from dbol. To me for the price Tbol takes  the cake but like I said it has to be a good brand! there are alot of shitty orals going around. Don't get me wrong I like anavar but for the price and the look I am after I have to go with turinabol.


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« Reply #226 on: February 10, 2012, 06:13:45 AM »
no need to crystalize it, just crush it in put it in some oil. don't really even need the solvents if it's at 50mg/ml

you lose more potency with the traditional method actually..


  • Getbig III
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« Reply #227 on: February 19, 2012, 01:57:33 PM »
I need some advice gents. Been running tren 75mg ed for 5 weeks. I am suffering from the most debilitating lower back pumps I have ever had. It's affected back day and leg day quite a bit. For back day bar rows/deadlifts, 2 of my favorite/strongest exercises are out. I 've been having to do all supported back movements like incline dbell rows etc. With legs I can get through quads although when the weight goes up on squats, lower back is just engorged. It's the type of lower back pump you get from a really good deadlift workout x10. Just loading weights and my back is toast.
I've been doing back extensions with no weight and can barely get to 8 reps.

Has any of you knowledgeable iron warriors experienced this? And if so what's the remedy? If it is the Tren, why does it do that in specific areas? I also have the 'walk 20ft crippling front calf pump' Arnold Jr? WW? Anyone?

I really like the benefits of tren and would hate to kick it out. I just want to incorporate back in those basic brutal exercises. I feel like I'm missing my window you know.


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« Reply #228 on: February 20, 2012, 09:06:28 AM »
Stretch well before lifting and make sure you are fully hydrated before you workout. Also you might want to take a Mag/Potassium supplement as well.

Tren also gave me wicked calf pumps when doing cardio and i do remember having lower back pumps as well, but mine weren't as bad as you are describing.

Good luck!



  • Getbig III
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« Reply #229 on: February 20, 2012, 01:19:10 PM »
Stretch well before lifting and make sure you are fully hydrated before you workout. Also you might want to take a Mag/Potassium supplement as well.

Tren also gave me wicked calf pumps when doing cardio and i do remember having lower back pumps as well, but mine weren't as bad as you are describing.

Good luck!


Thanks for the advices sir :)


  • Getbig III
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« Reply #230 on: February 22, 2012, 02:55:32 AM »
So me and my gf was having sex and she gave me a blowjob and everythings was fine and dandy last then when she was about to put on the condom I lost my erection which usually doesn't happen but it has happened once before. Could it be the tren? (I'm also on the ripped mix which has test prop and masteron in it) I'm horny as hell on it and I can get an erection quickly and keep it hard, but sometimes it just goes soft for no reason. I mean sometimes I can fuck like a pornstar and sometimes it just goes limp? I'm shooting EOD and it seems on days I inject I can have sex "the best" and on off days it seems that its not as great. Could it be my imagination?


  • Getbig II
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« Reply #231 on: February 22, 2012, 09:26:11 AM »
Tren is BAD for pumps, good for getting huge but  bad for being able to work out/run for a long period of time.  The good thing is you are fully recovered in about 3 hours and can work out again.  For sure drinking water is key.

If I sleep wrong my back is tight as fuck, a just juggling a soccer ball for 10 minutes fells like I ran for an hour my calves get so pumped.

The pumps are way more intense than any other aas.  I can't imagine what being on tre/test/tbol would be like.


  • Getbig III
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« Reply #232 on: February 24, 2012, 08:41:50 AM »
Got my FIRST tren cough today after about 4 weeks of use. Was totally shit!!! It didn't carry on long but my longs felt like they were half the size they usually are and had difficulty to breath. Its been about an hour or 2 after the shot and my chest still feels funny. Is that normal?
Also what do you do about a bit higher than normal blood pressure? I haven't measured it yet but I can feel its a bit higher then usual and my heartrate is a bit faster than normal (about 80bpm and is normally about 60)


  • Getbig II
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« Reply #233 on: February 24, 2012, 10:06:19 AM »
Got my FIRST tren cough today after about 4 weeks of use. Was totally shit!!! It didn't carry on long but my longs felt like they were half the size they usually are and had difficulty to breath. Its been about an hour or 2 after the shot and my chest still feels funny. Is that normal?
Also what do you do about a bit higher than normal blood pressure? I haven't measured it yet but I can feel its a bit higher then usual and my heartrate is a bit faster than normal (about 80bpm and is normally about 60)

Welcome to the party pal....



  • Getbig III
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« Reply #234 on: February 24, 2012, 04:42:40 PM »
Got my FIRST tren cough today after about 4 weeks of use. Was totally shit!!! It didn't carry on long but my longs felt like they were half the size they usually are and had difficulty to breath. Its been about an hour or 2 after the shot and my chest still feels funny. Is that normal?
Also what do you do about a bit higher than normal blood pressure? I haven't measured it yet but I can feel its a bit higher then usual and my heartrate is a bit faster than normal (about 80bpm and is normally about 60)

I shoot A.M. before eating right after I wake up. Perfectly fine prior. Shot the Tren and the cough hit hard this morning. I don't mind it. Just reminds me I actually have legit shit. Its like pinning, after awhile I don't even think about it, and I would pin 10x a day if I had to. Don't be like my buddy, overanalyzing Blood pressure and pulse and crap. I check mine all the time at work and there are 65 yr olds with better readings lol! Its just the nature of the beast. I don't know what others do on here for BP control but I just take the basic heart healthy supps: 81mg baby aspirinx2, fish/flax/safflower/olive oil mix(costco), garlic(still believe there's some debate on this), and I might throw some CoQ10 in there. And basically any and every other Vitamin/herb supp under the sun that's beneficial. I just cant do fruits and veggies. I tried juicing, wasn't too bad. You just gotta buy a shitload of produce. Cardio for me on Tren? Fuck that. I just speed up my workout pace. That's plenty of cardio for me ;D I will tell you this, I am not going on blood pressure, cholesterol or any prescription medication. I will quit gear cold turkey before that. Def gonna be doin some mild cruising here and there. Oh and if you gotta doc tell em you want full labs when you do go in to see him. You can even go to these lab express places and order off a menu. On the lab readouts it will tell you the healthy reference ranges next to your reading. I'm gonna wait prob another month and do a full work up myself. I have a female doc and I don't give a shit what she says or thinks about what I choose to do. From my experience juicing is still way safer than what the majority of society is into. "Oh my god the side effects of gear are horrible! I want to eat clean and healthy all the time, drink water all day, take vitamins, I quit drinking completely, this sickens me to say but I don't even crave weed anymore, all I can think about is lifting, and the mentality that it gives me helps me deal with life with mental strength and boldness. What a nightmare! ::)"