Author Topic: Mentally challenged bbder BANNED from GYM and destroys the place!  (Read 2938 times)


  • Getbig V
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Sad news. A good friend of mine is, shall we say, 'out of the picture'.
Marvin, a down-syndrome afflicted weight-lifter at my gym, went absolutley bonkers. I think it had something to do with the gear he was on, courtesy of myself.

The following is a true story.

The other day, I was in the gym with Nobby doing 1 rep max effort good-mornings with 315 pounds, when Marvin walked up to us. "Finished dat bodybuilding pills. Need more" he babbled. "Marvin, by GOD, I gave you 100 anadrol tabs only a couple of weeks ago!" I exclaimed. Was it not enough that, every other day, I walked up and jabbed a needle into him and gave him a 400mg injection of test?! Marvin had been eating the anadrol like candy. His swollen, mongoloid features were even more pronounced, and he did indeed look a shade yellow! I get anadrol very cheap, so I merely opened my gymbag and tossed him a bottle of 100 tabs. "Bon appetit!" I cried.

5 minutes later, as I was spotting Nobby while he did a set of good-mornings with an incredible 405 pounds, I heard the nasal voice of a lad who worked in the gym as assistant manager and 'personal trainer'. I believe a degree in kinesiology made him a bodybuilding/fitness 'expert', albeit with a max bench of 95 pounds. He was berating Marvin. Marvin had left his bottle of anadrol on the floor while he used a bench, and this trainer had picked up the bottle of anadrol I had given Marvin and examined it.
"ARE these YOURS? Oxymetholone...that is an anabolic steroid! How did you get these?! SHAME on you, Marvin! SHAME ON YOU!!" he screeched. "PLEASE LEAVE NOW...we don't tolerate steroid-taking CHEATERS here!" he screamed. Nobby and I sat back and watched.
"Marvin has to solve this dilemma on his own" I said. "It's important for his self-esteem. Just because the man is retarded doesn't mean he can't handle himself."

The assistant manager/personal trainer stood, arms folded, in front of Marvin, infuriated. "Sorry Marvin..those are the rules. You have to go. I'm calling your group home manager about this!" he declared.
Marvin's jaw dropped. He began shaking. "I can't lift no more?" he asked.
"Not here you can't- YOU have violated club policy regarding performing enhancing drug use by members, not to mention the law, and are BANNED from this CLUB!" he snapped.
"It aint ain't fair....IT'S NOT FAIR, IT ISN'T!!!" Marvin roared. He began screaming and ran over to the coke machine, and in a feat of strength unmatched since Samson pushed apart the pillars of the Philistines' temple, Marvin lifted the coke can machine, walked over to the front window of the gym, and hurled it right through!! It fell 2 stories and hit the sidewalk with a thunderous impact that shook the building. Marvin was like some modern-day Quasimodo, a simple man pushed to the edge and forced to unleash his mongoloid strength on those who would destroy him!
A few people ran over to subdue Marvin, but Nobby and I intercepted them. I double-clotheslined two fellows, and Nobby beat the rest of them back with his bike chain. The cowardly assistant manager fled the gym. A couple of big men grabbed Marvin, but he tossed them aside like rag dolls! He ran around the gym, screaming, dragging pieces of equipment over to the front window and hurling them through- the leg press machine, lat pulldown machine, benches, dumbells, plates, and anything else he could find. As police cars pulled up, Nobby and I headed out. "AWROIGHT MAHVIN!" Nobby roared in his heavy cockney accent as we left. "FOOKIN BASTAHDS!" he screamed at the police.

We watched as a riot squad pulled up, fired tear gas cannisters into the gym through what was left of the front window, charged in the door and up the stairs. A few riot police were tossed out the window, and finally Marvin was subdued after a viscious clubbing that would have killed an elephant. He was taken out in a straightjacket and put in the back of an armoured police van, screaming obscenities and struggling the whole time.
Just then, Nobby spotted the assistant manager who started all this- he was watching everything, a satisfied smile on his face. He saw Nobby lumbering over to him, and immediately fled, jumping into his car. He started the engine, turned to give us the finger, but there I was- holding up the back of his car with the strength of 10 men! He floored it, but the rear wheels spun in the air. Then Nobby's fist came crashing throught the driver's side window, seized the lad by the collar, dragged his 140 pound arse out and tossed him on the sidewalk. Nobby and I then put the boots to him, and Nobby gave him a nasty bike chain-beating right out of the film 'A Clockwork Orange'. The assistant manager was barely alive when finished, moments before police arrived. We escaped down an alleyway, laughing. you think it might have been the large anadrol doses that caused Marvin to go insane? Or could it have simply been that extra chromosone?


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Mentally challenged bbder BANNED from GYM and destroys the place!
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2014, 05:27:10 AM »
Nobby lol bawse nickname !


  • Getbig V
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Re: Mentally challenged bbder BANNED from GYM and destroys the place!
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2014, 05:36:55 AM »
haha what an awesome story, reads like a fictionary novel but very entertaining nonetheless.

Nobby has the IQ levels of the average getbigger...however, unlike him, they manage this without the chomosome discrepancy.


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Re: Mentally challenged bbder BANNED from GYM and destroys the place!
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2014, 05:38:25 AM »
I used to love those guys stories.  ;D


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Mentally challenged bbder BANNED from GYM and destroys the place!
« Reply #4 on: April 08, 2014, 06:23:02 AM »
I absolutely loved these stories from years ago. I was wondering the other day how to find them.

The mention of beatings with a bike chain never fails to make me laugh out loud.

Whoever wrote these is a genius.

I dare someone not to laugh.


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Re: Mentally challenged bbder BANNED from GYM and destroys the place!
« Reply #5 on: April 08, 2014, 08:41:15 AM »
lolololololololololollol ololololololololololollo llololololololololololol ol. MOAR!!!!!!!!!!


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Re: Mentally challenged bbder BANNED from GYM and destroys the place!
« Reply #6 on: April 08, 2014, 10:34:49 AM »
Do a Google search of Victorian Guy articles........there`s a lot more of them out there.  :D


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Re: Mentally challenged bbder BANNED from GYM and destroys the place!
« Reply #7 on: April 08, 2014, 10:38:08 AM »
It needs more characters like a schmoe and some hoes.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Mentally challenged bbder BANNED from GYM and destroys the place!
« Reply #8 on: April 08, 2014, 11:12:29 AM »
I have read that 'roid rage' is nonsense. Well, let me say, after Sunday's events, I KNOW roid rage is real, and it frightens me!

I have been on a bulking cycle of 2 grams of test a week and 200 mg anadrol a day for some months now, and I can tell you I definitely must be experiencing roid rage. Here is how it all happened-

Sunday began as always.
I awoke in the morning, ate stacks of pancakes, several packs of sausages, 2 dozen eggs, and a 5-scoop shake of Joe Weider's 'Mega Mass 4000', then donned one of my 1500 dollar Italian suits, and headed off for Sunday mass. My driver, Nobby, whisked me to the 500 year old Cathedral I attend every Sunday, and we both walked in and sat down most humbly and reverently.
As the mass commenced, I heard a voice behind me whispering, and some giggling, and simply EXPLODED in rage. I spun around, and screamed "SILENCE! This is a HOUSE OF GOD, you tramp!!" in the face of the teenage girl who was the cause of this disturbance. The congregation fell silent, even the priest stopped saying mass for a moment. The man in front of me turned around and gave me a most insulting look, as if I had somehow done something wrong here!
I sat shaking in rage at this pencil neck, and when that part of the mass came in which members turn to others and shake their hands, saying 'Peace of Christ', this man turned to me.
"Peace be with you" he muttered, and held out his hand.
I grasped his hand, began crushing it in a vice-like grip, and screaming!!
It took 20 parishioners, including Nobby, to pull me off of him- I voluntarily released my grip, and he fell to the floor, his hand a lump of crushed bone!
Later, outside, as the ambulance took the fellow away, a hostile crowd of parishioners approached me. One of them, a woman who looked about 100 years old, 5 feet tall, and not a pound over 95, came at me brandishing an umbrella- she meant to strike me! Nobby saw this danger, and came rushing forward, clothes-lining the old witch with one of his stubby, massive arms- she was knocked backward so hard that she did a perfect back-flip, arse-over-tit, and fell to the cement like a rag doll. Then the priest approached us, and I punched him right in the face with the force of a wrecking ball, sending him sprawling to the ground, knocked out cold. Nobby took out his bike chain and, swinging it over his head, sent the rest of the hostile crowd running in terror.
Nobby and I got into the Rolls Royce and left the scene, as the blaring of police sirens grew near.
Those bastards! They were lucky I hadn't stuck about to press assault charges!

Brothers- what do you think- am I indeed suffering from 'roid rage'?


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Mentally challenged bbder BANNED from GYM and destroys the place!
« Reply #9 on: April 08, 2014, 11:17:16 AM »


I don't want to ruin anyone's festive season, but I couldn't hold back from posting the following tale of some horrible injustices visited on a couple of dear colleagues and fellow Iron Warrior Brothers of mine.

Nobby was sentenced to community service, stemming from a violent altercation at the gym.

His 'community service' was none other than a stint as Santa Claus at a local shopping mall. Marvin, a mentally retarded lad from the gym, and I went along to lend him moral support, and the following events transpired.

The three of us arrived at the mall, Nobby and I both a tad intoxicated, and the shopping mall manager suited Nobby out. "HAVE YOU BEEN DRINKING??!!" the scrawny mall manager snapped at Nobby as he helped him put on the Santa coat. Nobby seized the fellow by the tie and pulled him up in the air and an inch from his nose. "FOOKIN ROIGHT!!" he snarled, then threw the little worm into the wall, knocking him unconscious!
Nobby's massive, tree trunk thighs and telephone pole arms barely fit into the spacious outfit.

Nobby lumbered out to Santa's chair, and I stood within earshot, and in between sips from my flask of whiskey I listened in on Nobby's touchingly warm and gentle manner with children. A lad of about 7 climbed up on 'Santa's' lap, and Nobby snarled "Wot the fook yew wontin this year, pal?".
"Well, Santa, me friends beat up on me, and I could use something to defend myself with...maybe a book on karate.." the young boy whimpered. Nobby reached into his pocket, and produced his bike chain. "'Ere, son. Give em a few fookin belts across the face with this. URT THE BAHSTAHDS!" Nobby said in a warm, fatherly tone. The young lad, filled with joy, seized the bike chain, jumped off of Santa's lap, and ran up to another youngster and began beating him down with the chain, screaming "Who's bullyin who now, ****in arsehole!". I grew misty eyed, as the joy of Christmas was so touchingly spread by Nobby's special way with children.

The next youngster was a little girl of perhaps 4. She looked terrified, and Nobby hit a double-biceps pose in her face, the seams of the sleeves bursting open under the pressure from his cannonball biceps. "Mama, Santa's a monster!" the little girl screamed, and ran off crying. Santa's merry 'Ho Ho Ho' echoed through the mall, and I joined him in thunderous laughter. The girl's mother looked most displeased.
The next lad, about 6, hopped up on Santa's lap. "Santa, I want
a toy gun...but my parents are making me want a ballet outfit" he snivelled. "Wot the fook?!" Santa gasped. "A fookin real gun is what you need, laddie" . "NO HE WANTS A BALLET OUTFIT!" a bitchy voice screeched. Two 'wimmin', obviously 'partners', angrily approached Santa. "He is our son...yes, WE adopted him...and we won't have him becoming a violent male pig...he WILL enroll in ballet" the manly-looking lesbian snarled. Nobby calmly put the boy aside, then exploded in rage. With a mighty roar of "FOOKIN POOFTTAAHHS!!!" he sprang from his chair and, both arms outstretched, dealt a devastating double-clothesline to the two abberations of nature, sending their fat, pants-and-sweatshirt forms flying through the air and into the shopping mall fountain.

I turned to Marvin, our down-syndrome afflicted, 2-inch-thick-lensed glasses wearing, fellow Iron Warrior.
Pointing at the calamity ensuing between Nobby, the lesbians, and the little girl's mother, I pointed out "Will you look at the way those horrible people are treating Nobby? MARVIN, ARE YOU JUST GOING TO BLOODY WELL STAND THERE AND LET SANTA BE ABUSED?!" I screamed in his ear. Marvin began trembling in rage, then charged forth in one of his celebrated, Japanese 'banzai' charges and, seizing a plastic Christmas tree, began attacking the growing crowd of angry parents that surrounded Nobby. He charged into them, bashing heads with the tree until it broke apart, then began clotheslining, kicking, and biting his way through the crowd. Nobby and I headed off, as a crowd of security guards arrived on the scene, and after emptying a few cans of mace into Marvin's face, pummelled him into a pulp with their clubs.
Nobby and I ducked into the liquor store, and on leaving Nobby seized one of our whiskey bottles and hurled it towards the crowd of security guards, screaming "FOOKIN BASTAHHHDS!!". The bottle sailed through the air and, as cruel fate would have it, hit Marvin smack on the head, shattering into a million pieces! We made it out of the mall as the crowd fled, screaming, and roared out the parking garage in the Rolls Royce, like a bat out of Hell!
Nobby has since been fired by the mall management.

What on earth ever happened to the Spirit of Christmas? Where has it gone, for the love of GOD!?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Mentally challenged bbder BANNED from GYM and destroys the place!
« Reply #10 on: April 08, 2014, 11:33:40 AM »
retarded strength


  • Getbig V
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Re: Mentally challenged bbder BANNED from GYM and destroys the place!
« Reply #11 on: April 08, 2014, 01:05:00 PM »
Do a Google search of Victorian Guy articles........there`s a lot more of them out there.  :D

Our Victorian Guy on mayhem was a riot.


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Re: Mentally challenged bbder BANNED from GYM and destroys the place!
« Reply #12 on: April 08, 2014, 01:06:31 PM »
I think Nobby's bike chain is a magical, enchanted bike chain. That shit appears out of nowhere when he needs it most.


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Re: Mentally challenged bbder BANNED from GYM and destroys the place!
« Reply #13 on: April 08, 2014, 01:13:04 PM »
they should turn these stories into graphic novels would be hilarious. mgm would buy the movie rights and cast brad pitt as marvin. the rock as nobby. and mickey rourke as the steroid dealing narrator.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Mentally challenged bbder BANNED from GYM and destroys the place!
« Reply #14 on: April 08, 2014, 06:23:03 PM »
That's just wonderful, i want to read more episodes.


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Re: Mentally challenged bbder BANNED from GYM and destroys the place!
« Reply #15 on: April 09, 2014, 07:21:07 AM »

I had the most unpleasant dinner this past Friday evening... a true disaster, brothers!

I was having dinner with my family. My father sat at the head of the table, and as we enjoyed a 7 course meal the subject drifted to that of my 'future.'
"Son, you are 34 years old... graduate of a top university...bred of the finest stock...yet you waste yourself on this horrible bodybuilding nonsense. I demand it cease- at once!!" he roared.
I stopped chewing on my mouthful of pacific smoked salmon.
I looked slowly around the table at my family and guests, glaring at each of them. I stood up, quivering in rage. Through gritted teeth, I addressed my father- "Father, I am going to be Mr. Olympia and bring honour to this family! You'll see....soon, I shall be the biggest, most developed human being in recorded history!" I declared. "It's simply revolting, really horrible...all those MUST stop it! tsk tsk!" my 108 year old great-grandmother croaked. My sister and mother chimed in "A sick, narcissistic pastime- it's DISGUSTING!!" they sneered.

I had had enough- "No man respects his elders as I, but this is infringing on my very reason for existence! **** ALL OF YOU ****ING WANKERS! YOU'LL SEE! DIE DIE DIE!!!" I screamed, and struck the table with my fist with such force that it cracked down the middle. I picked up a bottle of red wine, chugged it down, and threw it against the wall, shattering it to bits! Screaming "NOBODY ****ING UNDERSTANDS ME! ARRRGGH! FUUUUCK!!!" I flipped over the table and stormed out! My great-grandmother got in my way, and I picked her up and bodyslammed her on the hardwood floor, putting her right through it! Nobby entered the scene, just in time, as my mother and older sister were advancing with hostile intent- Nobby caught them both in a devastating double clothesline, sending them arse-over-tit onto the floor. "Fookin bitches! Ere you go!" he snarled, as he gave them each a well-deserved boot to the ribs.

Nobby and I marched out. "Nobby, let's head to the gym...I'll show them all!" I roared, so loud that the house trembled.
"Roight. Fookin gym. Let's fookin do it!!" Nobby added, in his thick east-end of London accent. We stopped at Marvin's group home (he is the Down Syndrome's afflicted lad that works out with us) punched out one of the staff who got in our way, and brought Marvin along with us!

We got to the gym...and it was closed!
Seems that on Fridays it shuts at 930pm. Not to be dismayed, Marvin threw himself through the front door, screaming, and we entered and had the place to ourselves. After an incredibly hard-core workout, we ordered a 12-person Chinese meal, and Nobby gathered the various liquor bottles and cigars from the Rolls Royce and we drank and smoked cigars till the wee hours of the morning, then passed out on the gym floor. I awoke to a gymful of smoke- seems Marvin must have dropped a lit cigar on the floor! As the fire spread and the sirens of fire engines neared, I woke Nobby and we staggered out of the gym, and passed out in a back alley. Later that morning, as we headed down the street, passing the burnt-out gym, I mentioned to Nobby "Seems the place burnt down. Oh well, I couldn't stand their 'no-injecting- in the locker room' nonsense!" I sneered.
"Fookin roight" Nobby commiserated.
"Looks like Marvin didn't make it...oh, there he is- alive and well!" I exclaimed, noticing paramedics wheeling a badly burned Marvin into an ambulance.

Has anyone else had to suffer from parental disapproval of his Iron Warrior lifestyle?


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Re: Mentally challenged bbder BANNED from GYM and destroys the place!
« Reply #16 on: April 09, 2014, 07:33:07 AM »
All double clotheslines and bike chains.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Mentally challenged bbder BANNED from GYM and destroys the place!
« Reply #17 on: April 09, 2014, 09:43:51 AM »
Hilarious I haven't had a good laugh like that in awhile.