Author Topic: the year was 1957.  (Read 999 times)


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the year was 1957.
« on: December 07, 2022, 05:58:16 AM »
&t=558s       1957 Mr USA

1     Dick DuBois
2     Reg Lewis
3     Vince Gironda
4     Millard Williamson
5     Irvin Koszewski (Zabo)
6     Timmy Leong
7     Ray Schaefer

Most Muscular
1     Ray Schaefer
1     Bob Shealey


  • Getbig V
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Re: the year was 1957.
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2022, 05:58:52 AM »
   Muscle Power, Vol 20 No 8, Page 9, November 1957

American Health Studio Sponsors Scintillating Production
"Mr. U.S.A."
Richard DuBois Crowned Mr. U.S.A. - 1957
- Reg Lewis wins the 2nd place spot and Vince Gironda takes 3rd spot honors-
by Earle Liederman
THOSE who failed to see the magnificent show sponsored by American Health Studios, promoted and produced by Bert Goodrich on the night of May 11th past, certainly missed what will remain as an unforgettable occasion.

And if you had been with me you would have arrived early in the evening and before the doors of the Shrine Auditorium were open. You would have, with me, greeted big Lynn Lyman who probably was the first one there, and you would then have seen others arriving in twos and threes and many in dozen lots, and all filled with the same inner enthusiasm that you and I felt as we shook hands with so many familiar friends and acquaintances whom we had not seen during the past twelve months. From far and wide they came, even from the East coast. And when the many doors of the huge building opened, we would have strolled through them as all the others did and then been ushered to our reserved seats. And you would have sat besides me in the front row in the center and in the place of Gordon Scott, the famous movie actor, who was at my right elbow. And as you may have glanced around you would have seen many famous bodybuilders whose names would fill a long list of who's who in Muscledom. Your heart would have been filled with the thrills of expectancy that always prevails just before the curtain rises and while the 21 piece orchestra plays stimulating music that wraps around the heart.

You would have thrilled upon the rising of the extraordinarily wide stage curtain as a full stage scene was presented and which seemed like a three ring circus as it was almost impossible to look at everyone at the same time. There was pyramid building, three and four high of humans; there was comedy horizontal bar work; there were lively tumblers and acrobats; and scores of others, all of whom participated in one form of activity or another. And you, too, would have applauded. You would have also laughed at a great team of knock-about comedians who noisily vocalized as well as did comedy falls at the most unexpected moment and who well deserved the great amount of applause at their final bow. And then there was Ed Parker with his troupe of Kenpo Karate experts who gave one of the fastest demonstrations of self-defense that anyone would care to see. This new art is much faster than ju jitsu and much more dangerous. Even during their demonstration, blood flowed accidently from the side of one assistant's head.

You would have listened to Bert Goodrich speak over the microphone and make various announcements, as did Jack LaLanne and Terry Robinson with his unusually clear voice. They added much clarity to the events. And you would have enjoyed George Eiferman as he came in front of the curtain and did his humorous turn with his trumpet, a lovely girlie, as well as his laughable attire. He wore a sports shirt and a blue coat; had on sox and shoes, but no pants! And when he took off his coat, you would have laughed at his shirt which covered only his chest as it was without a back. George played a fine trumpet variation. In fact, he is an expert trumpet player but he has yet to finish a selection. He interrupts each with a laugh or some comedy business. When he played his instrument, while a girl sat upon his shoulders, and then squatted to perform the Russian dance, everyone applauded, just as you would have also done.

You would have become excited the moment before the curtain again rose to begin the various posings of the Mr. USA contestants. This was the moment packed full of drama, suspense, excitement, music and expectancy. This was IT ! You would have felt the tenseness of the whole audience of thousands of spectators.

One by one they came and stood upon the platform in center stage and framed under good lighting. Each contestant posed as he had never done before, for this was that big opportunity to win that huge coveted trophy together with the $500. cash award that went with it as first prize. And there was another very large trophy for the second place fellow together with $250. cash, as well as a slightly smaller trophy and $100. cash for the one who came in third. And you would have generously applauded as all the others there did when you watched Millard Williamson squirm and wriggle through his fantastic gyrations, because Millard is one individual who is absolutely unique when it comes to posing. He owns a mighty muscled body and he knows how to make the most of each and every section for display. When he showed his chest expansion, that same chest stuck out over one foot! And you would have marvelled at Vince Gironda's intense muscular separation, for Vince trained extra hard for this occasion and was all bones and muscles upon his finely proportioned body. He looked good, too! Then, when Reg Lewis offered his rugged physique, you would have marvelled at the mass of muscles upon his back. He was an entirely improve bodybuilder over the same body I had photographed a couple of months prior to this event. He also received generous applause. And Ray Schaefer, the top title holder of other contests, displayed a most rugged physique and proved a favorite with the crowd. His musculature is most interesting and many suspected that he might annex that top title in this show also. Timmy Leong, who flew from Honolulu especially for the occasion, displayed a stocky, well muscled physique that was well received. Irvin Koszewski, with his amazing abdominals made the hit as he always does when posing; for his definition is unusual and he always stays in top-top condition. And when 44 year old Sam Loprinzi posed you would have marvelled at his unusual biceps height which is as rare as anyone would care to see. Elias Rodrigues, who once had the best "well-separated" of all California physiques, looked mighty good, yet he seemed a wee bit smooth on this occasion.

Bob Shealy, with his 19 1/2 inch arms, held breathless all admirers of muscle-size. He appeared to be in the best shape of his career on this occasion and his 207 Ib body was the usual mass of musculature as always. You next would have witnessed Dick DuBois' greatly improved posing. This may not have impressed you quite as much as did some of the others, like Gironda's routine which was as professional as anyone could have posed, yet DuBois revealed a pair of good biceps and an erect well proportioned figure, though not as interestingly muscular as many of the others. And you would have received the same reaction as all the spectators got when DuBois had completed his routine and began throwing nearly a dozen kisses to the audience. And you might have inwardly thought, "Gracious me, how emotional !"

After the contestants had done their turns, you would have seen Clarence Ross step upon the posing platform and perform his masterful routine such as only Clarence can do. His posing is all opposition and artistry and a real treat to witness. Clarence still possesses his amazing physique, yet seemed to be a trifle smooth. Anyway, he has been posing for a long long time for almost a dozen years. And you would have received added thrills when Steve Reeves stepped out to pose. Steve sports a well groomed beard which is Italian aristocrat style, as he is about to fly to Italy to make a motion picture wherein he will playa leading part in a production titled, "Labors of Hercules." He'll be there while you are reading this.

And next came Reg Park who flew from England especially for this occasion. You would have seen Reg make a 455 lb bench press and then a bit later would have applauded during each and every one of his muscular poses, just as everyone else did, because Reg Park is without a doubt the greatest mass of muscle the world has ever produced. At his six-feet-one inch height and 235 lbs, bodyweight, before breakfast, his size and shape of muscle-contours leave an indelible impression upon everyone. You would have heard greater applause when he took his final bow than you have ever heard before for any highly developed strongman.

You next would have heard Bert Goodrich call my name several times in an endeavor to get me on stage, and you would have finally seen me step over the railing of the orchestra pit to do so. When greeting Bert, you would have seen him present me with a plaque for what he and the American Health Studios thought I deserved for whatever efforts I have given to the world. Modesty forbids that I reveal what is engraved upon it.

And your impatience to see the Miss USA contest would next be erased, because, as the curtain again raised, there stood an array of feminine pulchritude that prevented every masculine gender from blinking an eye. Without a doubt, this 1957 contest for the gals was vastly superior to any ever before presented, for each and every one of them looked like the top prize winner. You would have particularly enjoyed their individual displays of form as each turned and gracefully moved for best advantage. And if you had gone backstage with me right after this Miss USA affair, you would have met scores of old familiar faces whose names you would not be able to remember any more than I do, as there were too many. Besides it would make a lengthy list. But to mention a few with whom you would have shaken hands were Lyle Fox, Jack Viking (who bends half-dollars with hands), Al Baffert (International heavyweight wrestler), Alan Stephan, John Farbotnik, Peary Rader of Iron Man magazines fame, plus so many others who were either contestants or officials. And you would have seen Russ Warner and Bob Delmonteque, the ace photographers doing their directing work as well as looking after their assistants who took hundreds of pictures, as well as big Mac Batchelor, Terry Robinson and Jack LaLanne, besides numerous movie stars. And you would have also noted the apparent confusion behind the scenes as everyone seemed to be going helter-skelter.

Finally, if you had been there, you would have gone with me into the audience so as to catch the presentation of the winners. Any seats that chanced to be vacant, would have sufficed, just as did the one I slid into and which was immediately behind the great PauI Anderson. And you would have also chatted with Paul between the applause during the presentations of the trophies.

You would have seen Ray Schaefer and Bob Shealy first called out as they tied for the "Most muscular" event; then another tie for 5th place between Irvin Koszewski, and Timmy Leong, to be followed with the awarding 4th place to Millard Williamson. The large trophies were still upon the table until the third place one was taken and given to Vince Gironda, to be immediately followed by the 2nd place trophy presented to Reg Lewis and finally a long pause and then the top; trophy and crown of Mr. USA were awarded to Richard DuBois! You would have been thrilled throughout these tense minutes. And you would have wondered - where all the lung power came from as the crowd roared - and hailed the winner.

DuBois tried to say something which could not be heard - all excepting the last three words which were, "God Bless You!"

You would not have said a word other than ones agreeing with the Miss USA outcome. Charlene James was crowned Miss USA 1957 and well she deserved it, for she is a lovely-lovely with a most winsome personality and figure; and Kathy Smith who received 2nd award and trophy, is another just about equal in personality, form and beauty to the winner; while Linda Williams, a charming and pretty bit of daintiness had to be satisfied with third spot. .

Yes, these are the things you would have seen if you had been with me. And you would also have met scores of autograph hunters outside the stage door, and besides, a large gathering of more celebrities and personages of renown, all of whom delighted in both greeting one another as well as vocalizing on "post mortems" concerning the great show. It was a great show, too. You would have enjoyed it as much as I did and it would have remained unforgettable. Then, you and I would have clasped a hand of each in parting just a "so long" parting, where hand grasps hand, fingers loosen to then let go.


  • Getbig V
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Re: the year was 1957.
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2022, 05:59:26 AM »
   Muscle Builder, Vol 9, No 3, Page 11, November 1957

The Greatest Show On Earth
The Mr. and Miss U.S.A. Contest Is Gala Physique And Beauty Event. The Highlights are Brought To You Here
photos and text by Russ Warner and Bob Delmonteque
"The Greatest Show On Earth!"

THAT was the consensus of the more than 5,000 enthusiastic viewers of the star-studded Mr. and Miss U.S.A. Contest, presented at the Shrine Auditorium, Los Angeles, May 11th, by the American Health Studios and produced by Bert Goodrich.

"Never before and probably never again will so much physique talent and feminine beauty be seen on one stage," was the comment heard on all sides.

Ray Wilson of the American Health Studios and Bert Goodrich have different ideas. To them, this contest was merely the first of 40 nationwide events planned for the coming year and they are certain that they will improve as they go along. If their plans materialize, at long last, the American public will be treated to Broadway type physique, beauty and variety act productions which are bound to popularize body culture to an extent never known in the history of the game.

In the Mr. and Miss U.S.A. affair, no expense and no time was spared to assure a resounding success. No detail was overlooked for the comfort and enjoyment of not only the audience, but the judges, officials and contestants as well.

The last members of the audience had barely settled in their seats when the 21 piece orchestra heralded the start of the extravaganza.

The curtains parted to reveal a million dollars worth of muscle talent lined up on the stage. Ray Schaefer, Dick Dubois, Bob Shealey, Irvin Koszewski, Millard Williamson, Reg Lewis, Sam Loprinzi, Vince Gironda and Timmy Leong were a few of the greats of muscledom present there. Each was trained to trigger-sharp perfection.

Muscles exited and were replaced by beauty. The 21 Miss U.S.A. aspirants lined up next and were applauded as enthusiastically as the males. Each possessed the beauty and the form to grace the crown.

The preliminaries dispensed with, the actual contest posing of the Mr. U.S.A. and the Miss U.S.A. competitors commenced. Each appeared in his or her turn and was judged. A group of contestants made their appearance and then there was a short break in the posing during which a top flight variety act was presented. Then another group appeared followed by another variety act, and so on.

Besides the variety acts, Reg Park, Steve Reeves, George Eiferman and Clancy Ross appeared as guest stars. Al Stephan, John Farbotnik, Jack Lalane, Hollywood's Gordon Scott and dozens of other celebrities were in the audience. It was like opening night at a smash Broadway play and the entire production of the contest was handled in a manner to do justice to a big hit.

The audience solidly enjoyed themselves. The judges were not so lucky. To decide on over-all winners with competition in both the men's and the women's divisions so keen was far from easy.

Said one judge after the final announcements had been made:- "My only regret is that only one champion can be crowned! Each man and each woman here really belongs. Each would be a real credit to the title."

The contestants sensed that the judging would be close. But each felt he had a chance to win. None had entered a contest before in as fabulous shape. The judges took their time, made sure they voted well before their ballots were sealed.

When the scores were tabulated, to Dick Dubois went the winners crown, along with $500 in prize money and a huge trophy. Dick was undoubtably [sic undoubtedly] in the greatest shape of his life, greatly improved over his Mr. America and Mr. Universe showings.

To that amazing newcomer, Reg Lewis, the West Coast's fastest rising star went $250 in cash for his second place spot. A phenomenal Vince Gironda with a body as tanned and hard as hammered bronze was a popular 3rd place and to him went a $100 cash award.

Broad shouldered Millard Williamson captured 4th place while Irvin Koszewski and Timmy Leong hit a dead heat for 5th.

So close was the judging for Most Muscular title that the officials couldn't give an edge to either Ray Schaefer or Bob Shealy. Despite recounts and rechecks the two men remained tied.

We congratulate Dick Dubois as the Mr. U.S.A. 1957. The American Health Studios and Bert Goodrich deserve thanks as well for putting on such a terrific show. The other contestants merit great praise too, for while the best man won, none of them looked humbled in defeat.

In fact, so tense was the drama of the physique event, that when a normally jovial Dick Dubois was asked to say a few words after receiving his winners awards, his voice choked with emotion and all he could say was - God bless you all !"

To Charlene James belongs the title of Miss U.S.A. As her pictures show it could not have happened to a more beautiful or more charming girl. Kathy Smith was 2nd, Linda Williams, 3rd. Fourth place went to Vicky Gibson while Toby Hill and Beverly Montgomery were tied for 5th.

After the event, Ray Wilson of the American Health Studios invited the winners and guests to a party at Hollywood Hills, where movie stars and queens mingled with muscle stars and beauty queens. A good time was had by all.

The photographs accompanying this text bring you the highlights of this great affair. For those who could not make it in person and who would like to obtain a souvenir program filled with news and views of the famous contestants and other perfect men, such a program can be obtained by sending $1.00 to Bob Delmonteque, 66XX Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood, Calif.

And - if the photos appearing here make you feel that you'd like to see what took place at this wonderful contest ALIVE, films of the contest are available from Independent Newsreel Co., 43XX Tujunga Ave, North Hollywood, Calif. Write to them for information about rental.

And so, we bring to dose a report on the most fabulous strength, physique and beauty event of all-time. We hope you enjoyed the highlights as we brought them to you and sincerely suggest that when the American Health Studio and Bert Goodrich announce their next show you make every effort to attend.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: the year was 1957.
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2022, 06:21:32 AM »
Thanks Great find!
Dubois was tall and good looking, a bit similiar to Reeves, why he had left the scene so early?

Gym Rat

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Re: the year was 1957.
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2022, 07:16:15 AM »
Great post Funk!

Vince B

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Re: the year was 1957.
« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2022, 06:02:05 PM »
Interesting video. Lighting horrible as was typical in those days with just a single spot above the posers. Gironda impressed me the most followed by Zabo. The guest posers didn't look as impressive as I remember them in the magazines. DuBois got a gift that day. Well, we didn't see the comparisons so really can't say how it was judged. I already knew that Charlene James was the beauty winner. Nice trophies and a really big show. Earle Liederman was my favourite writer from the good old days.

The Scott

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Re: the year was 1957.
« Reply #6 on: December 07, 2022, 07:41:05 PM »
Interesting video. Lighting horrible as was typical in those days with just a single spot above the posers. Gironda impressed me the most followed by Zabo. The guest posers didn't look as impressive as I remember them in the magazines. DuBois got a gift that day. Well, we didn't see the comparisons so really can't say how it was judged. I already knew that Charlene James was the beauty winner. Nice trophies and a really big show. Earle Liederman was my favourite writer from the good old days.

That is a still shot from the 1954 film, "Athena".  Later in life DuBois became a Minister in, of all places, West Hollyweird.  He passed away a few years ago.

Vince B

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Re: the year was 1957.
« Reply #7 on: December 07, 2022, 08:23:00 PM »
That is a still shot from the 1954 film, "Athena".  Later in life DuBois became a Minister in, of all places, West Hollyweird.  He passed away a few years ago.

There weren't many good shots of Dick on line. Judging was different in those days although who you knew counted just as much as today. He was Mr America in 1954. Zabo kept winning best abs but missed out on a major title. Gironda never won, either. In those days he was considered too cut. How times have changed.

Humble Narcissist

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Re: the year was 1957.
« Reply #8 on: December 08, 2022, 01:40:35 AM »
Thanks Great find!
Dubois was tall and good looking, a bit similiar to Reeves, why he had left the scene so early?
He got a job.

The Scott

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Re: the year was 1957.
« Reply #9 on: December 08, 2022, 09:52:25 AM »


  • Getbig III
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Re: the year was 1957.
« Reply #10 on: December 08, 2022, 10:01:50 AM »
Gironda was amazing! Just as good as the 1947 video from YouTube.