Author Topic: COVID 19 - COVID 19 VXs - EXPERIENCES  (Read 965 times)


  • Getbig II
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  • Posts: 145
  • Getbig!
« on: April 25, 2023, 11:37:20 AM »
Never too late to change minds...

Here comes a little information about myself. I work as a
specialist in Internal medicine. I have been active as a clinical MD
for more than 20 years. Now the last years I work as a MD
contractor on different hospitals in my home country (I live in the
United States, but I still work in my European home country). I
have worked through all the ”Covid times” and ”Covid vaccine
It all started with the massive news about Covid in the beginning
of 2020. Between Feb and April 2020 many countries began
different type of restrictions. It was to flatten the curve for 2-4
weeks. Well, got a bit longer than that. I did quick research and
saw no reason for panic (to put simply, normal Corona virus is
something in between the common cold and the flu). This article
is not about the scientific studies of Covid-19, the different
vaccines against Covid-19, mortality, medicines against Covid or
vaccine side effects. Dr Peter McCollough and Dr Robert Malone
cover these issues very well. Also, I recommend everybody to
search Medline (Pubmed) on real scientific studies. I just want to
summarize real quick. Covid-19 has a mortality of maximal 0.2 %.
The deaths reported in different countries WITH Covid (within 28
days of death), only 6-25% (depending on study and country)
died OF Covid-19. Taken that into account and also flu cases and
deaths basically ”disappeared”, there was not reason for panic
and restrictions at all.
So I was very sceptic to the response against Covid-19 to begin
with. Also as an Internal Medicine Specialist working in the
hospital on mostly wards and ER, the above mortality rates made
me and my colleagues scratch our heads. In our field, we deal
with about 20% yearly mortality rate.
Well, since the world went into mass psychosis about Covid-19, I
was happy with the news of vaccines coming. Since I have a
research background I was not afraid or very skeptical of
adonoviral DNA - vaccines (Janssen, Astra) or mRNA - vaccines
(Moderna, Pfizer). So I had a very positive outlook on the
vaccines (and I am also fully participant of the child vaccination
program, but also vaccinated extra against hepatitis and
tuberculosis). Meanwhile, Covid-19 disease was absolutely no
clinical problem. Most patients had no symptoms (but masstesting
was done) and had much greater problems like cardiac,
kidney failure etc…. For almost 3 years of working in this
epidemic (refuse to call it pandemic) and had hundreds of
patients with Covid, no one died. Only one patient had to go to
ICU and that was because he got Covid and was on
chemotherapy for an another disease. Even that patient was fully
recovered and Oxygen free within 2 weeks.
But I did see a real problem of Covid-restrictions. Patients could
not get physical healthcare. Health providers tried to solve most
problems online. Also media’s screaming out how bad Covid
was, it made people not seeking care. 30% ”decline” in heart
attacks was of course not true. The patients did not seek care
and had the heart attacks at home with no treatment. Those
patients came later with severe, and in many cases final, cardiac
failure. Also talking to my surgical colleagues, they had the same
problems with patients found dead at home or coming in finally
with totally ”rotten” intestines and in many cases too late to
save. Another specific episode I remember in the summer 2020.
GP’s and Diabetes clinics tried to handle foot and legs wounds
through internet-photos and talking to patients over the phone
(my comment: Impossible to do; one have to look, feel and smell
these wounds for proper treatment and possible intervention).
During four weeks that summer I had 5 patients with amputations
way before needed. Two of those patients died because too late
amputations. Lastly, I mention all the suicide tries really old
people did. They were totally depressed from not seeing their
relatives, and in some cases hardly seeing any staff in nursing
homes too. I put them on medicines when they were stable,
educated them on how benign Covid-19 is, ordered them to go
outside their home to shop and have a coffee. The biggest
problem was educating their kids, Covid-19 was not so bad, and
telling to go and see their old parents.
Mass vaccinations started in my country, health care workers
first. I was working at the hospital, and at that moment I was
responsible of the ER. Hospital staff was getting their first dose
(Pfizer) and an administrative staff told me to be on guard and
staff might come and see me if any side-effects (without referral).
I quickly read about the Pzifer vaccine and the listed ingredients
in it (apparently in hindsight, Pfizer is allowed to have some
undisclosed substances in the vaccine). mRNA particle that was
not supposed to spread and being destroyed fairly fast (turned
out to not be true), PEG etc… It all sounded very benign and I
could maybe see acute allergic reaction which we can treat very
well at the hospital. First dose of nurses and other staff, no
reaction at all. I was thinking, the Pfizer vaccine seems safe and
possible effective.
Second dose of Covid Pfizer vaccine came about. I was also
responsible for ER those weeks. A lot of staff was getting
vaccinated, but I did not fear anything since the first dose went
so well. I thought I could focus on the usual ER stuff like heart
attacks, stroke etc…I was in for a shock, the amount of patients
tripled basically. Vaccinated came in like crazy. I only had one
allergic attack with angiooedema that I could treat easily. The
symptoms appeared 10 to 60 minutes after the second injection.
The severe symptoms were: Severe headache, chest pain,
difficulty breathing, and tachycardia (sinus). I ruled out different
type of thrombosis and bleeding in the brain (CT scan with
contrast), heart attack, myocarditis, pericarditis, peri-myocarditis
(through history, EKG and troponin), pulmonary embolism (at
least with pulmonary CT-scan so only big embolus were ruled
out, the hospital did not have scintigraphy which is better for
small multiple emboli diagnosis). As I told a colleague who
wanted to blame everything on panic attack / anxiety, it does not
make sense blaming on anxiety. Many patients (mostly young
nurses) had sinustachycardia 120-160 / min and showed no signs
of anxiety. Most cases ended in question mark, but at least no
big major disease could be confirmed. I do think, in hindsight
them many of them had micro-emboli (my small hospital did not
have D-dimer as a blood test). Then I started to study more about
the mRNA vaccines, and the studies that was the ground work
for allowance, were basically crap. In one study actually showed
increased mortality in the vaccine group, and under normal
scientific circumstances the study had to be shut down. Instead,
the study took away the dead patients and then study how mRNA
vaccine did against Covid-19 under a few weeks. The conclusion
was less severe disease with the vaccine group. BUT vaccine
group already had higher mortality which was all taken away.
Scientific scandal!
Also, since side-effects came so fast after the second dose,
maybe not all is mRNA part of the vaccine. I let this issue be right
now, if the vaccine has metals or other toxic materials (Japanese
authorities confirmed unknown metals in the Moderna vaccine).
During the alpha strain of Covid-19 virus, funded gain-of-function
with particular S-protein (thromboembolic) by Fauci in China,
some patients got pulmonary emboli and so called ”long-covid”.
The long-covid was basically another episode of respiratory
insufficiency with need of oxygen. I treated those episodes very
well with steroids, leukotriene antagonist, asthma inhalations and
later on old-school anti-histamines (no studies on antihistamines,
but it all made sense to still all inflammation in lungs and also not
harmful medication). Now with the thromboembolic episodes
with Covid-19, it made no sense. Normally, Corona virus does not
cause deep venous thrombosis in the leg or arm, pulmonary
thrombosis or sinus thrombosis around the brain. Well, lowmolecular
heparin worked very well to protect against
thrombosis. The cause for the thrombotic property was probably,
the gain-of-function manipulation and especially the S-protein.
The later versions of Covid-19 has been much less thrombotic
and also less virulent. The normal selection of virus is to become
less virulent to cause less death, but to infect more. The infection
of a virus which hardly cause any symptoms is good for the virus
and they can replicate more, and actually good for humans too.
Basically after the alpha-strain, no more major concerns with
Covid-19. The big problem was mass-testing and restrictions
etc… I was getting tired of all this bull-shit. I was the first one to
dump face-mask at my hospitals, even though protocols said we
had too. I educated everybody on this. There were meta-analysis
on this (even Chinese studies) that showed face-mask does not
help at all against Corona or the flu (surgical or medical mask).
One meta-analysis also showed, there is an increase risk of
getting pneumococcus bacteria if you have the same mask on
for two hours of more. Pneumococcus lung infection is much
worse than Covid-19. Pneumococcus pneumonia is a major killer
in ICU. I also ordered (usually I am not very dominant doctor, but I
had to go strong to get the nurses not following central
guidelines) that all patients with breathing or chest problems and
also known patients with ischemic heart disease, cardiac failure,
respiratory insufficiency, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
not to have face mask. Especially face mask on a person with
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease can be down-right very
dangerous and potentially life-threatening.
Other medical problems with testing positive for Covid-19.
Isolation and not normal treatment. For example, if somebody
has respiratory problems from any infection, they get asthma
inhalations, steroids, oxygen if needed, diuretics (if also heart or
kidney failure for example etc…). Then the next step, if the
patient is needing too much oxygen, we put them in non-invasive
ventilator like Bi-Pap or C-Pap. The last resort and if you are not
too old or sick, you are put on a respirator. Let’s get back to ”the
orders”, in the beginning of the Covid-epidemic, from so-called
authorities, put patients soon on C-Pap and respirator early, no
steroids, no asthma inhalations, remdesevir etc… It is common
knowledge in medicine that you do not put anybody in respirator
who does not really need it. Also, no supportive treatment was
very confusing…Fortunately, most hospitals in my country did
not follow this and saw the patients. A few hospitals followed
Remdesivir protocols and according to my experience half of the
patients got kidney failure.
The effects of the mRNA vaccine (and a few with the adenoviral
DNA vaccine from Astra-Zeneca). These observations are from
me in my clinical work. If you want to see what diseases are
related to Covid-vaccines, please check out Medline (Pubmed):
There are so many diseases / conditions related to the Covid
mRNA vaccine according to my experience (and also in many
studies). Let’s start: Ventricular fibrillation, ventricular
tachycardia, sudden death, atrial fibrillation, heart attack,
myocarditis, pericarditis, perimyocarditis, pleuritis, interstitial
lung disease, lung fibrosis, worsening of chronic obstructive lung
disease, pulmonary embolism, pulmonary arteriell hypertension,
artery mesenteric embolism, vena porta embolism, spleen
embolism, spleen bleeding and spleen necrosis, colitis, breast
cancer, adrenal failure, ”temporary” Grave’s Disease, testicular
failure, menstrual disturbances, stroke (both thrombosis and
bleeding), Bell’s paresis, Guillain-Barré, AMSAN (similar to
Guillain-Barré), peripheral arterial thrombosis.
Since the whole Covid / vaccine narrative, I have very few
colleagues that support me and even want to scientifically
discuss the possible side-effects of the mRNA vaccination and
also how should we treat our patients with a totally new
causative agent. When I bring up really bad cases in the morningmeetings,
nobody meets my eyes and pretend like nothing. A few
cardiologists refuse to discuss causative agents, but do give tips
on how to treat for example recurrent pericarditis. Also the way
we treat small heart attacks have changed a lot too. Small heart
attack (NSTEMI) is usually diagnosed through history of chest
pain, significant troponin levels (usually with a temporal pattern)
and EKG (can sometimes be normal if patient is over the chest
pain episode). Then you give the patient several drugs to stabilize
the heart and then the next step is angiography and PCI. Well
since the vaccine roll-out, now in many cases you have to do a
MRI of the heart to see if it is myocarditis instead of NSTEMI. I
estimate about one third of the ones that do MRI of the heart,
have myocarditis and not NSTEMI. In my experience, the major
long-term problems now are recurrent pericarditis, interstitial
lung disease and lung fibrosis. What is see in one week of work
of pericarditis is what I usually see in two years! Treatment
protocols are basically based on steroid and colchicin treatments
for 6 months. And since the patient is on long-term steroids,
omeprazole and anti-osteoporosis medicines are also needed.
Results are pretty good, but we have to see if it comes back and
how often. The future will reveal that. The lung problems are
much more depressing. Usually middle-aged patients with no
previous lung problems or risk factors like smoking, toxic work
places etc…Interstitial lung disease and out-right lung fibrosis
are very serious diseases with a bad prognosis. I usually treat
them with steroids and the patients improve and no more need
for oxygen. Patients come back though and will finally be chronic
oxygen dependent and a short life span. I have discussed with
lung specialists and very surprised with the lack of interest. I also
bring up possibility to make a study with different treatment arms
including chemotherapy. This should interesting with a new
mechanism of action for lung fibrosis and finding a treatment
that might work long-term. The cardiologists and lung specialists
are not interested in follow-up. So I have to follow up the patients
as a non-specialist in cardiology and lung medicine. I find the
only way to fight this is to constantly search medline for new
studies and also make side-effect reports to our version of FDA.
So many nights when I am senior on-call I stay at the hospital for
free and make side-effects reports. I make at least 2 a week
(could make more but time limits it). I have never worked so hard
in my entire career. I have had some good feedback from lowerlevels
civil servants in my country’s drug authority, but still no
major change in policy.
The mRNA vaccines should been withdrawn, based on sideeffects,
February 2021 according to Peter McCollough. I waited
for the spring report 2021 from the UK’s Yellow Card report. So
by June 2021 I could not recommend the mRNA vaccines to
anybody and should be withdrawn for human use totally. These
decisions are only based on side-effects and death. During the
summer 2021, efficacy reports came out and basically came to
the conclusion the vaccines did not work. So by August 2021 I
knew the vaccines were ineffective and unsafe.
Similar conclusions should be made by other doctors and drug
authorities. It did not happen, and I can only speculate why drug
authorities did not come to these conclusions.
My main disappointment is how the majority of medical doctors
do not think anymore and do their research. When I went to
medical school, always research and always put the patient first.
Now major focus is on processing the patient (get the patient
out), following protocols and guidelines. Many doctors now do
not research and think, but trust authorities and boards and their
guidelines (forcing guidelines basically). Even if guidelines hurt or
kill the patients, many doctors seem not to care.They think they
are safe from liability if they follow protocol. That is not true.
Everyday at work I educate verbally and give junior doctors
articles to read. I saw this protocol driven health care before
covid. About the last ten years, on general, young doctors are not
very good and only follow protocols. There is a huge need for
older doctors who get the job done the right way. I give you some
examples below on protocol-driven health care.
I worked at one hospital that had a pneumonia protocol which
was enforced, otherwise the clinic would not get money. The
protocol was basically like this: Suspected pneumonia patient
were all put on intravenous bensyl-penicillum, 3 liter oxygen /
minute (even if patient had good saturation), 2 liter Ringer-
Acetate (even if blood pressure was good). So i asked, I have a
patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (have to be
careful with oxygen and should only be given if needed) and heart
failure (have to be careful with fluids) and wondered if I could not
use the protocol. The answer was no. So I had to change
diagnosis and skip X-ray and I called the diagnosis bacterial
bronchitis (there was no protocol for bronchitis). That way I could
treat the patient the correct way. Another example if protocoldriven
health care is the use of NOAK (like Xarelto and Eliquis for
example) when a patient have atrial fibrillation (AF). Many doctors
think it is obligatory to prescribe them when a patient has AF.
They prescribe them even if patients have severe fall tendencies
and have had severe head trauma before, severe anemia which is
probably caused by gastrointestinal bleeding and not
investigating the anemia. At one morning meeting I lost it when a
young female doctor gave report of a patient. The patient had
severe liver failure and the young doctor saw the patient had
newly-diagnosed AF and she proudly said she put the patient on
Eliquis. When a person have severe liver failure, coagulation
factors cannot be made in significant amounts and the patients
bleed more easily. We measure something called PK. Normal,
unmedicated person should be around 1. When treating with oldschool
warfarin, PK should be between 2 and 3 (bleed 2 to 3
times more easily). This patient had PK 2.7 (so ”naturally” already
protected against stroke from AF). The patients was put on
Eliquis despite spontaneous PK of 2.7. She said she followed
protocol. She did not understand the risk with adding Eliquis and
possibility that the patient could die of bleeding. Well, I told her
off good and told her to do some serious studying.
The ”Covid-times” only made the destructive protocol-driven
health care worse. I totally understand if people do not trust
health care anymore. I am not proud how the doctor guild are at
the moment. There is a huge task on how to restore trust. There
are very difficult times ahead.
Here is something I advocate to all civilians. Do not take the
Covid test unless medically motivated. If you only have mild
symptoms, ride it out and maybe take some extra vitamin D, zinc
and vitamin C. If you get so sick, that you might be in harms way,
seek healthcare. But do research first, to see if are good doctors
near you that will treat you correctly. If the doctor test you, ask
for the antigen test instead of the PCR test for Covid. There is
way too much false positives on the PCR test. I only use it in very
ill patient that was negative in the antigen test, but I have a high
clinical suspicion of Covid and the result of the test will steer
treatment. As a matter of fact, lately I stopped all testing and go
on clinical symptoms and give treatment. Why is it important to
stop testing. Since the powers in the different countries made it
about positive cases and not severe illness or death, the cases
must go down so restrictions and lockdowns can go away. Also,
no more mRNA vaccinations. The harm is much greater than the
When I started to treat Covid, I had to do it carefully. I could not
be totally evidence-based in choosing drugs. I had to use drugs
healthcare workers were used to here. The reason for this was a
very bad work environment. It was a sense that no treatments
worked and many thought unvaccinated deserved to die. So in
choosing steroid treatment oral administration, I chose
betametasone since it is commonly used in my country. In
choosing iv steroids, I chose Solu-Cortef that is also commonly
used in my country. Also wet inhalers, I chose products that
nurses are used to. I motivated the use for treating obstructive
problems (did not mention Covid). Now loading them up on
vitamin D, I motivated that in my cold country most people have
vitamin D deficiency and it is important in infections generally
(could still not mention Covid). I motivated use of Cetirizine or
Tavegyl (these are not evidence-based for use in Covid, but made
sense to add of them and great effect was noted) to still
inflammation generally. I used the same argument to motivate
the use of the leukotriene antagonist montelukast. Patients that
get very ill in Covid gets ill from the inflammation in the lungs, not
“drowning” in Covid virus-particles. With steroids, basically all
steps in inflammation are lowered. With leukotriene-antagonists
hinders inflammatory leukotrienes. With cetirizine or tavegyl will
lower reactive histamines. During this time hcq was basically
forbidden and I did not dare to use it (I used hcq on one patient
with vaccine induced pericarditis because he had a history of
suspected lupus so I dared to use it; had great and fast effect on
pericarditis). The last months, and after teaching nurses and
junior doctors we now have an informal protocol (cannot have it
on print, because the central hospital organization can see it) for
Covid and we speak freely about it. No-one of the staff will take
anymore mRNA vaccines.
Treating mRNA vaccine related problems. Of course if patient
gets an embolus, I treat it according to the diagnosis (NOAKs,
warfarin, lmwh etc). If heart attack or stroke, treat evidence
based with blood thinners, cholesterol medicines etc… To still
the inflammation of the vaccines: steroids, leukotriene
antagonists are used. Steroids and colchicin are used for
pericarditis. Like I mentioned above, I gave hcq to one patient.
There are so much to do research here on the treatments on
vaccine injuries. Nobody knows at the moment the duration of
the problems, but I think it is for long. The number of people
dying of heart and lung disease is going to be massive. mRNA
vaccines has to be stopped now by FDA and similar
organizations in different countries. Make it unsafe for human
Doing the right thing in these very bad years have been my way
of fighting the madness going on. Every generation have their
world war. This is our generation’s world war. The way excess
mortality is going up every week and if these vaccines continue,
death toll is going to be more than world war 1 and 2 together.
PS! To all vaccinated, I do not feel any anger against you. You
have been lied to these years. Make the right chose now and
realize the mistake and stop all future mRNA vaccines (and
adenovirus based vaccines).
/ MD John Dow

Gym Rat

  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 12777
  • Libturdz Love The Caulk
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2023, 12:31:51 PM »
Who the hell is going to read that here?? Matt maybe, but... **shrug**

Or maybe one of the internet babysitters, like Wayne "Dedd-Dad Fukker" Tracker:


While melting down like a cock-shaped candle...

Gym Rat

  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 12777
  • Libturdz Love The Caulk
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2023, 12:45:02 PM »
Carl, Oak will be by to refute this study/data, w/ a very technical "libturd created meme"!  ::)
How dare these people question the globalist Nazi's?????


  • Getbig II
  • **
  • Posts: 145
  • Getbig!
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2023, 01:03:10 PM »
30 to 50 procent increase in ER. Young/middle age people die left and right. Oak paid by Soros "Open Society". He nobody.


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 5831
  • "The trial was RIGGED....send me your MONEY!!"
« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2023, 01:06:23 PM »
Who the hell is going to read that here?? Matt maybe, but... **shrug**


That's what I was thinking.

Be honest....did you read it?



  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 40425
  • Getbig!
« Reply #5 on: April 25, 2023, 01:06:29 PM »
cliff note version . ??? ??? ???


  • Getbig II
  • **
  • Posts: 145
  • Getbig!
« Reply #6 on: April 25, 2023, 01:09:36 PM »
C19 nothing. C19 vx killing. Govs/ins comp/health care totally corrupt.


  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 16043
  • Silence you furry fool!
« Reply #7 on: April 25, 2023, 01:15:27 PM »
Never too late to change minds...

Here comes a little information about myself. I work as a
specialist in Internal medicine. I have been active as a clinical MD
for more than 20 years. Now the last years I work as a MD
contractor on different hospitals in my home country (I live in the
United States, but I still work in my European home country). I
have worked through all the ”Covid times” and ”Covid vaccine
It all started with the massive news about Covid in the beginning
of 2020. Between Feb and April 2020 many countries began
different type of restrictions. It was to flatten the curve for 2-4
weeks. Well, got a bit longer than that. I did quick research and
saw no reason for panic (to put simply, normal Corona virus is
something in between the common cold and the flu). This article
is not about the scientific studies of Covid-19, the different
vaccines against Covid-19, mortality, medicines against Covid or
vaccine side effects. Dr Peter McCollough and Dr Robert Malone
cover these issues very well. Also, I recommend everybody to
search Medline (Pubmed) on real scientific studies. I just want to
summarize real quick. Covid-19 has a mortality of maximal 0.2 %.
The deaths reported in different countries WITH Covid (within 28
days of death), only 6-25% (depending on study and country)
died OF Covid-19. Taken that into account and also flu cases and
deaths basically ”disappeared”, there was not reason for panic
and restrictions at all.
So I was very sceptic to the response against Covid-19 to begin
with. Also as an Internal Medicine Specialist working in the
hospital on mostly wards and ER, the above mortality rates made
me and my colleagues scratch our heads. In our field, we deal
with about 20% yearly mortality rate.
Well, since the world went into mass psychosis about Covid-19, I
was happy with the news of vaccines coming. Since I have a
research background I was not afraid or very skeptical of
adonoviral DNA - vaccines (Janssen, Astra) or mRNA - vaccines
(Moderna, Pfizer). So I had a very positive outlook on the
vaccines (and I am also fully participant of the child vaccination
program, but also vaccinated extra against hepatitis and
tuberculosis). Meanwhile, Covid-19 disease was absolutely no
clinical problem. Most patients had no symptoms (but masstesting
was done) and had much greater problems like cardiac,
kidney failure etc…. For almost 3 years of working in this
epidemic (refuse to call it pandemic) and had hundreds of
patients with Covid, no one died. Only one patient had to go to
ICU and that was because he got Covid and was on
chemotherapy for an another disease. Even that patient was fully
recovered and Oxygen free within 2 weeks.
But I did see a real problem of Covid-restrictions. Patients could
not get physical healthcare. Health providers tried to solve most
problems online. Also media’s screaming out how bad Covid
was, it made people not seeking care. 30% ”decline” in heart
attacks was of course not true. The patients did not seek care
and had the heart attacks at home with no treatment. Those
patients came later with severe, and in many cases final, cardiac
failure. Also talking to my surgical colleagues, they had the same
problems with patients found dead at home or coming in finally
with totally ”rotten” intestines and in many cases too late to
save. Another specific episode I remember in the summer 2020.
GP’s and Diabetes clinics tried to handle foot and legs wounds
through internet-photos and talking to patients over the phone
(my comment: Impossible to do; one have to look, feel and smell
these wounds for proper treatment and possible intervention).
During four weeks that summer I had 5 patients with amputations
way before needed. Two of those patients died because too late
amputations. Lastly, I mention all the suicide tries really old
people did. They were totally depressed from not seeing their
relatives, and in some cases hardly seeing any staff in nursing
homes too. I put them on medicines when they were stable,
educated them on how benign Covid-19 is, ordered them to go
outside their home to shop and have a coffee. The biggest
problem was educating their kids, Covid-19 was not so bad, and
telling to go and see their old parents.
Mass vaccinations started in my country, health care workers
first. I was working at the hospital, and at that moment I was
responsible of the ER. Hospital staff was getting their first dose
(Pfizer) and an administrative staff told me to be on guard and
staff might come and see me if any side-effects (without referral).
I quickly read about the Pzifer vaccine and the listed ingredients
in it (apparently in hindsight, Pfizer is allowed to have some
undisclosed substances in the vaccine). mRNA particle that was
not supposed to spread and being destroyed fairly fast (turned
out to not be true), PEG etc… It all sounded very benign and I
could maybe see acute allergic reaction which we can treat very
well at the hospital. First dose of nurses and other staff, no
reaction at all. I was thinking, the Pfizer vaccine seems safe and
possible effective.
Second dose of Covid Pfizer vaccine came about. I was also
responsible for ER those weeks. A lot of staff was getting
vaccinated, but I did not fear anything since the first dose went
so well. I thought I could focus on the usual ER stuff like heart
attacks, stroke etc…I was in for a shock, the amount of patients
tripled basically. Vaccinated came in like crazy. I only had one
allergic attack with angiooedema that I could treat easily. The
symptoms appeared 10 to 60 minutes after the second injection.
The severe symptoms were: Severe headache, chest pain,
difficulty breathing, and tachycardia (sinus). I ruled out different
type of thrombosis and bleeding in the brain (CT scan with
contrast), heart attack, myocarditis, pericarditis, peri-myocarditis
(through history, EKG and troponin), pulmonary embolism (at
least with pulmonary CT-scan so only big embolus were ruled
out, the hospital did not have scintigraphy which is better for
small multiple emboli diagnosis). As I told a colleague who
wanted to blame everything on panic attack / anxiety, it does not
make sense blaming on anxiety. Many patients (mostly young
nurses) had sinustachycardia 120-160 / min and showed no signs
of anxiety. Most cases ended in question mark, but at least no
big major disease could be confirmed. I do think, in hindsight
them many of them had micro-emboli (my small hospital did not
have D-dimer as a blood test). Then I started to study more about
the mRNA vaccines, and the studies that was the ground work
for allowance, were basically crap. In one study actually showed
increased mortality in the vaccine group, and under normal
scientific circumstances the study had to be shut down. Instead,
the study took away the dead patients and then study how mRNA
vaccine did against Covid-19 under a few weeks. The conclusion
was less severe disease with the vaccine group. BUT vaccine
group already had higher mortality which was all taken away.
Scientific scandal!
Also, since side-effects came so fast after the second dose,
maybe not all is mRNA part of the vaccine. I let this issue be right
now, if the vaccine has metals or other toxic materials (Japanese
authorities confirmed unknown metals in the Moderna vaccine).
During the alpha strain of Covid-19 virus, funded gain-of-function
with particular S-protein (thromboembolic) by Fauci in China,
some patients got pulmonary emboli and so called ”long-covid”.
The long-covid was basically another episode of respiratory
insufficiency with need of oxygen. I treated those episodes very
well with steroids, leukotriene antagonist, asthma inhalations and
later on old-school anti-histamines (no studies on antihistamines,
but it all made sense to still all inflammation in lungs and also not
harmful medication). Now with the thromboembolic episodes
with Covid-19, it made no sense. Normally, Corona virus does not
cause deep venous thrombosis in the leg or arm, pulmonary
thrombosis or sinus thrombosis around the brain. Well, lowmolecular
heparin worked very well to protect against
thrombosis. The cause for the thrombotic property was probably,
the gain-of-function manipulation and especially the S-protein.
The later versions of Covid-19 has been much less thrombotic
and also less virulent. The normal selection of virus is to become
less virulent to cause less death, but to infect more. The infection
of a virus which hardly cause any symptoms is good for the virus
and they can replicate more, and actually good for humans too.
Basically after the alpha-strain, no more major concerns with
Covid-19. The big problem was mass-testing and restrictions
etc… I was getting tired of all this bull-shit. I was the first one to
dump face-mask at my hospitals, even though protocols said we
had too. I educated everybody on this. There were meta-analysis
on this (even Chinese studies) that showed face-mask does not
help at all against Corona or the flu (surgical or medical mask).
One meta-analysis also showed, there is an increase risk of
getting pneumococcus bacteria if you have the same mask on
for two hours of more. Pneumococcus lung infection is much
worse than Covid-19. Pneumococcus pneumonia is a major killer
in ICU. I also ordered (usually I am not very dominant doctor, but I
had to go strong to get the nurses not following central
guidelines) that all patients with breathing or chest problems and
also known patients with ischemic heart disease, cardiac failure,
respiratory insufficiency, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
not to have face mask. Especially face mask on a person with
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease can be down-right very
dangerous and potentially life-threatening.
Other medical problems with testing positive for Covid-19.
Isolation and not normal treatment. For example, if somebody
has respiratory problems from any infection, they get asthma
inhalations, steroids, oxygen if needed, diuretics (if also heart or
kidney failure for example etc…). Then the next step, if the
patient is needing too much oxygen, we put them in non-invasive
ventilator like Bi-Pap or C-Pap. The last resort and if you are not
too old or sick, you are put on a respirator. Let’s get back to ”the
orders”, in the beginning of the Covid-epidemic, from so-called
authorities, put patients soon on C-Pap and respirator early, no
steroids, no asthma inhalations, remdesevir etc… It is common
knowledge in medicine that you do not put anybody in respirator
who does not really need it. Also, no supportive treatment was
very confusing…Fortunately, most hospitals in my country did
not follow this and saw the patients. A few hospitals followed
Remdesivir protocols and according to my experience half of the
patients got kidney failure.
The effects of the mRNA vaccine (and a few with the adenoviral
DNA vaccine from Astra-Zeneca). These observations are from
me in my clinical work. If you want to see what diseases are
related to Covid-vaccines, please check out Medline (Pubmed):
There are so many diseases / conditions related to the Covid
mRNA vaccine according to my experience (and also in many
studies). Let’s start: Ventricular fibrillation, ventricular
tachycardia, sudden death, atrial fibrillation, heart attack,
myocarditis, pericarditis, perimyocarditis, pleuritis, interstitial
lung disease, lung fibrosis, worsening of chronic obstructive lung
disease, pulmonary embolism, pulmonary arteriell hypertension,
artery mesenteric embolism, vena porta embolism, spleen
embolism, spleen bleeding and spleen necrosis, colitis, breast
cancer, adrenal failure, ”temporary” Grave’s Disease, testicular
failure, menstrual disturbances, stroke (both thrombosis and
bleeding), Bell’s paresis, Guillain-Barré, AMSAN (similar to
Guillain-Barré), peripheral arterial thrombosis.
Since the whole Covid / vaccine narrative, I have very few
colleagues that support me and even want to scientifically
discuss the possible side-effects of the mRNA vaccination and
also how should we treat our patients with a totally new
causative agent. When I bring up really bad cases in the morningmeetings,
nobody meets my eyes and pretend like nothing. A few
cardiologists refuse to discuss causative agents, but do give tips
on how to treat for example recurrent pericarditis. Also the way
we treat small heart attacks have changed a lot too. Small heart
attack (NSTEMI) is usually diagnosed through history of chest
pain, significant troponin levels (usually with a temporal pattern)
and EKG (can sometimes be normal if patient is over the chest
pain episode). Then you give the patient several drugs to stabilize
the heart and then the next step is angiography and PCI. Well
since the vaccine roll-out, now in many cases you have to do a
MRI of the heart to see if it is myocarditis instead of NSTEMI. I
estimate about one third of the ones that do MRI of the heart,
have myocarditis and not NSTEMI. In my experience, the major
long-term problems now are recurrent pericarditis, interstitial
lung disease and lung fibrosis. What is see in one week of work
of pericarditis is what I usually see in two years! Treatment
protocols are basically based on steroid and colchicin treatments
for 6 months. And since the patient is on long-term steroids,
omeprazole and anti-osteoporosis medicines are also needed.
Results are pretty good, but we have to see if it comes back and
how often. The future will reveal that. The lung problems are
much more depressing. Usually middle-aged patients with no
previous lung problems or risk factors like smoking, toxic work
places etc…Interstitial lung disease and out-right lung fibrosis
are very serious diseases with a bad prognosis. I usually treat
them with steroids and the patients improve and no more need
for oxygen. Patients come back though and will finally be chronic
oxygen dependent and a short life span. I have discussed with
lung specialists and very surprised with the lack of interest. I also
bring up possibility to make a study with different treatment arms
including chemotherapy. This should interesting with a new
mechanism of action for lung fibrosis and finding a treatment
that might work long-term. The cardiologists and lung specialists
are not interested in follow-up. So I have to follow up the patients
as a non-specialist in cardiology and lung medicine. I find the
only way to fight this is to constantly search medline for new
studies and also make side-effect reports to our version of FDA.
So many nights when I am senior on-call I stay at the hospital for
free and make side-effects reports. I make at least 2 a week
(could make more but time limits it). I have never worked so hard
in my entire career. I have had some good feedback from lowerlevels
civil servants in my country’s drug authority, but still no
major change in policy.
The mRNA vaccines should been withdrawn, based on sideeffects,
February 2021 according to Peter McCollough. I waited
for the spring report 2021 from the UK’s Yellow Card report. So
by June 2021 I could not recommend the mRNA vaccines to
anybody and should be withdrawn for human use totally. These
decisions are only based on side-effects and death. During the
summer 2021, efficacy reports came out and basically came to
the conclusion the vaccines did not work. So by August 2021 I
knew the vaccines were ineffective and unsafe.
Similar conclusions should be made by other doctors and drug
authorities. It did not happen, and I can only speculate why drug
authorities did not come to these conclusions.
My main disappointment is how the majority of medical doctors
do not think anymore and do their research. When I went to
medical school, always research and always put the patient first.
Now major focus is on processing the patient (get the patient
out), following protocols and guidelines. Many doctors now do
not research and think, but trust authorities and boards and their
guidelines (forcing guidelines basically). Even if guidelines hurt or
kill the patients, many doctors seem not to care.They think they
are safe from liability if they follow protocol. That is not true.
Everyday at work I educate verbally and give junior doctors
articles to read. I saw this protocol driven health care before
covid. About the last ten years, on general, young doctors are not
very good and only follow protocols. There is a huge need for
older doctors who get the job done the right way. I give you some
examples below on protocol-driven health care.
I worked at one hospital that had a pneumonia protocol which
was enforced, otherwise the clinic would not get money. The
protocol was basically like this: Suspected pneumonia patient
were all put on intravenous bensyl-penicillum, 3 liter oxygen /
minute (even if patient had good saturation), 2 liter Ringer-
Acetate (even if blood pressure was good). So i asked, I have a
patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (have to be
careful with oxygen and should only be given if needed) and heart
failure (have to be careful with fluids) and wondered if I could not
use the protocol. The answer was no. So I had to change
diagnosis and skip X-ray and I called the diagnosis bacterial
bronchitis (there was no protocol for bronchitis). That way I could
treat the patient the correct way. Another example if protocoldriven
health care is the use of NOAK (like Xarelto and Eliquis for
example) when a patient have atrial fibrillation (AF). Many doctors
think it is obligatory to prescribe them when a patient has AF.
They prescribe them even if patients have severe fall tendencies
and have had severe head trauma before, severe anemia which is
probably caused by gastrointestinal bleeding and not
investigating the anemia. At one morning meeting I lost it when a
young female doctor gave report of a patient. The patient had
severe liver failure and the young doctor saw the patient had
newly-diagnosed AF and she proudly said she put the patient on
Eliquis. When a person have severe liver failure, coagulation
factors cannot be made in significant amounts and the patients
bleed more easily. We measure something called PK. Normal,
unmedicated person should be around 1. When treating with oldschool
warfarin, PK should be between 2 and 3 (bleed 2 to 3
times more easily). This patient had PK 2.7 (so ”naturally” already
protected against stroke from AF). The patients was put on
Eliquis despite spontaneous PK of 2.7. She said she followed
protocol. She did not understand the risk with adding Eliquis and
possibility that the patient could die of bleeding. Well, I told her
off good and told her to do some serious studying.
The ”Covid-times” only made the destructive protocol-driven
health care worse. I totally understand if people do not trust
health care anymore. I am not proud how the doctor guild are at
the moment. There is a huge task on how to restore trust. There
are very difficult times ahead.
Here is something I advocate to all civilians. Do not take the
Covid test unless medically motivated. If you only have mild
symptoms, ride it out and maybe take some extra vitamin D, zinc
and vitamin C. If you get so sick, that you might be in harms way,
seek healthcare. But do research first, to see if are good doctors
near you that will treat you correctly. If the doctor test you, ask
for the antigen test instead of the PCR test for Covid. There is
way too much false positives on the PCR test. I only use it in very
ill patient that was negative in the antigen test, but I have a high
clinical suspicion of Covid and the result of the test will steer
treatment. As a matter of fact, lately I stopped all testing and go
on clinical symptoms and give treatment. Why is it important to
stop testing. Since the powers in the different countries made it
about positive cases and not severe illness or death, the cases
must go down so restrictions and lockdowns can go away. Also,
no more mRNA vaccinations. The harm is much greater than the
When I started to treat Covid, I had to do it carefully. I could not
be totally evidence-based in choosing drugs. I had to use drugs
healthcare workers were used to here. The reason for this was a
very bad work environment. It was a sense that no treatments
worked and many thought unvaccinated deserved to die. So in
choosing steroid treatment oral administration, I chose
betametasone since it is commonly used in my country. In
choosing iv steroids, I chose Solu-Cortef that is also commonly
used in my country. Also wet inhalers, I chose products that
nurses are used to. I motivated the use for treating obstructive
problems (did not mention Covid). Now loading them up on
vitamin D, I motivated that in my cold country most people have
vitamin D deficiency and it is important in infections generally
(could still not mention Covid). I motivated use of Cetirizine or
Tavegyl (these are not evidence-based for use in Covid, but made
sense to add of them and great effect was noted) to still
inflammation generally. I used the same argument to motivate
the use of the leukotriene antagonist montelukast. Patients that
get very ill in Covid gets ill from the inflammation in the lungs, not
“drowning” in Covid virus-particles. With steroids, basically all
steps in inflammation are lowered. With leukotriene-antagonists
hinders inflammatory leukotrienes. With cetirizine or tavegyl will
lower reactive histamines. During this time hcq was basically
forbidden and I did not dare to use it (I used hcq on one patient
with vaccine induced pericarditis because he had a history of
suspected lupus so I dared to use it; had great and fast effect on
pericarditis). The last months, and after teaching nurses and
junior doctors we now have an informal protocol (cannot have it
on print, because the central hospital organization can see it) for
Covid and we speak freely about it. No-one of the staff will take
anymore mRNA vaccines.
Treating mRNA vaccine related problems. Of course if patient
gets an embolus, I treat it according to the diagnosis (NOAKs,
warfarin, lmwh etc). If heart attack or stroke, treat evidence
based with blood thinners, cholesterol medicines etc… To still
the inflammation of the vaccines: steroids, leukotriene
antagonists are used. Steroids and colchicin are used for
pericarditis. Like I mentioned above, I gave hcq to one patient.
There are so much to do research here on the treatments on
vaccine injuries. Nobody knows at the moment the duration of
the problems, but I think it is for long. The number of people
dying of heart and lung disease is going to be massive. mRNA
vaccines has to be stopped now by FDA and similar
organizations in different countries. Make it unsafe for human
Doing the right thing in these very bad years have been my way
of fighting the madness going on. Every generation have their
world war. This is our generation’s world war. The way excess
mortality is going up every week and if these vaccines continue,
death toll is going to be more than world war 1 and 2 together.
PS! To all vaccinated, I do not feel any anger against you. You
have been lied to these years. Make the right chose now and
realize the mistake and stop all future mRNA vaccines (and
adenovirus based vaccines).
/ MD John Dow



  • Getbig V
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« Reply #8 on: April 25, 2023, 03:30:32 PM »
I am a colossal retard

Cliff noted for you.


  • Getbig V
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« Reply #9 on: April 25, 2023, 05:06:20 PM »
Who the hell is going to read write that here?? Matt maybe, but... **shrug**

Or maybe one of the internet babysitters, like Wayne "Dedd-Dad Fukker" Tracker:


While melting down like a cock-shaped candle...


Also, here is the Cole's Notes version of the OP thread.  :)


  • Getbig V
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« Reply #10 on: April 25, 2023, 05:51:04 PM »
Who the hell is going to read that here?? Matt maybe, but... **shrug**

Or maybe one of the internet babysitters, like Wayne "Dedd-Dad Fukker" Tracker:


While melting down like a cock-shaped candle...

I read it.


  • Getbig II
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« Reply #11 on: April 26, 2023, 08:53:28 AM »
nice to hear some people have time and focus to read it


  • Getbig V
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« Reply #12 on: April 26, 2023, 12:13:28 PM »
''High School "died suddenly" - Epidemic of 15-19 year olds dropping dead in schools and dorms across USA and Canada in April 2023''

Gym Rat

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« Reply #13 on: April 26, 2023, 01:24:40 PM »
''High School "died suddenly" - Epidemic of 15-19 year olds dropping dead in schools and dorms across USA and Canada in April 2023''


  • Getbig V
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« Reply #14 on: April 26, 2023, 01:47:21 PM »

dunkin donuts

  • Getbig III
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« Reply #15 on: April 26, 2023, 09:17:31 PM »
''High School "died suddenly" - Epidemic of 15-19 year olds dropping dead in schools and dorms across USA and Canada in April 2023''
No one bats an eye, it's a total waste of time publishing anti un 2030 narrative facts


  • Competitors II
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« Reply #16 on: April 26, 2023, 09:22:10 PM »
Covid was shit when it arrived.

It quickly became weak ass, meaningless shit.

Within one week I knew it was all total bullshit. I called it on day 2. 


dunkin donuts

  • Getbig III
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« Reply #17 on: April 26, 2023, 09:39:31 PM »
Covid was shit when it arrived.

It quickly became weak ass, meaningless shit.

Within one week I knew it was in total bullshit. I called it on day 2. 

The UN and the world elites have been trying to kill off the masses since WWII so I thought something was fishy when they had a golden opportunity to let us all die from a virus but instead saved us all with slogans, social distancing, chinese face masks and untested mrna vaccines


  • Getbig IV
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« Reply #18 on: April 26, 2023, 09:50:30 PM »
social distancing...good times

dunkin donuts

  • Getbig III
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« Reply #19 on: April 26, 2023, 10:05:28 PM »
social distancing...good times

Flatten the curve
We can do this
Stay safe
In these unprecedented times