Author Topic: PMSNBC  (Read 2532 times)

Mr. Intenseone

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« on: September 06, 2006, 10:35:16 PM »
RUSH: On top today, MSNBC is actually -- well, not actually. It looks like they're running a telethon for Democrats today. They are doing a day-long feature trying to stake their claim to political coverage with a special blitz on the 2006 midterm elections. It's entitled, "Decision 2006: Battleground America." Started at nine a.m. It will include all the big names: Brian Williams, Tim Russert, Campbell Brown, David Gregory, Chris Matthews, Lester Holt. It will air all day and into the night with live editions of all of their shows continuing the theme. So I've been looking at this. It looks like a telethon for Democrats with the disease they're fighting being Republicans. The only thing they're not saying is "operators standing by, call now." But it's incredible. We have some audio sound bites to illustrate this. Here is the promo that they have been running all day for this.

MSNBC VOICE: Republicans have it. Democrats want it. In two months you decide who gets it. Game on. MSNBC continues coverage of the battle to control Congress with one big day. The biggest names: Russert, Gregory, Holt, Brown, Williams, Matthews, Scarborough, Carlson. What are the key races? How close will these elections really be? Decision 2006 Battleground America continues all day on the network for politics, MSNBC.

RUSH: There's a killer disease out there, folks. It's Republicans, and MSNBC is going to do everything they can to slay this disease, and it's an all day -- the sense of urgency in this thing, and even included in that promo, is breathtaking. There was an interesting -- they go through the list of names in their own promo, interesting name left out. Not going to tell you who it is, but very, very interesting. Here is a montage of some of the anchors: Lester Holt, Stuart Rothenberg, Chuck Todd of the Hotline, Tim Russert, Rahm Emanuel, runs the Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee, Democrat pollster Peter Hart, all talking about the fall election and the Democrats.

HOLT: Democrats need to gain 15 seats to take control of the House for the first time since 1994. In the Senate, Democrats need to pick up six seats to take control.

ROTHENBERG: We'll see Democratic candidates do surprisingly well.

TODD: A voter that goes into the voting boot thinking about Iraq is voting Democrat.

RUSSERT: The election were held today do you agree with Stu that it would tilt Democratic?

TODD: I think it tilts Democrats.

RUSSERT: If the Democrats capture control of the House of Representatives.

TODD: If Democrats took control.

ROTHENBERG: The Democratic control could do a couple other things. One, it could lead to significant Republican retirements. It would certainly embolden Democrats.

RUSSERT: Who the new Democratic committee chairman might be.

TODD: Speaker Pelosi.

EMANUEL: Democrats are running as new-direction Democrats, and the American people are saying, as they did in '74, '82, 1986, 1994, all mid-term elections, they're saying it's time for a change, it's time for a new direction.

HART: This is equivalent of the Ninth Ward in New Orleans. Essentially it's under water already, but they don't know it. Democrats win the House, and I think comfortably.

Mr. Intenseone

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« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2006, 10:39:33 PM »

RUSH: (Laughing) If this is not -- look it, we got two more sound bites to go. This is a telethon for the Democrats. You have to see this. I'm not urging you to watch it. We're doing that for you. We don't have to waste your time. Here's another one, a montage of Chuck Todd from the Hotline, David Gregory, John Dickerson from, and the DNC chairman Howard Dean.

TODD: This is going to possibly not just move from a 15 to 20 seat thing. It can become tidal wave like.

GREGORY: A national wave here against Republicans.

DICKERSON: If there's a wave.

HOWARD DEAN: There's going to be a national wave.

RUSH: Okay, so now the program is producing its own gravitas moment. There's going to be a national wave, as the MSNBC telethon attempts to cure the disease known as the Republican majority. And here is -- well, this speaks for itself. David Gregory asks Howard Dean if it's the position of the Democratic Party that troops need to be immediately redeployed or pulled out of Iraq, what will that leave behind in that country?

DEAN: The Bush line is we can't leave Iraq because it will make us look weak. So essentially the president is proposing that we stay forever. Well, that is -- I hate to say, but that's just patently ridiculous. But I'm with George Aiken, the wonderful Vermont senator who once said about Vietnam, declare victory and get out.

RUSH: Oh, man, can we really count on these people? At any rate, that's what's going on all day and all night on the network nobody watches, PMSNBC, an all-day telethon for Democrats to try to find a cure for that killer disease known as the Republican majority.


I'll tell you what's driving this MSNBC telethon today, Charlie Cook, he's a pollster, he's an analyst of congressional races, elections, this kind of thing. One of his female assistants put out a report saying that there are 30 races out there that are competitive, and the panting and the breathlessness has begun. (Panting) And that report for two days there's been an orgasm over this. Republicans could lose 30 seats, 30 seats are competitive. Competitive! They said 30 seats are competitive! They did not say -- and it's probably more like 40. Everything is competitive. The bottom line is that they have taken this and just run with it because their template is, Democrats win, Democrats take back the House. So far, in what we've seen, there hasn't been any attention, hardly any attention paid to the Republicans.

This is all about, oh, hallelujah, oh, glory days again, we're going to get to the mountaintop, we're going to run the show again, the Democrats are going to be in power and we can have parties again! Yip yip yip yip yahoo. It's sort of like when Brian Williams interviewed that wacko professor at Princeton, this Dyson character who came out and described George W. Bush as a patrician. That became a template for a couple days regarding the two-week orgy of one year anniversary coverage of the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina that George Bush created, steered and made the levees break and then didn't care about any of the destruction. That became the template.

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« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2006, 10:39:49 PM »
I hate neocons and bleeding hearts equally.  Hardball is the only show I watch anymore on MSNBC, and I used to be an MSN junkie.  Now it's both CNN then FOX nightly shows as I work into the night each night.  (Cavuto is on now)

Today's MSNBC poll results

Mr. Intenseone

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« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2006, 10:47:46 PM »
I hate neocons and bleeding hearts equally.  Hardball is the only show I watch anymore on MSNBC, and I used to be an MSN junkie.  Now it's both CNN then FOX nightly shows as I work into the night each night.  (Cavuto is on now)

Today's MSNBC poll results

"Not a scientific survey"

Rock the vote = Notoriously Liberal!!

Post the demographics of this survey!

Eyeball Chambers

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« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2006, 10:47:54 PM »
Someone emailed Cavuto and said something like "Lose 15 pounds from your head.........  And you'll still have a damn big head!" HAHA

Monster cranium.

Mr. Intenseone

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« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2006, 10:48:57 PM »
Someone emailed Cavuto and said something like "Lose 15 pounds from your head.........  And you'll still have a damn big head!" HAHA

Monster cranium.

LOL...some of those emails are halarious..LOL!!

Brian Peppers

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« Reply #6 on: September 06, 2006, 11:47:07 PM »
"Not a scientific survey"

Rock the vote = Notoriously Liberal!!

Post the demographics of this survey!

I saw that survey also - it's a selective survey, meaning it is voluntarily done bythe most passionate people who surf 

This is much like you'd see on a more right site- the readers of would likely say 90% that Bush has done no wrong.

The truth, of course, lies somewhere in the middle.
You believe me, don't you

Hugo Chavez

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« Reply #7 on: September 06, 2006, 11:57:14 PM »
This does nothing but help Republicans... In 1994 Dems didn't see it coming... Here's these guys providing every needed analysis of the dangers they're facing week by week, day by day leading into the election.  This talk virtually assures every solid republican will be turning up to vote and may work against democrates showing up in force when they are being portrayed as a sure bet...

Brian Peppers

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« Reply #8 on: September 06, 2006, 11:58:09 PM »
haha feisty bunch! I like this place!

You believe me, don't you

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« Reply #9 on: September 07, 2006, 12:00:36 AM »
Someone emailed Cavuto and said something like "Lose 15 pounds from your head.........  And you'll still have a damn big head!" HAHA

Monster cranium.

I still can't get a feel for where Cavuto really sits.  He seems to be neither left nor majorly right.  he just sits in the green, I think.

Hugo Chavez

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« Reply #10 on: September 07, 2006, 12:20:37 AM »
I still can't get a feel for where Cavuto really sits.  He seems to be neither left nor majorly right.  he just sits in the green, I think.
Well, he is a 100% backer of all that is a NEO-conservative for sure.  My favorite was when he got this decorated WWII vet and Pearl Harbor survivor on to talk on how great the Iraq war is... Only problem was that he was anti-Iraq war and said we should pull out immediately... This came after Cavuto layed out praise and admiration for this man.  He had him on before and appeared to highly respected his opinion... The look on Cavuto's face... I almost died laughing my ass off... He couldn't wait for the segment to finish...  He tired to sway or spin him in a pro war direction but it backfired. I swear you could see a panic attack of waving arms behind the cameras as Cavuto clearly was so struck off by the unexpected direction things went.


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« Reply #11 on: September 07, 2006, 01:45:00 AM »
I just love it when stuff like that happens.  :D

Mr. Intenseone

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« Reply #12 on: September 07, 2006, 06:45:23 AM »
I still can't get a feel for where Cavuto really sits.  He seems to be neither left nor majorly right.  he just sits in the green, I think.

He's "Fair and Balanced" :P!!

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« Reply #13 on: September 07, 2006, 08:28:49 AM »
I really could care less about the political views of the talking heads on tv.  A guy like O Reilly would support Bush if he said every 100th American citizen should be tortured for intel.  Likewise, there are some who will criticize Bush for giving a kidnet to an orphan. Only a sheep would blindly follow any speaker on either side of the aisle.

I found Olbermann's speech last night to be a good one - he didn't criticize Bush's policy.  Instead, he criticized bush's likening those who ask questions about 911 to the terrorists themselves. And Bush is SERIOUSLY offbase here.  For a president of a free nation to call out those who use free speech - to question his involvement in 911 - that is a problem.  I didn't hear him calling out the media for bashing howard Dean for his views following 911. 

Mr. Intenseone

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« Reply #14 on: September 07, 2006, 09:06:37 AM »
I really could care less about the political views of the talking heads on tv.  A guy like O Reilly would support Bush if he said every 100th American citizen should be tortured for intel.  Likewise, there are some who will criticize Bush for giving a kidnet to an orphan. Only a sheep would blindly follow any speaker on either side of the aisle.

I found Olbermann's speech last night to be a good one - he didn't criticize Bush's policy.  Instead, he criticized bush's likening those who ask questions about 911 to the terrorists themselves. And Bush is SERIOUSLY offbase here.  For a president of a free nation to call out those who use free speech - to question his involvement in 911 - that is a problem.  I didn't hear him calling out the media for bashing howard Dean for his views following 911. 

Olberman = Crackpot

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« Reply #15 on: September 07, 2006, 09:08:10 AM »

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« Reply #16 on: September 07, 2006, 09:10:28 AM »
Mr I, do you feel that those who ask questions about the official 911 story to be helping the terrorists?

Keep in mind that what the *truthers* want is a very thorugh investigation of 9/11 in order to bring more evidence to light.  The FBI has never charged Bin Laden with it.  There is no evidence linking bin Laden to it, aside from a tape where a guy in a bin laden costume confesses.  So the 9/11 commission would like to reveal more evidence against bin laden.  Is this a bad thing?

Mr. Intenseone

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« Reply #17 on: September 07, 2006, 09:15:51 AM »
Mr I, do you feel that those who ask questions about the official 911 story to be helping the terrorists?

Keep in mind that what the *truthers* want is a very thorugh investigation of 9/11 in order to bring more evidence to light.  The FBI has never charged Bin Laden with it.  There is no evidence linking bin Laden to it, aside from a tape where a guy in a bin laden costume confesses.  So the 9/11 commission would like to reveal more evidence against bin laden.  Is this a bad thing?

I do believe the Left wing extremists like to leak info that should be confidential just undermine Bush..a la NY Times!!

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« Reply #18 on: September 07, 2006, 09:28:48 AM »
I do believe the Left wing extremists like to leak info that should be confidential just undermine Bush..a la NY Times!!

Dude, we're not talking about libs/neos, we're not talking about media leaks.  please step aside from the tv news talking points.

Think about what the president did - he said that people who criticize the war, and question the events of 911 - are endangering our country.  He told us that utilizing our freedom of speech is making us unsafe.  He made it clear that in order to 'be safe' we should stop talking about holes in govt stories and debating the merits of war.

Without these rights, what would the US be?


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« Reply #19 on: September 07, 2006, 10:58:09 AM »
I only watch the most unbiased, even and fair news-source on television today....

Fox News!