Author Topic: *Operation FALCON* and the looming *POLICE STATE*  (Read 2411 times)


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*Operation FALCON* and the looming *POLICE STATE*
« on: March 01, 2007, 06:59:54 PM »
Operation FALCON and the looming police state
By Mike Whitney
Online Journal Contributing Writer

Feb 28, 2007, 00:36

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On 29 June 1934, Chancellor Adolph Hitler, accompanied by the Schutzstaffel (SS), arrived at Wiesse, where he personally arrested the leader of the Strum Abteilung (SA), Ernnst Roehm.

During the next 24 hours 200 other senior SA officers were arrested on the way to Wiesse. Many were shot as soon as they were captured but Hitler decided to pardon Roehm because of his past service to the movement. However, after much pressure from Hermann Goering and Heinrich Himmler, Hitler agreed that Roehm should die. At first Hitler insisted that Roehm should be allowed to commit suicide but, when he refused, Roehm was shot by two SS men. (

Later, Hitler delivered a speech at the Reichstag in which he justified the murders of his rivals saying, “If anyone reproaches me and asks why I did not resort to the regular courts of justice, then all I can say is this: In this hour I was responsible for the fate of the German people, and thereby I became the supreme judge of the German people. It was no secret that this time the revolution would have to be bloody; when we spoke of it we called it ‘The Night of the Long Knives.’ Everyone must know for all future time that if he raises his hand to strike the State, then certain death is his lot.”

The Night of the Long Knives is seen by many as the turning point where Hitler made it clear that he was above the law and the supreme leader of the German people.

Operation FALCON: Blueprint for removing dissidents and political rivals

The Bush administration has carried out three massive sweeps in the last two years, rolling up more than 30,000 minor crooks and criminals, without as much as a whimper of protest from the public.

Operation FALCON is the clearest indication yet that the Bush administration is fine-tuning its shock troops so it can roll up tens of thousands of people at a moment’s notice and toss them into the newly-built Halliburton detention centers. This should be a red flag for anyone who cares at all about human rights, civil liberties, or simply saving his own skin.

Operation FALCON was allegedly the brainchild of Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and his counterpart in the US Marshal’s office, director Ben Reyna. But its roots go much deeper into the nexus of right-wing Washington think tanks where fantasies of autocratic government have a long history. The name, FALCON, is an acronym for “Federal and Local Cops Organized Nationally.” It relates to the more than 960 state, local and federal agencies which are directly involved in the administration’s expansive criminal dragnets.

Typically, law enforcement agencies are protective of their own turf and wary of outside intervention. The FALCON program overrides these concerns by streamlining the information sharing processes and setting up a chain of command structure that radiates from the Justice Department. This removes many of the traditional obstacles to agency interfacing. It also relocates the levers of power to Washington, where thy can be manned by members of the Bush administration.

Dictatorships require strong centralized authority and the FALCON program is a logical corollary of that ambition. It creates new inroads for Bush to assume greater control over the nationwide police-state apparatus. That alone should be sufficient reason for alarm.

The first Operation FALCON took place during the week of April 4 to April 10, 2005. According to the US Marshal’s official website, “The emphasis centered on gang related crimes, homicides, crimes involving use of a weapon, crimes against children and the elderly, crimes involving sexual assaults, organized crime and drug related fugitives, and other crimes of violence.” More than 10,000 criminal suspects were arrested in a matter of days. It was the largest criminal sweep in the nation’s history and, according to U.S. Marshall chief Ben Reyna, “produced the largest number of arrests ever recorded during a single initiative.” The Washington Times noted, “The sweep was a virtual clearinghouse for warrants on drug, gang, gun and sex-offender suspects nationwide.”

The emphasis was clearly on quantity not quality.

Still, this doesn’t explain why state and federal agencies had to be integrated with local law enforcement simply to carry out routine police work.

More importantly, it doesn’t explain why local police ignored their duty to protect the public just so they could coordinate with outside agencies. According to one report “162 accused or convicted of murder” were picked up in the first sweep. That means that the police knowingly left murderers on the street and put the public at risk while they orchestrated their raids with federal agencies.

That’s irresponsible. It also suggests that there may be a more sinister motive behind the program than just ensuring public safety. The plan appears to have been devised to enhance the powers of the “unitary” executive by putting state and local law enforcement under federal supervision. Once again, it’s an attempt by the administration to extend its grip to the state and local level. We saw a similar strategy unfold after Hurricane Katrina, when the Bush administration used the tragedy to seize control of local police and National Guard units so they could establish de facto martial law. Troops, armored vehicles and mercenaries were deployed to New Orleans to fight alleged lawlessness and looting, even though desperate people were still stranded on their rooftops waiting for food, water and medical attention.

Operation FALCON II was another massive dragnet which covered the western half of the country and focused primarily on “violent sex offenders.” The raids took place from April 17-23, and succeeded in apprehending 9,037 alleged fugitives. The US Marshals web site boasts that the operation “took some of the country’s most dangerous wanted criminals off the streets and made America’s communities safer.”

Nonsense. Despite the claims of success, only 462 “violent sex crime” suspects were arrested, along with 1,094 “unregistered sex offenders” and other minor “sex crime” suspects. That leaves 7,481 suspects who were rounded up for other unrelated reasons.

Who are they and what crime did they commit? Were these drug violations, dads who were delinquent on child support payments, traffic tickets, jay walking?

Seven thousand four hundred eighty-one people who were incarcerated are unaccounted for by the government’s estimate. This means that the bulk of them were probably undocumented workers who were shunted off to the ICE (US Immigration and Customs Enforcement) or dispatched to Cheney’s tent-city gulags in western Texas. (See Democracy Now: “Human Rights Groups Call for Closure of Texas Jail Holding Undocumented Immigrants” 2-23-07)

Similar inconsistencies appear in “Operation FALCON III, which covered the eastern half of the country from October 22 - 28, 2006.” State, local and federal police units arrested 10,773 fugitives, including 1,659 sex offenders, 971 unregistered sex offenders, 364 gang members, 140 homicide suspects, and 3,609 on drug violations. Once again, the US Marshal’s official tally doesn’t pencil out. This time, 4,030 extra people were rounded up without any further explanation.

Who are they and have they been charged with a crime?

Furthermore, sex offenders, drug users and gang-bangers are not what we normally consider “some of the country’s most dangerous wanted criminals.” In fact, there are indications that the great majority of these people are not violent at all. For example, of the 30,110 total fugitives who were apprehended in all three FALCON sweeps, a measly 586 firearms were seized.

Clearly, the people who were arrested for the most part were not “armed and dangerous,” nor were they a serious threat to public safety. They were probably just the unwitting victims of an overzealous US Marshals office and an ideologically driven Justice Department.

So, what was the real impetus for the FALCON raids? Was it just a bean-counting exercise to see how many people would fit in the back of a paddy wagon or are they a dress rehearsal for future crackdowns on potential enemies of the state?

Bogus news reports

The FALCON operation illustrates the incestuous relationship between the media and the state. They are two wings on the same plane. The Justice Department provided the TV networks with official footage of policemen and government agents raiding homes and handcuffing suspects; and the media dutifully aired the video on stations across the country. The scenes were accompanied by a reassuring commentary lauding the administration’s new crime fighting strategies and linking homeland security with the nebulous “war on terror.”

Attorney General Gonzales told reporters, “Operation FALCON is an excellent example of President Bush’s direction and the Justice Department’s dedication to deal both with the terrorist threat and traditional violent crime.” He added, “This joint effort shows the commitment of our federal, state, and local partners to make our neighborhoods safer, and it has led to the highest number of arrests ever recorded for a single initiative of its kind.”

So far, not one of the more than 30,000 victims has been charged with a terror-related crime.

The media hype surrounding the raids has been celebratory and uniform; cookie-cutter articles appeared throughout the US press (most of them unsourced), highlighting the cooperation between the divers agencies while providing an upbeat account of what amounts to police repression. Thousands of nearly identical articles appeared in the nation’s newspapers, which seem to have been authored by high-ranking officials at Homeland Security and protégés of George Orwell, although the difference between the two is far from certain.

Even stranger, most of the articles in the corporate media can no longer be retrieved via a Google search. They seem to have vanished into the black hole of Homeland propaganda.

No matter. If the media were supposed to make Gestapo-like crackdowns look like normal police operations, they succeeded admirably. Mission accomplished.

Former governor of Louisiana, Huey Long, once opined, “When fascism comes to America, it will come wrapped in an American flag.” Indeed, he could have added that the corporate media will gladly provide the flag and the public relations campaign as they have with FALCON.

for the rest of the story:
Edward Bernays is a Demon


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Re: *Operation FALCON* and the looming *POLICE STATE*
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2007, 07:07:38 PM »
Please, do go on, we're all riveted - and reading every word of the 'facts' you're posting.
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Re: *Operation FALCON* and the looming *POLICE STATE*
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2007, 07:28:34 PM »
alllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllrighty then


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Re: *Operation FALCON* and the looming *POLICE STATE*
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2007, 04:38:30 AM »
Are you 240 or Bust?
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Re: *Operation FALCON* and the looming *POLICE STATE*
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2007, 05:44:49 AM »
Are you 240 or Bust?

again, i'm not tony. 

bmac, i post 50+ times a day.  I love to argue.  If I have a story to post, I will post it.

And personally, I believe a US police state would be too disruptive to the income flow.  As our economy is precariously hanging, enacting martial law would effectively bankrupt our nation.  I don't believe the powers want that to happen.  I think the camps are control mechanisms in place should a condi or rummy ever grow a deathbed conscience and youtube a full 911 confession lol... they've been doing them for decades (rex84, etc).  IMO using them would cost them too much money and make america an unsafe place.

So please look at the ideological stances before accusing me of being gimmicks, okay?

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Re: *Operation FALCON* and the looming *POLICE STATE*
« Reply #5 on: March 02, 2007, 07:37:27 AM »
Are you 240 or Bust?

Not sure about Tony, but Allied Powers = 240.

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Re: *Operation FALCON* and the looming *POLICE STATE*
« Reply #6 on: March 02, 2007, 07:41:54 AM »
Not sure about Tony, but Allied Powers = 240.

Beach Bum = Tony Snow.


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Re: *Operation FALCON* and the looming *POLICE STATE*
« Reply #7 on: March 02, 2007, 07:47:27 AM »
Beach Bum = Tony Snow.


Maybe I am.  I suggest you discuss this with Allied Powers.   :D

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Re: *Operation FALCON* and the looming *POLICE STATE*
« Reply #8 on: March 02, 2007, 07:57:23 AM »
Maybe I am.  I suggest you discuss this with Allied Powers.   :D

why don't you, Tony, and Allied get a room with Tony boloni and you can all talk about your awesome job as a college professor which lets you debate on getbig all day.  ::)

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Re: *Operation FALCON* and the looming *POLICE STATE*
« Reply #9 on: March 02, 2007, 09:44:43 AM »
why don't you, Tony, and Allied get a room with Tony boloni and you can all talk about your awesome job as a college professor which lets you debate on getbig all day.  ::)

Teaching is one of my night jobs.   :)  And it's a university, not a college.  But as someone with a mail order "MBA," I don't expect you to understand the difference.

In my day job, I am the boss of me, so I can do whatever I want, including come on here and slap you around.   :)  Or take a three-hour lunch, like I did yesterday.  And then leave in the early afternoon to go see my girls participate in a sporting event (they are studs).  So long as I make money for the company (and me).  It is challenging sometimes, but multitasking is a beautiful thing. 

Hey do you and Allied Powers actually speak to each other out loud?  lol. 

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Re: *Operation FALCON* and the looming *POLICE STATE*
« Reply #10 on: March 02, 2007, 01:58:59 PM »
Teaching is one of my night jobs.   :)  And it's a university, not a college.  But as someone with a mail order "MBA," I don't expect you to understand the difference.

In my day job, I am the boss of me, so I can do whatever I want, including come on here and slap you around.   :)  Or take a three-hour lunch, like I did yesterday.  And then leave in the early afternoon to go see my girls participate in a sporting event (they are studs).  So long as I make money for the company (and me).  It is challenging sometimes, but multitasking is a beautiful thing. 

Hey do you and Allied Powers actually speak to each other out loud?  lol. 

What is your PhD in?

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Re: *Operation FALCON* and the looming *POLICE STATE*
« Reply #11 on: March 02, 2007, 02:20:33 PM »
Teaching is one of my night jobs.   :)  And it's a university, not a college.  But as someone with a mail order "MBA," I don't expect you to understand the difference.

In my day job, I am the boss of me, so I can do whatever I want, including come on here and slap you around.   :)  Or take a three-hour lunch, like I did yesterday.  And then leave in the early afternoon to go see my girls participate in a sporting event (they are studs).  So long as I make money for the company (and me).  It is challenging sometimes, but multitasking is a beautiful thing. 

lies and the liars that tell them. 

You post on getbig all times of the day and night. 

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Re: *Operation FALCON* and the looming *POLICE STATE*
« Reply #12 on: March 02, 2007, 04:03:37 PM »
What is your PhD in?

Beach Bum Internet Rule 1:  Do not give out sensitive information to internet nuts who are a few fries short of a Happy Meal. 

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Re: *Operation FALCON* and the looming *POLICE STATE*
« Reply #13 on: March 02, 2007, 04:04:31 PM »
lies and the liars that tell them. 

You post on getbig all times of the day and night. 

 ::)  I suggest you and Allied Powers should vote on this.  Let me know the results. 

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Re: *Operation FALCON* and the looming *POLICE STATE*
« Reply #14 on: March 02, 2007, 04:48:19 PM »
Beach Bum Internet Rule 1:  Do not give out sensitive information to internet nuts who are a few fries short of a Happy Meal. 

oh, so bragging you're a "university professor" after admitting you dropped out of school to support a family - then being unable to name your major...

yep.  busted.

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Re: *Operation FALCON* and the looming *POLICE STATE*
« Reply #15 on: March 02, 2007, 05:04:27 PM »
oh, so bragging you're a "university professor" after admitting you dropped out of school to support a family - then being unable to name your major...

yep.  busted.


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Re: *Operation FALCON* and the looming *POLICE STATE*
« Reply #16 on: March 02, 2007, 05:07:22 PM »
oh, so bragging you're a "university professor" after admitting you dropped out of school to support a family - then being unable to name your major...

yep.  busted.

Any time you attempt to use your position to gain in an argument - as you repeatedly have done - your credentials come into question.

You are currently a getbig member who said a long time ago that you dropped out of high school, who now claims to run a business and be a university professor despite posting all day.  And, you won't even tell us what field your PhD is in.

I call bullshit, junior.

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Re: *Operation FALCON* and the looming *POLICE STATE*
« Reply #17 on: March 02, 2007, 05:15:16 PM »
Any time you attempt to use your position to gain in an argument - as you repeatedly have done - your credentials come into question.

You are currently a getbig member who said a long time ago that you dropped out of high school, who now claims to run a business and be a university professor despite posting all day.  And, you won't even tell us what field your PhD is in.

I call bullshit, junior.

YAWN.   ::)

Beach Bum Internet Rule No. 2:  Do not answer questions by internet dummies who create internet user names and have them converse with each other on internet message boards. 

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Re: *Operation FALCON* and the looming *POLICE STATE*
« Reply #18 on: March 02, 2007, 05:22:45 PM »
YAWN.   ::)

Beach Bum Internet Rule No. 2:  Do not answer questions by internet dummies who create internet user names and have them converse with each other on internet message boards. 

So, as a university professor who runs a business and posts on getbig all day...

You don't understand what an MBA is (you think the "M" is for mail... it's not)

You say "you're not smart", something that most university professors don't say because they know that "smarts" are actually levels of understanding in different areas of specialization - a carpenter might be way "smarter" than a doctor at building a desk.

I worked in the corp field for a year, managing a team of 6 to 8 programmers on a DNN project with xml for an intranet web delivery system in which content reflected levels of permission and needs, plus preferences.  Some were on the H visas, others interns.  So yes, I do have team mgmt experience.  And oddly - unlike you - when I had that job (and I taught adult ed in the evenings - ironic since you claim to do the same only on a much higher level).  I didn't have time to blink, much less call people "not smart" on web boards all day.  As a univ professor, you should have req'd writings each year also... tell us about your yearly publishing, will ya?

So yes, having done just about what you're claiming to be doing - I call bullshit on you.  You're a fraud.

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Re: *Operation FALCON* and the looming *POLICE STATE*
« Reply #19 on: March 02, 2007, 05:30:05 PM »
So, as a university professor who runs a business and posts on getbig all day...

You don't understand what an MBA is (you think the "M" is for mail... it's not)

You say "you're not smart", something that most university professors don't say because they know that "smarts" are actually levels of understanding in different areas of specialization - a carpenter might be way "smarter" than a doctor at building a desk.

I worked in the corp field for a year, managing a team of 6 to 8 programmers on a DNN project with xml for an intranet web delivery system in which content reflected levels of permission and needs, plus preferences.  Some were on the H visas, others interns.  So yes, I do have team mgmt experience.  And oddly - unlike you - when I had that job (and I taught adult ed in the evenings - ironic since you claim to do the same only on a much higher level).  I didn't have time to blink, much less call people "not smart" on web boards all day.  As a univ professor, you should have req'd writings each year also... tell us about your yearly publishing, will ya?

So yes, having done just about what you're claiming to be doing - I call bullshit on you.  You're a fraud.

Beach Bum Internet Rule No. 3:  Do not believe anything posted on internet message board by anyone who believes we faked the moon landing.

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Re: *Operation FALCON* and the looming *POLICE STATE*
« Reply #20 on: March 02, 2007, 05:38:02 PM »
Beach Bum Internet Rule No. 3:  Do not believe anything posted on internet message board by anyone who believes we faked the moon landing.

So, as a university professor who runs a business and posts on getbig all day...

You don't understand what an MBA is (you think the "M" is for mail... it's not)

You say "you're not smart", something that most university professors don't say because they know that "smarts" are actually levels of understanding in different areas of specialization - a carpenter might be way "smarter" than a doctor at building a desk.

I worked in the corp field for a year, managing a team of 6 to 8 programmers on a DNN project with xml for an intranet web delivery system in which content reflected levels of permission and needs, plus preferences.  Some were on the H visas, others interns.  So yes, I do have team mgmt experience.  And oddly - unlike you - when I had that job (and I taught adult ed in the evenings - ironic since you claim to do the same only on a much higher level).  I didn't have time to blink, much less call people "not smart" on web boards all day.  As a univ professor, you should have req'd writings each year also... tell us about your yearly publishing, will ya?

So yes, having done just about what you're claiming to be doing - I call bullshit on you.  You're a fraud.


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Re: *Operation FALCON* and the looming *POLICE STATE*
« Reply #21 on: March 02, 2007, 10:26:45 PM »
You 2 should go into the cage. 

the debate topic should be:

Internet love affairs.


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Re: *Operation FALCON* and the looming *POLICE STATE*
« Reply #22 on: March 03, 2007, 09:05:40 AM »
You 2 should go into the cage. 

the debate topic should be:

Internet love affairs.


lol.   :)  That wouldn't be fair.  He keeps bringing a knife to a gun fight.   :D

But I'd take him to the cage on his claim that the descendants of slaves can now file civil lawsuits based on the State of Virginia's apology for its role in slavery.  (I cannot even type this with a straight face.)