Author Topic: the truth of christianity  (Read 1474 times)


  • Getbig V
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the truth of christianity
« on: March 05, 2007, 05:57:00 PM »
Xmas has absolutely nothing to do with God. It was originally called Yuletide, which is a pagan festival from the Babylonian Mystery religion of SUN worship. The Babylonians were merchants (they were the originators of the "Market-system" which is condemned by God) and they used Yuletide to sell their merchandise because, like today, it made them lots of money. Then in the first century A.D. Simon (the Sorcerer) Pater (NOT Peter) stole the name christian, mixed it with the Babylonian Mystery religion and formed a new religion called christianity, that teaches the opposite of what Christ taught, and has SUNdays as its sabbath days, due to its SUN-god worshipping origins (Galatians 1:6-9; 2:4). Simon Pater NOT Simon Peter (Cephas) started the fake religion called "christianity" (Acts 8:9-25). Christ's TRUE followers or disciples called themselves "Followers of The Way" or "Those True to The Covenant" (Nazrim ha-Brit), NOT christians.
SUNday is the FIRST day of the week, NOT the Sabbath which is the SEVENTH day; on which God rested. This "so-called" christianity perverted the teachings of Christ and incorporated their pagan rituals, in their temples, which have as their focal point a "Tower of Babel" (from which the word Babylon is derived) in which were babbling-bells. This is directly opposed to the true teaching of Christ who says that YOU must NOT go to church (Matthew 6:5-6 where synagogue means all churches). They also hijacked the virgin-birth and moved it from April to December 25th to coincide with their own Yuletide festival, which Christ says he HATES, in the Holy Bible, in Apocalypse/Revelation 2:6, 15, where the Nicolaitanes, whose doctrine Christ hates, are the followers of Santa (Ni)-Claus, who celebrate Yuletide (and Easter [Ishtar] a god of fertility - eggs are the symbol of fertility not crucifixion).

Verse 6: But this thou hast (in thy favour), that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitanes which I (Christ) ALSO HATE.
Verse 15: So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitanes (the followers of St.Nicholas - Santa Claus), which thing I (Christ) HATE.

The Nicolaitans celebrate Yule-tide (Christmas now) and Santa Claus (st. Nicholas) and decorate trees with silver, which thing Christ HATES, because it is Satanic and NOT from God or Christ, as he makes perfectly clear in the verses above.

SANTA CLAUS WEARS SCARLET which Christ has told us is SATAN'S COLOUR (see Revelations chapter 12 verses 3+9 - the great RED dragon - SATAN).

SANTA CLAUS is an anagram for SATAN.
There is nothing Godly about Christmas and Christ HATES it; so how can christians celebrate it? Who taught them to do so? Certainly NOT Christ or his apostles.

A true Christian would be one who follows Christ's Way, does what He did, loves what He loved and hates what he hates - he would not imagine or theorize on what Christ would like or not like.

The "Virgin-birth" was in Spring at the time of birth and The Passover, when "lambs" were being born. It was NOT in December, the seasonal time of death.

The virgin-birth was actually in April, with new-born lambs in the fields, just like the Second Coming.

The fact that the three kings came to pay homage, and brought gifts of great wealth, was used by Satan to give, to those who perverted the teaching, the idea to continue and even increase the sales of their merchandise (a great marketing-exercise for them). So the virgin-birth was hijacked and corrupted into a time to make lots of money, using the ultimate in "high-pressure sales techniques", which was to falsely use God's Son's name, in order to embarass people, who couldn't afford to buy gifts, to go into debt or steal in order to buy their merchandise. By doing this the rich merchants ruin the lives of the poor, driving them further into debt and poverty or crime, whilst making themselves richer and richer. It is WRONG and EVIL from every angle. The original gifts were from rich kings to the "supposedly" poor - from the rich to the Son of God. There is absolutely NO Biblical precedent or teaching that supports giving gifts to human children. The merchants have turned it all backwards and made it the opposite, where the poor give money to the rich. They have done this because it and they are Satanically inspired. Satan is a Hebrew word that means "the Opposer" - someone who does and says the OPPOSITE of what God says, telling and teaching others to do the opposite too, by words, persuasion and example.

Giving presents to human children, instead of them giving their "selves" as presents to God, feeds their egoes (the "self") and makes them more arrogant and selfish because people are paying homage to them, bringing them gifts. This arrogance then causes them to oppress adults (Isaiah 3:12).

Instead of which they should be paying homage to God, and being thankful for Him having sent His Son to show them The Way, using their money in God's cause (for good). Children like adults have to lose their egoes and become unselfish (by daily crucifixion - "self"-sacrifice); humble; polite and helpful, or they will continue the ruining of the world and cause themselves to be executed on the Last Day.

So, by giving gifts and celebrating a pagan festival, parents are, IN REALITY, doing harm to their own children and themselves, whilst making themselves poorer, and the rich richer and bringing about the ultimate execution of their children's souls (Beings) and their own, on the now imminent Last Day.

Children should get only what they need, when they need it and NOT get expensive useless rubbish that breaks and/or is quickly discarded. They need you to spend the time, that you spent working to buy presents, with them, teaching them love and how to behave properly, instead of feeding their egoes. Less time at work, for you, and more time with your children so that you are not strangers to each other.

Christ came to bring True Justice for everyone, to put an end to poverty and make life loving and better EVERY day not one miserable day a year.

The decking of fir trees with silver and gold and placing presents (offerings) under them is also a pagan ritual condemned by God in the Bible in Jeremiah 10:2-4. Nimrod/Osiris/Horus is often pictured with wings, holding reindeer and a fir tree.

Also, if you take the word CONIFER, which is the name given to the family of trees to which the Christmas (Fir) tree belongs, and split the word in two, you get:

CON - Satan is known as the biggest con-artist ever. He invented it.
IFER - The last half of Lucifer's name.


by Mr. Normal
(Xmas Eve, 2000)

Is it plausible that Santa is really Satan?"

Think about it, folks! It's not just that "Santa" is an obvious anagram of Satan; that Santa wears a demonic red suit symbolic of the fires of Hell; and that his huge hat must conceal horns. The clincher is that Santa represents xmas, that time of year when christian greed and phony sincerity reach their unctuous peak. It's the season when braindead followers of the ultimate cult are whipped into frenzies that leave them figuratively drained -- broke and exhausted.

Understandably, it's also the time of the year when depression and suicides max out as the futility of achieving happiness sinks in at least subliminally. A December, 2000 Gallup poll shows that 85% of us think that xmas is too commercial, but Santa/Satan wouldn't have it any other way! Our most respected institutions are in on the plot too. Even the law of the land (U.S.A.) forbids a baby Jesus in the town square, but who's there instead? You
guessed it! Santa! - Satan.

Lucifer/Satan once was one of God's angels. Satan's attempted heavenly coup failed (Isa. 14:12-15), but he was given his very own place to rule and called it Hell/Earth (Rev. 12:9) Satan also got free reign to tempt as many people as he wanted (even Christ himself!) and lots of fabulous stuff to tempt them with (like eternal youth and Mercedes Benzes). However, Satan still was not satisfied. He worked hard to make xmas the most important retail event of the year. A recent survey showed that 60% of holiday spending occurs at xmas, and another 20% at Satan's recognized holiday of Halloween. Think about it, folks! Satan has locked up 80% of our holiday dollars! Who else could be the "red dragon" of Revelation 12:3, ?. More important is that asking Santa for something really is an unwitting pact with the Devil, and parents are dooming their children's souls to Hell-Fire! (Coming to your neighbourhood; soon - JAH.)

"Santa Satan's" devilish temptations have achieved what John Lennon could only try to claim for the Beatles -- greater popularity than Jesus! Indeed, "Santa Satan" truly is the reason for the season!


Christ, the Spirit-Being that was placed in-side the body (IN-carnated not begotten as it has been misinterpreted) called Jesus, was not born 2000 years ago or even 2,000 millennia ago. He is, as he said, older than this planet and zillions of years old, being the first created by God (His oldest Son - Prince Michael - Dan. 10:21). It was only the human animal organic computer (body), that was used by the Son of God, that was born 2000 years ago. You are not supposed to worship or make graven images of a human organic computer, similar to the one that you are locked inside of, or even the spirit (Christ) that was within the body called Jesus, you are supposed to worship his Perfect Father the Supreme-Being, as Christ himself told you to do. God is not a human, He is a "Being of Light" (soul). Therefore His Son (Christ) is not a human either but was the soul (Being) that was inside the human body from the virgin-birth. God is Spirit (energy/Light) and you must worship Him in spirit (with your spirit - soul) in TRUTH and love Him, as He loves you. JAH.


  • Getbig V
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Re: the truth of christianity
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2007, 06:12:47 PM »
ps i didnt write this shit.

espcially the satan is laughing, there is no satan. ;)


  • Getbig IV
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Re: the truth of christianity
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2007, 03:42:55 AM »
good read...The internet is going to expose so many things over the next couple years..


  • Getbig V
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Re: the truth of christianity
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2007, 04:42:43 AM »
I knew all this stuff.  The Roman Catholic church did corrupt Christianity and introduced may pagan holidays and practices into the church.  I agree with some of it, but a lot of it is a lie.  Every great lie is based on some truth.


  • Getbig V
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Re: the truth of christianity
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2007, 11:30:40 AM »
I knew all this stuff.  The Roman Catholic church did corrupt Christianity and introduced may pagan holidays and practices into the church.  I agree with some of it, but a lot of it is a lie.  Every great lie is based on some truth.

i just thought it was interesting. i really dont know a ton about pagan beliefs etc..

loco what do you think about the direction christianity is taking? that is, it seems to be moving further away from the teachings of christ and people are using it for prejudice, segregation. didnt jesus say that you dont need a chruch to worship him?

the chruch imo is corrupting pure religion and using it as a power crux(nothing new here).


  • Getbig V
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Re: the truth of christianity
« Reply #5 on: March 06, 2007, 11:43:04 AM »

i just thought it was interesting. i really dont know a ton about pagan beliefs etc..

loco what do you think about the direction christianity is taking? that is, it seems to be moving further away from the teachings of christ and people are using it for prejudice, segregation. didnt jesus say that you dont need a chruch to worship him?

the chruch imo is corrupting pure religion and using it as a power crux(nothing new here).

Yes, it is interesting. 

What you see in the Christian church depends on where you are and who you are with.  I see Christianity going in the right direction, getting closer its roots, away from the Roman Catholic Church, and moving closer to the teachings of Jesus.  The Protestant reformation was a big step in the right direction.  The Protestant reformation happened not that long ago, so the church is still evolving, moving in the right direction.  Of course, you'll see many corrupt churches and church leaders using and abusing Christianity to their own benefit, but the Bible warned even about this.

The church, a gathering of people who believe in and follow Jesus, was created by Jesus and not by us.  It was entrusted to us and we messed it up.  The same thing happened with this planet.  God created it, not us.  He entrusted it to us and we messed it up.