Author Topic: COLEMAN CLASSIC MEET RESULTS!  (Read 2983 times)


  • Getbig V
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« on: April 19, 2008, 07:08:22 PM »
okay i promised I'd put up pics no matter what kinda day I had... so here ya go guys! I weighed in at 252. And on that note I'm cutting down to 242 but anyway...I learned alot again today. I wanted to compete with the big boys and that I did and then some. I entered 275 open raw class again and had no problem taken second in the bench and the deadlift.. the numbers however were CRAP and I'll explain why. Along with missing alot of attempts, I made alot of rookie mistakes.. again see the explainations with every photo! I HAD A BLAST ANYWAY! okay here we go..

I've never benched in a comp before so I wanted to make sure I atleast got my first two attempts and the goal was to put 400 on paper. With the elbow giving me problems for a few weeks and the training being abit out of whack.. I still felt it was reasonable. I DID NOT however realize how long of a pause we were supposed to hold at the bottom! I figured we'd touch and get a call up but nope! Some guys sat down at the bottom for three seconds at times until they had complete control of it at the bottom! I was told I was held two seconds but now seeing the vids for the first time myself... it wasn't that bad. BUT pausing SUCKS! HAHA! I was paranoid at warmed up and opened with 365.  BECAUSE of the pausing issue... i hit 365 in warmup with a pause just to make sure I could get it! AND What did I do? DIDN'T WAIT FOR A RACK COMMAND! 365 OPENER DAMN NEAR A NO LIFT!!! BARELY caught the judge on teh lift command and they gave it to me. Here's the vid...

my next attempt since 365 wasn't a big deal was 380 which is what i've been working with on my heavy days that are going to change next week.. this was the next attempt i wanted to make no problem before trying 4.  On the liftoff my elbow started to bother me.. but i ignored it..380 vid.

felt solid with 380 and ignored the elbow. I was hitting the bar right where i wanted and the groove and pressing was pretty smooth out of the hole even with the pause.. so I went for 400 to meet the goal I set! Muscled through this one. Elbow griped at me the whole damn time.. but I kept my arms tucked and landed it no problem... and my ass followed the bar on the way up right off the bench! No lift!  I feel happy with it anyway. I did put up 400 in a meet raw..just not legally HAHA! weak press...but for how things have been i'm happy with it.

DEADLIFTING was the same story..i'm so used to pulling a certain way that I BLEW my opener..but they let me move up anyway. 600 opener up and down no problem..AND NO DOWN COMMAND..oops.

second attempt..was the best 650lb stiff leg'd dead you ever saw! HAHA! SMOOTH and without any problems. Just up and down and this time got my down command!

700..what i've waited for forever...and blew it. got to shaking off the floor..and it opened my grip right up before I even had a chance.  I was so ready for this one and blew it. I WILL GET IT NEXT MEET!!! I know i'm good for it.. i'm smoking everything that points to a 700lb pull. I'll just have to work on technique til then. 700 is a helluva SLDL!!!  ;D

the strongman comp was sick with a sixteen year old kid that kicked major ass in his class! put on a helluva show and will have a great future! Travis ortimayer gave us a guest lift during the strongman deadlift meet and pulled 810 NOT ONCE BUT TWICE! SICKEST THING I'VE SEEN IN PERSON! DAMN IT WAS BADASS! Did it EFFORTLESSLY!   Honestly..big dude but not as big as i thought. ANd looking at the videos i can say the same for myself HAHA! I treated today just like another heavy lifting day in the gym. Ate like i normally do... approached things like I normally do..etc. Just made stupid ass mistakes that I will work on fixing! The show was awesome for the bber's and figure girls ofcourse with tons of good looking figure chicks all around wherever you looked.. and even got to see will harris and trey brewer (pics aren't working) but for those that bash trey.. he's a standup guy and BIG AS A FUCKING TANK! i'VE NEVER SEEN SOMEONE SO DAMN BIG IN PERSON AND IF YOU THOUGHT BRANCH WARREN'S LEGS WERE SICK..YOU SHOULD SEE TREY'S!

all in all i'm happy and i'm not... but i learned alot and that will help me later down the road! AND i got my ass handed to my by Josh Bryant..I'm sure a few of you guys have heard of him. 274lbs..raw benching 560 after j ust coming off of elbow surgery and pulled 810 both again RAW! HOLY HELL!  Kinda hard to bitch when you got smoked coming through the door! DAMN it was awesome to see that happen...cept the 810 by bryant. I was in the bathroom taking a piss but the bench press was effortless!  I woudl've smoked the 242's raw and even the 275 novices i'm told... so I'm glad I stuck with my original plan.



  • Getbig II
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« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2008, 09:39:49 PM »
Pretty damn good considering it was your first competition.  Was the 400 a personal best?  I'd take that lift any day.  I'm sure the next competition you enter you won't miss any of the commands.  I can't wait to enter my first, hopefully in early 09 sometime.  Thanks for posting the videos, the dumbell row was insane.


  • Getbig IV
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« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2008, 09:56:52 PM »
Good lifts, especially the DL. Kind of a narrow grip on bench...


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« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2008, 12:33:42 AM »
Great job (again) WICKED!

Pretty damn good considering it was your first competition.  Was the 400 a personal best?  I'd take that lift any day.  I'm sure the next competition you enter you won't miss any of the commands.  I can't wait to enter my first, hopefully in early 09 sometime.  Thanks for posting the videos, the dumbell row was insane.

I think anyone will tell you that with competitions, the sooner you get into it, the better! At very least you can say you've done it, it takes the edge off for the next one, and you gain confidence for future comps. Good luck!


  • Getbig IV
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« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2008, 05:36:43 AM »
Absolutely, lift4size is right. Get on the platform and gain the experience, feel the power.
sept 10th APF


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« Reply #5 on: April 20, 2008, 07:57:53 AM »
WOW... good stuff wicked, congrats!!!!  VERY impressive numbers.   8)

It sounds like it was alot of fun!
LOVED the vids... except I am a little disappointed that I didn't get to see you in one of those cute little singlets you've been raving about.   :-[

CONGRATS again... you kicked ass and now it's time to take what you've learned and do it even better next time!!

And rest your damn elbow!!

The Squadfather

  • Getbig V
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« Reply #6 on: April 20, 2008, 08:11:28 AM »
props Wicked, awesome stuff, a lot of people talk about competing but you did it, it's a lot different lifting in a meet than it is training in the gym but you'll get the hang of it, you're a very strong young guy for sure.


  • Getbig V
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« Reply #7 on: April 20, 2008, 12:51:34 PM »
thanks guys..i've never benched in a meet before and only pulled once in one and that was in december. I wanted to put 400 on paper. When I pressed 420 a few weeks ago it was down and up. None of that paused stuff. This was my first FORMAL meet. I met my goal of putting up 400 even though it was called no good. I was still able to press it. The deadlift is going to take some more work. I've see teh form of the top pullers and I'm WAY off. It's worked well up to a point but I've got to make changes to get there.

yes I bench with a narrow grip..but watch when I elbows and wrist are perfectly inline with each other and it allows me to tranfer power straight up instead off at an angle, etc. like a wider grip. It also allows me to keep my elbows tight like benching in a shirt and prvent any sort of rotation or soft tissue injuries happening AGAIN since I've already fucked my shoulder benching wide once awhile back. I'm happy to be back in the 400's again.

I've got til july to make 242's which is about 10lbs...and make sure it's a SLOW cut to keep my strength and make some adjustments. I wanted to put on a good show and I feel I did okay for only having been at this for 6 months going on 7.  I want to pull at least 680 next meet .. AT LEAST and put up mid 400's on the bench press.  To get second and having my ass handed to me by someone who's at the very top of my weight class and beat me easily by 160lbs in the bench and the same in the pulling...i'm not disappointed too much HAHA!

I LOVE competing..those guys that want to get into it..DO IT! IT'S SUCH A THRILL BEING UP THERE INFRONT OF EVERYONE!

The Squadfather

  • Getbig V
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« Reply #8 on: April 20, 2008, 12:55:57 PM »
i've always felt that these clown judges are way too strict at meets on pauses on the bench and little tiny hitches and not holding the weight long enough on the deadlift, my feeling is that if you bring the bar to your chest and touch without bouncing, your ass doesn't come off the bench and you lock out then it should be good enough and if you pull the weight without an obvious hitch and hold it for a split second and lower it with relative control you should get credit for a good lift.


  • Getbig V
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« Reply #9 on: April 20, 2008, 01:02:44 PM »
i've always felt that these clown judges are way too strict at meets on pauses on the bench and little tiny hitches and not holding the weight long enough on the deadlift, my feeling is that if you bring the bar to your chest and touch without bouncing, your ass doesn't come off the bench and you lock out then it should be good enough and if you pull the weight without an obvious hitch and hold it for a split second and lower it with relative control you should get credit for a good lift.

well my ass came up..but you can see i was shaking my head and new it wasn't going to cut it anyway. I'm told the usapl judges are WAY too strict and that was what fed these guys were from. They were calling deadlifters "no lifts" when the bar would run up their thighs even if there was no hitched or anything. I'm told you have to pull back towards you with heavy weight and theres no way to keep that from happening i think. Either way...i'm doing apf in july. And I'm going to be a badass raw 242. I jumped straight into the gym today and had a sick day that i posted in my i'm going to be more than ready come then.


  • Getbig V
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« Reply #10 on: April 21, 2008, 12:57:51 PM »
You're a bad muthafucka!

Very impressive Wicked!

Judging isn't easy and the reason they have pausing and whatnot is to "attempt" to create a level playing field. We don't want belly bouncing presses so we use a strict pause/press bench style. it's easy to judge a lift from the outside looking in, but the judges get one chance and one angle to view the lift so we can't always be perfect. i've had guys get in my face after i gave them a red on what they thought was a perfect lift. after watching the video sometimes i've been wrong, but many times been right...the bottom line is in every sport where they have judges, there is a margin for "human error". in the end you have to respect both the lifter and the judges, just do the best you can and come back stronger.

You did very well and you have a good future in this sport if you continue to make gains the way you have been...

I used to judge in the USAPL so i understand how strict the judging can be, but in the end, the "best" lifter always wins.

Keep up the good work!



  • Getbig V
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« Reply #11 on: April 21, 2008, 02:41:45 PM »
You're a bad muthafucka!

Very impressive Wicked!

Judging isn't easy and the reason they have pausing and whatnot is to "attempt" to create a level playing field. We don't want belly bouncing presses so we use a strict pause/press bench style. it's easy to judge a lift from the outside looking in, but the judges get one chance and one angle to view the lift so we can't always be perfect. i've had guys get in my face after i gave them a red on what they thought was a perfect lift. after watching the video sometimes i've been wrong, but many times been right...the bottom line is in every sport where they have judges, there is a margin for "human error". in the end you have to respect both the lifter and the judges, just do the best you can and come back stronger.

You did very well and you have a good future in this sport if you continue to make gains the way you have been...

I used to judge in the USAPL so i understand how strict the judging can be, but in the end, the "best" lifter always wins.

Keep up the good work!


hey i shook their hands and thanked them all for doing their was my mistake and teh stricter judging I liked to a point..but they were calling people on AWESOME  pulls no lifts when the bar would touch their upper thighs just sliding up. I didn't understand that at all..