New training program, new thread. Im sure most of you are aware of Jims
3 Days a Week Manual. I am doing the 5/3/1 Method from it, but have no idea what program number it is in the book. My 3 main lifts are Box Squat, Sumo deadlift, and bent over row. At the start of this, I am 295lbs and approximately 20% bodyfat. My goal with the program is to squat 1000lbs and Deadlift 700lbs@275 at the Ironhouse Classic in April. Today was Week 1, Day 1.
Dynamic warmupFoam RollingSumo Deadlift420x5
BB Shrug (strict)135x15
Pulldown Abs
Specific Stretching for hips, hamstrings, glutes
For those of you looking for a new program, or just looking to switch up what you are doing now, I would suggest buying the book, and giving this a shot. Honestly, when I first looked at it, I thought it was too little work, and that i might become detrained from using it. However, after doing the workout, i can honestly say that it is definitely on par with what I was doing before. It is apparent now that you can get big and strong doing relatively less work. I got all of this in, along with the standard bullshitting that we do, in an hour and 15 minutes.