Author Topic: Bloody Elbow Exclusive: Georges St. Pierre Interview  (Read 648 times)


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Bloody Elbow Exclusive: Georges St. Pierre Interview
« on: January 31, 2009, 11:15:43 AM »
Just a few days before the biggest fight of his career, UFC welterweight champion sat down with me to discuss his upcoming fight, his future in the sport, and everything in between.

Benjamin Zeidler: Tell us a little bit about your training for this fight.  I know you went to Brazil to work on your Jiu Jitsu.  How has your usual routine changed to match the talent of BJ Penn?

Georges St. Pierre: Well, I’ve been in Brazil for a little while now.  I started training a long time ago for this fight and I’m now just picking it up a lot.  What is different is not my training, but the overall strategy for the fight.

BZ:  How has the strategy changed?

GSP: You know in cards how you don’t want to show your hand?  I don’t want to give up my strategy so BJ can make that adjustment to what I’m going to do.  I can say that I’m going to be much more prepared from when I fought him the first time.

BZ: Jackson’s submission fighting was the unquestioned camp of the year in 2008.  How much has Greg Jackson factored into your training for this fight?

GSP: Greg is amazing and he helped me a lot for this fight.  We call him the Maestro because he tells us what to play and then we play the music.  That’s all I’m doing out there, playing the music.  He is amazing.

BZ: BJ Penn showed much improved striking against Sherk but has always been known as something of a submission artist.  Do you have a preference regarding where the fight ends up?

GSP:  It’s going to depend on what happens when we are in there but I believe that I can get the best of him both ways.

BZ: What part of BJ’s ability will pose the greatest problem for you?

GSP: He is very well rounded so it is tough to know what he is going to try to do.

BZ: You beat BJ back at UFC 58.  How have each of you changed since then?

GSP: We are both two very different fighters from the first one, but I believe that I am the more improved version.  There is only one way to find out.

BZ: You usually enter the ring in some sort of samurai attire.  What influence does Japanese culture and martial arts have on your life in and out of the octagon?

GSP: As you know, I have a background in Kyoyushin Karate which is based in Japan.  It is very important to me that everything I do, I do in their respect.  I am very traditional when it comes to martial arts.

BZ: How do you mentally prepare for a fight?  Is there any meditation involved?

GSP: I definitely use mental imagery and try to see where the fight could end up and what that would look like.

BZ: Do you have a particular routine or something you eat before every fight?

GSP:  It is all a routine for me.  I like wheat pasta with some olive oil before fights.  Orange juice too.

BZ: I read that Sportsnet named you the Canadian athlete of the year and that you had 88% of the vote.  What does it mean to have that continued support of Canada behind you?

GSP: It’s a great honor and a big step for the sport   We are finally being known as a major sport in the world.

BZ: This is arguably one of the biggest fights in UFC history.  Talk for a second about what it means to be in a champion vs. champion bout.

GSP: I’m glad to fight BJ Penn because the big fights make big champions.  He’s truly the best guy that I’ve fought so far.  No one wants this more than me.  This fight will give me a legacy, it will make me a legend.  It will be one of those fights that people talk about for a long time.

BZ: Do you consider yourself to be the greatest welterweight of all time?

GSP: I don’t know about that. (Laughs)  You’re putting me on the spot.

BE: Okay, okay, then how about this: what else do you feel you need to accomplish in your career?

GSP: I don’t want to look past BJ Penn.  That is my focus right now.

BZ: In your opinion, who are some of the lesser known welterweights that you feel will be champions some day?

GSP: There are so many talented fighters in the division.  Thiago Alves, Anthony Johnson, Jake Shields.  There are so many good guys that it’s hard to say.

BZ: If you can beat Penn, would you be interested in a fight with Anderson Silva? 

GSP: Yeah, absolutely, but it depends on the outcome of my fights.

BZ: If you beat Penn, does Thiago Alves automatically get the next fight with you?

GSP: I am not sure if they made that definite, but I think logically, it would be Alves.

BZ: Randy Couture says that he expects you to win.  Do you pay attention to what other fighters have to say about you and your fights?

GSP: It’s great to hear stuff like that coming from Randy who is a very reputable guy.  It’s a fight and anything can happen so I’m trying to keep my eyes on the goal.

BZ: Your longtime rival Matt Hughes has been struggling as of late.  Do you think that he should retire?

GSP: He needs to sharpen up some little stuff, maybe by changing his routine, but he’ll be back on the horse pretty soon.  He’s a very good guy and very tough opponent.

BZ: 2008 saw the fall of numerous MMA promotions.  Can anyone truly compete with the UFC? 

GSP: I don’t know about that.  You know me, I’m a fighter, that’s the job I love to do and I hope the sport will grow.  If it helps the sport to grow, it is all good for us.  I want the athletes to be able to do this for a living. Back in the day, I was struggling to live with my job.  I want guys to have an easier time than I did.   If they can start in other organizations that will promote them well and it helps them come to the UFC, then I think it is a good thing.

BZ: What is your opinion of The Ultimate Fighter?  Do you think it reflects poorly on the UFC when the fighters act out?

GSP: I don’t really watch much UFC fighting when I’m outside of training.  I’d rather do something else to get my mind off of fighting.

BZ: Do you watch the pay per views on television?

GSP: Only when I have a training partner who is fighting.  Other than that, I don’t watch them. 

BZ: Okay, I think that about wraps it up.  Do you have anything to say to your fans?

GSP: Thanks for the support and you’re going to see the best GSP ever.