Author Topic: Dick Durbin: 'If You Think It's A Socialist Plot, Drop Out' Of Your Federal Heal  (Read 11511 times)


  • Getbig V
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Dude, you just argued that the French (who have a smaller GDP than America and spend 10% of it on healthcare: $3k per capita) PAY MORE for their healthcare than Americans (who have a bigger GDP and spend 17% of it or $7,500 per capita on healthcare).

So nobody who understands anything about the French system is taking you seriously any more.

Everyone who understands that 17% of a big number is more than 10% of a small number is dismissing you.

Even those who only noticed that $3,000 is cheaper than $7,500 are dismissing your argument.

What you can't dismiss is that, for all your wailing about the greatness of the French system, they're bleeding RED about as much as (if not more than) America's healthcare.

And, when push comes to shove (as we've seen with leaders from Italy and Canada), when the "elite" has THEIR HIDES ON THE LINE, they'll be heading HERE for healthcare (37th-ranked and all).

So when you keep re-quoting yourself and bumping this thread, the only person you are convincing is yourself... everyone else has long been convinced you are a fool.

"Everyone else?" You mean like the guy who asked you to produce your sources for these questionable numbers?

Or the guy who asked about the healthcare system in YOUR OWN COUNTRY?

Guys like that?

Simple facts: the French have a go-to-the-doctor-YOU-want, get-the-treatment-YOU-want, take-the-medications-YOU-want, abuse-the-system-as-much-as-YOU-want CAPITALIST taxpayer picks up the tab system that's ranked number 1 in the entire world... yet it still only costs $3k per person.

So what would happen if America adopted the French system...?

Well, you'd all pay $3k per year in taxes... rather than the $7,500 per year in premiums AND taxes you all already pay.

There is no way around that simple arithmetic. You anti-socialist morons (who don't understand what "socialist" even means) are getting scammed: you pay double what the French pay, the care you get is ranked 37th, you have a 15% chance of not being covered, you have a 15% of being denied care even if you have coverage.

Plain, simple, facts. Just 'cos you don't understand it, that doesn't change the facts.

And, as stated earlier, "Plain, simple facts" are that, when foreign leaders have their hides on the line (for some STRAAAAAANGE REASON), they come NOT TO FRANCE, but to the USA.

Why didn't that Canadian premier go to France, for his heart thing? What about the Italian PM? I didn't see him singing, "Viva la Francais", when he needed treatment.

Foreign politicians (WITH SOCIALIZED/UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE, the be-all-to-end-all on the left) coming to the "37th-ranked" USA to save their behinds. Go figure.

We pay more (notwithstanding that such is due to subsizing illegals, among other factors), because we can GET THE HEALTHCARE WE WANT, NOT what the government decides to ration to us.

If you don't believe me, as the aforementioned political bubbas from Italy and Canada. They PAID MORE to get our "37th-ranked" healthcare, instead of paying less to receive that of their own respective countries, or that of the alleged #1-ranked French.

I wonder why  ::) .

BTW, you didn't bother to mention that this ranking list is over TEN YEARS OLD, and has since been DISCONTINUED!

I quoted myself, simply because I wanted to further emphasize my point by using, as an example, TriCare and military personnel.

They MUST go to a military hospital/clinic, end of story. They can only go elsewhere with that military installation's approval. Otherwise, they aren't covered and have to pay out of pocket. And, if they get jacked up, because they went to an unapproved doctor, Uncle Sam AIN'T FOOTING the bill.

And this sort of racist/classist jibe:...just shows you for the hypocritical pseudo-Christian you really are.

In disgust,
The Luke

Hypocritical in what matter? You're the one that brought up the "ghetto-crack baby" thing. So be disgusted with yourself.

Of course, you missed the point (or ran from it, as usual). Folks like that WILL NOT get the same care that Nancy Pelosi gets, bottom line.

The Luke

  • Getbig IV
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Lol! McWay entertains again...

Some politicians go to Cedar Sinai for specialist care... so what? Palin used to sneak into Canada for free care: 08af06fa:4cb90693bcc6afcb65c6b89c 9ab9f85d/Palin-Crossed-Border-For-Canadian-Health-Care

But rather than argue the silliness of the French system being in the red (demographics mean they'll soon have to pay $3,500 per person rather than $3,000... but Americans pay $7,500 per person increasing at 10% per year)... rather than argue over that, I'd rather ask a very simple question:

McWay, why do YOU only have 85% coverage?

Why take a 1 in 6 chance of bankrupting you family in the case of catastrophic illness?

...seems pretty irresponsible.

The Luke


  • Getbig V
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Lol! McWay entertains again...

Some politicians go to Cedar Sinai for specialist care... so what? Palin used to sneak into Canada for free care: 08af06fa:4cb90693bcc6afcb65c6b89c 9ab9f85d/Palin-Crossed-Border-For-Canadian-Health-Care

Boy, are YOU high today or what? Again, did you bother reading the details?

Palin was a CHILD (abou SIX YEARS OLD), when her parents took her over to Canada for heatlh care.

Furthermore, the Heath family lived in a remote part of Alaska, where they could hardly get constant access to the "lower 48", as it were, especially in cases of inclement weather.

Now that they live in a different part of Alaska, why don't you ask how much they go to Canada NOW (or how much they've gone, since moving to Wasila).

But rather than argue the silliness of the French system being in the red (demographics mean they'll soon have to pay $3,500 per person rather than $3,000... but Americans pay $7,500 per person increasing at 10% per year)... rather than argue over that, I'd rather ask a very simple question:

McWay, why do YOU only have 85% coverage?

Why take a 1 in 6 chance of bankrupting you family in the case of catastrophic illness?

...seems pretty irresponsible.

The Luke

What makes you think I have "85% coverage"? Once again, it appears you're pulling numbers out of your backside, not citing your sources, which you were asked to do several days ago.

In case of catastrophic illness, I and my family are COVERED. And I don't need French-style healthcare to make that possible.

The Luke

  • Getbig IV
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What makes you think I have "85% coverage"? Once again, it appears you're pulling numbers out of your backside, not citing your sources, which you were asked to do several days ago.

In case of catastrophic illness, I and my family are COVERED. And I don't need French-style healthcare to make that possible.

...if you have private health insurance, there is an 15 to 17% chance that you will be denied coverage in the instance of catastrophic illness.

So, you only have 85% coverage.

The Luke

Soul Crusher

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...if you have private health insurance, there is an 15 to 17% chance that you will be denied coverage in the instance of catastrophic illness.

So, you only have 85% coverage.

The Luke

No system can be sustained where everyone gets everything at any cost all the time no matter what. 

The Luke

  • Getbig IV
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No system can be sustained where everyone gets everything at any cost all the time no matter what. 

The 36 countries ranked above the US in that 2001 UN study ALL operate such a system.

In the French system (the best in the world), you get a swipe card/credit card. Then you go to whichever self-employed private (capitalist) doctor you want... or a state doctor... you go to whichever privately run (capitalist) hospital you want... or a state run hospital if you'd prefer... you get whatever treatment you want... and you pay for all of it with your government credit card; which means the taxpayer picks up the tab.

You still have to pay for initial consultations (local doctor visits), but that is reimbursed directly into your bank account within the hour. But you guys probably think that's "socialist" or "communist".

The cost of everyone getting whatever they want, whenever they want it...?

Due to the government getting discounts as a bulk buyer, the cost is $3,050 per person, all raised from taxes and salary levies.

But the cost of healthcare in the US is $7,500 per person (that's per person, not per citizen, not per premium payer).

So, taking the very worst case scenario using the very worst figures available for the cost of the average family healthcare premium: $10,000 per family, per year (officially the average family premium is $6,500) and assuming the smallest possible family (Mommy, Daddy and one baby), the MOST the average American could end up paying is $3,500 each (a third of ten grand)... which is already more than the French pay overall.

But $3,500 in premiums is still way below the $7,500 per person cost of American healthcare... so how is the difference made up?

Answer: through taxes and salary levies, just like in the French system.

So this is the stupidity of the situation... the French pay $3,050 in taxes and salary levies for all-in; all-you-want; no-waiting-list healthcare.

Americans pay AT LEAST $4,000 in taxes and salary levies for healthcare, but then have to pay a premium of up to $3,500 dollars each for access to partial coverage care...?

The French system is universal... 50 million Americans have no coverage.
The French system has no waiting lists... poor Americans are queuing up overnight for Doctors Without Borders.
The French system is ranked #1 in the world... America ranks 37th.
The French system is a single payer but capitalist... Americans are frightened of "socialism" but don't mind paying out to an abusive insurance cartel.

Bottom line: You guys ALREADY pay 50% more than the cost of the French system in taxes and salary levies before you even buy a health insurance policy. But having been scammed like this, you then defend your RIGHT to pay more than the cost of the French system in premiums out of your own pockets... only to be at the mercy of amoral insurers.

That's just fucken stoopid.  

The Luke

Mons Venus

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The 36 countries ranked above the US in that 2001 UN study ALL operate such a system.

In the French system (the best in the world), you get a swipe card/credit card. Then you go to whichever self-employed private (capitalist) doctor you want... or a state doctor... you go to whichever privately run (capitalist) hospital you want... or a state run hospital if you'd prefer... you get whatever treatment you want... and you pay for all of it with your government credit card; which means the taxpayer picks up the tab.

You still have to pay for initial consultations (local doctor visits), but that is reimbursed directly into your bank account within the hour. But you guys probably think that's "socialist" or "communist".

The cost of everyone getting whatever they want, whenever they want it...?

Due to the government getting discounts as a bulk buyer, the cost is $3,050 per person, all raised from taxes and salary levies.

But the cost of healthcare in the US is $7,500 per person (that's per person, not per citizen, not per premium payer).

So, taking the very worst case scenario using the very worst figures available for the cost of the average family healthcare premium: $10,000 per family, per year (officially the average family premium is $6,500) and assuming the smallest possible family (Mommy, Daddy and one baby), the MOST the average American could end up paying is $3,500 each (a third of ten grand)... which is already more than the French pay overall.

But $3,500 in premiums is still way below the $7,500 per person cost of American healthcare... so how is the difference made up?

Answer: through taxes and salary levies, just like in the French system.

So this is the stupidity of the situation... the French pay $3,050 in taxes and salary levies for all-in; all-you-want; no-waiting-list healthcare.

Americans pay AT LEAST $4,000 in taxes and salary levies for healthcare, but then have to pay a premium of up to $3,500 dollars each for access to partial coverage care...?

The French system is universal... 50 million Americans have no coverage.
The French system has no waiting lists... poor Americans are queuing up overnight for Doctors Without Borders.
The French system is ranked #1 in the world... America ranks 37th.
The French system is a single payer but capitalist... Americans are frightened of "socialism" but don't mind paying out to an abusive insurance cartel.

Bottom line: You guys ALREADY pay 50% more than the cost of the French system in taxes and salary levies before you even buy a health insurance policy. But having been scammed like this, you then defend your RIGHT to pay more than the cost of the French system in premiums out of your own pockets... only to be at the mercy of amoral insurers.

That's just fucken stoopid.  

The Luke

As usual...The Luke shooting fish (333's) in a barrel.

Soul Crusher

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As usual...The Luke shooting fish (333's) in a barrel.

There were so many stupid lies in that I did not have time to deal with all of that nonsense. 

I will later or mcway will. 

The Luke

  • Getbig IV
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There were so many stupid lies in that I did not have time to deal with all of that nonsense. 

I will later or mcway will. 

France spends $3,050 per capita (10% of GDP).
America spends $7,500 per capita (17% of GDP).

Not really much interpretation involved in those numbers... $3k in taxes sure beats $7k in taxes and premiums.

The Luke


  • Getbig V
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France spends $3,050 per capita (10% of GDP).
America spends $7,500 per capita (17% of GDP).

Not really much interpretation involved in those numbers... $3k in taxes sure beats $7k in taxes and premiums.

The Luke

What is your source?  I can't find these numbers you're claiming and since you're fond of using biased UN data, I'd like to know your source.

The Luke

  • Getbig IV
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What is your source?  I can't find these numbers you're claiming and since you're fond of using biased UN data, I'd like to know your source.

Type "French healthcare" into Google... or try doing a little research on "America" and "France" and you'll usually find healthcare spending in among the GDP breakdown charts.

It's not difficult, just try it... or don't bother and simply rely on FOX News to fill your head with what corporations want you to believe.

Your choice.

The Luke

Soul Crusher

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France spends $3,050 per capita (10% of GDP).
America spends $7,500 per capita (17% of GDP).

Not really much interpretation involved in those numbers... $3k in taxes sure beats $7k in taxes and premiums.

The Luke

I was referring to your bogus 50 million number which is absurd. 


  • Getbig V
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Type "French healthcare" into Google... or try doing a little research on "America" and "France" and you'll usually find healthcare spending in among the GDP breakdown charts.

It's not difficult, just try it... or don't bother and simply rely on FOX News to fill your head with what corporations want you to believe.

Your choice.

The Luke

I have researched it which is why I'm asking.  I have a feeling you're using OECD numbers and doing a little padding.  The problem is, I highly doubt you understand how those numbers are derived or the biases.

I suppose it's not that important because we still pay significantly more per capita than any other country and I support a significant overhaul of the system moron.  Fox News is neither here nor there.

However, we have to maintain quality and get the costs down.  The French system was running a 10.3 billion (euros) debt back in 2006 (latest year I could get reliable data for).  It does us no good to bankrupt our country to implement Barry's current proposal.

BTW, France's healthcare deficit is the largest single factor to their overall debt.

The Luke

  • Getbig IV
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However, we have to maintain quality and get the costs down.  The French system was running a 10.3 billion (euros) debt back in 2006 (latest year I could get reliable data for).  It does us no good to bankrupt our country to implement Barry's current proposal.

BTW, France's healthcare deficit is the largest single factor to their overall debt.

The $3,050 number is what France SPENDS on healthcare, TOTAL. (private an public spending)

A $10.3 billion deficit means they only taxed the French $2,900 per capita to pay for it (there are 65 million people in France so a $10.3b deficit is only $158 each).

So what?

Whatever article you got that information from has couched it in terms that denigrate the French system unjustly. I see a lot of that corporate mouthpiece bullshit being regurgitated on this board.

"The French system is running a deficit"... yeah, a tiny $150 per person deficit that will be rectified by a $3 a week tax. Everyone forgets to mention that it's still only $3k per person, unlike America's $7k per person padded with profiteering, waste and corporate welfare (subsidies).
"French healthcare spending is the largest part of their deficit"... yeah, because their deficit is tiny (2.5%): about $55b or $850 per person (2007). Whereas America's deficit this year is $1.5 trillion or $5,000 per person. But the insurance companies would prefer the data was presented in a negative light so they can continue swindling gullible miseducated Americans with the horrors of socialised medicine.

"The French system is being bled dry by junkies, immigrants and wasters"... yeah, and it still costs less than half of what Americans pay. Besides, free healthcare rduces crime (an suffering). That's something no one ever mentions, France proves that if America gave free unlimited healthcare to everyone, the average American could keep his monthly premium and still see a two thouand dollar a year tax CUT. The middle class people protesting against "socialised" care would probably save even more.

Yes. The French will have to raise healthcare taxes to roughly $3,500 per person as their population ages... but they'll still be paying less than HALF what Americans pay NOW... and Americans will have to raise their healthcare spending to $10,000 or more per person to treat an aging population who have little access to (money-saving) preventative care.

So tell both sides of the story, rather than cherry-pick facts you can present in such a way as to falsely support your argument.

Regarding the 50 million uninsured figure, the BBC reported 46.6 million uninsured more than a year ago.

The Luke


  • Getbig V
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The $3,050 number is what France SPENDS on healthcare, TOTAL. (private an public spending)

A $10.3 billion deficit means they only taxed the French $2,900 per capita to pay for it (there are 65 million people in France so a $10.3b deficit is only $158 each).

So what?

Whatever article you got that information from has couched it in terms that denigrate the French system unjustly. I see a lot of that corporate mouthpiece bullshit being regurgitated on this board.

"The French system is running a deficit"... yeah, a tiny $150 per person deficit that will be rectified by a $3 a week tax. Everyone forgets to mention that it's still only $3k per person, unlike America's $7k per person padded with profiteering, waste and corporate welfare (subsidies).
"French healthcare spending is the largest part of their deficit"... yeah, because their deficit is tiny (2.5%): about $55b or $850 per person (2007). Whereas America's deficit this year is $1.5 trillion or $5,000 per person. But the insurance companies would prefer the data was presented in a negative light so they can continue swindling gullible miseducated Americans with the horrors of socialised medicine.

"The French system is being bled dry by junkies, immigrants and wasters"... yeah, and it still costs less than half of what Americans pay. Besides, free healthcare rduces crime (an suffering). That's something no one ever mentions, France proves that if America gave free unlimited healthcare to everyone, the average American could keep his monthly premium and still see a two thouand dollar a year tax CUT. The middle class people protesting against "socialised" care would probably save even more.

Yes. The French will have to raise healthcare taxes to roughly $3,500 per person as their population ages... but they'll still be paying less than HALF what Americans pay NOW... and Americans will have to raise their healthcare spending to $10,000 or more per person to treat an aging population who have little access to (money-saving) preventative care.

So tell both sides of the story, rather than cherry-pick facts you can present in such a way as to falsely support your argument.

Regarding the 50 million uninsured figure, the BBC reported 46.6 million uninsured more than a year ago.

The Luke

You know Luke, I'm sure you're great in Physics, but you seriously have the reading comprehension skills of a child.

I'll go SLOWLY for you to understand.  I've said this many times to you, and I'll say it again.  I THINK OUR HEALTHCARE SYSTEM NEEDS SIGNIFICANT OVERHAUL.  It's breaking us financially and needs to be reformed.  Healthcare inflation significantly outstrips regular inflation.  It's a big problem.


Second, it was a policy study I was referring to, not an article.  Unlike you, I have no desire to make up facts and figures.  The real telling issue is % of GDP.  The French were hitting about 2.5% while the US was at a staggering 16%.


Third, the point is that we are already significantly in debt, even when you exclude healthcare.  Frances problem is projected to hit 66 billion by 2020.  It's not shrinking, nor can you provide any evidence that it will.  Now, we're significantly larger than France and our physicians and healthcare professionals are paid significantly higher.  Barry's plan does not control these costs.  THE POINT - If we followed the French system, our deficit would still be spiraling out of control.

Again, It does us no good to bankrupt our country to implement Barry's current proposal.


What you've also failed to mention is that France's healthcare system excludes services and that 92% of French purchase supplemental private insurance.  That cost IS NOT factored in.

We undoubtedly need massive reform, IMO.  But the French way is not ideal for this country.  There is no point in following a system that can't manage its own costs and that has a GROWING deficit.  We have 300+ million and the system implemented has to be one that does not sacrifice quality or increase our debt.  Even a small increase over a large population adds up.

The Luke

  • Getbig IV
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So much bullshit... so much regurgitation...

I'll go SLOWLY for you to understand.  I've said this many times to you, and I'll say it again.  I THINK OUR HEALTHCARE SYSTEM NEEDS SIGNIFICANT OVERHAUL.  It's breaking us financially and needs to be reformed.  Healthcare inflation significantly outstrips regular inflation.  It's a big problem.

...not everything I write is solely in response to just your posts, this an open discussion thread, not a pm back-and-forth. Not everyone posting in this thread agrees that US healthcare needs reform.  

Second, it was a policy study I was referring to, not an article.  Unlike you, I have no desire to make up facts and figures.  The real telling issue is % of GDP.  The French were hitting about 2.5% while the US was at a staggering 16%. haven't shown any of my figures to be wrong, and by citing the percentage of GP you have only EMPHASISED the point that I was making:

That point being: 17% of a big number (America's GDP) is bigger than 10% of a smaller number (France's GDP)... therefore universal socialised medicine is significantly cheaper than America's system of insurance cartel profiteering and brutalising the poor.

Third, the point is that we are already significantly in debt, even when you exclude healthcare.  Frances problem is projected to hit 66 billion by 2020.  It's not shrinking, nor can you provide any evidence that it will.  Now, we're significantly larger than France and our physicians and healthcare professionals are paid significantly higher.  Barry's plan does not control these costs. 

...this just makes my point too. France's deficit is growing because of the global banking collapse, the overspend on healthcare is only a tiny, tiny fraction.

The $66b you quoted is disingenuous as that is France's TOTAL government deficit... the healthcare deficit is only $11b, or about $3 per person per week (easily rectified with a tiny tax increase).

America is broke... time to replace the profitering and cartels with the most efficient; best performig and CHEAPEST system: universal socialised medicine... just like what's working so well in France.  

THE POINT - If we followed the French system, our deficit would still be spiraling out of control.

...actually that's another blatant lie.
America would save 7% of it's GDP (going from 17% to at least less than 10% spending on healthcare, France spends 10% and they have smaller overall GDP and smaller GDP per capita).

That's a $994 billion saving (at least)... enough to run those off-books wars you guys so enjoy, or enough to give each and every American a $3,300 rebate each year (that's $13k+ for the average family!)

If Americans adopted the French system, and levied a tax equal to HALF OF THE PREMIUM Americans used to pay, your entire $12.5 trillion dollar debt could be paid off by 2035... and Americans would have more money to spend: stimulating the economy.

So actually your argument is blatantly false... just outright lies.

What you've also failed to mention is that France's healthcare system excludes services and that 92% of French purchase supplemental private insurance.  That cost IS NOT factored in.

This is just outright dishonesty...

I recognisd your "fact" because I read the OECD Report from which it originates.

You neglected to mention that although 92% of French people pay supplemental health insurance, it isn't in any way comparable to what Americans understand by "private health insurance"... it's actually very cheap coverage for incidentals (dental work; opticians services; eyeglasses; cosmetic dentistry) it doesnt allow you to bypass the government run system and doesn't allow you to skip waiting lists (if there are any). The private coverage is COMPLIMETARY not primary. It sometimes even covers such privileges as post natal babysitters.

You likewise neglected to mention that only 12% of French healthcare expenditure comes from such private complimentary coverage... a whopping $385 per person, per year. Aren't most Americans paying more than that each month ot of ther own pockets? Even AFTER paying enough healthcare taxes to pay for a French style system nearly twice over?

Despite your assertions, that cost IS included in the $3k per person figure.

Please read what you quote.
Otherwise you just embarrass yourself further. As it is, with the churlish name calling alongside misunderstanding your own arguments and misquoting sources you either didn't read or didn't understand, it's probably best if you just slink away back under the rock you foolhardily crawled out from under.

We undoubtedly need massive reform, IMO.  But the French way is not ideal for this country.  There is no point in following a system that can't manage its own costs and that has a GROWING deficit.  We have 300+ million and the system implemented has to be one that does not sacrifice quality or increase our debt.  Even a small increase over a large population adds up.

...more self-embarrassment. Do you think American healthcare DOESN'T have a deficit?

Didn't I already show you that the French system is only over spending by $158 per person per year.

The French are taxing their population $2,900 per person to pay for a Rolls Royce healthcare system that actually costs $3,050 per person.

Yes, that $3,050 per person will be a whopping $3,500 per person by 2030... but America's $7,500 per person is on course to be $10k+ per person by 2030... so what's your point?

The average American is already paying at least $4k+ in taxes and salary levies per year (before paying any premiums) for shitty healthcare ($7,500 in total)... and you're arguing that adopting a system that gets better results; better care; no denial of coverage and all for only $3k per person will bankrupt America...? WTF?

You do understand that $3,050, whether you pay it in taxes or salary levies is a LOT SMALLER than $7,500 even if you pay some of that $7k in premiums, right?

Come on, I've heard of hysterical blindness... but this is just hysterical stoopidity.

Has anyone got a proper argument why America wouln't be better off adopting the French system?

The Luke


  • Getbig V
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Type "French healthcare" into Google... or try doing a little research on "America" and "France" and you'll usually find healthcare spending in among the GDP breakdown charts.

It's not difficult, just try it... or don't bother and simply rely on FOX News to fill your head with what corporations want you to believe.

Your choice.

The Luke

We did type "French healthcare". That's how Skip and I (and 333386) can say that you're full of BULL.

...if you have private health insurance, there is an 15 to 17% chance that you will be denied coverage in the instance of catastrophic illness.

So, you only have 85% coverage.

The Luke

WRONG!!! You can easily have your bases covered, depending on the type of private insurance you have, or if you have multiple policies (as some married couples do).

Mons Venus

  • Guest
So much bullshit... so much regurgitation...

...not everything I write is solely in response to just your posts, this an open discussion thread, not a pm back-and-forth. Not everyone posting in this thread agrees that US healthcare needs reform. haven't shown any of my figures to be wrong, and by citing the percentage of GP you have only EMPHASISED the point that I was making:

That point being: 17% of a big number (America's GDP) is bigger than 10% of a smaller number (France's GDP)... therefore universal socialised medicine is significantly cheaper than America's system of insurance cartel profiteering and brutalising the poor.

...this just makes my point too. France's deficit is growing because of the global banking collapse, the overspend on healthcare is only a tiny, tiny fraction.

The $66b you quoted is disingenuous as that is France's TOTAL government deficit... the healthcare deficit is only $11b, or about $3 per person per week (easily rectified with a tiny tax increase).

America is broke... time to replace the profitering and cartels with the most efficient; best performig and CHEAPEST system: universal socialised medicine... just like what's working so well in France.  

...actually that's another blatant lie.
America would save 7% of it's GDP (going from 17% to at least less than 10% spending on healthcare, France spends 10% and they have smaller overall GDP and smaller GDP per capita).

That's a $994 billion saving (at least)... enough to run those off-books wars you guys so enjoy, or enough to give each and every American a $3,300 rebate each year (that's $13k+ for the average family!)

If Americans adopted the French system, and levied a tax equal to HALF OF THE PREMIUM Americans used to pay, your entire $12.5 trillion dollar debt could be paid off by 2035... and Americans would have more money to spend: stimulating the economy.

So actually your argument is blatantly false... just outright lies.

This is just outright dishonesty...

I recognisd your "fact" because I read the OECD Report from which it originates.

You neglected to mention that although 92% of French people pay supplemental health insurance, it isn't in any way comparable to what Americans understand by "private health insurance"... it's actually very cheap coverage for incidentals (dental work; opticians services; eyeglasses; cosmetic dentistry) it doesnt allow you to bypass the government run system and doesn't allow you to skip waiting lists (if there are any). The private coverage is COMPLIMETARY not primary. It sometimes even covers such privileges as post natal babysitters.

You likewise neglected to mention that only 12% of French healthcare expenditure comes from such private complimentary coverage... a whopping $385 per person, per year. Aren't most Americans paying more than that each month ot of ther own pockets? Even AFTER paying enough healthcare taxes to pay for a French style system nearly twice over?

Despite your assertions, that cost IS included in the $3k per person figure.

Please read what you quote.
Otherwise you just embarrass yourself further. As it is, with the churlish name calling alongside misunderstanding your own arguments and misquoting sources you either didn't read or didn't understand, it's probably best if you just slink away back under the rock you foolhardily crawled out from under.

...more self-embarrassment. Do you think American healthcare DOESN'T have a deficit?

Didn't I already show you that the French system is only over spending by $158 per person per year.

The French are taxing their population $2,900 per person to pay for a Rolls Royce healthcare system that actually costs $3,050 per person.

Yes, that $3,050 per person will be a whopping $3,500 per person by 2030... but America's $7,500 per person is on course to be $10k+ per person by 2030... so what's your point?

The average American is already paying at least $4k+ in taxes and salary levies per year (before paying any premiums) for shitty healthcare ($7,500 in total)... and you're arguing that adopting a system that gets better results; better care; no denial of coverage and all for only $3k per person will bankrupt America...? WTF?

You do understand that $3,050, whether you pay it in taxes or salary levies is a LOT SMALLER than $7,500 even if you pay some of that $7k in premiums, right?

Come on, I've heard of hysterical blindness... but this is just hysterical stoopidity.

Has anyone got a proper argument why America wouln't be better off adopting the French system?

The Luke

The Luke slices, dices and filet's GB's political 'intellectuals'

These beatdowns MUST STOP!  :D :D :D


  • Getbig V
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  • Getbig!
The Luke slices, dices and filet's GB's political 'intellectuals'

These beatdowns MUST STOP!  :D :D :D

In your dreams. Luke's numbers have been shown to be, shall we say, questionable. Not to mention, he left out all the red ink that France has, due to their healthcare system.

To say nothing of his foolish statements of America having a crappy system, when the overwhelming majority of Americans are happy with their healthcare.

Skip also lined out another of items that Boy Genius missed by a country mile.

So, you two brothers in buffoonery can continue the slapstick.

Soul Crusher

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In your dreams. Luke's numbers have been shown to be, shall we say, questionable. Not to mention, he left out all the red ink that France has, due to their healthcare system.

To say nothing of his foolish statements of America having a crappy system, when the overwhelming majority of Americans are happy with their healthcare.

Skip also lined out another of items that Boy Genius missed by a country mile.

So, you two brothers in buffoonery can continue the slapstick.

Remember: we are talking about a person who made up a phoney war record here. 


  • Getbig V
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  • Getbig!

You know Luke, I'm sure you're great in Physics, but you seriously have the reading comprehension skills of a child.

I'll go SLOWLY for you to understand.  I've said this many times to you, and I'll say it again.  I THINK OUR HEALTHCARE SYSTEM NEEDS SIGNIFICANT OVERHAUL.  It's breaking us financially and needs to be reformed.  Healthcare inflation significantly outstrips regular inflation.  It's a big problem.


Second, it was a policy study I was referring to, not an article.  Unlike you, I have no desire to make up facts and figures.  The real telling issue is % of GDP.  The French were hitting about 2.5% while the US was at a staggering 16%.


Third, the point is that we are already significantly in debt, even when you exclude healthcare.  Frances problem is projected to hit 66 billion by 2020.  It's not shrinking, nor can you provide any evidence that it will.  Now, we're significantly larger than France and our physicians and healthcare professionals are paid significantly higher.  Barry's plan does not control these costs.  THE POINT - If we followed the French system, our deficit would still be spiraling out of control.

Again, It does us no good to bankrupt our country to implement Barry's current proposal.


What you've also failed to mention is that France's healthcare system excludes services and that 92% of French purchase supplemental private insurance.  That cost IS NOT factored in.

We undoubtedly need massive reform, IMO.  But the French way is not ideal for this country.  There is no point in following a system that can't manage its own costs and that has a GROWING deficit.  We have 300+ million and the system implemented has to be one that does not sacrifice quality or increase our debt.  Even a small increase over a large population adds up.

Damn!!! The Luke getting bitch slapped left and right.

The Luke  take some notes from Skip. This is how to argue a point without having to resort to lies and made up statistics.

Thanks for playing but you can run along now little guy.


  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 19263
  • Getbig!
Damn!!! The Luke getting bitch slapped left and right.

The Luke  take some notes from Skip. This is how to argue a point without having to resort to lies and made up statistics.

Thanks for playing but you can run along now little guy.

I forgot to add Luke's "convenient" omission that the WHO ranking of France's healtcare is TEN YEARS OLD and has been DISCONTINUED.

Of course, my initial dismantling of his take dealt with his claim about certain posters (who are in the military), having a problem with the average Joe Blow getting "socialized" healthcare, while they get such themselves.

Nobody has a problem with ANYONE getting healthcare from HIS EMPLOYER (in the case of the military, that's the DoD). But military folks have certain limitations on healthcare.