Author Topic: Question about gear and strength/weight classes  (Read 4533 times)


  • Getbig I
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Question about gear and strength/weight classes
« on: March 24, 2012, 06:00:15 PM »
I am interested in chasing my countries powerlifting records (which are quite low relative to other countries)

Atm at 5'7 I estimate I'll be around the 70kg/155lb mark, maybe a bit more at 8% bf
I doubt if I use gear I'll be able to compete in the 75/165s, I'd more likely have to go for the 82.5/181s which is what I'm planning on

I have never taken AAS
My questions are, what kind of gear is best for gaining strength without massive weight gain. I could probably take some Anavar and come close to the records, but I want to destroy the records.
I've heard to look into: Test(obviously lol), tren, halotestin, anavar, winstrol

It would be great if you guys could point me in the right direction + a quick rundown of what you suggested


  • Getbig I
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Re: Question about gear and strength/weight classes
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2012, 06:59:43 PM »
im not asking for sources im asking for advice on what to read up on


  • Getbig V
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Re: Question about gear and strength/weight classes
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2012, 09:56:27 AM »

I can give you some pointers, but if you are going to be using AAS, you will be jumping up a few weight classes.

For pure strength: Test/Tren/Halo

My favorite combo was: Test/Deca/Drol/Halo

There really isn't a cycle out there that won't put pounds on you. I would start off on a small cycle and see how much that helps, but you will definitely gain weight no matter what you take. Most of the water retention can be controlled with your diet. You could probably run Test/Drol for 8 weeks and make some serious improvements, but as you probably already know, strength increases seem to go hand and hand with increases in body weight.

If you want to ask more specific questions, go for it. I just gave you a very basic rundown of what i have seen and used in the power lifting community.

I hold three state records in the squat and deadlift. Two are in the 220's and one in the 242's. When i was drug free i competed as a 198.

Good luck!



  • Getbig III
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Re: Question about gear and strength/weight classes
« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2012, 11:30:48 AM »
Overload what were the dosages like?

For pure strength: Test/Tren/Halo

My favorite combo was: Test/Deca/Drol/Halo

Can you get away with low dosage test - as to avoid large fluctuations in weight classes?


  • Getbig I
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Re: Question about gear and strength/weight classes
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2012, 11:33:03 PM »
Thanks for input guys. With the newbie test/drol cycle, wouldn't that make me retain alot of water? and would I have to use a short ester test.

What compounds would have a good synergist effect with anavar

Thoughts on winstrol for strength and keeping weight low

And would the esters and combinations effect when I time the cycle for peak performance?
just as an example, test e 1-12 + dbol1-6. would one prefer to compete at week 6 or week 9-12?

Sorry for so many questions, I am just a newb trying to suck up information and advice.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Question about gear and strength/weight classes
« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2012, 07:30:06 AM »
This is highly debatable, but I can give you my opinion on it.

There is only one way to gain strength on AAS and that is to gain some weight. If you try to take weak compounds thinking it will maintain your weight and make you stronger, you are misled. That is why in my original post I mentioned that you will be moving up weight classes if you use steroids. There really is no way around gaining weight if you want real strength.

You could take Anavar by itself and add like 20 pounds to your lifts, but what use is that? You really cannot get around the gaining weight issue. If you want to be big and strong you are going to need to gain weight. My strength was always relative to my bodyweight. Most of the 181 and 198 lifters i know started off as 155 or so and grew into the higher weight classes as their strength increased. I started as a 198 and after 2 years of using AAS I was competing as a 242 and my lifts were nearly 100 pounds higher, but the competition was high as well.

I know what you want and i assure you every single power lifter wants to gain strength without moving up weight classes. The only way to do this is to cut massive water weight before a meet, but this can kill your strength if you don't have enough time to rehydrate. Some weigh ins are the night before the meet and others are a few hours before the meet. I used to walk around at about 250 pounds and i would cut down to 220 the week leading up to the meet, but this is a risky subject. So, you could gain some weight and then cut water the week before, but again this isn't the best option. The ideal weight to be at is about 10 pounds above your competition class weight, that way you can easily drop 10 pounds of water a few days before the meet and have your full strength.

Winstrol is a terrible drug for Power lifting IMO. Short esters aren't going to matter that much, but if you don't mind every day injections it's fine. In the end it's your training that makes a huge difference. I added 80 pounds to my bench in 6 months just by learning the proper power lifting technique for benching with long arms. I also added 110 pounds to my deadlift just by learning how to sit back on my heels and drive with my legs, this gives you better leverage.

Yes, Test/Drol will easily make you gain 20 pounds, but you need to decide if this is right for you. You can run some weak compounds and gain a few pounds on your lifts, but if you want to make some serious gains, you will need to gain some weight.

As far as peaking, it all depends on where you are with your weight, but typically i would setup my cycles to where my competitions were at the tail end of them. So if you run a 12 week cycle, you probably want the meet to fall around the 10 week mark. Use Anadrol the first few weeks and see how you respond, if it makes you gain too much weight you might want to cut it out. The two weeks leading up to the meet is where i always added Drol/Halo. Again, a lot of this depends on where you are with your training and body weight, Anadrol can make a huge difference in your body weight and your strength. Just like in bodybuilding you will need to make changes as you get closer to the meet.

The best compounds to limit weight gain is Test/Tren/Halo, but since you are new to AAS i wouldn't recommend you jump right into this. In fact 750mg of Test EW and 100mg Anadrol ED will make you strong as hell, but you will be gaining weight.

I could write a book on this stuff. I competed for over 10 years and i was a judge for the USAPL and WPA/APA for many years, so i know all the inside stuff.

I hope i didn't confuse you as i rambled a bit, but i think you get the jest of what I'm saying.

Ask as many questions as you wish, i will try to respond when i can.



  • Getbig I
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Re: Question about gear and strength/weight classes
« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2012, 01:04:33 PM »
Thanks alot that was a much better answer then i expected :)
You have given me alot to think about


  • Getbig V
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Re: Question about gear and strength/weight classes
« Reply #7 on: April 10, 2012, 06:29:58 AM »
wait... god of hormones was on olm? was he the one that talked about the 'predator' look from abusing methyltrienolone for many years?

rid the filts gh15!

What on Earth are you talking about?

What does this have to do with this thread?



  • Getbig II
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Re: Question about gear and strength/weight classes
« Reply #8 on: April 10, 2012, 06:41:00 AM »
wrong thread my bad, this wasnt the one i was reading