Author Topic: First cycle  (Read 1994 times)


  • Getbig IV
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First cycle
« on: November 04, 2005, 09:43:22 AM »
I would like to do my first cycle in a near future and I'm asking myself: Primobolan with test or sustanon? I know Primo is mostly used during cutting cycles but I'd like to gain quality muscle with the less side effects possible and the lack of conversion to estrogen and the mild water retention Primo offers seems just perfect to me. I guess I'd be able to take lower doses of test or sustanon and still have decent results in muscle gains. What do you guys think?


  • Getbig III
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Re: First cycle
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2005, 11:40:55 AM »
Tubbs!!!  How are you man?!  Your shoulders must be feeling better for you to venture over to the "dark side"!

First off, sustanon IS test.  Just a combination of different etsers.  You say it is your "first cycle."  Is this first ever, or first in a long time?

If it is your first cycle, you may want to go with a testosterone that does not require as frequent an injection scheme, such as test enanthate which can be injected  twice per week, as opposed to sustanon or prop which is best injected every other day.  For a first cycle, 500 to 750mg per week would be adequate.

If you are particularly concerned about estrogen conversion and/or water retention (I'm assuming you want to shed some fat), equipoise would be a good choice.  Its estrogenic activity, although real, is slight.  Standard dose would be about 400mg.  You can split it up and inject it with your test 2 x per week.  Winstrol (oral) would be another good choice as it does not aromatize.  You would introduce it towards the latter half of you cycle at around 50mg per day.

Having nolvadex on hand in case gyno should appear would be important, and you need a good PCT plan in place BEFORE you start.  We can help you solidify that once you choose a definitive cycle.  Spend some time scrolling through the threads on this board--you will gain a lot of useful information.  Good luck!



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Re: First cycle
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2005, 01:09:52 PM »
i disagree with using a long ester test for a first cycle prop is much easier to control which is good for someone unexpirienced an you can just stop if u hav any problems, u cant do that with a long ester test.  eod injections end up being about 3 times a week for prop with a long ester its 2 times a week there really aint much of a diffrence plus with prop u get more test per mg and alot less water retenion which if ur goin for quality gains like tubbs thats good..


  • Getbig IV
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Re: First cycle
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2005, 12:47:09 AM »
Hi Freakfest! Yeah, my right shoulder is healing so fast I think I'll be able to resume training in less than a month! It would be my very first cycle, I was thinking about doing one just before my injury 2 years ago. Of course I'm gonna take the time (10-12 months) to get back to my level, but once I'm there I'm definitely gonna try this and I'm so excited about it I'm already asking advices upon this ;D. The thing is I want to do 2-3 cycles max and gain quality muscle. Before my injury I was 180 pounds at 7% bodyfat (I'm 5' 9" and a hardgainer) : my goal would be to reach 200 pounds with the less cycles possible and of course to keep those gains. I know Sustanon is a mix of four different tests, but my friends have all had better results with Sust than with test, that's why I've asked the question and concerning shedding fat, well I'm still "only" 9% bodyfat after two years without training, cause I still eat clean (cool sometimes to have a very fast metabolism ;D). Thank to you too xkol.