Author Topic: What's Really Going on in The Ukraine - Secret US History Revealed  (Read 15259 times)


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Paul Craig Roberts - Shocking Piece Of U.S. History Revealed

Feb.28, 2014

Former US Treasury official revealed to King World News a shocking piece of U.S. history that you will never read in books.  This is an astonishing interview, where Dr. Paul Craig Roberts openly discusses being part of a “secret committee” that was formed by then President Reagan.  People wonder, what really happened at a key moment in history?  Well, you are about to find out the truth of one incredibly important piece of world history.

Eric King:  “Dr. Roberts, you had predicted the economic collapse of the Soviet Union.  The CIA missed it (made the opposite prediction) and asked you to come and speak with them, is that right?”

Roberts:  “Yes, that’s true.  When the Soviet Union collapsed I was invited to come to the CIA and explain to them why they had gotten it so wrong.  The difference with the CIA dated back to the Reagan years.  After Reagan got the economy on its feet again with his supply-side policy, he then focused on ending the Cold War.  He wanted to end it, not win it....

“His approach was to first cure our economy so it would show the Russians that we were out of this stagflation mess.  They (Russia) still had their problems but we were back on our feet.  

Once they saw that, they would believe that the pressures that he kept threatening to put on them of a new arms race, of SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative) -- you may remember Star Wars -- none of this actually happened.  It was all Reagan propaganda to make the communists in the Soviet Union agree to negotiate to end the war, rather than to be drawn into an arms race that their economy, at the time, was no longer able to sustain.

So that was Reagan’s approach.  The CIA kept telling Reagan, ‘Oh, no, don’t threaten the Soviets with an arms race.  They will win!’  And Reagan couldn’t believe this.  Of course my book, published in 1971, 10 years prior to Reagan coming into the presidency, had concluded the Soviet economy had already failed.  

Reagan was aware of that (book), so when I left the Treasury he appointed me to a secret committee that had subpoena power over the CIA, and we were told to evaluate the CIA’s conclusion that the Soviets would win an arms race.

The main argument they (the CIA) had was that the Soviet Union could control investment, and therefore could put whatever percentage of the Soviet economy was necessary into the military in order to prevail over the United States in an arms race.  Whereas the American people wouldn’t stand for some unlimited amount of resources diverted into the Pentagon’s budget.  So that was the CIA’s position.

I don’t know whether they sincerely believed that or whether they just didn’t want the Cold War to end.  They had a lot of power and influence because of the Cold War and that would take a back seat if there was no longer a Soviet threat.  And of course the entire military-security complex made billions of dollars out of the Cold War and the Soviet threat.  So they didn’t want it to end either.

So Reagan was really up against the entire establishment on that.  Many of the Republicans themselves thought he shouldn’t be negotiating with Gorbachev because Gorbachev was one of those sneaky Communists, and Reagan was just an old man and the Communists would take advantage of him -- suck him into some kind of agreement that would end up with the Soviets winning.

So this was the whole milieu at the time when Reagan was trying to end the Cold War.  And the committee that he appointed me to, we concluded that the CIA was wrong.  People took my position in the committee.  And this would be an effective threat on the part of Reagan to put pressure on the Communist Party of the Soviet Union to negotiate the end of the war, and it worked!  And that’s what happened.  So that’s that story.”


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Re: What's Really Going on in The Ukraine - Secret US History Revealed
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2014, 10:25:11 PM »
Paul Craig Roberts:
Greatest Threat The World Has Ever Known

March 7, 2014

Former US Treasury official, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, spoke with King World News about the ongoing danger the world faces because of the crisis in Ukraine.  Dr. Roberts warned “the very existence of the human race is on the line.”  The interview ends with an ominous warning for the entire world.  Below is what Dr. Roberts had to say in this remarkable and timely interview.

Dr. Roberts:  “The Parliament in Crimea has voted to secede from Ukraine and return to Russia.  The Crimean population is Russian and they don’t want anything to do with the American-orchestrated coup in western Ukraine.  In 9 days there will be a referendum to see whether a majority of the people agree with this, and of course they will.

Now, there’s been no Russian invasion.  That’s a lie coming directly out of Victoria Nuland’s State Department and it has spread all over the world....

“According to the Russian/Ukrainian Agreement, Russia is permitted 25,000 troops in Crimea.  So the notion that 16,000 Russians, who have been there since the 1990s, recently invaded is a lie.  It’s just another one of Washington’s lies like Saddam Hussein’s ‘weapons of mass destruction,’ or Iranian nukes.

What’s so puzzling is that anyone ever believes Washington because it never tells the truth about anything.  It always lies.  I can’t think of a single statement that has come out of Washington in the 21st century that wasn’t a lie.  They lied about Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, Syria, Iran, Georgia, and now they are lying about the Ukraine.  That’s all they do -- they lie.

So why anyone would believe anything Washington or its EU puppets say is beyond me.  Europe is nothing but a puppet component of the American empire.  There are no independent governments in Europe.  But what you will see in 9 days, unless the American fools do something stupid and cause a war, is Crimea will simply secede.

Now, the same thing is occurring in the streets in eastern Ukraine because those are Russians too.  This is also the source of the Russian industrial and military complex.  So we have the Russians in the streets protesting against the government in Ukraine.

What has happened is Washington has seen that its incompetence has lost the Crimea.  So Washington has now put these oligarch billionaires, who have their own private militias, in charge of the governments of the cities in eastern Ukraine.  This has been confirmed to me directly from Russia by several independent sources.  There is no doubt this is what has taken place.

These oligarchs are now arresting all of the Russian people who were leading the protests.  Meaning, they are taking the head off the protests.  This means there won’t be any sort of authority to appeal to Putin for help.

Now we have the head of the government in Kiev, who is Jewish, and he is allied with the neo-Nazi elements who hate Jews.  And the original protesters rose up against the billionaire oligarchs, but now it’s these oligarchs who have been put in charge of the eastern Ukraine to suppress the protests by the Russian who want to go back to Russia.  That’s what is actually going on.  So I think that Putin, by being so low key, may lose the eastern Ukraine unless it comes to a war.

The problem is that there are elements in Washington who are still angry at Ronald Reagan for not getting into a war with Russia, and for ending the Cold War peacefully rather than nuking Russia, which is what these crazy individuals wanted Reagan to do.  However, they are still in control in Washington.  Wherever you look, these people are in charge.

So these people are controlling the agenda in Washington and U.S. policy around the world, and we could very easily end up in a war.  Of course that kind of war could very easily go nuclear.  What people need to understand is that right now the very existence of the human race is on the line because of the total insanity in Washington.

This is a very dangerous situation and it will only get worse.  I don’t know what Putin will do when he realizes that trying to be reasonable has resulted in the Russian elements in eastern Ukraine being suppressed.  He may decide he’s not going to put up with that because he promised these people protection, and he may invade Ukraine.

If he decides to invade, that’s the end of Ukraine.  They have no capability to deal with the Russian Army.  Then, what would the Americans do?  They would have to save face.  They would have to stop threatening sanctions and actually do something.  So this is probably the greatest threat the world has ever known.

All of this was brought on by these extreme elements that run Washington, who want to exercise hegemony over the entire world -- over Russia, China, Iran, etc..  They engineered this coup, lost control, and have now placed these billionaire oligarchs in control of eastern Ukraine.  

If that situation gets ugly, Putin will probably have to do something.  Of course oligarchs with their militias are no match for the Russian Army.  This would mean yet another defeat for Washington.  How many defeats can they take before they pull the trigger.  So the greatest threat to life on Earth is the insane government in Washington.”


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Re: What's Really Going on in The Ukraine - Secret US History Revealed
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2014, 10:38:34 PM »
Celente - The United States Is Attempting To Destroy Russia

As the world edges closer to war, today the top trends forecaster in the world told King World News that the United States is now attempting to destroy Russia.  Celente laid out the astonishing details as he takes KWN readers around the world on a trip down the rabbit hole of what is really happening in Ukraine.  Below is what Gerald Celente, founder of Trends Research and the man considered to be the top trends forecaster in the world, had to say in this remarkable and timely interview.

Celente:  “The big story of course is what’s going on in Ukraine, and the back-and-forth between Russia and the West.  This is a very volatile situation and it’s been in the works for a long time.  This is really more about the United States and the European Union moving into those eastern European countries that used to be under the Soviet bloc.  It’s not going to have a happy ending....

“It has only been weeks since they overthrew the government of Ukraine and installed the one they have now, and it’s destabilized.  There are threats being made against Russia.  Whether they are (empty) threats or legitimate actions is going to be revealed later on.

We are looking at this very similarly to when the Soviet Union broke up, and the complete desire (by the West) to make Russia weaker and weaker.  It’s reminiscent of the Versailles Treaty that followed the end of World War I.  Everyone knew the penalties were so harsh on Germany that it was a mistake as soon as it was signed.  History books are filled with this story.

The same thing is starting to shape up now with Russia.  Just look at the comments coming out of Russia, particularly those by Vladimir Yakunin, who was the former senior diplomat that now heads the Russian rail system.  Yakunin said:

“We are witnessing a large geopolitical game in which the game is the destruction of Russia as a geopolitical opponent of the United States, or of its global financial oligarchy.”

When you listen to Ms. Nuland in Washington D.C. on December 13th, 2013, at the National Press Club, an event sponsored by Chevron, you can really start putting the pieces together and seeing that what Mr. Yakunin is saying something that people should be paying attention to.  Russia is not going to bow to the pressures of the West.  So Russia may become much more militaristic and much more defensive in trying to stave off what Yakunin says is a global financial oligarchy.

The United States, through different agencies, they are starting to promote natural gas exploration, with Haliburton already in Poland, and Shell signed a deal with Ukraine last year.  So there is this whole department, the Bureau of Energy Resources, that was set up in 2011 by former U.S. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton.  Mr. (Carlos) Pascual, who by the way was a former American ambassador to Ukraine, and who now heads this department, asserted that his teams efforts had already weakened Mr. Putin’s hand, and helped lower Ukraine’s dependence on Russia for natural gas supplies to 60 percent, down from 90 percent.

Mr. Pascual said that his team had worked to help Ukraine and other European countries break away from dependence on Russian gas.  

So that’s what you have here:
You have a trade war, a currency war, and you have an energy war
So this has nothing to do with freedom and democracy in Ukraine.”



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Re: What's Really Going on in The Ukraine - Secret US History Revealed
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2014, 07:21:08 AM »
Links please


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Re: What's Really Going on in The Ukraine - Secret US History Revealed
« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2014, 01:36:28 PM »
If the folks in Crimea want to secede, let them.  Isn't that what we were all about after the First World War, self determination? Is it only when it suits us?


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Re: What's Really Going on in The Ukraine - Secret US History Revealed
« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2014, 04:15:38 PM »
If the folks in Crimea want to secede, let them.  Isn't that what we were all about after the First World War, self determination? Is it only when it suits us?

Hence the term "American Exceptionalism"


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Re: What's Really Going on in The Ukraine - Secret US History Revealed
« Reply #6 on: March 10, 2014, 04:20:18 PM »
Paul Craig Roberts - The World Is On The Edge Of Nuclear War
With increased troop movements in Ukraine, today former US Treasury official, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, warned King World News that the world is edging closer to nuclear war.  Dr. Roberts also warned that the mainstream media in the United States is only reporting lies.  The interview ends with another ominous warning for humanity.  Below is what Dr. Roberts had to say in this remarkable and timely interview.

Eric King:  “When you look at the aggressive actions by the West, and the plan to eventually have missiles in Georgia and Ukraine, and when you add to that the fact that there are already missiles in Poland, it appears the West is trying to encircle Russia with missile bases in preparation for a possible nuclear strike.”

Dr. Roberts:  “Yes, that’s exactly the strategy.  We here in the United States don’t hear any real news about the situation in Ukraine -- we just here the State Department’s lies.  The whole reason for the protests in Ukraine, the whole reason for the coup orchestrated by Washington, was for that purpose -- to put missiles in Ukraine....

“Washington already has these missile bases in Poland.  Washington is on the verge of putting the country of Georgia into NATO, and once that happens they can put missile bases in Georgia.  This is why the United States wants Ukraine, they want to put missiles on the Russian border in Ukraine.

There is no doubt about this.  The strategy paper has already been written.  As I mentioned previously, two of these ‘Dr. Strangelove’ types said the U.S. can effectively have a preemptive nuclear strike on Russia without any consequence to the United States by wringing Russia with anti-ballistic missile bases that shoot down the Russian response to an attack.

So that is the strategy.  Of course Washington hopes they would never actually need to do any of this, but just the fact that Russia knows they will be ringed by these bases would make it more amenable to Washington’s will.  It would force Russia to accept an attack on Syria, an attack on Iran, and simply remove Putin as an obstacle to American aggression in the world.

So that is what the United States hopes, that by achieving this kind of missile supremacy over Russia they can neutralize the Russian strategic deterrent and make Russia more amenable to accept whatever it is Washington wants to do.  There is no doubt whatsoever about that.  

I think that is a very dangerous miscalculation.  The Russians are a proud people.  They defeated Napoleon when nobody else could (laughter ensues).  They defeated Hitler when nobody else could (more laughter ensues).  They defeated the Tatars, and they drove out the Mongolians.  The Russians are not the kind of people who want to be anybody’s puppet.  

The Germans, French, and the British are content to be American puppets.  The Russians would not be content doing that.  So what Washington is doing is creating a scenario that very easily could lead to nuclear war.”


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Re: What's Really Going on in The Ukraine - Secret US History Revealed
« Reply #7 on: March 10, 2014, 04:32:05 PM »
Richard Russell - Damn The U.S. Lies, Bullshit & Propaganda

March 6, 2014

With continued chaos and uncertainty in global markets, today KWN is publishing an incredibly powerful piece that was written by a 60-year market veteran.  The Godfather of newsletter writers, Richard Russell, is now becoming more vocal about the the United States government lying to its people.  He also discussed major moves by the Chinese, why the stock market will crash, and what is happening with gold, and particularly silver.
Russell: “It's not the troubling news that's making the hair on the back of my neck stand up, it's the lying and BS and propaganda that I can't stand.  For instance, we're being told bold lies about the US economy.  From what I hear and what I can dig out, the US is in recession and has been since late 2007.  Bernanke left office believing (hoping) that the US economy was improving. 

Now Janet Yellen is Chair of the Fed, and she is hoping that Bernanke was right.  Yellen notes that retail sales and housing and job growth and industrial production have slowed, but she blames all this unsatisfactory data on the rotten weather we've been experiencing.  The latest is that Yellen will continue tapering.  Good luck Madam Yellen.

The big picture is really that the US has been undergoing deleveraging and deflation.  Meanwhile the Fed, which is terrified of deflation, has been trying to create its beloved two percent inflation.  But so far the Fed has failed. The Fed has failed in its frantic attempt to produce inflation because the current forces of deflation are overwhelming the Fed's inflationary efforts.

And I'm wondering how long it will be until news of the ongoing US recession bursts out in the open.  Unemployment in the US is embarrassingly poor, retail sales are weak, hey, it's easy to blame the weather.

The stock market is climbing on the basis that Fed stimulus will continue.  No money manager can afford to be out of the market while the Fed is creating new trillions of dollars.  Seeing the parade of new highs in many of the major stock averages, Joe six-pack is jumping into the market in the hopes of recouping some of his 2008-09 losses.

So what is a poor middle class citizen to do?  You can't find a job, and with interest rates at zero, you can't stir up any income, and the food stamp lines are running around the block.  My advice is to be patient, hold physical gold.

I note that China is doing two things: it is building up its gold reserves, and it is building up its military.  Furthermore, I believe China is getting ready to make its currency, the yuan, convertible.  I've been saying this for years, and I'll say it once more: China is preparing to make the yuan the world's next reserve currency.  And I'll ask this question once more -- would you rather own a yuan which is backed by gold and a powerful military, or would you rather own a dollar, which is backed by debt and a shrinking military?

See More At:



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Re: What's Really Going on in The Ukraine - Secret US History Revealed
« Reply #8 on: March 10, 2014, 04:36:26 PM »
China says US economy is fake

US & China are at war

Global Reset; Are currencies going to be defaulted on in 2014?



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Re: What's Really Going on in The Ukraine - Secret US History Revealed
« Reply #9 on: March 10, 2014, 07:58:57 PM »
Moved to the conspiracy theory board?  Seriously?  


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Re: What's Really Going on in The Ukraine - Secret US History Revealed
« Reply #10 on: March 10, 2014, 11:17:52 PM »
Moved to the conspiracy theory board?  Seriously?  

What do you expect? the illegitimate do illegitimate things. His agenda couldn't be more transparent could it?
Straight from the horse's mouth, ...and the horse's ass calls it a conspiracy theory. ::)  ::)


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Re: What's Really Going on in The Ukraine - Secret US History Revealed
« Reply #11 on: March 11, 2014, 04:19:41 AM »
2 CTers, one who hates America and thinks everything is a CT and one who believes in chemtrails complaining stuff about America's secret history  is taken off the politics board......imagine that  ;)


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Re: What's Really Going on in The Ukraine - Secret US History Revealed
« Reply #12 on: March 14, 2014, 04:27:39 PM »
2 CTers, one who hates America and thinks everything is a CT and one who believes in chemtrails complaining stuff about America's secret history  is taken off the politics board......imagine that  ;)

Actually OzmO, ...judging by the amount of political posts you have inappropriately moved to the Conspiracy Theory board, it would appear that YOU are the only one who seems to think every political fact is a "conspiracy theory"


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Re: What's Really Going on in The Ukraine - Secret US History Revealed
« Reply #13 on: March 14, 2014, 06:56:08 PM »
The Ukrainian Crisis: What You're NOT being Told

The Sugar coated story that the U.S. media has been feeding the public is completely out of sync with the events unfolding on the ground in Ukraine.

Here are six videos that you'll never see aired on the mainstream news

1. Ukrainian "Protestors" Setting Fire to Police Officers

2. "Freedom fighters" brutally beat man with batons while he's laying on the ground

3. Literal Neo-Nazis openly marching through Kiev displaying their emblems

4. Alexander Muzychko vows to fight "against Jews communists, and Russian scum" for as long as he lives.

5. Muzychko brandishing an Ak-47 in parliament and letting them know who is in charge

TRANSLATION: "The Right Sector was armed and will be armed till the time when it will be necessary, You did not give us this weapon and you will not take it away. Who wants to take away my machine gun, my pistol, my knives?"

6. Right sector members saluting Nazi style and shout nationalist slogans like "Glory to the nation! Death to enemies!" "Ukraine for Ukrainians.



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Re: What's Really Going on in The Ukraine - Secret US History Revealed
« Reply #14 on: March 14, 2014, 09:26:08 PM »
Actually OzmO, ...judging by the amount of political posts you have inappropriately moved to the Conspiracy Theory board, it would appear that YOU are the only one who seems to think every political fact is a "conspiracy theory"

Funny, the ones I move are mostly yours lol


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Re: What's Really Going on in The Ukraine - Secret US History Revealed
« Reply #15 on: March 17, 2014, 04:15:56 AM »

Former Reagan Treasury Secretary Paul Craig Roberts discuses the predicament and the catch-22 Washington faces in their pursuit of war. He also names the real targets of all this aggression, state sponsored terrorism, and false flag attacks. It would not at all surprise me if we see another false flag on American soil, some vain attempt by those madmen in Washington to once again rally the sheeple to escalate their war

Paul Craig Roberts on Syria and the run up to WW3,
the real targets & the catch-22


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Re: What's Really Going on in The Ukraine - Secret US History Revealed
« Reply #16 on: March 29, 2014, 08:56:53 AM »
24k.. The crazy in you is so strong, that you are quickly replacing Assmed as my favorite delusional poster. Good job, you crazy racist nutburgher.