Author Topic: Mixed Goals  (Read 1801 times)


  • Getbig I
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  • Posts: 1
Mixed Goals
« on: November 16, 2014, 10:09:14 PM »
First post on the site, nice to meet you all!
Been lurking for about a month now, and I've been reading a lot of "should I cut or bulk" posts. As you all know, it's hard for people to decide when they don't have much muscle mass, but instead have a funny pouch of fat in their mid region.

Most replies on these post lean towards adding muscle mass first, then worry about cutting much later down the road.

I have the exact same issue. Went from 190lbs, came down to 157lbs, but still got a small roll of fat that hangs out below my belly button. Lately I've been listening to the posts about bulking, and been enjoying some fun strength gains, but I look down and sometimes feel dissatisfied because I let the belly stay with me. Most of you who respond in favor of bulking while skinny fat, have photos of yourselves looking not only huge, but lean with no pouch of fat. Even some of you permabulkers look lean and huge.

What is your opinion on gaining weight while having some skinny fat?
Awesome would like to hear from people in the same boat as me to hear what you guys believe.

Thanks in advance!