I have this strange notion of Brazilians somehow being "dirty." Is it just me? They are a kind of mud people. Of course there are beautiful people there too, but overall. I have a hard time liking their Portuguese too.
On the net there is this notion that the Brazilians juice their women hardest compared to any other country. "Fitness chicks" on multiple CCs of EQ, Deca, Test and Tren. Anyone know more of the trends there?
I have always thought Brazilian women are hot, generally speaking of course.
Portuguese is hard on the ears. An ugly sounding language
Like a cross between spanish and Arabic.
Of course the beachs and tourist towns are lovely. The favelas are an unmanageable cesspool.
G thang should be able to shed some light on trends in Brazil if only he could resist speaking in riddles about melanin, recessive genes, and ADOS.