Author Topic: Various quotes on the Syrian Invasion of Europe.  (Read 1644 times)


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Various quotes on the Syrian Invasion of Europe.
« on: September 08, 2015, 09:13:15 AM »
As Europe moves to continue to commit cultural suicide at the hands of the swarming worthless muslim populations fleeing Syria I thought it appropriate to paste in various quotes from sources across the net as found by the folks of Ace of Spades. My view is simple....razor wire and landmines.....then gas and camps. These people are the either Isis or AQ sympathizers....most have some blood on their hands and more to the point will change Europe for the worse. They will not assimillate at all.

While Germany opened up its doors to make it easier for those arriving at its borders and France criticised Hungary over its new 110-mile razor wire fence, the Dutch government was going in a different direction.
From November, any migrant who refused refugee status or humanitarian protection will be given less than a month before they are deported or told to fend for themselves.
As part of the measures, the government wants to shut down 30 regional "bed, bath and bread" centres where asylum seekers can find shelter, regardless of the status of their application.

Europe is also a reminder to be careful what you wish for, because you might get it. Europe wanted a Judenrein continent. Well, as matters now stand, their malevolent oral and financial attacks on Israel will have succeeded, once and for all, in driving the Jews out. But by empowering the Muslims, their tactics will also drive out the Europeans, whether by turning them into refugees, or through their slaughter, conversion, or enslavement.
But Bookworm, you sound so callous, so hard? What about the children?

What about them? They're pawns and pawns always get sacrificed.
 As you know, when the world is upset, and most certainly when non-Judeo-Christian cultures are involved, the children always die. That's a dreadful reality.


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Re: Various quotes on the Syrian Invasion of Europe.
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2015, 09:14:06 AM »
And you've probably seen this picture of a Syrian child who drowned with his mother and sibling while trying to make it to Greece.

It's sad but remember that the proximate cause of his death was his parents' deliberate choice to take him on a sea journey in a flimsy boat. Their bad choices killed him - not Europe. And also pretty much everything you've heard about this story from the father is bullshit. They had a safe life in Turkey but decided that they really wanted to live better in Germany or Canada

No, this is new. The migrants are coming in waves 100,000 strong, month by month to already crowded nations under economic stress and beset with welfare state largess.
These nations do not demand new arrivals assimilate, and in a large measure, the new arrivals don't want to. With modern communication and entertainment a satellite dish away, they don't have to break from the home language and culture they are bringing and keeping is the same culture of violence, sectarianism, corruption and dependence that caused the source country's dysfunction in the first place.

Their foreign and often hostile culture, if not checked to manageable numbers and smart policies, will overwhelm their target nations and inside half a century. Those nations as well will fail as their civil society fractures and loses its ability to function as designed for a nation and culture that no longer exists.

...The time for easy solutions is past. The last generation or two threw that opportunity away. Doing nothing is not an option because, eventually, this migration will shift to invasion in the mind of a plurality of each nation's citizens. When that happens, if good political leaders do not act, the people will turn to whatever leader promises actions. That rarely is the better outcome.
 No nation is required to commit suicide, and leaders who desire to fundamentally transform their nations should not expect for their population to allow that change to be done against the will of the people - if indeed the people ever decide their national culture is worth defending anymore.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Various quotes on the Syrian Invasion of Europe.
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2015, 09:14:55 AM »
Under the rules that govern how Europe handles new arrivals, known as the Dublin Regulation, migrants can be sent back to the first E.U. nation they entered. Because its reception facilities are so bad, the rule does not apply to Greece. And some nations, including Sweden and Germany, have said they will waive the rules for Syrians.

There isn't a uniform benefits system, either, with nations such as Hungary offering little compared with Germany and Sweden. Acceptance rates also vary dramatically. Hungary, for instance, is granting asylum to only a fraction of 1 percent of applicants, according to UNHCR. Germany, meanwhile, has a nearly 40 percent acceptance rate - and almost 90 percent for Syrians.

At this point the floodgates of European sympathy opened, and Germany declared that it would accept 800,000 fugitives, including many from the world's most brutal war zones. From a security standpoint it is foolhardy in the extreme: 250,000 people have died in Syria's civil war since 2011 because other people killed them, mostly with small arms or improvised explosives (such as the government's notorious "barrel bombs"). Such killing is a labor-intensive affair, and requires the participation of many thousands of killers. It is isn't only that ISIS (and other jihadists) are able to smuggle to Europe as many of their operatives as they care to, as ISIS itself purportedly boasts. The refugee population itself is flush with killers from both sides fleeing the war. The presence of small children does not obviate this; killers have families, too.
The Arab Gulf States accept very few Syrian refugees out of security concerns which are entirely legitimate. Thousands of Syrian migrants fought either with the Assad regime (allied to Iran, the nemesis of the Sunni Gulf States) or ISIS and al-Qaeda (which want to overthrow the Saudi monarchy).

The social pathologies that this brutal and brutalized population bring Europe will change Germany in a predictably nasty way. Even worse, the open door policy will attract an order of magnitude more such refugees, as the Interior Minister of the State of Bavaria, Joachim Herrmann, warned yesterday. To no avail: Germans have spent the past seventy years feeling badly about themselves and are determined to take this opportunity to feel good about themselves.
 The refugees have given the Germans the sort of frisson of good feeling that one gets from adopting  a stray puppy. This one redemptive act, they seem to believe, compensates for the country's criminal behavior during the middle of the past century. It is one thing to take in one stray, however, and quite another to find a pack of hungry dogs baying at one's door. At that point one calls the dog-catcher.

George Whorewell

  • Getbig V
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Re: Various quotes on the Syrian Invasion of Europe.
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2015, 08:59:52 PM »
Europe is going to have to face a major civil war before all is said and done. The native Europeans are finally going to grow a pair and demand political change-- through violence if necessary. The social engineering experiment orchestrated by the bureaucrats in Brussels has finally reached a tipping point. The German people-- who form the entire economic backbone of the EU have had it. Supporting lazy, filthy, feckless greeks and italians for the greater good of the EU is one thing, but committing demographic suicide is quite another.

Brevick is sitting in a cell somewhere with a smile on his face.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Various quotes on the Syrian Invasion of Europe.
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2015, 06:47:27 AM »
Europe is going to have to face a major civil war before all is said and done. The native Europeans are finally going to grow a pair and demand political change-- through violence if necessary. The social engineering experiment orchestrated by the bureaucrats in Brussels has finally reached a tipping point. The German people-- who form the entire economic backbone of the EU have had it. Supporting lazy, filthy, feckless greeks and italians for the greater good of the EU is one thing, but committing demographic suicide is quite another.

Brevick is sitting in a cell somewhere with a smile on his face.

truth. Pat Buchanan has been calling this invasion correctly for almost two decades now...he just released an awesome article that sums it up well.

I REALLY feel sorry for the kids, they are victims of all of this esp that toddler who washed up on the beach. its not europes fault tho and its not their responsibility to take in the world...they cant.
if theres any good in this current invasion wave, its that it will speed up the process and forcethe issue to finally be addressed one way or another.

Europe is facing nothing less than an existential crisis.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Various quotes on the Syrian Invasion of Europe.
« Reply #5 on: September 12, 2015, 11:54:24 AM »
truth. Pat Buchanan has been calling this invasion correctly for almost two decades now...he just released an awesome article that sums it up well.

I REALLY feel sorry for the kids, they are victims of all of this esp that toddler who washed up on the beach. its not europes fault tho and its not their responsibility to take in the world...they cant.
if theres any good in this current invasion wave, its that it will speed up the process and forcethe issue to finally be addressed one way or another.

Europe is facing nothing less than an existential crisis.
It is an invasion correct, but European politicians and the elite are really behind it. This invasion would not happen if politicians did not allow for the "refugee" mechanism to begin with.

Don't trust political whores like Merkel (Hitler's daughter)

Here she claims multiculturalism has failed:

And then all of a sudden giving out warning to those that oppose multiculturalism. I thought she agreed its a failure??? But anyway, how can this bitch warn alpha men? Fuck her, she needs to be on her knees in the kitchen bare foot cleaning the floors and making sandwiches. This fake jew has no business giving out any warnings.

Merkel is a traitor, just like all the other whore politicians. She is guilty of treason. She needs to be arrested immediately.

We need to stop discussing the invasion and start planning the tribunal for these politicians and elites hell bent on the genocide of Europeans. This is a pretty serious charge - the crime of genocide. One deserving of a death penalty.

Angela Merkel warns against intolerance towards refugees


  • Getbig V
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Re: Various quotes on the Syrian Invasion of Europe.
« Reply #6 on: September 12, 2015, 11:55:26 AM »
The bitch is feeling the heat, so now she wants to silence free speech! See how they operate? She's a criminal.

Facebook Needs To Do More On Racist Comments: Merkel


  • Getbig V
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Re: Various quotes on the Syrian Invasion of Europe.
« Reply #7 on: September 12, 2015, 11:59:40 AM »
This is what you are dealing with:

Background: Gregor Gysi is the current leader of "The Left" party, currently the 3rd biggest party in Germany. The party formed from parts of the Socialist Unity Part of Germany before the reunification.

In 2013 they have achieved almost 4 million votes or 8.6% of all votes.

Germany currently has the lowest birth rate of the world, ranking in at 0.9 to 1.1 for the native population. This means they are soon to be a minority and, if trends do not change, are destined for extinction.

In this video, released on his Facebook page regarding the protest "Live better without the Nazis" he tells Germans they are responsible for the refugee's well-being "because of their history between 1933-1945". He goes on to urge other European countries to accept more refugees and make immigration & asylum easier. Germany is expected to take in 500,000 "refugees" this year, although this number will likely rise.

Finally, he calls the native Germans "Nazis", ridicules them for having a birthrate below replacement level and is visibly happy about their extinction as he seems to have trouble suppressing his smile and joy.

He makes further remarks that Germany is dependent on immigration as the native population is dying too fast.

From an outside perspective, this self-hatred of voters in Germany may seem absurd, but as a German myself I will try to explain:

Firstly, he is Jewish, so he does not identify as a German (or the declining native population he mentions). This enables him to ridicule the death of another people that is not his own.


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Re: Various quotes on the Syrian Invasion of Europe.
« Reply #8 on: September 13, 2015, 05:34:01 PM »
It is an invasion correct, but European politicians and the elite are really behind it. This invasion would not happen if politicians did not allow for the "refugee" mechanism to begin with.

Don't trust political whores like Merkel (Hitler's daughter)

Here she claims multiculturalism has failed:

And then all of a sudden giving out warning to those that oppose multiculturalism. I thought she agreed its a failure??? But anyway, how can this bitch warn alpha men? Fuck her, she needs to be on her knees in the kitchen bare foot cleaning the floors and making sandwiches. This fake jew has no business giving out any warnings.

Merkel is a traitor, just like all the other whore politicians. She is guilty of treason. She needs to be arrested immediately.

We need to stop discussing the invasion and start planning the tribunal for these politicians and elites hell bent on the genocide of Europeans. This is a pretty serious charge - the crime of genocide. One deserving of a death penalty.

Angela Merkel warns against intolerance towards refugees

This first link needs to be posted everywhere.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Various quotes on the Syrian Invasion of Europe.
« Reply #9 on: September 14, 2015, 09:12:51 AM »
i agree their leaders are mostly all traitors, im not sure how anyone could contest that.

I see they have now decided to start enforcing national borders again, at least 'for now'...could it be Europe is starting to regain its sanity??? lets hope so. hopefully this will all prove to be the nail in the coffin of all this utopian-minded 'open borders' nonsense once and for all....