Author Topic: Heaven & Hell Before Christ Visited the World  (Read 13085 times)


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Re: Heaven & Hell Before Christ Visited the World
« Reply #50 on: April 11, 2019, 01:02:06 PM »

Bro I dont care that you dont believe in god or my god/beliefs. I get that and completely understand.  I know why people find the idea of Jesus as the son of God preposterous.

What i was frustrated with was that instead of looking at my response/answer you responded with your original question of what happened to people who died before Jesus  came? You completely ignored my response.

To answer your question, from a Biblical perspective marriage is between a man and a woman. The first married couple were Adam and Eve.

The bible openly opposes homosexuality so, NO same sex marriage would not be supported.

Thanks for your answer
I was looking for answers that didn’t revolve around the what the bible says
Just posters thoughts in general.

“To answer your question, from a Biblical perspective marriage is between a man and a woman. The first married couple were Adam and Eve.

The bible openly opposes homosexuality so, NO same sex marriage would not be supported.”

Yet it is Now ok For same sex to get Married in church & even church officials that are queer
Are married - Surely that makes a mockery of those preaching a Religion - Kind of Double Standards
Or oh it’s Now 2018 That part doesn’t apply anymore. !!

Does the bible allow for that is in change what parts you no longer want to accept or find applicable.

I’m not either trying to argue or upset you or anybody- just asking questions.


  • Competitors II
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Re: Heaven & Hell Before Christ Visited the World
« Reply #51 on: April 11, 2019, 01:17:32 PM »
What is it you truly wish to know and if I can answer, I will.  My perspective could be called "unique" but only because it is mine.  If you think about it, we are all unique so that if you are unique and I am unique then it could be said we are the same.

For example, I would say that if God exists, he would use very small words to explain things to us because we would not even be babies in his world.  Thus the simplistic story of Creation.  It would seem to be that it is very easy for early man to understand and accept and that could be why it was explained in that manner.  One doesn't explain quantum physics to a baby. Yes, you could but it would only put the baby to sleep.

Which is probably what God would want, seeing as how we seem to always be whining. least the Jews, muslimes and libtards are.  ;D

I'm here to help but I have no idea if what I just stated did.   ;)

Thank you
I am just randomly asking questions & to me they are serious ones in the sense
That I am not religious & do not think I know very much about religion/s.

A few questions then
1,Why so many different religions
2,How to know which is The Religion & The God
3,As stated in above reply - Does the bible state it’s ok to change what it says as guidelines
When they no longer seem applicable IE the Queers getting married now.
4,Why all the fighting & wars over Religions
5,Why would god send his son to earth just 2000 years ago & Not 10,000 or 50,000 Etc
To have guided us from day one.
6, Why would a all seeing all powerful god allow so many Peadophiles in his place of worships
And not strike them down - I can’t think of much else more heinous to god than some one
Preaching what’s right & wrong in the name of god as his servant here on Earth & abusing

There’s a few to start with - Thank you for your Time.


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Re: Heaven & Hell Before Christ Visited the World
« Reply #52 on: April 11, 2019, 01:25:57 PM »
The lordship of Adam had fallen into the hands of Satan and he was now the God of this world.

Physically we were alive but had the curse of death which we inherited from our first parents.    
Spiritually we were dead.

There was no way back to God as the inherited corruption prevented us to ever be with God.

It would take a perfect man to regain what was lost.  To take your place in Death.  To give you his life so that you could live.

Jesus was sent into the world for this purpose.  He had existed as the first of all of Gods creation.  He was present in his spiritual form during the times of the old testament. He was sent to this world in human form. He lived a life as a man.  Tested in all ways.   He is your best friend, your brother,  your high priest.

His perfect life and sacrifice repaired the way back for all who believed.
There is only one Mediator between Man and God and that is the Lord Jesus CHRIST.

God almighty sends the Holy Spirit through Jesus to be in you.     You will never be lost and you always can call upon Jesus's name.
You are never alone as Jesus promised that he would always be with you.

God now has you back.    You who were lost is now found.    He loved you so much that he gave his only Begotten son to gain you back.
God will draw you to Jesus.    He wants to change you to conform you to the image of his son.  

The reason why God took those thousands of years is that the evil in the world tried to prevent the Lord's coming.   That was the reason for the flood where only eight souls were saved.   A minefield was set by Satan to kill the line to prevent Christs coming.  Often there was only one child left who was saved to carry the line down.

Jesus defeated the darkness at the cross.    He destroyed the works of evil.    They now are defeated but not yet destroyed.

Its is the biggest thing you will ever think of in your life.    Everything is designed to keep you from the knowledge of this.    Distractions,  Deceptions.   All the evil wants to do is Kill, Steal, and Destroy if you give them a foothold in your life.

 But if you only spend the time to look to Christ he  will make you better in all of your ways.   

God will search for you all the days of your life.    He will never give up on you.    Thats how important you are.     Your potential is something the evil does not want you to ever know about.

But it is all about your free will.   It is all your choice .....

Did you write this? It’s quite moving

Darren Avey

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Re: Heaven & Hell Before Christ Visited the World
« Reply #53 on: April 11, 2019, 01:45:19 PM »
Hell would be a world without the Mr Olympia contest to look forward to each year.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Heaven & Hell Before Christ Visited the World
« Reply #54 on: April 11, 2019, 02:26:25 PM »
Hell would be a world without the Mr Olympia contest to look forward to each year.

In Greeks, Olympia is a FEMALE  :-\


Humble Narcissist

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Re: Heaven & Hell Before Christ Visited the World
« Reply #55 on: April 11, 2019, 02:46:32 PM »
In Greeks, Olympia is a FEMALE  :-\

Ha ha

The Scott

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Re: Heaven & Hell Before Christ Visited the World
« Reply #56 on: April 11, 2019, 06:54:16 PM »
Thank you
I am just randomly asking questions & to me they are serious ones in the sense
That I am not religious & do not think I know very much about religion/s.

A few questions then
1,Why so many different religions
2,How to know which is The Religion & The God
3,As stated in above reply - Does the bible state it’s ok to change what it says as guidelines
When they no longer seem applicable IE the Queers getting married now.
4,Why all the fighting & wars over Religions
5,Why would god send his son to earth just 2000 years ago & Not 10,000 or 50,000 Etc
To have guided us from day one.
6, Why would a all seeing all powerful god allow so many Peadophiles in his place of worships
And not strike them down - I can’t think of much else more heinous to god than some one
Preaching what’s right & wrong in the name of god as his servant here on Earth & abusing

There’s a few to start with - Thank you for your Time.

1) The world is a very big place.  Men want power and in more primitive times the way to power was to claim to be a spokesman for the gods or even a God.  I put neither stock nor faith in "religion" for in the name of that have so many men called their evil the will of God or the gods.

2)  No one truly knows everything.  I tend to look at it thusly.  If it were true that the world rides on the back of a giant turtle, what then does the turtle stand on?  It's turtles all the way down does not suffice!  What hoMohammed "taught" is evil incarnate.  What Joseph Smith taught was how to steal the wives of other men and take the money too.  What the black nebrews "teach" is pure bullshit.  If I were to believe in anything again it would be in the message of the Nazarene.  I find no evil in his teachings.  None.  I find hope and I find forgiveness.  Is there judgment?  Yup.  But that is why so many avoid the Nazarene.  They are judged according to his teachings and they don't like that.

So again, men invented "religion" to gain control over other men.  Faith is however, entirely different but only if you live it. 

3)  If one accepts the tenets of the Bible then it behooves a person to live them.  You don't change the words of the Nazarene to fit your flaws but rather you live those words to fix those flaws.   Marriage before the state is a farce and a revenue generator.  Nothing more.  Homosexuals would be wise to avoid marriage as it is meant to generate more income for attorneys.  Leeches all.  To be married does not guaranty the respect of the populace.  If you think otherwise then you need only look to the dumbasses of Hollyweird who marry, remarry and intermarry so many times as to make a total mockery of what marriage once represented.

The Christ is the completion of the Word.  Leviticus is for the Levites.  The rule of Law is for the Hebrews (No...not the fucktards of Wiggs BS, LOL!).  The New Testament is meant for all, not just the Jews. But men will be men, in other words, stupid and wicked.

4)  Men are mortal.  But stupidity is seemingly eternal.  It spans the millennia and we are our own worst enemy.  The Inquisition was a war against ourselves.  The Crusades, a war against the evil of islime but if one throws Catholicism into the mix we see that even though we won, we lost a bit of what it means to be humane. By that I don't mean defeating islime because that was and remains a just cause.  By allowing the "Church" to control thought, we gave up one of the freedoms that God supposedly gave us in the beginning.  The freedom to choose. The freedom to accept or reject.  Free will. 

Men of "religion" don't want free will.  They want money and power. God does not want our money and if he exists, he must certainly be far more powerful than we are.  So again, men are mortal but stupidity is infinite.  Here is wisdom for any willing to pay attention - All too often so many people desire immortality but settle for immorality. 

5)  Mankind tends to kill those with a message worth listening to.  Regardless of when the Christ appeared, mankind would've done their best to ignore him.  If the Nazarene were to return now, then few below the age of 40 would notice unless there was an app for the second coming.    There is a time for everything under the sun, moon and stars.  Whether or not we hit the snooze button or turn off the alarm and pay attention is entirely up to each of us.  I think the Christ walked the Earth when it best suited his purpose.

6)  I agree.  I find the typical answer (e.g., God is not deceived or God works in mysterious ways...) given by theologians both learned and layman to be flaccid.  I would not hide from my children let alone allow them to be molested.  Where is God then?  I don't think I can give you the GPS coordinates but I can tell you this.  He is no longer in our hearts or for that matter lives.  And not showing up is a big deal to a great many good people.   If God is not dead then he must be impotent because no man would allow his children to be harmed, especially by someone claiming to speak on their behalf.

Hopefully my words provide if not the answers you seek nor comfort, then at least some insight into what I hold true.  Thanks for asking, brother!


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Re: Heaven & Hell Before Christ Visited the World
« Reply #57 on: April 11, 2019, 07:02:27 PM »
Did you write this? It’s quite moving

I did write this.  Most of it you can find in scriptural verses.  And if it moved you it was meant for you.  I really am happy that it did strike a chord in you.    If the words resonate in your heart it is pointing somewhere.  It is pointing you back home.    

In a hundred years none of us who are alive today will be here.   We will all be gone and just a memory to some.
Isn't it worth asking yourself

Who Am I
Where Am I from  and
Where Am I going

My answer to those deep questions are that the spiritual part of ourselves is eternal.   That part came from another place that you can't touch, taste, smell, hear, or see.   You can only sense it by your intuition and your conscience.    And once this journey through this realm is done you  will be again in this spiritual place.
Remember there are people who had plans this morning who did not make it to the night.   Death comes to every man.   Thats why this issue is so important.

Jesus was the one who lit the light of every man who enters into this world.  He knew you before the worlds were formed.

But what you must know is that there is a war that you were born into.    A war that rages in the spiritual realm around us still.

Its a battle over us.     We are the prize.      

You have two choices.   Continue on as you always have and look no  further.      
You can look deeper into the spiritual realm and see how deep the rabbit hole goes.  

Its the red pill or the blue pill.

What I love about the story of Jesus is how he changed peoples hearts.   At his moment of pain everyone abandoned him.   Not one person was with him in the end.  Even God turned away from him as he placed all the pain and punishment due to every human upon Jesus and destroyed the power of sin through him.  What a terrible burden for one man to bear.

But after he rose every apostle now understood who he really was and what it meant to follow him.  They all went to their deaths believing in him.    They willingly gave their lives for him in the face of the evil around them.  

Right now Jesus has priestly robes in heaven.   The day is coming when he will lay those robes down and take up his robes of the King of Kings.    He will be coming for you to take you home.


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Re: Heaven & Hell Before Christ Visited the World
« Reply #58 on: April 11, 2019, 07:03:42 PM »

“To answer your question, from a Biblical perspective marriage is between a man and a woman. The first married couple were Adam and Eve.

The bible openly opposes homosexuality so, NO same sex marriage would not be supported.”

Yet it is Now ok For same sex to get Married in church & even church officials that are queer
Are married - Surely that makes a mockery of those preaching a Religion - Kind of Double Standards
Or oh it’s Now 2018 That part doesn’t apply anymore. !!

Does the bible allow for that is in change what parts you no longer want to accept or find applicable.

I’m not either trying to argue or upset you or anybody- just asking questions.
It is not ok except to those churches who have fallen/become "part of the world". It is not Biblical to do as they have done. They are dead wrong (not just on that issue either). They have no backbone/true belief so easily are swayed by the culture around them.


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Re: Heaven & Hell Before Christ Visited the World
« Reply #59 on: April 11, 2019, 11:41:55 PM »
It is not ok except to those churches who have fallen/become "part of the world". It is not Biblical to do as they have done. They are dead wrong (not just on that issue either). They have no backbone/true belief so easily are swayed by the culture around them.

Cant stand this Gaucho Pope, yesterday he was kissing Africans feet , needs replacement ASAP  :(


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Re: Heaven & Hell Before Christ Visited the World
« Reply #60 on: April 12, 2019, 02:35:48 AM »
Hmmm what happened to people’s spirits before god sent Jesus 2000 yrs ago.
And Why did god wait so long after Man was on the earth to send Jesus ?
Would’ve made more sense for him to be here from Day 1 to teach & guide.

Cos it was God's plan.

You know better than GOD?


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Re: Heaven & Hell Before Christ Visited the World
« Reply #61 on: April 12, 2019, 04:12:28 AM »
I don't want to go to Hell
But what's so great about Heaven?
I'd prefer nothingness.

Or, as Will Rogers said: "If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.”

Seriously, why do you want to go to Heaven?  Not just because it's not Hell, but what do you think it is like in Heaven?


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Re: Heaven & Hell Before Christ Visited the World
« Reply #62 on: April 12, 2019, 04:20:04 AM »
I don't want to go to Hell
But what's so great about Heaven?
I'd prefer nothingness.

Or, as Will Rogers said: "If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.”

Yeah, Heaven/Paradise is always depicted as this, i prefer not to go to Heaven.

Looks so dull/boring.

I'm fed up with Lions.

Always these friggin' Lions.

Definitely not my diverse cup of tea

And whats up with that flying smiling jewish dude?

Feckin' Lions everywhere! Can a dude havea rest in a hammock without any animals around?

The father is finally taking his son to the sea to enjoy some seabreeze and what do we have there, a friggin' lion.

Humble Narcissist

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Re: Heaven & Hell Before Christ Visited the World
« Reply #63 on: April 12, 2019, 04:43:26 AM »
JW tracts? :)


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Re: Heaven & Hell Before Christ Visited the World
« Reply #64 on: April 12, 2019, 07:06:19 AM »
Cos it was God's plan.

You know better than GOD?

Why would you say that ?
I asked a question- I didn’t give an answer or say anything regarding knowing more than a “god”
If there is one.

Please keep up.


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Re: Heaven & Hell Before Christ Visited the World
« Reply #65 on: April 12, 2019, 07:09:30 AM »
It is not ok except to those churches who have fallen/become "part of the world". It is not Biblical to do as they have done. They are dead wrong (not just on that issue either). They have no backbone/true belief so easily are swayed by the culture around them.

That’s what I was thinking - Yet these betrayers still claim to be religious & follow the bible  ::)
Ha ha they follow their own version they make up as they go along to account for their
Mental confusion & perversion.


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Re: Heaven & Hell Before Christ Visited the World
« Reply #66 on: April 12, 2019, 07:34:02 AM »
1) The world is a very big place.  Men want power and in more primitive times the way to power was to claim to be a spokesman for the gods or even a God.  I put neither stock nor faith in "religion" for in the name of that have so many men called their evil the will of God or the gods.

1,That’s how I see it - it’s about power & control & money.

2)  No one truly knows everything.  I tend to look at it thusly.  If it were true that the world rides on the back of a giant turtle, what then does the turtle stand on?  It's turtles all the way down does not suffice!  What hoMohammed "taught" is evil incarnate.  What Joseph Smith taught was how to steal the wives of other men and take the money too.  What the black nebrews "teach" is pure bullshit.  If I were to believe in anything again it would be in the message of the Nazarene.  I find no evil in his teachings.  None.  I find hope and I find forgiveness.  Is there judgment?  Yup.  But that is why so many avoid the Nazarene.  They are judged according to his teachings and they don't like that.
So again, men invented "religion" to gain control over other men.  Faith is however, entirely different but only if you live it.  

2,Seriously does anyone of reasonable Intelligence & sound mind really believe the world balances on the
Back of a giant turtle  ::) 🤣🤣🤣  That is Beyond Stupidity - No doubt some will ask to Prove the world doesn’t ride on the back of a giant turtle. 🤣🤣🤣

3)  If one accepts the tenets of the Bible then it behooves a person to live them.  You don't change the words of the Nazarene to fit your flaws but rather you live those words to fix those flaws.   Marriage before the state is a farce and a revenue generator.  Nothing more.  Homosexuals would be wise to avoid marriage as it is meant to generate more income for attorneys.  Leeches all.  To be married does not guaranty the respect of the populace.  If you think otherwise then you need only look to the dumbasses of Hollyweird who marry, remarry and intermarry so many times as to make a total mockery of what marriage once represented.
The Christ is the completion of the Word.  Leviticus is for the Levites.  The rule of Law is for the Hebrews (No...not the fucktards of Wiggs BS, LOL!).  The New Testament is meant for all, not just the Jews. But men will be men, in other words, stupid and wicked.

3,Again I agree - They either follow the words / rule of the bible or they are non believers just pretending
As they are going against what the bible says & expects that to be okay & accepted. Idiots.

4)  Men are mortal.  But stupidity is seemingly eternal.  It spans the millennia and we are our own worst enemy.  The Inquisition was a war against ourselves.  The Crusades, a war against the evil of islime but if one throws Catholicism into the mix we see that even though we won, we lost a bit of what it means to be humane. By that I don't mean defeating islime because that was and remains a just cause.  By allowing the "Church" to control thought, we gave up one of the freedoms that God supposedly gave us in the beginning.  The freedom to choose. The freedom to accept or reject.  Free will.  
Men of "religion" don't want free will.  They want money and power. God does not want our money and if he exists, he must certainly be far more powerful than we are.  So again, men are mortal but stupidity is infinite.  Here is wisdom for any willing to pay attention - All too often so many people desire immortality but settle for immorality.  

4,Again I agree with what you say - We are mortal & stupidity knows no bounds.
It’s back to control, power, money.

5)  Mankind tends to kill those with a message worth listening to.  Regardless of when the Christ appeared, mankind would've done their best to ignore him.  If the Nazarene were to return now, then few below the age of 40 would notice unless there was an app for the second coming.    There is a time for everything under the sun, moon and stars.  Whether or not we hit the snooze button or turn off the alarm and pay attention is entirely up to each of us.  I think the Christ walked the Earth when it best suited his purpose.

5,Mankind did kill those types to some extent - others rose to lead & power / control - some good some bad.
Is there a time for everything- not so sure - as I’d think with the state of mankind - Now would be a great time for a Christ to appear & set things right.

6)  I agree.  I find the typical answer (e.g., God is not deceived or God works in mysterious ways...) given by theologians both learned and layman to be flaccid.  I would not hide from my children let alone allow them to be molested.  Where is God then?  I don't think I can give you the GPS coordinates but I can tell you this.  He is no longer in our hearts or for that matter lives.  And not showing up is a big deal to a great many good people.   If God is not dead then he must be impotent because no man would allow his children to be harmed, especially by someone claiming to speak on their behalf.

6,Those answers given by religious people & leaders is Pure Garbage - Because they Really are at a loss to have any logical coherent explanation - An all powerful all seeing god allows umpteen thousands of children to be abused by church leaders & belivers - As they will get their comeuppance when they die  ::)
How convenient a way out that is. I mean he could make an example of one or two highly placed types
Turned to Stone or Set a light.  My non belief is so reinforced by this not happening & continual abuse by these religious people.
No All Mighty Would Allow This Abuse To Of Happened or To Continue.

Hopefully my words provide if not the answers you seek nor comfort, then at least some insight into what I hold true.  Thanks for asking, brother!

Thank You for taking your time to offer your thoughts in a reasoned manner.

I’ll have to read up on the Nazarene.


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Re: Heaven & Hell Before Christ Visited the World
« Reply #67 on: April 12, 2019, 09:48:14 AM »
That’s what I was thinking - Yet these betrayers still claim to be religious & follow the bible  ::)
Ha ha they follow their own version they make up as they go along to account for their
Mental confusion & perversion.

What is hypocritical to me is that many Christians are so vocal about gay marriage and yet many of them have divorced and remarried which according to Jesus, is adultery. And also according to Jesus Adulterers will not enter the kingdom of heaven. If the bible were true, can you imagine the look on those "christians" faces when they are standing in the same line the gays are, heading to hell?

Matthew 5:31-32 New International Version (NIV)
31 “It has been said, ‘Anyone who divorces his wife must give her a certificate of divorce.’[a] 32 But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, makes her the victim of adultery, and anyone who marries a divorced woman commits adultery.

11 He said to them, "Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery against her; 12 and if she divorces her husband and marries another, she commits adultery."

I attended church from the time I was 8 until in my 30's and I can't recall one sermon where the preacher brought this up... I can recall countless about homosexuality. I guess if you are doing the particular sin, it isn't as bad as the others.

Just 2 days ago a friend posted how hurt she was that someone from her church had the nerve to point out she was living in sin with her boyfriend against the teachings of the bible. She actually took to FB to blast this person. So I asked her... 1. Is it against the teachings of the bible to have sex outside of marriage and if so, what is the proper reaction to that?
1. Continue the behavior that you now know is wrong, because you like it?
2. Adjust your behavior so that you fall within the rules of the religion you follow?

As the Scott pointed out... these people probably REALLY don't believe in the bible, it's just an insurance policy just in case. The irony is, if it is true, they end up with me anyway.


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Re: Heaven & Hell Before Christ Visited the World
« Reply #68 on: April 12, 2019, 01:15:04 PM »
What is hypocritical to me is that many Christians are so vocal about gay marriage and yet many of them have divorced and remarried which according to Jesus, is adultery. And also according to Jesus Adulterers will not enter the kingdom of heaven. If the bible were true, can you imagine the look on those "christians" faces when they are standing in the same line the gays are, heading to hell?

Matthew 5:31-32 New International Version (NIV)
31 “It has been said, ‘Anyone who divorces his wife must give her a certificate of divorce.’[a] 32 But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, makes her the victim of adultery, and anyone who marries a divorced woman commits adultery.

11 He said to them, "Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery against her; 12 and if she divorces her husband and marries another, she commits adultery."

I attended church from the time I was 8 until in my 30's and I can't recall one sermon where the preacher brought this up... I can recall countless about homosexuality. I guess if you are doing the particular sin, it isn't as bad as the others.

Just 2 days ago a friend posted how hurt she was that someone from her church had the nerve to point out she was living in sin with her boyfriend against the teachings of the bible. She actually took to FB to blast this person. So I asked her... 1. Is it against the teachings of the bible to have sex outside of marriage and if so, what is the proper reaction to that?
1. Continue the behavior that you now know is wrong, because you like it?
2. Adjust your behavior so that you fall within the rules of the religion you follow?

As the Scott pointed out... these people probably REALLY don't believe in the bible, it's just an insurance policy just in case. The irony is, if it is true, they end up with me anyway.

It is totally hypocritical of them & I would tell them so.
You either believe and follow all of what it says - or you don’t believe- Simple.

There’s no oh I Believe these bits & not them bits because I don’t agree with what it says  ::)
Fcuking Ridiculous Twats.


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Re: Heaven & Hell Before Christ Visited the World
« Reply #69 on: April 12, 2019, 03:50:19 PM »
It is totally hypocritical of them & I would tell them so.
You either believe and follow all of what it says - or you don’t believe- Simple.

There’s no oh I Believe these bits & not them bits because I don’t agree with what it says  ::)
Fcuking Ridiculous Twats.

Since I know this is going to come up I'll address it as well. Yes, the Christian doctrine is that man is worthless, unable to avoid sinning, and without god, is just a POS. All fall short of the glory of God. So Jesus came to pay the price for their failures. So being Christian doesn't mean you'll never sin again , it's just that you are forgiven for it. HOWEVER, that to me doesn't apply to continuing in a sinful situation you KNOW is wrong. Or continually repeating the same sins day after day. Christians according to their teaching, should at least give it a good try and conforming to the guidelines Jesus set forth. Those that don't likely really don't believe that the minute they die, they will be facing judgement. 

The Scott

  • Getbig V
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Re: Heaven & Hell Before Christ Visited the World
« Reply #70 on: April 12, 2019, 04:46:30 PM »
Since I know this is going to come up I'll address it as well. Yes, the Christian doctrine is that man is worthless, unable to avoid sinning, and without god, is just a POS. All fall short of the glory of God. So Jesus came to pay the price for their failures. So being Christian doesn't mean you'll never sin again , it's just that you are forgiven for it. HOWEVER, that to me doesn't apply to continuing in a sinful situation you KNOW is wrong. Or continually repeating the same sins day after day. Christians according to their teaching, should at least give it a good try and conforming to the guidelines Jesus set forth. Those that don't likely really don't believe that the minute they die, they will be facing judgement. 

I have spoken with more than a few christians, Christians and their pastors.  With regard to what you stated above I have said this to them.

When the woman was caught in adultery  by the Jewish leaders and brought before Jesus to test him, was it not odd that only the woman was caught?  The people I spoke to agreed.

Next I said, "And after Christ taught these men a lesson he asked the woman "...where are your accusers?", and the woman replied "gone Lord".  And Christ said "Neither do I condemn you.  Go and sin no more."

I said to those who were there listening to me, please take note that the Nazarene did NOT say, "Go.  And sin some more."

Is it any wonder that I am no longer welcome in any church that I used to attend?  No.  It is not.

Again, people desire immortality but settle for immorality.  In doing so, they have no one to blame but themselves.  Faith that moves mountains cannot be attained when your "faith" is so pitiful as to move only your bowels. 


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Re: Heaven & Hell Before Christ Visited the World
« Reply #71 on: April 12, 2019, 07:40:35 PM »
Why would you say that ?
I asked a question- I didn’t give an answer or say anything regarding knowing more than a “god”
If there is one.

Please keep up.

I was just pullin ur chain brah  ;D