Author Topic: No More Lethal Injections In SC...You get the electric chair or Firing Squad  (Read 1445 times)

Vince G, CSN MFT

  • Competitors II
  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 25780
Old Sparky has been turned back on as well as busting a cap on that ass.  I guess we dont have to worry about the supply shortage


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 34514
  • "Woke is a cult." - Joe Rogan
Gunshot to the head would preferable.

Why not a heroin overdose?


  • Competitors
  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 26822
Just let them drink what they use at the Scandanavian clinics


  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 6379
South Carolina was sued over the drugs used in lethal injection so this is the solution, which is just peachy with me.


  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 16693
  • YouTube FitnessByMatt
The lethal injection looks the most humane, but it's actually one of the most painful deaths, and I think that's in part due to the fact that the normal standard used to put an animal down is not used for humans.  I was told the reason for that is because there is a certain drug that is used to make an animal's death painless when putting it down, but that particular drug is produced and sold by the EU, and that they will not sell it to the USA if it is to be used in the executions of human beings.  Instead, they have been using actual benzodiazepines [literally relaxing agents], to put people to sleep, and NOT full sedative agents like Propofol [the drug that played the biggest role in the death of Michael Jackson in 2009].  What could possibly go wrong?  ::)

NOT that I oppose the death penalty in any way [aside from the fact that the continual appeals end up costing more money to execute someone than the incarcerate them for life, and the fact that something like 3% of people on Death Row are allegedly innocent - the incredibly sad case of autistic man Walter Ogrod comes to mind, who was luckily fully exonerated, and finally released from prison at some point during the pandemic, despite being in jail for almost 30 years].  But as of for scumbags like Ted Bundy being executed - am I supposed to shed a tear for this piece of shit?  ::)

I also find it hilarious when debating with some libtard about how I am pro-death penalty, they immediately start giving me shit and treating me like they would want ME to be executing for having a view alternate to their own.  So...if I'm understanding it correctly, these libtard "bastions of tolerance" can't even tolerate some autistic Canadian on the internet tell them that some people are so scummy that they deserve to die, even though they essentially feel the same way about me, for my GREAT CRIME of thinking that people who RAPED AND MURDERED CHILDREN deserve to be executed.  ::)

That's the thing about libtards - they sort of have some idealistic view of what a Death Row inmate is based on the masses of documentaries cherry-picking cases of individual serial killers who were innocent, or based on cases like that of Tookie Williams, who was yet another violent piece of garbage gangbanger, but because he started writing children's books in jail while on Death Row, it somehow gives him a clean slate, and makes me undeserving of the death penalty for his insidious crimes.

Or libtards will watch leftist movies like The Green Mile, whose production team spent FOUR MONTHS specially breeding the mouse "Mr. Jingles" for the movie so as to portray mice and cut little furry well-behaved creatures rather than the vile-looking, rancid, disease-carrying filth that they are, on top of making all of the serial killers in the movie look like great people.

Take Eduard De La Croix, for example - this piece of trash raped and murdered a child in the book The Green Mile [which was a compilation of six books, IIRC, with Eduard De La Croix' book being called "The Bad Death of Eduard De La Croix], and then set the body and the building that the body was in on fire [the scene of the crime], which ultimately skilled something like six other family members as a result.  Yet NONE of that was mentioned in the movie, with director Frank Darabont choosing instead to portray Eduard De La Croix as some timid Cajun French-speaking Louisianan who could do no wrong, so that we would feel guilty when [spoilers] his execution was purposely botched in order to make him suffer and die, and be set on fire in the process, only able to stop screaming midway through the botched execution, because his vocal chords had been burned right off.  ;D

Good.  I was glad to see him suffer like that.  Ultimately, it was only a minute or two of massive pain, followed by death.  Not to say I want convicted murderers on Death Row to suffer a violent death like that, but, as with Bundy - again - am I supposed to feel guilty about these disgusting piece of shit child rapists and murderers?  Screw that!  De La Croix was a vile, disgusting rapist in the book, and I was mad at Stephen King for how all of that backstory was ignored in the movie, but that was Frank Darabont who selected to ignore it in the screenplay that he adapted.  Stephen King was perfectly clear about De La Croix' crime in the book, so I shouldn't blame King for that.

The gigantic juiced Black man [Michael Clarke Duncan] portrayed as not only an innocent man, but this mystical healer and "miracle of God" was just White Guilt to the max, and I blame King 100% for capitalism on White Guilt, and selling it to naive and ignorant Whites, who are seemingly unable to peruse the FBI violent offenders data, which would show them in a matter of seconds that knee-grows in the USA commit 56% of all gun crime, and commit more street robberies, home invasions, rapes, murders, and gun violence including more shootings and more violent crime overall than all other races in the USA **COMBINED**.  Hence why sane people profile other races - especially Blacks, and do so regardless of the unfortunate outcome of profiling completely innocent and law-abiding Blacks in the process.

Apparently I'm supposed to ignore the fact that Black males in the USA shoot White police officers 18.5 times as much as White male police officers shoot White police officers, and feel bad for the group of people COMMITTING the majority of the violent crime in the USA, at not only a ridiculously higher rate per-capita, but actually at a higher rate than than all other races in the USA **COMBINED**, as stated above.

So young Black males in the USA, at 3.25% of the population, commit more of all forms of violent crime, including rape and murder - including the rape and murder of OTHER BLACK PEOPLE - than all such violent crimes committed by the 96.75% of Americans of ALL OTHER RACES COMBINED - not just violent crimes committed by White people, but of literally every other race combined.

Yet I'm supposed to ignore the violent Black-on-Black crime, or the fact that Blacks commit vastly more violence towards the police than the police commit on Blacks, and also ignore the fact that White people comprise the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY of interracial crime victims, being victims of 90% of the approximately 1,000,000 [one million] individual interracial violent crimes and property crimes in the USA each year.

Because that makes a lot of sense...right?  ::)



  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 18793
  • Middle Urinal at Buc-ee’s
The lethal injection looks the most humane, but it's actually one of the most painful deaths, and I think that's in part due to the fact that the normal standard used to put an animal down is not used for humans.  I was told the reason for that is because there is a certain drug that is used to make an animal's death painless when putting it down, but that particular drug is produced and sold by the EU, and that they will not sell it to the USA if it is to be used in the executions of human beings.  Instead, they have been using actual benzodiazepines [literally relaxing agents], to put people to sleep, and NOT full sedative agents like Propofol [the drug that played the biggest role in the death of Michael Jackson in 2009].  What could possibly go wrong?  ::)

NOT that I oppose the death penalty in any way [aside from the fact that the continual appeals end up costing more money to execute someone than the incarcerate them for life, and the fact that something like 3% of people on Death Row are allegedly innocent - the incredibly sad case of autistic man Walter Ogrod comes to mind, who was luckily fully exonerated, and finally released from prison at some point during the pandemic, despite being in jail for almost 30 years].  But as of for scumbags like Ted Bundy being executed - am I supposed to shed a tear for this piece of shit?  ::)

I also find it hilarious when debating with some libtard about how I am pro-death penalty, they immediately start giving me shit and treating me like they would want ME to be executing for having a view alternate to their own.  So...if I'm understanding it correctly, these libtard "bastions of tolerance" can't even tolerate some autistic Canadian on the internet tell them that some people are so scummy that they deserve to die, even though they essentially feel the same way about me, for my GREAT CRIME of thinking that people who RAPED AND MURDERED CHILDREN deserve to be executed.  ::)

That's the thing about libtards - they sort of have some idealistic view of what a Death Row inmate is based on the masses of documentaries cherry-picking cases of individual serial killers who were innocent, or based on cases like that of Tookie Williams, who was yet another violent piece of garbage gangbanger, but because he started writing children's books in jail while on Death Row, it somehow gives him a clean slate, and makes me undeserving of the death penalty for his insidious crimes.

Or libtards will watch leftist movies like The Green Mile, whose production team spent FOUR MONTHS specially breeding the mouse "Mr. Jingles" for the movie so as to portray mice and cut little furry well-behaved creatures rather than the vile-looking, rancid, disease-carrying filth that they are, on top of making all of the serial killers in the movie look like great people.

Take Eduard De La Croix, for example - this piece of trash raped and murdered a child in the book The Green Mile [which was a compilation of six books, IIRC, with Eduard De La Croix' book being called "The Bad Death of Eduard De La Croix], and then set the body and the building that the body was in on fire [the scene of the crime], which ultimately skilled something like six other family members as a result.  Yet NONE of that was mentioned in the movie, with director Frank Darabont choosing instead to portray Eduard De La Croix as some timid Cajun French-speaking Louisianan who could do no wrong, so that we would feel guilty when [spoilers] his execution was purposely botched in order to make him suffer and die, and be set on fire in the process, only able to stop screaming midway through the botched execution, because his vocal chords had been burned right off.  ;D

Good.  I was glad to see him suffer like that.  Ultimately, it was only a minute or two of massive pain, followed by death.  Not to say I want convicted murderers on Death Row to suffer a violent death like that, but, as with Bundy - again - am I supposed to feel guilty about these disgusting piece of shit child rapists and murderers?  Screw that!  De La Croix was a vile, disgusting rapist in the book, and I was mad at Stephen King for how all of that backstory was ignored in the movie, but that was Frank Darabont who selected to ignore it in the screenplay that he adapted.  Stephen King was perfectly clear about De La Croix' crime in the book, so I shouldn't blame King for that.

The gigantic juiced Black man [Michael Clarke Duncan] portrayed as not only an innocent man, but this mystical healer and "miracle of God" was just White Guilt to the max, and I blame King 100% for capitalism on White Guilt, and selling it to naive and ignorant Whites, who are seemingly unable to peruse the FBI violent offenders data, which would show them in a matter of seconds that knee-grows in the USA commit 56% of all gun crime, and commit more street robberies, home invasions, rapes, murders, and gun violence including more shootings and more violent crime overall than all other races in the USA **COMBINED**.  Hence why sane people profile other races - especially Blacks, and do so regardless of the unfortunate outcome of profiling completely innocent and law-abiding Blacks in the process.

Apparently I'm supposed to ignore the fact that Black males in the USA shoot White police officers 18.5 times as much as White male police officers shoot White police officers, and feel bad for the group of people COMMITTING the majority of the violent crime in the USA, at not only a ridiculously higher rate per-capita, but actually at a higher rate than than all other races in the USA **COMBINED**, as stated above.

So young Black males in the USA, at 3.25% of the population, commit more of all forms of violent crime, including rape and murder - including the rape and murder of OTHER BLACK PEOPLE - than all such violent crimes committed by the 96.75% of Americans of ALL OTHER RACES COMBINED - not just violent crimes committed by White people, but of literally every other race combined.

Yet I'm supposed to ignore the violent Black-on-Black crime, or the fact that Blacks commit vastly more violence towards the police than the police commit on Blacks, and also ignore the fact that White people comprise the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY of interracial crime victims, being victims of 90% of the approximately 1,000,000 [one million] individual interracial violent crimes and property crimes in the USA each year.

Because that makes a lot of sense...right?  ::)


Jesus Christ

Mr half parsh 6.48976 inches


  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 29183
  • Hold Fast
I'm against the death penalty and I'm not a lib. If you're in favor of it, you're advocating for a more powerful government, yet conservatives tend to argue that the government is incompetent and corrupt and ought to have less power.

It's the same system that's raking Rittenhouse over the coals but they'll suddenly be trustworthy when death is an option?


  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 15954
I thought this was about the covid vaccine.  ;)


  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 29183
  • Hold Fast
I thought this was about the covid vaccine.  ;)

Totally different.

The vaccine is tyrannical communism because we don't like it.

The death penalty is a righteous act of infallible and benevolent government.

Coach is Back!

  • Competitors
  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 60026
  • It’s All Bullshit
The lethal injection looks the most humane, but it's actually one of the most painful deaths, and I think that's in part due to the fact that the normal standard used to put an animal down is not used for humans.  I was told the reason for that is because there is a certain drug that is used to make an animal's death painless when putting it down, but that particular drug is produced and sold by the EU, and that they will not sell it to the USA if it is to be used in the executions of human beings.  Instead, they have been using actual benzodiazepines [literally relaxing agents], to put people to sleep, and NOT full sedative agents like Propofol [the drug that played the biggest role in the death of Michael Jackson in 2009].  What could possibly go wrong?  ::)

NOT that I oppose the death penalty in any way [aside from the fact that the continual appeals end up costing more money to execute someone than the incarcerate them for life, and the fact that something like 3% of people on Death Row are allegedly innocent - the incredibly sad case of autistic man Walter Ogrod comes to mind, who was luckily fully exonerated, and finally released from prison at some point during the pandemic, despite being in jail for almost 30 years].  But as of for scumbags like Ted Bundy being executed - am I supposed to shed a tear for this piece of shit?  ::)

I also find it hilarious when debating with some libtard about how I am pro-death penalty, they immediately start giving me shit and treating me like they would want ME to be executing for having a view alternate to their own.  So...if I'm understanding it correctly, these libtard "bastions of tolerance" can't even tolerate some autistic Canadian on the internet tell them that some people are so scummy that they deserve to die, even though they essentially feel the same way about me, for my GREAT CRIME of thinking that people who RAPED AND MURDERED CHILDREN deserve to be executed.  ::)

That's the thing about libtards - they sort of have some idealistic view of what a Death Row inmate is based on the masses of documentaries cherry-picking cases of individual serial killers who were innocent, or based on cases like that of Tookie Williams, who was yet another violent piece of garbage gangbanger, but because he started writing children's books in jail while on Death Row, it somehow gives him a clean slate, and makes me undeserving of the death penalty for his insidious crimes.

Or libtards will watch leftist movies like The Green Mile, whose production team spent FOUR MONTHS specially breeding the mouse "Mr. Jingles" for the movie so as to portray mice and cut little furry well-behaved creatures rather than the vile-looking, rancid, disease-carrying filth that they are, on top of making all of the serial killers in the movie look like great people.

Take Eduard De La Croix, for example - this piece of trash raped and murdered a child in the book The Green Mile [which was a compilation of six books, IIRC, with Eduard De La Croix' book being called "The Bad Death of Eduard De La Croix], and then set the body and the building that the body was in on fire [the scene of the crime], which ultimately skilled something like six other family members as a result.  Yet NONE of that was mentioned in the movie, with director Frank Darabont choosing instead to portray Eduard De La Croix as some timid Cajun French-speaking Louisianan who could do no wrong, so that we would feel guilty when [spoilers] his execution was purposely botched in order to make him suffer and die, and be set on fire in the process, only able to stop screaming midway through the botched execution, because his vocal chords had been burned right off.  ;D

Good.  I was glad to see him suffer like that.  Ultimately, it was only a minute or two of massive pain, followed by death.  Not to say I want convicted murderers on Death Row to suffer a violent death like that, but, as with Bundy - again - am I supposed to feel guilty about these disgusting piece of shit child rapists and murderers?  Screw that!  De La Croix was a vile, disgusting rapist in the book, and I was mad at Stephen King for how all of that backstory was ignored in the movie, but that was Frank Darabont who selected to ignore it in the screenplay that he adapted.  Stephen King was perfectly clear about De La Croix' crime in the book, so I shouldn't blame King for that.

The gigantic juiced Black man [Michael Clarke Duncan] portrayed as not only an innocent man, but this mystical healer and "miracle of God" was just White Guilt to the max, and I blame King 100% for capitalism on White Guilt, and selling it to naive and ignorant Whites, who are seemingly unable to peruse the FBI violent offenders data, which would show them in a matter of seconds that knee-grows in the USA commit 56% of all gun crime, and commit more street robberies, home invasions, rapes, murders, and gun violence including more shootings and more violent crime overall than all other races in the USA **COMBINED**.  Hence why sane people profile other races - especially Blacks, and do so regardless of the unfortunate outcome of profiling completely innocent and law-abiding Blacks in the process.

Apparently I'm supposed to ignore the fact that Black males in the USA shoot White police officers 18.5 times as much as White male police officers shoot White police officers, and feel bad for the group of people COMMITTING the majority of the violent crime in the USA, at not only a ridiculously higher rate per-capita, but actually at a higher rate than than all other races in the USA **COMBINED**, as stated above.

So young Black males in the USA, at 3.25% of the population, commit more of all forms of violent crime, including rape and murder - including the rape and murder of OTHER BLACK PEOPLE - than all such violent crimes committed by the 96.75% of Americans of ALL OTHER RACES COMBINED - not just violent crimes committed by White people, but of literally every other race combined.

Yet I'm supposed to ignore the violent Black-on-Black crime, or the fact that Blacks commit vastly more violence towards the police than the police commit on Blacks, and also ignore the fact that White people comprise the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY of interracial crime victims, being victims of 90% of the approximately 1,000,000 [one million] individual interracial violent crimes and property crimes in the USA each year.

Because that makes a lot of sense...right?  ::)


Jesus Matt...can you at least keep it to 10 paragraphs


  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 6379
I'm against the death penalty and I'm not a lib. If you're in favor of it, you're advocating for a more powerful government, yet conservatives tend to argue that the government is incompetent and corrupt and ought to have less power.

It's the same system that's raking Rittenhouse over the coals but they'll suddenly be trustworthy when death is an option?

The same government that can destroy your life with a stroke of a pen anyways?  The death penalty doesn't make one iota of difference in regards to the tyrannical federal government. All your assets can be seized in 60 seconds, your family torn apart and your freedom banished. The train left the station a long time ago.


  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 29183
  • Hold Fast
That's fatty reasoning to justify eating more cake.


  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 6379
That's fatty reasoning to justify eating more cake.

yeah, whatever, lol. Pragmatism vs lofty hypotheticals more like it.

Vince G, CSN MFT

  • Competitors II
  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 25780
The lethal injection looks the most humane, but it's actually one of the most painful deaths, and I think that's in part due to the fact that the normal standard used to put an animal down is not used for humans.  I was told the reason for that is because there is a certain drug that is used to make an animal's death painless when putting it down, but that particular drug is produced and sold by the EU, and that they will not sell it to the USA if it is to be used in the executions of human beings.  Instead, they have been using actual benzodiazepines [literally relaxing agents], to put people to sleep, and NOT full sedative agents like Propofol [the drug that played the biggest role in the death of Michael Jackson in 2009].  What could possibly go wrong?  ::)

NOT that I oppose the death penalty in any way [aside from the fact that the continual appeals end up costing more money to execute someone than the incarcerate them for life, and the fact that something like 3% of people on Death Row are allegedly innocent - the incredibly sad case of autistic man Walter Ogrod comes to mind, who was luckily fully exonerated, and finally released from prison at some point during the pandemic, despite being in jail for almost 30 years].  But as of for scumbags like Ted Bundy being executed - am I supposed to shed a tear for this piece of shit?  ::)

I also find it hilarious when debating with some libtard about how I am pro-death penalty, they immediately start giving me shit and treating me like they would want ME to be executing for having a view alternate to their own.  So...if I'm understanding it correctly, these libtard "bastions of tolerance" can't even tolerate some autistic Canadian on the internet tell them that some people are so scummy that they deserve to die, even though they essentially feel the same way about me, for my GREAT CRIME of thinking that people who RAPED AND MURDERED CHILDREN deserve to be executed.  ::)

That's the thing about libtards - they sort of have some idealistic view of what a Death Row inmate is based on the masses of documentaries cherry-picking cases of individual serial killers who were innocent, or based on cases like that of Tookie Williams, who was yet another violent piece of garbage gangbanger, but because he started writing children's books in jail while on Death Row, it somehow gives him a clean slate, and makes me undeserving of the death penalty for his insidious crimes.

Or libtards will watch leftist movies like The Green Mile, whose production team spent FOUR MONTHS specially breeding the mouse "Mr. Jingles" for the movie so as to portray mice and cut little furry well-behaved creatures rather than the vile-looking, rancid, disease-carrying filth that they are, on top of making all of the serial killers in the movie look like great people.

Take Eduard De La Croix, for example - this piece of trash raped and murdered a child in the book The Green Mile [which was a compilation of six books, IIRC, with Eduard De La Croix' book being called "The Bad Death of Eduard De La Croix], and then set the body and the building that the body was in on fire [the scene of the crime], which ultimately skilled something like six other family members as a result.  Yet NONE of that was mentioned in the movie, with director Frank Darabont choosing instead to portray Eduard De La Croix as some timid Cajun French-speaking Louisianan who could do no wrong, so that we would feel guilty when [spoilers] his execution was purposely botched in order to make him suffer and die, and be set on fire in the process, only able to stop screaming midway through the botched execution, because his vocal chords had been burned right off.  ;D

Good.  I was glad to see him suffer like that.  Ultimately, it was only a minute or two of massive pain, followed by death.  Not to say I want convicted murderers on Death Row to suffer a violent death like that, but, as with Bundy - again - am I supposed to feel guilty about these disgusting piece of shit child rapists and murderers?  Screw that!  De La Croix was a vile, disgusting rapist in the book, and I was mad at Stephen King for how all of that backstory was ignored in the movie, but that was Frank Darabont who selected to ignore it in the screenplay that he adapted.  Stephen King was perfectly clear about De La Croix' crime in the book, so I shouldn't blame King for that.

The gigantic juiced Black man [Michael Clarke Duncan] portrayed as not only an innocent man, but this mystical healer and "miracle of God" was just White Guilt to the max, and I blame King 100% for capitalism on White Guilt, and selling it to naive and ignorant Whites, who are seemingly unable to peruse the FBI violent offenders data, which would show them in a matter of seconds that knee-grows in the USA commit 56% of all gun crime, and commit more street robberies, home invasions, rapes, murders, and gun violence including more shootings and more violent crime overall than all other races in the USA **COMBINED**.  Hence why sane people profile other races - especially Blacks, and do so regardless of the unfortunate outcome of profiling completely innocent and law-abiding Blacks in the process.

Apparently I'm supposed to ignore the fact that Black males in the USA shoot White police officers 18.5 times as much as White male police officers shoot White police officers, and feel bad for the group of people COMMITTING the majority of the violent crime in the USA, at not only a ridiculously higher rate per-capita, but actually at a higher rate than than all other races in the USA **COMBINED**, as stated above.

So young Black males in the USA, at 3.25% of the population, commit more of all forms of violent crime, including rape and murder - including the rape and murder of OTHER BLACK PEOPLE - than all such violent crimes committed by the 96.75% of Americans of ALL OTHER RACES COMBINED - not just violent crimes committed by White people, but of literally every other race combined.

Yet I'm supposed to ignore the violent Black-on-Black crime, or the fact that Blacks commit vastly more violence towards the police than the police commit on Blacks, and also ignore the fact that White people comprise the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY of interracial crime victims, being victims of 90% of the approximately 1,000,000 [one million] individual interracial violent crimes and property crimes in the USA each year.

Because that makes a lot of sense...right?  ::)


Stop writing these fucking books...!!!


  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 16086
  • Silence you furry fool!
The lethal injection looks the most humane, but it's actually one of the most painful deaths, and I think that's in part due to the fact that the normal standard used to put an animal down is not used for humans.  I was told the reason for that is because there is a certain drug that is used to make an animal's death painless when putting it down, but that particular drug is produced and sold by the EU, and that they will not sell it to the USA if it is to be used in the executions of human beings.  Instead, they have been using actual benzodiazepines [literally relaxing agents], to put people to sleep, and NOT full sedative agents like Propofol [the drug that played the biggest role in the death of Michael Jackson in 2009].  What could possibly go wrong?  ::)

NOT that I oppose the death penalty in any way [aside from the fact that the continual appeals end up costing more money to execute someone than the incarcerate them for life, and the fact that something like 3% of people on Death Row are allegedly innocent - the incredibly sad case of autistic man Walter Ogrod comes to mind, who was luckily fully exonerated, and finally released from prison at some point during the pandemic, despite being in jail for almost 30 years].  But as of for scumbags like Ted Bundy being executed - am I supposed to shed a tear for this piece of shit?  ::)

I also find it hilarious when debating with some libtard about how I am pro-death penalty, they immediately start giving me shit and treating me like they would want ME to be executing for having a view alternate to their own.  So...if I'm understanding it correctly, these libtard "bastions of tolerance" can't even tolerate some autistic Canadian on the internet tell them that some people are so scummy that they deserve to die, even though they essentially feel the same way about me, for my GREAT CRIME of thinking that people who RAPED AND MURDERED CHILDREN deserve to be executed.  ::)

That's the thing about libtards - they sort of have some idealistic view of what a Death Row inmate is based on the masses of documentaries cherry-picking cases of individual serial killers who were innocent, or based on cases like that of Tookie Williams, who was yet another violent piece of garbage gangbanger, but because he started writing children's books in jail while on Death Row, it somehow gives him a clean slate, and makes me undeserving of the death penalty for his insidious crimes.

Or libtards will watch leftist movies like The Green Mile, whose production team spent FOUR MONTHS specially breeding the mouse "Mr. Jingles" for the movie so as to portray mice and cut little furry well-behaved creatures rather than the vile-looking, rancid, disease-carrying filth that they are, on top of making all of the serial killers in the movie look like great people.

Take Eduard De La Croix, for example - this piece of trash raped and murdered a child in the book The Green Mile [which was a compilation of six books, IIRC, with Eduard De La Croix' book being called "The Bad Death of Eduard De La Croix], and then set the body and the building that the body was in on fire [the scene of the crime], which ultimately skilled something like six other family members as a result.  Yet NONE of that was mentioned in the movie, with director Frank Darabont choosing instead to portray Eduard De La Croix as some timid Cajun French-speaking Louisianan who could do no wrong, so that we would feel guilty when [spoilers] his execution was purposely botched in order to make him suffer and die, and be set on fire in the process, only able to stop screaming midway through the botched execution, because his vocal chords had been burned right off.  ;D

Good.  I was glad to see him suffer like that.  Ultimately, it was only a minute or two of massive pain, followed by death.  Not to say I want convicted murderers on Death Row to suffer a violent death like that, but, as with Bundy - again - am I supposed to feel guilty about these disgusting piece of shit child rapists and murderers?  Screw that!  De La Croix was a vile, disgusting rapist in the book, and I was mad at Stephen King for how all of that backstory was ignored in the movie, but that was Frank Darabont who selected to ignore it in the screenplay that he adapted.  Stephen King was perfectly clear about De La Croix' crime in the book, so I shouldn't blame King for that.

The gigantic juiced Black man [Michael Clarke Duncan] portrayed as not only an innocent man, but this mystical healer and "miracle of God" was just White Guilt to the max, and I blame King 100% for capitalism on White Guilt, and selling it to naive and ignorant Whites, who are seemingly unable to peruse the FBI violent offenders data, which would show them in a matter of seconds that knee-grows in the USA commit 56% of all gun crime, and commit more street robberies, home invasions, rapes, murders, and gun violence including more shootings and more violent crime overall than all other races in the USA **COMBINED**.  Hence why sane people profile other races - especially Blacks, and do so regardless of the unfortunate outcome of profiling completely innocent and law-abiding Blacks in the process.

Apparently I'm supposed to ignore the fact that Black males in the USA shoot White police officers 18.5 times as much as White male police officers shoot White police officers, and feel bad for the group of people COMMITTING the majority of the violent crime in the USA, at not only a ridiculously higher rate per-capita, but actually at a higher rate than than all other races in the USA **COMBINED**, as stated above.

So young Black males in the USA, at 3.25% of the population, commit more of all forms of violent crime, including rape and murder - including the rape and murder of OTHER BLACK PEOPLE - than all such violent crimes committed by the 96.75% of Americans of ALL OTHER RACES COMBINED - not just violent crimes committed by White people, but of literally every other race combined.

Yet I'm supposed to ignore the violent Black-on-Black crime, or the fact that Blacks commit vastly more violence towards the police than the police commit on Blacks, and also ignore the fact that White people comprise the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY of interracial crime victims, being victims of 90% of the approximately 1,000,000 [one million] individual interracial violent crimes and property crimes in the USA each year.

Because that makes a lot of sense...right?  ::)


Solid post.


  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 29183
  • Hold Fast

yeah, whatever, lol. Pragmatism vs lofty hypotheticals more like it.

The only pro-death penalty argument I can entertain is the financial one. 50 years of housing vs a 50 cent bullet. That's pragmatic.


  • Competitors II
  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 20511
  • Biscuit
"Let's do this."    -Gary Gilmore


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 5956
  • a Harris administration, together with Joe Biden
"Let's do this."    -Gary Gilmore

Beat me to it.  Gilmore was willing to face execution while other parties were trying to stop it.  Three months from trial to execution.


  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 4959
  • Creepy Joe Touches Kids
"Let's do this."    -Gary Gilmore

LOL... Epic  ;D