Author Topic: Just for the "leftist"  (Read 2749 times)


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Re: Just for the "leftist"
« Reply #25 on: February 20, 2023, 11:18:22 AM »
You’ve just exposed yourself even more

The only thing I have exposed is the fact you can't stay on topic after coming up empty and have to distract/divert to something completely irrelevant instead.

Typical of you.  You are that stupid. 

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Re: Just for the "leftist"
« Reply #26 on: February 20, 2023, 01:44:14 PM »
The only thing I have exposed is the fact you can't stay on topic after coming up empty and have to distract/divert to something completely irrelevant instead.

Typical of you.  You are that stupid.

Really? You know what to do…

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Re: Just for the "leftist"
« Reply #27 on: February 20, 2023, 02:08:19 PM »

"Proof" has a basis in facts.  Nothing in that article or in your head is factual.

Oh really? Point out in that article that that the events that are taking place on that article aren’t facts…

“ To me the proof the 2020 election was stolen is the state of the nation. Open your eyes. The consequences of a stolen election are all around us.
The supply chain is crippled. Highways, ports and infrastructure are crumbling. Blue states are banning trucks from the roads. Grocery prices are skyrocketing. Egg farms are burning to ground. Eggs cost $10 per dozen- if you can find them. Over 100 food plants have burned to the ground in the past year.
Trains are derailing. The East Palestine, Ohio train derailment may be the worst ecological disaster in U.S. history. Experts are calling it “our Chernobyl.” There is a mushroom cloud of deadly chemicals floating over the farm belt. Animals are dying. Fish are dead. People are sick. And it just happens to have poisoned hundreds of thousands of acres of prime Midwest farmland.

The same exact thing that’s happening to food and farmland, is happening to energy. Under Trump we had energy independence and cheap, plentiful energy. Under Biden we have soaring gas and electricity prices, energy shortages, depletion of our national fuel reserve. In the middle of this, our government is desperate to ban gas stoves.
Our border is wide open, with millions of illegal aliens pouring through. All of them will require cradle to grave welfare. Many of them are criminals. How many are terrorists? And through that border comes drugs. Fentanyl alone kills over 100,000 Americans per year. It sure seems like someone wants Americans dead.
Biden’s Covid vaccine mandates are causing “sudden death” and cardiac arrest by the thousands per day. Read the headlines. Death rates are the highest in history. More children and young athletes are dropping dead suddenly than ever before in our lifetimes. Yet blue states are now mandating Covid vaccines for your children to attend school. And our federal government is compiling a list of the unvaccinated. This won’t end well.

Chinese balloons are sent to intimidate us. Russian warplanes are buzzing our borders. Russia is threatening nuclear war. China is ready to invade Taiwan. $85 billion of military equipment was left in Afghanistan. The rest has been shipped off to Ukraine. Our military is in disarray, short on equipment, riddled with poor morale, unable to attract recruits.
Biden has based the economy on equity, social justice, diversity, LGBTQ and climate change. Result? Massive inflation is decimating the middle class. The national debt is exploding. So is the homeless population. So is violent crime and retail theft. Cities run by Democrats look like war zones filled with zombies.
The Black national anthem opens our Super Bowl, dividing our nation. Meanwhile there isn’t one black child able to do math at grade level in over 50 Chicago area schools. Insanity reigns.

Conservative voices are suspended, banned, silenced, or fired for our political beliefs. Free speech is being eradicated.
The FBI and DOJ are persecuting PTA parents, conservatives and Christians, while woke DA’s release violent criminals.
Conservative TV stations like Newsmax and OAN are removed from our airwaves.
And whether its government, media, Hollywood, or schools- our entire society is now about LGBTQ and transgender ideology. It’s 24/7 brainwashing and propaganda.
Our President of the United States is clearly compromised, corrupted and owned by China. A Democrat U.S. Senator has checked into the hospital for depression. And the former Director of nuclear waste for the Energy Dept is a man, who dresses as a woman, now under indictment for stealing women’s luggage.”


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Re: Just for the "leftist"
« Reply #28 on: February 20, 2023, 02:55:25 PM »
Really? You know what to do…

Keep pointing out your delusions and false narrative?  Continue living in reality with a factual basis?   Why yes, I will continue to do that.


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Re: Just for the "leftist"
« Reply #29 on: February 20, 2023, 03:01:46 PM »
Oh really? Point out in that article that that the events that are taking place on that article aren’t facts…

To me the proof the 2020 election was stolen is the state of the nation. Open your eyes. The consequences of a stolen election are all around us.
The supply chain is crippled. Highways, ports and infrastructure are crumbling. Blue states are banning trucks from the roads. Grocery prices are skyrocketing. Egg farms are burning to ground. Eggs cost $10 per dozen- if you can find them. Over 100 food plants have burned to the ground in the past year.
Trains are derailing. The East Palestine, Ohio train derailment may be the worst ecological disaster in U.S. history. Experts are calling it “our Chernobyl.” There is a mushroom cloud of deadly chemicals floating over the farm belt. Animals are dying. Fish are dead. People are sick. And it just happens to have poisoned hundreds of thousands of acres of prime Midwest farmland.

The same exact thing that’s happening to food and farmland, is happening to energy. Under Trump we had energy independence and cheap, plentiful energy. Under Biden we have soaring gas and electricity prices, energy shortages, depletion of our national fuel reserve. In the middle of this, our government is desperate to ban gas stoves.
Our border is wide open, with millions of illegal aliens pouring through. All of them will require cradle to grave welfare. Many of them are criminals. How many are terrorists? And through that border comes drugs. Fentanyl alone kills over 100,000 Americans per year. It sure seems like someone wants Americans dead.
Biden’s Covid vaccine mandates are causing “sudden death” and cardiac arrest by the thousands per day. Read the headlines. Death rates are the highest in history. More children and young athletes are dropping dead suddenly than ever before in our lifetimes. Yet blue states are now mandating Covid vaccines for your children to attend school. And our federal government is compiling a list of the unvaccinated. This won’t end well.

Chinese balloons are sent to intimidate us. Russian warplanes are buzzing our borders. Russia is threatening nuclear war. China is ready to invade Taiwan. $85 billion of military equipment was left in Afghanistan. The rest has been shipped off to Ukraine. Our military is in disarray, short on equipment, riddled with poor morale, unable to attract recruits.
Biden has based the economy on equity, social justice, diversity, LGBTQ and climate change. Result? Massive inflation is decimating the middle class. The national debt is exploding. So is the homeless population. So is violent crime and retail theft. Cities run by Democrats look like war zones filled with zombies.
The Black national anthem opens our Super Bowl, dividing our nation. Meanwhile there isn’t one black child able to do math at grade level in over 50 Chicago area schools. Insanity reigns.

Conservative voices are suspended, banned, silenced, or fired for our political beliefs. Free speech is being eradicated.
The FBI and DOJ are persecuting PTA parents, conservatives and Christians, while woke DA’s release violent criminals.
Conservative TV stations like Newsmax and OAN are removed from our airwaves.

And whether its government, media, Hollywood, or schools- our entire society is now about LGBTQ and transgender ideology. It’s 24/7 brainwashing and propaganda.
Our President of the United States is clearly compromised, corrupted and owned by China. A Democrat U.S. Senator has checked into the hospital for depression. And the former Director of nuclear waste for the Energy Dept is a man, who dresses as a woman, now under indictment for stealing women’s luggage.”

Everything in bold is nothing but hyperbole conjecture.  Which is no surprise that you can not understand that since you clearly have shown again and again, and right here, that you can't recognize a fact when it is right in your face.

Now reply with some lame ass nonsense like you usually do when you got nothing of substance to say, but still feel the need to whine.

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Re: Just for the "leftist"
« Reply #30 on: February 20, 2023, 03:48:22 PM »
Everything in bold is nothing but hyperbole conjecture.  Which is no surprise that you can not understand that since you clearly have shown again and again, and right here, that you can't recognize a fact when it is right in your face.

Now reply with some lame ass nonsense like you usually do when you got nothing of substance to say, but still feel the need to whine.

So you’re saying none of that happened? Hahahahaha


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Re: Just for the "leftist"
« Reply #31 on: February 20, 2023, 06:19:37 PM »
So you’re saying none of that happened? Hahahahaha

After posting "stolen election" it doesn't matter if it happened or not. Anyone posting that is a complete retard.  I am sure the reason the sky is blue is because of the "stolen election".   Anyone can twist anything to fit their narrative if they are stupid enough.  Case in point with that article and with you.

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Re: Just for the "leftist"
« Reply #32 on: February 20, 2023, 07:34:53 PM »
I attended a social function at our condo yesterday. My condo bldg has 3 associated buildings. They had a social function at the pool , bring an appetizer, bring your own drinks... So the wife and I went. Met lots of nice people. One in particular was a former Army nurse who joined in 1974 and got out in 1982. She seemed so sweet. So as we are talking she learns that I was former K9 in the military and retired cop. She asks me, "Are you a Patriot?". This sounded odd, and so I said define Patriot. She went into how you have to disregard mainstream media. The election was stolen. The Hollywood elite is a cult. They actually drink children's blood to stay young. But not just drink it. First they scare them to cause an adrenalin dump... thats the key. Then, as the adrenaline enters the bloodstream they sacrifice them... drain the blood and drink it. That's how they stay young. It was sad to hear this lunatic in person, but it reminded me that she isn't alone. The people who deny the election results are no more lucid than she is, and a step away from believing children are being sacrificed. And, the very sad part is, her vote carrys the same wieght as mine. This country is in serious trouble.

You interacted with one person and believe the country is in serious trouble.  lol

Did you tell this person that you wished Republicans and conservatives who did not wear masks (that don't work) would die? 


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Re: Just for the "leftist"
« Reply #33 on: February 20, 2023, 09:00:57 PM »
Our kids are being sacrificed in other ways and the left doesn’t seem to give two shits. The left also can’t prove the election wasn’t stolen otherwise it still wouldn’t be in the courts.

Did you ever tell her if you were a Patriot or not?

I know it's only Feb.. but this may the the most ignorant and delusional post of the year... It's amazing how much info you have to disregard to remotely think this is true... Right Chaos?


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Re: Just for the "leftist"
« Reply #34 on: February 20, 2023, 09:03:51 PM »
The thing is, while a lot of that sounds ridiculous, it's easy to see how it got into the mainstream's pysche.  Podesta/Epstein contributed to that cultist shit, Hollywood earned the reputation it has, and on the surface, the election DID appear fishy the way it went down with the overnight switch in lead (whether it was predicted or not).  And this isn't saying I agree with that shit, just easy to see how others could believe it.

Either way, that fringe element will always exist and doesn't throw a "our country is in trouble" flag.

What DOES, is when people like yourself are NOT in raising an eye in distrust of the media and government when the evidence of why you should is pretty clear at this point.  But it's easier to focus on the low hanging fruit I guess.

You think I trust the government? I despise the government as it is, regardless of who is in power. Taxes are ridiculous, intrustions into our lives are ridiculous. If I have a terminal desease I have to travel to a specific state to be euthanized?  But in my opinion, Jan 6 showed us it  is not just a fringe...


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Re: Just for the "leftist"
« Reply #35 on: February 20, 2023, 09:04:34 PM »
Our kids are being sacrificed in other ways and the left doesn’t seem to give two shits. The left also can’t prove the election wasn’t stolen otherwise it still wouldn’t be in the courts.

Did you ever tell her if you were a Patriot or not?

I served 10 years in the military... you?


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Re: Just for the "leftist"
« Reply #36 on: February 20, 2023, 09:08:01 PM »
They were allowed to even present any evidence dipshit.

That's not true In most courts there is a hearing to determine if there is enough evidence to move forward to trial. Happens all the time.. almost every time. The fact their case was so weak is NOW your excuse as to why the election was overturned. That's just ignorance. I guess it's an overreach on my part to expect you to understand why cases don't move forward. It is NOT because they haven't revied the evidence, it is because they have and there is insufficient evidence or lack of standing.


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Re: Just for the "leftist"
« Reply #37 on: February 21, 2023, 05:21:46 AM »
That's not true In most courts there is a hearing to determine if there is enough evidence to move forward to trial. Happens all the time.. almost every time. The fact their case was so weak is NOW your excuse as to why the election was overturned. That's just ignorance. I guess it's an overreach on my part to expect you to understand why cases don't move forward. It is NOT because they haven't revied the evidence, it is because they have and there is insufficient evidence or lack of standing.

Qoach has shown over and over he doesn't grasp simple legal proceedings.  He doesn't understand committees, hearings, investigations, subpoenas, trials, etc. 

He is simply hanging onto delusions for dear life because reality is quite the opposite.  (As usual).


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Re: Just for the "leftist"
« Reply #38 on: February 21, 2023, 08:39:49 AM »
Just for the "leftist"

Thought this thread was about Bhanky.


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Re: Just for the "leftist"
« Reply #39 on: February 21, 2023, 10:11:19 AM »
Just for the "leftist"

Thought this thread was about Bhanky.

Why he shaking so?

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Re: Just for the "leftist"
« Reply #40 on: February 21, 2023, 10:26:40 AM »
You think I trust the government? I despise the government as it is, regardless of who is in power. Taxes are ridiculous, intrustions into our lives are ridiculous. If I have a terminal desease I have to travel to a specific state to be euthanized?  But in my opinion, Jan 6 showed us it  is not just a fringe...

I appreciate the response.

Jan 6th was the culmination of a ton of BS for sure, but it wasn't an "insurrection".

It was idiots venting that went too far.

No different than the BLM riots, albeit less damage and destruction.

And, it would have been much easier to get past it if Pelosi didn't reject the suggested Republicans that were recommended to be on it.  Once she did that, she killed any bipartisan alignment.

But back to my point - my frustration is that Musk's release of the Twitter files is showing exactly what happened without a doubt - big tech conspired (sometimes with the gov't) to suppress real stories that likely influenced, or even changed, the outcome of the election.  That is what is stoking the Jan 6th type folks......and the major media outlets are completely ignoring it, when it should be the lead story with every release.