Author Topic: pm question answered  (Read 2608 times)


  • Getbig V
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pm question answered
« on: August 18, 2006, 07:15:24 PM »
Hi, man, how's it going?

Been away for a long time from these boards, and now I'm happy to see  a pro doing us the favor you're doing. I strongly support your posts , here, thanx immensely !!

I've got a few questions for you, if you don't mind.

How do you treat EFFECTIVELY tendon injuries, as in tendonitis, and some sore joints??

I train naturally, used juice one single time for a competition 2 years ago, being the highest amount ever taken in the form of 150 ml of DECA. I'm from and live in Brazil, Sao Paulo city, ever been here?

Roids here are not a problem. They are legal with a prescription, but you won't go to jail if get caught with juice without a prescription. So it's a bodybuilders paradise, as we have Schering, Pfizer, Organon, Lilly, Sizen and such all over here, making the real products.

But like I said, since that only single cycle, I've never dabble with roids again, cuz I'm too afraid of getting sick, and I admit that.

I train since 11 years ago, and I'm afraid my joints aren't gonna hold up for too long, as I have been dealing with a biceps tendonitis that come and go for a loooooong time. Now it's back, as well as my elbows start to hurt (tendon part) and my right knee, in the corner.

What do you recommend, since you are a bodybuilder, too, and are very aware of these kinds of pains and such we end uo enduring from time to time? Doctors only tell you to take cortisone injections, or stop training, or 'it will never be the same, again. You fucked up big time' bullshit.

I don't want to stop training while it heals, too, since it's nothing that prevents me form training (far from that), but I'm sure my training could climb to the next level if I could heal up these wounds.

Could you help me ??

Thanx in advance.


alflutop is what i and many other bodybuilders us if and when we use something. some of us use prescribed medication from doctors but you gotta know the docs first and befriend them. it is easy many of them admire us. dont know why but they do  :D

ALFLUTOP - antirheumatic products

ALFLUTOP® is a natural product with high efficacy therapeutical properties proved by tests and studies performed for over 18 years.

ALFLUTOP®, conditioned as injectable solution, contains in 1 ml solution 10 mg bioactive concentrate (amino acids, low molecular mass peptides, mucopolysaccharides, trace elements: Na, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Cu, Zn), maximum 5 mg/ml phenol as preservative.

ALFLUTOP® belongs to the group of chondroprotective products having anti-hyaluronidase, antiinflammatory and analgesic action:

inhibits hyaluronidase excess;
restores chondrocytes homeostasis in damaged tissues;
stimulates regenerative processes at cartilage level;
improves the synovial fluid and the afflicted cartilage quality;
stimulates superoxide dismutase;
inhibits occurrence of superoxide free radicals.
The clinical trials have proved the efficacy of the product ALFLUTOP® in degenerative articular rheumatism, post-traumatic pathology and abarticular rheumatism.


lack of major complications;
very well tolerated, even by the patients suffering from gastrointestinal, cardiovascular and metabolic diseases;
a favourable ratio of costs and clinical efficacy.
The clinical trials have also showed the therapeutical effect of ALFLUTOP® in the treatment of periarthritis, spondiloarthrosis, spinal disc injuries, ankylopoietic spondilitis, Reiter syndrome, rheumatoid polyarthritis.
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