Author Topic: 9/11: 5 years later  (Read 2637 times)

Brian Peppers

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9/11: 5 years later
« on: September 07, 2006, 08:46:01 PM »
9/11: 5 years later

Only the deluded or the paid-off still believe amateur Arab pilots did it

By John Kaminski

The mindlock continues. The official coverup of the events of September 11, 2001 remains essentially intact five years after the mind-numbing orgy of destruction in New York and Washington.

This momentous first “foreign” attack on American soil was staged by key players running the U.S. government on a higher level than the president, who has by now has been exposed as a sociopathic sock puppet. The guilt of the highest leaders in the U.S. has been demonstrated for all to see by their concealment of evidence, obstruction of investigations, and obvious lies explaining that day and the subsequent carnage that has been wreaked because of them.

The brief amount of time that the towers took to fall proves the building cores were demolished. In five years and after billions of dollars spent “fighting terror,” the U.S. government has arrested no one for the crimes, and in fact has spent considerable effort covering up the evidence of treason and mass murder that has been unearthed by a worldwide army of outraged 9/11 researchers.

My friend the Lone Eagle, an aircraft supply expert, notes that among all the air disasters in history, 9/11 was only the time that a crashed aircraft could not be identified by the serial numbers on its small replaceable parts, which are seldom destroyed in any crash. And it happened four times that day.

Yet the government told us three steel framed skyscrapers collapsed due to fire. That also had never happened before.

Ellen Mariani is the widow of a man who supposedly lost his life on Flight 175. She looked for relatives of other victims of that flight and after five years of searching, she has found no one. These are three of thousands of jarring clues that the American people are in a significant coma about this event.

Both official government and mainstream media communications continue to reassure the public that the resulting "war on terror" continues, despite the facts that wars declared in its name have not only been unjust, but unsuccessful, and the entire American army is being poisoned in the bargain.

Not a single "Arab terrorist" not heavily coached (if not outright invented) by the powers that be has ever been arrested and charged for any of these colossal crimes.

The pre-9/11 investors who profited from their foreknowledge have all been identified as Israeli Jews.

9/11 was a hoax. You know it, and so do I. If you are an elected official and continue to deny 9/11 was a scam to make war a permanent revenue generator, then you should be preparing to go to jail.

Then again, consider the penalty for treason and mass murder.

How has 9/11 etched itself into our collective history?

Trillions of dollars spent on security measures and foreign invasions, enriching only the richest corporations and impoverishing the rest of us.

Hundreds of thousands of lives sacrificed to the maintenance of a scam.

No foreign terrorists ever arrested for the greatest crime ever committed in America.

The legacy of 9/11 includes arrest and detention without trial for thousands of innocent people. The creation of the concept of "rendition," which transfers suspects to other countries who have no laws prohibiting torture, is probably the major achievement by the Bush administration in its hellbent dash to destroy the American republic, and subjugate it to the whims of the international bankers.

It has become an America no one recognizes anymore.

The principle feature of the 9/11 coverup was the willful destruction of evidence by our highest leaders, one of many capital crimes committed by hundreds of national figures who broke the law to cover up their crimes.

Treason, mass murder, and obstruction of justice. That is the new official American mantra, for politicians to run from, and for citizens to keep repeating. I’ve been repeating it for three years.

Now, five years after the Twin Towers were destroyed, a groundswell of interest spreads across the minds of Americans, who for so long have been terrified of even considering the prospect that their own government would stage a charade of this magnitude merely to increase their profit margins.

Rumsfeld's Cipro stock, Cheney's Halliburton profits, the Bush family's joint bank account with the Queen of England .... but all these are chump change compared to the real profits that are harvested from the poisoned corpses scattered all across the Middle East, innocent corpses planted by the world's genuine Axis of Evil, which is monster Israel, through its Jewish domination of the world's money and media markets, controlling its vampire puppets Britain and the United States.

Unfortunately, the tapestry of history shows all too clearly this specific sequence of events is common in the history of humanity. Leaders who insist they are above the law and exercise their right to wrongly take the lives of others are allowed to get away with it because of the power they wield over the corrupt justice systems of whatever country they happen to control.

In our own century we’ve seen it happen to Russia. When it became the Jewish experiment known as the Bolshevik Revolution, 60 million people were murdered in its Communist gulags.

We saw it happen to Germany, which is now chiefly remembered for its persecution of .... who else? .... Jews. The fact Germany created an economic system free of the Jewish central banks is seldom mentioned today.

And now we see the United States, where no one can get elected to public office without the support of the Jews. Name me one person in public office opposed to Jewish interests!

As a result, we get mass murder in Gaza, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere, all horrors to support Jewish interests in Israel, yet supported by most Americans who do not trouble themselves to know who is perpetrating the mass murder of innocent people in their names.

America has become a Jewish state. We should pay particular heed to what happened to ordinary people in Russia when it became the Soviet Union, which was also a Jewish state, because it’s about to happen here in the U.S.

9/11 was the event that threw the American democracy into a pathologically totalitarian state, and jeopardized the future of humanity as never before.

Here is what we have learned in the five years since 9/11.

• There were no Arab hijackers. The American government has made no legitimate arrests in the case, has no identifications and no proof. Five years is enough time to declare to all of mankind that the U.S. government’s story about 9/11 is false, and we all need to realize that our freedom depends on our declaring it.

• Subsequent wars started by the U.S. were criminal acts against law and conscience. 9/11 was the initial pretext for this intensified persecution of the Islamic world. Subsequent terror incidents were all false flag operations based on the Israeli model and likely carried out by them as well. America has become a criminal state in the same way that Germany and Russia were turned into criminal states by unchecked Jewish influence.

• The three World Trade Center towers were brought down by controlled demolition. A Jewish New Yorker reaped a $7 billion payoff by leasing the towers six months before 9/11. He was a close friend of now-comatose mass murderer Israeli President Ariel Sharon.

• Hundreds if not thousands of the highest officials of the United States, Britain and Israel need to be indicted for — say it with me! — treason, mass murder, and obstruction of justice.

• Yet thanks to wholly corrupt and unreliable corporate media, the coverup remains intact as questions the government and media ignore continue to fester in the minds of an increasingly perplexed public.

• Focus on public ignorance partly explains how the crooks got away with it. People are easily convinced. The people who did this crime also control the school system. What do you expect people to think? They’ve been made blind.

Intense public relations campaigns of vilification and fear-mongering were necessary prior to both World Wars to persuade the American people to support invading other countries. Now, xenophobic hatred of everyone bubbles through the Jewish TV screens with frightening regularity.

• People begin to see the hollow rhetoric of TV news and Congressional committees. It has little relation to actual reality.

Anybody ever see undoctored evidence linking hijackers to the scene.

That answer would be no.

Millions of people understand that 9/11 was a false flag operation in the classic Israeli tradition. But now that Israel and Jewish bankers control the U.S., Americans have adopted the practice, and it is being put into effect all over the world.

But 9/11 was the key event that allowed these new police state measures and phony wars to be undertaken. All we have left now is corporate corpse plucking. And the sadness that we let the greatest hope for human dignity and freedom slip through our fingers, all because some Jewish men figured out a way to get permanently rich by creating a state of permanent war, which is the real legacy of 9/11, and the history of the U.S. in the 20th century.

As I have said numerous times in the past, 9/11 opens a window to the dark side of American history, the one we have never wanted to look at.

Even now, people refuse to look at the core of the problem, which is a philosophy that values one certain group of people over all others. Until that it is understood, the 9/11 puzzle will remain a mystery.

The American people still don’t get it. Throughout the U.S., most people still pretend the war on terror is not a lie
You believe me, don't you

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Re: 9/11: 5 years later
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2006, 10:19:22 PM »
one word


Mr. Intenseone

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Re: 9/11: 5 years later
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2006, 10:21:01 PM »
9/11: 5 years later

Only the deluded or the paid-off still believe amateur Arab pilots did it

By John Kaminski

The mindlock continues. The official coverup of the events of September 11, 2001 remains essentially intact five years after the mind-numbing orgy of destruction in New York and Washington.

This momentous first “foreign” attack on American soil was staged by key players running the U.S. government on a higher level than the president, who has by now has been exposed as a sociopathic sock puppet. The guilt of the highest leaders in the U.S. has been demonstrated for all to see by their concealment of evidence, obstruction of investigations, and obvious lies explaining that day and the subsequent carnage that has been wreaked because of them.

The brief amount of time that the towers took to fall proves the building cores were demolished. In five years and after billions of dollars spent “fighting terror,” the U.S. government has arrested no one for the crimes, and in fact has spent considerable effort covering up the evidence of treason and mass murder that has been unearthed by a worldwide army of outraged 9/11 researchers.

My friend the Lone Eagle, an aircraft supply expert, notes that among all the air disasters in history, 9/11 was only the time that a crashed aircraft could not be identified by the serial numbers on its small replaceable parts, which are seldom destroyed in any crash. And it happened four times that day.

Yet the government told us three steel framed skyscrapers collapsed due to fire. That also had never happened before.

Ellen Mariani is the widow of a man who supposedly lost his life on Flight 175. She looked for relatives of other victims of that flight and after five years of searching, she has found no one. These are three of thousands of jarring clues that the American people are in a significant coma about this event.

Both official government and mainstream media communications continue to reassure the public that the resulting "war on terror" continues, despite the facts that wars declared in its name have not only been unjust, but unsuccessful, and the entire American army is being poisoned in the bargain.

Not a single "Arab terrorist" not heavily coached (if not outright invented) by the powers that be has ever been arrested and charged for any of these colossal crimes.

The pre-9/11 investors who profited from their foreknowledge have all been identified as Israeli Jews.

9/11 was a hoax. You know it, and so do I. If you are an elected official and continue to deny 9/11 was a scam to make war a permanent revenue generator, then you should be preparing to go to jail.

Then again, consider the penalty for treason and mass murder.

How has 9/11 etched itself into our collective history?

Trillions of dollars spent on security measures and foreign invasions, enriching only the richest corporations and impoverishing the rest of us.

Hundreds of thousands of lives sacrificed to the maintenance of a scam.

No foreign terrorists ever arrested for the greatest crime ever committed in America.

The legacy of 9/11 includes arrest and detention without trial for thousands of innocent people. The creation of the concept of "rendition," which transfers suspects to other countries who have no laws prohibiting torture, is probably the major achievement by the Bush administration in its hellbent dash to destroy the American republic, and subjugate it to the whims of the international bankers.

It has become an America no one recognizes anymore.

The principle feature of the 9/11 coverup was the willful destruction of evidence by our highest leaders, one of many capital crimes committed by hundreds of national figures who broke the law to cover up their crimes.

Treason, mass murder, and obstruction of justice. That is the new official American mantra, for politicians to run from, and for citizens to keep repeating. I’ve been repeating it for three years.

Now, five years after the Twin Towers were destroyed, a groundswell of interest spreads across the minds of Americans, who for so long have been terrified of even considering the prospect that their own government would stage a charade of this magnitude merely to increase their profit margins.

Rumsfeld's Cipro stock, Cheney's Halliburton profits, the Bush family's joint bank account with the Queen of England .... but all these are chump change compared to the real profits that are harvested from the poisoned corpses scattered all across the Middle East, innocent corpses planted by the world's genuine Axis of Evil, which is monster Israel, through its Jewish domination of the world's money and media markets, controlling its vampire puppets Britain and the United States.

Unfortunately, the tapestry of history shows all too clearly this specific sequence of events is common in the history of humanity. Leaders who insist they are above the law and exercise their right to wrongly take the lives of others are allowed to get away with it because of the power they wield over the corrupt justice systems of whatever country they happen to control.

In our own century we’ve seen it happen to Russia. When it became the Jewish experiment known as the Bolshevik Revolution, 60 million people were murdered in its Communist gulags.

We saw it happen to Germany, which is now chiefly remembered for its persecution of .... who else? .... Jews. The fact Germany created an economic system free of the Jewish central banks is seldom mentioned today.

And now we see the United States, where no one can get elected to public office without the support of the Jews. Name me one person in public office opposed to Jewish interests!

As a result, we get mass murder in Gaza, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere, all horrors to support Jewish interests in Israel, yet supported by most Americans who do not trouble themselves to know who is perpetrating the mass murder of innocent people in their names.

America has become a Jewish state. We should pay particular heed to what happened to ordinary people in Russia when it became the Soviet Union, which was also a Jewish state, because it’s about to happen here in the U.S.

9/11 was the event that threw the American democracy into a pathologically totalitarian state, and jeopardized the future of humanity as never before.

Here is what we have learned in the five years since 9/11.

• There were no Arab hijackers. The American government has made no legitimate arrests in the case, has no identifications and no proof. Five years is enough time to declare to all of mankind that the U.S. government’s story about 9/11 is false, and we all need to realize that our freedom depends on our declaring it.

• Subsequent wars started by the U.S. were criminal acts against law and conscience. 9/11 was the initial pretext for this intensified persecution of the Islamic world. Subsequent terror incidents were all false flag operations based on the Israeli model and likely carried out by them as well. America has become a criminal state in the same way that Germany and Russia were turned into criminal states by unchecked Jewish influence.

• The three World Trade Center towers were brought down by controlled demolition. A Jewish New Yorker reaped a $7 billion payoff by leasing the towers six months before 9/11. He was a close friend of now-comatose mass murderer Israeli President Ariel Sharon.

• Hundreds if not thousands of the highest officials of the United States, Britain and Israel need to be indicted for — say it with me! — treason, mass murder, and obstruction of justice.

• Yet thanks to wholly corrupt and unreliable corporate media, the coverup remains intact as questions the government and media ignore continue to fester in the minds of an increasingly perplexed public.

• Focus on public ignorance partly explains how the crooks got away with it. People are easily convinced. The people who did this crime also control the school system. What do you expect people to think? They’ve been made blind.

Intense public relations campaigns of vilification and fear-mongering were necessary prior to both World Wars to persuade the American people to support invading other countries. Now, xenophobic hatred of everyone bubbles through the Jewish TV screens with frightening regularity.

• People begin to see the hollow rhetoric of TV news and Congressional committees. It has little relation to actual reality.

Anybody ever see undoctored evidence linking hijackers to the scene.

That answer would be no.

Millions of people understand that 9/11 was a false flag operation in the classic Israeli tradition. But now that Israel and Jewish bankers control the U.S., Americans have adopted the practice, and it is being put into effect all over the world.

But 9/11 was the key event that allowed these new police state measures and phony wars to be undertaken. All we have left now is corporate corpse plucking. And the sadness that we let the greatest hope for human dignity and freedom slip through our fingers, all because some Jewish men figured out a way to get permanently rich by creating a state of permanent war, which is the real legacy of 9/11, and the history of the U.S. in the 20th century.

As I have said numerous times in the past, 9/11 opens a window to the dark side of American history, the one we have never wanted to look at.

Even now, people refuse to look at the core of the problem, which is a philosophy that values one certain group of people over all others. Until that it is understood, the 9/11 puzzle will remain a mystery.

The American people still don’t get it. Throughout the U.S., most people still pretend the war on terror is not a lie

Liberal rhetoric......carry on!

Mr. Intenseone

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Re: 9/11: 5 years later
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2006, 10:21:39 PM »


  • Getbig V
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Re: 9/11: 5 years later
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2006, 10:24:38 PM »
stands to reason that someone called "brian peppers" would also be interested in conspiracy theories.

Brian Peppers

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Re: 9/11: 5 years later
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2006, 10:48:27 PM »
Liberal rhetoric......carry on!

Easy to label that.

Very hard for you to discount the valid points though.

A lot of men who are a lot smarter than you have risked much and come forward with these arguments and you dismiss them without reading them.  Luckily for you, there are other Americans who do care about our freedoms.
You believe me, don't you

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Re: 9/11: 5 years later
« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2006, 10:52:32 PM »
I've given up, peppers.  You can lead a sheep to water but they'll often perfer to dry out on the shore rather than take that step and open up their minds to the water.

FOX News did a very respectful piece on Bob Bowman tonight.  He is running for a congress seat this fall in FL.  He was the man behind Star Wars under Reagan.  They showed a few of his points, cited some holes in the 911 story that Bowman wants reinvestigated but the govt will not answer.  Very fair piece!

Mr. Intenseone

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Re: 9/11: 5 years later
« Reply #7 on: September 07, 2006, 10:57:12 PM »
Easy to label that.

Very hard for you to discount the valid points though.

A lot of men who are a lot smarter than you have risked much and come forward with these arguments and you dismiss them without reading them.  Luckily for you, there are other Americans who do care about our freedoms.

See dude, what you don't get is that the majority of Libs are liers just to undermine the president...they make shit up, and, again, the majority have nothing good to say about America....they are, in damn near every sence of the word....unpatriotic, non-believing, hate whores!

Brian Peppers

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Re: 9/11: 5 years later
« Reply #8 on: September 07, 2006, 11:02:04 PM »
See dude, what you don't get is that the majority of Libs are liers just to undermine the president...they make shit up, and, again, the majority have nothing good to say about America....they are, in damn near every sence of the word....unpatriotic, non-believing, hate whores!

I am a Republican, I served my country, I am working on my Masters in Engineering, and I want a new investigation into 911. 

Am I unpatriotic? Am I a hate whore?
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Re: 9/11: 5 years later
« Reply #9 on: September 07, 2006, 11:13:12 PM »
I've given up, peppers.  You can lead a sheep to water but they'll often perfer to dry out on the shore rather than take that step and open up their minds to the water.

You have accomplished a lot here.  :)  You are right though, I guess there will always be people that blindly follow and don't look at whats really happening (Building coming down at the speed of gravity from jet fuel for instance).

I am a Republican, I served my country, I am working on my Masters in Engineering, and I want a new investigation into 911. 

I wish there were more Americans like you.  8)

240 = Republican
Brian Peppers = Republican
Benfun7 = Ex Republican (Independent now)

This isn't a left vs right issue.  So please quit making your self sound like a jack ass saying that lefty shit. 

K Thnx  8)

Brian Peppers

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Re: 9/11: 5 years later
« Reply #10 on: September 07, 2006, 11:35:56 PM »
You have accomplished a lot here.  :)  You are right though, I guess there will always be people that blindly follow and don't look at whats really happening (Building coming down at the speed of gravity from jet fuel for instance).

I wish there were more Americans like you.  8)

240 = Republican
Brian Peppers = Republican
Benfun7 = Ex Republican (Independent now)

This isn't a left vs right issue.  So please quit making your self sound like a jack ass saying that lefty shit. 

K Thnx  8)

Thank you.   I mean no disrespect - but I cannot understand the liberal label when calls for a new 911 investigation have nothing to do with partisan issues.  The war - yes, many Democrats use that issue.  But looking at the failures and anomalies on 911 has nothing to do with politics - it has to do with right and wrong.

I try to stay anonymous, but when I saw the arguments here I wanted to write some posts of my own.  I completed my BS In Civ Eng. and the 911 story is something that everyone knows about but no one talks about.  When structural issues are discussed, you'd often hear someone crack "unless the date is 911!" and everyone laughed a quiet yet nervous laugh.  I'm at a different school now for my masters degree, and here, people are quite vocal about their beliefs.  There is literature you will find in different places, and oddly, educators will discuss it now, but it isn't part of any syllabii.

I will say that when you examine the official report, understand the  limitations of their investigation.
You believe me, don't you


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Re: 9/11: 5 years later
« Reply #11 on: September 08, 2006, 06:29:59 AM »
You have accomplished a lot here.  :)  You are right though, I guess there will always be people that blindly follow and don't look at whats really happening (Building coming down at the speed of gravity from jet fuel for instance).

I wish there were more Americans like you.  8)

240 = Republican
Brian Peppers = Republican
240=Brian Peppers
Benfun7 = Ex Republican (Independent now)

This isn't a left vs right issue.  So please quit making your self sound like a jack ass saying that lefty shit. 

K Thnx  8)

fixed it for ya.

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Re: 9/11: 5 years later
« Reply #12 on: September 08, 2006, 08:18:00 AM »
fixed it for ya.

No sir.  I respect his knowledge on this, but I prefer not to touch the Isreali motives as he has gotten deeper into.  All I care about it the events of that day, and people calling for a new investigation.  When you bring in political motives you get people calling names like 'liberal' and 'neocon'.  All that matters is the evidence of the day.  Reopen 911.


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Re: 9/11: 5 years later
« Reply #13 on: September 08, 2006, 10:55:25 AM »
Rumsfeld's Cipro stock, Cheney's Halliburton profits, the Bush family's joint bank account with the Queen of England .... but all these are chump change compared to the real profits that are harvested from the poisoned corpses scattered all across the Middle East, innocent corpses planted by the world's genuine Axis of Evil, which is monster Israel, through its Jewish domination of the world's money and media markets, controlling its vampire puppets Britain and the United States.

You lost the arguement.
Blaming Jews and Israel.

You were better off blaming the CIA.

Damn Jews started WW2 as well. ::)
You can now join, hitler stalin, Iran and every other tyrray in your hatred. Good for you.

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Re: 9/11: 5 years later
« Reply #14 on: September 08, 2006, 11:16:40 AM »
I've given up, peppers. 

Oh really?  Does that mean you're going to stop repeating that cockamamie conspiracy theory?   :) 

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Re: 9/11: 5 years later
« Reply #15 on: September 08, 2006, 11:19:30 AM »
I believe 240 has his heart in the right frame of mind. I just think his been trying to diet too hard and that's why all the 9/11 threads. ;)

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Re: 9/11: 5 years later
« Reply #16 on: September 08, 2006, 12:24:02 PM »
Oh really?  Does that mean you're going to stop repeating that cockamamie conspiracy theory?   :) 

Nah, but I'm going to stop trying to push anyone into learning.  There is a mountain of evidence that says the real story is BS.  Washington post has a nice story today on its front page on the 911 skeptics - anyone read it?  I am not a member.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: 9/11: 5 years later
« Reply #17 on: September 08, 2006, 12:37:19 PM »
For 240 -

The Disbelievers
9/11 Conspiracy Theorists Are Building Their Case Against the Government From Ground Zero

By Michael Powell
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, September 8, 2006; C01


He felt no shiver of doubt in those first terrible hours.

He watched the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon and assumed al-Qaeda had wreaked terrible vengeance. He listened to anchors and military experts and assumed the facts of Sept. 11, 2001, were as stated on the screen.

It was a year before David Ray Griffin, an eminent liberal theologian and philosopher, began his stroll down the path of disbelief. He wondered why Bush listened to a child's story while the nation was attacked and how Osama bin Laden, America's Public Enemy No. 1, escaped in the mountains of Tora Bora.

He wondered why 110-story towers crashed and military jets failed to intercept even one airliner. He read the 9/11 Commission report with a swell of anger. Contradictions were ignored and no military or civilian official was reprimanded, much less cashiered.

"To me, the report read as a cartoon." White-haired and courtly, Griffin sits on a couch in a hotel lobby in Manhattan, unspooling words in that reasonable Presbyterian minister's voice. "It's a much greater stretch to accept the official conspiracy story than to consider the alternatives."

Such as?

"There was massive complicity in this attack by U.S. government operatives."

If that feels like a skip off the cliff of established reality, more Americans are in free fall than you might guess. There are few more startling measures of American distrust of leaders than the widespread belief that the Bush administration had a hand in the attacks of Sept. 11 in order to spark an invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq.

A recent Scripps Howard/Ohio University poll of 1,010 Americans found that 36 percent suspect the U.S. government promoted the attacks or intentionally sat on its hands. Sixteen percent believe explosives brought down the towers. Twelve percent believe a cruise missile hit the Pentagon.

Distrust percolates more strongly near Ground Zero. A Zogby International poll of New York City residents two years ago found 49.3 percent believed the government "consciously failed to act."

You could dismiss this as a louder than usual howl from the CIA-controls-my-thoughts-through-the-filling-in-my-molar crowd. Establishment assessments of the believers tend toward the psychotherapeutic. Many academics, politicians and thinkers left, right and center say the conspiracy theories are a case of one plus one equals five. It's a piling up of improbabilities.

Thomas Eager, a professor of materials science at MIT, has studied the collapse of the twin towers. "At first, I thought it was amazing that the buildings would come down in their own footprints," Eager says. "Then I realized that it wasn't that amazing -- it's the only way a building that weighs a million tons and is 95 percent air can come down."

But the chatter out there is loud enough for the National Institute of Standards and Technology to post a Web "fact sheet" poking holes in the conspiracy theories and defending its report on the towers.

Yeah, as if . . .

The loose agglomeration known as the "9/11 Truth Movement" has stopped looking for truth from the government. As cacophonous and free-range a bunch of conspiracists anywhere this side of Guy Fawkes, they produce hip-hop inflected documentaries and scholarly conferences. The Web is their mother lode. Every citizen is a researcher. There's nothing like a triple, Google-fed epiphany lighting up the laptop at 2:44 a.m.

Did you see that the CIA met with bin Laden in a hospital room in Dubai? Check out this Pakistani site, there are really weird doings in Baluchistan . . .

The academic wing is led by Griffin, who founded the Center for a Postmodern World at Claremont University; James Fetzer, a tenured philosopher at the University of Minnesota (Fetzer's an old hand in JFK assassination research); and Daniel Orr, the retired chairman of the economics department at the University of Illinois. The movement's de facto minister of engineering is Steven Jones, a tenured physics professor at Brigham Young University, who's studied vectors and velocities and tested explosives and concluded that the collapse of the twin towers is best explained as controlled demolition, sped by a thousand pounds of high-grade thermite.

Former Reagan aide Barbara Honegger is a senior military affairs journalist at the Naval Postgraduate School in California. She's convinced, based on her freelance research, that a bomb went off about six minutes before an airplane hit the Pentagon -- or didn't hit it, as some believe the case may be. Catherine Austin Fitts served as assistant secretary of housing in the first President Bush's administration and gained a fine reputation as a fraud buster; David Bowman was chief of advanced space programs under presidents Ford and Carter. Fitts and Bowman agree that the "most unbelievable conspiracy" theory is the one retailed by the government.

Then there's Morgan O. Reynolds, appointed by George W. Bush as chief economist at the Labor Department. He left in 2002 and doesn't think much of his former boss; he describes President Bush as a "dysfunctional creep," not to mention a "possible war criminal."

You reach Reynolds at his country home in the hills of Arkansas. His favored rhetorical style is long paragraphs without obvious punctuation: "Who did it? Elements of our government and M-16 and the Mossad. The government's case is a laugh-out-loud proposition. They used patsies and lies and subterfuge and there's no way that Bush and Cheney could have invaded Iraq without the help of 9/11."

They are cantankerous and sometimes distrust each other -- who knows where the double agents lurk? But unreasonable questions resonate with the reasonable. Colleen Kelly's brother, a salesman, had breakfast at the Windows on the World restaurant on Sept. 11. After he died she founded September Eleventh Families for Peaceful Tomorrows to oppose the Iraq war. She lives in the Bronx and gives a gingerly embrace to the conspiracy crowd.

"Sometimes I listen to them and I think that's sooooo outlandish and bizarre," she says. "But that day had such disastrous geopolitical consequences. If David Ray Griffin asks uncomfortable questions and points out painful discrepancies? Good for him."

Griffin's book, "The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration and 9/11," never reviewed in a major U.S. newspaper, sold more than 100,000 copies and became a movement founding stone. Last year he traveled through New England, giving speeches in whitewashed churches and gymnasiums. He came to West Hartford, Conn., on a rainy autumn evening. Four hundred mostly middle-aged and upper-middle-class doctors and lawyers, teachers and social workers sat waiting.

Griffin took the podium and laid down his ideas with calm and cool. He concluded:

"It is already possible to know beyond a reasonable doubt one very important thing: The destruction of the World Trade Center was an inside job, orchestrated by domestic terrorists," he says. "The welfare of our republic and perhaps even the survival of our civilization depend on getting the truth about 9/11 exposed."

The audience rose and applauded for more than a minute.

"Reality is a thin line between denial and paranoia."

-- Author unknown, but often quoted by the 9/11 truth movement

"Me?" You've asked the Rev. Frank Morales, the bohemian Episcopalian minister with the hipster goatee, where he stands on the nature of the conspiracy. We're standing in the ancient graveyard of St. Mark's Church in the Bowery on Second Avenue. "I lean to LIHOP."

The 9/11 truthers share a lieutenant colonel's love of acronyms. They divide themselves into LIHOPS and MIHOPS and differences are not trifling. LIHOP stands for "Let It Happen On Purpose," which means someone inside the U.S. government intentionally let the terror conspiracy go. MIHOP means "Made It Happen On Purpose," and its gradations center on whether Bush was in or out of the loop (a surprising number believe he was clueless) and whether the Mossad or British intelligence was dealt into the deal.

Morales, 57, who came out of the Lower East Side housing projects, spent days at Ground Zero performing last rites for the dead, many little more than a collection of body parts.

"I didn't presume to know who did it," he says. "There was a lot of shucking and jiving. I wonder at what point massive incompetence crosses over into negligent homicide."

To make sense of the truth movement's anger, you need to hit the rewind button to early 2001, with the hindsight of today. There was, as the 9/11 Commission hearings made clear, a bad moon rising. Warnings kept coming of a "high probability" of a "spectacular" terrorist attack. A national security adviser warned Condoleezza Rice there were terrorist cells, probably al-Qaeda guys, in the country. CIA chief George Tenet said the "system was blinking red."

A presidential bulletin on Aug. 6 had a catchy title: "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S." Bush did not discuss it again with Tenet before Sept. 11.

So give the truth movement, many of whom are based in New York City, their props. They may be paranoid, but something nasty came our way. They pore over the paper trail with a Sherlock Holmesian intensity, alert to intriguing discrepancy.

Such as:

Former transporation secretary Norman Mineta told the commission he arrived in the presidential operations center -- under the White House -- at 9:20 a.m. on Sept. 11 and found Vice President Cheney. When an aide asked Cheney about the hijacked plane fast approaching the Pentagon, Mineta says the vice president snapped that the "orders still stand." Mineta assumed the orders were to shoot the plane down. Conspiracy theorists interpret this to mean: Don't shoot it down.

Cheney later said he was not in the operations center until after the plane hit. The commission never mentioned Mineta's contradictory version.

In September 2001, NORAD generals said they learned of the hijackings in time to scramble fighter jets. But the government recently released tapes claiming to show the FAA did not tell the military about the hijackings until three of the four planes had crashed.

That would mean the FAA repeatedly lied. It would also mean, as Griffin points out, that the entire military chain of command stayed quiet about huge inaccuracies for four years "even though . . . the true story would put the military in a better light."

More mysteries pile up. The 9/11 Commission says Flight 77 hit the Pentagon at 9:37. But Honegger says clocks stopped at the Pentagon at 9:32. Then there's the collapse of the twin towers, which Jones, the physics professor, timed at just short of free fall. Griffin cites firefighters, including a captain, who said in hearings and on tapes from that day that they saw flashes and heard the sound of explosions before the collapse.

"It's like the Nazi-facilitated Reichstag fire," Honegger says from her home in California. "They guided and secretly protected it to justify their global agenda."

Let's put aside the could-anyone-do-something-that-spectacularly-twisted? question and touch on practicalities. Isn't the problem with big ugly conspiracies -- from the Gulf of Tonkin to My Lai to the 1961 Pentagon plan to provoke a war by attacking Americans and blaming it on Castro -- that they are too big and ugly to keep secret?

Griffin shrugs. History is littered with government black-bag jobs. "How do you know they can't keep big secrets? Can you be sure you know what you don't know?"

* * *

There is a "morning after" quality to the conspiratorial romance. One moment you groove on the epiphanies and the next moment you're lost in a dull haze of "this cannot be a coincidence," "perhaps significantly" and "if so . . ."

What of incompetence? Or the raw absurdity of life? The truth movement makes much of a 2001 BBC report that a half-dozen of the hijackers were still alive. They mention Waleed al Shehri, a pilot who still flies commercial runs in Morocco. But the BBC retracted that.

It turns out the live guy and the dead hijacker spelled their names differently.

Then there's the theory that Flight 77 did not hit the Pentagon and United 93 did not crash in Shanksville, Pa. But, like, what happened to the passengers? (Among the passengers on Flight 77 was Barbara Olson, wife of former U.S. solicitor general Ted Olson).

"Why should any of us know where it went?" Griffin says. "It could have been it crashed in Kentucky. We don't need a theory where it went."

Chip Berlet, senior analyst at Political Research Associates, a Boston-based left-leaning think tank, is no fan of the 9/11 Commission. He believes a serious investigation should have led to indictments and the firing of incompetent generals and civilian officials.

But he has no patience with the conspiracy theorists.

"They don't do their homework; it's a kind of charlatanism," Berlet says over the phone. "They say there's no debris on the lawn in front of the Pentagon, but they base their analysis on a photo on the Internet . That's like analyzing an impressionist painting by looking at a postcard."

Now comes a loud sigh.

"I love 'The X-Files' but I don't base my research on it," he says. "My vision of hell is having to review these [conspiracy] books over and over again."

Let's move on to Eager of MIT. "Demolition experts say, 'Ohhh, it's all science and timing.' Bull!" Eager says. "What's the technique? If 200,000 tons gives way, where do you think it's going? Straight down."

In the days after Sept. 11, experts claimed temperatures reached 2,000 degrees on the upper floors. Others claimed steel melted. Nope. What happened, Eager says, is that jet fuel sloshed around and beams got rubbery.

"It's not too much to think that you could have some regions at 900 degrees and others at 1,200 degrees, and that will distort the beams."

The truth movement doesn't really care for Eager. A Web site casts a fisheye of suspicion at the professor and his colleagues. "Did the MIT have prior knowledge?" notes one chat room. "This is for sure another speculative topic . . . "

"It is no measure of health to be sane in an insane society."

-- Krishnamurti

Nico Haupt, a gaunt fellow in black sneakers, black socks, black jeans and black T-shirt, stands up in St. Mark's Church in the Bowery. He holds aloft two blue Oreos boxes taped to resemble the twin towers. A pen juts out, kind of like a Boeing airplane.

For an hour he's shown videos of planes hitting the towers. If you note the glinting sunlight and angle of wings and you're honest about vectors and maybe the hashish is kicking in, you'll realize there were no planes .

Truth movement veterans distance themselves from Haupt, who has a bit of a temper. But Reynolds, the former Labor Department economist, also is a "no-planer."

"There were no planes, there were no hijackers," Reynolds insists. "I know, I know, I'm out of the mainstream, but that's the way it is."

But what about all those New Yorkers who saw airplanes hitting the twin towers? A chuckle rumbles down the phone line. "I don't believe anyone in Lower Manhattan," he says. "You hire three dozen Actors' Equity dudes and they'll say anything ."

Some days the 9/11 truth movement resembles an Italian coalition government -- dissolution is a certainty. Honegger and Griffin believe bombs brought down the twin towers but have little truck with make-believe planes. There's a faction that says the Mossad did it and another that says that's insane, and maybe anti-Semitic.

Where are we going here? There's a Journal of 9/11 Studies, documentaries, CDs and DVDs. Is conspiracy thought getting codified?

"That's our worry, of course," Griffin says. "I want my life back. But how can I ignore that we have become entranced by demonic power, so focused on lust for wealth and control that almost anything becomes possible?"

You reach Honegger a few nights later. She'd like to give it up, too. "I am sitting here in my little office trying to figure out what happened to my country on this day. I wouldn't be a patriot if I didn't try to prove the government's story is preposterous."
© 2006 The Washington Post Company


  • Getbig V
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Re: 9/11: 5 years later
« Reply #18 on: September 08, 2006, 01:06:42 PM »
great article, joker . . . 240/Peppers is gonna love it.

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  • Getbig V
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Re: 9/11: 5 years later
« Reply #19 on: September 08, 2006, 02:33:26 PM »
Every day, there are 10,000 new people who call for a new investigation, despite the govt and media doing their best to stop it.