Author Topic: Natural Al's DC training Journal  (Read 184093 times)

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #650 on: June 23, 2009, 04:19:34 PM »
latest workout:

dip machine-210*18RP

machine press-10 plates*22RP

PJR pullover-50*20SS

machine pulldown-I got 18 reps RP, real slow negatives, I don't remember the weight I used, sorry

seated rows-145*20SS

*I did statics on eerything but the PJR's and the seated rows

*my negatives are really slow and controlled now

*I count the plates on the machines now cause the way the actual weight is written on the mahine it does not match up with the plates

*1 minute stretch on evrything but tri's (I have a little elbow pain)

I'm doing a real exxagerated stretch on the seated row hence the light weight.

bodyweight this morning was 198, right now I'm trying to tighten up a bit but have yet to really dig in with the cardio.
nasser=piece of shit

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #651 on: June 28, 2009, 03:13:23 PM »
2 workouts since the last post:

drag curl-155*18RP

wrist curl-100*22RP

calf sled-120*12 then partials to failure

seated leg curl-120*17RP

squat (on a smith-ass to the ground)-225*11

then I did 22 reps on a paramount leg press with 200lbs and did some ab work.


declines on a smith-315*9RP

wide grip upright rows-155*18RP

dip mavhine-230*20


1 arm cable rows-170*4-6

that's a condensed version sorry, I havent been in the gym for a bit and kinda over-estimated what I could do on the declines, I really slowed down my negatives so that's why I'm going so lite on some things.
nasser=piece of shit

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #652 on: July 07, 2009, 03:54:19 PM »
I think I finally turned the corner and kicked it into gear, had a great workout on Monday.

Dip Machine-212.5*18RP, got 1 more rep than last time with 2.5 more lbs, I really slowed the negatives down on these so the poundages went down a little but these were heavy as hell, I then did a widowmaker with 100lbs for 20 reps straight setted. 

Paramount Press-10 plates+5lbs for 20 reps rest paused, I don't bother trying to figure out how much weight is on the machines anymore they're not listed on the plates but on the side and it doesn't line up right so I'm just counting plates from now on

PJR Pullover-55lbs for 22 reps rest paused

Paramount Pulldown-10 plates plus 3.3lbs for 19 reps rest paused, really slow negatives with these

seated row-150*20 reps straight setted

I did about a 20-30 second static on almost everything except the tri movement and the seated row, I did a 1 minute stretch for shoulders, tri's and back then I did a lighter stretch for chest but I held it for 90 seconds.

I'm alternating ab movements yesterday was a crunch machine, I did 6 plates for 21 reps straight setted then I went down and did the step mill for 20 minutes.

right now I weigh 198lbs, gained a littel weight since I started getting back into the gym but that's fine as long as my waist doesn't get out of hand I'm fine with it, now I have to start chisling the fat off.
nasser=piece of shit

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #653 on: July 14, 2009, 06:35:26 PM »
I've been working crazy hours so I have not had time to post.  here's 1 of my workous:

declines on a smith-295 x 17RP

wide grip upright row-155 x 21RP

dip machine for tri's-235 x 21RP

pulldowns-168 x 19RP

1 arm cable row-170 x 4 or 5 each arm

did the declines on a smith, same with the upright rows cause it saves my loweer back, did statics for everything followed by my stretches. all workouts ende with abs these days.  I did 1 SS with 7 plates on the paramount crunch machine.

did a little cardio on my off days.

nasser=piece of shit

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #654 on: July 24, 2009, 05:00:56 PM »
man....been workin like 60 hours a week so not alot of time to train or do cardio or anything really.  I'm gonna hit it tomorrow and hopefully that will be a good jumping on point for me.  this year has been junk as far as training...really everything BB related has gone down the toilet, I'm hoping the next few weeks will be really good.

current weight=201 LBS

I'm pretty soft right now, I've been in alot better shape at this weigh in the past. 
nasser=piece of shit

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #655 on: July 25, 2009, 02:11:45 PM »
got up this morning and jumped on the bike to start the cardio routine, I'm still doing max-ot cardio and today was just about setting a baseline to beat the next time.  I didn't go nuts cause I want to ease into it.  I got 221 calories in 16 minutes ( on my bike, I don't know how accurate the "calories burned" are but it's what I go by)

hit the rec center as well:

decline press ( on a smith machine ) 305*17RP, then I did a widowmaker movement I came up with and a stretch for 1 minute.

lateral machine-80*19RP-super slow negatives and then a static hold for 20 seconds and a 1 minute stretch

dip machine-close grip for the tri's-240*16RP, no static and no stretch cause my elbow hurt afterwards

pulldowns-180*21RP-slow negatives

1 arm cable rows-180*4 each arm, I've been doing these for awhile and this might be the last time, I think I maxed out on them.  they're not really a great DC movement anyway but I wanted to try them.  I gotta come up with a replacement movement.

ab machine-7 plates for 21 reps, the weight isn't on the plates, it's off to the side and it's "offset" so I got sick of trying to line it up, from now on I'm just counting plates on a ton of machines.

did a few minutes on the treadmill afterwards.

good start.
nasser=piece of shit

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #656 on: July 27, 2009, 04:24:10 PM »
let's see, here's the last workout:

seated barbell curls-85*27RP with a 30 second standing static and a 1 minute stretch

toe press-440*12 done DC style

Leg Press-445*37SS-I wanted to get 50 reps straight setted but I totally failed at 37.

abductor machine-90*20 SS

hanging leg raise-28 SS

I lowered alot of my weights at the begining of this blast to concentrate on the negative aspects of the movements, especially the leg movements cause my knees were bothering me a bit at the end of the last blast.

abs are pretty simple, I rotate machine crunch's and hanging leg raises, I just go for reps on the hanging leg raise, try to beat it everytime, I'm up to 28 reps, next time I'll shoot for 29-30.  I never really did abs.
nasser=piece of shit

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #657 on: July 30, 2009, 05:34:57 PM »
lessee, here's what I did last workout:

paramount chest press-11 plates for 22 reps rest paused, did my widowmaker movement and a 1 minute extreme stretch

military press-165*35 repa rest paused, I hurt my shoulder awhile ago so I'm taking it slow with these, did a 30 second static and a 1 minute stretch-if my shoulder feels ok next time I'm bumping the weight up to 245....35 reps is a little to high IMO (these were on a smith machine)

reverse grip bench-145*24RP

assisted pull ups-I do these a little different than most, grip is parrellel (sp) and as I pull up I angle my body back so my lower pecs touch the bar, I got 22 reps with 40lbs of assistance-only my second time doing these.

I skipped the t bar rows cause I had to go get the kids but I got in my ab work, when I got home I did a max ot cardio session, 16 min and 245 calories burned.  heart rate got up to 171 BPM, these sessions are a bitch.  I might start skipping rope as well in the evening, maybe even some running.
nasser=piece of shit

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #658 on: July 31, 2009, 02:37:21 PM »
just did another max ot cardio session, got 250 calories...I did 5 minutes with the tension on 3, 5 min with it on 4 and the last 6 minutes on 5, HR hit 170.  I keep saying I'm gonna double session this ( 1 session in the am one in the pm) but I don't see how I could pull that off with the way my legs feel after 1 session. 

tomorrow should be bi's, forearms, legs and lower abs...I'm already fired up
nasser=piece of shit

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #659 on: August 01, 2009, 11:27:48 AM »

drag curl-155*18RP with the usual stretch and static hold

wrist curl-100*25RP

calf sled-120*13 done dc style, then did an unusual movement I came up with to finish them off

seated leg curl-150*21RP, no static and no stretch for these, hamstrings have been bothering me for a bit

squat-225*10, ass to the grass with a pause at the bottom, my back is the limiting factor with squatss

paramount leg press-200*23ish, I just went to failure, stopped counting at 20


1 minute quad stretch

hanging leg raise-1*30SS, I wanna work my way up to 100 reps

might do cardio later but my legs feel like jello right now.

weighed in at 196 this morning.
nasser=piece of shit

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #660 on: August 06, 2009, 01:30:49 PM »
had a coyuple of workouts since the last has been insane but here is what I did last workout:

machine preacher-65*21RP, slow negatives, lonf static and a great stretch.

hammer curls-45*32RP

toe press #2-these are done with a 3 second stretch instead of the usual 15, thet are also rest paused vs. the usual which is one straight set, I got 34 reps with 275lbs

single leg leg press-275*22-24 SS, my left knee bothered me a bit

hanging leg raise-34 reps (going for 100 reps)
nasser=piece of shit

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #661 on: November 04, 2009, 02:49:56 PM »
haven't been to the gym in weeks, hardly done anything physical at all.  I hope to get goin next week, I have to go slow to start out.  it's just been a shitty year trainin wise, I'm flabby as hell right now.

just wanted to vent a little.

been sick alot, don't really want to get into it but I hope to get goin either friday or this coming monday.

might post some pics in a few weeks if I vcan pull it together, we'll see.
nasser=piece of shit

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #662 on: November 08, 2009, 12:43:52 PM »
made it through the first workout back, lowered my weights alot and changed some things up:
dip machine-200*19RP with a static and a stretch at the end, I lowered the weights as slowly as possible on everything.

paramount shoulder press-10 plates for 26 reps RP

single arm DB extention-did these laying down and lowered the weights to behind my head, I did then unilaterally cause my left tri is a ton better than my right so I wanted to see if this would help that out at all.  I did 25lbs for as many reps as possible straight setted just to establish a baseline for this movement, I got about 30 reps

pulldown-180*18RP again as slow as possible on the negative, my wrist popped a couple of times at the end so I might have cut this one short

seated row-228*9 and then 180*15

I did a few minutes of cardio afterwards very light stuff, I have a little bit of a cough today so that's not good, I was gonna do cardio today but I'm gonna take it easy so I don't get an infection in my lungs ( the asthma again....argg)
nasser=piece of shit

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #663 on: November 14, 2009, 02:20:52 PM »
got sick as a dog after my last session so I took the week off, then started over from scratch.

dip machine-200*20RP with a 20 second static and a 1 minute stretch

paramount shoulder press-11 plates for 25 reps rest paused, static and stretch

single arm DB extentions-30lbs for 28 reps straight setted-new, still getting a feel for it.  I didn't go nuts, but they felt pretty good.


seated row-230*8 and then 180*15

second workout, this morning:

DB curls-40*21RP, static and stretch

wrist curls-65*22RP, 2 second stretch at the bottom of each rep

toe press-315*32RP, 3 second stretch

sumo leg press-315*20(SS), no lock out, really slow negative

leg press-315*25

I did everything with a super slow negative, probably the slowest I've ever done.  I almost think I went to slow, it was probably 4-5 seconds for everything.

on the sumo's and leg press I tried something new, no lock out, really slow negative.  My knees have been bothering me the last few weeks so I want to try to do some things to give them a break.

not my heaviest training but we'll see how it goes.
nasser=piece of shit

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #664 on: November 25, 2009, 08:09:38 AM »
been in the gym a few times since the last post but I don't have my journal so I'll just post what I did last workout since that is pretty fresh in my head.  I'm down about 6lbs since I got goin again so that's good.

I'm really, really slowing down the negatives when I can, sometimes I forget on the first go.

pramount chest press-11 plates x 21RP-no static, still have to figure out exactly how I want to set this machine up.

DC Pull-ups-30lbs of assoistance x 15RP-I take a close nutreal grip on this and try to touch my low pecs on each rep, full extention, very slow negs.

military press on a smith machine-185 x 30RP-forgot about the slow negs on the first go but picked them up on the second and 3rd.

revers grip bench on a smith-135 x 28RP-I just added these in, don't know if I like em, my wrist didn't feel right but I still have to figure out eexactly what I want to do with it.  I didn't do the thickness movement I wanted to cause my low back didn't feel right.  did a ton of stretches and the treadmill.
nasser=piece of shit

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #665 on: November 27, 2009, 08:28:30 AM »
goin in today to do the last workout of my "baseline" days, I've actually gotten through a 2 week cycle which is something I have not done in along time.  Did alot of cardio in the last few days, more than I usually do.  so today I have bi's, forearms and legs.  I know pretty much exactly what I want to do the only variable is how much weight I'm gonna use on everything, my initial thoughts are just to go moderate so I can get a good start.

time to go!
nasser=piece of shit

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #666 on: November 28, 2009, 07:33:45 AM »
mixed results yesterday:

drag curls-145 x 21RP, with a static and a 1 minute stretch, my wrist hurt afterwards and that never happens so I don't know what happened there.

hammer curls-40 x 35RP

calf sled-120 x 12 with a 15 second stretch, explosive positive and a slow negative.  I would have liked to have gotten 15 but I havent' done these in along time so I guess 12 was pretty good.  I can see an electronic clock when I do them so I used that for a true 15 seconds on the stretch, usually I count in my head, I'm not that far off but it seemed alot longer to me.

seated leg curl-150 x 18RP, really slow negs and a 35 second static at the end.

squat on a smith machine-I do these with my legs together and my feet a little out in front of my body so it looks like I'm sitting in a chair at the bottom.  I should have been able to get a decent amount of reps even with the slow negs but I only got 10 then my back started killing me.  the reason I do them on the smith is to save my back so this was a let down, I dropped the weight and did a widowmaker but that didnt' go well either.

at least I got through my first cycle fo movements and have a benchmark.....
nasser=piece of shit

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #667 on: June 13, 2010, 03:59:44 PM »
I might get this going again.  I jsut got back in the gym after a long break, I was still training but maybe only once a week or at the most twice and I was only doing certain bodyparts.  still holding at around 196lbs but soft.  I start cardio tomorrow so we'll see,

nasser=piece of shit

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #668 on: June 14, 2010, 02:56:24 PM »
leg workout today:

all movements done on a magnum 45 degree leg press, no static holds cause my knees have been bothering me for a bit.

Toe Press DC variation #2-675 x 24RP, these are done with a 3 second stretch instead of the usual 15 second stretch, they are also rest paused where the other variation is a straight set.

sumo leg press-675 x 14 SS-again since my knees have been bothering me I do 1 straight set with enough weight where I can get at least 12 reps.

leg press-675 x 22 SS

did a 60 second stretch for everything at the end.  quick in and out. 
nasser=piece of shit

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #669 on: June 16, 2010, 04:27:56 PM »
last workout didn't go to well, I totally blew my decline movement, I only got 9 reps total and I couldn't budge the I couldn't budge the weight so it was bad.  I was rushed and didn't get the whole thing in.  I'm not even gonna bother logging it cuase it was a mess from begining to end.  tomorrow is an off day from the gym but it's my first cardio day in a few weeks so that should be interesting.

sorry guys, I'm slow out of the gate these days.
nasser=piece of shit

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #670 on: June 19, 2010, 04:52:29 AM »
I strained my left bi about a month and a half ago so I haven't really done any direct arm work since thne.  it's still a little tender so I'm taking it really, really easy with it and then wrapping it before I do any back or chest work.  it seems to bother me alot on the negative of any straight bar pressing movement which is odd.  I was rushed yesterday but still got in a pretty heavy back session:

hammer curls-25 x 38RP-I went light to kind of baby my one arm, I changed up the range of motion from what I used to do and modified a few other aspects.

paramount machine pulldowns-14 plates + 6.6lbs x 16RP I did what I calll lat shrugs at the end to failure, it's just holding the bar with arms fully extended and pulling the shoulders down. 

seated rows-252 x 6 and then 192 x 13  not as heavy as I would like to go but I'm still babying the one arm. 

I did a one minute lat stretch at the end.  bodyweight is down to 192ish so that's good.
nasser=piece of shit

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #671 on: June 20, 2010, 12:19:43 PM »
today was legs day:

toe press:  330 x 14ss with a 15 second stretch, did partials to failure and then did a 1 minute stretch.

single leg press:  330 x 22ss with my left leg and 25 with my right, then I did a static hold on the leg extention machine, 70lbs for 90 seconds, first time I did these.

reverse leg press:  I kinda made this movement up, did 20 reps straight setted with each leg.

45 second stretch with each leg for hams and a 1 minute each for quads.
abs-rope crunches, I do these max ot style so I got 17 reps with 132lbs and then 13 reps with 134.5

I did max OT cardio on the stepmill when I was done, I don't like to do cardio after legs but my bike in the basement is all screwed up so I had to do it.  I got 173 calories in 16 minutes alternating between resistance level 5 and 6.
nasser=piece of shit

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #672 on: June 22, 2010, 04:08:45 AM »
last night:

dip machine-230 x 16RP

Chest Widowmaker-150 x 26SS-these are super wide incline press, it's kinda hard to describe exactly what I'm doing here but I usually do it at the end of the workout but I decided to start doing it right after my primary chest movement.  My shoulders and tri's took a little more of the load than I would have liked but my chest was fried afterwards. 

Press Behind the Neck-145 x 18RP 

I did not do a tri movement, my wrist was hurting when I was done, I didn't wrap it when I did the widowmaker...I don't know why.

I did my max OT cardio on the stepmil again, this time I did 175 calories in 16 minutes just bumping up the time spent on resistance level of 6.  today if I do it I'll bump up the 6's again and probably add a minute at 7.  I like to do small incrimental changes vs. going nuts and burning out.

weight is down to 193 so that's a good sign.
nasser=piece of shit

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #673 on: June 28, 2010, 02:58:41 PM »
workouts are going well, nothing spectucular to report.  My left arm is still bothering me a bit so I bought a wrap for it and am not doing any real direct bi movements..some really lite curls just to kind of rehab it.  taking extra time to warm up before back as well.

I'm up to 16 minutes on the step mill at resistance level 7....that is pretty brutal especially after doing legs.

nothing spectacular again....just working on getting back in the groove.

bw is at about 193 right now but I'm doing some form of cardio everyday, nothing over 20 minutes at a time.
nasser=piece of shit

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #674 on: July 05, 2010, 11:08:34 AM »
couple good workouts over the last few days.  chest, shoulders and tri's on Saturday and then forearms, bi's and back yesterday.  I got up early today and did some cardio on the step mill early.  my left arm is still bothering me on somethings so I'm taking it super lite with it.  nothing spectacular poundage wise to report just getting moving on some movements.  wish I had something exciting to post in this but right now I'm just trying to get my engine going now.  I've been stopping and starting for awhile now so if I can stay on track I'll be happy.
nasser=piece of shit