Author Topic: Bob Sager is soo gay ....  (Read 8306 times)


  • Getbig I
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Re: Bob Sager is soo gay ....
« Reply #25 on: March 05, 2007, 04:36:17 PM »
Looks like I gained another 'fan' from my name calling, i really must of hit a nerve if you had to create an account to defend your dead faggoty freind... You must think I give a flying fuck ? who are you to tell me what is right or wrong? If I didnt like saying what I say I would of stopped 5000 post ago (+400 if you count Monster_everything)...This is me being nice, run and dont look back or I will destroy you worse than HIV in Africa......

Actually, I've been registered since 2004 but never felt the need nor do I want to become a regular given the comments that other fitness/bodybuilding board users have made about the environment here.  You were just the "lucky" one for me to have our paths cross on the Internet. 

In a previous post to BigCypriote, I brougth up Edmund Burke's idea of perpetrators, collaborators, bystanders and victims.  It is up to the bystander to turn the tide of good for they make the majority.  As such, I'm telling you now that I think it's offensive to me for you to use any minority slurs to put other people down.  Whether it be gay, fagget, black, chink, chigger, jew, wop, wog or whatever slur.  Whether you choose to head that advise is entirely up to you.  I've already done my part by letting you know it's offensive to me.

And FYI, I am done with running and hiding.  I work with some really great people including one who's worked in a national think tank but has moved on from pie-in-the-sky ideas down to rebuilding minority communities in south-central Los Angeles.  The one that influenced me the most here is the son of the director of social services in Virginia Beach, VA.  Growing up all his life, I think he's seen everything there is to see in the mayhem and damage that social stigma can have on people's lives so when one of our coworkers was using slurs, he didn't have any problem calling in the HR department and having everyone in the office confront him.  But that's how obstinant people are when they think they are doing nothing wrong.

Maybe this conversation will make you pause for a second the next time you think about using a slur over the next 5,000 posts you make and you may still post the slur anyway but at least I've made you pause.  That's a step in the right direction.


  • Getbig I
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Re: Bob Sager is soo gay ....
« Reply #26 on: March 05, 2007, 05:04:49 PM »
Looks like I gained another 'fan' from my name calling, i really must of hit a nerve if you had to create an account to defend your dead faggoty freind... You must think I give a flying fuck ? who are you to tell me what is right or wrong? If I didnt like saying what I say I would of stopped 5000 post ago (+400 if you count Monster_everything)...This is me being nice, run and dont look back or I will destroy you worse than HIV in Africa......

Oh, and I'm sorry that you think that HIV/AIDS in Africa is something to joke about.  This is also related to a previous post that I wrote to GayCypriote about manning up.  Let me expand on being a "real man".  It's not just about respecting others but also taking on responsibility.  Realizing the fact that we aren't all seperated but part of the same global community.  If one of us has AIDS, we all have AIDS.  I promise you that within your lifetime, you will know someone who will have AIDS or cancer or whatever illness that will be important for our time (maybe the next big influenza).  And then having lived your lifetime (I don't know if you have kids or not), would you be happy with the world that you have created for your children?  We all can't be Bono or Oprah but it doesn't mean we can't share in the burdens given the blessings that we weren't born into the malodies of the world like being born with HIV/AIDS or poverty or ethnic cleansing.  So let me make this simple challenge to you,

We all can't be bystanders.  I've already made my own contribution, have you?


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Re: Bob Sager is soo gay ....
« Reply #27 on: March 05, 2007, 05:09:24 PM »
Oh, and I'm sorry that you think that HIV/AIDS in Africa is something to joke about.  This is also related to a previous post that I wrote to GayCypriote about manning up.  Let me expand on being a "real man".  It's not just about respecting others but also taking on responsibility.  Realizing the fact that we aren't all seperated but part of the same global community.  If one of us has AIDS, we all have AIDS.  I promise you that within your lifetime, you will know someone who will have AIDS or cancer or whatever illness that will be important for our time (maybe the next big influenza).  And then having lived your lifetime (I don't know if you have kids or not), would you be happy with the world that you have created for your children?  We all can't be Bono or Oprah but it doesn't mean we can't share in the burdens given the blessings that we weren't born into the malodies of the world like being born with HIV/AIDS or poverty or ethnic cleansing.  So let me make this simple challenge to you,

We all can't be bystanders.  I've already made my own contribution, have you?

Uh... no offense... but "I" do not have AIDS... speak for yourself.

Do I think it's a horrible disease, yes... but it CAN be prevented... so I don't really hold it in the same light as different types of Cancers... like lymphoma or whatever.

You can't even compare the two...

Continue your tirade though... it's always good to read.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Bob Sager is soo gay ....
« Reply #28 on: March 05, 2007, 05:47:55 PM »
hahah meltdownage....

another notch on the belt of the great Jaejonna!!!!

now get your fucking shoe box


  • Getbig I
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Re: Bob Sager is soo gay ....
« Reply #29 on: March 05, 2007, 06:23:39 PM »
Uh... no offense... but "I" do not have AIDS... speak for yourself.

Do I think it's a horrible disease, yes... but it CAN be prevented... so I don't really hold it in the same light as different types of Cancers... like lymphoma or whatever.

You can't even compare the two...

Continue your tirade though... it's always good to read.

Sorry that you misunderstood my metaphor.  I wasn't speaking literally, I was speaking figuratively about us all having AIDS.

I'm going a thousand miles a minute and I need to slow it down here.  OK, so human suffering is human suffering.  We don't get to pick and choose when you stop thinking about youself and your daily life and start thinking about the world as a whole.  Most people take it for granted but growing up in a first world country, you're privvy to many things like access to good healthcare, access to a thriving economy to make a living, law enforcement that protects you from arbitrary killings.

To you and I, AIDS seems like a preventable disease but in countries where they think AIDS is witchcraft and sorcery and to even speak about it is taboo, it's not the same either.  For you and I to say that because we have been so priveleged by living in a first world country that we only care about first world problems, is asinine.  Great men didn't work to fix ozone depletion because it was solely our problem.  It was everyone's problem.  Great men didn't work to bring down the "red curtain" because it was beneficial us but because it was beneficial for everyone.  I can go on about global issues that have been solved in our lifetime but the point is, we can all benefit from solving global issues.

It's kinda cheesy but I think this blog covers it:


  • Getbig I
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Re: Bob Sager is soo gay ....
« Reply #30 on: March 05, 2007, 06:30:26 PM »
hahah meltdownage....

another notch on the belt of the great Jaejonna!!!!

now get your fucking shoe box

Ha ha.  Obstinant until the end.  Well, best of luck to you.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Bob Sager is soo gay ....
« Reply #31 on: March 05, 2007, 06:42:22 PM »
Sorry that you misunderstood my metaphor.  I wasn't speaking literally, I was speaking figuratively about us all having AIDS.

I'm going a thousand miles a minute and I need to slow it down here.  OK, so human suffering is human suffering.  We don't get to pick and choose when you stop thinking about youself and your daily life and start thinking about the world as a whole.  Most people take it for granted but growing up in a first world country, you're privvy to many things like access to good healthcare, access to a thriving economy to make a living, law enforcement that protects you from arbitrary killings.

To you and I, AIDS seems like a preventable disease but in countries where they think AIDS is witchcraft and sorcery and to even speak about it is taboo, it's not the same either.  For you and I to say that because we have been so priveleged by living in a first world country that we only care about first world problems, is asinine.  Great men didn't work to fix ozone depletion because it was solely our problem.  It was everyone's problem.  Great men didn't work to bring down the "red curtain" because it was beneficial us but because it was beneficial for everyone.  I can go on about global issues that have been solved in our lifetime but the point is, we can all benefit from solving global issues.

It's kinda cheesy but I think this blog covers it:

Hey, if people are so backwards that you can't explain to them how disease works... or they refuse to wrap it up because it's not their beliefs... you can't change them... AIDS will always be a problem for them.

I understood your post... I just don't agree with it and was doing so as politely as possible.

We did fix ozone depletion, because it was mostly something 1st world countries caused... I'm not saying AIDS isn't important, but you're acting like people should ignore the fact that some tribal guy fucking 50 women in africa is helping AIDS spread... just because it's their belief system.

There are many people who don't believe that HIV causes AIDS and was a way to get some money for a program... They make compelling arguments.


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Re: Bob Sager is soo gay ....
« Reply #32 on: March 06, 2007, 01:11:57 AM »
We all can't be Bono or Oprah

You telling me what I can and can't do?  Quit oppressing me.

To you and I, AIDS seems like a preventable disease but in countries where they think AIDS is witchcraft and sorcery and to even speak about it is taboo
Are you in The Craft?

...the next time you think about using a slur...
...I don't drink...
Well those of us who do indulge have been known to slur.  Get over it already.  Quit oppressing me.  HATE CRIME!


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Re: Bob Sager is soo gay ....
« Reply #33 on: March 06, 2007, 02:22:18 AM »
Reading trunksy's posts is like wacking one off to home and away


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Re: Bob Sager is soo gay ....
« Reply #34 on: March 06, 2007, 12:09:54 PM »
'gay' is not a slur,  dumb ass.