Author Topic: The WICKED truth about my training  (Read 371075 times)

The Heckler

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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #25 on: April 06, 2007, 03:51:09 PM »
I'm not on at the moment. I haven't been since last october though I plan to run one in May. I've been training hard 6 days a week for about a year and a half but have trained off and on for a few years. I've learned more in the past few months about training than I have since I started. Met a few knowledgable people that are really helping me along the way. It's good work but it could always be better. I'll be happy when I'm squatting 400 for 20 clean reps.  ;D

Going back over this though in regards to my deadlifts. If I'm picking up mid 500s from the floor and doing mid 400's on the SLDL, I need to work on my form and get my ass lower. I know I could get more if I learned how to get alot of leg drive from it.

Good stuff man.  Speaking of 400 for reps on the squat, you ever see that vid of Dr. Ken Leistner doing 407 for 23?  Totally insane.  I saw it years ago on another site but don't know where to find the vid again.  Funny thing is, this guy's legs are like toothpicks and you'd never guess he could do that.  My best is 405 for 13, but the last rep took about 2 minutes, hahaha


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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #26 on: April 06, 2007, 08:29:25 PM »
Good stuff man.  Speaking of 400 for reps on the squat, you ever see that vid of Dr. Ken Leistner doing 407 for 23?  Totally insane.  I saw it years ago on another site but don't know where to find the vid again.  Funny thing is, this guy's legs are like toothpicks and you'd never guess he could do that.  My best is 405 for 13, but the last rep took about 2 minutes, hahaha

that's SICK!

HAHA I feel you on the last rep being a killer. Today was the same thing for me. I was feeling pretty solid so I wanted to sit in on the bottom for a few seconds before starting back up. NEEDLESS TO SAY..I've decided to not fuck around under that kinda weight again. Today was another good squat day. I'm putting more effort into it and doing them first every leg day to really put max effort into them. I'm wondering just how many times I'd have to get 400 before 500 for at least a single would be pretty feasable. The more I'm standing under the weight and the more I pick at just one more rep each set, the easier it's getting. Today went along like this...but due to the fact that I did legs two days ago, I expected it to be a little lax and it was. I wanted to jump right into the new routine and get back at it. 


405x12x2 EVERY rep was explosive save the last one. I came up so fast from the bottom I had to reset the bar each time from bouncing. I'm going to slow my roll a little bit and control it better. VERY happy. Got 4 extra reps today on it DEEP!!!


Going for reps today since I hit it hard two days ago with heavier weights...

315x15x3 slow and easy..had to strap into the last five reps due to grip failure.

leg press  same story. More reps. There's just not enough room for more weight so I wanted to work on stamina to help with my 400 for 20 goal. At this rate, if I train right, I should be there by the end of may.


after that I pretty much said fuck it...


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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #27 on: April 06, 2007, 08:32:58 PM »
speaking of vids...did you see that vid of old man Platz hitting 500 for over 20?!?!  THAT was nasty and his ass touched his shoes every rep.

Every generation there's a god among men...I need to find that vid. If you haven't seen it, I'll post a link up here. It's pretty fucking nasty.



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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #28 on: April 07, 2007, 11:34:04 AM »

bent over barbell rows:


hammer strength high pulls: unilaterally...
3plates per sidex10x1
4plates per side x10x2+4 rp each side on the last set.

t-bar rows:
8platesx12x1 (was almost standing straight up with the last set, my lb is really straining hard to bend over very far but I still made sure I felt the movement  in my upper back which is what I'm shooting for. Not sure If I'm happy with it or not.  :-\  I was always told to do what you need to take your lower back out of the equation as long as you still feel the movement. I wonder how much salt that holds here.


french press:

under handed press downs:



seated smith military:
285x6x1+3 rp

..just by putting a leg day between my back and and chest days my tricep work was SO much easier BUT I didn't push it. I'm lowering my total sets and moving the weight up DURING those sets to see if it's the change I need. Normally I'd deadlift on back day but since I've done SLDL's twice this week already, my lower back needs a break. I don't have a training partner so the military presses get done on the smith so I can focus on the lift and not having to worry about killing myself.

The Heckler

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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #29 on: April 07, 2007, 12:23:32 PM »
I'm wondering just how many times I'd have to get 400 before 500 for at least a single would be pretty feasable.


405x12x2 EVERY rep was explosive save the last one. I came up so fast from the bottom I had to reset the bar each time from bouncing. I'm going to slow my roll a little bit and control it better. VERY happy. Got 4 extra reps today on it DEEP!!!

2 sets of 12 reps @ 405 on BS is impressive.  If you're interested in seeing how many you can go for at 500 like you mentioned above, you might try a PLing-BBing hybrid routine on squats for a few weeks, and each week do less reps in each set for a higher weight.  I imagine that with just a couple weeks of tinkering, you could smoke 500 for at least 2 or 3...since you're already getting 405 for TWO sets of 12, knowwhattamean?  Plus, I bet you would be good for maybe 425 for 2 sets of 12 if you didn't pre-exhaust with those 3 earlier sets of high reps.

Great lifting all around, man.


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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #30 on: April 07, 2007, 03:57:45 PM »
2 sets of 12 reps @ 405 on BS is impressive.  If you're interested in seeing how many you can go for at 500 like you mentioned above, you might try a PLing-BBing hybrid routine on squats for a few weeks, and each week do less reps in each set for a higher weight.  I imagine that with just a couple weeks of tinkering, you could smoke 500 for at least 2 or 3...since you're already getting 405 for TWO sets of 12, knowwhattamean?  Plus, I bet you would be good for maybe 425 for 2 sets of 12 if you didn't pre-exhaust with those 3 earlier sets of high reps.

Great lifting all around, man.

I'm thinking I need to keep the 135lb warmup and drop the 225 in between and jump straight to 315. I'm pretty sure 500 is just a mind fuck at the moment but I'm sure I could go for 425 for at least ONE set. We'll see. Small jumps. I won't sacrifice form for weight. Thanks for the props. I know you don't give them out often. What type of hybrid routine are you talking about?

The Heckler

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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #31 on: April 07, 2007, 06:56:47 PM »
I'm thinking I need to keep the 135lb warmup and drop the 225 in between and jump straight to 315. I'm pretty sure 500 is just a mind fuck at the moment but I'm sure I could go for 425 for at least ONE set. We'll see. Small jumps. I won't sacrifice form for weight. Thanks for the props. I know you don't give them out often. What type of hybrid routine are you talking about?

Here's what I'd suggest:

135x1x10 (warmup)
225x1x5 (just to get in the groove)
315x1x5 (again, to get into the groove)
some doubles or triples in the mid to high 400s just to feel yourself out.

If your body is used to high rep sets for squats, it might take a bit to get used to "PLing" style, low rep sets at much higher weights.  I'd take it easy the first couple of weeks as you work up to your max weight/set of 2 or 3.  You're right in taking "small jumps," especially if your body is conditioned to "think" in terms of high reps.

By "hybrid" routine I just mean easing into less rep and higher weight sets over two or three weeks.  Your body will tell you what's right, and whether you can go for the gold sooner rather than later.  It's best to take it easy and go slower rather than risk injury.

Something I've done in the past is to use very low rep sets until I work up to a max single or double (though not a PLing max I'd do in a competition, just something I can get for a relatively easy 1RM).  Then I do my work sets as drop sets, high rep style.  After squatting a hair under 600 for one rep, 405 seems REALLY easy.  Though of course you gotta be careful going heavy like this all the time...destroys the CNS.  As with everything, you have to cycle and feel your body out, and let it be the guide.


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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #32 on: April 07, 2007, 10:33:03 PM »
Thanks man! I'll give that a go the next time I squat! I like the idea of doing 5-3 rep range to finish say every other squat day? I could rotate it like I do my benching. One heavy day and one speed/rep day! I like what you have to say on this subject! A HAIR under 600?!  :o Anything over 5 ass deep in the hole is awesome! I don't shake under 405 anymore so I think bumping it up to 425-435 for 5 isn't much to ask. 455 might be asking for too much atm but that's only 25 more lbs per side. Looking at it like that makes it not seem so far away.

The Heckler

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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #33 on: April 08, 2007, 10:56:41 PM »
Thanks man! I'll give that a go the next time I squat! I like the idea of doing 5-3 rep range to finish say every other squat day? I could rotate it like I do my benching. One heavy day and one speed/rep day! I like what you have to say on this subject! A HAIR under 600?!  :o Anything over 5 ass deep in the hole is awesome! I don't shake under 405 anymore so I think bumping it up to 425-435 for 5 isn't much to ask. 455 might be asking for too much atm but that's only 25 more lbs per side. Looking at it like that makes it not seem so far away.

Good stuff, man.  Keep us posted on your squat PRs.  You've got a fantastic base already, the rest is just icing on the cake. 8)


  • Getbig V
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #34 on: April 10, 2007, 06:04:25 PM »
two days worth..

leg day
pressed for time so squats and legpress only...


465x10x1     That's right. dropped a few reps on the lower end when I got in the groove and went for broke. 465 for 10 reps baby!!!! 425 felt no different than 405 on my back. The 5 reps felt easy as cake.


got a new hammer strength machine in the gym..holds 38 plates!  LOVE IT!

12 platesx10x1
18 platesx10x1
22 platesx10x1
26 platesx10x1
32 platesx10x1
36 platesx7x1+ the sled? that's 1620 not counting the sled. To my chest and back! It's different though. Not like the other machine. VERY smooth with unlimited foot position capabilities. I had my feet higher. Shortened the power stroke and made it seem easier PLUS the seat has the padding of a king sized matress! LOVE IT! THE MACHINE HOWEVER..was not bolted down and started to "walk" teh floor on ever rep. I just said fuck it and stopped trying. Scared me when it started coming off the floor and I quit. I bugs me though becuase it's not a real test of strength anymore. EVERY machine is different. I can move 1400 on the original and over 1600 with the new one. Why I started squatting. free weights are free weights and that will never change. 



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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #35 on: April 10, 2007, 06:09:20 PM »
flat bench:


dumbbell bench press



barbell curls: 135X8X2 ...moved up here.

dumbbell preacher curls: 70lbsx10x2

high cable curls: 110 per side x15x1


160x8x2 moved up here! FELT GOOD! I'm not sure how high I want to go up in this exercise. I'm told it's bad for your shoulders BUT I haven't had any signs of issues thus far.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #36 on: April 11, 2007, 05:52:11 AM »
My LB is still bothering me from making a weight jump that fast. I'm hoping it'll go away again before leg day in two days. My bench press is starting to lag so i'm going to have to reaccess my training in that regard. My squatting still blows my mind. HOWEVER I can only hit 515 on the HACK squat from the floor so hopefully I'll surpass that in my squatting by this summer. My squat days are going to go as follows..

day one: (Speed work)

day two: (heavy)

465x5x2 OR do a few cluster sets..say 4..of 3 reps to get used to unracking and reracking (big problem with heavier weights for me) and to get used to sitting under it SMOOTHLY. I shake like I have MD under this weight and find myself hunching forward towards the end of the sets. Until I'm where I feel like I can handle 465 easily I won't push it unless on a particular day I'm feeling squirrelly.  I do wish however that there was more people in the gym that squatted. I'm one of two.  :-\  All my PL guys that I work with are benchers, not squatters. I see alot of people doing box squats but the ida of them turns me off. If I'm going to work towards a big squat, I feel I should SQUAT not box squat or hack squat or board squat or squat on your mother.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #37 on: April 13, 2007, 06:14:29 AM »

flat bench

  Cluster sets 

After seeing homeboy only 20 years old bench 405 for 10. I know where I want to be. For those that don't know what cluster sets are. They're where you rerack and reset EACH rep for the duration of your set to really help boost your one rep max because you're putting maximum effort into a single press each time. 30 second rest in between reps and 2 minutes between sets.

dumbbell bench press: 100x10x3  (couldn't go very heavy in these today because of the effort I put into benching. I wanted to move up to using the 110's on the regular but after super heavy flat benching I just can't do it. Soon though..very soon.

Since theres legs between chest and back days now, I'm going to start doing two days of heavy bicep work instead of one day light and one day heavy unless I start to see a decline in weights and size. Still 4-5 total sets of bicep work each bicep day depending on how I feel. I do want some preacher curl advice for those that read this. I use super heavy weights compared to most. I can curl 70lbs full range EASILY and have sense moved up to 80lbs on the dumbbells. HOWEVER I don't go all the way down like I do with 70lbs and under, instead I slowly control the negative til I start to feel a good stretch in my bicep and bring it back up. To give you an idea of my rep range with 80lbs...when seated on the bench, I go down to JUST below 90* or parallel to the floor and bring it back up until I get to where I can support it all the way down adn back up again. Because my back days seem to be stalling lately. I'm leaving the bicep work to very hard work for just a handful of sets and that's it. Until I bring my triceps up, there's no point in blowing them away.


standing barbell curls:  KILLS my forearms.. I fucking love it.


dumbbell preacher curls



power cleans:  (goal here is 225!)



  • Getbig V
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #38 on: April 14, 2007, 09:37:16 AM »
LEGS! Squatting has really rekindled my love for leg days. Cutting the volume down a little today for awhile...



leg press

30platesx10x1 (loving this new leg press! HOLD ALOT more weight and is sooooooo much smoother than the body flex version!!!)


135x10x1 (warmup)


dumbbell shrugs 125x20x2
shrug and failure 5 times as long as I can hold it. Could only go a little past a minute on each one. Thanks SETH! I'm really burning after that one.

My leg workouts look like this or something close to it twice a week. Is it too much?!  ???


  • Getbig V
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #39 on: April 15, 2007, 11:06:11 AM »
Finally found a coach for my squatting. A local competitor that is looking for someone to work with as well. He's an older guy. Local narcotic cop of all things.  ;D Very cool guy and very knowledgable. He watched me squat and said I had a very good base but I don't go deep enough so I'm having to regress. I'm perfectly fine with that. I was just not going deep enough. Hitting what I thought was parallel is actually about 1 inch above it. He set the pins BELOW parallel and had me do a few sets with 225 and 315 to that particular set of pins. It seems as if my legs are coiled springs at that depth. After I get PAST paralle it feels like the squat is actually EASIER. Now I'm a shade over 6' and it's a long way down but I'd much rather do it right than look like a tool. I'm going to work with nothing higher than 365 til I get the hang of going deeper. I feel almost like I have to force myself PAST parallel but once I get in the groove and things loosen up it feels GREAT and I'm not just going past it now. My hams at this pin setting start to touch the back of my calves. I can't REST on them but it does touch them and Now I'm using that as an indicator for my depth.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #40 on: April 15, 2007, 01:17:03 PM »

I'm trying another new thing for awhile. I'm loving the rest pause stuff. I think it's starting to show some benefit. NOW I've split my back day into two days. One day for thickness exercises and one day for width exercises. Today was my first width day. I'm told rows and wide grip rows are the ticket for width. If I've been misinformed by all means correct me.

Underhanded cable pull downs

165x15x1 for warmup
245x6+3rp  new machine. I like this stack better than the other one because it's harder and feel like I get a better contraction with it.

hammer strength pull downs: I need to get back into using this exercise more. I've gotten weaker having not used it which means it hits a part of my back that my usual exercises don't. Way to pay attention JOHNSON!!!! :finger:

3 platesx10x1 unilaterally
3 platesx8x1+3rp

bent over barbell rows
135x15x1 warmup and get in the groove

flipped the grip to see if I felt any difference in my back...135x15x1 to rep it out and finish it off. BACK FELT GREAT after this workout. Using something other than the underhanded grip though, feels weird and it's as if I can't contract my lats and really feel them in the exercise.


seated military press

135x15x1 warm up
245x8x1+4rp  This new way of doing them is KILLING my shoulders with ZERO pain! I LOVE IT! Not alot of weight but, maybe it's what my shoudlers have been missing out on.

The Squadfather

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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #41 on: April 15, 2007, 01:28:37 PM »
you sound like a strong guy man, props.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #42 on: April 15, 2007, 03:37:33 PM »
you sound like a strong guy man, props.

Thanks man. Not near as strong or nearly as big as I want to be though.  ;) But is anyone EVER happy?


  • Getbig V
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #43 on: April 16, 2007, 11:40:48 AM »


135X15X1 warmup
cluster sets

It's time to start moving up in the world 365 should be where I'm at for 10 reps after all this work. I'm fucking fed up. Time to start pushing!  >:( >:( My goal today was to move 365 over nad over and over to get my body used to it. Next heavy day, it's going to be the same thing until 365 is EASY and 375 will be on the chopping block for the slaughter. Something clicked today..I just got pissed with myself and went at it.




standing barbell curls:
135x8x2  (felt weak today..still working on this one)

seated dumbbell curls

60lbsx8x2  (happy with this one...decent weight)



185X3X1+2 RP   I wanted to move some iron today. Not alot of reps but felt GOOD to move some weight.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #44 on: April 16, 2007, 11:46:29 AM »
I realized last night that I need tos top looking for the big weight jumps and do what I did in the beginning and just start chopping away at long term goals by setting short term ones. Adding 5lbs or 10lbs every couple of weeks/a month on my bigger lifts shouldn't be something I snub my nose at.


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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #45 on: April 17, 2007, 12:52:28 PM »



depth was spot on and felt great. Still not sure if it's time for 4 wheels yet. My coach says my descent is too slow. It takes me about 4-5 seconds to go down. I just want to make sure it's controlled and rolling on the right path. Since I only added a few more inches to my movement, it won't be long before I'm back to my original numbers.

leg press


435x10x1  BOOM! Felt great. Really drove through with my hams on this one. NO STRAPS AND NO BELT AFTER ALL THAT WORK! Today is a good day.


seated dumbbell shrugs: Like this more than standing. 85lbsx20x4 I wanted to feel like I was being burned alive from the inside out to really hit my traps hard. seemed to work rather well.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #46 on: April 18, 2007, 05:27:30 AM »

Lat Pull downs: (wanted to go back to the machine that made me use lighter weight. It must hit my back from a different angle to cause such a huge difference in weight on the stacks OR the pulley setup is different, which I hope isn't the case, either way. )

135x15x1 warmup
240x8x2 (moved up 5lbs! Hit it harder with less work!)

bent over barbell rows:

285x10x1+2 rp...If I can't make a big jump, I'll make a small one. Progress reads progress to me. If instead of waiting for 275 to be ridiculously easy and try for 3 wheels, I'll take an immediate 10lb increase and get that much closer!  ;D

t-bar rows:

6platesx12x1+3rp  good enough backday for ME! I would much rather do deads though...but having done stiff leg'd deads yesterday, it makes me kinda wary.  :-\


weighted dips this was a first...


cable pressdowns:


dumbbell kickbacks to failure:

50lbs to failure
50lbs to failure


seated military press:

135x8x1 warmup

side laterals:


I know I said I was going to take a break on triceps..but the last few training sessions on bench without any sort of tricep work the days prior, my numbers have gone down dramatically.  My triples and doubles are fine but anytime I want to extend my rep range higher my tri's keep giving out sooner and sooner. FUCK THAT!


  • Getbig V
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #47 on: April 19, 2007, 08:22:48 AM »
I'm going to be outta town tomorrow and saturday so I bumped my chest day up a day instead of taking today off. It's been 3 days since my last chest day. I feel primed.


flat bench:
135x15x1 warmup

dumbbell flyes:


BICEPS...since yesterday was an AMAZING back I'm taking it easy on the biceps.

Incline dumbbell curls:


Machine preacher curls:

110lbs per sidex10x2

Reverse grip EZ-BAR curls:

125 to failure.


SEATED Dumbbell front raises:

65lbsx7x1+1RP moving up in the world!

Seated Laterals:

45lbsx10x2+2rp on the last set.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #48 on: April 23, 2007, 06:30:33 AM »

just got back from the gulf with a 2nd degree sunburn..  >:( >:( BUT i'm still going to the gym. If I'm well enough to come to work, I'm well enough to go to the gym.

Flat bench:

135x15x1 (warmup)
365 to failure

seated bench press machine:

300x8x1+2 rp

cable crossovers:

80lbs per sidex10x2


Standing barbell curls:

empty barx15x1 warmup

seated dumbbell hammer curls:



  • Getbig V
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Re: The WICKED truth about my training
« Reply #49 on: April 24, 2007, 01:26:10 PM »



leg press: I'm just going to start increasing the reps since I've maxed the machine out...



465x5x1  (this hurt alot...i love it.) I keep jumping up in weight faster and faster in this exercise and it's the LAST on my list of exercises. These were strapped in though, My grip failed on the final pull with 435.

seated dumbbell shrugs:
