Author Topic: Why is racism and prejudice against whites acceptable??????  (Read 19330 times)


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Why is racism and prejudice against whites acceptable??????
« Reply #150 on: April 16, 2007, 11:51:17 AM »
They don't ?  :-\ 


Where are the KKK?  In some little hick town in a barn on the back of a farm?  I'm talking about in everyday life, the way Al Sharpton does (Duke University kids, NY police recently where 5 cops shot a black man with 50 bullets, BUT some were BLACK, yet Sharpton wants to make it a hate crime)...Ya follow?

People bring up the KKK, what about the black panthers of the past?

My friend was a FBI agent on their case in Detroit or Chigago and they hated whites.

My opinion is that racism is ridiculous and people such as Al Sharpton are the most racist of them all.  Also, that things are VERY unbalanced...blacks say things, no whites complain; whites say something, every black activist is out the next day.


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Re: Why is racism and prejudice against whites acceptable??????
« Reply #151 on: April 16, 2007, 01:37:37 PM »
you're being an irrational drama queen here.

Take a breath and stop acting the fool.

People are mad it took 4-7 days to get a bottled water to people standing in the streets crying on CNN.  That's not unreasonable.  If every news outlet can get a camera cre win there the next day, why can't FEMA get water in there?
Get a life and go google 911 or something.  Seriously, it wasn't a damn black.  Everything turns into a black thing even though other ethnicities were there.  Maybe FEMA didn't plan to get as much into the area because they expected the dip shits to actually leave.  You are so quick to call other people fools when you have made yourself look like an ass constantly with your CT BS and lack of knowledge on many issues you post on.  The day you post info other than what you read on liberal or CT websites, let me know.  Is the current response to VATech shooting a race thing too?
I was talking about her comment that the victims were better off living in a stadium than they were before the hurricane.
Not far off to be honest.
Squishy face retard


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Re: Why is racism and prejudice against whites acceptable??????
« Reply #152 on: April 17, 2007, 06:13:11 AM »
I read the post you were responding to, and it didn't in my opinion stereotype all whites. It alledged YOU were part of the trailer park crowd, didn't say all whites were. YOU on the other hand clearly categorized Black men as drug dealers and drive by shooters. It was a kneejerk reaction that painted an entire group with the same brush, a comment, which, had it been said on the airwaves would have had unwanted and unintended ramifications. Yes I found your comment offensive, and I accept the apology

                I read the post again..and you are correct. He said "many of you trailer park Types..." rather than "whites are trailer park types." Also I misunderstood you.I thought you were saying that I claimed "ALL BLACKS" used their race as an excuse.             


No gtbro1, YOU are holding him back, as is required of you, as his supervisor. it's called doing your job. If he can't do the job efficiently, you are required to have someone who can do it instead.
   You obviously  understand that I have a boss to answer to as well. Your definition of "Holding Him Back" is a bit different than his.  I think that in his mind he thinks it is for the sole purpose of keeping him from advancing.He feels that he can do the job if given the chance.(as I said he has had over two years)


 If he was someone you barely knew who blamed his lack of advancement on his ethnicity, or his driving a European car instead of a Ford, you would have laughed it off as ridiculous. That must hurt coming from someone you considered a friend.

   Yes it did. The comment was made right to my face.It was before Christmas vacation.I asked him if he was gona rest over vacation or work his butt off.(he does home repair work on the side) He said something to the effect of " I don't know man..maybe I'll figure out how to change the color of my skin so I can make some decent money around here." I was at a loss for words.I just turned around to walk away and he said "You think I'm serious don't you?" then he let on like he was kidding...but I know he meant it.

Did you have to testify?

   No he plead guilty to avoid jail time. He got 2 years probation,has to attend counseling,and is not allowed to have internet access for 7 years.


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Re: Why is racism and prejudice against whites acceptable??????
« Reply #153 on: April 17, 2007, 06:29:02 AM »
To think whites are discriminated against, well this is absolutely the most ridiculous topic name i've ever seen.

Also, for SquadFather to have posted this, it shows he is the biggest racist on getbig.
Benjamin Pearson-Pedo

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Re: Why is racism and prejudice against whites acceptable??????
« Reply #154 on: April 17, 2007, 08:29:53 AM »
To think whites are discriminated against, well this is absolutely the most ridiculous topic name i've ever seen.

Also, for SquadFather to have posted this, it shows he is the biggest racist on getbig.

More so then you think if you just look at the inequalities of what would not work both ways. Take school we have schools for one race but not the other? We have clubs and organisatios of an exclusionary nature. Heck if you wear a shirt with "black power" on it your supporting your race but if its "white power" your a racist. I understand it's not the same thing that black people have gone thru and I understand the struggle they have gone thru but if one thing is fair for one it should be fair for all. I hope in my lifetime to see a point where it does not matter but I doubt it because the more you shine a light on racism it does not get better it goes into hiding and does things from the dark. Better we spend time educating our youth to enjoy each other for whatever they are then spend all the time trying to stand out and be different.


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Re: Why is racism and prejudice against whites acceptable??????
« Reply #155 on: April 17, 2007, 08:33:15 AM »
I think we need to drop the whole African American thing. If your born here just call urself American..I'm half Irish and half Italian. I'm Irish on St Paddy's and Italian when I cook..besides that I'm American... we need to get over it. Every group in this country got fucked over when they came here or in their homeland..which is why they are here.

Always Sore

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Re: Why is racism and prejudice against whites acceptable??????
« Reply #156 on: April 17, 2007, 08:37:13 AM »
I think we need to drop the whole African American thing. If your born here just call urself American..I'm half Irish and half Italian. I'm Irish on St Paddy's and Italian when I cook..besides that I'm American... we need to get over it. Every group in this country got fucked over when they came here or in their homeland..which is why they are here.

I agree there. I do find it funny (another point to my argument) that we still can see people refer to white people as white but not black people as (whatever color shade you like). Its hypocrisy. I agree really we are american first and like in the corp all equally worthless...:) I don't measure a man by his color only by his deeds.