Author Topic: RIP...Arthur Jones  (Read 43955 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: RIP...Arthur Jones
« Reply #100 on: September 03, 2007, 10:02:53 AM »
I am no expert....

but in my 2 people can train the same & obtain the same exact results.

All of these different theories will work....but depending on the individual....will expect different results.

So argue/debate's pointless

BEAST 8692

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Re: RIP...Arthur Jones
« Reply #101 on: September 03, 2007, 10:10:54 AM »
The thing with Vince is that he talks at, not with others. On one hand he admits that there's nothing conclusive out there in terms of research, then he proceeds to contradict himself with unequivocal statements as to what is or isn't effective. Because he operates in a bubble launching statements here and elsewhere that show little desire for actual discourse with others.

Sorry Vince but it's better someone told you the truth while you're still with us, even if you're too old to adapt. ;D


D.L. 5

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Re: RIP...Arthur Jones
« Reply #102 on: September 03, 2007, 03:42:15 PM »
Excellent example in which Vince if he wanted to be friendly and/or promote himself better could discuss this here or via PM instead of the usual short, cryptic responses that basically say "go away it's all top-secret".

Really Vince, this is small time. And the guy's even in Australia.

well he clearly lacks business instincts and some social skills (or class).  ;)

let me know when u join the human race Vince, I would be more than happy to converse with you.

Vince B

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Re: RIP...Arthur Jones
« Reply #103 on: September 03, 2007, 05:33:50 PM »
I don't build gym equipment for anyone else. What is so difficult to understand about that? Do I have some obligation to do so! I might have some surplus used machines for sale but a PM would be appreciated.

There is nothing to debate here about the philosophy of hypertrophy. Well, there is but others cannot do that without abandoning their cherished beliefs. That is why it is a waste of time. Remember, it is easy to mistaken and difficult to be correct.

Pumpster has no theory of his own, that I have detected, that explains all muscle growth and the lack of growth from training.

Knny187 presents a theory which states that everyone is different so methods must be different. The reality is far from that. If it were true then exercise science would be pointless let alone debating anything about muscles.

What the ^#%# is so difficult about hypertrophy, anyway? Why the angst? Why do people get pissed off? Who are the real experts in hypertrophy theory? Seems to me I was right when I wrote that just about everyone considers themselves experts in the Irongame. This thread is conclusive proof of that fact.

Luke, I recommend that you read up on the concept of possible before making a dissertation about the subject.

If any of you are fans of Arthur Jones you should respect that the way he dismissed others was to argue about facts re the human body and the requirements of exercise. I don't see much of that here. Instead, it ends up in typical Getbig fashion of a personal attack.


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Re: RIP...Arthur Jones
« Reply #104 on: September 03, 2007, 07:03:23 PM »
Vince is the most delusional individual on all of getbig.

He is wrong on so many counts it's ridiculous and it's useless to try and discuss with him anyway because he just doesn't listen. Even if delusional at least he might try to offer some practical advice or theory. Does ANYONE here have an idea of how Vince would set up a routine?!! It's just insane rambling. He may be more crazy than Mike Mentzer during his worst meth binge.

There is nothing to debate here about the philosophy of hypertrophy. Well, there is but others cannot do that without abandoning their cherished beliefs. That is why it is a waste of time. Remember, it is easy to mistaken and difficult to be correct.

Look in the mirror buddy. You just described yourself.

The Luke

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Re: RIP...Arthur Jones
« Reply #105 on: September 03, 2007, 08:10:29 PM »
Sorry Vince,

Never intended a personal attack as I greatly appreciate your contributions to the board... I simply take umbridge with your surprisingly faulty presumption that rapid large scale muscle growth is possible... it has never happened outside of instances of muscle memory, so why do you remain so convinced that it is possible.

I also don't understand why you expect a theory of hypertrophy to explain ALL muscle growth AND all lack of muscle growth simultaneously... that's impossible.

Lack of muscle growth can have several factors most of which would be undetectable:
-early stage cancer (tumours eat up calories)
-sleep deprivation
-subclinical vitamin deficiency
-tooth ache/tooth decay toxins
-hydration levels
-mental stress
-fungal toxicity (mildew on your shower curtain)
-intestinal upset
-mild, unnoticed food allergy
-virus, infection etc etc

...all these things can short circuit the muscle growth process, even if one is utilising the perfect training protocol.

The proof of a training protocol is not progress or the lack of progress... it is the quantity of progress over a period of sufficient length as to include sufficient periods wherein muscle growth is physiologically possible as to be statistically significant (ie: progress over a consistent, diligent year of effort... not when you are burnt out and need a rest but instead opt for a change).

By this criteria HIT beats out everything else hands down... if you are training HIT properly you may or may not make progress, but at least you can be certain that you would have made LESS progress (if any) with any other protocol.

People get results with HVT... but they always get better results with HIT providing that they implement it properly (full body workouts, maximum effort, proper movement selection etc etc). Generally speaking those who plateau on HIT (before reaching their maximum FFMI) and then return to HVT only to get sudden growth have made fundamental mistakes in applying HIT properly which leads to a decompensation and they only RE-gain old muscle with the HVT.

HIT is the best way to build NEW MUSCLE.

There are drawbacks...

-HIT is brutally hard work, causing many to look for an excuse (any excuse) to abandon it

-HIT damages joints: I never had any joint problems using HVT, because I plateaued at a soft 150 lbs... now I'm lean at 190 lbs, and deadlift 400 lbs for reps every workout, HVT trainers using similar weights have severe joint problems whereas I have an occasional click in my left elbow

-the gains from HIT slow up as you progress; I've found it increasingly difficult to gain muscle since I reached my FFMI limit... not sure if getting as big as you can realistically get is a bad thing. It does mean that I have found a training principle that works... I'm as big as a natural can get: presumably that would mean that I could eventually get just as big as Ronnie Coleman if I took what he was taking and had a similar response to exogenous androgens; that's comforting to know

-people think I'm a steroid user

To avoid these problems I recommend everyone follow Vince's advice and find what's best for them, providing you eventually try HIT you can make up all the years wasted on permutations of the Weider principles and four hour HVT workouts.

The Luke

D.L. 5

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Re: RIP...Arthur Jones
« Reply #106 on: September 03, 2007, 10:20:08 PM »


If u damaged ur joints it is from too quick rep speed, and/or bad form.

Vince B

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Re: RIP...Arthur Jones
« Reply #107 on: September 04, 2007, 06:36:19 AM »
The slow training isn't the answer, either. There should be no requirement to add 'properly' after HIT. That reeks of rationalization. In other words, that accounts for just about everyone who doesn't gain. Rapid, measurable, sustained muscle growth is possible but not with HIT, etc. Why people still embrace those inadequate methods is a mystery. I guess most people have to believe in something. I prefer to discard all inadequate methods and do only what yields rapid growth. It isn't a mystery.

Van Bilderass states that I am delusional. Is he the judge of who is competent in hypertrophy theory? No one has refuted my theory and I have posted it here and elsewhere on the net plus had it published in Ironman Magazine in 2000 and 2001. I have no obligation to post programs. I have posted protocols on Getbig and elsewhere in the past. I do not join training forums because I do not need the abuse from pseudo experts and jerks. There is no open, honest, fair and scientific forum on line for discussing bodybuilding and hypertrophy theories and methods. Everyone who owns a site has a vested interest or appoints moderators who don't do their jobs, which is to stop personal attacks.

What amuses me is the sorry fact that bodybuilding has no academic status at universities. When has anyone been granted a PhD in maximum human hypertrophy? Where could a candidate be supervised to do such a degree? In the vacuum that exists re the philosophy of hypertrophy just about any method has some currency and believers. We see this mirrored in every gym where enthusiasts do all manner of training and seldom grow steadily at all.

The Luke said: "HIT beats out everything else hands down... if you are training HIT properly you may or may not make progress, but at least you can be certain that you would have made LESS progress (if any) with any other protocol."

His statement is equivalent to the null set. If you are training HIT properly you may or MAY NOT make progress. Yes, that pretty well sums up the state of affairs re intermediate bodybuilding. These same guys will believe they're hardgainers, too. If HIT is a valid method it must work if done properly. If it doesn't work it has to be discarded. The sooner the better as far as I am concerned. Well, I discarded that theory a long time ago. Ray Mentzer tried to convince me it was true but my own experience has shown otherwise. HIT is plainly a false theory. Arthur, Ellington and Mike merely added to the confusion.

The Luke

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Re: RIP...Arthur Jones
« Reply #108 on: September 04, 2007, 09:51:48 AM »

I greatly respect your experience and knowledge... but as a scientist I must refute a couple of your claims as they say more about your limited understanding of biochemistry than reinforce your argument:

The slow training isn't the answer, either. There should be no requirement to add 'properly' after HIT.
...this is plainly idiotic. Proper implementation is a prerequisite of any training protocol. Imagine the following conversation:
Billy: "Hows the leg training going Bob?"
Bob: "Badly... my legs are even smaller than they were when I started."
Billy: "Do you squat?"
Bob: "Yeah, I've been sitting around my house all day, watching tv, playing Nintendo"
Billy: "Okay, but do you squat?"
Bob: "Yeah dude, didn't you listen to what I said... I've been doing squat for three weeks now and my legs aren't getting any bigger." it fair for this guy to conclude that all leg training is bunk because everyone recommends squats?

That reeks of rationalization. In other words, that accounts for just about everyone who doesn't gain.
...Vince you simply have to accept that muscle growth is metabolically costly and is not something that the body can sustain for long periods of time. For one thing, the growth potential of muscle tissue far exceeds the maximum growth rate of connective tissue (poor blood supply). Only rare genetic freaks can gain continuously and even for them, growth is slow and incremental... the rest of us, even under the best conditions, can only gain to a certain point before we have to allow our tendons and connective tissue to catch up. This is why strength and muscle gains are cyclical for many people... it does not mean that their training is cyclically successful.

Rapid, measurable, sustained muscle growth is possible but not with HIT, etc.
...why you believe this is a mystery to me?
This has never happened in the history of the human race. In fact it is a biological impossibility... it has never been observed... anywhere... ever.

Why people still embrace those inadequate methods is a mystery. I guess most people have to believe in something.
...the same way you believe in infinite muscle growth, even though it is the biological equivalent of perpetual motion???

I prefer to discard all inadequate methods and do only what yields rapid growth. It isn't a mystery.
...on the contrary Vince, your method of generating such rapid growth is very much a mystery as you never explain it. All we have ever seen are vague, cryptic allusions.

Van Bilderass states that I am delusional. Is he the judge of who is competent in hypertrophy theory? No one has refuted my theory and I have posted it here and elsewhere on the net plus had it published in Ironman Magazine in 2000 and 2001.
...vague musings do not a theory make.

I have no obligation to post programs. I have posted protocols on Getbig and elsewhere in the past. I do not join training forums because I do not need the abuse from pseudo experts and jerks.
...I don't feel you are a jerk Vince, but your continuous hypothesizing despite your inability to comprehend the fundamental biological processes involved DOES make YOU a pseudo expert.

There is no open, honest, fair and scientific forum on line for discussing bodybuilding and hypertrophy theories and methods. Everyone who owns a site has a vested interest or appoints moderators who don't do their jobs and allow personal attacks.
...yes there is, it's at

What amuses me is the sorry fact that bodybuilding has no academic status at universities. When has anyone been granted a PhD in maximum human hypertrophy? Where could a candidate be supervised to do such a degree? In the vacuum that exists re the philosophy of hypertrophy just about any method has some currency and believers. We see this mirrored in every gym where enthusiasts do all manner of training and seldom grow steadily at all.
...couldn't agree more. But the reason hypertrophy isn't a separate, distinct science is because it involves aspects of several different established and proven scientific disciplines... the same science that you ignore while making wild claims about infinite muscle growth.

The Luke said: "HIT beats out everything else hands down... if you are training HIT properly you may or may not make progress, but at least you can be certain that you would have made LESS progress (if any) with any other protocol."
...yes, yes I did... because it is true.

His statement is equivalent to the null set. If you are training HIT properly you may or MAY NOT make progress. Yes, that pretty well sums up the state of affairs re intermediate bodybuilding. These same guys will believe they're hardgainers, too.
...agree wholeheartedly.

If HIT is a valid method it must work if done properly.
When dealing with complex biological processes, there are several interdependent factors at play. This isn't engineering or mathematics, where identical applications always yield identical results.

Some humorous examples:
-A knife to the right of the sternum won't kill everyone, every time. For one in a million people, the heart is on the left hand side and such a wound would be pretty minor.
-A bullet in the head won't kill everyone, every time. One in a billion people have compressed brains which are flat against their brain stems and the floor of their cranial vault... the cranial cavity is filled with a fluid swollen tumour or growth.

Similarly, not every bodybuilder is even capable of responding to hypertrophic stimulus at all times. It only happens when the metabolism can allow it.

I can't explain this stuff more simply... biological responses are statistical by nature.

If it doesn't work it has to be discarded. The sooner the better as far as I am concerned. Well, I discarded that theory a long time ago. Ray Mentzer tried to convince me it was true but my own experience has shown otherwise. HIT is plainly a false theory. Arthur, Ellington and Mike merely added to the confusion.
...faulty reasoning, for the reasons stated above.

The Luke

Vince B

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Re: RIP...Arthur Jones
« Reply #109 on: September 04, 2007, 04:56:55 PM »
What a shambles this thread has turned out to be. Rapid sustained muscular growth happens quite often. Unfortunately, most of the time this growth is generated with the help of anabolic drugs. I believe it is possible to achieve the same result without drugs. I certainly don't subscribe to the notion of infinite growth. If readers are going to make those statements then discussions with them are pointless.

Either HIT works or it doesn't work. If the latter, then it is not the method that explains growth. This is a logical requirement. What is so difficult to acknowledge this? Read up on the philosophy of science and get back to me.


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Re: RIP...Arthur Jones
« Reply #110 on: September 04, 2007, 05:57:59 PM »
What a shambles this thread has turned out to be.

Maybe it's time to stop bitching; if it's a "shambles" as you say, you're to blame buddy!

For someone who claims to invite and enjoy reasoned discussion over the usual getbig crap, it's disappointing to see complaints when in fact he instigated this.

Exercising a little logic, the thread could've been..

-Mainly positive contributions re: Arthur Jones in the wake of his death,

OR, failing that..

-A lively dialogue covering all aspects, without the instigator displaying blatant hypocricy by creating controvery then turning around and complaining about it.

A hint for Vince, going forward: either say nothing negative in the wake of a man's death, or be man enough to embrace true discourse without complaining after months of complaining that there's not enough true discourse on getbig! (enough with the wishy washy empty rhetoric).


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Re: RIP...Arthur Jones
« Reply #111 on: September 04, 2007, 06:07:44 PM »
Vince is the most delusional individual on all of getbig.

He is wrong on so many counts it's ridiculous and it's useless to try and discuss with him anyway because he just doesn't listen.

Agreed; he doesn't listen. He "speaks" in a vacuum AKA pontification. Not exactly the example someone complaining of getbig's low standards should put forth.

The Luke

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Re: RIP...Arthur Jones
« Reply #112 on: September 04, 2007, 06:09:01 PM »

I have a high IQ and an honours degree in experimental physics... you think I need to read up on the philosophy of science? That's laughable when you are the one caught up in a circular logical fallacy.

Let me explain this in layman's terms, I'm going to give you a list of people who would not respond to hypertrophic stimulus, not even the magical "works every time" version you're questing for. Just read it, you won't disagree:

-the dead
-those dying of end-stage terminal diseases
-those suffering from end-stage terminal diseases
-those suffering from chronic muscle wasting diseases
-the chronically malnourished
-those digestively compromised
-the immunologically compromised
-those suffering multiple organ failure
-the extremely elderly
-the hormonally compromised
-the chronically stressed only concede the first group on the list, but presumably would revise your sweeping statements to concede the others if confronted with such a list. The problem arises when we look at the next list, which details those that scientific studies have shown are incapable of adding new muscle.

-the chronically overtrained
-those suffering metabolic stresses
-those depleted of metabolic substrates (even subclinical conditions)
-those depleted of hormonal substrates (even subclinical conditions)
-those depleted of certain vitamins (even subclinical conditions)
-those depleted of certain digestive enzymes (even subclinical conditions)
-those depleted of certain metabolites
-those with faulty glucose metabolism
-those in metabolic recovery debt
-the subclinically sleep deprived
-those with metabolic disorders (even subclinical or temporary/transient conditions)

...I'd say that confronted with that list Vince would again revise his "should work every time" requirement to exclude the above listed individuals. He'd be right to do so as all those listed above have been found to be biologically incapable of building new muscle.

The problem arises when you consider that both of those lists combined includes 80+% of the general population, and possibly as much as 30% of (supposedly) healthy, well-fed bodybuilders.

I don't see why Vince can't seem to grasp that biological reality precludes a magic wand training protocol. Even if it was found it would only work on 70% of bodybuilders...

The "perfect" training method couldn't possibly work for EVERYONE... at best it would only be identifiable by the fact that it produced BETTER RESULTS for MORE people than any other method...

...and that would be HIT.

The Luke
PS- the limit for new muscle in a year (even for steroid users) is about 30 lbs.   


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Re: RIP...Arthur Jones
« Reply #113 on: September 04, 2007, 06:42:18 PM »
This is what Vince doesn't get: ALL training programs that cause hypertrophy have the same red thread that goes through them. The basic stimulus for hypertrophic adaptation has been scientifically pointed out decades ago. What remains is mere minutiae. This minutiae will NOT change the way people train in a successful manner.

Like Luke pointed out there will never be a training program that will work flawlessly for every individual without interruption simply because of biological individuality.

D.L. 5

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Re: RIP...Arthur Jones
« Reply #114 on: September 04, 2007, 06:43:27 PM »
What a shambles this thread has turned out to be. Rapid sustained muscular growth happens quite often. Unfortunately, most of the time this growth is generated with the help of anabolic drugs. I believe it is possible to achieve the same result without drugs.

u must be smoking some great crack....maybe its acid...dont know. but that statement came from loony LA LA LAND.

D.L. 5

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Re: RIP...Arthur Jones
« Reply #115 on: September 04, 2007, 06:46:39 PM »
Ray Mentzer tried to convince me it was true but my own experience has shown otherwise.

what did he say? answer for once instead of ignoring.

Vince B

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Re: RIP...Arthur Jones
« Reply #116 on: September 04, 2007, 06:47:49 PM »
Luke, whatever has IQ or experimental physics got to do with hypertrophy theory?

Out of respect for Arthur Jones, HIT should be officially buried with his passing.

The Luke

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Re: RIP...Arthur Jones
« Reply #117 on: September 04, 2007, 07:55:23 PM »
Luke, whatever has IQ or experimental physics got to do with hypertrophy theory?

Out of respect for Arthur Jones, HIT should be officially buried with his passing.

...Yes Vince, science has nothing to do with this. It is enough that you believe it for it to be so in reality.

Don't you think it's significant that everyone with scientific expertise thinks your argument is what scientists call: "NOT EVEN WRONG"

Muscle mass in excess of that supported by the metabolism is not possible.

Your requirements for a proper training program are so unrealistic as to evidence an inability to fathom the basic biological processes involved... not to mention the inconsistent logic you use to arrive at such conclusions.

The facts are simple in this instance:
Arthur Jones was the saviour of bodybuilding... he developed/pioneered a scientific process for physique development which has consistently outperformed ALL others.

Arthur Jones was right... or at least he was as close to right as makes no difference.

If you think HIT is so wrong as to warrant dismissing it's principles... then you are so wrong the difference doesn't matter.

The Luke 

Vince B

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Re: RIP...Arthur Jones
« Reply #118 on: September 04, 2007, 08:45:44 PM »
"“But surely,” you might say, “the scientists now know everything that there is to know about exercise, right?” Wrong;
the number of scientists who know literally anything of value about exercise are equal to the number of thumbs on your
left ear. Zilch, nada, izeko (which is Zulu), or as the British say, sweet fuck all. If you are seriously interested in
exercise then forget the scientists, they can tell you nothing of any slightest value. If you ever do manage to learn
anything of value about exercise you will do so in the only way possible, by the application of a bit of common sense
and from personal experience; learning from trial and error. If it appears to work, do it, but if it fails to produce almost
instant results then try something else. Which is exactly how I learned what I know about exercise, none of which I
learned from anybody else; what I did learn from other people was that their ideas were utterly stupid."

Vince B

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Re: RIP...Arthur Jones
« Reply #119 on: September 04, 2007, 08:48:41 PM »
"A long list of people all over the world have followed a pattern that seems to be stamped into the genes of many
people: IGNORE, RIDICULE, ATTACK, COPY, STEAL. Upon becoming aware of my work they initially ignore it,
hoping, I guess, that it will go away; then, when it does not go away, they try to kill it by ridicule; next they attack both
me and my ideas as insane and dangerous; and, eventually, they attempt to copy my work; then, finally, they suddenly
remember that all of my ideas actually originated with them."

D.L. 5

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Re: RIP...Arthur Jones
« Reply #120 on: September 04, 2007, 08:59:52 PM »
what did Ray Mentzer say? answer for once instead of ignoring.

Vince B

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Re: RIP...Arthur Jones
« Reply #121 on: September 04, 2007, 09:34:33 PM »
Ray Mentzer had theories of his own about the multitude of contractions possible by muscles. He also believed in HIT. Just about everyone wondered if he actually gained his size using that method or if he did more volume. He did tell me that when his mother died he was training for the Mr America title and he was so motivated that he would have trained 24 hours a day if that was required. That is hardly what a HIT believer would say, is it? 

Ray gave seminars and training camps that people said they benefited from after attending. Ray took these public presentations very seriously and got very anxious before giving them. At the seminar he challenged everyone that they couldn't complete even one rep that he would supervise. Well, no one offered to try this and was more a trick than evidence about the effectiveness of HIT.

Ray never convinced me of HIT. I never saw him training that way, either. He knew a lot about exercise and was more knowledgable than most on this forum. What bothered me about HIT is why the results did not follow from those giving it a fair go. If HIT is the true method why doesn't everyone gain using it? Well, lots of excuses can be made and you can simply cheat and say they didn't do HIT properly. That is begging the question for sure. HIT didn't work because it is inadequate for the requirements for large muscular size. Arthur, Ellington, Mike and others had a fair go trying to convince everyone of what they stood for. It really is sad that this theory is not sufficient. Those who embrace it will unlikely develop huge muscles. Oh, they can say it worked for them but, in truth, they are rationalizing. All HITters will have to accept there are limits to that method. If they do not abandon what doesn't work then what can we call them?

Arthur preached that the best way to gain knowledge was to find out for yourself through trial and error. So, if you are earnest about building your muscles and HIT doesn't work do you abandon that method and try something else? That is what Arthur would have done. It is a real pity that he wasn't a bodybuilder. Had he been one he would have reached plateaus and known HIT was inadequate.

From my own experience it is clear to me that HIT methods and preaching virtually spoiled any chance I had of being much bigger. If I had followed Doug Hepburn's advice I could have gone much further. My competitive career ended with the arrival of Nautilus and the preaching of Arthur Jones. That many still follow what Arthur preached is an historical curiosity that says more about the limited capacity of most human brains than true knowledge. Instead of searching for the truth most have believed that further muscular size is achievable only through using drugs. What a load of crap that conclusion is, but I have no doubt it is almost universally believed.

HIT is going in the wrong direction. Remember, I have nothing to sell anyone. Darden has courses. Mike Mentzer had courses and personal training and videos. Arthur had gym and medical equipment. You can believe what you want but, unfortunately for bodybuilding, Arthur and his disciples continue to generate more confusion instead of clarity. Since so many thickheads populate this pastime there is no hope in hell of things changing for the better. At least Arthur and I agree about that.

D.L. 5

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Re: RIP...Arthur Jones
« Reply #122 on: September 04, 2007, 09:45:31 PM »
mmmmm very interesting.

well the real test is how i go when i am not losing weight as all this year I have been using h.i.t but been on a  tight diet, heaps of cardio and lower calories soi cant tell how truly effective it has been (all i know is that my strength has constantly increased and I have added muscle no doubt).

My real experiment will be when I am eating a diet geared towards gaining size.

ps- I have lost 32 kg this year...not bad huh (and yes i was disgustingly out of shape)


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Re: RIP...Arthur Jones
« Reply #123 on: September 04, 2007, 09:50:33 PM »

From my own experience it is clear to me that HIT methods and preaching virtually spoiled any chance I had of being much bigger. If I had followed Doug Hepburn's advice I could have gone much further. My competitive career ended with the arrival of Nautilus and the preaching of Arthur Jones. That many still follow what Arthur preached is an historical curiosity that says more about the limited capacity of most human brains than true knowledge. Instead of searching for the truth most have believed that further muscular size is achievable only through using drugs. What a load of crap that conclusion is, but I have no doubt it is almost universally believed.

You didn't go further because you had your head up your ass.

LOL, this is hilarious. Vince blaming Arthur Jones for him not being a more successful bodybuilder! Jesus H. Christ!

BTW, I'm not a HIT advocate, so I'm not defending the lunacy of Mentzer et al, per se.

Vince B

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Re: RIP...Arthur Jones
« Reply #124 on: September 04, 2007, 09:53:44 PM »
If you are losing weight you cannot expect to build much lean tissue. Any strength gains cannot be credited to larger muscles because yours have shrunk. How on earth could a person in your state defend HIT? That defies common sense.

Hypertrophy isn't a religious belief. There is no requirement for faith. Gains should be measurable from each exercise session. If you can measure gains only after weeks or months you are growing too slowly. If you can't detect your growth you are not following the right method. Any hypertrophy method has nutrition as a cornerstone. Both training and adequate nutrition are requirements for growth. It is better to not train for strength if you are serious about bodybuilding. Oh, you try to use more resistance but demonstrating strength should never be a goal. That is a good way to injure oneself as Arthur clearly wrote about.