James Goad is putting on another great event in Orlando this fall.
http://www.americanchallengeusa.com/The American Challenge RAW UNITED NATIONAL POWERLIFTING CHAMPIONSHIP
DATE: Saturday August 30th, 2008
SITE: Hilton at Walt Disney World . Orlando , FL
ATHLETE CHECK-IN: Friday August 29th for all competitors 4:00 P.M. ( Lanai Room )
LATE CHECK-IN: Saturday August 30th 7:30AM till 8:30AM in (Salon 6)
ELIGIBILITY: Open to Powerlifters from any Federation. Teen and High School Lifters can be non Federation Powerlifters.
FEDERATION: United Powerlifting Federation, will have one meet per year at the American Challenge USA Competition and Expo, The Federation has been developed so Powerlifters from all Federations can come together and compete for the title of Raw Powerlifter National Champion. All lifts will count and be reported to Powerlifting USA. Listing: Division, Weight Class, Name, Weight, and Federation, High School or Collage.
EQUIPMENT RULES: Knee and Wrist raps, Weight belts, NO Shirts or Suits
AWARDS: $700 plus trophies. Top Powerlifter in both divisions will receive $200 in product coupons each. Top overall female lifter, High School, College will receive $100 in product coupons.1st-5th place in each weight class will receive trophies. (Must be at least three powerlifters in a division to win the BioPharm product award) The Federation, High School or Collage with the most win™s will receive a team trophy. FEES $50.00 Single Lift $30.00 Teens, High School, College, JV/Varsity $30.00 Additional Division $25.00 Late Fee (Deadline Average Aug 15th, 2008 )
DIVISIONS 1: OPEN RAW (21 and Up) Master I (40-49) Master II (50-59) Master III (60-69) Master IV (70+) Police/Fire/Military. Weight Classes (lbs) Male: 114, 123, 132, 148, 165, 181, 198, 220, 242, 275 & SHW. Female: 97, 105, 114, 123, 132, 148, 165, 181, 198, and 198+
DIVISIONS 2: OPEN NATURAL RAW (14 and Up) Teen I (14-15) Teen II (16-17) Teen III (18-19) High School (JV/Varsity) Junior (20-23) Master I (40-49) Master II (50-59) Master III (60-69) Master IV (70+) Police/Fire/Military Special Olympian (14 and Up) Disabled/Paralympic Athlete. Weight Classes (lbs) Male:114, 123, 132, 148, 165, 181, 198, 220, 242, 275 & SHW. Female: 97, 105, 114, 123, 132, 148, 165, 181, 198, and 198+
BENCH ONLY RAW: OPEN RAW (21 and Up) Master I (40- 49) Master III (60-69) Master IV (70+) Weight Classes (lbs) Male: 114, 123, 132, 148, 165, 181, 198, 220, 242, 275 & SHW. Female: 97, 105, 114, 123, 132, 148, 165, 181, 198, and 198+
BENCH ONLY NATURAL RAW:OPEN NATURAL RAW ((14 and Up)) Teen (14-19) High School (JV/Varsity) Junior (20-23) Master I (40-49) Master II (50-59) Master III (60- 69) Master IV (70+) Disabled/Paralympic Athlete. Weight Classes (lbs) Male: 114, 123, 132, 148, 165, 181, 198, 220, 242, 275 & SHW. Female: 97, 105, 114, 123, 132, 148,165, 181, 198, and 198+
(Natural Raw will have random drug testing of 10% of the total amount of Powerlifters in the Natural Raw Divisions)
The event is going to be covered by FAME Fitness and Lifestyles Magazine, Oxygen Magazine, Muscle Magazine, Natural Muscle Magazine, Fitness and Physique Magazine, and DXL Magazine.
SPECIAL NOTICE: The entire event is being filmed for a documentary. Great opportunity to maximize your exposure.