Wednesday - September the 4th 2008
Start: 20:50
End: 21:50
Duration: too many min
Mood: So, so
Cardio: no
Squat - 25, 35, 35, 45, x kg
CgBp - 25, 35, 45, 55, 67,5 kg | +10 kg .........
Rows - 25, 35, 45, 55, Bodyweight + 6,25 kg | +6,25 kg ................
Ok. .. felt very exhausted.
Schedule still off... will return to normal on monday.
Squatting - good... loud knees today
CgBP - so, so... +5kg when warming up was too much - next time only 2,5kg. Last set was HARD
Rows - good, last set was HARD