Author Topic: The Official Biden Foot in Mouth aka Weekend at Biden's Thread  (Read 106528 times)

Soul Crusher

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Re: The Official Biden Foot in Mouth Thread
« Reply #200 on: August 16, 2012, 01:49:40 PM »
Politico's Jonathan Martin and Washington Post's Chris Cillizza talk to NBC's Chuck Todd about the Obama-Biden campaign's control over reporters and the pool report on Todd's MSNBC program, "The Daily Rundown."
The pool report is a brief memo that is usually written by one reporter that goes out to members of the press who were not able to make it to an event where the president or vice president attended. The pool report often contains a few lines that the president or vice president, or POTUS/VPOTUS as it is often written in the pool reports, said. Sometimes gaffes made by the candidates are included in the report.
Martin says that as of late the Biden campaign team has gone through pool reports and then tells the reporter what is okay and what is not okay to print.
As Martin and Chuck Todd note, this is a memo that is by the press and for the press.
"The Biden aides are trying to edit what's in there while it's been drafted, and then after you send it to them and they're reviewing it, they're looking for potential land mines," Martin revealed.

"By the way, the only reason it gets sent through them, and I think we're going to have to change the system -- this is an outrage that they do this! The only reason we send it to them is it's the fastest distribution to the press," Chuck Todd said.
"It's remarkable," Chris Cillizza said, shaking his head.
"It's a reflection of how much the Biden staff is determined to police him and really save him from himself," Martin observed.
Martin then revealed a moment where the press, after a shooting, asked Joe Biden about the loss of his own child. Martin said his team tried to push him away from the press to prevent him from answering that question, but he ended up shouting over his own people to make a statement to the press.

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Re: The Official Biden Foot in Mouth Thread
« Reply #201 on: August 16, 2012, 02:06:09 PM »
Chuck Todd Calls Biden’s Staff Influencing Pool Reports An ‘Outrage,’
 Mediaite ^ | 12:18 pm, August 16th, 2012 | by Noah Rothman |

Posted on Thursday, August 16, 2012 4:51:27 PM

On Thursday, Chuck Todd, NBC News’ White House Correspondent and Political Director, called a Politico report which revealed that Vice President Joe Biden’s staff actively attempted to edit pool reports, which are used to inform reporters about events on the campaign trail, an “outrage.” He said that the system of distributing pool reports through political staffers may have to change as a result of Biden’s staffer’s behavior.

RELATED: Biden’s Staff Tried To Influence Reporting On His Virginia Trip, According To Report

Politico reporter Jonathan Martin, who originally reported the infraction by Biden’s staffers, said the attempted influencing of pool reports was “unheard of.”

“The Biden aides are trying to edit wants in there while it’s being drafted, and then after you send it to them reviewing it and looking for potential land mines,” said Martin.

“And the only reason it gets sent through them – and I think we’re going to have to change this system – this is an outrage that they do this,” said Todd. “The only reason why we send it through them is it’s the fastest distribution vehicle.”

“It’s for us and by us,” said Washington Post political editor Chris Cillizza, shaking his head. “It’s remarkable.”

“The Biden staff is determined to police him and to really save him from himself,” Martin concluded.

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Re: The Official Biden Foot in Mouth Thread
« Reply #202 on: August 16, 2012, 08:54:00 PM »
Rolling Stone Editor Defends Biden: Everyone Knows He's an Idiot [VIDEO]
NewsBusters ^ | 08/16/2012 | Libby Sternberg
Posted on August 16, 2012 10:32:00 PM EDT by KentTrappedInLiberalSeat tle

On Wednesday, August 15, MSNBC’s noon show, “NOW With Alex Wagner,” featured a brief but revealing segment on Vice President Joseph Biden’s recent gaffe. This was the one where Biden addressed a crowd, mostly of African-Americans, and, using what sounded like a Southern accent, said of the Romney/Ryan team: “They’re going to put ya’ll back in chains,” supposedly with deregulation of Wall Street.

The “NOW” panel was urged to address this by host Alex Wagner, but from a specific standpoint – “How do we get past this and get to the big issues?”

One of her guests, Eric Bates, executive editor of Rolling Stone, had this to say in response to Wagner’s question:

ERIC BATES: I think it’s going to blow over pretty quickly, so I don’t think we will have to do much to get past it. I think Romney’s response, even the rhetoric of his response, is interesting. He called the Obama administration angry and desperate. Well, you can call Obama a lot of things. Angry isn’t one that comes to mind very often, and I think a lot of his own supporters would like to see President Obama more angry than he is. Desperate? If you want a sign of desperation, latching on to something Joe Biden says, as evidence of anything, that’s an act of desperation.

When others on the panel pointed out that Biden is, after all, vice president, and thus the gaffe is fair game, Bates went on to say:

ERIC BATES: I’m not saying it it’s not fair game. He’s almost gaffe-proof in that we’ve come to expect that from him so much, and it’s a reflection of who he is and how he talks, and everybody kind of gets that.

What’s striking about this exchange is how cavalier a major editor—even of a publication such as the Rolling Stone—is about a gaffe-prone vice president, making excuses for him the way one would for, say, a goofy uncle. As others on the panel rightly pointed out: Joseph Biden is not just anybody; he’s the vice president, a heartbeat away from the presidency.

When Bates says “everybody gets that” about Biden, what does he really mean—that we all know Biden is not as dumb as he repeatedly sounds? Or is he saying Biden is as dumb as his gaffes make him appear, but it doesn’t really matter? If the former, where’s the evidence? If the latter, should an editor be shrugging off this story?

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Re: The Official Biden Foot in Mouth Thread
« Reply #203 on: August 16, 2012, 09:03:30 PM »
Joe Biden Press Shop Literally Trying to Edit Media Reports
NewsBusters ^
Posted on August 16, 2012 11:46:01 PM EDT by chessplayer

The controversy surrounding Vice President Joe Biden’s offensive claim that Republicans want to enslave black Americans has become such a concern to the Obama White House that the veep’s staff have resorted to trying to directly censor the news coverage about him.

In what is widely believed to be an unprecedented move, the Biden press shop has severely restricted access to vice president and begun telling journalists what they should write about his activities as they write them up.

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Re: The Official Biden Foot in Mouth Thread
« Reply #204 on: August 17, 2012, 08:15:04 AM »
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Re: The Official Biden Foot in Mouth Thread
« Reply #205 on: August 19, 2012, 04:01:31 AM »
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Our Idiot Vice President ^ | August 19, 2012 | Derek Hunter
Posted on August 19, 2012 4:07:36 AM EDT by Kaslin

If Vice President Joe Biden didn’t exist, you couldn’t invent him. You couldn’t invent him because no one would believe such a character possibly could exist. No Hollywood producer ever would believe someone that dumb could rise to that level without an “R” after his name.

But if someone did attempt to pitch a TV show with a character like Joe Biden, here is how it might go:

We’ve got this guy, and he’s an idiot. But he’s also vice president of the United States. Stay with me. He says things that are provably untrue, and he does it constantly. And not just untrue but outrageously so.

For example, he tells a crowd of black voters that his opponent is “going to put y’all back in chains” in the south. Then he mocks the woman doing sign language for the crowd with a bunch of hand gestures. But he’s not done.

See, he’s in Virginia, but like a member of Spinal Tap, he tells the crowd he’s in North Carolina. And he does all of this not over the course of a campaign, but in one speech.

As background on his character, this sort of stupidity is nothing new for him. In fact, he’s sort of legendary for gaffes like this. See, he’s VP for the first black president, and when he was running for president himself he called the future president “clean and articulate.” He could end it by saying something even dumber, such as, “That’s a storybook, man.” Even I admit that sounds a bit crazy, that no real human would say that, so maybe not that last bit. Still…

But anyway, we could make him saying dumb things on race a part of his history too. He could say something about going into a 7-Eleven or Dunkin’ Donuts and needing a “slight Indian accent,” or some other stereotypically stupid thing.

Obviously, we’d have to make it an absurdist farce so it would be believable, but that’s doable.

As such, we could give him a full history of lies and saying dumb things.

One option would be to have a scene, years earlier, where he chews out someone who asks him about how he did in college and law school. His answer could be like someone really worried his attempt to come off as intelligent could come crushing down, so he snaps at the guy.

He could say something absurd, such as “I think I probably have a much higher IQ than you do, I suspect.” Then he could rattle off a list of academic scholarships he earned, how he didn’t really care his first year of law school but then started to and graduated in the top half of his class, etc. Only it’s all a lie. He eventually has to admit it was all a lie. His scholarship was based on need, not academics, he didn’t graduate in the top half of his class – he was 76th out of 85 … stuff like that.

Better yet, it’s the New York Times that calls him out on it. Years later the Times will defend him when he’s running for VP because Democrats must be protected, so they paint him as some sort of foreign policy genius. But actually, he will have advised against the raid that kill Osama bin Laden. Absurd, I know. But that’s this character. That’s what makes it a farce.

Just to make it so over the top, so no one would ever think this caricature is real, we can sprinkle in some plagiarism in law school that he’ll pass off as not being sure how to cite things properly. For good measure, we’ll even have him plagiarize a biographical passage from a speech of someone else, because who would believe that?

What do you say? Are we in business?

The producers would look at you and say, “No one’s going to believe that character exists. There’s no way someone with that baggage, that many gaffes, that stupid, could ever become vice president of the United States. But we like the idea, so here’s what we suggest. We change his name to Quayle, make him a Republican and change it from a comedy to a drama.”

That’s about how it would go, but everything I’ve written about the fictional Joe Biden was said and done by the real one. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

So as you watch the media “vet” Rep. Paul Ryan, just remember how little vetting they did of Joe Biden in 2008. Yet what little vetting the media did of Biden was like a colonoscopy compared to the vetting they did of Barack Obama.

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Re: The Official Biden Foot in Mouth Thread
« Reply #206 on: August 19, 2012, 04:03:53 AM »
Boston Globe: Biden should apologize for “back in chains” remark
Boston Globe ^ | August 17, 2012 | Staff Editorial
Posted on August 19, 2012 6:06:03 AM EDT by Cincinatus' Wife

When Vice President Joe Biden warned a Virginia rally of hundreds of African Americans that Republican efforts to loosen bank regulations meant “They’re going to put y’all back in chains,” Stephanie Cutter, Team Obama’s deputy campaign manager, said the president would have “no problem with those comments.”

But imagine if Republican Paul Ryan uttered comments like that. Mitt Romney’s pick for vice president would be pilloried for racial insensitivity — and so would Romney. In the fight for civility and substance over pointless hyperbole, Biden may not be the worst offender. But he’s an offender nonetheless, and he should apologize.


Liberals routinely dismiss Biden’s gaffes as the rhetorical excesses of an overly exuberant speaker — it’s “Joe being Joe.” And there can be something appealing about a politician who throws caution and the script that goes with it to the winds. Yet when conservative speakers get overly exuberant and cross a rhetorical line, they are presumed racist or culturally insensitive, rather than refreshingly free-spirited. One standard should apply.

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Re: The Official Biden Foot in Mouth Thread
« Reply #207 on: August 20, 2012, 05:30:51 AM »
Biden’s Tourrette Problem ^ | August 20, 2012 | Shawn Mitchell

Posted on Monday, August 20, 2012 2:03:17 AM by Kaslin

Joseph Biden’s career is chock-full of career-threatening gaffes--had they been committed by a conservative. But last week was exceptional, even for Joe.

Telling a largely black audience that Republicans want to “put y’all back in chains” was a burst of verbal flatulence the media just couldn’t deodorize. Hence, the week’s other stinkers also got noticed: He forgot what state he was talking to, what century we’re in, and that Paul Ryan isn’t a governor, but a member of Congress. Small things, maybe, but not as small as the “e” that’s not at the end of potato.

But there’s something more important than the crazy uncle’s belated unmasking. There’s glimmering awareness of the professional courtesy that’s sheltered his career. Does the public know the man’s a walking grenade, threatening small explosions at any moment? Not till the closing months of his second campaign for Vice President they didn't.

It’s time for a reckoning, or at least some soul searching.

Does the media ever look in the mirror? Like wonder why they labored to excommunicate Dan Qualye from respectable society for a few things like a zinger of a debate insult by Lloyd Bentsen and misspelling potato? Or the decency of their nuclear assault on Sarah Palin, grasping for anything--anything—damaging they could scream about?

Meanwhile, this dufus has bumbled for decades in a praised senate career and become Vice President of the United States, while the professional media looked respectfully away from his stream of idiocy. Only now, under the glare of ubiquitous scrutiny, social media and a hotly contested presidential race, they can’t quite keep him under wraps.

So, kind of like Obama being forced to drop Van Jones for various extremist outrages-- some insane, others just Marxist--before the national media even deigned to report a controversy existed, suddenly there's talk of whether Ole' Joe should be dumped.

Replace the Vice President?! But there haven’t been any dog piles or death watches! Nothing of the kind that Bush Secretaries Don Rumsfeld, Alberto Gonzalez, and John Ashcroft endured, and before them, Regan aides Ed Meese, James Watt, Ann Burford, and others.

Certainly there’s been nothing like the extended crucifixion Palin and Quayle endured.

Even after Biden’s last unchained performance, the AP stoically stuck to the script, insisting the Obama team “sees Biden as one of its most valuable assets.” Seriously, you can google it. But further stumbles forced the president to send Biden home to his room.

Do reporters ever ponder that Republican presidents, from Ike to Ford, Reagan, and the Bushes are portrayed as stupid, clumsy, or out of touch, but Democratic presidents seldom if ever get that treatment? Are Republicans just dumber? Or are reporters in chains to their ideology?

Why did we know within days of citizen Joe the Plumber’s query to candidate Obama that Joe had tax and child support issues? But it took four years, to 2012 to learn the best-selling memoir of the president of the United States is largely fiction!

Most the public still doesn’t know the original “birther” was Barack Obama, whose literary agency publicized him for a decade in printed and online information as a Kenyan-born Harvard Law grad. That entry was quietly edited a few weeks into the promising senator’s presidential bid. The dogs of the press are sitting and heeling for him on that story. (Disclaimer: I believe the president was born in Hawaii. I also believe he misrepresented that fact for academic and professional advantage before the presidency was a consideration.)

Why did the national media camp in Crawford Texas for weeks to amplify and glorify the bereaved, slightly deranged Cindy Sheehan, but the parents of Border Agent Brian Terry, slain in Obama’s monstrously conceived Operation Fast and Furious, grieve in obscurity?

How is it that an international scandal involving illegal gun sales forced by the administration to drug lords, with hundreds of dead Mexicans and a dead US Border agent, has been virtually blacked out by the national media? When Obama forced their hand by declaring executive privilege over hundreds of thousands of documents sought by Congress, they grudgingly reported that fact, with a cramped summary of the previously unreported scandal for their uninformed viewers. Follow up since then has been essentially nil.

It seems futile to scream about the eternal double standard. Screaming has cost me media friends. Yet, it’s impossible to forget or ignore. For all the proliferation of new media, the major broadcast networks and papers still paint the baseline of general public awareness. And that’s a problem.

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Re: The Official Biden Foot in Mouth Thread
« Reply #208 on: August 20, 2012, 05:33:17 AM »
In what is widely believed to be an unprecedented move, the Biden press shop has severely restricted access to vice president

Reminds me of when Mccain had to shield an incompetent palin from reporters on the road.

Week of the RNC convention... wouldnt it be cool for Obama to replace him on the ticket?  Upstage Romney by a mile.

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Re: The Official Biden Foot in Mouth Thread
« Reply #209 on: August 21, 2012, 12:48:33 PM »
Biden Likens Republicans to 'Squealing Pigs'
 The Weekly Standard ^ | August 21, 2012 | DANIEL HALPER

Posted on 08/21/2012 12:24:53 PM PDT

In a speech today in Minnesota, Vice President Joe Biden likened Republicans to "squealing pigs":

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Re: The Official Biden Foot in Mouth Thread
« Reply #210 on: August 21, 2012, 02:03:59 PM »
Where is the gaff in this statement?

Obama and Biden have been screaming about the "tone" of politics and that they have run a positive campaign. 


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Re: The Official Biden Foot in Mouth Thread
« Reply #211 on: August 21, 2012, 02:04:14 PM »
Where is the gaff in this statement?

No, as long as you concede that Biden is most likely a functional retard

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Re: The Official Biden Foot in Mouth Thread
« Reply #212 on: August 21, 2012, 02:10:59 PM »
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Re: The Official Biden Foot in Mouth Thread
« Reply #213 on: August 21, 2012, 02:20:47 PM »
I have no problem saying that he is often an idiot.

That doesn't make it a "gaff"

Should we start an Biden "lies and hypocrisy" thread? 

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Re: The Official Biden Foot in Mouth Thread
« Reply #214 on: August 21, 2012, 03:28:27 PM »

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Re: The Official Biden Foot in Mouth Thread
« Reply #215 on: August 21, 2012, 08:33:50 PM »
Biden: We 'Created 200,000 Brand New Good Paying Jobs’ Despite ‘Republican Obstructionism’
Cybercast News Service ^ | 8/21/12 | Melanie Hunter
Posted on August 21, 2012 11:23:10 PM EDT by Nachum

Vice President Joe Biden, speaking in Minneapolis, Minn., Tuesday credited the Obama administration with the creation of “200,000 brand new good paying jobs.” Biden blamed “Republican obstructionism” for “slowing down” the Obama administration’s economic progress and said GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney and his allies “sound like squealing pigs” when they object to Democratic efforts to pass “the toughest Wall Street regulations in history.” “In spite of that, in spite of Governor Romney’s insistence to let Detroit go bankrupt, we rescued the automobile industry, saved a million

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Re: The Official Biden Foot in Mouth Thread
« Reply #216 on: August 21, 2012, 08:41:58 PM »
The Scarecrow of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Posted by Daniel Greenfield @ the Sultan Knish blog 16 Comments

It is not completely impossible that in a moment of electoral desperation, Joseph Robinette Biden Jr will be called into a private meeting with Valerie Jarrett and David Axelrod and told that it's time for him to announce that he wants to spend more time with his family. But it's not very likely.

The chief function of a Vice President is making the President look good and by that measure Joe Biden is one of the best vice presidents who ever lived. The rule of thumb is that the more incompetent the man at the top is, the more of a buffoon the man just below him needs to be to make him look good. And again Biden does this job brilliantly.

James Monroe put as many political rivals in his cabinet as possible, but Barack Hussein Obama and the people around him are too insecure and paranoid to do such a thing. Monroe might have presided over the Era of Good Feeling, but the age of O is the Era of Bad Feelings. Hillary Clinton was never going to be on the ticket. Even giving her the Secretary of State position would never have been an option if it had not been a matter of pure survival, with the Obamas terrified of losing moderate Democrats to McCain.

Joe Biden, never a serious candidate, was the perfect match for Obama. A dumb old white man, to confirm all the dirty impulses of the left, while mockingly giving mainstream Democrats someone they could relate to. Biden's gaffes aren't an embarrassment, they are the whole point, signaling the end of the old American era of leadership. Their implicit message is that you can choose a McCain or Biden, another old white man, or the savvy multicultural representative of a new generation that looks like the America of 2050.

Obama and Biden are both symbols of the Post-American America. Biden represents the outgoing American administration and Obama represents the incoming Post-American administration. It is vital to make the American administration look weak, foolish and useless so as to affirm the right of the Post-American administration to seize power from it.

Biden's ego has made it impossible for him to understand the uses he has been put to. And that is part of the joke. Joe Biden wasn't selected despite his penchant for saying stupid things in public. He was selected because of it. He is there to project incompetence in order to make Obama look better. He is there to make the idea of white male leadership look like a joke. That is his one and only job and he has succeeded at it.

Biden is the successor of every dumb white male father figure on TV gawping at the screen, tumbling over chairs and down the stairs, scratching his head cluelessly at the wiser new generation around him. He is every man in a commercial who can't figure out how to start a car, make coffee or clean the house until his wife or a helpful minority figure shows up and explains it to him.

Doofus Dad is no longer just unable to perform simple tasks in a commercial, rubbing his eyes to the sound of canned laughter. He is the Vice President of the United States who was chosen to live up to that calculatingly manufactured stereotype. And he is rubbing his eyes and saying stupid things to the sound of canned laughter at press conferences.

No halfway responsible man would have deliberately chosen an idiot as his potential replacement. But an administration that has done the things to America that this one has done is not in any way responsible. If you step into Obama's head for a moment, you realize that he does not care at all what happens if he should die. A man who can't be bothered to take care of his own extended family is not likely to care one way or another what happens to a country of several hundred million, most of whom are not even related to him.

Obama truly is a post-racial candidate. His tribalism is a feint. While African-Americans saw him as one of theirs, he has never seen himself that way. His racial identity is as much a scam as anything else about him. Obama has done as much for African-Americans as he has for his half-brother who is calling strangers to help pay his medical bills. Obama dispenses group privileges only when it suits his needs. He exploits accusations of racism, but race means very little to him. Racial identity, like national identity, is a pose that he adopts on the appropriate occasions.

The post-racialism of Obama is the reverse of Martin Luther King's invocation of a society that has transcended race. Obama privileges race over character as a means of invoking guilt and group solidarity. He does not care about all Americans in a way that transcends race, nor does he care about one race exclusively. He cares about no one at all. If he appears to have any warm feelings for a particular group, they seem to be limited to the Muslims of his childhood who helped raise him.

There is nothing reassuring or transcendent about Obama's post-racialism. Like his post-nationalism, it is a symptom of a man who belongs nowhere but who can do his best to pass everywhere by appropriating identities and symbols as if they were currencies to be traded on an international trip. A man such as this is adept at speaking on more than one level, at sending coded messages that say different things to different people in a single word.

To moderate liberals, the selection of Biden sends a message that race has finally been transcended through the hard work of men and women like them. To the left, the message is that the old patriarchy is on the way out and is about to be replaced by a multicultural people's leadership that knows what a ridiculous joke the old white male power structure is. The left is not at all troubled when Republicans ridicule Biden. They chuckle because Republicans aren't in on the joke. Biden is meant to be them. They are Biden.

The left harbors its greatest contempt, not for Republicans, but for liberals. "I love Harry and Sidney and Sammy/I hope every colored boy becomes a star/But don't talk about revolution/That's going a little bit too far," Phil Ochs sang mockingly. "Love me, love me, I'm a liberal." Obama's people are singing Phil Ochs' song and displaying the traditional contempt for all the parts of the Democratic Party that aren't as committed to revolution as they are.

Biden is a joke because the Democratic Party is a joke. He represents what the left sees as the flaws of the Democratic Party and liberalism, the old white males who wanted slow reforms and gradual change instead of abrupt revolution. Obama's people could have chosen a more credible figure who would have provided useful cover, but instead they couldn't hold back their contempt.

That arrogance and contempt are the greatest flaws of the men and women looking down at the world from the capital city of the enemy nation that they have finally seized. They could replace Biden, they should replace Biden, but they probably won't. Their revolutionary ideals are fueled by their egotism. They want to overthrow everything not because they care about everyone, as they claim to, but because they truly don't care about anyone at all. Not only don't they care, but they feel nothing but contempt for the people looking up at them, pleading for jobs or tax relief. And it shows.

To the left race is a means to an end, it is not the end. Its collectivism requires enlisting individual groups dissatisfied with the system to help overthrow it in a coalition whose ultimate aims do not serve the needs of any of the individual groups. The racial identity of millions of African-Americans is a tool, like the former Senator from Delaware who somewhere beneath his hairpiece, past nerves deadened by Botox injections, harbors dreams of inheriting the job in 2016.

Biden still does not understand what he is. He is a fellow traveler, a dupe, a scarecrow of the old white male liberal establishment hung up over a cornfield to attract unknowing liberals while serving as a figure of fun to the left. And despite his corruption and arrogance, there is something sad and pathetic in the spectacle of a hollow man with capped teeth set in a grin making a fool of himself for the amusement of the Post-American crowd. A crowd that he thinks are laughing with him, when they are actually laughing at him.

Spot on.

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Re: The Official Biden Foot in Mouth Thread
« Reply #217 on: August 22, 2012, 05:30:51 PM »
Biden: It Won’t Cost Gov’t a Penny to Help More Homeowners If GOP Would ‘Just Get Out of the Way’
 CNSNews ^

Posted on Wednesday, August 22, 2012 8:04:34 PM by Sub-Driver

Biden: It Won’t Cost Gov’t a Penny to Help More Homeowners If GOP Would ‘Just Get Out of the Way’ By Melanie Hunter August 22, 2012

( – Vice President Joe Biden, speaking at a high school in Detroit Wednesday, said “it won’t cost the government a penny” to help more homeowners stay in their homes, “if the Republicans would just get out of the way.”

Biden took credit for cutting taxes for the middle class “every year we’ve been in office,” adding that federal taxes for the middle class are “nearly at their lowest levels since the Eisenhower administration.”

“We cut small business taxes to help them grow. “We helped millions of families modify their mortgages so they could stay in their homes, and we helped more than a million refinance their mortgages saving $3,000 a year, but guess what?” Biden said.

“We could do it for another 12 million if the Republicans would just get out of the way, just get out the way. Right? Just get out the way. And it won’t cost the government a penny,” he added.


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Re: The Official Biden Foot in Mouth Thread
« Reply #218 on: August 22, 2012, 05:38:39 PM »
Of course it won't cost the government a penny, but it will cost those that pay taxes and ass load

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Re: The Official Biden Foot in Mouth Thread
« Reply #219 on: August 22, 2012, 05:50:42 PM »
The fact this man could be president is scary. 

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Re: The Official Biden Foot in Mouth Thread
« Reply #220 on: August 22, 2012, 07:56:07 PM »

TMI: Biden: ‘I’ve known 8 presidents, 3 of them intimately’ ^ | August. 22, 2012 | Twitchy Staff
Posted on August 22, 2012 9:05:10 PM EDT by Free ThinkerNY

Carrie Dann @CarrieNBCNews

Sentences VP says: "I can tell you, and I've known eight presidents, three of them intimately..." 22 Aug 12

Oh, my! That’s what she said. And what Biden said, evidently, when speaking at an event in Detroit today: ”I can tell you, and I’ve known eight presidents, three of them intimately…”

Three, Biden! Sheesh, you sure get around! Vice President Biden is on a gaffe-tastic roll, providing much-needed comic relief. This latest rambling is no exception; the giggles cannot be controlled.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

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Re: The Official Biden Foot in Mouth Thread
« Reply #221 on: August 23, 2012, 06:33:43 AM »
Vice President Joe Biden: ‘Detroit’s Getting Back Up’
 ABC News ^

Posted on Wednesday, August 22, 2012 8:11:56

Vice President Joe Biden: ‘Detroit’s Getting Back Up’

DETROIT – Revving up a crowd at a Detroit high school, Vice President Joe Biden offered up one of his father’s old adages to illustrate the tenacity the people of Detroit possess as their city works to recover from the crisis in the auto industry.

“My dad used to say you measure a man or woman – it wasn’t whether they got knocked down, but how quickly they got up. And guess what? Detroit’s getting back up,” Biden told an estimated crowd of 1,100 packed into a narrow hallway at Renaissance High School Wednesday.

Detroit’s unemployment rate remains more than a point above the national average, sitting at 9.7 percent in June, but over the past three years, the unemployment rate in the city has decreased dramatically from its 27.8 percent rate in July 2009. Michigan’s unemployment rate rose last month, jumping from 8.6 percent in June to 9 percent in July.

Biden, who called Mitt Romney a “decent” man despite boos emanating from the crowd, knocked the presumptive GOP nominee for the 2008 New York Times op-ed he penned with the headline “Let Detroit Go Bankrupt,” saying that the president’s approach to dealing with the auto industry proved successful.

“In spite of Gov. Romney’s insistence that we let Detroit go bankrupt, we rescued the automobile industry,” Biden said.

The Romney campaign claimed Biden’s comments about Detroit’s turnaround are “out of touch.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


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Re: The Official Biden Foot in Mouth Thread
« Reply #222 on: August 23, 2012, 06:46:08 AM »
The fact this man could be president is scary. 

This is the first time we agree on something i think

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Re: The Official Biden Foot in Mouth Thread
« Reply #223 on: August 23, 2012, 08:00:34 AM »
Serious question... What would it be without saving GM and Chrysler?

Closer to 12%?

GM is not saved - its heading back to bankruptcy 

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Re: The Official Biden Foot in Mouth Thread
« Reply #224 on: August 24, 2012, 07:28:29 PM »
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Romney Children Mocked at Biden Fundraiser
Friday, August 24, 2012 | Kristinn
Posted on August 24, 2012 10:12:37 PM EDT by kristinn

Mitt Romney's children were mocked by actor Nathan Lane in remarks he made to Vice President Joe Biden as he introduced Biden at a campaign fundraiser today in Bridgehampton, New York.

The East Hampton Press reported:

Nathan Lane opened the event with comedic jabs at Republicans, namely Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, and also a few directed at Mr. Biden...

He mentioned that actress Edie Falco, a co-host, couldn’t be at the fundraiser with him because she was filming “Nurse Jackie,” a Showtime series. “I love Nurse Jackie,” he said. “She can’t get through the day without Vicodin, Adderall, Percocet, Xanax and Oxycodone —which, oddly enough, also happens to be the names of Mitt Romney’s five children,” he said.

The audience laughed...

The Obama campaign has conducted the most personal and dirty campaign in recent memory. This is just one more step in the gutter of personal attacks on the Romney family by the Obama campaign and its surrogates.

Four years ago Obama said the children of the candidates should be off limits. That was when he was pretending to walk the high road.