Author Topic: Left-Wing Hate Speech  (Read 93062 times)

Straw Man

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #50 on: June 18, 2009, 07:31:09 AM »
I live on the east coast on planet earth. I dont "see" any metors or comets where I live. Therefore, they must not exist. Show me some in New York City and I'll believe they exist.


Thank you for once again demonstrating your stunning stupidity and concious hostility toward reality and knowledge.

how much time do you spend worrying about meteors?

how much time should I spend worrying about left wing violence?


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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #51 on: June 18, 2009, 07:36:24 AM »
how much time do you spend worrying about meteors?

how much time should I spend worrying about left wing violence?

How long before you and people like you start rounding up religious people like me and locking us all up in mental institutions just because you suffer from religious paranoia and happen to believe that all religious people are mentally ill and potentially dangerous?

Straw Man

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #52 on: June 18, 2009, 07:43:26 AM »
I purposely didn't post in this thread because I wanted to get a sense of how pervasive the ignorance of world history is around here.

Left wing acts of violence? Europe during the 60's and 70's was a hotbed of leftist terrorism ( especially France). In this country you had the Black Panther movement and the rest of the leftist thugs ( such as Bill Ayers) who engaged in countless acts of violence and intimidation in attempts to overthrow the government. For more recent sadistic violence look no further than central and South America where leftist gorillas rape, murder and terrorize their own people ( who disagree politically). Then throw in the socialist and communist regimes of Asia, Russia, Cuba etc.-- Leftists are as insane, violent, warped and sociopathic as any right wing radical. People on the fringe are always a fingernail away from one another in terms of actions, desires and motivations. The only distinguishing characteristic between fringe groups is their scapegoat.

The problem is that some of you equate racially or religiously motivated attacks as invariably originating from some sort of right wing fringe group- yet when the overwhelming amount of left minded predators commit violent acts you either don't associate them with their ideology, or dismiss their behavior as motivated by other objectives. Take Colin Ferguson for instance, the lunatic who killed several random white people coming home from work on the LIRR in the early 90's. His defense at trial was some warped black mans burden justification defense. Take the animal who raped and murdered a white mother of two leaving a Westchester shopping mall about 4 years ago specifically because she was white. There are hundreds if not thousands of examples of this-- just as there are a myriad of examples the other way. The difference is that when the victim is black, or gay or Spanish etc.- the whole world takes notice and the media publicizes it extensively. Politicians also feed off of it- How often, if ever do hate crime statutes ever get enforced when the victims are white or straight?

There is a conscious collective desire in this country to take joy in the demise of the "white" and "affluent" "majority" and to take even greater pleasure in blaming the members of these respective niches for anything, whenever a fairly remote possibility to do so arises. The Duke rape case is a recent example that comes to mind.     

One thing I find hysterical about some of the responses reveling in the lefts "hands off" approach to hate speech, is that these responses also blatantly ignore the lefts disgusting habit of appeasing and even excusing Islamic terrorists. Do sadistic acts of religiously motivated violence committed by Muslims count as right wing also... or do they get a pass because the left bends over backward to apologize for the carnage and blame American foreign policy, George Bush, or anyone else they can think of?

 The moral of the story: Just because you didn't bother to investigate an occurrence ( or refuse to acknowledge its existence), doesn't mean it didn't happen.

None of these examples have any relevence to the USA in 2009

I'm not even sure how the rape/murder of a woman because she is white is classified as "leftist" violence

I don't deny there are violent acts from left wing groups but which side is committing virtually all the violence in OUR country at the present time?

Straw Man

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #53 on: June 18, 2009, 08:14:35 AM »
How long before you and people like you start rounding up religious people like me and locking us all up in mental institutions just because you suffer from religious paranoia and happen to believe that all religious people are mentally ill and potentially dangerous?

you're worried that "people like me" will start rounding up religious people and you're calling me paranoid?

when did I ever say all religious people are mentally ill or potentially dangerous?

again - you're the one calling me paranoid??


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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #54 on: June 18, 2009, 08:40:02 AM »
you're worried that "people like me" will start rounding up religious people and you're calling me paranoid?

when did I ever say all religious people are mentally ill or potentially dangerous?

again - you're the one calling me paranoid??

I'm not worried.  Atheists have already murdered hundreds of thousands of religious people.  Being insulted and persecuted is just part of being religious I suppose.

But you seem to be suffering from religious paranoia by your many intolerant, anti-religion posts.

Besides, my personal belief is anyone who holds a fundamentalist belief in any religion is mentally ill (for real) which again makes for a pointless discussion

George Whorewell

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #55 on: June 18, 2009, 08:42:50 AM »
Let me try to dumb things down a bit so you can understand my point.

- Just because you dont SEE something, doesnt mean it doesnt exist- willfull blindness is not evidence of a non-occurance.

- Second, murdering someone because of race, religion or political affliation IS based on an ideological motivation. The lunatic who shot up the Holocaust museum was motivated by racial/ religious hatred. Had the museum been for Civil war vets that fought for the Confederacy, I highly doubt he would have shot the place up. You associate this crime with his right wing ideology (and rightfully so). If a black person rapes and murders a white woman because she is white, or a muslim blows up a synagogue to kill jews-- is his ideology imputed to the right wing or the left wing? You cant say its not politically motivated, because it paralell to the holocaust museum shooting. If its one, its the other.

Straw Man

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #56 on: June 18, 2009, 08:57:21 AM »
Let me try to dumb things down a bit so you can understand my point.

- Just because you dont SEE something, doesnt mean it doesnt exist- willfull blindness is not evidence of a non-occurance.

- Second, murdering someone because of race, religion or political affliation IS based on an ideological motivation. The lunatic who shot up the Holocaust museum was motivated by racial/ religious hatred. Had the museum been for Civil war vets that fought for the Confederacy, I highly doubt he would have shot the place up. You associate this crime with his right wing ideology (and rightfully so). If a black person rapes and murders a white woman because she is white, or a muslim blows up a synagogue to kill jews-- is his ideology imputed to the right wing or the left wing? You cant say its not politically motivated, because it paralell to the holocaust museum shooting. If its one, its the other.

didn't I already acknowledge that it has existed in the past.  Virtually all of your examples are from other countries and many years ago.   I just don't see it as the threat at the moment. nothing complicated about that

btw - I would not impute a right wing motivation on a racist or a muslim who kills jews.

Right Wing killers in this country would be the nut job who killed Dr. Tiller of the guy who killed people in a church in Tenesse earlier this year.  When you can show me some clearly defined Left Winger like this then I'll join you in being worried about them too.

You can find a link to his handwritten 4 page manifesto here:

"Know this if nothing else: This was a hate crime. I hate the damn left-wing liberals. There is a vast left-wing conspiracy in this country & these liberals are working together to attack every decent & honorable institution in the nation, trying to turn this country into a communist state. Shame on them....

"This was a symbolic killing. Who I wanted to kill was every Democrat in the Senate & House, the 100 people in Bernard Goldberg's book. I'd like to kill everyone in the mainstream media. But I know those people were inaccessible to me. I couldn't get to the generals & high ranking officers of the Marxist movement so I went after the foot soldiers, the chickenshit liberals that vote in these traitorous people. Someone had to get the ball rolling. I volunteered. I hope others do the same. It's the only way we can rid America of this cancerous pestilence."

"I thought I'd do something good for this Country Kill Democrats til the cops kill me....Liberals are a pest like termites. Millions of them Each little bite contributes to the downfall of this great nation. The only way we can rid ourselves of this evil is to kill them in the streets. Kill them where they gather. I'd like to encourage other like minded people to do what I've done. If life aint worth living anymore don't just kill yourself. do something for your Country before you go. Go Kill Liberals.

Straw Man

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #57 on: June 18, 2009, 09:02:51 AM »
I'm not worried.  Atheists have already murdered hundreds of thousands of religious people.  Being insulted and persecuted is just part of being religious I suppose.

But you seem to be suffering from religious paranoia by your many intolerant, anti-religion posts.

thanks for posting my quote.  I have clarified many times that I don't give a shit what you believe unless your beliefs drive you to the point where you feel compelled to commit violence.  I do think if you're speaking in tongues, dancing with rattlesnakes or even something as common as thinking you have a "personal relationship" with a 2000 year old rabbi then yeah, you might be mentally ill.    There's nothing paranoid or intolerant about that.   


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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #58 on: June 18, 2009, 10:11:56 AM »
fact is straw the left wing has just as many nuts and its only a matter of time before one slips their screw and goes off, you keep saying it doesnt effect me b/c its not recent... ::) FACT left wing ppl are just as crazy by your logic something will happen today and tomorrow you will say that was yesterday show me something today...

Straw Man

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #59 on: June 18, 2009, 10:22:35 AM »
fact is straw the left wing has just as many nuts and its only a matter of time before one slips their screw and goes off, you keep saying it doesnt effect me b/c its not recent... ::) FACT left wing ppl are just as crazy by your logic something will happen today and tomorrow you will say that was yesterday show me something today...

tony - I've said repeatedly that there is no shortage of nuts on either end fo the spectrum and perhaps we'll see some left wing violence someday but right now the right wingers own the title.

don't assign positions to me that I've never said.   If you want to show me something that's recent and relevent then you've got my attention.   Should I really care if their were left wing terrorist in France or the US in the 60's and 70's?
I'm suprised someone here hasn't brought up the Manson family as left wing terrorists too.


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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #60 on: June 18, 2009, 10:28:16 AM »
tony - I've said repeatedly that there is no shortage of nuts on either end fo the spectrum and perhaps we'll see some left wing violence someday but right now the right wingers own the title.

don't assign positions to me that I've never said.   If you want to show me something that's recent and relevent then you've got my attention.   Should I really care if their were left wing terrorist in France or the US in the 60's and 70's?
I'm suprised someone here hasn't brought up the Manson family as left wing terrorists too.
LOL well should i really care living in texas about some nut who shot up a museum a few thousand miles away? should you as its not close to you?

FACT: Left wingers are just as crazy as right wingers...

if your illogical ass can use the idea that it was a long time ago so im not worried then i can use that same illogical stance to say it was a long way away so im not worried and so should you as these incidents probably didnt happen anywhere near you.


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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #61 on: June 18, 2009, 10:31:54 AM »
tony - I've said repeatedly that there is no shortage of nuts on either end fo the spectrum and perhaps we'll see some left wing violence someday but right now the right wingers own the title.

don't assign positions to me that I've never said.   If you want to show me something that's recent and relevent then you've got my attention.   Should I really care if their were left wing terrorist in France or the US in the 60's and 70's?
I'm suprised someone here hasn't brought up the Manson family as left wing terrorists too.
thats the problem with your logic straw you have to understand that LOGIC applies itself across the board you try to use a certain logic one way and then say it doesnt apply in a situation thats the same.

Straw Man

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #62 on: June 18, 2009, 10:53:37 AM »
thats the problem with your logic straw you have to understand that LOGIC applies itself across the board you try to use a certain logic one way and then say it doesnt apply in a situation thats the same.

wtf are you even talking about at this point?


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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #63 on: June 18, 2009, 11:14:18 AM »
wtf are you even talking about at this point?
first off respond to this post

LOL well should i really care living in texas about some nut who shot up a museum a few thousand miles away? should you as its not close to you?

FACT: Left wingers are just as crazy as right wingers...

if your illogical ass can use the idea that it was a long time ago so im not worried then i can use that same illogical stance to say it was a long way away so im not worried and so should you as these incidents probably didnt happen anywhere near you.
if your not worried about lefty nut jobs simply b/c it wasnt recent why are you worried about right wing nut jobs thousands of miles away?

Straw Man

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #64 on: June 18, 2009, 11:46:25 AM »
first off respond to this post
if your not worried about lefty nut jobs simply b/c it wasnt recent why are you worried about right wing nut jobs thousands of miles away?

well, since you asked so nicely, I'm not personally worried about right wing nut jobs.  If I worked at an abortion clinic I'd probably be worried.   The guy who shot up the church in Tennesse intent on killing liberals wouldn't have gotten me either since I don't go to church.

Still, I don't have to be personally worried about them to be fully aware that the danger of violence is, at present, coming from the right.

Perhaps someday a pro-choice person will snap and mow down some protestors in front of Planned Parenthood and if that happens I'll join you in condemning left wing violence too.


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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #65 on: June 18, 2009, 12:09:41 PM »
well, since you asked so nicely, I'm not personally worried about right wing nut jobs.  If I worked at an abortion clinic I'd probably be worried.   The guy who shot up the church in Tennesse intent on killing liberals wouldn't have gotten me either since I don't go to church.

Still, I don't have to be personally worried about them to be fully aware that the danger of violence is, at present, coming from the right.

Perhaps someday a pro-choice person will snap and mow down some protestors in front of Planned Parenthood and if that happens I'll join you in condemning left wing violence too.
First off the vast majority of ppl left or right condemn the actions of these nut jobs left or right.

are the NUMEROUS examples of left wing violence not enough for you to condemn the left nut jobs as well or do you feel satisfied simply pointing your finger at the big bad right wing nut jobs? all you have done is tried to show how those arent attributed to the left?

if you understand that violence comes from both sides of the isle whats your point? even if the violence right now SEEMS to be coming from the right a RATIONAL person would understand that its only a matter of time before a left wing nut job goes off and condemn these actions all together instead of trying to attribute them to a certain political or religious ideology as you do.

Dos Equis

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #66 on: June 18, 2009, 12:40:30 PM »
I do think if you're speaking in tongues, dancing with rattlesnakes or even something as common as thinking you have a "personal relationship" with a 2000 year old rabbi then yeah, you might be mentally ill.    There's nothing paranoid or intolerant about that.   

lol. . . .  Really funny.  So first it's everyone who has a sincerely held religious belief is mentally ill.  Now it's the vast majority of the country in which you live, and nearly all of your political leaders, including your president, who believe they have a "personal relationship" who "might be mentally ill."  That is classic paranoid anti-religious extremism.   

Straw Man

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #67 on: June 18, 2009, 01:13:30 PM »
lol. . . .  Really funny.  So first it's everyone who has a sincerely held religious belief is mentally ill.  Now it's the vast majority of the country in which you live, and nearly all of your political leaders, including your president, who believe they have a "personal relationship" who "might be mentally ill."  That is classic paranoid anti-religious extremism.   

well my quote that you and loco have both posted is from 2007 and I've clarified it many times.  I only added that recent update because I knew it would get your panties in a twist. 

let me clarify yet again.  I don't care what anyone wants to believe as long as their beliefs don't drive them to commit violence.   Speaking in tongues, dancing with rattlesnakes (it always cracks me up when one of these knuckleheads dies of a snake bite), etc... all seem pretty nutty.   Thinking you're having a personal relationship with a man who may have lived 2000 years ago seems nutty too.  Usually harmless, but nutty none the less (IMO).   Some Catholics believe the a cracker and cheap wine literally transform into the body and blood of jesus.  I thought that was nutty when I was first taught it as a child.  This list is long and absurd 

You might think that my refusal to simply accept Jesus as my personal saviour seems nutty to you, especially since you most likely believe that failure to do so guarantees me an eternity of of suffering in hell.   

To each his own

Believe whatever you want but just don't kill anyone or impose your religious beliefs on others and I'm fine


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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #68 on: June 18, 2009, 01:20:13 PM »
First off the vast majority of ppl left or right condemn the actions of these nut jobs left or right.

are the NUMEROUS examples of left wing violence not enough for you to condemn the left nut jobs as well or do you feel satisfied simply pointing your finger at the big bad right wing nut jobs? all you have done is tried to show how those arent attributed to the left?

if you understand that violence comes from both sides of the isle whats your point? even if the violence right now SEEMS to be coming from the right a RATIONAL person would understand that its only a matter of time before a left wing nut job goes off and condemn these actions all together instead of trying to attribute them to a certain political or religious ideology as you do.
whats your point straw?


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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #69 on: June 18, 2009, 01:21:40 PM »
well my quote that you and loco have both posted is from 2007 and I've clarified it many times.  I only added that recent update because I knew it would get your panties in a twist. 

let me clarify yet again.  I don't care what anyone wants to believe as long as their beliefs don't drive them to commit violence.   Speaking in tongues, dancing with rattlesnakes (it always cracks me up when one of these knuckleheads dies of a snake bite), etc... all seem pretty nutty.   Thinking you're having a personal relationship with a man who may have lived 2000 years ago seems nutty too.  Usually harmless, but nutty none the less (IMO).   Some Catholics believe the a cracker and cheap wine literally transform into the body and blood of jesus.  I thought that was nutty when I was first taught it as a child.  This list is long and absurd 

You might think that my refusal to simply accept Jesus as my personal saviour seems nutty to you, especially since you most likely believe that failure to do so guarantees me an eternity of of suffering in hell.   

To each his own

Believe whatever you want but just don't kill anyone or impose your religious beliefs on others and I'm fine

You can clarify your original post all you want, but it changes nothing.  You still believe that Christians are mentally ill. 

And unlike you, I do not believe that you are mentally ill just because you don't believe like I do.

Dos Equis

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #70 on: June 18, 2009, 01:22:52 PM »
well my quote that you and loco have both posted is from 2007 and I've clarified it many times.  I only added that recent update because I knew it would get your panties in a twist. 

let me clarify yet again.  I don't care what anyone wants to believe as long as their beliefs don't drive them to commit violence.   Speaking in tongues, dancing with rattlesnakes (it always cracks me up when one of these knuckleheads dies of a snake bite), etc... all seem pretty nutty.   Thinking you're having a personal relationship with a man who may have lived 2000 years ago seems nutty too.  Usually harmless, but nutty none the less (IMO).   Some Catholics believe the a cracker and cheap wine literally transform into the body and blood of jesus.  I thought that was nutty when I was first taught it as a child.  This list is long and absurd 

You might think that my refusal to simply accept Jesus as my personal saviour seems nutty to you, especially since you most likely believe that failure to do so guarantees me an eternity of of suffering in hell.   

To each his own

Believe whatever you want but just don't kill anyone or impose your religious beliefs on others and I'm fine

I do not think that the refusal to accept any religious faith is nutty.  Nutty = believing anyone who holds a sincerely held religious belief is mentally ill, particularly when you live in a country founded by those folks and when the vast majority in the country have sincerely held religious beliefs.  Nutty = believing people with a personal relationship with God (i.e., all Christians) are mentally ill.  You can try and dress it up all you want, but it's just an absurd and paranoid mindset.      

Dos Equis

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #71 on: June 18, 2009, 01:23:23 PM »
You can clarify your original post all you want, but it changes nothing.  You still believe that Christians are mentally ill. 

And unlike you, I do not believe that you are mentally ill just because you don't believe like I do. 

Hey I just said that.   :D


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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #72 on: June 18, 2009, 01:31:40 PM »

Straw Man

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #73 on: June 18, 2009, 02:35:04 PM »
You can clarify your original post all you want, but it changes nothing.  You still believe that Christians are mentally ill. 
And unlike you, I do not believe that you are mentally ill just because you don't believe like I do.

did I say Christians in my original quote?

My original quote was about fundamentalist religious views.  I don't even know if your version of a fundamentalist view is the same as mine.  Not everyone (in fact I'd bet most) do NOT hold fundamelist views.  Most people latch on to some belief that is common in their society and then pick and choose what they believe.

maybe you should stop feeling so defensive about what some anonymous person on a message board says when it wasn't even directed at you in the first place

Dos Equis

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Re: Left-Wing Hate Speech
« Reply #74 on: June 18, 2009, 03:12:54 PM »
did I say Christians in my original quote?

My original quote was about fundamentalist religious views.  I don't even know if your version of a fundamentalist view is the same as mine.  Not everyone (in fact I'd bet most) do NOT hold fundamelist views.  Most people latch on to some belief that is common in their society and then pick and choose what they believe.

maybe you should stop feeling so defensive about what some anonymous person on a message board says when it wasn't even directed at you in the first place

Floundering.  Yes, your reference to everyone who has a "'personal relationship' with a 2000 year old rabbi" encompasses all Christians, because the essence of Christianity is a "personal relationship" with the "2000 year old rabbi" (Christ). 

And your reference to anyone having a fundamentalist belief in a religion being mentally ill includes all people of any faith, not just Christians.  "Fundamentalism" is defined as "strict adherence to any set of basic ideas or principles."  In other words, you consider anyone with a sincerely held religious belief mentally ill.  Pure paranoia.